Dream Interpretation: why the picture is dreaming. Interpretation of sleep picture in dream books I dreamed in a dream a lot of beautiful picturesque paintings

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What is the dream of the Picture in a dream according to 32 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Picture” symbol from 32 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. Also you can order personal interpretation sleep expert.

No matter how beautiful the pictures may seem to you in a dream- this dream predicts the deceit of treacherous people, slander on you and a threat to your reputation.

If you love someone and think of them as a future life partner- a dream warns that this person is insincere, no matter how loving he (or she) may seem to you. Sleep compels you: try to identify the motives for the actions of your loved one. For family people this dream- portends the infidelity of a life partner.

Eastern dream book

What is the dream of the Picture in a dream from a dream book?

Spoil pictures in a dream- means that you will use rude methods to protect your rights, but you will be forgiven for this.

Buying paintings- your business activity will not bring the expected result.

If you dream that you are in a room with masterpieces of painting hanging on the walls- perhaps you have an ardent desire to achieve even greater success than now.

Children's dream book

The picture - reflects the idea of ​​the events taking place.

If the picture depicts some kind of landscape- his character speaks about how you imagine your own life.

If the picture shows a person, how do you see him in the picture- indicates what you think of him.

If a man is depicted- the way it looks means your assessment of your own mind.

If the picture shows a woman- then her appearance reflects your attitude towards your own moral qualities.

If the picture shows a still life (that is, some fruits, vegetables, jugs, and so on)- then you're on this moment you are most interested in relationships with the opposite sex.

Idiomatic dream book

"This is the picture"- such situation; "I return your portrait"- a situation of separation, quarrels.

Lunar dream book

The picture is a happy memory.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Picture dreaming?

If you are sick, picture- incorrect treatment; in all other cases- to deceit, trouble, material loss.

Russian dream book

Picture - to a rich lover, wealth.

Family dream book

Picture - dreams of trouble and deceit.

If in a dream you paint an oil painting- you have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise.

If in a dream you damaged the picture- will have to make significant efforts to protect their rights.

Buying paintings - portends speculation.

Engraving by ancient and modern masters- mean that you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements.

Visiting an art gallery- dreams of disagreements.

Slavic dream book

picturesque to see- to deceit; draw yourself - to success.

dream interpreter

Pictures are a sign of deceit, flattery and trickery; pictures to draw- portends success in the enterprise; paintings to sell- there is a sign of false friendship; paintings to buy means to make friends with a treacherous and evil person.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a picture?

Pictures seen in a dream- predict deceit and trouble with your friends.

If you dream that you are painting a picture- You will take part in a non-profit enterprise.

Spoiling paintings in a dream means that you will use rude methods to protect your rights, but you will be forgiven for this.

Buy paintings- prediction of useless speculation.

To dream that your portrait appears and disappears on the family tree- means that you will be rich and satisfied, but you will be disappointed with your relationships with people and upset by the lack of mutual understanding.

If you dream that you are surrounded by masterpieces of old and new masters- in reality, you will have a passionate desire to achieve tremendous success, in comparison with which your current success will seem like child's play.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the picture dream about in a dream?

Seeing a picture in a dream- to sadness; see a painting by a famous artist- to cheerful memories or good news.

Burn - you have to defend your rights.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A picture in a dream is a symbol of idealized, simplified ideas. Usually such dreams speak of your tendency to some idealism or suggest that someone in your environment embellishes the facts, thereby misleading you. If in the coming days you have any financial affairs or serious transactions planned, then this dream encourages you to more soberly assess what is happening in order to avoid unnecessary disappointments in the future.

Portrait of a familiar person in a dream- a sign that in reality you do not have a completely accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit.

Your portrait - means erroneous ideas about your own person.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

The pictures are a disappointment.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream a picture appears in front of you- it means that trouble will happen to you at the same time and you will be deceived.

If in a dream you paint an oil painting- it means that you have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise.

If you damaged a painting in a dream- means. You will have to make considerable efforts to protect your rights.

Buying paintings in a dream- a prediction of unworthy speculation.

To dream about your portrait on the family tree- promises you prosperity and satisfaction, but at the same time disappointment in friendships, and lack of understanding.

If you dream that you are surrounded by the best engravings of ancient and modern masters- it means that you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements, in comparison with which your real successes seem miserable.

Visit an art gallery in a dream- to disagreement. You will begin to make efforts to establish peace and mutual understanding at home, striving with your soul for completely different people.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Painting in a dream?

Seeing a picture or pictures in a dream- a sign of sadness that hypocritical friends will deliver. Painting hanging on the wall in someone's room- portends deception in the field of business interests.

Looking at paintings in a museum or exhibition hall- a harbinger of trouble in the family. Damaged and unsuccessfully restored painting- means that you will have to make every effort to defend your unjustly violated rights.

Seeing a world famous painting in a dream- portends cheerful memories or good news. If in a dream you are looking at a copy of a painting by a famous artist or a reproduction of it- then in reality you will experience deep sadness about the irretrievable loss of a loved one.

Buying a painting - predicts minor family troubles.

If you dreamed that you were selling a painting- Large unforeseen expenses await you.

Draw a picture in a dream- to a rash act that will lead to big expenses.

Freud's dream book

Picture - symbolizes a woman or female genital organs.

Large picture - symbolizes an adult woman.

small picture- symbolizes a girl or a minor girl.

Large painting surrounded by small paintings- symbolizes a mother and her children (daughters).

If a man looks at a picture- he seeks sexual contact with a certain woman.

If he tries to steal the painting- he seeks to achieve his goal by any, even not quite decent goals, up to the threat of violence or blackmail.

If a woman looks at a picture- She dreams of a relationship with another woman.

If a man paints a picture- he is prone to sex with elements of sadism.

If a woman paints a picture- she prefers to engage in self-satisfaction, since communication with a man is unpleasant for her.

If you somehow spoil the picture- you are striving to break the existing sexual relationship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The picture is fun, a memory.

Medieval dream book

See yourself in a painting- to a long life.

Pictures to see - to deception.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a picture in a dream- sadness; draw - pleasant memories or news.

Esoteric dream book

The picture - the unknown will open. Your curiosity will be rewarded.

To paint a picture - your talent "grows". Efforts are not in vain.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: A picture from a dream book?

The dream interpretation interprets the picture- as a hint, her plot is a reflection life situation that haunts you.

More interpretations

If you've seen her before- you indulge in nostalgic memories.

Are you busy buying it?- you will work hard, but you will not receive a reward in the amount you expected, by selling - you will be forced to reproach a friend for selfishness and ignobleness.

If you dreamed that you were framing a picture- set boundaries for yourself, get less than you need.

You set her on fire- there will be a struggle for your own interests.

You damage the pictures- you will have to resort to not entirely honest ways of fighting, but you do not need to worry about it.

Video: Why is the Picture dreaming

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I dreamed of a Picture, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Picture is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    My parents came to visit me (by the way, in a dream, my parents were people I didn’t know in my life) and we went for a walk on the street. And so we come to some house and my “father” says that there are paintings here that we must pick up. We climb into the house through the window and look for paintings, find them, and suddenly I hear the voices of two women (the owner of the house and her friend) - they are going to the exit of the house to get out. And at this time we run to the balcony, because for some reason I can’t go through the door through which my “parents” throw me out into the street and at the same time I take away from them all the paintings that we took in this house. Then I walk down the street, meet friends and start showing these pictures to them. And the dream is broken

    Hello, I dreamed that I was showing my paintings, there were two of them, one was already finished, and the other was not yet. The finished painting was dominated by blue colors, I don’t remember the image myself, but the one that I had yet to finish depicted a landscape, a house in the village, everything was very beautiful and colorful there, a lot of greenery, and in the right, lower corner of this picture there was a bright light with rays that diverged throughout the picture and even went out to the frame of the picture. () Thanks.

    I came to the beauty salon, they were going to do my hair. Then 3 men came in, one of them was carrying a picture. Then he decided to hang it on the wall and he didn’t succeed (they were drunk). I helped hang it on the wall.

    Hello! I dreamed that in a dream I give a picture to a person I like, I find out the address of this person and send it to him secretly, he guesses that it is me. The picture most likely depicts nature. But in fact, it's my birthday, and I give him a gift, and the picture cost 150 UAH, and he wonders why it's so cheap?

    I saw a portrait of a young woman and realized that it was me. I don't remember who painted this portrait. But someone showed it to me. I liked the portrait, in very warm iridescent colors. The most interesting thing is that on it I look younger and somehow more beautiful than I am now in my life. But I internally realized that it was I who was depicted in the portrait.

    in the house where I lived as a child now it’s not there and I don’t live in this city, but in a dream it’s like I came on vacation and my daughter brought a lot of paintings to save, and I was against it because I wasn’t going to live there.

    I had a dream in which a former good classmate, whom I had not seen for 2 years, gave me 2 oil paintings. I really liked the pictures, as I draw myself and love art. The paintings depict nature in gray tones, these are the tones I love. He brought a gift to my home. I also saw a former classmate, to whom I am not indifferent. In this dream, when we met, we hugged. I was happy with this meeting. These 2 dreams I had tonight.

    I dreamed about my sister (she is 2 years old), but in a dream she was a newborn, but the strangest thing was that her face was like a picture. Another dream was where I play cards with a friend and a guy who is in love with my girlfriend, the thing is that I don’t know how to play this game, and when I throw the cards wrong, my friend shouted and left.

    hello, I’m nastya, why is it that the kid whom I don’t like is dreaming, it all started when I made friends with my friend Sonya, she has three brothers, valera danil and danil, valera constantly comes out and sees, and then I’m at night when I’m already sleeping, he dreams that he and go swimming and he proposed to me

    dream excerpt:
    - I’m standing in a small room, unfamiliar to me, I take pictures from a woman (an aged woman, also unfamiliar) from the hands of the pictures I examine and pass on to another woman (I understand in a dream that the first woman gives the pictures as a gift or a museum .. or a gallery, since her husband, who painted pictures and some he inherited, died, and he so bequeathed to her). the paintings depict still lifes ... different, both modern and ancient, and products - fruits, vegetables ., and flowers in vases, the dream was vivid ... and then, unnoticed by me .. all the women disappeared .. and I myself rearranged the paintings ..

    I was looking for a picture for a gift, but I really liked it, because the picture was shaped like a ceramic portrait and a very beautiful and bright landscape gradually appeared, I wanted to buy it both for a gift and for myself.

    I dreamed of a former boyfriend painting a picture. He asked in a dream that I draw a picture for him, I refused and said "let your girlfriend draw." He silently drew a picture himself in which the sky, green grass and 2 yellow lightning from the sky, but not aggressive.

    Hello. Mne ptisnilas kartina . na ney izobrajena ya v golovnom ubore kak u egipetskih faraonov i prostom plate no znayu chto ono ne prostoe i golovnoy ubor i plate priyatnogo zelenogo cveta , tochnee ne zelenogo a pohojego na zeleniy no v realnoy jizni ya takoy cvet ne videla , cvet bivoryaket . ya znayu chto kartina stoit mnogo deneg , ee napisal kakoy to izvestniy hudojnik . no kartinu narisovali v 1800 godu no na ney izobrajena ya . vo sne ne mogu ponyat kak eto seychas 2016 a kartina narisovana tak davno . potom nachala iskat kartinu. ne pomnyu nashla or net . no ochen otchetlivo pomnyu my portret

    I was with a friend in the forest, and then he runs around, takes out a knife, and my father tells me that you can die at such an age, I pick up the knife and throw it away, the knife is small, he makes me go look for a knife, I go and he takes a knife and hits himself in the stomach, and says it doesn’t hurt, then the turmoil began on the road, and I met dad, and he said what are you doing here, we get into his car and leave

    I immediately dreamed that I was holding white flowers such as roses and a large picture wrapped in paper and the picture was lying on the roof of my Father's black jeep. And I know for sure that ex boyfriend He gave me a painting and flowers.

    in a dream I was a man (attractive enough: a tall, slender brunette with a short haircut). I also had a girlfriend with whom in a dream I had some kind of relationship (which I didn’t understand exactly, but it looked like we were in love.) During the dream, we crossed paths several times and it was very unusual. For the first time, we seemed to be transported into the picture (as if our souls were transferred to the picture) Where we communicated with her. Being there I felt warm and cozy. The whole picture was in warm colors. There was an impression that in this picture there was my image (in male form) and my girlfriend was a little more (or maybe not her, but it was definitely the girl’s face) also blue color prevailed in this picture and for some reason silver stripes . Then, as it were, I was pulled out of this picture and I was transferred to some place where from the side I see a man lying, and there are many people nearby, about 10 (there were both women and men. I remember exactly among them there was a blonde) the following: I sort of move into this man. Everyone around is glad that I showed up and an attractive red-haired girl approaches me. She was glad to see me. Then I move into the house. I am lying on a bed or sofa (seeing my legs) I am also in the form of a man. There is a portrait of a man on the wall in front of me and he is somehow hostile to me. i.e. he did something that I can not move and move into the picture. At this time, a fire starts in the house. because there was smoke. I got the impression that this man (he was in a white shirt and with curly hair up to my shoulders) enjoying watching my helplessness. Then on the right I notice another painting and try to move there. with difficulty I succeeded. then, as if memories visit me and it seems that I was already in it. and that red-haired girl from her. and then I wake up.

    I find my money with a wallet large bills. I’m going by car to the former microdistrict where I lived and my lawyer lives there now, I arrived and I see houses, and on them pictures are drawn by children, unusual and like adults are painted, painted. a lot instead of balconies as if open shop with different good things

    i dreamed that it was like a wedding, I didn’t see her and my husband, as I understood it was a fictitious marriage, in which they gave me a phone, a live black bear cub and held it in my arms, and a dog whose hair was spinning, her I also held it, she practically slept, they also gave 2 completely different pictures and a new cool phone, I called my friend, boasted on Skype, then I talked on the phone, I don’t remember who and it was all with a cord, and my friend was offended because I didn’t invited her to the wedding, then I ate peas with someone, which if you throw it away, it immediately grew and it seemed to me a catch.

The article on the topic: "dream book paintings on the wall" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books- both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known interpreters of dreams, and little-known yet, but nevertheless, talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if necessary, in addition to the dream book, you can use the additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur on the full moon, at which time there are many more dreams. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What you dreamed about on the growing moon requires realization in reality - pay special attention to this. Find out which days of the week and lunar day dreams are empty, and in some - prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days, come true, and in 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). Important dreams are dreamed on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

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  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
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  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word "tea", the program will give an interpretation of the words "TEA" and "OCCENT".
  • The case of the entered letters does not matter. For example, entering the words “hand”, “HAND”, “Hand” and “hand” will give the same search result.

In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese of the Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, Old Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of interpretation of dreams as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of Junona.org - the best), Russian noble dream book Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as the modern universal, female, male, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, self-taught dream book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

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Dream Interpretation Painting, why dream Painting in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of a Picture from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why dream Picture: interpretation of sleep

What does the child dream about Painting, interpretation of sleep:

Picture - Reflects the idea of ​​current events. If the picture depicts a landscape, its character speaks of how you imagine your own life.

If a picture depicts a person, the way you see him in the picture means what you think of him. If a man is depicted, then how he looks means your assessment of your own mind.

If the picture depicts a woman, then her appearance reflects your attitude towards your own moral qualities. If the picture shows a still life (that is, some fruits, vegetables, jugs, and so on), then at the moment you are most interested in relationships with the opposite sex, this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Why does a woman dream of a picture, what is this dream about?

Picture - A picture in a dream can portend trouble and deceit. To visit an art gallery in a dream - to disagreements in the family. You are trying to establish peace and understanding at home, striving with all your heart for completely different people. If you dream that you are surrounded best work ancient and modern masters - you are obsessed with a passion for achievement, in comparison with which real success seems primitive. To paint an oil painting in a dream is to participate in some dubious and risky enterprise. If you damaged the picture, then soon you will have to stubbornly defend your rights. Seeing in a dream your portrait on a family tree portends prosperity and satisfaction in life and at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of understanding.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream Picture - the symbolism of sleep:

Picture - The depicted scene indicates some episode of your life. A familiar, clear picture - sadness about the past time. Art gallery - the need for choice, decision making.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why is the Picture dreaming in dreams?

Picture - Fun, memory, this is an interpretation of the Picture according to the dream book.

Why is the Picture dreaming, according to the popular beliefs of Little Russia:

Painting - Seeing a picture in a dream - sadness, drawing - pleasant memories or news, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the Picture dreaming in night dreams?

Picture - To see a picture in a dream - to sadness, to see a picture of a famous artist - to cheerful memories or good news. Putting a picture in a frame means limiting your intentions, achieving less than you wanted; buying a painting is making an important decision. A damaged picture - to a gross invasion of your privacy, to damage it yourself - to bold undertakings, a picture falling from a wall means the end of dreams. Seeing an artist in a dream is a warning against illusions, vain hopes, being him means strong love, this is an interpretation of the picture from the dream book.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Picture - Feelings of nostalgia, longing for something; hope, remembrance (idiom: "pictures of the past come up").

Why is the picture dreaming in a dream?

Seeing a picture in a dream is a cheerful memory.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What is the dream of the Picture to the dreamer:

Picture - If a picture appears in front of you in a dream, it means that trouble will happen to you at the same time and you will be deceived. If in a dream you are painting an oil painting, it means that you have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise. If you damaged a picture in a dream, it means. You will have to make considerable efforts to protect your rights. Buying paintings in a dream is a prediction of unworthy speculation. To dream about your portrait on the family tree promises you prosperity and satisfaction, but at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of understanding. If you dream that you are surrounded by the best engravings of ancient and modern masters, then you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements, in comparison with which your real successes seem miserable. To visit an art gallery in a dream is a disagreement. You will begin to make efforts to establish peace and mutual understanding at home, striving with your soul for completely different people.

The picture is what is dreaming of, interpretation:

Picture - The Unknown will open. Your curiosity will be rewarded. To paint a picture your talent "grows". Efforts are not in vain.

The picture is dreaming, what does it symbolize?

Painting (drawing, portrait) - “Such a picture” (such a situation); “I return your portrait” - a situation of separation, quarrel; "interesting picture". See add. Draw.

Old Russian dream book

Why is the Picture dreaming, according to the dream book interpretation:

Pictures to see - A sign of deceit, flattery and tricks; painting pictures portends success in the enterprise; selling paintings is a sign of false friendship; buying pictures means making friends with a treacherous and evil person.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why is the Picture dreaming - the dream book interprets as follows:

Paintings – hypocritical friends, pleasure

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a picture in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of a picture from a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of a picture from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of a picture from a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What is the dream of the Picture from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of a picture in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • What is the dream of Painting in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Fri November 17, 2017, 10:21:18 AM

Sun August 07, 2016, 06:05:08 AM

Sat November 01, 2014, 10:20:23 AM

Sun November 27, 2011, 03:45:37 PM

Picture in a dream book. Tell your dream:

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- interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's dream book

what are the pictures on the wall for

If you saw a dream where you are surrounded by pictures on the wall, then you are pursuing serious goals, you are full of desire to reach very great heights. We saw pictures on the wall in the museum, then in reality there may be disagreements with someone.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

what are the pictures on the wall for

A dream about paintings on the wall prophesies a meeting that you will not soon forget.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

paintings on the wall in a dream

Such a dream predicts fun, meeting with friends, serenity, pleasant memories.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

dreamed of pictures on the wall

In the case of a dream about paintings on the wall, try to remember which colors prevailed on them: if they are light or bright, then your actions are correct, and your efforts will not be in vain. If the paintings are painted in dark colors, then think deeply about your decisions and do not rush to draw conclusions.

Freud's dream book

what are the pictures on the wall for

Karina on the wall - the desire to start a new sexual relationship.

English dream book

paintings on the wall in a dream

Pictures on the wall in a dream portend treachery of people close to you, slander that can ruin your reputation, deceit.

Slavic dream book

paintings on the wall in a dream

Pictures on the wall - deceit, trouble.

With the dream of the picture on the wall, people also dreamed

Sleep from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

dream interpretation

Paintings on the wall

Dream interpretation Paintings on the wall dreamed of why in a dream Pictures on the wall? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Wall Pictures in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation paintings on the wall

Paintings are a form of fine art. They are pleasing to the eye, but not everyone understands their meaning. True connoisseurs of art acquire paintings for aesthetic pleasure and as a way of investing money. Many people buy just to decorate their home.

But what if the objects of art appeared to you in a night vision, while they were the central image?

Dream about canvases

I dreamed of an artist's canvas

You will not be able to get a definite answer about what the picture is dreaming of. Many factors will influence the prediction, ranging from your emotions to the plot depicted on the canvas.

Interpreter of psychologist Miller

Miller believed that looking at the canvas is a negative sign. Such a dream means that troubles will enter the life of a sleeping person, and at the same time, others will begin to deceive him.

Oil painting on your own - you will become a participant in a dubious business, fraught with a certain risk.

Accidentally damage the canvas - unpleasant people will soon invade your personal life, and you will need a lot of effort in order to protect yourself from their attacks.

Make a purchase of paintings - you will be seen in speculation.

To see a drawn family tree and your portrait on it - you will become a successful person, while disappointment in relatives and closest friends awaits you. You will not be able to find common ground with them, your opinions will drastically diverge.

Being surrounded by valuable paintings by famous artists - you are striving for the pinnacle of success. The results that you have already achieved do not satisfy you.

To be in a dream in the showroom

I had a chance to see in a dream the pictures that are located in the exhibition hall - squabbles and disagreements with people around. The dream interpretation believes that you will make every effort to preserve peace and tranquility in the family, while longing for communication with completely different people.

Predictions of other dream books

Interpreters view this symbol differently. Often it does not carry positive information, but there are also good predictions.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Kananit

Examining canvases in a dream - your friends are deceiving you. The dream also suggests that you are too succumbing to pleasures, this state of affairs negatively affects your life.

Lunar interpreter

Examine the canvas in a dream

Take a closer look at the plot that is drawn on the canvas. The plot will let you know what you are remembering. The interpreter tends to think that this is some kind of fun situation from your past.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

According to this dream book, the picture is a memory of past days. Nostalgia for certain moments in life.

Interpreter of the 21st century

For prediction, it is important what kind of picture you saw:

  • a canvas by a famous master - get good news or remember positive moments from your life;
  • the work of an unknown artist promises sadness, longing, tears.

You frame your work - you set certain boundaries for yourself, while you will be able to achieve much less results than you could.

Making a purchase is a responsible and important decision.

A torn canvas is a symbol that predicts a gross interference in your personal life. You yourself damaged the canvas - commit a risky act.

The canvas falls - the dreamer's dreams are not destined to come true, and he will soon understand this.

Watching an artist at work in a dream

Watching the work of the artist - the interpreter warns you that your dreams will remain dreams, you should not hope. In night vision, you yourself paint a picture - you will meet your soul mate who will love you with true love.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The sorceress advised to carefully look at what is depicted on the canvas. This will be an indication of a certain period in your life or a certain situation. If the picture in a dream is clearly visible, then you will yearn for bygone times.

Being in the gallery - you will face a choice, many options.

Children's interpreter

What is depicted on the canvas reflects your current state, your idea of ​​life.

Image certain person says that you constantly think about him. Unknown man - your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhimself, the way the character looks, speaks of your self-esteem regarding mental abilities.

The woman on the canvas personifies your moral qualities.

The dreamed still life suggests that in this period of time you are most busy communicating with the opposite sex, you are not interested in anything else in life.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Why is the picture dreaming? You have a simplified view of life, do not delve into the details.

When you see a portrait of a familiar person, then your opinion about him is not entirely correct. Your portrait - you think wrong about yourself.

Interpreter Fedorovskaya

Fedorovskaya gave clear predictions of what this or that plot was about:

  • examine the canvas - receive an anonymous letter;

Draw in a dream

Dreamed drawings from the point of view of psychology

Everyone knows the interpreter of dreams of Sigmund Freud, the great psychologist who considered any symbol in a dream, giving it erotic overtones.

Any canvas personifies the female genital organ or a certain woman.

Accordingly, the picture large sizes indicates a mature woman, and a small one indicates a teenage girl.

We saw one large canvas framed by small sketches - a symbol of motherhood, mother and her offspring.

When a young man in a dream carefully studies a certain canvas, he strives with all his might for intimacy with a woman. When in a dream he steals a picture, then he will seek his own by any means, even if they go against the law.

The girl who looks at the canvas subconsciously desires same-sex sex.

A man dreams that he is an artist - he is attracted to sex with elements of violence. For women, such a vision carries a different message. The lady is prone to self-satisfaction, as she does not trust men.

Burn, tear, destroy the picture - you are trying to get rid of relationships that have long become a burden to you.

The plot depicted on the canvas

If in night vision you draw a still life, then you have been fascinated by a certain idea. You go to your goal thoughtlessly, making fatal mistakes along the way. Interpreters advise you to stop for a while and think things over carefully.

Watching your soulmate draw a landscape - your life together is in jeopardy. Your partner is cheating on you.

Seeing a picture with a biblical story in a dream - unexpected guests will come to you.

When military battles are depicted on the canvas, then in reality you will be busy fighting against your enemies. You will have to make every effort to emerge victorious.

The canvas depicts a raging water element - you conceived evil, your intentions are not very honest, you are trying to achieve your goal, thereby greatly harming other people.

Learn from online dream book what the Picture is dreaming of, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpreters.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the Picture dreaming and what does it mean:

To see a picture in a dream - to sadness, to see a picture of a famous artist - to cheerful memories or good news.

Putting a picture in a frame means limiting your intentions, achieving less than you wanted; buying a painting is making an important decision. A damaged picture - to a gross invasion of your privacy, to damage it yourself - to bold undertakings, a picture falling from a wall means the end of dreams.

Seeing an artist in a dream is a warning against illusions, vain hopes, being one is a sign of strong love.

Miller's dream book

If a picture appears in front of you in a dream, it means that trouble will happen to you and you will be deceived.

If in a dream you are painting a picture, it means that you have to take part in some kind of dubious and risky enterprise.

If you damaged a painting in a dream, then in reality you will have to make considerable efforts to assert your rights.

Buying paintings in a dream is a prediction of unworthy speculation.

If in a dream your portrait appears and disappears on the family tree, then prosperity and satisfaction await you, but at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of mutual understanding.

A dream in which you are surrounded by masterpieces of ancient and modern masters suggests that you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements, in comparison with which your real successes seem miserable.

Children's dream book

Picture in a dream, what does it mean

The picture reflects the idea of ​​the events taking place. If the picture depicts a landscape, its character speaks of how you imagine your own life. If a picture depicts a person, the way you see him in the picture means what you think of him. If a man is depicted, then how he looks means your assessment of your own mind. If the picture depicts a woman, then her appearance reflects your attitude towards your own moral qualities. If the picture shows a still life (that is, some fruits, vegetables, jugs, and so on), then at the moment you are most interested in relationships with the opposite sex.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why is the picture dreaming?

A picture in a dream can portend trouble and deceit. To visit an art gallery in a dream - to disagreements in the family. You are trying to establish peace and understanding at home, striving with all your heart for completely different people. If you dream that you are surrounded by the best works of ancient and modern masters, you are obsessed with a passion for achievement, in comparison with which real success seems primitive. To paint an oil painting in a dream - to participate in some dubious and risky enterprise. If you damaged the picture, then soon you will have to stubbornly defend your rights. Seeing in a dream your portrait on a family tree portends prosperity and satisfaction in life and at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of understanding.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about the Picture, what does it mean?

The depicted scene indicates some episode of your life. A familiar, clear picture - sadness about the past time. Art gallery - the need for choice, decision making.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the picture interpret the dream book?

Picture - Fun, memory.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is the picture dreaming?

Seeing a picture in a dream - sadness, drawing - pleasant memories or news.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Picture from your dream

Feelings of nostalgia, longing for something; hope, remembrance (idiom: "pictures of the past come up").

Lunar dream book

Picture in a dream what does it mean:

Cheerful memory.

Esoteric dream book

Picture in a dream:

Picture - The Unknown will open. Your curiosity will be rewarded. To paint a picture your talent "grows". Efforts are not in vain.

Idiomatic dream book

Picture what is dreaming of

“This is the picture” (such a situation); “I return your portrait” - a situation of separation, quarrel; "interesting picture". See add. Draw.

Old dream book

I had a dream - Painting

Pictures to see - A sign of deceit, flattery and tricks; painting pictures portends success in the enterprise; selling paintings is a sign of false friendship; buying pictures means making friends with a treacherous and evil person.

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Seeing beautiful paintings, pictures, looking at them, for example, in a book or in an album - a dream warns that you will become a victim of deception in reality. You will be deceived by a person whom you know well and whom you completely trust. Or it will be an authoritative person who enjoys universal respect. If you dream of a picture or pictures, this predicts that you will be extremely disappointed in some person.

Slavic dream book

Painting in a dream why the dreamer dreams

To an illusory position soon. Beware of deceit by imaginary friends. 12th house of the horoscope.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Standing in front of the picture - Having a dream on Monday night, a dream means: you will find that you have been deceived for a long time. On the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - means that you will be flattered for selfish purposes. On the night of Saturday or Sunday - to attempts to satisfy your curiosity.

Break the picture - A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will be able to avoid big trouble. - Dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - soon you will be freed from painful memories; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to a quarrel with an old acquaintance.

Draw a picture - On Monday night - you are very lucky, your old dream will come true; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - your affairs will soon begin to gradually improve; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this is a warning that you can say a lot of unnecessary things about things that you intended to hide.

Dream Interpretation of Arnold Mindell

I dreamed of a Picture - you were fascinated and will know deep disappointment; you do not deceive, but you will be deceived; you help others, but you yourself are in trouble. It is as if you are painting a picture with oil paints - because of your indiscretion and inexperience, you can get involved in a matter of dubious property; stay away from people who paint your future in bright colors, who scold everyone in a row, and they say only pleasant things to you.

The girl dreams that she is painting an oil painting - perhaps the lover of this girl has conceived treason. It is as if you are buying a painting - you will think that in difficult times there is no big sin in speculation and you will go for a speculative deal; but there is a possibility that you will be called to account when the muddy waters come down. You dream of engravings by masters of world renown - a dream speaks of your dissatisfaction; you feel that you can do more - you are able to conquer cities and countries, but you have to fire cannons at sparrows.

You see yourself in an art gallery - you have to face many opinions on one issue; all opinions will look convincing; the choice will not be easy. You seemed to freeze in admiration in front of some kind of picture - a dream portends sadness to you. A young woman dreams that she is delighted with some kind of picture - even her friends consider this woman a blue stocking. You accidentally ruined the picture - in reality they will try to infringe on your rights; you have to fight for yours.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Picture:

Picture - Job satisfaction. Remember the picture in every detail. Try to embellish it.

Phoebe's big dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of a picture

If you dreamed of a Picture, you will get a lot of joy and satisfaction from a job well done. Imagine an artist's studio. You came to visit him and see a picture on the easel. The artist invites you to pick up brushes and complete the painting yourself. You follow this advice, and apply a few bright finishing strokes with a confident hand. After that, the picture as if by itself turns into a real masterpiece. You carefully examine it, trying to see as many details and details as possible (imagine that the picture depicts something pleasant for you).

Psychological dream book

Why is the Picture dreaming in a dream?

  • As a rule, a picture in a dream illustrates something from our everyday life. The interpretation of sleep depends on whether the picture is drawn or whether it is a reproduction. The picture that you painted yourself in a dream should have a stronger emotional effect.
  • The condition of the painting is just as important as the colors that dominate it (see Colors). And the depicted object can suggest what exactly in life should be considered in more detail.

Worldly dream book

Everyday interpretation of a dream about a picture

You will make some discovery. Your passion for antiquity will bring you satisfaction.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Pictures - hypocritical friends, pleasure

For those born in May, June, July and August

Someone diligently paints the paper - to the currency exchange.

For those born in September, October, November, December

The picture is for promotion, for successful business.

To consider pictures: behind your back they are discussing your affairs. Painting an abstract picture: You don't have a well-defined goal, so it's hard to get a good result. Painting pictures: an interesting business project ahead. Admire the paintings: to go to a party or other social event. .

Dream Interpretation: what the Painting is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A picture in a dream is a sign of deceit, flattery and trickery. Painting a picture is success at work. Buying a painting is making friends with an evil person.

What does sleep mean - Painting

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you look at some picture, this is not a very favorable sign. Soon some kind of trouble will happen to you, and besides, you will become a victim of deception. If in a dream you yourself paint an oil painting, it means that you ...

How to interpret the dream "Painting"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

fun, remembrance

I had a dream "Painting"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To sadness. A picture of a famous artist - to cheerful memories or good news. Insert a picture into a frame - limit your intentions, achieve less than you wanted. Buying a painting is making an important decision. Damaged picture - to a gross invasion of your privacy. …

Dreamed - Painting

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Dreaming of trouble and deceit. If in a dream you are painting an oil painting, you will have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise. If in a dream you damaged the picture, you will have to make significant efforts to protect your rights. Buying paintings...

Dreaming of "Tapestry (carpet painting)" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream of walls hung with beautiful tapestries - to acquire a luxurious thing.

Seeing Rama in a dream (Picture, mirror)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The frame in a dream is a symbol that determines your well-being and changes for good or bad. Its quality factor indicates that your well-being is lasting. A broken frame in a dream portends loss, loss, or separation from a loved one. A rough but solid frame predicts ...

What does the dream in which the Picture (drawing, portrait) dream mean?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Such is the picture” (such a situation). “I return your portrait” - a situation of separation, quarrel. "interesting picture". Draw.

What does the dream in which the picture is dreaming mean

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Feelings of nostalgia, longing for something. Hope, remembrance (idiom: "pictures of the past come up").

The meaning of sleep about painting

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Feelings of nostalgia, longing for something. Hope, remembrance idiom: "Pictures of the past come up."

Dream Interpretation: what the Painting is dreaming of (drawing, portrait)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Such is the picture (such a situation). I return your portrait - a situation of separation, quarrel. An interesting picture.

Dream Interpretation: what the Painting is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Feelings of nostalgia, longing for something; hope, remembrance (idiom: pictures of the past come up).

Dream Interpretation: what the Painting is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a picturesque picture is a deception. Draw yourself - to success.

If in a dream you see "Painting"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A picture in a dream can portend trouble and deceit. To visit an art gallery in a dream - to disagreements in the family. You are trying to establish peace and understanding at home, striving with all your heart for completely different people. If you dream that you are surrounded by the best works...

Dream Interpretation: what the Painting is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a picture in a dream - sadness, drawing - pleasant memories or news.

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what a dream was about, whether it is worth paying attention to it, whether it will come true.

Some dreams are remembered to us in all details, some leave in memory only separate images and pictures. Some dreams are frightening, others leave pleasant feelings. But they all mean something, point to something to the dreamer, and these symbols must be able to interpret with the help of dream books.

For example, why the picture is dreaming - to see or draw, buy or consider in a museum, and other options, of which there are many. In a dream, a picture, canvas, canvas or just a drawing is a special, complex symbol. He may have many different interpretations, and before you understand what the picture is dreaming of, it is worth remembering what exactly you saw in your dreams.

The options are:

  • See your own portrait.
  • Someone's portrait.
  • A beautiful oil painting in a dream.
  • Seeing an old painting in a dream.
  • See the city, the panorama in the picture.
  • Empty frame or white canvas.
  • Advertising canvas.
  • Patterns on the canvas.
  • Be at an exhibition or a museum.
  • Damage or deface a work of art.
  • Buy, choose a canvas.
  • Draw yourself.
  • Insert the picture into the frame.

All these options have a unique meaning, and in order not to confuse anything and get a truthful interpretation, consider and remember everything.

oil painting

Of particular importance is what exactly was depicted (or depicted by you) on canvas, canvas or paper. If you manage to remember the drawing, then try to decipher it separately, this will give you important food for thought.


Why dream of your own portrait? If you saw this in a dream, know that this is very rare and good sign. This is a symbol that you have reliable protection from higher powers, and they will give you any help. You can act boldly and not be afraid of anything, any difficulties will be a useful lesson for you and will not bring losses.

Portrait stranger in dreams - an indication that you will miss and yearn for someone. Perhaps you will have a short separation from someone close and dear to you, a forced separation, and you will wait and miss.

What did you dream?

1. As the dream book says, a beautiful oil painting indicates the appearance of a rich and influential boyfriend. This is exactly what the dream book promises, and whether you believe it or not - decide for yourself. But do not miss your chance, what if your destiny awaits you?

2. An old canvas, an antique painting is a symbol of the fact that you are striving for the highest good with all your might. You have an innate aristocracy and a taste for a good life, and your soul longs for it.

3. If the picture depicted a city or a panorama, you will receive a letter, message or important news. The interpreter does not indicate whether the news will be sad or, on the contrary, will make you happy, but if such a dream came, it is obvious that the message will be important and unexpected, at least.

4. To see an empty frame on the wall, or a canvas without a picture, is a sign of windiness. Higher powers are hinting to you that you should be more serious and responsible, be responsible for your own thoughts, words and deeds, weigh them and always understand the consequences.

5. An advertising poster is dreaming of some kind of offer of a dubious nature. You will be offered to participate in a bad adventure or event that will not lead to anything favorable. You have received a warning - be careful, do not rush to agree and think about what the consequences will be.

6. Patterns dream of life improvement and good changes. Soon in your reality everything will start to change in better side, do not be afraid of change and believe that everything will work out for the best. Ahead of you is a white stripe!


1. If in your dreams you visited an exhibition or exhibition of paintings, you will find very significant success in business. Maybe now everything is not the best, or you do not see any reason for good luck, but believe the dream book - soon everything will change unexpectedly, you will receive recognition and achieve great success. Believe in luck, she is now on your side!

2. To damage, break or spoil a picture in a dream is a sign that soon in reality you will have to defend and defend your own rights. Show courage and boldly fight for yourself, maintain dignity and do not bend, do not allow yourself to be manipulated. You can do it, you can earn credibility and defend what is of value to you!

3. If you bought or chose a painting as a gift, this means that comfort, peace and harmony will reign in your home. Pay attention and time to the family, and you will see how happy the household will be.

4. on canvas - a good sign. If you have enjoyed creative process, this reinforces the positive meaning of sleep. It indicates that in the near future you will be able to realize yourself, achieve significant heights in your business or project implementation.

5. If you dreamed that you were inserting a canvas or canvas into a frame, this is a direct indication that in life you are limiting yourself in some way. You do not give yourself the opportunity to open up to the fullest, put yourself limits and barriers, consisting mostly of prejudices.

May your dream give you much useful information and answers that you can apply in real life in reality. Believe the dream books, but be able to read them carefully and understand, applying everything to your own life and situations. Your fate is only in your hands, remember this! Author: Vasilina Serova

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