As defined by definition, as correct. With what case is the preposition "according to" used: rules, construction of structures, examples. The stress in the word "contract"

Fence and gate 14.11.2020
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Many people have questions about the use of prepositions. And in the school curriculum, this topic is considered one of the most difficult. When compiling linguistic constructions, for example, it is important to know with what case the preposition "according to" is used. and writing is necessary for making sentences and conveying information.

Spelling in Russian

The preposition helps to combine independent parts of speech into a single sentence. The named units can be simple and complex, as well as derivatives and non-derivatives. Prepositions do not change. They always retain their original appearance: "on", "under", "in", "s", "from behind", "in the middle".

Here are some examples with derivative and non-derivative prepositions:

  • A little bird made a nest under the roof of our house.
  • We looked at each other for a long time.
  • Thanks to my memory, we quickly found our way back.
  • Because of this incident, our relationship deteriorated.
  • Seeing the animal, we hid behind a tree.

The described part of speech is not an independent member of the sentence, but during parsing it is underlined with the word to which it refers.

Derived preposition: rules of use

The official part of speech is used with one case form or several: genitive, dative, accusative. The rules help to determine exactly with what case the preposition "according to" is used. In Russian, this is the dative case. By example, you can make sure that knowing the correct use of a part of speech will allow you to communicate and write correctly:

  • According to (what?) The schedule.
  • According to (what?) Act.

This design is also used in a formal business style. Its construction takes place without the participation of the genitive case. By the way, in the 19th century, clerical speech was distinguished by the use of a preposition with the genitive case (the question "what?"). And those who do not know with what case the preposition "according to" is used, assume that this use case indicates good form.

It is correct to say: "According to (what?) What was said", and not "According to (what?) What was said." This rule also applies to other derived prepositions. These include the words "towards", "in spite of" and "thanks". If the construction is complex, the preposition will be used in the meaning "according to ...". This means that you need a construction with the instrumental case: "According to (what?) The schedule, according to (what?) The order."

Important points

The rules of the Russian language define exactly with what case the preposition "according to" is used. It is formed from an adverb, and when writing and pronunciation is checked by the question “to whom? what? " The dative ending is -y.

Many people do not understand why this form is considered correct when setting prepositions in case constructions, and this leads to their incorrect use.

When writing, the meaning of words, their grammatical design and sequence are not taken into account. The case forms are distorted, the syntactic norm is violated (according to what or what?). There is no agreement between the preposition and the noun.

Examples of building sentences

In modern Russian, the described preposition is used only with words in the dative case. An example shows how the syntactic unit is constructed correctly:

  • I acted in accordance with the charter of the institution.
  • According to the order of the chief, everyone had to enroll in the courses.
  • Our actions are being adjusted according to the signed order.
  • The work is carried out in accordance with the signed contract.
  • We always work according to the approved schedule.

In official business documentation, it is necessary to remember the phrases that are most often used when writing. The following form is used:

  • according to law or regulation;
  • order or application;
  • agreement;
  • statement or order;
  • graphics or act;
  • code or charter;
  • original or drawing;
  • terms of an agreement or contract;
  • models or instructions;
  • staffing table or requirements.

And the popular complex construction using the preposition "s" is a synonym for the expression "in accordance with something." This can be seen in the sentence: "Construction began in accordance with the order of the authorities."

A simple rule for using a derived preposition needs to be remembered. This will allow you to build sentences correctly and be confident in your own literacy.

Perhaps, you have repeatedly seen in writing or in oral speech different cases of nouns and pronouns after the word " according to". Some people say and write “according to agreement"(To which - the dative case), and others -" according to contract»(Which is genitive).

So how do you actually speak and write correctly? According to "who?" or according to "what?" In what case should you put the word following “according to”?

Correctly say and write "according to what"

That is, you need to use the dative case.

Examples: according to, letter, schedule, law, rules, plan, list, decision, requirements.

Alas, but now there are a lot of syntactic errors, consisting in the use of the word in the genitive case after the derivative preposition "according to", for example, "I agree with the task" - so to speak and write is wrong! This violates the syntactic norms of the Russian language. The construction "according to what" was used about two hundred years ago, but now it is morally and physically outdated.

It should be noted that now there is a "clerical jargon" in which the construction "according to what" is used. This, of course, is wrong, but it is useless to argue with people who write and speak in this way.

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  • Hot 10 "How ..."?

    1. What is correct: according to an order, contract, order or according to an order, contract, order?

    Correctly: according to the order, contract, order, staffing table, etc.

    The preposition "according to"in modern Russian requires the DATAL case. That's right: according to WHAT, not what.Already in the 19th century, the construction according to which, that is, with the genitive case, was regarded as a characteristic sign of official business, clerical speech. And in the modern Russian literary language, it is not normative for the official business style either. Right now, only: according to which, that is, with the dative case.

    2. What syllable is the accent in the word rings?

    The stress falls on the ending in all forms: ringing ANDt, ringing ANDm, ringing ANDshh, ringing It, the same in prefixed verbs: verb ANDt, phoned ANDmsya, chime It, etc.

    3. What is correct: in the city of Moscow or in the city of Moscow?

    Correctly: in the city of Moscow.

    The rule is as follows: the geographical name used with the generic names of a city, village, station, settlement, river, etc., acting as an application, agrees with the word being defined, that is, declines if the toponym is of Russian, Slavic origin or is a borrowed and mastered one long ago name. That's right: in the city of Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in the city of Vladivostok.

    The custom of not declining geographical names has taken root in the professional speech of military and topographers and, under the influence of this professional terminological language, has spread widely in modern speech, but it cannot be considered a norm.

    For details on the declension of place names, see.

    4. Which is correct: in Ukraine or in Ukraine?

    Literary norm of the modern Russian language: in Ukraine, from Ukraine.

    In 1993, at the request of the Government of Ukraine, options to Ukraine (in Ukraine) and, accordingly, from Ukraine should be recognized as normative. Thus, in the opinion of the Ukrainian Government, the etymological connection of constructions to Ukraine and to the outskirts, which did not suit it, was broken. Ukraine, with the preposition в, received, according to the Government of Ukraine, linguistic confirmation of its status as a sovereign state, since the names of states are formalized in the Russian tradition with the help of prepositions в (в) and from.

    However, the literary norm of the Russian language, according to which one should speak and write in Ukraine, is the result of the historical development of the language over several centuries. The compatibility of prepositions in and on with certain words is explained solely by tradition. Wed: at school, at an institute, at a pharmacy, in a department, but: at a factory, at a post office, at a resort, at a warehouse, etc. The literary norm cannot change overnight due to any political processes.

    5. How is it correct: an agreement or an agreement? How to stress the plural?

    Literary norm: Great Danes ABOUTp, Great Danes ABOUTry. However, some dictionaries already recognize as acceptable (but only in a relaxed oral speech!) The option agreement, agreement Here is what KS Gorbachevich, author of the Dictionary of Pronunciation and Stress Difficulties in Modern Russian, writes:

    It is still difficult to say with certainty whether over time the emphasis of a treaty will become as normative and aesthetically acceptable as a treaty. There are prerequisites for this. Not only a part of the intelligentsia, but also some modern famous poets use a variant of the agreement: “But don't be afraid. I will not violate our agreement, There will be no tears, no questions, not even a reproach ”(O. Bergholts, Nothing will return ...). In the book "Alive as Life" K. Chukovsky predicted that the variants of the agreement, the agreement will become in the future the norm of the literary language.

    6. With what letter is the word president written? How are job titles spelled?

    The names of the highest government positions and titles (President of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, etc.) are written with a capital letter in official texts, for example: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin ...

    However, in unofficial use (for example, in the text of a newspaper article), these words are written with a lowercase letter, for example: the president of Russia signed a decree, the prime minister criticized the deputies, the prosecutor general brought charges, etc.

    The name of the position of the minister is written with a lowercase letter.

    Job titles such as CEO, company president, department head, etc. are also written with a lowercase letter.

    7. What syllable is stressed in the word money?

    Literary norm: money ANDm, money ANDmi oh money ANDx. The variant dEngam, dengami, about money in dictionaries is considered as acceptable, but outdated.

    The accent on the first syllable is preserved in the proverb, not in money, happiness, but also in the title of AN Ostrovsky's play "Mad Money": in "Mad Money" by A. Ostrovsky.

    8. How right: miss you or miss you?

    Both are possible, but miss you is the preferred option for now.

    I miss (and also sad, yearn, etc.) for you - the old norm; for you - new. Previous linguistic publications recommended as normative only to miss you, us. Today these options compete, which is reflected in reference books. So, "Russian grammar" (Moscow, 1980) considers the forms to miss you and miss you as variable.

    In the reference book of DE Rosenthal "Management in the Russian language" it is indicated that with the nouns and pronouns of the 3rd person it is correct: to miss someone, for example: to miss your son, to miss him. But with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person pl. numbers are correct: miss someone, for example: miss us, miss you.

    But the option to miss someone, which is also often asked about, is not normative, it goes beyond the framework of the Russian literary language.

    9. What do the words glamorous, creative, brutal mean?

    Glamor - from the English. glamor - 'charm, charm'; "Romantic halo"; 'Enchantment, magic', (colloquial) 'luxury, chic'. Glamorous - outwardly attractive, with an external shine, brilliant.

    Creative - creative, constructive. In addition, the word creative has such shades of meaning: non-standard, non-trivial, fresh, talented.

    Brutal (from fr. Brutal< лат. brutalis) - грубый, жестокий.

    10. What kind of noun is an invoice? How do you inflect this word?

    Invoice is a masculine noun. Correct: an invoice has been issued, an invoice has been received, etc. When declining, both parts of this word change:

    Invoice invoice
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    invoice invoices
    invoice invoice
    invoice invoices
    about invoice about invoices

    According to ... Spelling dictionary-reference

    ACCORDING TO - ACCORDING TO. 1.adv. to consonant1 in 5 digits, amicably, unanimously. Live according to. Sing it according. "All citizens showed agreement." Pushkin. 2.with the preposition s. adv. to consonant1 in 3 meanings, respectively, similar, consistent with something, for what ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    according to - See accordingly ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. according to respectively, according to, according to; consistently; consent; conciliatory, as one person, in agreement, as one ... Synonym dictionary

    according to - According to, this preposition requires a dative (not genitive) case after itself: according to the law, the order (but not in any way according to the law, the order) ... Dictionary of mistakes of the Russian language

    according to - ACCORDING to, in accordance, respectively, in accordance with ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

    According to - ACCEPTABLE 1, th, th; sen, sleep. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    according to - (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Word forms

    according to - preposition and member of sentence 1. Preposition. Circumferential phrases "according to + noun" can be distinguished by punctuation marks (commas). For more details on the factors affecting the placement of punctuation marks, see Appendix 1. (Appendix 1) I ... ... Punctuation Dictionary

    according to - what (obsolete what) and with what. 1. what (based on what l.). According to the prescription. According to the charter. According to the agreement, the groom's relatives were brought three glasses of vodka (Sholokhov). Write one or will there be more candidates, according to your words? (Vishnevsky) ... Management Dictionary

    according to - see according to whom what. in zn. preposition. \u003d according to what, according to what l. Follow the instructions ... Dictionary of many expressions


    • According to the protocol, Ivan Artsishevsky, Oleg Davtyan. The book, created on the basis of the author's materials by I. Artsishevsky and O. Davtyan, published for nine years in a number of issues of the "Consul" magazine, is devoted to certain issues of the protocol and ... Buy for 679 rubles
    • According to the protocol, Ivan Artsishevsky, Oleg Davtyan. The book, based on the author's materials by I. Artsishevsky and O. Davtyan, published for eight years in a number of issues of the journal "Consul", is devoted to certain issues of the protocol and ...
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  • Hot 10 "How ..."?

    1. What is correct: according to an order, contract, order or according to an order, contract, order?

    Correctly: according to the order, contract, order, staffing table, etc.

    The preposition "according to"in modern Russian requires the DATAL case. That's right: according to WHAT, not what.Already in the 19th century, the construction according to which, that is, with the genitive case, was regarded as a characteristic sign of official business, clerical speech. And in the modern Russian literary language, it is not normative for the official business style either. Right now, only: according to which, that is, with the dative case.

    2. What syllable is the accent in the word rings?

    The stress falls on the ending in all forms: ringing ANDt, ringing ANDm, ringing ANDshh, ringing It, the same in prefixed verbs: verb ANDt, phoned ANDmsya, chime It, etc.

    3. What is correct: in the city of Moscow or in the city of Moscow?

    Correctly: in the city of Moscow.

    The rule is as follows: the geographical name used with the generic names of a city, village, station, settlement, river, etc., acting as an application, agrees with the word being defined, that is, declines if the toponym is of Russian, Slavic origin or is a borrowed and mastered one long ago name. That's right: in the city of Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in the city of Vladivostok.

    The custom of not declining geographical names has taken root in the professional speech of military and topographers and, under the influence of this professional terminological language, has spread widely in modern speech, but it cannot be considered a norm.

    For details on the declension of place names, see.

    4. Which is correct: in Ukraine or in Ukraine?

    Literary norm of the modern Russian language: in Ukraine, from Ukraine.

    In 1993, at the request of the Government of Ukraine, options to Ukraine (in Ukraine) and, accordingly, from Ukraine should be recognized as normative. Thus, in the opinion of the Ukrainian Government, the etymological connection of constructions to Ukraine and to the outskirts, which did not suit it, was broken. Ukraine, with the preposition в, received, according to the Government of Ukraine, linguistic confirmation of its status as a sovereign state, since the names of states are formalized in the Russian tradition with the help of prepositions в (в) and from.

    However, the literary norm of the Russian language, according to which one should speak and write in Ukraine, is the result of the historical development of the language over several centuries. The compatibility of prepositions in and on with certain words is explained solely by tradition. Wed: at school, at an institute, at a pharmacy, in a department, but: at a factory, at a post office, at a resort, at a warehouse, etc. The literary norm cannot change overnight due to any political processes.

    5. How is it correct: an agreement or an agreement? How to stress the plural?

    Literary norm: Great Danes ABOUTp, Great Danes ABOUTry. However, some dictionaries already recognize as acceptable (but only in a relaxed oral speech!) The option agreement, agreement Here is what KS Gorbachevich, author of the Dictionary of Pronunciation and Stress Difficulties in Modern Russian, writes:

    It is still difficult to say with certainty whether over time the emphasis of a treaty will become as normative and aesthetically acceptable as a treaty. There are prerequisites for this. Not only a part of the intelligentsia, but also some modern famous poets use a variant of the agreement: “But don't be afraid. I will not violate our agreement, There will be no tears, no questions, not even a reproach ”(O. Bergholts, Nothing will return ...). In the book "Alive as Life" K. Chukovsky predicted that the variants of the agreement, the agreement will become in the future the norm of the literary language.

    6. With what letter is the word president written? How are job titles spelled?

    The names of the highest government positions and titles (President of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, etc.) are written with a capital letter in official texts, for example: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin ...

    However, in unofficial use (for example, in the text of a newspaper article), these words are written with a lowercase letter, for example: the president of Russia signed a decree, the prime minister criticized the deputies, the prosecutor general brought charges, etc.

    The name of the position of the minister is written with a lowercase letter.

    Job titles such as CEO, company president, department head, etc. are also written with a lowercase letter.

    7. What syllable is stressed in the word money?

    Literary norm: money ANDm, money ANDmi oh money ANDx. The variant dEngam, dengami, about money in dictionaries is considered as acceptable, but outdated.

    The accent on the first syllable is preserved in the proverb, not in money, happiness, but also in the title of AN Ostrovsky's play "Mad Money": in "Mad Money" by A. Ostrovsky.

    8. How right: miss you or miss you?

    Both are possible, but miss you is the preferred option for now.

    I miss (and also sad, yearn, etc.) for you - the old norm; for you - new. Previous linguistic publications recommended as normative only to miss you, us. Today these options compete, which is reflected in reference books. So, "Russian grammar" (Moscow, 1980) considers the forms to miss you and miss you as variable.

    In the reference book of DE Rosenthal "Management in the Russian language" it is indicated that with the nouns and pronouns of the 3rd person it is correct: to miss someone, for example: to miss your son, to miss him. But with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person pl. numbers are correct: miss someone, for example: miss us, miss you.

    But the option to miss someone, which is also often asked about, is not normative, it goes beyond the framework of the Russian literary language.

    9. What do the words glamorous, creative, brutal mean?

    Glamor - from the English. glamor - 'charm, charm'; "Romantic halo"; 'Enchantment, magic', (colloquial) 'luxury, chic'. Glamorous - outwardly attractive, with an external shine, brilliant.

    Creative - creative, constructive. In addition, the word creative has such shades of meaning: non-standard, non-trivial, fresh, talented.

    Brutal (from fr. Brutal< лат. brutalis) - грубый, жестокий.

    10. What kind of noun is an invoice? How do you inflect this word?

    Invoice is a masculine noun. Correct: an invoice has been issued, an invoice has been received, etc. When declining, both parts of this word change:

    Invoice invoice
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    invoice invoice
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    about invoice about invoices

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