4 pentacles for the future of relationships. ✚ What does he think about me. Classic combination with cards of your suit

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It would seem: what could be easier than to buy Tarot in the store and make a couple of layouts? However, to perform even simple fortune telling Requires a certain luggage of knowledge. So to find answers to problematic issues not enough brief description - It requires a deep understanding of its value. The Four of the Tarot Pentacles is one of those cards whose interpretation can be varied and changeable. For the right perception of Arkana, a detailed and thoughtful study is important.

To fulfill even the simplest divination on the Tarot cards requires a certain luggage of knowledge.

General information about the map

Traditionally, the fourth of pentacles are associated with stability, power, force - all this can concern any sphere of your life. The card symbolizes a successful business, no disease and maintaining good shape, stability in relationships. In general, the four coins is self-control, the preservation of the current rhythm of life, position, energy. A person who collised with the map can not be thought of global troubles, change. However, there are various interpretations depending on the selected scenario, the question of nearby maps. There are such options for values \u200b\u200bthat are somehow able to open your eyes to what is happening around.

  • Four of the pentacles are a symbol of prize, careful planning, order in cases. A person has a hard and resistant soil, understands his position in life. But, constantly thinking about his "form", gone forgets about human qualities, turning into a selfish, greedy, petty and stingy person.
  • Taro Map Four Pentacles can symbolize a financial growth that will not be able to make something new, but will leave everything in its place.
  • Sometimes the card is associated with the end of a protracted process. The questioning was able to achieve the desired, but stopped striving to open new horizons, pleaseing what he had. It is satisfied with a little success. There are no ambitions.
  • The energetics of the four pentacles always associate with control, tranquility, protection against evil intents. A person does not need to be afraid of an external negative impact - he has everything in order to avoid it.
  • One of the common interpretations consider the receipt of an expensive gift, inheritance, rewards, mercy. Back in ancient times, the card was associated with the order, a solid position.

4 coins gives an icing advice: try to protect the costly cost from external influence, secure your home, family and, in no case, do not go for a major risk. The map also warns that the handling of people should be the most humane. Stop looping on materiality, security, as the future depends not only on bills, but also from the environment.

The only mystery of the card is its ambiguity. So, a permanent order can lead a person not to comfort and homely peace, but to imprisonment in a closed circle, limited space. The card signals the importance of exiting the "Comfort Zone". No matter how attractive you seemed your present, do not forget about ensuring a stable future.

Personality condition

The human relationship with himself is the basis of harmony and calm in life. Map 4 coins characterizes unwinding in different ways.

  • It may be a restless, wary personality, which has a certain luggage of fears, alarms, protection needs. Man is extremely miniature, stubborn, busty. All this is due to the fact that all the amount of energy is spent on maintaining maximum stability in the present moment. In the questioning combines such qualities as greed, anger, greed, mercantility. The desire not to be poor overshadows the ordinary joys of life, which is why there is uncertainty and closure.
  • Often the map speaks of an extremely careful person: father or businessman. He will always stand on his, sacrificing important things, people in the "good." Most often, such victims are not justified and take away all the forces, cheerfulness, energy.
  • The map can touch and the person of the creative profession. So, she signals the importance of changing the situation, manners of work. Creative personlike no other, should be opened by a new, unknown. Only "other" person is able to understand the value of the world without money, enjoy the most simple things. Think, if everything you want to achieve is money, then creativity is not a place for your implementation?

Very often the Four of the Pentacles is a prompt: It opens up the most negative features for further correction. Seeing the map in the scenario, know that this is not an accident. Review your behavior, rather are you too dotted on money? Do not take advantage of a similar "rescue circle" extremely reckless.

Map 4 coins characterizes in different ways

Career and Finance

The expression "my hut from the edge" most accurately explains the 4 Taro pentacles. The value of the card in the field of career is associated with it, scholarship. So, it is worthwhile to share a business, to do an individual business, which will happen exclusively due to the unwillingness to share its power with the team. It is important to note that relations between colleagues are in constant voltage, chaos, cynicity, petty. In such an atmosphere, it is difficult to remain virtuous.

It is the situation and lead a person to an irresistible wishes to rule and dominate, even if it is the smallest position.

Traditionally, the card is associated with merchants, shopkeepers, aspect students, insurance companies, bankers, security structures.

The financial situation of the questioning, mainly, firmly and stably, is always not enough and modest. Replenishment of income, success, increase profits. Any deliberate investment will bring their fruits. Since the map is associated with a refuge, then one of the successful interpretations, consider the acquisition of own housing, property. In the life of the gadget there is greed, the possibility of robbery.

Love and Health

Alas, but almost all the interpretations of the four pentacles affecting personal relationships are full of negative. You can make sure you can independently.

  • First of all, the card means a partner, not ready for a serious relationship, transition to a serious level. Union with such a person will make the life of a boring and monotonous life. Think about whether you need it.
  • You or your beloved do not want to sacrifice freedom. Your time has not come yet.
  • The card characterizes the owner as an extremely selfish person who will go to a lot to leave you near yourself. You can lose freedom, feelings, strength, energy. Such an alliance will turn your life into constant torture and justification before the jealous partner, which is afraid of the future.
  • The beginning of the relationship, where someone should constantly prove their feelings and loyalty. Each step will be a surveillance, and the decision of any question will be made not by you. A plus of such relations is a restless passion and desire. Incompatibility in the spiritual plan will compensate himself in sexual life.
  • Sometimes the card means the relationship in the calculation where only money occupies an important place. Freedom, inspiration, feelings are replaced by boredom, greed, petty. Despite the fact that the Union is distinguished by loyalty and devotion, about the emergence of love is worth forget.
  • Four of the pentacles can be a precursor of "economical" relations, where one of the partners will not receive feelings, emotions, stateness. Such relationships may end very quickly, and they can be changed in marriage.

For married couples, the map is a symbol of stagnation, illness. This is the kind of relationship when partners look happy only in society, while there is no spiritual and sexual pleasure in the home atmosphere. The solution to the problem lies in a pause or temporary separate vacation. New impressions, emotions, situations will be able to return the unfortunate pair.

Human health collided with 4 coins is on the verge: with a careful handling of the body you can protect yourself from problems. People having chronic diseases, the map advises to conduct an organism survey. To maintain a healthy view, you can get rid of slags, toxins, excess weight.

All the interpretations of the four pentacles affecting personal relationships are full of negative

Interpretation in an inverted form

Any inverted card is always fundamentally different from the direct position, therefore it is necessary to interpret it neatly and thoughtfully. In relation to four pentacles, you can see the obvious opposite of the overall interpretation.

  1. An inverted position carries negative manifestations: loss of money, lack of peace in the family, quarrels regarding monetary issues. The governing can lose job, acquire useless acquisitions, be extremely wasteful. Maps characterizes a messy, unorganized person.
  2. The card may be associated with delays, deferments, restrictions, obstacles. The questioning is in a dead end, fails in any endeavor.
  3. From a psychological point of view, 4 coins talk about the rebirth of a person: he will be able to learn to open, be sincere, risk. Any rapid solution can be deplorable.
  4. Love relations are built on a material basis, there is no spiritual rapprochement, kinship of souls. The map speaks of the presence of a calculation without sincere feelings, quarrels, misunderstandings, breaking a false union.
  5. In the field of career, a person may face a decrease in salary, loss of workplace, financial troubles. Especially difficult will be stingy, indecisive, greedy. If you do not change the tactics of behavior, then control over the situation, as well as financial stability will be lost for a long time, and any subsequent efforts are powerless. It is recommended to establish relationships with colleagues. Remember, the closedness and alienation will never lead to the positive finale.

Thus, the inverted position is almost completely connected with the money and the attitude of the person to them. You need to learn how to simply think of thinking, to bring up a new person, who does not know the concept of "misfortune", "greed", "deception." Happiness is rarely connected with money, but think about it: Does the bills of calm cost?

4 Pentacles refers to the younger arcanes tarot. Briefly the arcana value can be described by the word "Jadde". Moreover, it often does not concern material aspects: such a person does not like to share feelings and emotions, keeps them with him, fearing to show them. In a practical value, the card indicates the likelihood of refusing a loan or loan. In the literal position, the Arkan seems to say "not all is lost", and in an inverted position, the case of an incredible hopeless thing.

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    Personal state

    The fourth of pentacles (coins) indicates that the queriant (a person defining the question) on something is looped, covered by a sense of associate. He keeps everything under control, and it only enhances his anxiety. The questioning has a high need for protection and hidden anxiety. All this is expressed in:

      • stubbornness;
      • reluctance to risk;
      • conciseness.

      A man walks in a circle, keeping the status quo. But instead of stability and security, it turns out an obsession. 4 coins describes the identity that keeps all his bags with it and does not produce them. He is like a fixed fortress. He is constantly tormented by the fear of all losing. This is especially manifested in combination with 9 swords.

      Quantist is always for something or someone afraid. If he is a businessman, then for money. If the head of the family, then for his wife and children. If this is a doctor, then for the patient. Questioning will find, for which you shake and worry. Sometimes this Arcan describes a person who is protected from attacks to his address. In terms of personal qualities, the card indicates greed, egoism, the storm of views, the sideways of thinking, pettyness. And this in the smallest degree concerns material things. This reluctance to change something and indulging in their habits. Because of the high obsession in the desire to bring order and stability in the life of the quantum deprived of humanity and cheerfulness. In the literal position, the Arcan describes a person as:

      • unpleasant;
      • well knowing what he wants and does not want in life.
      • ready to serve only yourself.
      • having a strong character.

      In an inverted position, the Arkan warns about the inadmissibility of attitudes towards people as things. It is impossible to acquire more than you need, insist on your vision of business. Any stagnation and cosiness of thinking will only harm the cause. Any attempt to stop the "Moment of Life" and prevent any changes will fail.

      Personal relationships

      In the defolds for love, 4 pentacles have many values, and almost all of them are with a negative tint. First of all, this is an indicator of people who do not want to marry. They are good in a state of loneliness, and they will refuse any suggestions of joint life. The man is confident in the correctness of his way.

      In this arcana are the most animated individualists.

      Even if Kverent has a relationship, he will not do anything to develop them. Even if he should say about the need to do something, he will simply dismiss the advisers.

      In the second place it is Arkan owners and jealies. Such people will be in every way to limit the freedom of their partner. Total surveillance, contact control and much more goes on this map. Relationship under this arcane is impregnated by an unhealthy atmosphere. One partner is always obliged to prove its reliability. This may be a marriage indicator for the calculation. In Taro, 78 doors 4 pentacles describe a person who is afraid of natural relationships. Instead, he tries to drive everything into behavior patterns and rituals. Subconsciously, he is afraid to be abandoned. Card predictions are extremely clear: the constant concern of the fragility of the partner does not serve for the benefit of the Union.

      In the inverted position, the Arkan is an indicator of conflicts on material soil. Sometimes quarrels may arise in connection with the unsettlement of life. Quite often, the discord begins because of the inheritance. According to one of the partners, the testator incorrectly divided the property. For the future relationship, this is a negative map. Due to material problems, the union will fall.

Description of the Taro Card Four Pentacles

On the map Tarot Four of the Pentacles, you can often see a greedy person who does not want to share his coins. It symbolizes the property of the gadgetting and all that belongs to him rightly. Only the behavior of a person here is not caused by greed, but the feeling of the need to protect his good from encroachment.

General value and interpretation of Taro Card Four Pentacles in fortune telling and scenarios

Direct position card

Four of the pentacles in a literal position symbolizes ovetyquimorativeness, the desire to keep values, unwillingness to share, greed. Such an installation is essentially hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop a moment", keep everything as it is, not only in vain, but also contradict the natural go of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that only one step to stagnation remains. If the foursome of the discs are in position that requires that behavior, it means that at the moment it is necessary to focus, to limit oneself into something, retreat, - or, holding a job, not to let him out of his hands. If the question in the fortune tells about something new (ideas, plan, affairs, etc.), then in this case the map advises to emphasize on the need for a comprehensive approach and attentiveness to understand the details, make a correct presentation and assess the limits of the opportunities of the intended .

Inverted map position

Once in an inverted position, the fourth of coins symbolizes inorganizations, excessive workload, too rigid limit frameworks. If the question concerns money and material goods, then the Arkan designates a stranger or on the contrary, wastefulness - those extremes that do not allow a person to have consistently satisfactory material security.

The value and interpretation of the map of the fourth of pentacles in fortune telling and sobs to work, affairs and careers

Direct position card

Here, the four disks shows that a person keeps at his office or, at least, expects it to guarantee a stable income and well-being. The map predicts that many problems will soon be solved, the order will be restored and business (work) will be included in the normal course.

Inverted map position

Taro Card Four Pentacles, which appeared in an inverted position, indicates the incorrect organization of activity, overvoltage, excessiveness of physical efforts that may arise due to inability to organize themselves or subordinates. Everything conceived can go in the rush due to stress or apathy. Sometimes an inverted four coins speaks of external factors that are capable of providing if not fatal, but still tangible and quite unpleasant influence on professional activities gadgetting.

Meaning and interpretation of the Card Four Pentacles in Signs and Divination on Health

Direct position card

Health is stable, but requiring compliance.

Inverted map position

It is necessary to protect the strength.

The value and interpretation of the map of the fourth of pentacles in fortune telling and sobs for love and relationships

Direct position card

Four coins indicates that a person is afraid of an open, natural relationship, trying to replace them with a given behavior pattern. He "clings" for a partner, which is caused by his subconscious fear to be abandoned, abandoned. Sometimes the Four of the Pentacles indicates relations based on the subordination by one partner of other and imposed strict rules, the material dependence of one partner from the other.

Inverted map position

Once in an inverted position, the fourth of discs testifies to conflicts and disagreements that arise on the basis of a lack of money and disagreement of life; foreshadows quarrels in connection with the distribution of the family budget. Sometimes reports on the material interest of the partner in relations.

The value and interpretation of the map of the fourth of pentacles in the scenarios and fortune telling on personality assessment

Direct position card

Describing a person, the fourth of pentacles indicates its pragmatic, law-abiding and respect for private property.

Inverted map position

The inverted Four of Denaris speaks about a conservative person who hides from everyone in his own boring and unpromising, but understandable and safe, from his point of view, Mirka.

Meaning and interpretation of the Card Four Pentacles as a day map

Today you are too docked on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will get as a result of something that is exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Just in case, check what exactly did it intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future or still care about things higher? Based on this, you need to build a plan of today.

Board of Card Four Pentacles in fortune telling and scenaries

Do not forget to extract lessons from all that is happening, especially if it is a negative experience.

The fourth junior archcan of the Pentacles of the Tarot deck is called "possession and power." And this is an objective explanation. When it comes to money, success, love is all the fact that it is already acquired, a person has to feel some kind of power over his own estate.

Four of the Pentacles (First Card in Image) - Fourth Junior Arcan

Position to personal property acquires the nature of loaning and obsession. But how long will the time of ownership last? Will it be possible to keep stability? Is the probability of loss? On these questions will be given the answer the Four of the Pentacles.

Interpretation of the card

Who kept the Tarot card in the hands of the Tarot card, should have drawn attention to the image of the crank-rich, sitting on a solid throne. His head decorates a brilliant crown with a coin from above, he squeezed the second coin firmly in his hands, and another two standing feet. Yes, and the expression of the face is not complacent. And not in vain. The person gathered his own state, but it is worth it to make a step or break the hand, or lift like coins are confused.

This is the sacred essence of the card. The Four of the Tarot Pentacles in the classic scenario means the jarny attitude of the person to the existing savings and material, and the spiritual began (capital, love, career). He does not want to give his wealth to anyone, for losing money to lose power. Therefore, the figure on the map radiates anger, anxiety.

The components of the fourth characteristics of pentacles are associated with astrological concepts. Saturn is connected with her, which has always symbolized care, overcoming adverse situations, as well as Mercury, which in mythology was identified with trade and profit. From here and different names of the card: the four of money, the fourth of gold, four riches other.


Such a four has an extraordinary energy. With special scenaries, the card helps prevent trouble, saving, warns. But dare to notice that the practitioners of magicians give such a meaning, while lovers and innovations take it as a sharp negative phenomenon, such as refusal in a major transaction, cooperation with greedy to money by man. We will call exploration requested by the Company in which the cash four will play a leading role:

  • stable personal relationships;
  • finance and success;
  • health and life force;
  • harmony with the inner "I".

Four pentacles - important Card When expanding on finance

With all its simplicity of drawing and content, the map is by no means simple. In some situations, it will reflect the calculated attitude, and in some - a sense of independence, solid soil.

Love bonds

In the scenarios for a love bond, the Four has more often negative meaning. But do not rush to get upset, first wait for which Arkan will fall out.

If the card fell in a literal position, nothing to worry about. Many of the magicians claim that the value in this case is the reliability of the partner, confidence in the future. Although this confidence is unreal. Due to the fact that a person is afraid to stay alone, imposes his vision, and his attitude towards ordinary things, love conflicts even with the most faithful feelings are often found.

But there are other views on the value of the four coins in the scenario of love, which are far from friendly:

Feeling owner

The map indicates that a person who does not like, but only owns you. This person is the owner by nature, which is not good for you, nor for him.

Stagnation and reluctance to change fate

Notice that for a long time Meet the man, but he does not hurry to lend a relationship. The situation "I am so good" is just for him. He does not want to share himself and will not.

Four of the pentacles in an inverted form will proper a quarrel, tight. It is more often due to a lack of money in the family. And the worst, opens the truth to the existence of the material dependence of one of the partners. Thus, we are dealing from the "pollution" of a love connection, where two will never refuse and are unlikely to find reconciliation. But they will live together, because for someone lose much worse than not to love.

Career staircase and achievement of financial benefit

Four and love joy became very happy. Lives hope, which will bring success in the career and increasing capital. Tarologists argue that the card is referred to a matter of income, and this is the main criterion for the characteristics. In the literal position, the four coins is a symbol of a person's professionalism, his desire to achieve results in its own field of activity. She seemed to convince: "Yes, you're better, and you deserve such a state."

But is everything so good when the inverted amrah falls? Will all the reaches reach the bottom? This is what values \u200b\u200bdoes it say:

Non -ient workplace organization

Sometimes, a person just inflates the balls and spreads the red path for the "showing" of his own company and itself as a boss, even in fact the business is unsequent and has no demand.

External obstacles

Where money, there is always interference, barriers, jump that it does not manage to everyone.

Cash loss and ruin. The card lies wrong - the figure on it was shifted, and this means one thing - financial capital is gradually confused.

This Arkan combines with the feeling of fear, loss of self-control, excessive stupuses. Caused such feelings fear to remain with nothing.

About health

What 4 pentacles tarot value is in terms of health status? As not regrettable, but the map transmits a poor human relationship to its own body. Again, the main promise is power. And let it be absurd that it would not sound, but here the person is not able to give his own.

Four of the pentacles in the scenario on health means that a person does not care about himself (for example, it does not lose weight when overweight)

An elementary example when, when overweight, it will not lose weight, because it means losing. And for the present owner it is unpleasant and even ashamed. Yes, it is wrong. But it is useless to bring something. In the practice of Tarologists there is even a special name of such a situation - "Norm on the verge of pathology." A person, whatever age, is thrown off on the old man: accumulated for the past years chronic diseasesBut lives with them, not even noticing.

By making an alignment on health, just follow the position of the Tarot chips. Finding out in the right position, it warns the danger, but the main value is the status stability under the right mode. Failing out in the turned outward form, talks about excess forces. It is necessary to exercise, not to delay the campaign to the doctor, pay attention to the patients of the body. There should be no economy to health! Although it will be hard to explain this.

Evaluation of the person

Do you know the feeling when you rent a luggage at the airport and for a long time of the flight worry about things? It is such a feeling of man overtook that ordered the alignment of personal problems, caused by disharmony with the inner and external world.

Taro Map Four Pentacles is an anxiety sign. Man is experiencing and afraid. It spends its own energy to protect the condition. It is like an obsession, which will not lead to good. Determine the main characteristics:

  1. Panic condition: do a lot, but not to become poor.
  2. Limited horizon: I see only what in front of me.
  3. External appearance in the form of a shell: nobody needs me.
  4. Stability is a goal in life. Unforeseen expenses - for nothing. Excessive joy - why? He is persistent in his thoughts and deeds, as a result, it leads to a disassembled pride.
  5. Remove from nobility and humanity. Any kind of blessing is a step towards ruin. Does this want an agreer man, a penny and owner?

Negative value transmits and direct position Four Denaris, and inverted. In the first case, this calcality, pragmaticity, remoteness from all internal closets. Voice from the inside leads man. In the second case, we are dealing with hopelessness. The idea of \u200b\u200bFix "to protect your own wealth" (which most often means money) becomes the reason for creating a special world, this world is only one.

The value of the monetary card in combination with others

In the scenarios, the four of the pentacles often falls in combination with other maps of tarot decks. Note that in combination it is easier to interpret the essence of the four Denaris in combination and more truthfully. With any combination, it does not lose the main importance, which was described above.

Negative Communications on the Four

What connections should be afraid?

With jester

Such a combination denotes extreme instability, miserness, uncertainty.

With tower

For a capricious single, such a compound is promulite negative consequences of closetness, cut-off external world and from loved ones.

With the emperor

Such a terrible plexus, since it means reinforcing property control (including family members, a loved one).

With the devil

An unpleasant combination, openly speaking about the whores and the korestoluby of a person. For the sake of money, he is ready on a lot.

With hermit

Fearless changes in life, which more than once mentioned in the analysis of the four coins, now predicts lull in affairs, barriers, which arose as a result of various reasons.

Positive links

With some cards, the Four changes the negative meaning to the opposite, positive. And it is worth useing.

With knights of pentacles

The combination of cards is favorable to the person who ordered the alignment. She foreshadows a gift that will be useful in expanding the state.

With moderation

This pleasant combination, denotes a thoughtful consumption of money, which means - the savings of it is preserved, the person is far from poverty and bankruptcy.

With a star

The connection of the cards is important in the situation on love. Value this compound - Current relationship with partner, his willingness to give care.

With mago

Relevant connection in the scenario on the career. If such a combination has fallen out, the fate itself manages your affairs, you can safely use it and open your own business.

With power

In any scenario, the combination is appropriate. After all, the addition of strength to conquer new vertices has never been superfluous.

If the four of the pentacles fell to you as a map of the year, be prepared for the sink year, to instability and possible losses in capital. But do not dare to despair. Arkana's recommendation - go confidently to the goal, appreciate what you have. After all, and with the blue in his hands you can be happy!

The card describes something built with difficulty, but also with a certain margin of strength. It can be anything - business, health, relationship or system of values. This "something" looks reliably, but actually devoid of elasticity and adaptive abilities. This is a map of possession and preserving what belongs to us, satisfaction with the current situation and the desire to save it. This concentrated the energy of a person who fell out four pentacles.

It symbolizes calcality and careful planning, willingness to act to achieve the desired stability, or save the existing order. It gives a feeling of the soil under his feet, but ... the feeling that some factor threatens the current stability, so the need arises to protect their possession (akin to nine wands). Egoism and greed, the desire to protect their values \u200b\u200b(time, money, different features), fear of loss, unwillingness to share. This is a kind of blocking and stagnation.

Sometimes there are such interpretations as an increase in income and influence, but the word "growth" in its space is still doubtful. Four Pentakley pathos - fixation of what is and ensuring integrity and security. Wriving on protected laurels (quite decent), but it prevents moving forward and prepare yourself in the future.

Four of the pentacles symbolizes the end of that process, the beginning of which we saw in the sign of the ace, and the lifting point is in the top of the pentacles. Four says that a person achieved the desired and no longer seeks to new tops: and so quite enough of what is. Applying any efforts to gain more intentions. Ancient value is a person who achieves success, but small. The card symbolizes a certain "ecological niche", which occupied by a person in Socyum - somewhere made his way, she achieved something, trying to resist. The achieved success is natural here and is a consequence of effort.

The best that gives the energy of this card - stability and order, gaining some kind of control over what does not give rest. Crowley believed that it carries long stability and security, but the problem is that a person feels much more anxiety than a security, and this anxiety is just encouraging him to take action on further self-defense. The energy of this card does not allow "any accidents", and there are so many in life!

In fact, in dangerous and tangled situations, the energy of four pentacles is good and somewhere even savory. She helps not to go crazy, keep the borders, to resist her, protect against the external threat. At the same time, it is quite strongly the value of a closed circle and the game in "Yes, but ...".

Sometimes the card foreshadows a collision with "law and order", interaction with some bureaucratic, administrative structures.

One of the traditional values \u200b\u200bis an expensive gift. In general, only positive values \u200b\u200bare attributed to the map in ancient interlocks, especially from the point of view of the people of that era - property, receiving the inheritance; remuneration, benefits, services, mercy; Also - no anxiety, reliability and order in the house, durable position. So you see a decent tradesman, maybe even in the nobility (the crown on the head of the character). A modern man is difficult to identify himself at this way, so the appearance of this card in the scenario more often became perceived negatively - something like a collision with a whining, which will refuse to loan.

Mystery of this card is a closed circle, limited space.

Cocked, wary and proprietary - like the one that we experience at the airport or at the station, worrying for the safety of your baggage. This is a map of control and anxiety. If the four pentacles fall out, there is fear for existence, a large hidden anxiety and a sharp need for protection. It expresses imperitiousness, stubbornness and a huge reluctance at least a risk.

All energy is spent on preserving the status of the CVO (nothing goes away, although nothing can come and come). We go in a circle, clinging to the current situation from the desire for stability and security, which has become almost an obsessive idea.

The fourth of the fourth of pentacles does not produce his own saczoi from the hands - and the suitcase without a handle will not quit too. In this sense, he is like a fixed fortress. "Correction is primiter", that's what I want to say. He is afraid to fall into poverty in old age. He is afraid of losing anything (if there is also a nine swords, then just panic).

He is trying to shake for his money, if it is a businessman, for his loved ones, if this is the father of the family, for his place in the troupe, if it is an artist (and the status of the premiere will only strengthen his fears) .... it is possible to continue to infinity. Perhaps currently the questioning is protected from some attacks to their address. Through it, it is human to observe in all the marginal caution, shaking for his good, as he understands him.

She describes egoism, greed, the narrowness of views, petty, and so what they will touch - money, relationship, etc., this is another question. Loyalty to their habits, reluctance to change something - one of the main keys of this card. "The crusader of his principles", and even more accurately - the "tank" (the presence of a shell, the narrowness of the review, is close, while the looping on its "combat task").

Power and an inflexible approach in the struggle for the order, stability and structure in life. Maintaining these standards seems more important than cheerfulness and humanity.
The Four of the Fourth of Pentacles is definitely character, albeit rather unpleasant, and he knows what he wants and what does not want, sometimes - even too good, and in the end, all this comes down to serving his beloved.

The best that this card can give - practicality and organizational talent in non-focus limits, the ability to calculate only on yourself, the achievement of material security and the ability to cope with any complex life situation, Saving control. The worst is the poverty of greed, expressing in complete distrust of others, recalculate the money and readiness for any meanness for their interests.

At the same time, a person is peculiar to the lack of compassion and an ungivherence explained by the favorable pretexts ("I have a family and children", "I earned this hard work and I am not going to share anyone with anyone", etc.) in the middle between these states there is increased caution, which It can take a variety of forms ("normal heroes will always go around" with a seven swords, "how terrible to live" with the moon and so on). She characterizes a person who stands on his feet, but at the same time conservative to timidity: he is afraid to make the slightest step Aside, just not to make something new in your life, which means unfamiliar.

This card can "Nastrich" and a creative person (by the way, one of its values \u200b\u200bis hereditary talent). In this case, it can say that he clings for his laurels or for the familiar manner of work, it is difficult for him to trust the stream and it blocks his own creative abilities within a running rut. Maybe the obsession of some kind of fix idea, not necessarily material. Although in fact, this card is often described by the specific degradation of consciousness, which overtakes a person if he is worried about money from the morning until the night (whether "a piece of bread" or deals with elite real estate) - the interests are catastrophically narrowed, the psyche ceases to respond to Intangible incentives, and disregard for everything, except for their interests, known as egoism, blooms terry. With a person of the fourth of pentacles, you will not negotiate or take a chance, nor drink champagne (you still have to pay for it!)

In the four, pentacles actually, the hardness and reality of the elements of the Earth (Pentacle) and the number of the fourth and the ordering of the four are actually consistent. This is a certain compact system with its borders and standards. The map shows the king with the crown on the head, filled with its pentacles from life.

He can't step in step (two pentacles lie under his feet), can not think about anything else (the third pentacle "gives" to the crown) and obsessed with the idea to defend and protect themselves (the fourth pentacle closes the center of his body on the shield manner). At the same time, this image of a crowned person illustrates the fact that earthly power is often achieved through the concentration of resources, the reverent attitude towards the conquered and kind of greed.

At Arkan Tarot Tota symbolically depicts "Divine Grad Jerusalem" - the materialization of the presence of God on Earth. This Arcan puts the question - what and why from the earthly important thing for you? Holy place is not empty - where is yours " holy place"And what is there? What kind of gods or idols do you serve and worship? Isn't Gold to Taurus (as an option)? As Banzhaf and Akron write, the fourth strength is not in the most matter, but in how we give it the point and put it in the center of attention. People love things, projecting on them a huge amount of their mental energy in the form of affection.

We are rarely truly tied to intangible objects (ideas and principles). To the material - completely and next. The soul of another to us is much more intersest if there is a body in which it is gained. We idealize visible, what can be touched. At the highest level "Prose" Four of the Pentacles, truly puts "questions per million" - in what is the meaning of life? Why do we want to have what they seek and are afraid of disappointed if possession is impossible? What is our destination?

The topic of the pentacles in the subject of fourth, the theme of cancer and planets meaning in this sign - Jupiter and the Moon are clearly sound. A gifts, patronage, social benefits, humanitarian aid can be held through Jupiter. The moon emphasizes the value of the house, family, reliability. All together - attachment to the material. In a magical sense, it corresponds to material offering, donations, things intended for otherworldly residents (including food and drinks), also all situations where the person "bumps off", pays for his vacation of sins literally (a bright historical example is the practice of indulgences) .

It is believed that the card corresponds to the third Capricorn decade and symbolizes the achievement of real material results, support for reliable grounds and firm conviction in the correctness of its path. This decade is peculiarity, constructive use of opportunities and an objective understanding of their benefits. This decade is controlled by the sun, and it makes a problem, how to manage the material abundance that provides life.

Understanding the power of real values \u200b\u200bmakes it in fear of poverty to save wealth, then abandon his self-sufficiency power for his freedom and lose everything completely. Representatives of this decade show interest in the issues of the struggle for survival in extreme conditions, which makes it possible to disclose those potential personality opportunities to implement whose society imposes restrictions. The people of this decade have a natural taste: the imperfect does not satisfy them. This decade symbolizes the acquisition by man of all the material values \u200b\u200bnecessary for his life and further activities.

The opposite of this card to some extent serves the wheel of the fortune. It means the dynamics of the change, not deduction, but uncontrollability, refusal to control.

Light and shadow (advice and warning)

Tip: Definitely the little bit in the hands than the crane in the clouds (although it is not worth compressing this blue until the stroke is still not worth it). The Council to protect the achieved of the external threat, to protect itself and its property, spend clear boundaries around the perimeter of its territory, tightly hold on for its own, to maintain imperturbability, avoid the slightest risk, in all for sure. Stick to your plans, not to give up their positions.

Warning: Do not acquire more than you need, do not handle people like things and not stick on your approach to business. Stubbornness, cosbery and stagnation - that's what threatens the cause. Do not rest on the laurels - this greatly prevents preparation for the future. Many authors reasonably notice that excessive concern about the future and fear of any changes in essence are hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop a moment", to keep everything, as is, not only in vain, but also contradict the natural go of things. Thus, the foursome of the pentacles have a direct path to the tower, meaning the rupture of the hardened peel.

Through this card, there are such concepts as "My Hut with the Edge", "its shirt closer to the body." The fourth of the pentacles is associated with the concept of the border and symbolizes the fence, enhole, of any kind of sectors. It may concern both land and work (each takes its part). The card quite accurately describes the situations of the sings, decay of groups, companies, the basis of its own company, the beginning, so to speak, the "solo career" (it happens in the literal sense). Unwillingness to share their power. Dislikes in the team.

Narrow specialization, bureaucratic organizational culture with a tendency to stagnation. The labyrinth of the rules, prescriptions and reinsurance, where the atmosphere of miserism, petty, and sometimes corruption, sales.

On this map, there is not so much "wering on the laurels", how much convulsive clinging for these very laurels - as they say, feel the difference. In general, the power and status are visible here (not in gift from the watery character of the crown on the head), but rather at the level of the small chief. The best thing this card can give is to strengthen the organization, the concentration of resources, the guidance of order and consistent actions to protect their interests.

Traditionally, a map of merchants, shopkeepers and ropovists. In a modern sense, insurance companies, financial analysts, professions, which are close to banking and security structures are most closely correlated. Customs, inspection. Also - classes related to the accumulation and protection of collections, museums, gallery.

Traditionally - inheritance, durable property position. In general, this card contributes to the concentration of money and other material resourcesHowever, it also brings an obvious feeling of their insufficiency. Income, but modest. It may be financial stability by type of small, but regular salary. Although the traditional values \u200b\u200bof this card themselves are financial success, reliability, order, material stability.

At best, this card indicates strengthening positions, gradual accumulation, security of investments. But to feel this very safety according to it.

This card symbolizes asylum, so that for housing cases, it may, perhaps, can be considered a favorable - maybe it will not be a "dream house", but without the roof over the head I will not remain. One of the traditional card values \u200b\u200bis home in the city.

The focus on the inviolability of property, property (robs the owner of the four pentacles case is complex - he will leave his hands back). This card always suggests that property belongs to a person right.

This is a greed map, and if the alignment is made to receive financial assistance, then on a particularly good result can hardly expect, although something can be perpetrated (it is possible that under the robber percentage).

The inverted craft is traditionally considered bad for cash. Unforeseen expenses, instability of the material situation. Unsuccessful case, reducing capital gained earlier, financial losses, with a very negative environment - up to ruin.

Sometimes the "repair fear" takes place on this map, which will happen to good, petty, dictatorial narrow position. The unwillingness will come true, go to the self-traditional compromise, blatant rigidity and inflexibility, volitional stupor. Map of egoism, fear, control, self-defense, excessive caution. The desire for security, the total reluctance to risk, the narrowness of representations, the establishment and protection of boundaries.

At the fourth of pentacles a lot of different meanings in the field of personal life, and almost all of them are quite negative.

First, it is a map of "Nekhoche". Just the case when a friend or friend is not in a hurry to the crown and protects against this perspective in every possible way ("I am so good"). Our habits, reluctance to budge, resistance to change - work here. The fourth of the fourth of pentacles believes in the correctness of the chosen path and "catching" there is nothing. Sarah Bartlet writes that on the fourth of the pentacles, the most important individualist is depicted in the Tarot deck.

Secondly, this is a card of proprietary feelings in a relationship, the desire to keep "its", protect their living value (and property). "I will never give you anyone." The desire to keep love under the castle, not to give a partner of freedom, not allowing the slightest share of such risk. The establishment of boundaries for the sake of security, the fear and the desire of complete control over the situation (up to the lowestness), arising from love for well-being as a person himself understands, and even more precisely - from emotional vulnerability and fear of future. Jealousy (if there is still swords and the devil - Othello is ready).

On the Four of the Pentacles, suffocating the atmosphere of constancy is often created, where one else should constantly give some guarantees and prove its loyalty (read - belonging). There are extremely important agreements and obligations. As a peculiar consequence, the avoidance of your passion in relations is quite pronounced, since the passion is something that destroys the borders and the usual order.

Sometimes this card indicates the purest union for the calculation where money play the first and last role. In any case, freedom, inspiration and such other things in this relationship is forgotten very quickly. The atmosphere of boredom, greed and pettyness is not what decorates a joint life. Perhaps the only plus of four pentacles is loyalty. Loving or not loving, this man is inclined to devotion ("But I'm given to another, and I will be true to him"), and if this is a deal, he will honestly fulfill his obligations.

On this map, it is manifested to have solid soil under the legs, as well as a tendency to comply with the rules. There is no uncertainty in matters of love, a person does not allow, making rash deeds does not intend, in general, a sense of self-preservation replaces him all the others. "Soil under the legs" and confidence in the future - here is his cult concepts. He is characteristic of the unwillingness to show his feelings, generally guided the movements of the soul.

Savings of feelings may well lead to the fact that a person re-trying to build relations exclusively by calculation and / or remains alone.

The keywords of the four pentcles are to have, possess, belong. "Give" and open it very much does not like. As a rule, this card is not up to sex, it bears aspect of rigidity and sensual indifference. In general, it should be noted that the fours (except the wands) fall out when everything is bad in the relationship. Not the most popular, but the interesting value of the fourth of the pentacles is manifested in the fact that this is a card ... intimate misfortune, "recent", refusal to a partner in sex by vast or to other reasons.

But as a rule, these reasons lie somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bcontrol, anxiety, locks and banal egoism, finally. And then the head hurts, then the post began, then hockey on TV. We return to the fact that they started - this is the "Neh-hot" card, who do not want to share themselves with someone else.

If the card describes family lifeMost likely it looks like stability and order, which is the loss of novelty, stagnation, lack of movement, looping on material values \u200b\u200band concerns, on possession and safety. The house is typical, a few Plushkin furnishings, when even the most useless trash is very difficult to throw away. This is the case when the relationship is durable - like a good prison.

They function, yes, but they categorically lack fresh air to truly develop and blossom. Four of the pentacles often describes something that firmly blamed and moves along a closed circle. All kinds of "golden cells" (in this case, rather - gold-plated) and "seat under the lock" (but "as behind a stone wall") also pass along this map (and the temperature of this wall is most likely corresponds to the material from which it is built).

The most traditional value - delays, delay, obstacles, restrictions, "posted on all sides." The mechanism of action of this card is close to clogging, the drain, a constation, "traffic jam". This may be, for example, in full compliance with the layout, failure in the system and the pricing of payments. Also, one of the values \u200b\u200bof the card - failure in the exams (also, literally, "not passed"). Again, the loan on this map is unlikely.

At the same time, this card may have positive value From the point of view of psychology - a person learns to open, share, surcharge through the barriers of your own frights and protection. The surrounding cards can tell that from this will come out and what the world will answer on an attempt to get out of the shell.

This may be an indication of readiness to risk, including in terms of gambling and speculation. With the corresponding surrounding maps, you can expect a more open expression of feelings, refusing to total security.

King Midas, who turned into gold everything, which concerned, not excluding close relatives.

A stunning phrase, in which a person managed to unite the whole two "four-step" sayings: "The toad is choking to give Cesar Kesarevo."

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