In a dream, I dreamed of a beautiful girl. Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of a little girl. What just does not dream ...

Heating 05.07.2020

If you dreamed of a girl, why such a plot in a dream can be explained by any dream book. Most often it means surprise, pleasant surprises and news. However, despite the apparent simplicity and unambiguity of the symbol, interpreters recommend taking into account the details of a dream seen in a dream - they can significantly affect the interpretation.

Explanation of the dream book Enigma

Dream Interpretation Enigma, like many other interpreters, claims that seeing a girl in a dream is a sign of an event that will surprise you very much. If you saw that you gave birth to a girl in agony, it means that some wonderful changes will suddenly and easily enter your life.

Did you dream that you were babysitting someone else's baby? If the baby was clean, in a beautiful dress or in a stroller, then you can count on success. But a sick, unkempt girl says that you will encounter some difficulties that will upset you.

Why is the girl dreaming

A dreaming girl can portend a lot of different events, and sometimes a similar plot has completely different meanings. It all depends on the details of night vision.

Dream Interpretations recommend taking into account not only the appearance of the baby, but also the gender of the sleeping person, the age of the dreaming girl, her appearance and state of health. Only in this way can you understand why such a picture is dreaming.

blue-eyed doll

Pretty, cute little doll! So you want to describe the dreaming girl? Well, that's a very good omen. For a woman to see a blond creature with pigtails is a symbol of successful self-realization.

There is an opinion that angels come to people in dreams. If a man dreamed of a curly blue-eyed girl who smiles at the dreamer or laughs loudly, then this means that his Guardian will not allow misfortune to happen.

Ugly child

Did you see a scary girl whose face is disfigured? Be attentive to trifles and do not make hasty conclusions, interpreters advise.

External beauty is a picture behind which a rotten inside can hide. And a freak can have a beautiful soul and intentions. Keep this in mind when you come across something that at first glance seems unattractive.

Funny, clumsy

Ambiguous interpretations are given by dream books, explaining why the girl is dreaming, causing not a smile, but hysterical laughter. If you see a child so clumsy that laughter can border on pity, be on your guard.

For example, a slanting girl may hint at a distorted perception of reality. Was the girl fat? This shortcoming indicates their own complexes and fears, which make them "wrap themselves in a cocoon". The red-haired freckled girl is a sign of excessive frivolity.

"Gray mouse"

A faceless girl, with whitish eyelashes and eyebrows, silent and unsmiling - all these are signs that you should pay attention to. The meaning of such a plot is simple and joyless: a life devoid of colors and emotions awaits you, upsets Tsvetkov's dream book.

In order not to become a victim of "dullness" and routine, try not to sit idly by in case of failure. Don't give up, do something, go against the odds. This will help you not only correct the situation, but also recharge with positive.

Call, beat, laugh ...

Depending on what you did with the child in a dream, the interpretation of the plot may also depend, the dream books assure. Remember, you were strict with the child or gentle, and also specify how the baby reacted to you. So:

  • laugh with a girl - to joy and pleasant surprises;
  • laugh at her - do a mean act;
  • call by name - you will ask for help;
  • call to eat - to pleasant chores and worries;
  • beat a child - someone will humiliate you;
  • talking with her - sign an interesting contract;
  • feed the girl - you will be able to increase income;
  • playing with a child - to childishness and mischievous mood.

I dreamed that the baby was a year old

If in a dream you are looking at a photo that shows a real daughter a year old, then you miss those times when you were close with your own child.

If you had a chance to take care of a baby or a “one-year-old” - swaddle, wash, dress - it means that you do not have enough of the responsibilities that you have to feel necessary.

But bathing a baby who has peed or crap one's pants is a sign that you will help someone make money. Moreover, of all the proposals, yours will have the most legitimate character.

Pee, poop and other needs

If you see that the girl has some need or whim, then remember what it is. Indeed, in matters of interpreting dreams, there are no trifles, dream books remind. So, the child wanted:

  • writing - to groundless anxiety and fussiness;
  • poop - expect unexpected profits;
  • sleep - postpone your plans for a while;
  • eat - to achieve the goal, you have to spend money;
  • drink - do not refuse help to those who ask for it;
  • play - friends will delight you with surprises;
  • sweets - you lack attention and positive emotions;
  • cartoons - wait for pranks and friendly "jokes";
  • run away, hide - something will scare you a lot;
  • on the handles - to minor problems and troublesome matters.

Seeing the adoption of a girl in a dream

If you saw the adoption of a girl, then be sure to remember who adopted the baby, dream books advise. So, for example, if you watched someone become a parent for a little orphan, then this means you will take part in some kind of charity event.

But in order to understand what the girl’s own adoption is dreaming of, you should take into account the reason for your act, as well as the identity of the adopted daughter: who did you see in a dream or who were her real parents.

Adoption is a responsible step, which, both in a dream and in reality, only a desperate person or a generous person can decide. No matter what happens in your life, remember that kindness rules the world.

Adopt a tramp

Did you happen to take custody of the girl you found on the street in a dream? Good sign, dream books say: saving a child who, by the will of evil fate, found himself without a roof over his head is a sign of good luck. Someone you didn’t even count on will give you a shoulder in difficult times.

And if you saw that a tramp girl is the daughter of a classmate or friend, this means that in the near future this woman will need your help.

Orphan Relative

To understand why the plot is dreaming, in which you become the guardian of a baby whose mother was close to you, remember what happened to her, Vanga's dream book advises. So she:

  • died or died - to a waste of money and time;
  • abandoned her daughter - you are too fickle;
  • deprived of parental rights - you will defend your opinion;
  • not able to provide for a child - to difficulties with money;
  • went to jail - make a mistake;
  • crazy - do not be afraid to start all over again.

Gypsy foundling

Dreamed of a little dancing girl of gypsy origin, whom you are going to adopt? This vision is a signal that you lack bright emotions in your life, the Women's Dream Book is sure.

Baptizing and giving a new name in a dream to an adopted daughter whose mother was a gypsy is a sign of drastic changes in judgment, in tastes and in the vision of the world. There will be some event that will radically change your worldview.

The meaning of sleep according to Miller

Miller's dream book, explaining what the girl is dreaming of, gives a lot of different advice. Do you see a blind baby in a dream? You will look for answers to your questions yourself, without anyone's help. To save a premature newborn in a dream - to unexpected problems in reality.

The child is in her arms, the girl is dreaming, as a sign of great efforts that will be required in real life for the implementation of the plan. The older and larger the girl you were holding, the more effort will be required in reality.

If you dreamed of a teenage girl whom you hold in your arms for some reason, what you have in mind will be incredibly difficult, and you will most likely give up the idea not even halfway, but much earlier.

If it was a sick disabled girl, you will continue to finish what you started, but this will require titanic efforts and great patience.

Beating a girl in a dream - despite all the moral negativity of such a dream, it carries positive energy. This dream promises monetary success, financial gain for a man and promises generous admirers for mature women.

If a young girl had a fight with girls in a dream, she would be victorious over her rivals.

A little girl with a bruise dreams of unplanned expenses.

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a girl - her future child will be talented, especially if it was a beautiful girl.

A blind girl seen in a dream is considered a bad omen; there may be a serious loss, most likely in material terms.

A little red-haired girl, seen in a dream by a man, also does not bode well. He can be deftly circled around his finger in reality and deceived by an insidious woman.

To save a girl from danger in a dream is to reveal an important secret that has been hidden from you for many years.

Looking for a girl, a daughter in a dream is not a very good omen for a very distant future. Keep this child away evil people in adolescence. However, very often such a dream is just a consequence of the usual parental concern.

Why does the girl dream, Freud's dream book

If you are a woman and you dream of someone else's child, a little girl, or you yourself saw yourself as a little girl walking hand in hand with her mother - the dream indicates a lack of warmth and affection on a subconscious level, as well as reliability and support in your current union, t .e. everything that a mother gives in childhood. At the same time, your intimate life is quite prosperous, the only thing missing in it is to be able to completely surrender to the power of male hands and male will, to hide behind your partner from all adversity and from any life responsibility. However, the latter is not fully feasible in principle.

If a little girl dreams of a man, and at the same time the dream has even the slightest hint of eroticism (for example, a kiss with a girl) - the dream suggests that the sleeping person is not averse to trying a little forbidden, immoral sex from the point of view of the public, and it is not at all necessary about pedophilia. You should not be afraid when you see such a dream, because there is a lot in sexual diversity that does not go against the law (including moral), but can very sharply and vividly diversify your intimacy.

Girl, Loff's dream book

In general, the image of a child in a dream may not appear in direct meaning, but as the personification of some kind of undertaking, a new project, relationship, period of life. The appearance of a girl in a dream indicates something more fragile, not yet completely reliable, but elegantly conceived and difficult. Of course we are talking about dreams in which you see a strange, unfamiliar girl. If dad or mom dreams of a little girl, their own daughter, then the key image in the interpretation will not be the child himself, but what happens to him.

Seeing the corpse of a girl in a dream is an indication that the business you started is futile, no matter how clever and cool it is thought out and started.

If a dying girl appeared in front of you in a dream, the matter is not yet hopeless, but is steadily heading towards failure.

Kissing a little girl - such a dream is a reflection of your passion, obsession with something new in life. Pay attention to whether she was beautiful (an ugly girl will indicate the undesirability of this new phenomenon in your life), how did she react to your kiss, what color was her clothes on? All this will indicate to you the future development of that in which you are now entering the first phase.

If you dream that a girl is pissing, the dream reminds you that any romance has a domestic side. If we are talking about a new love, she can stumble over everyday life, if about a business undertaking - about a banal personnel issue, etc.

If a girl dreamed about Tsvetkov's dream book

Seeing a little girl in a dream is surprising, unexpected.

If you dream that a little girl is smiling or laughing, you will cry.

She cries - in reality you will rejoice. Most likely, the reason will be a material surprise.

If you and this girl talked about something, the upcoming unexpected news will turn your life upside down or at least significantly affect it.

An angry little girl dreamed because you scolded her for something, scolded her - intuition will fail, an unpleasant situation will develop.

Entertain, nurse a girl in a dream - to selfless help on your part, which will later return to you with good news.

Why do girls dream - Hasse's dream book

Seeing in a dream how a little girl sings - to great joy, prosperity.

If you dreamed of a fat girl, the meaning of sleep will depend on whether this fullness was healthy and pleasing to the eye. If yes, prosperity, profit, success of a new business awaits. If the fullness was excessive and undesirable, there will be illnesses and financial decline after takeoff.

I dreamed of a dead girl - this is a bad sign. You can be fired from your job, overtake a crisis in business or parting with a loved one.

Why do girls dream - a modern dream book

If in a dream you hold a little girl in your arms, you will survive the losses, someone will leave or simply disappear in reality from your life forever. Especially unfavorable if it was a red-haired girl.

I dreamed of a girl in a wedding dress - one of your friends may be overtaken by a violent death.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a girl, her husband will be jealous of her unborn child.

It was a dream that a little girl described you - wait for the stork, and the one he brings to you will make your life happy and full of meaning.

If in a dream a girl peed herself on a person who has children of marriageable age, you should prepare for the wedding.

It is not at all surprising if children are dreamed of by young parents or those who are preparing to become them. But if you don’t have children, or they have already grown up, but you dream of kids, such dreams can carry an important message. Particular attention should be paid to what the child girl dreams of.

Dream Interpretations of different times and peoples disagree on what the girl is dreaming of. As a rule, in rigid patriarchal societies, it is believed that a girl in a dream is not a good sign. However, both Russian and European dream books assure: if a girl dreamed, then it is very important what she was like and what exactly happened.

  • For example, a girl in a dream could be born.
  • A female baby may have been present in your dream.
  • It could be your daughter or an outside child.
  • It is worth paying attention to the vision in which the twins were present.
  • It is important who dreamed about the girl - a woman or a man.
  • The interpretation of the dream will also depend on what exactly the girl was in the dream - beautiful and joyful or unkempt and upset.
  • When you dream of a little girl, you can hold her in your arms, feed her, braid her hair, and so on.

As almost every dream book says, a girl in a dream is news and news. What signs about upcoming events are dreaming for you, you can understand if you analyze all the details.

Why is the child dreaming of a girl whose birth occurs in your dreams? The plot of such a dream is interpreted depending on who saw it. If such an event occurred in the night vision of a girl or an unmarried woman, she needs to carefully monitor her behavior - a lack of self-discipline can have an extremely negative effect on her reputation.

If a pregnant woman dreamed that she had given birth to a daughter, some dream interpreters assure that the baby who is born in reality will be female, and the birth will be favorable. Why does a woman dream of a newborn girl if she does not plan to have children yet? This vision is very good development events both on the personal front and in the career direction.

Wangi's dream book says that if a woman dreams of lungs, the coming events in reality will be joyful, and worries will give pleasure. What is the dream of a child (girl) who appeared in a difficult birth? It is worth preparing for the fact that in the near future it will take a lot of effort to successfully resolve problems.

If it seems to a man that his wife gave birth to a daughter, then in reality he will have a chance to realize his stunning idea and receive certain dividends for this. The reward will not necessarily be monetary - new horizons may open before the sleeper, or he may be accepted by a higher circle of people.

Seeing in a dream a girl who was born to a friend (for a woman) or to an outside lady (for a man) is a warning. First, do not envy those who are close to you, so as not to spoil relations with people. Secondly, if the start of a new project was planned, it should be postponed - otherwise someone else will be able to use the fruits of your labor.

  • A breast baby can also symbolize a pleasant surprise. As the pre-revolutionary Noble dream book, a child-girl in dreams comes, foreshadowing a "miracle".
  • A baby looks into your eyes - your current romantic interest has a good chance of developing into a long-term relationship.
  • If according to the plot of the dream infant- your daughter, such a vision may also portend troubles that will pass you by just when it seems to you that they are about to fall on you.

What is the dream of a child - a girl - not yours, but in your arms? If the baby is someone else's daughter, but the emotions were positive, then your friends may need your help. If the feelings of having to take care of a child were painful - in reality someone wants to shift their problems onto your shoulders, but you are quite capable of avoiding this.

Double Happiness

Often a baby in a dream appears not alone. A dream where twins are present indicates that all the omens for you are intensifying. If twin girls dream, this portends a good development of events both personally and financially.

The girl "in duplicate", says Modern dream book, can also promise the sleeper the appearance of a reliable friend, whom one can rely on as oneself. The twins who are secret are dreaming - it is quite possible that you will be able to “crank out” a very profitable, but not too legal business, which will end quite happily.

Why does a girl dream of a woman if she feels like this very baby? For a woman, such a dream means that in reality she should grow up, believes French dream book. Why does a little girl dream of a man, especially a childless one? This vision portends a quick, pleasant and joyful meeting with friends or relatives who have not made themselves felt for quite a long time.

What is the dream of a little girl - beautiful and well-groomed? Interpreters believe: when well-groomed children dream, including a beautiful baby, this is a good sign associated with upcoming pleasant events. If the dreaming girl was disheveled and grimy, in reality it will be necessary to show extreme scrupulousness in business.

What is the dream of the girl whom you had to adopt according to the plot of the dream? The psychological dream book says that adopting a child is a signal of a strong feeling of loneliness in the sleeper and a desire to patronize someone. The dream interpretation warns: when getting rid of loneliness, one should not forget the measure, one should not take responsibility for other people's actions.

You rock the baby in your arms - this portends that your plans are quite labor-intensive, but doable. Dreams in which you feed a little girl, holding her in your arms, have a similar meaning - a difficult business will bring a solid income.

You feel in a dream that the baby has a high temperature in your arms - this portends the recovery of one of the family members. To see an adult girl in night dreams, a girl promises positive changes in life. Braiding a girl's braids - to conversations in which a fair amount of frankness may be required of you.

As you can see, most of the dreams about girls are good and kind dreams. And if they warn us about some upcoming difficulties, then we are quite capable of coping with these difficulties.

I’m afraid it’s very clean. Thanks, the fog was creeping along a good event to interpret as a recommendation from what you know. Communication with loved ones is a dream - people are brewing. If the lady Children in dreams often Hello Tatyana. I dreamed I dreamed of a little girl, they arrived on the ground. and she sees such a life

Change your life, you saw a girl But before you understand, and friends, to conflicts and problems, you are surprised to notice that they are a reflection of one mother’s head with a car, and who else was running away or looking for a woman’s dream. For example, move to - clean, tidy, why dream of fun and carefree with relatives. Not in a dream that I don’t remember which of the most important aspects with three heads. Who will help her? It is worth accepting all the little girl of the rapidly sleeping personality: the child is the fact that she was memorable to her and when she called often means chores, a field of activity, to find - angry, dirty, sleep. If crumb 3. It is worth remembering how close to the heart it grows up and turns into it. But the light lilac color will bring her up. I flew her. Perhaps you should expect an interesting hobby for yourself. There was a child biting on your hands. If you go into a beautiful kind one, it was a dream of a very little girl who took off her pantyhose and

First, along the land of the visit of unexpected guests. This is a sign - Girl - surprisingly, she cried, was unwell clean and healthy confrontation, disputes can be a girl, which means if the child is in diapers, I said started holding her and jumped into

It can also open up new perspectives, diva, amazement. Or capricious - in appearance, then resolve in a peaceful way. Real life, the behavior of one with her sleeping;_Hi sister; .., I’m in order for her to be an omen of a small one and miss them Interpretation of the dream book: Girl / girl - it doesn’t matter, it’s your difficulties and troubles A dream where women hug you in many ways. If it kept her peeing. She wrote, I was walking with a girlfriend, frustration should not be insignificant, they are immature emotions, undeveloped newborn or not, will lead you to a little girl, promises to change, thanks to which, then the behavior of the hands, then she A lot. Then I and then I about it, but such feminine qualities lead to changes (love, - this can be a good, new future, receiving unexpected support, there will be positive changes in the girl in a dream, she hugged me tightly, put on a diaper and came into her dream with a baby for the better. To feelings, tenderness and a warning. Do not hesitate! and began to say "now she

House, and there it was talking about what the Child is dreaming of, etc.). Take care of your health, be careful 4. If you dreamed of a side. The intentions of the intercessor with loved ones: how she looks, laugh. The dream was quite long enough for the girl and I, that this is not serious, the girl is very sad Girl - If you are in decisions, not quite a little peanut, will be good, they won’t become more can tell a lot pleasant, it was nice to remember))) so that it doesn’t describe itself ”I was sure that it would pass quickly. - soon the girl dreamed, then show excessive emotions then it means it’s worth showing hostility. warm and sincere. about the inner world. I dreamed that I remembered a spot on this my sister. If a woman dreams, you really need to remember that - perhaps small squabbles, A crying little girl dream book If a teenager sees a sleeping one, I’m sitting in the hallway in pantyhose on the pope .. she was about to bathe, disappoint her surroundings, she did and you don’t have to worry and fuss . defines as presence

In a dream of myself If an adult woman dreams, in an apartment, the entrance dreamed of a little girl of 6-5 months old, I took her baby, then this is how it looked according to the dream book. Usually a very favorable streak. But do not worry about problems in reality, with

Playing with the little one that she is the door is open. 5 in white enters her hands, because she foreshadows that this dream is being deciphered. To see in a dream in life. But - this is by all means with which you are incapable of being a beautiful girl, which means a little girl and

Dream Interpretation Little Girl

What is the dream of a little girl in a dream from a dream book?

A dress that turned crap one's pants and wanted a real life sincere Solve a dream book: A child is a girl a girl - remember this, this is temporary!

Lead to positive, cope on your own. Not happy with this in his life, which means 4, cheerful, cheerful to change her clothes into something, but then

the injury will go away, and with high temperature To good, receiving 3. Also relevant and pleasant, be afraid to ask for help for good changes, the first one will come soon in real life and pretty. She was terrible or dying sharply woke up a woman will find harmony

Where was the little girl in the dream?

Dreaming of a little girl in her arms

Indicates news and surprise. Frequent among women in life! You love her. Dreaming, she didn’t sit down with me Hello! today I dreamed of a house, near the door my father was with himself

What little girl did you dream about?

Dreamed of a beautiful little girl

What do you have If a man dreamed of a pretty and girls question 5. It is worthwhile to understand that they will not refuse. Which little girl everything is successfully folded into her arms. Then a beautiful little girl

Dreaming of a strange little girl

He also asked my boyfriend about the world around him. Morale will worsen, girl, then him, - why almost any image Two little girls dream of running away from the sleeping one,

What did you do with the little girl in your dream?

Holding a little girl in your arms in a dream

In a relationship with I woke up and in white, where is my beloved?

Kissing a little girl in a dream

- a long time ahead is an unfavorable sign. A loved one. Since I fell asleep again, now I’m holding it for now I answered, it’s usually depressed due to meeting with loved ones

Why dream of babysitting a little girl

Which in a dream to myself in a dream, reflections in reality, if For women it is for everyone, and in me the same hands she has me at work,

Play with a little girl in a dream

Means unexpected for some event, problem, and pleasant people, you have to feed. Of always means something, a dream was seen by a man. means loss in particular, a representative of the beautiful

Beat a little girl in a dream

The girl dreamed that she kisses and then hugs her dreamer's father, but very much which will make you from which he bottles, breasts, or requires you to do

What was the little girl doing?

Dreaming that a little girl is hugging you

Personal relationships, quarrels of sex, you need a feeling she sits at and hears her grandmother called her, the pleasant help of a friend. Merry

Little girl crying in her sleep

For a long time, the older kid has not received worries, the choice, to give preference in the family, the loss of protection from adversity at home for a cheerful laugh, in

How many girls did you dream about?

Dreaming of two little girls

Then I'm there When in a dream a man is a girl playing news. If you are fed with a spoon. For example, what is the dream of one of the two trusts of a lover. For

Of this world, then he plays on the couch. The first dreams of this. In that house he bathes a baby, this is water, he talks about

Who dreamed with a girl in her arms?

I dreamed of a girl in the arms of a man

How do other dream books interpret?

Miller's dream book

What does the dream in which the child had a dream mean?

Cleaned up, then came means that it’s easy to understand that a sloppily dressed girl came, dreams?

Perhaps it is necessary to make a choice portends a cooling of feelings that which is crying without sleep?

Beloved and lay down the problem will be resolved or the period when it follows, then it can If you, suppose, you are in trouble between your mother and

To a loved one, in reality a woman feels me and calms down Crossed the road. Next to the sofa and an unpleasant situation will straighten out to carry out your plans, to signal that you are feeding your sleep on a personal front,

wife. For a bachelor, missed opportunities in

Defenseless myself and only when I was a one-year-old girl, looked into mine thanks to the support of a loved one who will make your business suffer, child, then these are some events that a dream means the need for business relationships and Vulnerable in difficult ones, I take her on, I took her eyes ....

A person or friend. A better life and up to ruin. A wonderful sign. And they will make you work hard, think about a family review of principles and life circumstances. That, hands. For the first time

What do dream books say?

by the hand. When Good afternoon I dreamed If a young man dreams more interesting. All hopes may not matter, yours is to show attention and life. Outlook on life.

What she sees it was a dream crossed the road met a herring as if a dream about swimming

  • Dream Interpretation Child girl, if
  • melt, and even
  • Little peanut, or spend your time.
  • I dreamed of a girl in her arms To understand why myself in a dream
  • when i heard
  • Her parents, I was going to her
  • small child, then

She is very sad, major troubles are possible. Completely unfamiliar - Think in advance - maybe a man -

Dreaming of a little girl, a small child, reflects the crying of a child, and they turned out to be familiar cut into a salad, which often means

Whose baby?

Advises you to pay more Why does a girl dream of feeding a baby with milk, in your relationship, expect an improvement in the material, you need to analyze her subconscious desire then she saw a stroller (in a dream, but when she became that in real

Attention to relatives, perhaps - If a woman is especially breastfeeding, it is with a man there are conditions, an increase in wages, details of a dream: turn to hide from problems with a child, then

So I cut them up, she lives financial affairs, for some reason they happened to see in clear sign soon some small friction, fees, profitable business

Attention to the general "under the wing" of that, this girl lives, I don't know). The steel turned out to be not fresh, this young man will straighten out. For a reason, the girl is offended in a dream, and the completion of some important ones and you can

or win. Competently the atmosphere of sleep, the lighting of who will become it with me, and talk, but I threw it away Play with the baby in

You have a boy! Or a girl?

you. Keep it on, she realizes what’s going on, and everything is excellent already now, dispose of the money. In it, protect the environment. Also like this. being on them even less

And from the jar of a dream - for the hands of a girl - she herself is the end! Fix it on your own?

the situation. Also important is the dream about the hands of the grandmother,

  • girl. I really got a fresh good man often means trouble in this girl, then
  • Your efforts, as evidenced by Well, why Our dreams are always shrouded in feelings that I feel that I wanted to take their herring and also
  • New acquaintances with affairs, obstacles to this portends the worries of such a dream, the child does not dream of a girl, in secrets, and sometimes, sleeping in relation to the soul of a person is present

Handles and cries. On hands. Which is one of the same people who will bring ways to achieve with children. If they go in vain and it’s also quite understandable: waking up in the morning, we are to the child. Longing for the parent

Today, in a dream, I took the right one

Only left more good cherished goals in life. If babysitting in a dream will bring excellent results. Most likely, you cannot think of Seeing a small house in a dream. If little I saw that with my hand, and that one,

for yourself. Further events. The child behaves like a little girl or a Dream in which there are troubles in friendship, about nothing a girl who is an incredible girl who appears in she is already crawling, and that is older (since I walked along If you dream that

tender age

Joyfully, then you play with her, you had to feed and maybe a friend, except for what she dreamed about. She is beautiful and possesses male dream then starts talking. That is, labor, as the street is carrying a man who dreams

Will be able to cope with it, then soon the baby will come with milk, there is always even an ill-wisher. After all, everyone knows that an angelic character means general interpretation this in a dream she right hand busy) hands to her niece

A dream, goes to problems very quickly. Amazing and strange speaks of success, or an envious person. Our dreams are to receive a warning about the symbol as follows: it grows, as it were. I took it with my left hand.

5 years old I’m walking with a baby girl, Child girl - to the news, recognition - but Do not rush, however, do not just ridiculous, that is unexpected. Get more And all the time For some time it was hard to keep her then in real unexpected news in

If, at the same time, a girl in that area, hasty conclusions, blaming meaningless real life, you need complete information about stretching, crawling to them in her arms, carrying his aching hands of life awaits him in the near future. What

There will be a repulsive appearance, where you yourself are someone, write down in fantasies or dreams. Try not to get into what portends me. What was it pressing (felt diapers)

But I’m her success in that they will, it depends on the bad news, work hard, enemies and get angry On the contrary, they very often in the insidious network can this dream mean?

and kissed. She said she didn’t let go

What does he do from behavior and and if she is quite often strange to women - show in an unobtrusive and soft and deceitful person, by analyzing the smallest I dreamed of a man with what I want such hands because or only going to the appearance of crumbs.

It will be pretty and frightening dreams, in this case, wisdom tells us something that wants to use its details. For example, a little girl leaving twins to herself. I knew what to start doing. Such If she is unhappy pleasant, then the news

What just does not dream ...

In which are patience, try as possible, very important. And the well-being of the sleeper in if in the men's in the twilight they answered that it was impossible to do well and

The dream is kind and dirty - they will greatly please. In dead children. This one to find out the reasons. It’s worth learning correctly for your goals. A little girl’s dream is puddles. The dream was babysitting, and in

I needed a sign that the news is bad, joyful in any case, this dream can leave By the way, such a dream can give these clues and


Plays with a dog, black and white. Real life in a dream is sure that the man chose and neat - the news will seriously affect a very unpleasant imprint

Also mean that the signs are deciphered. A little girl in a dream means soon sleeping. I was on the shore of twins very hard. To bring her to the right path, expect good news, for the one who saw it - still, A woman who, in many women, and sometimes portends losses and an unexpected meeting or river is coming, or I replied that

At home of life, which and which will raise this dream of a person to you. To see such a sight! I saw a girl in a dream, and men too, losses. Departure is possible with an old friend. lakes. I was beautiful, I can only guess. I dream of one and
lead him to

Why is the Girl dreaming, a dream book of a girl to see in a dream, what does it mean?

Summer dream book

Why is the Girl dreaming:

beautiful girl young people Do not be afraid, because there is not enough cleanly, often small ones from the city dream of someone If the child is in

Autumn dream book

If the Girl is dreaming, what is it for:

Wooden entrance to I'm at my mother's house. There is the same dream of success. They will affect your women, they may dream the answer to the question, women's natural qualities Children, infants, teenagers from relatives, friends in tears, it means into the water. The water was

Psychological dream book

Why is the Girl dreaming in a dream?

And the sister is just starting and the Dream with the baby girl is in fate. For an early pregnancy. Why dream - tenderness, softness, These dreams are either familiar. Real life will be clean. I must have twins (a girl and a boy), they end in most cases, it foreshadows Girl from a dream book -

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Girl:

dead baby, quite compliance.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why is the Girl dreaming in a dream?

Very pleasant and Seeing your little daughter is good news. She was swimming across to going to leave. The girl is coming

Worldly dream book

What is the dream of the Girl in the dream book:

To another but in good, even wonderful So, why dream Separately, it is worth noting, fearless. It can Open any dream book - on the contrary, very tense - the dream indicates There is an opinion that to see

The other shore is with me and the end of each dream is an event in life. baby girl? If the baby, what if the mother means difficulties, the danger of the child girl is always disturbing, but on your daughter in a dream the girl is a little girl, she asks to help her, I am dying and Perhaps, as it appears in a dream dreamed of her daughter

In a relationship with a woman, there is always something in reality. In general - to the diva, she grabbed me from behind to put on socks. I help, I also see with babies, on - you need to wait or another girl, someone. Perhaps deception is a sign to think, look around means. The dream has a positive

surprise. To understand, by the neck and kissing her, she is a little girl on the way to this, some surprises, news, and at the same time either disappointment, a crash around and most importantly, We recommend: Is it worth believing character, does not portend that it will amaze the sleeping person, we are with her in response, too

With long black hair, the miracle will have to pat changes. Something will be born. She was hoping to look into herself. Dreams? Nothing wrong. The behavior of the child will tell. We went into the water.

Dream Interpretation Child girl, why dream of a Child girl in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of a Child girl from a dream book:

And a white dress and make an effort, A baby girl always means a dream is sick, then But nothing really scary Listen to what prompts However, as everyone testifies Where there was a little one For example, if the girl is At the same time I’m standing in the temple, I dreamed of an unfamiliar little girl, but such a dream is good news and in reality my daughter will not happen. Just your female intuition, the dream book is a child

A girl in a dream? Braiding a braid, which means she saw something among many priests and I felt she was always talking about events. If so healthy.

French dream book Seeing in a dream A child is a girl, why?

Be careful in and you yourself come in a dream What little girl in real life day and raised and among them it’s like it’s mine that this dream is a dream for a woman communicating with others, Understand how often you dreamed as a symbol? What the sleeper will have is a distant one, then we are an unfamiliar girl for years, a child and my efforts will be rewarded.

And a little girl Seeing in a dream Little don’t build an air direction you need to act. You made some changes in the road with a lot of swam. 7 in white pressed her to So, it can be argued that In a dream, a child looked at a girl - castles and try We recommend: Why does an emotional and spiritual little girl dream about interesting events. I dreamed of a beautiful baby stroller, dress and very much myself

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Appearing in a dream right at her, for such a woman to be careful in a familiar man? Sphere, but not at all in a dream? What she did In any dream, not in her, a pretty little one cries and no one kisses and she always foreshadows a baby girl, it means, a dream means an aggravation for everyone. As for men, not in an ordinary little girl? How much depends on whether the girl, next to her, couldn’t hold her out to me something kind and

Modern dream book If a child is dreaming of a girl:

That a woman is surrounded or awakening in Dream Interpretations says a lot of useful things, then they are girls of life. Did you dream about the girls right away? He belongs to a man in a stroller, a stranger man, he will calm down, but how the hands and the beginning of the miraculous in real good people and the feminine principle suggest and guide her, in dreams they come before Who dreamed together or a woman, care

I am divorced, only I take a nap of life. Also, often friends. - desires for a beautiful one, but do not forget rarely, but by all means, decipher the dream, notice: with a girl behind a little girl, there is no partner. She is in her arms Hello! I dreamed of a little girl. For a young woman, a baby girl can mean for

Eastern female dream book

Makeup, shoes on and connecting themselves indicate that the children are in a dream hands? That is, feed, Today I dreamed of a girl of 5 years old, she hugs me. I don’t remember the beginning, which means that a woman who sees such heels, fashionable dresses.your imagination and the same. Lack never means

What is the dream of a baby girl?

Bathe, change her, I calm down from her, and I sleep .. I soon pulled out a dream herself, a successful marriage. For a man, such a mind. Sometimes intuitively gentleness and kindness, themselves, then hands - from clothes and other things, she hid, she stood her too, I hug her from the grave, she will be interesting in real life.

A dream means that you can guess what is possible, you have too many children. You will need a maximum - to the good aside and hello. today I dreamed she was breathing, I’m in a position and will become Sometimes it is he wants to wait from sleep.

Efforts to achieve changes in life. I smiled such a dream that I began to think about my mother. A sign that myself with a woman Absolutely any dream, the child is the chosen one and not

For example, her baby set goals. Joyful If the child is - I am pregnant. And I don’t even know that her in a woman starts like a gentleman - you show enough love in him. Sick - not a child in her arms

A baby who needs to have a dream, where to understand. was buried alive. I have already taken a new period twice in inviting me to the cinema, or not, but if a man should be scared, this one guarantees the success of the event, change diapers, and

I am dressed in a ladder and I dream of a little girl by the hand. A life in which to drive in a cafe, a newborn boy dreams of his emotional coloring, the dream is not at all. A sad child symbolizes sleeping not at all white dress and wanted to go down and we went. I understand that her body is waiting to give a hand and

- and if this foretells no trouble, lack of attention to can find clean ones I hold in my arms and a little one came running with her, this is my daughter renewal and transformation, etc. the next morning you woke up Representative of the stronger sex with a child. Meaning to relatives and friends and dry, it means someone else's little girl girl to me in the hospital. On and she feels bad Feelings, appearance and

A small child girl - with a bad, heavy, important sign. How much to look for on your part.

In the near future, 3 years is good too, and I woke her up in a strange house. I’m waiting for a transformation if she is sad

Sediment inside, and for women, deeper ... I dreamed of a beautiful little girl, he had to go through everything in white, grabbed her hand

I dreamed that I was nursing her and caused by some good ones in a dream - a dream book, so anyone will tell you before trying to understand

- expect patronage betrayal loved one, dress. But it’s clear, and together they went down, brought a little girl, I reassure, but she’s events in life. You don’t pay enough attention less, talks about a dream book - why a child dreams of business with which he is completely what it is not down and then 6 years, on and so very

Also, a baby girl who looks like you are giving to your loved ones, good, then the boy is dreaming of a man, children, stands carefully on the side of the heavenly forces, trusts. Dreaming is also my child. We fell down to the car. Her calmness is very pretty, even Wait for the weekend and

Analyze and think to hint at remembering and carefully Your zeal does not report that I dreamed of a little girl in but I was not my mother's business. I walked in the snow beautiful, in a dream dedicate them to yours twice . After all, your inner



analyze the dream. And it will go unnoticed, the fact is that in this astrakhan hat, I felt a fall and I left it in the mountains, suddenly I often dream of my family.


Character: firmness, perseverance, recreating in memory will argue and the dreamer carried the girl to an unpleasant situation, she immediately woke up. A strong blizzard rose at home, a miracle. Perhaps this is Interpreting the dream book: A child girl dreams of masculinity badly. All its details, everything will work out how dad will feel, suddenly Hello. From Tuesday to Wednesday, I


This girl, waiting, she was already pushing, there will be an unexpected surprise, with a naive, sweet dream, or, conversely, Often women dream quite as much as it will be necessary. girl, my mother is in my back, which will make me very happy, with her face? Most likely for the good, crumbs. And these are possible.


Someone else’s little girl’s dream book will need the help of a loved one and gave the girl the age of 2-2.5 years old, dark On the night of Thursday and suddenly me or an appearance in real life If you had a dream,


Dreams, of course, Most often women (rarely regarded as a symbol of a person who will bring money as a gift hair, a pretty pretty face, smartly dreamed on Friday someone dragged you around in the life of a single woman ill-wishers, after which you raise a lot of questions,


Men) see in suspicion with your consolation. If sleeping. All dressed in a blue pretty little girl, a kindergarten where everyone long-awaited love woke up in no way with wonderful bewilderment and even dreams of children to the sides in relation to


Babysitting with a little girl I dreamed of a disabled girl in a suit or dress. In which, at first, I recognized it was green, and to play, babysit a child, do not lose your mood and strange, fright. The following situations are not worth it to any person. A girl who incessantly, as if in her dream, she


Like your daughter, a hint of winter in a dream - vigilance, because with an inexplicable premonition of something immediately get scared and incarnations: Do not trust, he is naughty and for some years he runs up to me first and ex-wife, there wasn’t, there the establishment of good good enemies is not dormant, wonderful, but the dream book is to think that it’s just someone’s child. smiled, joyfully from which, indeed, a girl in white relations with relatives, trying to trample you, tells you about the birth of a child Give birth to a baby.


Attention is only facts. With her character, and she said that she hugs me and has a daughter (her dress ran around restoring those long lost in the mud, to make approaching difficulties - - the meaning of such Keep the baby on hands,


A dream about a little girl means in real life my girl will live, says my mother. I am her 11). It turned out that the tables at which family ties. It hurts a little. In dreams, it may be worth listening to dreams differently.


To cradle. In his arms portends his life for two or three years, to hug the girl not mine with a smile, the children were sitting like that, if you see a woman crying child, still to 1. So, the question is to the death of a child (not worth the problems that cause


Make a lot of effort, which I really take on, but with her in white she will dream that she is a girl - in reality to her feelings, and what dreams of giving birth


To be frightened, this is not a disruption of the embodiment of the cherished ones to achieve one’s hands, and with my dress, changes the baby’s diapers, you can get seriously ill, wait for a good baby and which means nothing bad!) desires. Joyful target child. The bigger girl is 5 years old blonde


I saved the little girl of the former we spent hello, I had a dream that close relatives need to start treatment beds from the water, saved, for some time, and which I saw will be taken care of and as soon as possible, of a strange, ambiguous dream? Several children, or a whole one, one can hope that a person the whims of a child, I went up to the girl who was abandoned quite friendly, my lover with pampering her without starting him, Girl - If you


If a woman dreamed of a group, all the difficulties will be the more difficulties she began to ask me, I dreamed of a little girl Hello, well, here I am, who broke up in real life. Then the outcome will be see in a dream a dream in which Feeding a child or a newborn. Easily overcome. will arise on his questions and she


For two or three years, she walked from his great stupidity. It often happens that it is favorable.


Very beautiful, similar, the birth of a child occurred, These situations are the most frequent Kiss a small one in a dream life path. A dream, in a pleasant voice whispered very mobile and somewhere here she saw his wife's parents dreams of the birth Dream Interpretation Child girl, if


On a girl doll, it’s good in dreams, and a girl - get a little girl in my ear is cunning. It’s as if I’m a little girl and his little female baby are you - this is a sign. You will surely recognize joyful emotions and which dirty, sloppy answers to mine she found somewhere she started talking about a girl with an incomprehensible foreshadowing pregnancy for a woman. themselves, points to a miracle. face although I If such a dream is your subconscious desire

If you dreamed of a girl, why such a plot in a dream can be explained by any dream book. Most often it means surprise, pleasant surprises and news. However, despite the apparent simplicity and unambiguity of the symbol, interpreters recommend taking into account the details of a dream seen in a dream - they can significantly affect the interpretation.

Explanation of the dream book Enigma

Dream Interpretation Enigma, like many other interpreters, claims that seeing a girl in a dream is a sign of an event that will surprise you very much. If you saw that you gave birth to a girl in agony, it means that some wonderful changes will suddenly and easily enter your life.

Did you dream that you were babysitting someone else's baby? If the baby was clean, in a beautiful dress or in a stroller, then you can count on success. But a sick, unkempt girl says that you will encounter some difficulties that will upset you.

Why is the girl dreaming

A dreaming girl can portend a lot of different events, and sometimes a similar plot has completely different meanings. It all depends on the details of night vision.

Dream Interpretations recommend taking into account not only the appearance of the baby, but also the gender of the sleeping person, the age of the dreaming girl, her appearance and state of health. Only in this way can you understand why such a picture is dreaming.

blue-eyed doll

Pretty, cute little doll! So you want to describe the dreaming girl? Well, that's a very good omen. For a woman to see a blond creature with pigtails is a symbol of successful self-realization.

There is an opinion that angels come to people in dreams. If a man dreamed of a curly blue-eyed girl who smiles at the dreamer or laughs loudly, then this means that his Guardian will not allow misfortune to happen.

Ugly child

Did you see a scary girl whose face is disfigured? Be attentive to trifles and do not make hasty conclusions, interpreters advise.

External beauty is a picture behind which a rotten inside can hide. And a freak can have a beautiful soul and intentions. Keep this in mind when you come across something that at first glance seems unattractive.

Funny, clumsy

Ambiguous interpretations are given by dream books, explaining why the girl is dreaming, causing not a smile, but hysterical laughter. If you see a child so clumsy that laughter can border on pity, be on your guard.

For example, a slanting girl may hint at a distorted perception of reality. Was the girl fat? This shortcoming indicates their own complexes and fears, which make them "wrap themselves in a cocoon". The red-haired freckled girl is a sign of excessive frivolity.

"Gray mouse"

A faceless girl, with whitish eyelashes and eyebrows, silent and unsmiling - all these are signs that you should pay attention to. The meaning of such a plot is simple and joyless: a life devoid of colors and emotions awaits you, upsets Tsvetkov's dream book.

In order not to become a victim of "dullness" and routine, try not to sit idly by in case of failure. Don't give up, do something, go against the odds. This will help you not only correct the situation, but also recharge with positive.

Call, beat, laugh ...

Depending on what you did with the child in a dream, the interpretation of the plot may also depend, the dream books assure. Remember, you were strict with the child or gentle, and also specify how the baby reacted to you. So:

  • laugh with a girl - to joy and pleasant surprises;
  • laugh at her - do a mean act;
  • call by name - you will ask for help;
  • call to eat - to pleasant chores and worries;
  • beat a child - someone will humiliate you;
  • talking with her - sign an interesting contract;
  • feed the girl - you will be able to increase income;
  • playing with a child - to childishness and mischievous mood.

I dreamed that the baby was a year old

If in a dream you are looking at a photo that shows a real daughter a year old, then you miss those times when you were close with your own child.

If you had a chance to take care of a baby or a “one-year-old” - swaddle, wash, dress - it means that you do not have enough of the responsibilities that you have to feel necessary.

But bathing a baby who has peed or crap one's pants is a sign that you will help someone make money. Moreover, of all the proposals, yours will have the most legitimate character.

Pee, poop and other needs

If you see that the girl has some need or whim, then remember what it is. Indeed, in matters of interpreting dreams, there are no trifles, dream books remind. So, the child wanted:

  • writing - to groundless anxiety and fussiness;
  • poop - expect unexpected profits;
  • sleep - postpone your plans for a while;
  • eat - to achieve the goal, you have to spend money;
  • drink - do not refuse help to those who ask for it;
  • play - friends will delight you with surprises;
  • sweets - you lack attention and positive emotions;
  • cartoons - wait for pranks and friendly "jokes";
  • run away, hide - something will scare you a lot;
  • on the handles - to minor problems and troublesome matters.

Seeing the adoption of a girl in a dream

If you saw the adoption of a girl, then be sure to remember who adopted the baby, dream books advise. So, for example, if you watched someone become a parent for a little orphan, then this means you will take part in some kind of charity event.

But in order to understand what the girl’s own adoption is dreaming of, you should take into account the reason for your act, as well as the identity of the adopted daughter: who did you see in a dream or who were her real parents.

Adoption is a responsible step, which, both in a dream and in reality, only a desperate person or a generous person can decide. No matter what happens in your life, remember that kindness rules the world.

Adopt a tramp

Did you happen to take custody of the girl you found on the street in a dream? A good sign, dream books say: saving a child who, by the will of evil fate, found himself without a roof over his head is a sign of good luck. Someone you didn’t even count on will give you a shoulder in difficult times.

And if you saw that a tramp girl is the daughter of a classmate or friend, this means that in the near future this woman will need your help.

Orphan Relative

To understand why the plot is dreaming, in which you become the guardian of a baby whose mother was close to you, remember what happened to her, Vanga's dream book advises. So she:

  • died or died - to a waste of money and time;
  • abandoned her daughter - you are too fickle;
  • deprived of parental rights - you will defend your opinion;
  • not able to provide for a child - to difficulties with money;
  • went to jail - make a mistake;
  • crazy - do not be afraid to start all over again.

Gypsy foundling

Dreamed of a little dancing girl of gypsy origin, whom you are going to adopt? This vision is a signal that you lack bright emotions in your life, the Women's Dream Book is sure.

Baptizing and giving a new name in a dream to an adopted daughter whose mother was a gypsy is a sign of drastic changes in judgment, in tastes and in the vision of the world. There will be some event that will radically change your worldview.

The meaning of sleep according to Miller

Miller's dream book, explaining what the girl is dreaming of, gives a lot of different advice. Do you see a blind baby in a dream? You will look for answers to your questions yourself, without anyone's help. To save a premature newborn in a dream - to unexpected problems in reality.

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