Insomnia and its treatment with hypnotics. How can insomnia be cured? Treatment of insomnia pharmacology

Wallpapering 26.08.2020


Insomnia is a disorder characterized by a disturbance in falling asleep or maintaining sleep. Moreover, insomnia is characterized by unsatisfactory sleep quality, causing physical and emotional symptoms during the day, which affects social and cognitive performance.

Insomnia is a common disorder that is difficult to diagnose and treat, requiring clear strategy and planning. Insomnia, whether it be a symptom, a syndrome or an independent disorder, has serious occupational, social consequences and imposes a significant economic burden on society. The Brazilian Sleep Association has developed new guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia in adults and children, which have been published in the journal Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (2010; 68 (4): 666-675). The work discusses general issues related to sleep problems, as well as methods of clinical and psychosocial assessment, diagnosis, selection and prescription of drug and psychotherapeutic treatment.

In November 2008, at the initiative of the Brazilian Society of Somnologists in São Paulo, various sleep medicine experts were invited to discuss the development of new guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia. At this event, the following topics were considered: clinical and psychosocial verification of the diagnosis, recommendations for polysomnography, pharmacological treatment, behavioral and cognitive therapy, comorbidity in children.

Types of insomnia (insomnia):

1. Adaptive insomnia (acute insomnia). This sleep disorder occurs in the context of acute stress, conflict, or environmental change. The consequence is an increase in overall activation nervous systemthat makes it difficult to enter sleep when falling asleep in the evening or waking up at night. With this form of sleep disorders, it is possible to determine with great certainty the cause that caused them; adaptation insomnia lasts no more than three months.

2. Psychophysiological insomnia. If sleep disorders persist for a longer period, they become "overgrown" with psychological disorders, the most characteristic of which is the formation of "fear of sleep". At the same time, somatized tension builds up in the evening hours, when the patient tries to "force" himself to fall asleep as soon as possible, which leads to aggravation of sleep disturbances and increased anxiety the next evening.

3. Pseudoinsomnia. The patient claims that he sleeps very little or does not sleep at all, however, when conducting a study that objectifies the picture of sleep, the presence of sleep in an amount exceeding the subjectively felt is confirmed. Here, the main symptom-forming factor is a violation of the perception of one's own sleep, associated, first of all, with the peculiarities of the feeling of time at night (periods of wakefulness at night are well remembered, and periods of sleep, on the contrary, are amnesic), and fixation on the problems of one's own health associated with sleep disturbances.

4. Idiopathic insomnia. Sleep disturbances in this form of insomnia are noted from childhood, and other causes of their development are excluded.

5. Insomnia in mental disorders. 70% of patients with mental disorders of the neurotic series have problems initiating and maintaining sleep. Often sleep disturbance is the main "symptom-forming" radical, due to which, according to the patient, numerous "vegetative" complaints develop (headache, fatigue, palpitations, blurred vision, etc.) and social activity is limited.

6. Insomnia due to poor sleep hygiene. In this form of insomnia, sleep problems arise against a background of activity that leads to increased activation of the nervous system in the periods prior to lying down. This can be drinking coffee, smoking, physical and mental stress in the evening, or other activity that interferes with the initiation and maintenance of sleep (lying down at different times of the day, using bright light in the bedroom, uncomfortable sleeping environment).

7. Behavioral insomnia of childhood. It occurs when children form incorrect associations or attitudes associated with sleep (for example, the need to fall asleep only when motion sickness, unwillingness to sleep in their crib), and when trying to remove or correct them, the child's active resistance appears, leading to a reduction in sleep time.

8. Insomnia in case of somatic diseases. Manifestations of many diseases internal organs or the nervous system are accompanied by a disturbance in nighttime sleep (hungry pain in peptic ulcer disease, nighttime, painful neuropathies, etc.).

9. Insomnia associated with the use of drugs or other substances. The most common insomnia arises from the abuse of sleeping pills and alcohol. At the same time, the development of the addiction syndrome (the need to increase the dose of the drug to obtain the same clinical effect) and dependence (the development of the withdrawal syndrome when the drug is stopped or its dose is reduced) is noted.

Accompanying illnesses:

1. Syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea.
In 1973, Guileminolt and colleagues described the relationship between insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea; this phenomenon became known as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The relationship between these two common sleep disorders is complex and not fully understood. There is an increased incidence of respiratory distress in patients with insomnia compared to the general population. The severity of insomnia symptoms is directly related to the severity of sleep apnea, thus determining their comorbidity. Lishtein and colleagues have demonstrated that a significant number of individuals, especially the elderly, have a combination of these two conditions: undiagnosed sleep apnea and insomnia. Thus, polysomnography can help detect significant breathing disorders associated with insomnia.
Women in the peri- and postmenopausal period are more likely to suffer from insomnia than women of fertile age. Hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progesterone) improves sleep quality and has a beneficial effect on the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Benzodiazepines cause sedation, decreased airway muscle tone and decreased ventilation, resulting in hypoxemia. In this regard, in the presence of the syndrome of abstructive sleep apnea, it is not recommended to prescribe drugs of this group. The use of various devices to improve airway patency (for example, based on the creation of positive air pressure) also negatively affects the quality of sleep, especially during the adaptation phase.

The best approach to treating insomnia is to recognize a multifactorial cause. Most often, it is not sleep disturbances that have to be treated, but the disease that led to them. Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate the traumatic situation that has become the source of insomnia. It is usually very difficult to recognize the root cause of insomnia in a particular person. This requires the experience of a doctor, thoughtfulness, a carefully collected anamnesis, examination, and only then can one start treatment. Sometimes a simpler way of correcting sleep is chosen - the appointment of sleeping pills.

Statistics show that about 15% of patients use drugs for insomnia. You need to know that regular use of sleeping pills for several weeks or months leads to a decrease in sensitivity to them. As a result, the effectiveness of drugs decreases and therefore more and more doses must be used to achieve a hypnotic effect.

Drug therapy is always prescribed in conjunction with sleep hygiene. Sometimes only following the rules of sleep without prescribing drugs allows you to completely restore it. The underlying disease, which led to insomnia, is also necessarily treated, including pharmacological agents. And in this case, it is fundamentally correct to choose the schemes and doses of medication, because some of them themselves disrupt normal sleep. Psychotherapy or autogenous training is also used to treat insomnia syndrome if the origins of insomnia lie in psychological problems or stress. Relaxing autogenous training techniques are very effective because they provide a state of calm that quickly turns into healthy sleep.

There are no standard rules for the dosage and duration of sleeping pills. The medicine should be selected individually by the attending physician. The main task is to keep the effective dose as small as possible and the course as short as possible. Usually, 1 - 3 tablets or capsules are used at night, starting with the lowest dose of the active substance content in them. The duration of the course is from 1 - 2 days to 1 - 2 weeks, which is enough with proper treatment.

Only with chronic insomnia will a longer course be required. Then it is recommended to start treatment with several short courses. This is due to the fact that long-acting drugs are slowly excreted from the body due to the ability to accumulate, gradually increasing their concentration in the tissues of the body. During the "light period" you should not take sleeping pills at all for 1 - 2 weeks. Such cleansing of the body from drugs - "sanitary days" - allows you to assess the need and effectiveness of their appointment.

It is advisable to check every 3 to 6 months if there is a need for sleeping pills. To do this, it is useful not to lose touch with your doctor by visiting him prophylactically.

In the event that the treatment is carried out by psychotherapy, all the same, at first it is necessary to take sleeping pills 2 - 3 times a week.

Sleeping pills are prescribed only individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the disturbance in the structure of sleep and the causes of insomnia. The ideal sleeping pill should work instantly to help you fall asleep quickly and not adversely affect the various phases of normal sleep. The drug should not cause drowsiness spreading throughout the next day, affect memory, coordination of movements and the speed of mental reactions.

Most sleeping pills are prescription drugs and are prescribed by the attending physician according to strict indications on prescriptions with round stamp. A small number of drugs are available without a prescription.

All prescription hypnotics inhibit the physical and mental activity of a person. Medicines with a shorter elimination half-life reduce performance the next day to a lesser extent. Another side effect is the so-called anterograde amnesia - loss of memory of events that occurred after taking the medicine. Another problem associated with prescription sleeping pills is the recurrence of insomnia. This usually happens after you stop taking the drug. At the same time, there is a gradual deterioration in sleep over a number of nights, which makes it necessary to resume taking sleeping pills. This complication is more often observed when using a drug with a short elimination half-life. The effect of hypnotics with a long half-life decreases gradually, and therefore, when canceled, does not cause a resumption of insomnia. The withdrawal of sleeping pills, used in high doses, also more often causes sleep disturbances. Therefore, it is better to take small doses of sleeping pills.

The appointment of sleeping pills necessarily takes into account not only the indications, but also the contraindications to them.

In what cases it is impossible to take sleeping pills:

- If they are not prescribed by a doctor.

- If there is no accurate diagnosis of the cause of insomnia.

- Along with alcohol.

- When sleeping pills give daytime sleepiness.

- Pregnant and lactating mothers.

- Patients with sleep-disordered breathing.

- You cannot take sleeping pills for a long time in order to exclude psychological dependence.

There are rules for taking sleeping pills that must be followed while taking medication. You should drink sleeping pills if:

- the doctor prescribed;

- no longer than 2 - 3 weeks for the treatment of short-term insomnia;

- once every 2 - 3 days for chronic insomnia;

- in the minimum dose that gives an effect.

When using sleeping pills, it is imperative to take precautions and not self-medicate. First of all, this applies to:

- old people;

- when a large number of other drugs are taken;

- with renal failure;

- with concomitant lung diseases;

- if the patient suffers from mental illness or depression;

- with snoring;

- when the profession requires a clear head in the morning (drivers, firefighters, doctors, dispatchers, conveyor workers, etc.).

Your doctor will determine which sleeping pill is suitable for solving sleep problems and, most importantly, how it is combined with the rules of life, with other diseases and medications.

So, remember that insomnia is a real complaint caused by real problems. That is why you should go to the doctor so that insomnia does not poison daily life... After all, there is salvation from insomnia!

Sleeping pills

The market for insomnia drugs has evolved in several stages. Until the 20th century, bromine, urethane and opium were used as sleeping pills. 1903 marks the beginning of the first phase of insomnia treatment, when barbiturates were used. The second stage dates back to 1950, when antipsychotics (phenothiazine derivatives) and antihistamines were prescribed for insomnia. The third stage is the era of benzodiazepine hypnotics. Since 1960, first appeared chlordiazepoxidethen diazepam and oxazepam... In the late 1980s, a new generation of sleeping pills, cyclopyrrolones ( zopiclone) and imidazopyridines ( zolpidem), the action of which selectively (selectively) affects sleep.

Non-prescription drugs can be purchased over the counter without a prescription.

Melatonin, melatonex (melatonin together with pyridoxine) is a recently created hormone secreted by the pineal gland of the brain. Studies have shown that melatonin is directly related to circadian rhythm and is therefore effective in treating insomnia caused by disturbed circadian rhythms and temporary adaptation when flying long distances with a change in time zones.

Corvalol - known to compatriots means for falling asleep. It contains barbiturate phenobarbital in a small amount, which explains its hypnotic effect. In order to sleep better, you must take 40-50 drops of Corvalol before bedtime, dissolving them in a small amount of water.

Ginkgo biloba (bilobil, tanakan, memoplant) is a tablet containing an extract of a plant called the "tree of life" - Ginkgo Biloba, which improves cerebral circulation. It is used to treat acute and chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency, especially in the elderly, which is accompanied by sleep disturbances, dizziness, noise in the head, memory loss and loss of attention. Ginkgo Biloba is used in courses of 2 - 3 months to restore cerebral circulation. No contraindications have been established.

Approximately 30% of sufferers have tried alcohol as a sleeping pill. You need to know that this famous folk remedy is a deceptive sleeping pill. By accelerating the onset of sleep, it causes its fragmentation: shortening of cycles and insufficient deep sleep phase. This leads to frequent awakening at night. As a result, after drinking alcohol, people first fall asleep soundly, but after a few hours they wake up and a sleepless night is provided for them.

Prescription remedies can only be prescribed by a doctor.

- blockers of histamine H 1 - receptors: diphenhydramines ( diphenhydramine and its synonyms for different companies); promethazines ( pipolfen, diprazine); doxylamine ( donormin), which are mainly used to treat allergic diseases (urticaria, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, Quincke's edema, serum sickness, etc.). These drugs also have a mild hypnotic and strong sedative effect. When they are taken, depression of the central nervous system, daytime drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision in case of intolerance and overdose are possible.

By causing calmness and drowsiness, they help the person fall asleep. Most of these drugs are long lasting and can therefore cause morning sleepiness, headache, lethargy, and dry mouth.

The bad news is that after a few days or weeks of taking the H 1 - blockers decreases, which requires an increase in the dose of sleeping pills and, accordingly, the risk of complications from their intake increases.

Unlike over-the-counter drugs, H blockers 1 - histamine receptors are used to treat sleep disorders and insomnia under the strict supervision of a physician. In the elderly, the dose should be halved. Due to the sedative and prolonged hypnotic effect, drugs of some groups (diphenhydramines, promethazines and doxylamines) cannot be prescribed during work to drivers of vehicles and other persons whose profession requires a quick mental and physical reaction.

- Benzodiazepines are more effective than previous drugs. By speeding up falling asleep, they shorten the first phase of sleep and increase the duration of the second phase. This is a large number of drugs that are actively used in the domestic market for sleeping pills ( chlosepide, sibazon, phenazepam, nosepam, lorazepam, nitrazepam, mazapam). When they are taken, sleep becomes more complete. The advantages of benzodiazepines are, first of all, that they are rapidly absorbed and enter the brain; their action in time coincides with the duration of the night; the main substances and decay products are removed quickly and by the morning the head is light. Agents with a shorter duration of action are usually used to facilitate falling asleep, while agents with a longer duration are used to maintain sleep.

When taken correctly in a short course (day or week) and in a minimal dose, complications, as a rule, do not occur. But if the rules for taking them are violated, a decrease in sensitivity appears, which makes it necessary to increase the doses, and as a result, dependence is formed. Observations have shown that such patients are generally prone to drug abuse, and sometimes to drug addiction. Unstable gait with frequent falls, confusion, blurred vision, decreased sensitivity in the legs are common complications, especially in the elderly. The combination of benzodiazepines and alcohol is dangerous, as their effect is enhanced. As a result, excessive sedation, frequent dizziness, disorders of coordination of movements with falls, bruises and injuries develop.

Sudden discontinuation of benzodiazepines causes withdrawal syndrome with recurrence of insomnia. Sometimes this insomnia is much more difficult and painful than before taking the drugs. This complication can be avoided by gradually reducing the dose - to reduce the number of tablets for a long time or to take small doses from the very beginning of treatment.

The physician prescribing benzodiazepines should take into account the activity of the drug metabolites, the regimen and duration of administration, the age and concomitant diseases of the patient.

Zolpidem (ivadal) - a means of pyridine series. This is a new drug that, while not being a benzodiazepine, stimulates central benzodiazepine receptors. It is used for situational and prolonged sleep disorders, with difficulty falling asleep, night and early awakenings. It should be taken just before bed. It can also cause sensitization and addiction.

Zopiclone (somnol, imovan) Is a new generation agent of the pyrrolone series. Zopiclone is a fast acting sleeping pill with a short half-life. It does not decrease the duration of REM sleep and does not disrupt the normal sequence of its stages. Sleep occurs within half an hour and lasts more than 6 hours. If sleep has been interrupted, then the person falls asleep more easily again. In the morning there is no sleepiness, the quality of life does not suffer, since the feeling of vigor and the ability to concentrate remains.

- Other hypnotics. These include barbiturates ( phenobarbital, amobarbital, cyclobarbital), meprobamate and chlorvinol... All of them are inferior to benzodiazepines in terms of effectiveness and safety. They are often prescribed for financial reasons, although they try to avoid this, as there are more modern drugs. Sometimes sedative antidepressants are prescribed as sleeping pills ( amitriptyline, trazodone, trimipramine) in small doses inside. They are useful for sleep-disturbed depression.

Summarizing the information presented above about the drug treatment of insomnia, it becomes clear that sleeping pills help a person quickly fall asleep and get enough sleep if they are used in adequate doses and in a short course. The physician's task is to select a medicine in such a way as to determine the minimum effective dose without side effects. It is important to know that sleeping pills should not be taken continuously. They are drunk only in emergency cases, if necessary, in combination with sleep hygiene and correction of the underlying disease.

When prescribing sleeping pills, it is imperative to take into account the precautions and contraindications. Sleep pills should not be taken by people with sleep disorders, pregnant women, nursing mothers, alcohol abusers and drug addicts. You can take sleeping pills only if a doctor prescribes them (in case of short-term insomnia - no longer than 2 - 3 weeks, or chronic - when you need to take the medicine once every 2 or once every 3 nights in a minimum dose).

The healing powers of water in treating insomnia

Good sleep is a sign of physical and mental health. Human health consists in the harmony of body, spirit and nature. Water, like no other substance, connects us with the whole world. The water of our body and the water of rivers, rain and snowy peaks are one and the same. It heals, cleanses, rejuvenates, becoming a natural healer and the best way to regain health. How else? Even the sea is close in composition to our blood. The substances of the earth, dissolved in water, bring healing in healing springs.

Hydrotherapy is one of the most natural healing methods, known since ancient times. It differs from others in its availability, safety and ability to maintain health and vigor to a ripe old age.

Thalassotherapy (treatment by the sea) - exposure of the patient to hydroaerons, bathing and swimming in the sea, rubbing with sea water and taking sea baths. It is good to swim calmly, breathing deeply and evenly. This means that the body is enriched with oxygen, which brings good sleep. The body rests in the weightlessness created by the water.

It is best to swim in the sea at a water temperature of 20 to 27 ° C. Best time - from 10 to 17 hours. Breakfast should be light. If the food was plentiful, then you need to stand for at least 2 hours before entering the water. Having undressed, you do not need to immediately rush into the waves, first it is better to take an air bath, exposing your body to fresh air and sun. Let the skin breathe a little. If the skin is hot, then you need to allow the body to cool down, dry the sweat before swimming. Normal bathing time is 3 - 20 minutes. Thalassotherapy heals insomnia.

Swimming in the sea is contraindicated for people in a state of severe nervous tension, alcohol intoxication, high blood pressure and frequent epileptic seizures.

In sanatoriums and sea resorts, apart from bathing, they have long and with good effect used "sleep by the sea", when patients sleep on a veranda located on the seashore, under the sound of waves.

There are many types of natural and artificial healing baths that are successfully used for diseases of the nervous system, including insomnia.

Exists general rules taking any bath. The air temperature in the room where the bath is taken should not be lower than 20 ° C. Do not take baths on a full stomach. It is best to do this before meals or not earlier than 2 to 3 hours after meals. Before taking a bath, the body should be evenly warmed up (by movement, massage), especially care should be taken that the hands and feet are not cold.

At home, you can take it yourself pine baths and baths with sea salt, which well relieve daytime fatigue, nervous tension and prepare the body for sleep.

In sanatoriums and rest homes, they are prescribed to relax the nervous system and improve sleep iodine-bromine, sulfide, carbonic, oxygen, pearl, radon baths that have healing properties.

At home, you can successfully treat with hand and foot mustard baths. Such baths perfectly train blood vessels, redistributing blood from stagnant internal organs evenly throughout the body. For them, take 1 - 2 tablespoons of dry mustard, pour it into a cloth bag and put it in a bucket with warm water, after which the bag is squeezed out several times. Water should be with a temperature of 35 - 37 ° C. Hands are immersed in the bath up to the elbows, and legs - up to the middle of the lower leg for 10 - 20 minutes.

Some people are helped to sleep sodium chloride baths (salty) of low concentration (3 - 5 g / l) with a water temperature of 36 - 37 ° C, lasting 10 - 15 minutes. Others - a warm or, conversely, an invigorating cool shower.

We got acquainted with another non-drug way of treating insomnia - hydrotherapy. This method can and should be used at home to overcome insomnia without resorting to sleeping pills.

Herbal medicine for sleep disorders

Plants that have soothing and mild hypnotic effects are used in the treatment of insomnia.

In recent years, the use of thousands of years of folk experience in the field of medicine is not only generally recognized, but also accepted with gratitude. Patiently, caringly and with respect to the creative wisdom of ancestors, today the masterpieces of folk healing are revealed. Plant therapy is one of the ancient and, at the same time, modern methods called herbal medicine.

The healing properties of plants have long been used to treat nervous diseases, most often as sedatives or hypnotics. Many of these plants live next to us, we know them well and distinguish them among the summer forbs. Here are some of the representatives of the healing green pharmacy.

Valerian officinalis

Description: perennial herb with an upright short rhizome and numerous long filamentous roots. Possesses a strong characteristic odor. In the first year, a rosette of leaves is formed, in the second - single or several peduncles, 50 - 130 cm long. Leaves are opposite. Flowers are small, collected in complex semi-umbellate inflorescences at the top of the stem. Corolla is light pink or white.

Raw materials: roots and rhizomes.

Main action: calming.

Highly excitable and nervous people can take valerian as many times during the day as necessary to calm the nervous system. There are no side effects! Valere translated from Latin means "to feel good, to be strong and healthy." Even gardeners in the south of the country know that vegetables grow better if valerian is planted between them. Valerian itself is unpleasant in taste and smell, but the tea collection improves its taste.

Mode of application: at home prepare a hot infusion of 2 tsp. chopped roots in 1 glass of water. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. Children can be given the infusion 2 - 3 times a day for 2 tsp. With especially increased excitability, it is recommended to take 1/3 or 1/2 glass of hot infusion 2 to 3 times a day. For insomnia, it is better to drink 1/2 cup before bed.

More widely, valerian tincture is used, 20-50 drops at a time, several times a day, or tablets.

Soothing tea is useful: valerian root - 40 g, hop cones - 30 g, mint leaves - 15 g. It is best to insist collection in warm water overnight, and in the morning, warming up, strain. The effect of this tea is beneficial, especially for the elderly who need heart and sedatives.

Medicinal melilot

Description: biennial herb. Stem ascending or erect, branched at the base, 50-200 cm high. Leaves are alternate, trifoliate. The flowers are collected in elongated clustered inflorescences in the axils of the upper leaves. Corolla yellow with 5 unequal petals.

Raw materials: dried tops of stems with leaves and flowers. When collecting, the flowering tops are cut off and tied in bunches to dry.

Main action: pain reliever.

Way applications: for the preparation of hot infusion, take 2 tsp. crushed raw materials and pour 2 cups of boiling water. After 2 - 3 hours, filter and drink within one day in small portions.

For external use (compresses, washing) use an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. raw materials for 0.5 liters of boiling water, which is kept in a closed vessel for 20 minutes. Chilled infusion is applied.

Angelica medicinal (angelica medicinal, angelica)

Description: biennial herb with a radish massive rhizome. The stem is erect, tubular, green, purple in the lower part, branched in the upper part. Plant height reaches 150 cm. Leaves are double - triple pinnate. Composite umbel at the top of the stem with small greenish-yellow or greenish-white flowers. Blooms in June - August.

Raw materials: roots.

Main action: soothing, antispasmodic, stimulating digestion.

The calming effect is due to the content of valeric acid in it. Angelica has not only calming, but also stimulating digestion, antispasmodic effect due to other components.

Mode of application: Pour 30 g of chopped root with 500 mg of white wine and insist for a day, shaking often. Strain and take half a glass of wine 2 times a day.

St. John's wort

Description: perennial herb 20-50 cm high, opposite leaves, flowers in the form of thyroid inflorescences at the top of the stems. Leaflets 5 pieces yellow color with black dotted glands along the edge, in the upper half - with black or red transparent glands. Blooms from June to August.

Raw materials: only the apical part, covered with leaves of flowering stems, which are collected. During flowering, cut off the leafy stems about 20 cm long from the top. They are tied in bunches and hung to dry on a rope or wire in a dry, shaded and well-ventilated area.

Main action: regenerative (healing), analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, sedative and antidepressant.

St. John's wort is a very healing plant for the nervous system, because it has a calming and tonic effect. Recent studies have discovered its antidepressant properties, which are manifested without suppressing the functions of the central nervous system.

Mode of application: use the whole dried plant in powder form. Fall asleep 2 tsp. raw materials in 0.5 liters of hot water and boiled for 5 minutes. Take a glass of wine before meals 3-4 times a day.

Hypericum tea relieves fear, nervous anxiety and improves mood. St. John's wort is ideal for those who have suffered a bereavement, divorce or find themselves in others crisis situations... Take 3 to 6 cups of tea over a period of weeks or months.

To improve sleep, St. John's wort is used as one of the components of the sleeping pillow as aromatherapy.

Melissa officinalis

Description: perennial herb with a characteristic lemon scent. The stem is erect, branched, leaves are opposite, round-toothed. Flowers 6 - 10 in the axils of the upper leaves. Corolla is pale yellow, white or pink, fused into a tube. It blooms in July - September and is often grown in home gardens.

Raw materials: leaves and tops of the stem.

Main action: sedative, pain reliever, blood pressure and antispasmodic.

Melissa is not only effective, but also has a strong pleasant smell. Because of its aroma, it is also called lemon balm. Leaves are best harvested before flowering because they lose their scent later. A flowering plant attracts a lot of bees, because lemon balm is a good honey plant.

Mode of application: 2 tbsp. l. Pour crushed raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water. Strain the cooled infusion and drink the daily dose for one day.

Lemon balm tea helps with nervousness and insomnia. 3 tsp leaves are taken for 1 cup of boiling water. After closing the lid, let the tea brew for 5 minutes, and shake off the condensate formed on the lid back into the cup.

Sowing oats

Description: an annual herb with a bearded root. The stem is rounded, hollow, up to 1 m high. The leaves are lanceolate, the flowers are green with long awns in the form of spikelets, which form panicles.

Raw materials: oat flour.

Main action: sedative, in some cases mild sleeping pills.

Oats are used as a dietary food product for acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fever, gout.

Mode of application: 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal or cereal in 2 cups of water, cook for a long time. It is advised to pour oats or flakes with water in the evening on the eve and cook the next day. Take a decoction of 1 glass a day (drink like tea).

An oat drink made with milk and honey is also useful. Pour a glass of oats (flakes) with 5 glasses of water, cook until half the amount of water evaporates. Strain and add an equal volume of milk (about 2 cups) and cook again. Then add 4 tsp. honey (you can and more to taste) and cook again. A pleasant-tasting and high-calorie drink should be drunk in 2 - 3 doses for 1 day, preheated.

Decorative peony

Description: perennial herb with a rod-shaped thickened root and a short rhizome. Stems are erect, 50 - 90 cm high. The leaves are alternate, twice - three times pinnately dissected. Flowers one by one at the top of the stems, measuring 7-13 cm. Petals 5-10, non-accrete, blood-red (pale reddish or pink).

Raw materials: roots.

Main action: soothing and antispasmodic.

Mode of application: boil a coffee spoon of powdered roots in 0.5 liters of water for 3 - 5 minutes. Strain the broth and drink a coffee cup 3 times a day. In the same way, you can prepare a hot infusion of leaves. Children are contraindicated!

Common motherwort

Description: perennial herb with a woody rhizome. The stem is erect, 50-200 cm high, green or red-violet. Leaves are ovoid. Flowers are arranged in whorls in the upper part of the stem in the leaf axils. Corolla is light red, 9 mm long.

Raw materials: ground blooming part.

Main action: sedative and anticonvulsant, as well as antiarrhythmic.

Method of application: 2 h. l. pour 200 ml of crushed raw materials cold water and incubate for 8 hours (cold extraction). Take the resulting solution throughout the day. According to another recipe, 2 tbsp. l. insist crushed raw materials for 2 hours in 500 ml of boiling water. Drink a glass of wine 4 times a day before meals.

Sleep-grass (Geller's Backache)

Description: perennial herb with a short rhizome. Aerial stems are 3 - 12 cm, in fruiting they lengthen up to 45 cm. Basal leaves are dissected into 7 - 9 lobules. The flowers are single, large, 5 - 8 cm in size. The perianth is simple, bell-shaped, erect, with dark or light purple petals. Blooms in May - June.

Raw materials: aerial part of the plant.

Main action: sedative, analgesic and suppressing sex drive. Even Hippocrates used sleep-grass to treat patients with hysteria, menstrual irregularities, sexual overexcitation. Sleep-herb has an analgesic and sedative effect.

Mode of application: in the form of an alcoholic tincture from fresh raw materials (20%), 20 - 40 drops per day.

Common hops

Description: A perennial herb with a long, creeping rhizome. The stem is ribbed, with spines. The leaves are alternate on petioles, with sharp tops and serrated edges. The flowers are staminate, collected in panicles and located in the leaf axils.

Raw materials: Female inflorescences (cones), collected in August before flowering. Lupulin is a yellow-green resinous coarse-grained powder with a valerian aroma. It is obtained by rubbing the inflorescences through a sieve.

Main action: calming.

Hop cones have a pronounced sedative effect and are used not only by traditional medicine, but also by pharmacists for the preparation of drugs used for nervous anxiety and sleep disorders. Hops also have analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

Mode of application: 1 or 2 tsp crushed cones are poured with a glass of boiling water. The cooled infusion is filtered and drunk in small sips in the evening.

The medicinal plants listed above are successfully used in modern medicine in the form of official dosage forms (tinctures, tablets). Their usefulness has been verified by the results of studies of experimental pharmacology and toxicology. The soothing or mild hypnotic and pain-relieving effects of the plants help promote healthy sleep. Like all herbal remedies, they have a slow, mild and moderate effect, giving long-term therapeutic results. Such properties of phytotherapeutic agents are precisely the factor that helps in chronic diseases of the nervous system, leading to insomnia.

Based on the accumulated practical experience of herbal treatment, several rules for the use of plants for treatment have been developed:

1. Treatment should be started with not very strong plants.

2. It is necessary to use those parts of the plant that contain all the components in it, and not synthetic analogs of active substances. It will no longer be herbal medicine.

3. Means are used for a long time, not less than 3 - 4 weeks.

The old tradition of treating insomnia with the aroma of medicinal herbs has not been forgotten either - pillow for sleeping... For a long time, the effect of odor as a therapy was not taken into account. In light of new discoveries, aromatherapy is recognized effective method impact on human health. Leaves of lemon balm, mint and St. John's wort, hop cones will have a soothing effect thanks to essential oils. Place the pillow with herbs at the head. You can use herbs in various combinations for your sleep pillow. Their scent will not only be a pleasant reminder of summer, but will also have a soothing and mild sedative effect. In a sleepy pillow, you can add not only mint leaves, but also chamomile, rose, lavender, jasmine flowers. Their pleasant aroma and magical healing properties will promote good sleep and pleasant dreams. Remember, have you ever slept in a haystack? You know how great it is to sleep in the hayloft! All this can be called aromatherapy.

Advice for parents. Babies often stay awake due to pain and bloating or during teething. A hop, chamomile and valerian pillow at the head will help them sleep. For children under one year old, a small bag of dry chamomile flowers, placed on the stomach, will relieve pain. The essential oil of flowers soothes the intestines, giving the baby a chance to sleep.

Thus, herbal medicine methods are another option for treating insomnia. Herbal treatment has its benefits. First of all, these are more rare and less pronounced side effects. Biologically active substances of plants, in contrast to synthetic ones obtained in the laboratory of chemical analogs, are derivatives of living organisms, albeit plant ones, and carry positive health energy. In addition, herbal remedies, especially self-collected, are cheaper and available to everyone. It is also important that herbal treatment can be carried out at home, carefully and scrupulously following the recommendations for preparing medicinal preparations, infusions and decoctions. In addition, it is more pleasant to deal with beautiful and fragrant plants, to hold them in your hands, to look for and collect, to prepare medicines for yourself or loved ones, bringing recovery.

Of course, in fairness, the results of herbal medicine should be evaluated in comparison with the risk that is possible in the course of practical implementation. This applies, first of all, to the great variety in the quantitative and qualitative composition of biologically active substances in living medicinal plants in comparison with the preparations obtained from them. This leads to the risk of reduced effect when using whole herbs. The risk is compounded when the dosage of the collection varies over a wide range.

One more circumstance should be noted, speaking of the risk of using herbal medicine. The point is that not all plants are safe. The toxicity of many plants is simply not well understood.

And the most important circumstance is that the overestimation of herbal medicine, in practice, can lead to a loss of time when the development of insomnia is at a stage when it can still be easily cured. The longer it takes root, the less likely it is to get rid of it at the lowest cost.

And finally, very important point consists in the correct collection, drying and preservation of medicinal plants.

Herbal raw materials and medicines can be obtained from cultivated or from wild plants. Their healing properties depend on how the herbs were collected. The collection is carried out in light and sunny times during the appropriate growing season of the plant. When collecting herbs, leaves and flowers are placed in containers adapted for this (baskets, bags, boxes). Make sure that they are not wrinkled, not squeezed and quickly transferred to the drying site. If transportation is difficult, then the collected parts of the plant are spread in closed rooms in a thin layer on the shelves and floor. In these cases, plant material can be stored no longer than 10 - 12 hours.

When only tubers, roots and rhizomes are used, the aerial part of the plant is cut off. When the aboveground part is taken, then only it is cut off, without uprooting the plant. Flowers, leaves and fruits are collected one at a time, by hand or with scissors and knives. If these are stems, then it is more convenient to mow them with an oblique or sickle than to tear them with your hands, so as not to harm the entire plant.

Important for collecting plants and the time of year. Aboveground parts are harvested during the flowering period, and underground parts - in spring or autumn. The time of day is also important, and each type of plant may have its own characteristics. Fresh plant parts are cleaned before drying. Mechanical impurities are removed from the underground parts by immersing for a short time in running water and then shaking. Sometimes you need to scrape off the bark before drying, which is easy to do right after pulling the root out of the soil. After cleaning, the raw material is dried for a certain time at a temperature set for a given type and composition of raw materials.

You can buy ready-made medicinal plants in the package and use them according to the instructions.

In any case, in the treatment of insomnia, it is wrong to put forward an alternative: drugs or plants. As you can see, they only complement each other and are effective together with mandatory sleep hygiene and other therapies prescribed by a doctor. The main thing is that the patient and his doctor have the right to choose. medical reception... We are familiar with all treatments for insomnia and are armed enough to defeat it.

Sleep disorders include many syndromes colloquially called insomnia. This condition negatively affects the mental and physical condition of a person. The body does not get enough time for proper rest and restoration of its reserves. Therefore, timely treatment of insomnia is important. About what drugs and medicines, as well as folk remedies can be used for this, read this material. The term "insomnia", so often used even in the medical environment, is erroneous. Even in the presence of the strongest complaints of lack of sleep ("no sleep" - insomnia), patients still sleep. The correct term for sleep disorders is insomnia.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder accompanied by the following mandatory criteria:1. Sleep is disturbed for several nights. 2. Sleep is disturbed, despite the fact that a person has enough time for sleep, i.e. Lack of sleep in intensively working people cannot be considered insomnia. As a result of sleep disturbances, the patient's usual "daytime" activity changes: attention decreases, mood worsens, daytime sleepiness appears, etc.

Insomnia is what?

It is difficult for me to fall asleep (predominance disorder). I often wake up and then I cannot sleep (intrasomal disorders). I wake up very early and feel overwhelmed all day (post-somnolent disorders). If a patient makes such complaints, then he knows what insomnia is. How does sleep disorder manifest:

  • The desire to sleep occurs in bed.
  • Painful thoughts and memories appear.
  • Physical activity increases in an effort to find a comfortable posture.
  • The onset of drowsiness is interrupted by the slightest sound, a start.
  • Falling asleep takes up to 120 minutes or more, while a healthy person falls asleep for 3-10 minutes.
  • Frequent nocturnal awakenings, provoked by various reasons (frightening dreams, fears and nightmares, pain, breathing disorders, tachycardia, etc.), after which it is difficult to fall asleep.
  • Feelings of "shallow" sleep.
  • Sleepwalking and dreaming.
  • Early morning awakening, as a result of which performance decreases.
  • Feeling "overwhelmed" after a long sleep.
  • Dissatisfaction with sleep.
  • Daytime sleepiness with enough sleep.

Insomnia and Sleep Disorder Treatment

Insomnia is not a disease, but only a syndrome (a complex of symptoms), therefore, the treatment of insomnia is based on finding out and eliminating the cause that led to sleep disturbances. The first approach to treating insomnia is to eliminate factors (external and internal) that negatively affect the sleep process. To fully treat sleep disorders, you must:

  • Go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • Exclude active mental and physical activity 1 hour before bedtime;
  • Avoid a heavy dinner before bed, preferring light food, rich in carbohydrates (dairy products, baked goods);
  • Eliminate coffee, strong tea, stimulating (containing cola) or alcoholic drinks;
  • Provide a comfortable sleeping environment (darkening the room, no noise, not too soft or hard bed);
  • It is recommended to get up in the morning at the same time, regardless of the day of the week;
  • Do morning exercises (30 min) or walk (40-60 min);
  • Observe the maximum level of illumination in the room in the morning;
  • Exercise regularly (at least 3 times a week for 60-90 minutes). The maximum positive effect on sleep is exerted by loads 6 hours before going to bed (about 17-18 hours).

Sleep disorders treatment

The second approach to the treatment of sleep disorders is to actively influence the ability to fall asleep and the structure of sleep itself. This type of therapy is performed under the guidance of an experienced physician.

Methods and remedies for insomnia treatment

Psychotherapeutic methods for the treatment of insomnia are aimed at finding and eliminating the cause of the condition that led to the development of insomnia. To achieve the effect, rather long sessions with a psychotherapist are required. Such means of treating insomnia as phototherapy using very bright white light (at least 2000 lux) are used. Light affects the melatoninergic systems of the brain, which provide synchronous regulation, and also participate in the regulation of emotions, behavior, and endocrine functions. This method is most effective for insomnias associated with a violation of biological rhythms. Encephalophony ("Music of the Brain") - listening to the patient music, obtained on the basis of his electroencephalogram using special methods computer processing, which contributes to a change in the functional state of a person. The method is very effective.

Sleep disturbance: what to do

If you do not know what to do if you have a sleep disorder and are afraid to take medications, we recommend that you pay attention to non-traditional methods of treatment. Various variations of reflexology. The algorithm for their application is complex, depending on the concept used and the personality of the reflexologist. The use of various essential oils and their combinations in order to achieve relaxation is one of the oldest methods of treating sleep disorders, however, their effectiveness in treating sleep disorders has not been confirmed by evidence-based medicine.

Medications and drugs for insomnia

Medicines for insomnia are classified as herbal and chemical. 1. Treatment should be started with herbal, over-the-counter sedatives. Popular and effective preparations of valerian, motherwort, peony, peppermint, hops and their combinations. These drugs for insomnia do not have side effects. A new direction in the treatment of insomnia is the use of synthetic analogs of the hormone melatonin (Melaxen). Melatonin is produced at night by the pineal gland (pineal gland) and is an internal regulator and stabilizer of the function of the human biological clock. Melatonin taken internally helps to shorten the time to fall asleep and normalizes the sleep-wake rhythm. This insomnia medication helps to normalize the biological rhythms of the human body. 2. If over-the-counter drugs are ineffective, it is necessary to select the most suitable short-acting drugs (selected by the doctor). An over-the-counter arsenal for a visitor with nervous disorders. Anxiety, difficulty falling asleep and insomnia, anxiety, apathy, lethargy - this is not a complete list of nervous disorders typical for a resident of a modern metropolis. Phytotherapeutic agents come to the fore in the case of mild anxiety, sleep disorders, depressive conditions and similar disorders of well-being that reduce the quality of life.

Alternative treatment for insomnia

If you want to use a folk remedy for insomnia, then you need plants with sedative properties Valerian, a rhizome with roots. This treatment for insomnia can be used without consulting a specialist only if you are sure that you are not allergic to herbs. Tincture 1-2 teaspoons 2 times a day. Coated tablets, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Features of taking valerian. Valerian has a pronounced effect only in high doses (1-2 teaspoons of tincture per reception). Strengthens the effect of hypnotics, narcotics, anticonvulsants. It is possible to reduce the reaction rate when controlling mechanisms. The pronounced sedative effect of valerian can be enhanced by a rational combination with lemon balm herb (in states of nervous excitement) .In the case of chronic fatigue, plants with mild tonic properties (so-called "food" adaptogens) are needed:

  • Lemongrass, fruits.
  • Tincture, extract, 20-30 drops 30 minutes before meals.
  • Infusion (10 g of crushed raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water) 1 tablespoon 2 times a day on an empty stomach Leuzeus, rhizome with roots.

Treatment of insomnia with folk remedies

Insomnia treatment folk remedies can be carried out using essential oils. Essential oil and principle of action:

  • They have a psychostimulating effect and improve the response of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to physical activity.
  • In case of asthenia, adaptogens Ginseng and roots will help.
  • Tincture 30-50 drops 2-3 times a day.
  • Capsules and tablets are taken with meals at the dose recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Eleutherococcus, roots.
  • Liquid extract, 20-30 drops 30 minutes before meals.
  • Tablets 100-200 mg 3 times a day.

Operating principle: Stimulates the central nervous system: improves performance and concentration, improves mood. They increase the general resistance of the body to infections.

Insomnia drugs

Adaptogens are used for insomnia drugs according to two methods. The shock method (high doses, individually selected earlier) is used to quickly improve performance. The course method is based on a gradual increase in the dose as the body gets used to it, but no more than 3-4 times. Adaptogens are recommended to be taken in the first half of the day, to avoid difficulty falling asleep. Usually, it is not recommended to take adaptogens with severe arterial hypertension, fever and acute infections. Adaptogens enhance the effect of psychogenic stimulants (including caffeine). Unlike coffee and tea, herbal adaptogens are not are addictive. Complaints - causeless crying, constant depressed mood. Herbal antidepressants are required St. John's wort, herb. Tea from 1-2 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water in the morning and in the evening, 1-2 cups. Tincture 40-50 drops inside 3-4 times in a day. Finished preparations: Gelarium Hypericum, Negrustin, Deprim. Operating principle: St. John's wort flavonoids (hyperoside, bisapigenin, hypericin) are capable of inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Features of reception. Increases the antidepressant effect of monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Possesses photosensitizing properties.

Insomnia is a condition in which night sleep is disturbed. At the same time, a person cannot sleep, often wakes up during the night, does not feel rested in the morning, and has nightmares. People who have a similar problem are preoccupied with the question "what is the treatment for insomnia."

This state can be temporary, for example, when falling asleep in an unusual place, with excessive emotional arousal, as a result of taking certain medications. Drinks such as strong coffee or tea and spicy foods have a stimulating effect on the body that interferes with night rest. If such violations are observed at least three times a week for a month, they are diagnosed with insomnia. The doctor will help determine the causes and treatment of such an ailment.

A disease that lasts for years is exhausting a person. The main reasons for this condition are stress, nervous and physical overload.

Chronic insomnia can be accompanied by heart problems, teeth grinding, trembling hands and feet. Sleep walking may be observed. Long-term illness affects overall health. A person feels tired in the daytime, irritability, his concentration of attention decreases, memory deteriorates. The problem is often seen in older people. This is manifested by early awakenings, after which a person is no longer able to fall asleep.

Insomnia. Causes and treatment

Among the most common reasons, experts identify the following:

  • psychological - anxiety, depression, a state of excessive excitement;
  • physical - this can be a pathology of the respiratory system, apnea, snoring, overwork, digestive problems, the presence of certain diseases;
  • circumstantial - these include noises, harsh sounds, bright light, disturbances in the rhythm of sleep during shift work, etc.

Insomnia with menopause

This phenomenon is quite common. Lack of sleep leads to problems with the nervous system, increased blood pressure, irritability, and heart disease. In the daytime a woman wants to lie down, but at night she cannot sleep a wink. How is insomnia treated in this case? This problem is solved with the help of sedatives. If this condition lasts for a long time, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Insomnia in the elderly

Older people like to relax in the daytime, and then do not close their eyes at night. This is not insomnia. The elderly should not get carried away by watching TV in the evening, milk with honey and a warm bath will help to calm down. If a person has a strong nervous system, there should be no problems with falling asleep. But after a nervous shock, a hearty dinner, a large amount of liquid, strong tea or coffee, insomnia may occur. Diseases of some internal organs also often interfere with a normal night's rest.

Insomnia in children

In children under two years of age, the nervous system is only developing, which can manifest itself as disturbances in sleep and wakefulness. Babies are most often prevented from falling asleep by colic, wet diapers, hunger, overheating, hypothermia, fears.

A person who drinks regularly falls asleep quickly and easily at first. Then the organism becomes addicted, and insomnia occurs. The disease in people who suffer from alcohol addiction is not treated at home.


First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused insomnia. A healthy person can get rid of the problem without the use of medicines. How is insomnia treated if the reason lies in the excessive excitability of the nervous system? In this case, rest, long walks in the fresh air, herbal baths will help. Before going to bed, it is better to refuse food, tea and coffee.

A soothing massage has a positive effect. If the problem is associated with a specific pathology, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Traditional treatment

You can stuff a small pillowcase with fresh hop cones and sleep on it if you have insomnia. Helps even in the most severe cases.

Valerian officinalis

Use a decoction, infusion or alcohol To prepare the infusion, valerian roots (1 tbsp. L.) Are poured with boiled cold water (1 tbsp.). You need to insist for six to eight hours, strain. Adults take 1 tbsp. l., children - 1 tsp. three times a day.

To prepare the broth, the chopped root (1 tbsp. L.) Is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The broth is filtered, taken three times a day. Adults one tablespoon, children one teaspoon.

Alcohol tincture is purchased at the pharmacy. Take according to the instructions.


Honey is the most harmless sleeping pill. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of warm water or milk with a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it. This remedy soothes, promotes sound sleep, and has a positive effect on bowel function.

Herbal baths

Herbal baths have a calming effect and help to normalize sleep. Take them before bed for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 1. To prepare such a bath, take motherwort (5 tsp), mint (4 tsp), chamomile flowers. The herbs are crushed, mixed and poured with boiling water (2.5 liters). Insist for at least six hours. Before going to bed, fill the bath with warm water, add infusion.

Recipe 2. You will need herbs - oregano, mint, motherwort in half a glass, 5-6 hop cones. The herbs must be mixed, pour 4 liters of boiling water, wrap and insist for an hour. The strained infusion is added to the bath water. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Music therapy

Scientists have studied the influence of music on the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person. It can increase or decrease pressure, relieve muscle tension, and activate memory and thinking processes. Specially selected melodies are able to relieve neurosis, help to calm down and have a good rest at night.

Light music for insomnia soothes and prepares the body for sleep. If you use music therapy daily, the body will develop conditioned reflex "Music is falling asleep."

To get rid of a problem like nighttime insomnia, you must adhere to some rules:

Limit or exclude the use of foods high in caffeine and other stimulants: coffee, teas (green and black), energy and alcoholic drinks, chocolate, hot spices;

Unlearn the habit of falling asleep while reading a book or with the TV on;

Do not overload the stomach in the evening. The last meal should take place 2-3 hours before bedtime;

Fall asleep in darkness and silence, the air in the room should be fresh and cool;

Take care of convenience: the bed should be moderately hard, flat;

In the evening it is useful to take a walk, take a warm shower or bath;

Not sleeping during the daytime;

Observe the daily routine;

Falling asleep, get rid of thoughts of problems and troubles.

End in bad mood and drowsiness throughout the day. People are forced to resort to sleeping pills to get enough sleep. The pharmaceutical industry produces various drugs for insomnia. Some of them not only normalize sleep, but have many side effects that harm the body - addiction, impaired attention, severe psycho-emotional disorders. Therefore, if you have symptoms of insomnia, do not rush to the pharmacy for sleeping pills. Talk to a specialist who can help you choose the medication that will help you sleep well in each situation. The fight against insomnia will be effective if you establish the causes of its occurrence and choose the right therapy.

Medicines for insomnia differ in their therapeutic activity, but they work according to the same principle - they inhibit the activity of the brain, relieve nervous and muscle tension. The duration of action of drugs depends on the rate of their elimination and the degree of influence on the functions of the central nervous system.

Short-acting hypnotics eliminate the difficulty of falling asleep, do not violate the duration and ratio of sleep phases. Medium duration agents relieve excitement and increase inhibition. The effect lasts longer, allowing you to fall asleep better and sleep quality. Long-acting drugs help with poor falling asleep, shallow sleep, frequent night awakenings.

All sleeping pills differ in chemical composition and affect the central nervous system in different ways.

Types of drugs for sleep disorders

Barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Reladorm) are effective for severe insomnia, but cause drowsiness, lethargy, irritation after sleep, headache and muscle pain. With prolonged use, mental and physical dependence develops. Barbiturates shorten REM sleep cycles, which are important for the recovery of the nervous system. Derivatives of barbituric acid are available only by prescription.

Anti-insomnia drugs from the group of tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Nitrazepam, Sibazon, Midazolam) are low-toxic, do not give pronounced aftereffects, and are less addictive. Especially effective for insomnia caused by anxiety, emotional stress.

Preparations for insomnia containing melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin, Melarena) do not disturb the physiological structure of sleep, accelerate falling asleep, and reduce the number of nighttime awakenings. In the morning they do not cause feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, they have a positive effect on the emotional sphere.

Group Z insomnia drugs have virtually no side effects, do not cause post-somal disorders. After waking up, the person does not feel discomfort. The drugs differ in the duration of action. In case of difficulty falling asleep, Adante is prescribed. Iwadal, Zolpidem works for 5-6 hours. Long-acting hypnotic Zopiclone supports sleep throughout the night without changing its structure. In patients with nocturnal manifestations of bronchial asthma, the duration of attacks decreases. After prolonged use of drugs of group Z, addiction may occur.

Antihistamines of the first generation (Diphenhydramine, Diprazin) have a mild sedative effect, are quickly removed from the gastrointestinal tract.

A doctor should choose a drug for the treatment of insomnia. Uncontrolled use of hypnotics can form dependence, increase excitability instead of the expected hypnotic effect, cause muscle weakness, withdrawal symptoms, and impair attention and memory.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Depending on the composition, drugs are divided into three groups.

  • Vegetable (Persen, Motherwort Forte).
    The substances contained in plants normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen the psyche, relieve anxiety, and calm the nervous system. Herbal preparations against insomnia are non-toxic, act mildly, can be taken for a long time, and have a minimum number of contraindications. Herbal remedies are effective for mild disturbances of the physiological process, for the prevention of insomnia under stresses of various nature. With severe insomnia, they are used only as additional therapy.
  • Synthetic (Melaxen, Reslip, Phenibut).
    Medicines help to improve sleep, are suitable for all age groups, do not affect psychomotor functions, and have minor side effects.
  • Combined (Barboval, Corvalol).
    The products contain plant extracts and active medicinal components. All substances enhance each other's actions. Due to this, a quick hypnotic effect is achieved. Medicines of this group are indicated for minor sleep disturbances and neurotic disorders, relieve irritability and facilitate falling asleep.
  • Homeopathic (Hypnosed, Nota, Passidorm).
    Harmless not addictive the preparations contain a balanced set of components that eliminate fear, anxiety, and trouble falling asleep. Homeopreparations do not disrupt the biochemical processes in the body, direct reserve forces to fight the causes of insomnia, and are not accompanied by aftereffect symptoms. Long-term use of homeopathic remedies is recommended for a persistent and long-lasting effect.

Which sleeping pill to choose

Without a doctor's prescription, you can buy drugs that moderately affect the nervous system. They normalize sleep, heart rate, reduce nervous excitement. Effective remedy insomnia does not have to be severe. With the right choice, even a mild sleeping pill will give a positive result.

List of the most popular drugs for insomnia.

  • Melaxen.
    The synthesized analogue of the pineal hormone (melatonin) is suitable for independent use for insomnia in people of different age groups. The tablets normalize the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, make it easier to fall asleep, do not cause a feeling of lethargy upon awakening. The drug helps the body to adapt when working at night and. In rare cases, edema, headache, nausea occur. Melaxen is used to normalize the biological rhythm, promotes rapid falling asleep and easy morning awakening.
  • Persen.
    Relieves irritability, anxiety, eliminates depression, promotes concentration. The composition of the sedative for insomnia includes extracts of lemon balm, mint and valerian roots. The components facilitate falling asleep by strengthening the inhibitory processes in the central nervous system. Persen is recommended for prolonged falling asleep and frequent awakenings caused by stressful situations, overwork.
  • Donormil.
    Effervescent tablets have a pronounced sedative effect, make it possible to fall asleep quickly, and increase the duration of night rest. May cause a strong heartbeat daytime sleepiness, dry mouth. Donormil does not affect the activity of the brain.
  • Glycine.
    Sublingual tablets reduce the excitation of the central nervous system, improve metabolism in brain tissues, increase mental performance, and normalize sleep. Glycine is recommended for people with emotional instability, high excitability.
  • Valoserdin.
    Due to the content of phenobarbital, it reduces the excitation of the central nervous system. Drops for insomnia provide a mild hypnotic effect, are prescribed for sleep disturbance, neurosis-like conditions, cerebral circulation disorders. With prolonged use, drug dependence and depression may occur.
  • Atarax.
    Relieves anxiety, psychomotor agitation, relaxes smooth muscles, increases the duration and depth of sleep. Drowsiness and general weakness may occur at the beginning of treatment.
  • Phenibut.
    It has a positive effect on the activity of the brain, reduces the severity of complications after traumatic brain injury, increases the brain's resistance to high loads. Phenibut relieves anxiety, reduces emotional stress, improves the quality of night rest. It is prescribed for insomnia of neurotic origin of nature.
  • Corvalol.
    Has a sedative effect, relieves spasms in the intestines, dilates blood vessels, facilitates falling asleep. Well tolerated, but with prolonged use or overdose it causes depression of the central nervous system. Experts recommend drinking drops for irritability and mild insomnia.
  • Valerian.
    A herbal remedy with a sedative effect is used for nervous excitability, difficulty falling asleep caused by overexcitation, stress. In rare cases, it provokes a depressed state.

New items

New generation drugs help to cope with stress, improve sleep quality, and eliminate the causes of insomnia. They are quickly eliminated from the body, so aftereffect symptoms do not appear in the morning. The new drugs for insomnia are safer, as they only act on the receptors in the brain responsible for sleep.

  • Sonilux.
    The drops contain natural components of plant origin, which quickly enter the bloodstream and improve the psycho-emotional state. The remedy for insomnia Sonilux normalizes sleep and eliminates the causes of its disturbance, restores the heart rate and the work of the endocrine system.
  • Somnol.
    The action of the drug is aimed at improving the quality and duration of night rest. Long-term treatment does not exclude the risk of dependence. It is prescribed for patients with situational, transient, chronic forms of insomnia.
  • Roserem.
    It is recommended for insomnia associated with prolonged sleep, promotes sound sleep. The insomnia drug Roserm does not cause side effects or addiction.
  • Sonnat.
    It is prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, transient persistence, etc. The drug does not change the ratio of fast and slow sleep. Does not affect daytime well-being and performance.

Vitamin complexes for insomnia

When a person finds himself in a stressful situation, the need for vitamins of group B increases many times. A deficiency is formed with gastritis, taking certain hormonal drugs, pregnancy, physical exertion, and malnutrition. Insomnia can be provoked by a lack of serotonin, in the synthesis of which pyridoxine (B6) is involved.

Fatigue, drowsiness, depression, irritability, and sleep problems appear. Vitamins of group B, A, E and trace elements potassium, magnesium, calcium will help to get rid of insomnia.

  • Mega B Complex, consisting of 10 vitamins and 7 minerals;
  • Sleep Optimizer, a complex of amino acids, herbal extracts, melatonin, tryptophan;
  • ALFAVIT biorhythm containing folic acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, A, B, extracts of lemon balm, motherwort;
  • Yantifan, which contains L-tryptophan, succinic acid, vitamin B6.

Vitamin preparations reduce the excitability of the nervous system, contribute to a full night's rest.

The multitude of medicines and vitamins is confusing: "How to choose the best remedy for insomnia from all the variety?" For an answer, contact the specialists in the district polyclinics or specialized centers. Taking sleeping pills uncontrolled can complicate the situation. The sleep department will tell you how to get rid of insomnia without medication using,. Special clinics use drug-free methods for eliminating insomnia (electrosleep, relaxation therapy).

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov GV Some modern approaches to the therapy of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova OV, Ryabokon IV Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M .: Medgiz, 1960.

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