Get out of the dark in a dream. What does it mean when it's dark. Avoid chance encounters in the dark

Kitchen 03.11.2020

For many, darkness is a factor that provokes the development of a phobia. However, in the world of night dreams, symbols may not be interpreted as pessimistically as in reality.

To get a detailed transcript of a dream with a similar plot, you will need to remember all its circumstances. Having opened the dream book, darkness and darkness in which are considered symbols promising imminent changes, based on the full picture of the dream, you can make a very relevant prediction.

Ambiguous characters

Darkness, darkness in a dream are symbols with an ambiguous interpretation. Many dream books consider them as harbingers of significant changes in life. Moreover, future changes can occur in any of the spheres of human life.

If you have a dream, in which the darkness caught a person in the workplace, it means that in reality he is waiting for a career advancement. So says the interpreter of the Wanderer's dreams. This dream book, in which the darkness represents an improvement in the financial situation, also hints at an increase in the social status of the sleeper.

Being in search of an answer to the question of why darkness is dreaming, it does not hurt to remember your own feelings:

  • If, once in pitch darkness, a person feels a piercing cold, he will soon face a difficult situation in reality. It will turn out to be so unexpected that it will be difficult for the sleeper to make the right decision.
  • The sensation indicates that a person is between two paths and cannot decide which one to choose. Only a thorough understanding of the situation, a sober mind will help in this situation.
  • To feel the infinity of space in a dream - in reality to experience fear and detachment due to one's own complexes.
  • A sense of calm and serenity means that a person is cold-blooded to troubles, and therefore he does not care about any troubles.

Dream Interpretations can also consider darkness as a late time of day:

  • Being on the street yourself is difficult life situation, which can be solved only with the support of loved ones.
  • Walking in the dark in company with another person in a dream - in reality, having a reliable friend who will not leave you in trouble.
  • Walking at night along - to the find (most likely, it will be possible to find exactly what was once lost).
  • The endless, hopeless night is a symbol of the unknown that awaits the dreamer ahead.

To see how darkness covers in a dream, but at the same time to remain in a lighted house - to a prosperous period. A person who has seen such a plot can be sure that troubles will bypass him and his home. If, in the plot of night vision, you dreamed that you were lighting your way with a flashlight, it means that soon in reality you will have a great opportunity to successfully complete a long-started business.

In a dream, waking up in a room where there is no light means being burdened by your current position. In this case, determining what darkness is dreaming of, one must recognize the need to temporarily distract from work or accumulated affairs and take a vacation.

What do famous commentators think about this?

In dream books, you can find completely different explanations for why you dreamed of darkness. For example, according to the interpreter of dreams Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, such a phenomenon personifies the experiences of a person. Very often, such stories are seen by people who have a responsible task ahead, and because of this they experience great excitement.

The dream book for Bitch believes that if you dream of stories of a similar nature, then soon a favorable period will come in a person’s life. This interpreter associates immersion in darkness with finding long-awaited peace, relaxation, satisfaction.

The interpreter of Simon Cananita sees a similar meaning in such a dream. According to his version, the dream, dissolved in the darkness in which the sleeper, symbolizes a carefree and trouble-free future. Dissolving into the unknown in the plot of night vision, a person in the real world will be able to get moral pleasure, but leaving it in a dream, he will experience the joy of pleasant changes in reality. Seeing in the plot how you fall into a hopeless abyss is a hint that a very boring and monotonous period awaits the sleeper in the very near future.

According to the interpreter of dreams, Hasse, the complete absence of light can symbolize the onset of a very favorable period. At the same time, according to Grishina's dream book, the dream of darkness is a sign of an upcoming lull in real life sleeping.

Mr. Miller, in his interpreter, considers complete darkness as a reflection of the excessive gullibility of a person. Such a dream for a person should become a kind of signal that in reality you should not believe absolutely everyone, because there will always be hypocrites and people interested in their own benefit in the environment. Be sure to pay attention to your social circle to a person who dreamed of getting lost in pitch darkness.

Interested in why darkness is dreaming, you can look into Universal dream book. In it, this phenomenon is equated with a secret that a person has to hide from others. If, according to the plot, the sleeping person is visiting in the dark, then, most likely, the owner of this house is hiding something from him.

Interesting versions of why darkness is dreamed of in a dream are in the interpreter Danilova. She considers the darkness as a symbol of new and very unexpected events. For example, if you see yourself walking towards a source of light in the dark, you will soon encounter very favorable changes. If you see the light, but do not go to it, then the hope for a positive outcome of the situation is quite justified.

Many people ask: "What does the plot in which I cannot move in the dark mean?" Most likely, in the real world, you have a task that you cannot complete. In this case, the dream hints that you need the help of loved ones - do not hesitate to contact them for support. Author: Elena Suvorova

It was 2 years ago and I was in a rather tense situation, I will not go into details, but the point is that I am very tired both mentally and physically. It seems to me that this is what caused the emergence of these dreams.
It looked like this:
I am in total darkness and silence. At first, I become aware of the surrounding space and understand that there is nothing around - complete absolute darkness and silence.
The main feeling is warmth and calmness. Then I realize myself - I am a small ball, not a lump, warm and soft. This ball rotates in the surrounding void. For some time, I watch the ball spinning from the side while protecting myself with it. Then he in his rotation, as it were, coincides with something. It is not entirely clear what is connected to what, but there is a very acute sense of coincidence (because when assembling the puzzle, when the lower fragment is selected). Further, sleep acquires a very rapid speed. I understand that the ball is in my head, or rather the realization that this is my head will come later while it looks like an abstract coordinate. More on points:
- there was a rumor
- further along the body from the place where the ball is deposited, a wave passes, filling the body with itself. I feel myself following this wave head-neck-shoulders-etc-to the fingertips. I'm not sure but I think I feel the same way internal organs and bones.
From now on I hear, see and touch the world. If my eyes are closed I see darkness, but it is quite obvious that this is not the same darkness as before. When I woke up with my eyes open, I saw my room. I also feel my body as it lies. Sometimes I realized that I was crying. But! I absolutely don't understand what's going on. It's like I have no information about what it's all about. The picture, the sounds, my body, the tactile sensations cause something like surprise or bewilderment. All this happens for a short moment, then part of the wave is reflected (springs) from the tips of the fields (the rest of the cocba wave has dissolved in the body) and returns to the head, more precisely to the ball. The moment they connect, the ball ceases to exist. Consciousness returns to me in the truest sense of the word. I understand who I am, what kind of objects I see, where I am.
Then I attributed these dreams to fatigue, something like an attempt to withdraw into myself. Then the situation was resolved and the dreams stopped. But this spring I again had such a dream. There was nothing that could have provoked him before, but after that a conflict situation actually developed. I don’t know if these dreams can be called nightmares, fear is present in them at the last moment when I understand that I could not return (?). I wonder what would happen to me then? Coma?


You saw yourself in a dream 🙂 A person is not a set of bones and skin. A person is feelings, experience, awareness, will, life energy, EGO ... Think about it, because having lost all this, it is difficult to recognize something dear in a lying empty body, although you understand and see with your thoughts that it is he, on the other hand, sometimes we feel a number of people close to us from only one sensation. This “ball”, I would say that it looks more like a lump, and so, this is pure awareness. It can move in space at a tremendous speed, “be aware” of the place where you direct it. You were not afraid, because it is natural the process that every person has every night, at the level of the unconscious is true. Helped your awareness, as you guessed right, out of emotional balance. Don't be scared, you have a tendency to track down. You immediately fixed the slightest change in your body, your awareness reacted in time and you witnessed a small miracle 🙂 Change your nickname to stalker2))))


The dream was very vivid, or rather vivid sensations.
…E-ge, ge-ge-gee…
I wake up (I think that ...), but the dream still holds me in its arms. Worrying. Can't figure out where I am. I'm probably still sleeping. At the same time, I think, I feel myself to the fullest. Strange - that doesn't happen. A minute or two trying to figure it out. To no avail. The web of thoughts recedes and I swim with the flow of time. All in anticipation of events, but nothing happens. The feeling is that the dream receded, and the night remained. Not even night, but nothing - emptiness. It's nothing settled in my soul, I think I feel her cold visually. It's like being put in an invisible cage. you can't move, you can't see, you can't hear, you can't feel. There is only you, now a frightening emptiness, an absolute emptiness, an indescribable emptiness, rigid and static. You are this darkness. Darkness is also inappropriate here. You just understand that you are not there, all the physical that was in you was crossed out, did not dissolve into space, but squeezed into a tight lump and pushed into the far corner.
It takes an eternity, or maybe seconds. I still don't understand where I am. Thoughts and emptiness, emptiness and fear. There are so many thoughts that I get lost, I lose the ability to understand, to reason. Fear runs through. Emptiness replaces me Fear penetrates deeper and deeper, to the most secret, what is left is hope. Hope that this is only a dream. Why resist and deceive yourself. Now only fear and emptiness. Only one strange thought slipped through - this darkness consists of fog ...
I woke up in complete ignorance of what it was, with a pulse of 150 beats per minute. 15 minutes later I was sleeping like a baby.


When the Unconscious manages to "put" the Ego in its place and show it its true location in the psyche, then this can end in two ways. Fear of the Ego-image, which found itself in the endless emptiness and darkness of the psychic; or the activation of the Ego-Self axis, subjectively experienced as communion with God. Your script went according to the first option, it can be considered as a preparation for the second.


Today I dreamed of pitch darkness, night. I had 2 friends with me. The darkness did not bother us, we saw everything and felt ourselves in it, like fish in water - we had fun. We expected something, but it didn't happen. For some reason, I dreamed of children passing in columns along the illuminated streets, but I did not want to be discovered by my own son, who was walking at the head. Then the stones dreamed, it was the bottom of the sea or the place where the sea left. Oyster shells grew from the stones, which surprised me, because. I knew that oysters need water - a condition for their life and growth. I wanted to open them and see what was inside, but they turned out to be like green fruits. Nearby, I saw a woman picking oysters and realized that there were still some of them. I walked along these stones and laughed, because. I was amused by the reaction of the men who stood nearby. Then I saw an image in the air - the face of a very beautiful young woman with straw-colored hair. The image simply appeared in space. Then I woke up, I.K. a thunderstorm began outside and all the curtains in the house were shaking from gusts of wind. I lay down for a bit, thought about the night I had dreamed of and fell asleep again. I dreamed about my brother, whom I had not seen for several years. He looked great and stood in the middle of the room, refusing the services of some financial agent who brought an offer to invest money. I agreed with my brother. The dream ended with me looking out the window and seeing an amazingly beautiful view of the building opposite, which I had not noticed before. The sun in a clear blue sky, my arms embrace me good sign washed and speaks in his ear: . Hm, that's it. In truth, my body can tell him a lot of things, so I don’t even comment here - it’s just a top ten.


Darkness symbolizes a passive attitude towards the actions of a vampire. Maybe it's one of the 2 girlfriends or someone you all three know. The straw-haired beauty is a possible clue. Unripe oysters are a vaginal symbol indicating the incompleteness of sexual experience, feelings.

A brother who has not given news for a long time, who refuses a trade deal, can replace another person with whom you communicated on the eve of sleep. A beautiful view of the building opposite indicates a state of strong emotional and sensory excitement. The scene of the expected, but not happening in a dream, connection with a man is ambiguous almost to infinity, ranging from indecision and ending with seduction with vampiric capture. I would not like to call you to excessive suspicion, but identifying the carrier agent of vampiric psychology is a common mental hygiene in the field of interpersonal relationships. Even the person closest to you can be negative at certain moments, and contacts with him should be eliminated for this time.


As a child, I had this dream very often. Then I dreamed several times already in an adult state, not in a row, with long breaks. It belongs to nightmares, but now it is very significant for me and pleasant for its transcendence. It's not even a dream, it's like the end of a dream. In any dream - often I don’t even remember it - a long sound is suddenly woven into it. Arises on the verge of audibility, as if somewhere far away, becomes louder, sounds in full force (usual for a similar sound in life). It is always either the ringing of a mosquito or the lowing of a cow. As the sound grows darker in the eyes. More precisely, the world is getting darker, covered with blackness - just as it happens when you lose consciousness: black dots, black mesh, blackness, the world has disappeared. I'm standing in a deaf, granular, grainy blackness, in pitch darkness - it doesn't matter if my eyes are open or closed - you can still see the same thing, i.e. nothing (it happens in reality in a _very_ dark room). Space is limitless - I feel it. There is probably no time here either. I am in a standing position and do not feel movement, but I will not swear that there is a firmament here. Suddenly, a feeling of fear, mortal horror, descends. It is very clearly objectified: a pack of wolves is rushing from behind on the right, creeping over the surface. I don't see them, of course, I don't hear them, I just know. They are most likely intangible. When they are close, I wake up. All this happens very quickly, in one breath. This dream seems extremely important to me. For many years I have been dreaming and trying to understand it. There was an idea that he, as a signal \"turns on\" for something, works as an alarm clock against too frank speeches of Eid. Therefore, it is important to understand _when_ it arises. But the dreams where he appears are very different, he dreams from early childhood, and besides, it seems very important in itself. I'll understand a lot when I understand this.


VERY! I often dream. there is no plot as such ... well, in fact: I wake up in my room from a dream ... darkness ... only as if there is a real backlight from a street lamp ... there is a strong fear of the dark, a feeling of the presence of someone nearby, I run with all my might to the switch and press it! the light does not turn on ... the sensations intensify ... it becomes wildly wildly scary ... I start banging on the switch even more and still nothing happens !! ... emotions run high to the limit ... it becomes really scary and I wake up ....


When I was 27 years old, I had the following dream. I am sitting in absolute darkness in an infinite space. I experience a feeling of full consciousness. Gradually, a feeling of someone's presence behind me creeps into me. Out of the corner of my eye, I begin to notice a white glow spreading from behind my back. Gradually, a feeling of horror from this presence appears. I feel like I should turn around and see this something behind me, but I'm all chained up with panic and I want to wake up, but I just can't. This state of panic continues for quite some time. Until suddenly the radiance disappears and I am left alone in complete darkness, while the feeling of horror instantly disappears and it turns out that I am not sleeping at all, but lying on the bed in the darkness of the night, so nothing can be seen with open eyes. At the same time, a terrible cramp cramped his legs and he was all wet with sweat. Somehow I come to my senses from spasms of the muscles of my legs. What would that mean?


It was night, but no one slept. Apocalyptic mist hung in the air. We were surrounded by impenetrable darkness. I looked out the window in my kitchen and tried to think about the situation. Everyone acted as if the sun would go out, but if you think about it, a power outage is not the same as the absence of the sun. I felt myself in the society of ancient people who were afraid of blackouts. I remembered how my mother explained to me in the tone that adults say to children who, due to their age, cannot yet understand the full scale of the impending disaster: “You just can’t imagine how our life will change. You are still frivolous and have no idea how much of our life depends on electricity. I shrugged my shoulders: Well, there will be no TV - I have not had it for many years already, and I feel even more alive from this. Well, you have to give up the computer. It is even interesting to try - is there life without the Internet. I went over the innovations that a power outage would entail, and nothing struck me as such a tragedy. While I was thinking, the lights went out. At first we plunged into pitch darkness and it became creepy. Not only did the light go out somewhere... All the street lights went out, all the shop windows, the windows of the houses, the spotlights at the construction sites. Everything was shrouded in a colorless dense haze. But gradually the eyes got used to it and the pale light of the stars was reflected from the earth and some sort of illumination was organized. People adapted to the new conditions and continued to live. Wow, but in the media they raised such a wave of hysteria! I don’t read or watch it myself, but I felt it through my friends. A few hours later the electricity was turned on again. Only and everything.


The feeling of the coming darkness symbolizes “a passive attitude towards psychic capture. To someone I give my life in violation of the law of universal integrity. It is clear that artificial electric light is inherently negative, but - by virtue of the context - is quite functional as a compromise.

Maybe, we are talking about family. Then the family is an electric light that is now “flashing”. Compare yourself to a doctor who loves his patients very much, and when they do not want to get well, he dreams of a real apocalypse. What would you advise him?

I was walking down the street with a man and woman I didn't know. It began to get dark and then I went along the illuminated street myself, I saw a dark, unlit section of the street ahead, and beyond this darkness a light was on. I stopped - it became scary to go into the darkness and began to call a man with me, but I realized that there was no one next to me and no one would go further with me, I remained standing in front of the darkness.

Darkness frightens and alarms, awakens long-forgotten fears. What does she mean if she dreams? Gloom symbolizes difficult times, but not necessarily only sorrows. IN general sense darkness according to the dream book portends not the most better times for the sleeper.

Darkness: general meaning

Impenetrable darkness dreams of uncertainty, uncertainty. And at the same time, this symbol is a harbinger of change in any area of ​​life.

Go out to the light - get closer to success. To be in darkness, which is gradually dissipating - to face obstacles that are insurmountable at first glance, but later they will disappear. To enter the darkness from a bright territory is to gain well-being, according to some dream books. But at the same time, it is recommended to remain cautious in actions.

To be in the dark, through which one cannot see one's own hands - in reality, to be in a suspended position; not know the details of a case. To get out of it, you should seek help from others and not rely on a quick solution to problems.

As interpreted by the Modern Dream Book, to see the darkness long time, waiting for the night - to trials that can be overcome by turning to friends.

In room

Hopeless darkness in the office - for a quick promotion. The vision promises a salary increase, promises a bonus.

Cold and darkness in the room - hard times await. Without patience and effort, one cannot survive this period.

Waking up in a room without light is a sign of being burdened by your waking position. During this period of time, it is advisable to take a vacation, find a reason to relax.

According to dream books, to see darkness and impenetrable night from the window of a brightly lit room means that in the near future the sleeper will not be in trouble, but an unfavorable situation may affect his loved ones.

On the street

According to information from popular dream books, walking in the dark means in reality finding the lost. I had a chance to walk at night sometimes with a companion - advice: take a closer look at the personality of the accompanying person, because it is this person who is able to help cope with difficulties. Walking barefoot and in torn clothes - to the destruction of hopes.

Wandering aimlessly in the dark - to humility before the current situation with complete inactivity. The difficult period drags on. The inability to get out to the light is the risk of making a mistake due to carelessness and inactivity.

According to the majority in the dark, to go quickly, approaching the light - to pass a difficult period of life, to gain success with the least loss. It is recommended to work without despair, meeting difficulties.

Who did you see

How to interpret in the dark from dream books? Someone is in the dark - in reality this person may need help. If you happen to see a girl, in real life you will have to lose something.

A man looking at a dreamer in the dark - one of the people is trying to control the life of the sleeping person. Lose a companion in the night - in reality there is a possibility of offending loved one.

If a young man dreamed that he had lost his girlfriend in the dark, in reality he would have to experience a lot of worries about their future relationship.

Feelings in a dream

I had a chance to feel fear in the dark - dream books interpret vision as a person being in a state of difficult choice. Only sobriety and prudence will help in such a situation.

To feel the boundlessness of space in a dream and at the same time see darkness - the dream book calls for getting rid of fear and complexes.

If serenity was present, this means that in reality a person is indifferent to troubles, which increases his mental stability. Also, a feeling of comfort suggests that a streak of well-being awaits ahead.

Dreamer's actions

If you happen to light your way with a flashlight in the dark, dream books interpret this plot as a good opportunity to complete the work you have begun. Looking for someone - you need to control emotions, no matter how hard it is.

Falling into pitch darkness - a boring and monotonous period awaits; additional meanings - treason, separation. Not having the strength to move - in reality there is a business that cannot be completed.

Driving in the dark is an indication of the dreamer's habit of acting at random. Heading somewhere, feeling fear, and then falling into a hole is a test of misfortune.

Kissing in the dark is a harbinger of danger and debauchery, the risk of becoming the object of gossip. Sitting on the coast, listening to the surf - a routine existence, without friends and vivid emotions.

Unusual plot

If you had a chance to fly in the dark in a dream, the plot indicates the presence of difficulties in your personal life due to misunderstandings. It is difficult to resolve misunderstandings without having an idea of ​​the partner's needs, which should be borne in mind.

If you dream that darkness suddenly sets in in the middle of the day, you should not start new business in reality. Seeing a dark arch is an unexpected attack by an ill-wisher.

Seeing a distant source of light scattering the night is a success. For singles, a new acquaintance is possible. See lightning - to betrayal and loss; advice is to remain faithful, communicate with trusted people.

Watching flashes of sparks in the dark is an enchanting opportunity that, in the process of close examination, gives the impression of frivolity. Seeing a flashlight moving in the dark means wealth and profit; extinguished light source - success is fragile and short-lived.

If the eyes are not able to fully function, sleep may mean that the dreamer will not be prevented from developing other talents or channels of perception. To see yourself as a sleepwalker is to have an unstable character. Advice: do not go for dubious offers.

Wandering through a dark labyrinth is to undergo a serious illness. The lurking killer in the dark - experiences are coming; it will take all the strength and patience to overcome the oppressive period.

Interpretation of famous dream books

According to Miller's dream book, darkness in a sleeper's dream appears due to his excessive gullibility and in those cases when he is not able to find a way to light. It is not excluded the deceit of false friends encroaching on reputation.

According to the Modern Dream Book, the darkness on the street dreams of fear, and also indicates nervous overwork.

According to Vanga's dream book, to see the light of a candle in the window is to be protected by higher powers, to cope with any test. It is very likely that in reality there is a patron who pays attention to the dreamer. Walking with a torch - moving towards a goal with obstacles.

According to Freud's dream book, being in the dark dreams of hiding the past from a lover. Illuminate the room with a lantern - unwillingness to analyze what is happening. It is worth analyzing the situation in more detail in order to understand the cause of the misunderstanding. Turn off the lantern - provoke a quarrel.

According to the Universal Dream Book, the interpretation of darkness has the meaning of a secret that is hidden by the sleeping person. If, taking into account the plot, the dreamer is visiting, this means that the owner of the house is hiding something from him.

According to the dream book of Simon Kananit, dissolving in darkness in a dream speaks of the contentment of the sleeper with his position, satisfaction with waking activities. Go out into the world - experience the joy of change.

According to the Idiomatic Dream Book, darkness in a dream is a symbol of the past. Feeling fear of your shadow is an unreasonable fear. To throw it on another is to defame a person. To be in the shadow is to remain unnoticed. The darkness of something is a quantitative measure: a lot of something. To darken - to do unsightly deeds. "Dark" - an unknown person; demonic personality.

  • Hasse: darkness in the house portends well-being in reality.
  • Grishina: such a vision is a loss.
  • Oracle: a warning of difficulties, the nature of which can be assumed from the details of the dream.
  • Russian: sadness.
  • Medea: oppression.
  • Meneghetti: a sign of the presence of energy vampirism.
  • Shuvalova: depression by another person.
  • Veles: complaint, doubts, difficulties; wander - danger, grief.
  • Danilova: to new, unexpected events.
  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima: sleep as the personification of anxiety; such stories are people with high responsibility.
  • Imperial: fear of movement; go astray.
  • August 24, 2018
  • Nature
  • Uliana Romanova

Many people often ask the question: "What is the dream of darkness for?". The answer to that depends on many details. It is important to remember what the darkness was like, under what circumstances a person saw it.

And you also need to turn to several dream books for more detailed and varied interpretations, and not to one. However, you can simply read this article, which presents the most popular interpretations.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

In search of an answer to the question of why darkness is dreaming, you need to look into this popular interpreter. It offers the following interpretations:

  • The pitch darkness in which the person was and at the same time felt a piercing cold portends the emergence of a difficult situation in life. It will be unexpected, and therefore the dreamer will not be able to quickly make the right decision.
  • The man did not see anything around, but experienced wild fear? This means that in reality he is at a crossroads and cannot decide on the choice of a further path. Only a sober mind and understanding of the situation will be able to help him.
  • Being in darkness, did the dreamer feel the infinity of space? It means that he suffers from his own complex. It is also possible that he will soon find himself in a situation in which he will experience great fear.
  • Did the dreamer feel serenity and calmness while in darkness? The dream interpretation says that this indicates his composure, which helps him cope with any troubles and troubles.

But if a person woke up in a dream in a dark room, it means that the present situation weighs heavily on him. Perhaps it's time to take a break from work and go on vacation.

Miller's Interpreter

If you are interested in why darkness is dreaming, you need to look into this book. Here are some predictions:

  • Did the man dream how he ended up on the street all alone at night? This is for a difficult life situation. Problems can be solved only with the support of loved ones.
  • Happened to walk with another person in the dark? The dream interpretation assures: there is no reason to worry, in reality he has such a reliable friend who will never leave him in trouble.
  • Was it the dreamer's initiative to go for a walk at night? So, soon he will find something valuable or long lost.
  • In the vision, was the person in a lighted place (house, apartment) at the moment when darkness covered the city? This promises the onset of a prosperous period.
  • If he went out into the street, but first grabbed a flashlight to illuminate the road, it means that he will soon have the opportunity to complete a difficult task.
  • Did you dream of a hopeless, endless night? The dream book recommends taking this as a symbol of the unknown. She is waiting for the person ahead.

Erotic dream book

This book can also tell you why darkness is dreaming. If a person around him didn’t really see anything, it means that in reality he needs understanding from the other half and support. Perhaps he wants to make this relationship more serious and stronger, but this desire, unfortunately, is not mutual.

Was there still a small source of light in the darkness? This dream should be taken as a symbol of hope for the best. Perhaps the relationship has prospects. And if the dreamer is lonely, then this vision promises him a pleasant acquaintance.

Universal dream book

Something interesting can be found in this interpreter. The following predictions are of particular interest:

  • Did darkness overtake a person in a dream when he was visiting a friend? So the friend is hiding something from him.
  • Was there someone in the dark? This means that the dreamer must tell something to this person.
  • Being in the dark, the sleeper did not experience discomfort? This means that all his current problems and worries will soon disappear by themselves.

But if a person in the dark experienced complete disorientation and panic, this suggests that in reality it will not hurt him to start developing those qualities and feelings that he lacks.

Interpreter of Mendeleev

If it suddenly disappeared or changed during the day, you should take this as a warning. It is time for the dreamer to stop thinking so much about other people, and even more so to expect gratitude from them for this. You need to act for yourself.

Did a man dream that he was terrified by the reigning darkness in the house? The dream interpretation warns: such a plot promises changes that will soon occur in his character. This will happen due to a number of events. It is they who will force him to reconsider his beliefs and judgments on matters of great importance. It is even possible to change the environment.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

This interpreter says that a dark room in which nothing is visible symbolizes the hidden corners of the dreamer's soul. This image is the personification of his depressed mood, depression and personal fears. It can also portend failure, gloomy and confusing circumstances.

If a person felt helpless in a dark room, it means that in reality he has lost his life orientation, and he does not want to do anything about it.

Was the dreamer comfortable in a small unlit room? This means that the world around him frightens him so much that he is ready to hide from him until the end of his days. But in fact, all his fears are far-fetched. The reason must be sought within oneself, not outside.

If the dreamer suddenly finds himself in a dark room, then failures will haunt him in any endeavor. In addition, did you happen to lose someone in this room? This means that due to a reckless outburst of anger, a quarrel with a soulmate will arise, which may end in parting.

  • A room without windows and doors promises a dead end and loneliness.
  • A small, cramped, unlit room portends difficulties in life.
  • A large and spacious room indicates the uncertainty of the future.
  • The dark room, which was covered in cobwebs, indicates the dreamer's dark desires.

The main thing is that a person does not get lost in a dark room. Since such a vision portends a loss of life orientation, fear of change and unwillingness to change something.

Black sky

The vision in which this image was present has a separate meaning. The dark sky, according to Miller's dream book, is interpreted as a harbinger of a conflict that will soon arise in the workforce.

If it was at least a little illuminated by the sun, moon or stars, then reality will not be as frightening as it is seen on this moment. But a lot depends on what exactly you noticed in the sky. Here are some options:

  • The full moon, illuminating the blackening sky, portends painstaking work on oneself.
  • Many stars say that it does not hurt a person to start looking for positive moments in life.
  • The breaking ray of the sun gives hope: very soon the oppressive problems will be solved by themselves.
  • If a comet cut through the dark sky, some bright event will happen in life in the near future.

For a girl, a rapidly blackening horizon is a bad sign. This dream portends tears and sorrows. Perhaps someone will break her heart very soon.


This is another image that deserves attention. If you believe modern dream book, the night may portend the following events:

  • If not a single light was visible around, it means that a difficult test in business is coming, which will have to be overcome.
  • Did you see the night at the end? This is a good sign. Everything that previously seemed hopeless will gain clear certainty.
  • The dark and frighteningly still night is a warning. In reality, a person risks being in a difficult situation. Therefore, it is better to avoid unfamiliar affairs in the near future.
  • For a girl, a dark night is a bad sign, indicating her helplessness and impotence in any situation.
  • The slowly approaching darkness portends pressure and coercion in the business sphere.

Worst of all, if a hopeless night catches a person in a vision, and he does not have time to hide from it in a safe place. Such a dream portends the beginning of a streak of sadness, disappointment and loss.

Dream interpretation darkness

It is not darkness that creates fear in a person, but what can be in it. But why do such dreams appear in people who are not afraid of darkness? To understand why darkness is dreaming in a dream, special dream books will help. The main thing is not to forget about the great significance of every little thing that leaves a certain imprint on the entire scenario line.

What's happening?

As a rule, interpreters of dreams focus their attention on the fact that the dream symbol represents subconscious fears and phobias that prevent normal development.

To be in a dream in the dark

According to the second interpretation, positive changes in life await a sleeping person. It is necessary to pay attention to each symbol, but it is simply pointless to interpret it literally. Before drawing final conclusions, you need to analyze in detail all the options available.

Darkness in the room

At the initial stage of interpretation, the sleeping person should pay attention to where the main events took place. If it was a room, and not an open space, then it must be properly characterized. What do various sources say about this?

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

According to a popular dream book, the darkness in the room where you work reflects your readiness to get a new job. Most likely, your ambitions will be able to find a real embodiment in a higher position, but do not think that everything will be decided by chance.

It is also written in the interpreter that you will expect not only an increase in salary, but also responsibility for new staff.

Feel in a dream icy cold in the dark

Universal dream book

If in the room the dreamer is afraid not only of the impenetrable darkness, but also of the low temperature, then in reality difficult times will come. He will have to make every effort to be able to eliminate the imbalance that has appeared.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of wandering in the dark, not even seeing your own hands? The feeling of uncertainty scares many people, and therefore pitch darkness will indicate a difficult psychological condition. If you understand that nothing can be done in this situation, you need to seek help from your family and friends. Such a dream is not as easy to interpret as it might seem at first glance. The interpreter says that:

Darkness in the street

You may dream of an impenetrable situation on the street, what could this mean? To get an answer to this question, it is also necessary to analyze the different points of view of dream interpreters.

Modern dream book

If a close friend made up a company during a walk along the street, it means that he will actually help solve a difficult problem that has been haunting for a long time.

If the night never comes, then, according to the Modern Interpreter, serious trials await you. Of course, one in the field is not a warrior, and therefore do not hesitate to turn to other people for help more often, radiating sincerity and kindness.

What does Shereminskaya think?

If a sleeping person looked from a well-lit house into impenetrable darkness, and fear did not appear, then troubles will be bypassed. The dream interpreter says that difficulties can affect relatives and friends. So, you need to go to meet them, providing gratuitous assistance.

Other wording

"I'm walking in total darkness and I can't find the right way." Approximately such a scenario can be heard after waking up, but what will it mean?

In Miller's dream book, it is written that such a symbol reflects excessive gullibility, which brings big problems in real life. Your task is to learn to critically perceive the information you hear and not trust everything that other people say.

As practice shows, in our society there are enough deceitful and hypocritical personalities, from whom we must stay away. At least, such a plot can be interpreted in this way.

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