I dreamed that I cut my eyebrows. Why dream of eyebrows in a dream book - "A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov." Who dreamed the plot

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(See interpretation: eyes)

Eyebrows in a dream are sometimes a harbinger of meeting friends and having fun. Beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes are a sign of profit and good luck in business. sparse eyebrows predict disappointment in love. Seeing dark eyebrows is a sign of health. Seeing thick eyebrows in a dream means that someone will suddenly bring down all their anger on you. It can also serve as a warning to you about obstacles in business. The dream in which you burn your eyebrows portends a strife with your relatives due to inheritance. Shave eyebrows - See interpretation: shave. If in a dream you see that your eyebrows have been shaved off, then you will be ashamed of your dishonorable acts towards loved ones who were counting on your help. If in a dream your eyebrows and eyelashes crawled out, then you will find a lot of trouble and grief due to the loss of property or money. If in a dream you see that you have eyebrows made of some durable material - metal, marble or bronze, then you will never be able to reconcile with your enemies. For women to dream about how they paint their eyebrows, a dream predicts a fun, prosperous and prosperous life, full of love affairs or funny adventures.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Open any dream book: there eyebrows can mean both a good and a bad event in your life .. It all depends on their color, density and belonging to a particular person.

See eyebrows in a dream

Autumn dream book

If in a dream you saw thick and fused eyebrows on the bridge of your nose, rejoice. It symbolizes material well-being and prosperity. But if you saw in a dream another person with such eyebrows, expect trouble.

Small Velesov dream book

Eyebrows dream of a profitable business or a meeting with cheerful people. A dream in which thick eyebrows appear is a favorable sign. It means wealth, luck and success. If they fell out, expect deception or grief. Color is also of no small importance: black - to health, red - to betrayal in personal life. If in a dream a person singes his eyebrows, let him prepare for a dispute about receiving a hereditary share.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

A dream about beautiful eyebrows means future success in love relationships, honor or respect among others. Hair loss from the eyebrows is an omen of a break or quarrel with a person close to your heart. If the eyebrows are thick and long, expect wealth and love.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

If in a dream you saw people without eyebrows, then you will be reprimanded and shamed. Be careful and do not act rashly. Mistakes made in the past will be remembered and will torment you.

If the brow ridges were high in a dream, unexpected events will soon occur in your life. If the eyebrows are heavily overgrown, take a closer look at the people around you. Among them there is a person who truly loves you. You need to reciprocate.

Thin, barely noticeable eyebrows indicate that you need to be very careful. Otherwise, you may lose everything. During this period, you should not spend money thoughtlessly. If your eyebrows fell out in a dream, be prepared for possible deception or grief. You should be more careful to avoid trouble.

Aesop's dream book

To paint eyebrows in a dream is an omen of a prosperous and cheerful life. But if the paint is very different from the real color of the hairs, expect deception.


Eyebrows of another person - bad sign. In the near future, there will be obstacles in your way. You will have to work hard to remove obstacles and interference.

Spring dream book

Thick beautiful eyebrows in a dream - guests will come. If the hairs were gray, the grandfather or grandmother will die. Plucking your own eyebrows in a dream is a warning of a small loss. If in a dream you plucked another person's eyebrows, wait for a notice of someone's death.

Also interesting: why dream

(See interpretation: eyes)

Eyebrows in a dream are sometimes a harbinger of meeting friends and having fun. Beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes are a sign of profit and good luck in business. Sparse eyebrows predict disappointment in love. Seeing dark eyebrows is a sign of health. Seeing thick eyebrows in a dream means that someone will suddenly bring down all their anger on you. It can also serve as a warning to you about obstacles in business. The dream in which you burn your eyebrows portends a strife with your relatives due to inheritance. Shave eyebrows - See interpretation: shave. If in a dream you see that your eyebrows have been shaved off, then you will be ashamed of your dishonorable acts towards loved ones who were counting on your help. If in a dream your eyebrows and eyelashes crawled out, then you will find a lot of trouble and grief due to the loss of property or money. If in a dream you see that you have eyebrows made of some durable material - metal, marble or bronze, then you will never be able to reconcile with your enemies. For women to dream about how they paint their eyebrows, a dream predicts a fun, prosperous and prosperous life, full of love affairs or funny adventures.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Plucking eyebrows in a dream, seeing a beautician - to overcome the difficulties that haunted the dreamer in the previous week. A dream means small changes in better side. If you dreamed that the facial hair was thick, prepare generous gifts for your relatives. But why dream of experiencing pain during cosmetic procedures, dream books explain very evasively, but interestingly.

Riddles from Miller's dream book

Actions that bring discomfort during the restoration of beauty symbolize the emotional experiences of the dreamer. Most often they mean pangs of conscience. Especially if you dreamed that you had to pluck your eyebrows yourself. Miller's dream book warns: you underestimate yourself and can begin to annoy loved ones with gloominess, melancholy.

Explaining why one dreams of removing hairs from the face, psychologists recommend listening to internal sensations during the procedure in a dream:

  • to experience pain - to repentance;
  • shedding tears - to purification, spiritual growth;
  • rejoice - to positive changes, innovations;
  • laugh - to quickly solve long-standing problems.

It's time to reconcile with loved ones

Any painful procedures in a dream indicate a sad state of mind. AT this moment you tend to experience a break with a loved one, resentment. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov urges not to dwell on what happened, to find your offender, to clarify the situation if you dreamed that the beautician caused some inconvenience.

Explaining why you dream of plucking your eyebrows, overcoming pain, psychologists advise you to remember who you yourself managed to offend. Pangs of conscience will not give rest until the dreamer asks for forgiveness and repents. see near good friend, girlfriend - to complete reconciliation and consent.

Get ready for innovation

Rejoice, laugh in a dream while removing excess hair - to strengthen your position at work, at home. The interpretation of sleep in the dream book of Nostradamus comes down to changes for the better. You can even say that you will abruptly step over the dark streak of life and finally enter the bright one.

Why dream of plucking your eyebrows and laughing at yourself, the soothsayer explains with a desire to get rid of the burden of past problems. New projects will be more profitable and simpler. And work on the mistakes will lead to an improvement in the financial situation.

Raise your spiritual level

To see the absence of cilia and other vegetation above the eyes, to pluck the eyebrows completely - to spiritual growth. It is very good if you dreamed that you had a good cry in a dream right in a beauty salon.

Dreams are seen by everyone, but often in the morning night pictures are dispelled, filling thoughts with household chores and daily affairs. Sometimes some images of visions are nevertheless fixed for a long time in the mind and do not give a person peace of mind. In this case, it is best to try to figure out what kind of sign our subconscious is trying to give us. Especially if the image left after sleep is quite unusual, for example, eyebrows. The dream book can tell you what an important and expressive part of the face dreamed of, and most importantly, take into account all the details, because the meaning of a night's sleep depends on them.

General interpretation

As in life, dark and thick eyebrows that look beautiful in a dream are a good sign. But if they are rare, they are practically invisible, then this is a real warning. To decipher the symbol from a dream, it is necessary to take into account all the details, it is with their help that you can understand why the eyebrows were dreamed of. The dream interpretation will help with the interpretation and meaning of the vision.

If a person sees his own eyebrows in a dream (whether in a mirror or from the side), this means that the old business will end soon. Ahead of the dreamer is a big profit, and you just need to wait a bit, soon you will receive your fee for your work. The main thing is not to give up, to confidently go to the goal and in no case give up.

See your eyebrows thin

If a person saw in a dream his own eyebrows thin and inconspicuous, the dream book says that this is a warning: soon you will have a lot of unnecessary waste. It is better to be careful about your purchases so as not to spend more than you can afford. It is important to approach expenses wisely, because such a symbol in a dream warns: now is the period when you cannot rely on luck, financial well-being is in a rather precarious position.

If the eyebrows fall out in a dream, then this is a warning: very soon you can go broke. Another meaning of such a dream is the frivolity of the sleeper. Probably your significant other is trying to deceive you. It is recommended to take a closer look at your affairs and not allow frivolity.

See your eyebrows thick

If a person saw his eyebrows thick in a dream, the dream book prophesies success and glory to him. And we are talking not only about human respect, but also about financial gain. If the sleeper does not know where he can make a profit, you should not doubt this sign: soon his financial situation will become many times better.

If a person has just started a business, then such a dream portends his success and profitability. Do not stop at what you started, work with diligence, and your work will certainly bear fruit. If the eyebrows were also wide, then a period has come that is successful for any undertaking. In addition, it is a symbol of good health and increased strength.

Seeing your own eyebrows overgrown

Probably, such a dream can scare any girl. In some cases, this is not a special sign, but simply a subconscious fear of being unprepared for something, - this is what the dream book says about thick eyebrows. But if in a dream a person sees his eyebrows much wider and larger than they really are, then his business is going well, and you need not stop taking your own plans seriously. The subconscious tells you that everything is being done the way it should be.

For businessmen, such a dream means that they will soon receive financial benefits and business success awaits them. If the eyebrows are thick and tangled, then difficulties await ahead, but as soon as the dreamer overcomes them, he will make big profits. But eyebrows, like Brezhnev's, promise a quarrel with friends.

Tweeze eyebrows

The dream interpretation says: doing this process in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream means that a new period in life awaits the sleeper ahead, the long-awaited and positive big changes will soon begin. But the subconscious hints: it's time to get rid of something old so that the new finds a place in your life. In other words, it's time to forgive old grievances, throw away unnecessary things and interrupt meaningless contacts.

There is another meaning that a person decided to pluck his eyebrows in a dream. The dream interpretation says that this is a manifestation of dissatisfaction with oneself. The dreamer believes that he is doing wrong or that something is wrong in his appearance. But usually these are just prejudices, which are also worth getting rid of in real life.

Paint eyebrows

Painting eyebrows in a dream symbolizes the sleeping person's attempt to deceive the people around him, to hide the truth about his character or appearance. If you decide to dye your eyebrows in a dream, the dream book advises you to be more honest in real life. Over time, any lie becomes public, so it is better to act honestly and openly, otherwise it will be quite difficult to correct the situation that has arisen.

Therefore, it is better to open up and immediately tell the truth, so that later there is no misunderstanding.

There is another interpretation of such a dream - someone wants to drag you into a scam. It is better to abandon dubious activities, since others will benefit from them, and the dreamer may be guilty of deception.

Cut an eyebrow in a dream

If a person dreamed that he somehow damaged his own eyebrow, this means that soon he will have unexpected guests. He does not hope to see them, but at the same time he will be very happy with their visit, because he will bring many positive experiences. How stronger man damages an eyebrow in a dream, the warmer the meeting awaits him.

Eyebrows on someone else's face

Such a vision is not always positive value, says the dream book. Seeing eyebrows on someone else's face that have grown together on the bridge of your nose is a warning sign that someone from your environment will soon cause you a lot of trouble. The expression of surprise on someone else's face speaks of real shock in reality.

But the different shape of the eyebrows on the face of a stranger portends a misunderstanding that will entail negative consequences in the dreamer's life.

Gray eyebrows in a dream indicate that it is very important for the person you dreamed about what you think about him. And red eyebrows portend betrayal and deceit. But the thick eyebrows on the face of your soulmate speak of the sincerity of feelings and experiences between you.

Shaving another person's eyebrows

If in a dream you perform similar actions for another person, then he is insincerely communicating with you, your relationship is empty. At least that's what most dream books say.

Why dream of eyebrows shaved completely on someone else's face? This means that soon your frivolous communication will end, the person will betray you and will be very disappointing. In addition, some dream books indicate that such dreams warn of failures in personal relationships and pangs of conscience, regret about missed opportunities.

Girl's eyebrows

Seeing a girl in a dream and clearly observing her eyebrows means that changes will soon come in the dreamer's personal life. Either the sleeper will finally meet his soul mate, or his old passion will finally pay attention to a longtime admirer. But do not rush things, it can ruin everything. You have to be patient and wait for change.

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