Fastening the pronunciation of the sound of ry in patter. Funny patters on "P" for the development of diction Differentiation of isolated sounds R - ry

Metals and metal products 27.07.2020
Metals and metal products

Listen to the patter. Clearly, highlighting the sound of ry, saying them 3-4 times. Speak first slowly, then it's faster, keeping the volume and clarity of pronunciation.

In the apartment in Katerina beautiful paintings.

In the theater at the premiere, many viewers in the parter.

Varya and Marina cooked jam from Ryabina.

In the courtyard Boris a lot of barbaris.

Marina marinate mushrooms.

On the mountain, on the hillock, thirty-three yards.

On the garden of Fedor - radish, repka, tomatoes.

On the bed of Perina, on Perin Marina.

1 Riga- Shed for drying of bevelled grass and grain.

Do not play a zebryat with tigers!

Before the tournament, the coach holds training.

Before January December, before December November.

The river across the river is made by steam.

Quail quietly hide from the guys.

Three ratchets on the gate, three ratchets on the fence.

Thirty-three cars in a row all over the rails taural.

Thirty-three trumpets are trumped with alarm.

Vari on the boulevard mittens disappeared.

Irina, Irina Rezeda and dahlia.

Radish and repka is strong root.

Yura Bouri does not work on.

Fixing the pronunciation of sounds R, ry in stories

Clearly, highlighting the sounds of R, ry, first each offer, and then the entire story of the whole. After clarifying the meaning of the text, I call all words with the sound of ry.

Ripped Rubaha

Seryozha played with the guys in the yard. He climbed onto the tree and broke the sleeve of a new shirt. Selery frightened that mom dug him back. Came home and hid the shirt in dirty underwear. Soon mom came from work and discovered a torn shirt. Upset mom. I called Serezhu and says: "I am you, Seryozha, I will punish. But not for breaking the shirt. And for the fact that the truth hid! "

24. Distribution of sounds R - RyAURALLY

The sounds of R - ry the child usually mixes not in pronunciation, but only for rumor (instead of words fish, trousers, birchit is extremely rare to hear ryba, Bruki, Bay Rosa).

The nature and number of exercises in the section correspond to the specified features.

Work on the differentiation of sounds P-ry, hearing helps not only a clearer, conscious pronunciation, but is the basis of letter literacy.

Differentiation of isolated sounds R - ry

Take pictures-symbols of sounds P and Рь from the application 1. Listen, and then
Brazie, as growing the engine of the aircraft (P), how tahrachtitis fan (PB).

Pay attention to the difference of sounds: when I say p, the sound is sharp, solid; When I say ry, the sound is affectionate, soft.

Take from Appendix 3 Symbols of solid and soft sounds and explain what kind of sound P or PI depict houses with an angry face (solid sound) and with a fun face (soft sound).

Showing alternately on different pictures characters, pronounced the corresponding sounds. Repeat 6-8 times.

Differentiation of sounds R - ry in words. The formation of sound analysis skills

Take pictures with the sounds of P and PL in the names from applications 15 and 16, turn them and mix them. Put the symbols of sounds P and ry from Appendix 1. Take it in one picture and put next to the symbol, calling the sound of P or PB, which hid in each word.

Differentiation of sounds R - ry in words with such sound. The formation of sound analysis skills

Looking for pictures characters from applications 1 and 3, call the sound of P or PB, which hid in each word. Clearly talk to words, clarify their meaning.

Plain - Rowan. Radio - near. District - Repair. Rama - Ryaba. Rose - Reva. Hands - wine glasses. Backpack - sleeve. Bark - Skoryag. Mountain - burn. Threshold - take.

People - forward. Cow - Reva. Frosts - birch. Brew - take. Game - outfit. Chickens - Kudri. Mushrooms - Fish. Fry - Zhabra. Horns - earrings. Scream-ringer. Balls - balls. Fail - fires. Heat - Zhar. Impact - blow.

Differentiation of sounds P - ry in the word set.

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Species in English:

Species are most effective tool Develop the right one english pronunciation. In addition, a beautiful pronunciation in English implies not only accurate playback of sounds, but also a clear intonational pattern. That is why the overwhelming majority of our English spells consist of two parts, where the 3rd and 4th lines repeat the words of the 1st and 2nd, but with question intonation.
Often, students ignore the correct pronunciation of English sounds, which, at first glance, are similar to the Russian, for example, such as [b], [f], [g], etc. Meanwhile, indistinguishable in foreign speech is similar sounds and gives a national accent. Therefore, we made up the patters absolutely to all vowels and consonant sounds. of English language And we strongly recommend that you work out at least one for each of them.
We also persistently advise you to use our patters as a phonetic charging in English at the beginning of each lesson, and there are several reasons. First, the patter perfectly adjusts the articulation machine for further playback of English speech. Secondly, the ridiculousness of the English spells itself raises the mood, and therefore relaxes the muscles, which contributes to the best absorption of the main material of the classes.
Below are 3 methods of working out English sounds with patters, which, as far as possible, contribute to the development of all four skills in students: audience, reading, letter, and, of course, speaking.
I Method:
1. Choose one of the 5 spells offered for us to test a certain English sound.For options, Prepare it for a presentation on the board.
2. In the class first, imagine students vowel or consonant English sound that you plan to work. To do this, you can use a brief description that we give for each audio of English. Then say the sound yourself, then ask students to make it a choir, and finally, on a chain.
3. Read the patter selected in English on the Trainable sound in a rapid pace.
4. This stage is recommended in a game form. For this, ask students to prepare to record familiar words containing English sound worked out. When everyone is ready, you read the same English patter on the desired sound at a slow pace. After that, players take turns pronounce on one heard the word. The winner of the game becomes a participant who has heard the greatest number of words, including the English sound being worked out.
5. Record or promote the patter selected by you in English to test the sound to the board and offer students to translate. Since traditionally English patters contain outdated and untouched words, to save your time, we bring them here with translation. You can only write a transcription of unfamiliar words.
6. Offer students to rewrite in their notebooks English patter with translation and transcription of unfamiliar words.
7. Say the first word typos on the training English sound. Next, suggest students to repeat it for your choir, and then on a chain. Do not forget to correct mistakes. Do this same procedure with all the words spells containing English sound worked out.
8. For the same scheme, read the first line of the patter in English: first you, then choir, then in turn.
9. Similarly, spend the second line of the English spear.
10. Offer students on a chain to read two lines of patter in English together. On this, the first job of working with the patter chosen by you to test the English sound is recommended to finish.
11. The second occupation begins with the fact that each student is in turn reads the first two lines of the same English patter chosen by you to work out any other sound.
12. You read the 3rd and 4th lines of patter in English. Next, we offer students to repeat the English patter with the choir, and then along the chain.
13. Each student in turn reads all the patter to test the English vowel or consonant sound. At all stages you do not forget to adjust errors.
14. In the third and subsequent classes, students repeat the entire patter in English entire chain. Here there is a reasonable question: how many times you need to repeat the English patter to test a certain sound? The classical technique recommends to take a patter in English as many times as it turns on words containing a training vowel or consonant sound.
15. In the process of multiple repetition, the moment will inevitably come when some students have a spell in English, which is called, will "bounce from the teeth", while others still have to pronounce words. In this case, in each lesson, put a new task before successful students, for example, pronounce English patter quickly, rapid, whisper, shouting, with different emotional color: sad, fun, surprised, confused, wary, etc.
16. In the middle of the repetition process (about the 10th lessons), write down students on the voice recorder, but it is the single stream. Then also let me listen to the entire record entirely. It is very important that everyone heard himself against the background of one-laugher and found his mistakes himself.
17. When the required number of repetitions, suggest students to write a patter to test the English sound for memory.
18. The final stage of working with a patter into English sound is also recommended to be carried out in a game form. For this, each student in turn utters one word English patter for memory. The wrong participant drops out of the game, and the word restores the following in a circle. Having finished reading the patter in English once, students start it again, and so until one winner remains in the game.
II Method:

2. In the class first, imagine the students a vowel or consonant sound of the English language that you plan to work. To do this, you can use a brief description that we Give For all English sounds. Then say the sound of the English language yourself, then ask students to make this choir, and finally, on a chain.
3. Say all 5 patters to test the sound of the English language in the fast pace.
4. In this method, the game form of the presentation of the English spells will be even more appropriate, because more words that need to be heard will make a compete. For the right organization of the game, ask the participants to get ready to record the heard words, and at this time, write on their names themselves. After that, you read the first patter in English at a slow pace and offer players in turn to call one word. For each correctly, the wrinkled word player gets 1 point that you lock on the chalkboard opposite it. Then you read the second English patter, and the right to first name the word is provided to the player, which ended the previous round, etc. In the finals, the earned points are summed up and the winner of the game is determined.
5. Sprog the English patter on the board or distribute printouts. It is recommended to first make the translation of all 5 invertors to work out English sounds, and only then collectively choose one most likely. If necessary, you can vote.
6. In the case of a presentation of English spells on the board, ask students to rewrite those who have chosen to the notebook with the translation and transcription of strangers. If you have prepared printouts, they remain among students.
7. Further work with the chosen patter in English is carried out similarly to P.7-18 II of the method.
III method (for mini groups):
1. Prepare all the 5 pricks proposed by us on the English-proceedable sound in the presentation form on the board or printouts by the number of students.
2. In the class first, imagine the English vowel or the consonant sound that you plan to work out. To do this, you can use a brief description that we bring absolutely for each sound in English. Then say English sound yourself, then ask students to make it a choir, and finally, on a chain.
3. Say all 5 patters to work out English sound in a fast pace.
4. In this method, the game form of a presentation of the spells in English will be even more appropriate, because more words that need to be heard will make a compete. For the right organization of the game, ask the participants to get ready to record the heard words, and at this time, write on their names themselves. After that, you read the first English patter at a slow pace and offer players in turn to call one word. For each correctly, the wrinkled word player gets 1 point that you lock on the chalkboard opposite it. Then you read the second patter in English, and the right to first name the word is provided to the player, which ended the previous round, etc. In the finals, the earned points are summed up and the winner of the game is determined.
5. Do all 5 spells to work out English sound on the board or distribute printouts. Invite each student to choose yourself one most liked English patter, but so that everyone gets individual.
6. In quality homework, Offer students to independently make the transfer of your patter in English and practice in its pronunciation.
7. In the second lesson, each student presents its English patter with the translation. You adjust errors.
8. On the third and subsequent classes, each student is in turn reading his Spear In English to the training sound. Since the number of words to the English-worked sound in different patters may differ, then you should choose the maximum number of repetitions.
15. In the process of multiple repetition, the moment will inevitably come when one students have an English tweak, which is called, will "bounce from the teeth", while others still have to pronounce words. In this case, at every occupation, put a new task before successful students, for example, pronounce inverting in English, rapidly, with a whisper, shouting, with different emotional color: sad, fun, surprised, confused, wary, etc.
16. In the middle of the repetition process (about the 10th lessons), write down students who utter the English patter, on the voice recorder, but it is the single stream. Then also let me listen to the entire record entirely. It is very important that everyone heard himself against the background of one-laugher and found his mistakes himself.
17. At the final lesson, offer each student to write your English patter for memory.

Pronunciation of consonant sounds in English:

British consonant sounds have the following characteristic distinctive features compared to the consonants of the Russian language:

1) "Walle-deafness" is not the main distinguishable sign of English consonant sounds, on the contrary, in relation to the English consonant sound, it is important to know: whether this sound is strong or weak, and not ringing or deaf. In Russian, deaf consonants, as a rule, weak, and ringing sounds are strong, in English, on the contrary, ring sounds [b], [d], [g], [j], [l], [m], [n], [r], [v], [w], [z], [ʒ], [Ð], [ŋ] and [ ʤ] - In most cases, weak, and the deaf sounds [F], [H], [k], [p], [s], [t], [∫], [θ] and [ʧ] - strong;

2) strong deaf consonants [k], [p] and [t] differ from the corresponding Russian consonant sounds by the fact that they are pronounced with a strong teaching - the gap between one of these consonants and the following vowel sound is filled with a portion not from the mouth cavities, as in the case of Russian sounds [K], [P] and [T], and directly from the lungs;

3) A distinctive feature of the Russian consonant sound system is the presence of patinalization (softening). With the exception of always soft sounds [h] and [sh] and always solid sounds [C], [sh] and [F] (not to be confused with a double "long" soft [fju], as in the word of the entrance), the other Russian consonant sounds Meet both in soft and hard varieties. The consonant sounds of the English language are completely deprived of such an articulation feature, so special attention should be paid to the fact that English consonant sounds are not softened to the vowels [E], [I] and;

4) English consonant sounds at the end of words do not overfree, as Russian sounds;

5) Double English consonant sounds are read as one sound.

In modern English, 24 consonants. The features of their pronunciation (articulation) are discussed separately for each sound.

[b] - pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [b]. ɜ

[ ʧ ] - pronounced the Russian sound [h], but energetically and firmly, without any mitigation. For the correct articulation of the English audio [ʧ], the second element [∫] should also be pronounced firmly as the Russian sound [sh].

[d] - pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [d]. Before vocal sounds [E], [i],, [ɜ:] and the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated. The pride should be avoided [ ə ] Before combinations with the sounds [n] and [L], for which the instantaneous pause between the sounds [d] and [n] is to be given to the nasal articulation, and the instantaneous pause between the sounds [d] and [L], respectively, side articulation (at the place Education - between the lateral edge of the tongue and the cheek).

[F] - pronounced Russian sound [F], but energetic and without participation upper Lip.. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

[G] - pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [g]. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

[ ʤ ] - pronounced the same as the sound [ʧ], but with a voice, less vigorously and always with the second soft element [ʒ].

[H] - There are no analogues in Russian. The consonant sound [h] is a simple exhale without the participation of the language and rounding the lips - as when a blowing on the glass in order to clean it. The sound [H] is not noisy and in no case should not resemble the Russian sound [x].

[J] - pronounced as noticeably loosen Russian sound [th].

[ ʒ ] - pronounced as a softened Russian sound [F], but not so soft, as in the Word of the Link. It differs from the sound [∫] only by using voice when pronouncing it.

It is pronounced as a Russian sound [K], but more vigorously and with breathing in front of vowels. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

[L] - Unlike Russian sound [l], English sound [L] is pronounced with the participation of the tip of the tongue, which concerns the tissues directly behind the front upper teeth. Before vice, it sounds somewhat softer, but not as the Russian sound [l]. At the same time, in the position not in front of the vice sounds, the English sound [L] never sounds as hard as the Russian sound[l].

[M] - pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [m]. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

[n] - Unlike the Russian sound [H], which is pronounced by language rewarding into the front top teeth, the English sound [n] is pronounced with the participation of the tip of the tongue, which concerns the tissues behind the front upper teeth, but not the teeth themselves. English sounds less vigorously than the Russian sound [H]. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

[ŋ] - There are no analogues in Russian. Simplified, English sound [ŋ] is the sound of [G], if they pronounce it through the nose with a completely lowered soft nose. As well as for the sound [g], when the [ŋ] pronunciation [ŋ], the rear of the language is closed with a soft nob, but the latter when the sound [ŋ] is completely omitted, and the air does not pass through the mouth, but through the nose. The tip of the language during the pronouncement of the sound [ŋ] must be located at the lower teeth, and the front and middle part of the tongue does not touch the nose. [G] should be avoided after the sound [ŋ] and not to replace the sound [ŋ] sound [n].

It is pronounced as a Russian sound [n], but vigorously and with a swim in front of vowel sounds. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

[R] - a very weak consonant sound, only conditionally compared with the Russian sound [P]. It is pronounced with the position of the speech bodies, as for Russian sound [F], but the slot, formed between the risen tongue and the front of the solid nose, is somewhat wider than for sound [F]. The tip of the language is bent back and should not vibrate. Vibrate when pronouncing the English sound [R] only voice ligaments. The average and rear parts of the tongue remain flat. In order to avoid the replacement of the English sound [R] with Russian sound [P], it should be remembered that when the English sound is formed [R], the language does not hit the teeth or the top tissue of the oral cavity, remaining fixed.

[s] - reminds Russian sound [s], but pronounced energetic. The language, compared with the Russian sound [s], when pronouncing the English sound [S] raised up, and the air jet passes between the tongue and the tissues behind the front upper teeth, and not between the tongue and the teeth themselves. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

[∫] - pronounced as a softened Russian sound [sh], but not so soft as the sound [sh]. The position of the tip of the tongue, as when pronouncing the English sound [s], but the slot into which the air is passed, more widely, and the speech organs are intense less.

[t] - Reminds Russian sound [t], but pronounced energetic and silent to vowels. Compared to the Russian sound [t], when pronouncing the English sound [t], the tip of the tongue is raised to the tissues located behind the front teeth. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated. The pride should be avoided [ ə ] Before combinations with the sounds [n] and [L], for which the instantaneous pause [T] and [N], the instantaneous pahuse, and the instantaneous pause between the sounds [T] and [L], respectively, the lateral articulation (at place Education - between the lateral edge of the tongue and the cheek).

[θ] - There are no analogues in Russian. When pronouncing strong English consonant sound [θ], the tongue lies flat in the mouth, and its tip is between the front top and bottom teeth. In the formed this method, the slot between the edge of the upper teeth and the tongue of the tongue is exhaled. In order to avoid the formation of the sound [F], the teeth must be naked so that the lower lip does not touch the upper teeth. In order to avoid the formation of the sound [s], the tip of the tongue should be between the teeth, and the language itself remain flat, especially its front part.

[ð] - There are no analogues in Russian. It is pronounced as the sound [θ], but with voice and less vigorously. In order to avoid the formation of sound [V], the teeth must be naked so that the lower lip does not touch the upper teeth. In order to avoid the formation of the sound [z], the tip of the tongue must be between the teeth, and the language itself is flat, especially its front part.

[v] - pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [in], but without the participation of the upper lip. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

[W] - There are no analogues in Russian. The English sound [W] is obtained by instant transmission of the jet of air through the slot, produced strongly rounded and slightly peeled lips. Teeth do not touch the lower lip. The sound [w] is pronounced very briefly and weakly, the lips make traffic, as when staining the candle.

[z] - pronounced as a loosen Russian sound [z]. It differs from the Russian sound [s] the same as the English sound [S] from the Russian sound [s]. Before the sounds of [E], [I],, [ ɜ :] And the consonant sound [J] is not mitigated.

Pronunciation of vowels in English:

Among the vowel sounds of modern English, three main groups are distinguished: monophthongs (vowels consisting of one sound), difongs (vowels consisting of two soundswhich are pronounced within one syllable) and trifonggi (vowels consisting of three sounds uttered within one syllable). In modern English 12 Monofong, 8 difongs and 2 trifongg.


Historically, English monophthongs are divided into brief (æ, e, I, ɒ, ʊ, Λ, ə) and long (A: I: ɜ:, ɔ:, u :). The longitude of the latter is indicated in the transcription of the colon after the symbol of the corresponding vowel sound.

[æ] - a brief vowel sound, pronounced with a tangible voltage. Qualitatively opposed the sound [E]. In order to avoid the erroneous pronunciation of Russian sound [E] instead of sound [æ], the language should be located low in the mouth, as when they say the Russian sound [A]. The lower jaw must be noticeably omitted. At the same time, the bulk of the language should remain in the front of the mouth, and its tip must be pressed to the lower teeth.

Long vowel sound, pronounced busy. With its length, characteristic of the root of the tongue in the mouth and low challenge, English resembles the sound, published when the soul of the doctor. In order to correctly pronounce English sound, without making it similar to the Russian sound [a], the root of the tongue back and down.

[E] - a brief vowel sound, pronounced without tension. English sound [e] partly reminds Russian sound [e] in words light and these, if it is very briefly pronounced. It should, however, remember that consonants before English sound [E] are not softened. When pronouncing the English sound [E], the middle part of the tongue is raised to the neba higher than when the Russian sound is pronouncing [E], and the distance between the jaws is already.

[I] - a brief vowel sound, pronounced without voltage. Qualitatively (at the place and method of articulation) and quantitatively (under longitude) is opposed to long sound. English sound slightly reminds unstressed Russian sound [and] in the word game and shock Russian sound [and] after hissing. For proper sound articulation, the language should be placed in the mouth lower than when the Russian sound pronunciation [and]. The consonants before the sound are not softened, to which special attention needs to be paid. At the same time, the English sound should not be like a Russian sound [s].

Long vowel sound, pronounced busy. Qualitatively and quantitatively contrasted with brief sound [i]. English sound somewhat resembles the Russian sound [and] in the word of WIR, if they pronounce it in a tense and broken. Consults before the sound are not softened. In addition to longitude, English sound is characterized by heterogeneity of the sound on everything length. When pronouncing sound, the language moves in the oral cavity forward to up.

[ɜ:] - Long vowel sound, pronounced tensely. Lips when pronouncing sound [ɜ:] stretched, teeth are slightly naked. Consults before the sound [ɜ:] are not softened. English sound [ɜ:] should not resemble Russian sounds [o] and [e]. It is the sound [ɜ:], as a rule, pronounced by the carriers of the English language when he think of a response or selection of the desired word.

[ɒ ] - A brief vowel sound is pronounced without voltage. English sound [ɒ] partly like the Russian sound [o] in the wordhorse If it is not angry and not sticking to his lips. When pronouncing sound [ɒ], it is necessary to push the language as much as possible, as when they say the sound, and, widely opening your mouth, try to achieve a minimal rounding of the lips.

[ɔ:] - Long vowel sound, pronounced in a tense, while drawn back the language and strongly rounded lips. It should be avoided characteristic of the articulation of the Russian sound [about] of the suspension of the lips, which leads to the formation of the unusual English sound [ɔ:] the pride [y].

[ʊ ] - A brief voice sound, pronounced without voltage. Qualitatively and quantitatively opposed to long sound. Its main difference from the Russian sound [y] is that when the sound is pronouncing [ʊ], the lips are almost not rounded and do not protrude.

Long vowel sound, pronounced busy. Qualitatively and quantitatively opposed to brief sound [ʊ]. In addition to longitude, English sound, like sound, is distinguished by the heterogeneity of the sound on all over. When pronouncing sound, the language moves in the mouth of the mouth back and up. The lips at the initial moment are noticeably rounded and, as the language moves, they are rounded even more. In order to avoid replacing the English sound with Russian sound [y], when rounding the lips, do not stick them.

[Λ] - a short vowel sound, pronounced tense. The position of the language in the mouth, as in silence. English sound [Λ] look like a Russian sound [a], pronounced in the first estate syllable after solid consonants on the site of Russian letters A and O, such as in wordsrock andbark . Compared to the Russian shock sound [a], when pronouncing the English sound [λ], the tongue will move backwards, and its rear part is raised. Overly stepped back the language will result in the formation of a sound close to the English sound [λ], which will be a coarse phonematic error, since these sounds often perform senseless function.

[ ə] - A short neutral (language generated in a neutral position) is a vowel sound, pronounced without voltage. Like the Russian language, the English language is characterized by a strong high-quality reduction (weakened pronunciation of vowels in unstressed syllables). So, the sound close to the English sound [ə] can be found in the second estate and in two impressive syllables in Russian words on the site of vowelsabout, but and e after solid consonants, for example:gardener, various, the whole. An error in the articulation of English sound [ə] arises due to mixing paradigms of reduction in English and Russian. Neutral vowel sound [ə] in English is found primarily in the first estate and first impatient syllables. The carriers of the Russian language in the first and second estate syllables and the second pronouncement often utter vowels, according to the degree of high-quality reduction close to Russian. Frame error is the pronunciation in the first estate syllable english words Russian sound [e] instead of sound[ ə] . To eliminate this errorit is necessary not to shift the language into the front of the mouth, while maintaining it in a neutral median position.


These are special vowels, pronounced without a pause within one syllable. In English difongs, the main, shock element -nucleus - always the first of his two components. Second element -slip or Gloid. - Always unstressed, pronounced without voltage. Intonation all English dyphthong - descending, i.e. Their pronunciation is accompanied by a decrease in intonation to the end element.

The combination of a strong first element [a] and weakened. English sound [a] - the difthong core - differs from the Russian [A] to the head of the language during its articulation. In addition, in the initial stage of the sound of the English [A], the language is located below. Gloid Difthong should not be replaced by the English consonant [J] or Russian [th].

The combination of a strong first element [a] and a weakened second [ʊ]. When pronouncing the difthong kernel - sound [a] - the language is not so moving forward, as when pronouncing the nucleus, the first element is largely similar to the Russian [a]. Unlike [əʊ], The second element of the diefthong sounds unclear. It should be remembered and not to turn the unclear Glade [ʊ] into an independent vowel [ʊ] or, as well as Russian [y], which is pronounced with the characteristic protrusion of the lips, not inherent in the vowel sounds of the English language as a whole.

The combination of a strong first element [E] and a weakened second [I. ]. It should be avoided by the conversion of Gyed Difthong [I. ] In English consonant [j] or Russian [th].

- The combination of a strong first element [E] and a weakened second [ə]. Roth when pronouncing the difthong kernel - sound [E] - revealed muchwider than when trying independent English vowel [E], which makes a similar difthong core into Russian [e] in the wordthis (but not these).

[I.ə] - a combination of a strong first element and a weakened second [ ə]. In the open end position (at the end of the word), the smooth [ə] can go to the sound close to English [λ].

[ɔ I] - a combination of a strong first element [ ɔ] and weakened second. English sound ɔ] - difthong core [ɔ I] - represents a cross between english sounds [ɔ:] and [ ɒ]. The transformation of the Glade of Diffatong in the English consonant [j] or Russian [th] is Error.

[ʊʊ] - a combination of a strong first element [ʊ] and a weakened second [ə].

[ʊʊ] - a combination of a strong first element [ə] and a slightly weakened second [ʊ]. Difton kernel [ʊʊ] - sound [ə] - pronounced English [ɜ:], but with revealed wider than for [ɜ:], mouth and with rounded (but not filled) lips. Diftong [ʊʊ] is the only English difthong, the second element of which is pronounced rectifically, without a noticeable weakening of the speech organs.


This is a combination of difthong and with unwrite neutral non-voltage vowels [ə]. Like difthong, English trifonggis have a kernel in their composition - a strong shock element - and a glass or sliding, which includes two unstressed elements.

- combination of difthong and neutral vowel [ə]. Element [ I. ] should not turn into consonants [j].

The combination of difthong and neutral vowel [ə]. The element [ʊ] should not turn into a consonant [w].

Children have difficulties with the pronunciation of individual sounds. Among them, the sound "P" is especially allocated. Many parents are worried about their children because of this "naughty" sound! Instead of "fish" your baby with a smile did not answer the "herring", you need to regularly train the pronunciation. Certains in this work spell on "P". If they repeat them periodic, the child's speech will eventually be corrected over time.

Today, many educational techniques, interactive toys and other stuffing for development. Judging by the statistics, it is impossible to say with confidence that they help the prevailing number of children. Each fourth child records speech development delay. How to be and what to do so that the child does not get into this statistic?

Success in life depends on communicative skills. Speech is an important component in the impression that a person has on others. The following lack of speech includes the following:

  • too monotonous or expressive intonation notes;
  • continuous "chatter";
  • underdeveloped diction;
  • too fast or, on the contrary, slow speech pace;
  • loud or quiet voice.

Almost all flaws of speech fixed.

It is not necessary to use the promoted techniques developed abroad to eliminate disadvantages. Unfaped forgotten patters (on the letter "P" in our case), they can serve a good service.

Games for children - natural occupation. Therefore, studying in this form of the patter with "P", the parents appear the chances of the success of the classes. In the game, verbal material and the sound studied, are remembered by themselves. The child will not even notice how the automation of the twist "P" will lead to the acquisition of new skills. Gradually, they will become part of his speech. Then the fastest perception and development of reading will be formed.

Species with the letter "P" to achieve the norm

Each kid is individual. Therefore, the development of speech is different. However, there is an average norm of the Russian language.

  1. For children from one year up to two years, sounds are mastered: a; ABOUT; E; M; P; B.
  2. Up to three years, sounds are becoming available: y; AND; S; T; D; IN; F; R; TO; X; N; J.
  3. By four years, the guys are mastered: C; S; C.
  4. To five - w; G; H; Sh.
  5. And to six, for children it does not constitute the problems to pronounce l and, finally, the sound "r".

Thus, if the parents notice that problems with the sound of "P" remain in school age, it means that it should be easily engaged at home or seek help from a speech therapist.

Species with "P" are often used by speech therapists for speech development. They solve the following tasks:

  • exercise the articulation of sounds;
  • help to master the right speech;
  • corrected errors;
  • eliminate obliqueness;
  • develop the hearing and phonetic memorization.

The earlier the child hears the patters on the "P", the sooner he will perceive the corresponding combinations of sound on the rumor. Then he seeks to repeat it correctly.

Automation of the patter on "P"

Before charging the patter on the letter "P", you need to remember the rules.

  • First, it is better to pronounce it slowly, absorbing the combinations of sound and clearly uttering each of them. If you learn the patter on the "P" with the child, the learning stage is the same. Each word is pronounced separately: clear and slow.
  • You should not expect the baby to immediately repeat the phrase. Do not be angry if it says somewhat differently than required.
  • The lesson lasts a maximum of ten minutes.
  • But you can repeat the occupation as much as you like.
  • In addition to speaking patter with "P", it is killed or whispering. It is also useful to speak with a different voice chain, speed, intonation, and so on. The main thing is that each sound is pronounced clearly. This should be monitored.
  • When there are no doubts about the doubt, they pronounce the patter with the letter "P" as quickly as possible.
  • Before memorizing the patter on "P", it is desirable to spend a speech therapy gym for warming up and strengthening the articulation bodies.

What needs to be done before memorizing patterings with the letter "P"

So, proceed to the practical part. This sound is probably disturbed by many parents. If you follow the recommendations of the speech therapist, and exercises with speakers to the letter "p" due attention, the child will learn not only to correct the sound, but can even be buried as lion and the lion!

The occupation starts with a warm-up - cleanrs on "P". Example:

  • ru-ru-ru, jumps kangaroo;
  • ra-Ra, in the fox of Nora;
  • ry-fish, mosquitoes fly;
  • re-re-re new Year We are waiting in December;
  • ryu-Ryu-Ru, I cook you;
  • rya-Rya, the new day of the calendar;
  • rO-RO, in that corner there is a bucket.

Having finished the cleaner to "P" with two letters, slightly complicate the task:

  • arge-Arge-Art, in the park Tom burns lantern;
  • arya-Ara-Aries, as the guitars sing;
  • ure-ura-ura, asking millet chickens;
  • ory ory-Oren, we will see the mountains.

Species with the letter "P" for young children and older

After mastering the cleanup on "P", they utter sound in verses:

Prepared actress

Thirty three and three iris.

Gave all Irisky

Grisch, Mishe and Borisk.

Behind cheerful poems are easy patters with "P".

Carrot on the grater rubs Artem.

All bobryat - good guys.

Prodsed three trumpeters in the pipes.

Irishka - Marishka's sister.

Fish - in the aquarium, and cobra - in the terrarium.

For school children, it is useful to memorize the spears "P" are longer and complex. Example:

Gate, Varvara, Take out,

At the courtyard firewood pole.

Or another famous patter with the letter "P":

Stole from Clara Karl Coral,

And Clara stolen from Karl Clarinet.

For the development of diction, having studied the light spells "P", try to master the complex options along with the child:

Speaking the schooler, unknowing that they did not rustify that they would not revive all the patters. But drumming, reserved what will soon revive all patters. And here they jump as karasi in a skillet.

When automation is reached in progressing the patter on the letter "P", regardless of complexity, you will notice that the sound, whose pronunciation is so worried recently, is already said differently.

Gradually, day after day, the diction will improve. And maybe soon the child will win the sound "p" perfect. The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not overcome it so that the classes remain joyful and brought not only the benefit, but also pleasure.

On a festive shirt of roses and chamomile.
A worm climbed into an old attic.
Laura casket is full of rings.

Krunchi Kirill Lid covered.
Prepared Lera Four Ecler.
Pear Grisha gnawed on the roof.
Truck three carrots on the grater.
Round peas in the garden is broken.
Coroed nibbles Corra, he scans the hole.
Sleeping a brown in a spacious mink, near Groundhog Nora on the hill.
Rubit Brevna Khrubor - Rubble Chub spread.
Drawn here a crucian, crucian rather paint.
In the apartment number forty three carpet Persian brought.
We went to the boulevard, there bought a red ball.
Repair the monter electric motor.
Dropped firewood firewood in the morning.
Forty Sorochka shrocked, forty on the shirty three lines shot.
Fish catch Boria with Levoy, Lev with Borea - Fishermen.
- Tell the patter about Peter and about Egorch.
"Peter climbs upside down, Peter is in a hurry to Him."
He chews the pig carrot asked. Barats Barca gnawing splashing.
Hot sun warmed, looks mushroom from under the beret. I considered the mushroom hinge. Under beret - Borovik.
Ask Trofim to tell you about Nalima. Ask Peter to tell about sturgeon.
Under the garden beds, the mobs were breaking through and pulling the carrots into the dusty minks.
Lost tir tirork, not a firing crust. Patiently waiting for the peels of peels, cooled on the grater.
Brought in the basket of paradise three rosy karabia. I distributed to everyone equally: two grits and crows.
Tarlers train the barriers. Through different obstacles, all terriers jump apart.
I draw on a chamomile postcard, daisies, marigolds, dahlias for mom in the name day.
Zhura-Zhura-Zhuravley broke away from the Earth. I was prosecated: "Farewell to spring, the birthplace of the edge!"
Black Raven sang Raven Serenad in Voronena, he brightens his cried raven.
We pursuer-crotted scored for no accident. Run, spoiled the mole of our beautiful garden.
Makaru in the pocket of the Komarik fell. Major Macrah disappeared in his pocket. About this forty in Bor crushed: "In the pocket of Makara Cow disappeared."
Skworets Sorry Torokhlojkin boots. Squares Skzorets regularly for all forty-docken boots.
Drummers-Baranas stood in the drums. Who is all louder drums? Who will overbaby all?
Korshun caught fish to feed on the feeder. Refrigerated fish in the boiler to crumb to crumb.
In the garden, the janitor in the evening on Tuesday collected the gooseberry in the old grandfather.
Immersed Egor in three hundred thirty-three Barancas. Sledge flew quickly - all the rams rolled out.
Cooking the cook pasta for the sister of their Matroin and for the brother of Serezha Makarona cooks too.
In the courtyard, on the sidewalk, three girlfriends painted. Frozen crow: "Car! The sidewalk is painted! "
Beaver has long been sprinkled. Built the house. Bobryat - in it.
Mashed red cat. He asked him a sandwich. Scroll with cheese and cake with kefir.
On the smooth path scattered crumbs. Sitin decided: "It's time to eat!"
Feeds Shurochka by millet chicken. Feeds a motley millet from a mug.
In the garden - tomatoes, on the hillock - mumor. The pros is confused: "What to assemble in Lukoshko?"
I reveal the boxes: here - screws, here screwdrivers. I screw screws and brother Scientific.
From the dawn and before the dawn are building a house of ants. Since work is arguing, the anthill is built.
Near the trough - three piglets. They ask the pig piglets from the guys. Red watermelons eat guys, crusts from watermelons throw piglets.
Engaged Margarita and was angry with us. Margarita laugh and still rasor-Mo-Shi-Those!
Dressed up the cockroach in the bright red sarafan. Tarakan say: "Starting outfit!"
Suggested a cobra to play at Domre. Cobra played and became kinder.
Stored in an old portrait in the apartment, and looks with a portrait of my favorite grandfather. But he is not old in the portrait at all. He is in a portrait of about seven years old.
In the park, the fight is the Raven. The fight was big damage: exactly thirty three pen. The fight lasted until the morning.
Rounded the bear in Berorga. Dried a brown in Nore. Rounded, knew - and woke up at the dawn.
In the corridor, the threshold, two bulldog stretched out. Guard the corridor - the thief will not pass into the apartment.
Discoval Larisa Watercolor Narcissus. Georgina Gouachey drew Natasha.
Bober wandered in a dense boron. Found a beaver in Boropor. Brought the ax Bober Peter, he dropped the ax in Bor.
The plantain on the road was collected by strict. I chose a passers around the plantain more expensive.
Krakawa cracks: "Master-rus!" Krakawa cracks not in vain. Next to a grocery row is. Play a row there.
In the garden, the proof collects dill. Already at the proof the box of dill.
Mouse rustled: Shur-Shur-Shur. Cat Murlykal: Mur-Mur-Moore. Rabbit Jumping: Jump-jump jump. Sparrow sang: chichari chic!
Drozda on the tree are sitting, Ryabina is very terribly. Drozhda friendly, frozard - friends. Drozdov a huge family.
Barsuchikha with a badger was combed with a scallop. Barcutonka for hairstyles presented three combat.
Curly Baran beat in the drum.
Three gray cats played on spoons. And the little Zhora was a conductor.
Baked grounds Cheese pie. Pie in the groundwhugh dated slightly.
Boris came to Barbosu, Caramel Barbosus threw. Caramel "Barbaris" Barbos quickly sprinkle.
In a curly lamb, suddenly kudryashkov spun. The hairdresser was near. He twisted kudryashki.
Boroviki has grown on the hillock on the river. The oldest Borovik was immersed in a truck.
Bonfire flared up, we begin the conversation. Before dawn, ask, by the fire will say.
Loud thunder frogwise, the townspeople broke the thunder. Thunder rinsing, thunder rattles. Who is the thunder angry?
A piglet has witnessed: she wandered asking for delets. Hoarsely grunts: "Hrew-Hrew! In the morning I met I dare! "
Rolled the handproof the shoelace, scattered around the skates. How will we ride? It is necessary to figure it out.
Cancer on the grass sunbathed. Greek in the river suddenly fell. Cancer dived behind the Greek to the river. From the river I took the Greek cancer.
There is an ant near the closed doors. Open it the anthill soon.
On the curve, the alley gently collapsed Murka. Mice hits: Murkin's habits know.
Safe is proud of a faceted graphic. Faceted decanter at Countess one.
At the disclosed book jumped monkey. Jump, shouted, the lines disassembled.
Good in the pond Orders: Karasi play hide and seek. Fishermen began to look for - karasi in the pond hid.
Breok on the river Boria Vbod, dropped his sandwich. Bread and cheese disappeared: the fish had a beautiful feast.
We disassemble toys: Here is the designer, here are animals, multicolored cars and lanterns in a basket.
She was ferret, found a hole and arranged a hole in it. Wine, spacious mink for ferret and for Horut.
Cow Buryka scolds the calf: - Why did the lamb beging behind the arms?
Cooking the jam cooked in a saucepan, the dolls-girlfriends were laid out. Bored girlfriends without a vabble was. Cooking in a saucepan jam cooked.
Under the roof of the rat in Camork lives, suddenly a gray cat on the roof is coming. - Sairry of the rat, Kamorch throw, here are a gray cat, Riotiyev speedy
A mosquito plays romances on the violin, in a transparent pond djorded fish. Rty fish reveals fish, they get rifles.
Removes the Janitor courtyard, pins different litters. Next to him, a stray cat washes his breast and belly.
On a wide sidewalk, we painted small. Still lifes and portraits of bright sun siny.
The barbarian in the sranfana pencil is simple in his pocket. Draw, Varvara, River and Crispy Sheep.
Under the river jagged cancer, it will not be arranged. Cancer is angry, cancer is upset, the house of cancer is not arranged.
- How many horns of a couple of cows? - A couple of cows have two pairs of horns.
The feast arranged a pedestrian thrush: ate rowan red bunch. The cluster of Ryabina is great, the thrush grapes for sure.
On the track, along the path, two girlfriends, the two mariographs swapped, slipped and sculpt the scorch.
Sparrow smashed: jumped into the March stream, and now on the login he dries his feathers.
Faith went to Square yesterday, Vera Fan dropped. Lay the fan in the square and return the faith faith.
It broke out in the sea storm. Albatross waved the wing. The bird's bird is not afraid, in the storm at sea more feed.
For sale on the market, the rims in a basket, freight, cheese goods sold in a cart.
Forty cheese got. Forty holes in the cheese was. Forty cheese broke: Cheese with holes did not.
Behind the fence Boris planted Barbaris. Kostik Barbaris Boris's conversation.
Crab climbed on the ladder and crawl along the crab. The crab on the ladder will crawl, the crap will not fall.
In TETIEV and ladder with a sleeve on a hill. These five aurovat three blasting terastyat.
Cockroaches came running, we did not wait for apartments. We did not begin to ceremony: we were driven cockroaches.
Mom sews shirt daughter. Rocked lines on the shirt. Urgently scoffs forty lines: a daughter grows like sprout.
As in the morning on a dawn, two Peter and three Fedorks compete with Egorik speak typulating.
The chipmunk walked to the badger, and the badger - to the chipmunk. Poludoogi fused and met each other.
Baran - trouble: no beard grows. Baran from nature is very impossible.
In the barn, the Nura has different chickens. Two black - Chernushki. Three Penter - Pestrushki.
Floying a feather in the grass dropped, and asked the collapse of the wise owl: "How to find a loss in the middle of grass?" "It will grow again feather," was the answer of owls.

Automation of sound "P" using cleanrs and poems

The experience of the teacher - the speech therapist Dow. Speech material for automation of sound "P".

Durneva Marina Alekseevna, Logoped Teacher, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shahtinsky.

Purpose: Automation of sound "P" in a child's speech.

1. Develop a correct sound pronunciation "P" in speech using poems and cleanrs.
2. Improve the rhythmic-intonation side of speech.
3. Increase speech activity.
4. Optimize emotional background, improve mood.

Description: Dear colleagues, let me introduce you to my piggy bank of cleanrs and poems to automate the sound "P", which are used by me in the speech therapy work with children. These cleanrs can be used as an element of thematic occupation during dynamic pauses or as a separate audio exercise. Children with great interest and pleasure they pronounce these poems, memorize them. And then we are satisfied with them on this material. The winner is the one who will tell the poem and correctly utter all the sounds. this work It will be useful to speakers, educators, parents. Automation of solid sound "P"
These cleanrs are used in 2 stages of sound-proof operation.
The first time I use them at the stage of automation of sound "P" in the syllables. The work is carried out as follows: the adult reads the text itself, and the child only pronounces syllables (the game "Echo").
For example: adult - "We are going on the subway", baby - "Ro-Ro-Ro"
Thus, in a fascinating form, you can pronounce a syllable configuration pretty for a long time And it is not bored with the child. Also, in the process of repeated progressing, the child remembers her child, and then can tell her at the competition of readers.
The second time the same readers are used by me when sound automation is in speech. First I use the cleanup, since they are already familiar to the child. Only now the whole cleaner say the child. The second option is the Competition "Readers" - 2-3 children, well-pronounced this sound compete in reading cleanrs. At this stage, we play the game "Who is faster?" - It takes the same 2-3 children, I call some syllable, for example, "RA", and the child must remember and say to this syllable to the cleanup. Who will say first, he will get a token. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of tokens. And in the first, and in the second game it is important not only to tell the cleaner, and the main thing is to pronounce the sound correctly.
Here is some of them.

Ra-Ra-Ra - Stone Mountain.
RO-RO - we are going on the subway.
Rou-Ru-ru - Krem Konew.
Ry-fish - in the park mosquitoes.
Ru-ru-ru - I am carrots NATRU.
Ry-Ry-Ry - Topors of the island.
Ra-Ra-Ra - It's time from the yard.
Ru-ru-ru - I'm harmony.
Ra Ra-ra - a fun game.
Ra-Ra-Ra - Orange Peel Orange.
Ry-fish - new carpets.
RO-RO - in the store there is a Tro.
AR-AR - Red Samovar.
Or-or-op - clean the courtyard.
Or-or-op - take the ax.
Ur-ur-ur - we feed the chickens.
Ir-Ir-Ir is the whole people for peace.
AR-ARA-AR is a ball.
Ir-Ir-Ire - Ira drinks kefir.
Ara-Ara-Ara - here is Tamara.
Ora-Ora-Ora - Roma at the fence.
Dor-Dor-Dor - Red Tomato.
Mar-Mar-Mar - Nazova Komar.
VER-VER-VER - in the room carpet.
Bor Bor Bor - Nazova Fence.
Mir-Mor - Red Amanita.
Rona Rona Rona is a black crow.
Ruza-Ruza Ruza - in the field of corn.
Horns-horns - flat road.
Rokh Rokh Rok - Nova Peas.

And here are some clean-paintings-poems
Ra-Ra-Ra - Root Krot Nura in the morning.
Ro-Ro-Ro - Croota has its subway.
Ru-ru-ru - loves my hole to Mole.
Ri-Ry-Ry - Mole Proven 2 holes.

Ra-Ra - Here is a good game.
Ru-ru-ru - We will play the game.
Ro-Ro-Ro - played, drink Troyro.
Ry-fish - difficult to children without play.

Ra-Ra-Ra is a high mountain.
Rou-Ru-Ruv - Some I am a hole.
Ro-Ro-Ro - the feather left here.
Ry-fish - Who is the owner of the hole?

Ar ar-AR - Makar went to the bazaar.
Or-or-op - he bought an ax.
YP-SR - for the hostess delicious cheese.
Ear-Ear-Rod - daughter colorful carpet.
Ir-Ir-Ir - and for grandmother - kefir.

Cat Mur-Moore
Ur-ur-ur - I have a cat Mur-Moore.
SIR-SR - from the table stole cheese.
Ry-fish - do not eat cheese cats.
Or-or-op - crows sat on the fence.
SP-SP-SR - at the crows in the beak cheese.
Ral Ral Ral - That's who cheese stole.
UR-UR-UR - Raven Raven Moore Moore.

At the stage of sound automation after cleansers, I use poems in which the sound "p" is often found. On this material then the competition "Readers" is held. Here is some of them.

On a festive shirt
Roses and chamomile.

Coroed gnawing bark,
He scans the hole.

Sleeps a brown in a spacious mink,
Groundhok Nora on the hill.

Hire firewood
Woodways in the morning.

Tell the patter
About Peter and about Egorch.
Petr climbs uphill
Peter hurries to Him.

Chewing piglets
Carrot asking.
Barats Baranca
Glaspens a splash.

Feed Shurochka
By milk.
Feeds the bed
Mail millet.

I reveal the boxes:
Here - screws, here screwdrivers.
I spin screws
And brother teach.

Automation of soft sound "p"

Work on the automation of soft sound "P" is carried out in the same sequence as with solid sound. Therefore, I offer you only speech material.
Ray-rod - we will go beyond the sea.
Ri-Ri-Ri - burned lanterns.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I tell you the truth.
Re-re - we woke up at the dawn.
Little-rod - we worked not in vain.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I will cook the turnip.
Ray-river - rivers and the sea.
Re-re-re-Terem on Mount.
Arge-Art-Aren - Under Ryabino Ceremakia.
Out-oh-ohh - on the Khoria attacked a birth.
Ur-urr-ur - Varnka's eyebrows are not a gloom.
Irol-Iri-Ir - Siberian Earth.
ERA-ERA-ERA - on the painting a terrible beast.
Arj-Arge-Art - Pescar floats in the river.
Erh Er Eri - see what door.
Ur-ur-uar - in January there are not few storms.
Arge-Art-Arge - Rita eats a tear.
Out-oh-oh - Boris Kor.
Irol-Ir-Ir - in the snow Bunch.
Ryum-Ryum Ryum - I'm sick in the bag.
Rh-Rh-Rh - walnut eating nut.
Ryok Ryuk-Ryek - I hear your reproach.
RES-RES-RES - on the cortex.
Ryat-Ryat-Ryat - Single on the third row.

Rya-rose - rose dawn.
Re-re-re-fall at the dawn.
Ryu-Ryu-ryu - all windows decorate.
Ri-Ra-Ra - Golnyshka Dari.
Re-re-re-light on the dawn.

Rya-rod - we found in the hole of the Khoria.
Yaring-Yern-Yern - Chorus Stubborn Beast.
Out-oh-ohh - come out to the chorine.
ARY-ARY-ARY - Let's give you a tear.
Out-oh-oh - does not leave the fervor.
Rysthe-Rya-Rya - we will meet with Horam.

ARY-ARY-ARY - on the table there is a lantern.
Ryth-Rya-Räm - the cat plays with a lantern.
ARY -APER-ARY - from the table dumped the lantern.
Arge-Art-Arj - broken on the floor lantern.
Rei Rey-Rey - notice the floors of speeds.

Ort-or-oar - in Nor's angry chorine.
Ur-urbu-ur - chorus, eyes their hesch.
ARY-ARY-ARY - We will give you a tear.
Out-oh-oh-oh - Sgza Sukhar Angry Horing.
Little-rod - here and there is no breadcrumb.
Re-re - good chorine sits in Nore.
Rya-rod - I do not have a pushworker.
ARY-ARY-ARY Give me, choring a letter!

Thirty three old women in a row
Tarators, tauralate.

Boria Ira will give Irisk,
Ira Bore - Barbarisk.

Varya cooks, Boria Gries,
Rita Song sings.

Truery train
Jump off barriers.
Through different barriers
All terriers jump apart.

Cooking cook pasta
For sister your mother
And for the brother of Serezhe
Macaroni cooks too.

In the courtyard, on the sidewalk,
Three girlfriends painted.
Frozen crow: "Car!
The pavement is painted! "

Offered Cobre
Play at Domre.
Cobra played
And the kind has become.

Krakawa cracks: "Vary-rus!"
Krakawa cracks not in vain.
Next to a grocery row is.
Play a row there.

Behind the fence Boris.
Planted Barbaris.
Kostik Barbarisa
Overgrow Boris.

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