Why dream of jellyfish in the sea: interpretation. Interpretations of different dream books: why do jellyfish dream in the sea and on land Why do a luminous jellyfish dream

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Few people love jellyfish. If you watch them from the side, they are graceful, gentle creatures, but if you get to know them better, you can suddenly get a painful burn. Why do these unusual, paradoxical creatures dream? Interpretations of dream books are as unpredictable as the heroines of dreams. Find out why they saw them in a dream.

see in the sea

According to the dream book, for the Bitch, the jellyfish is the personification of a friend, sometimes stubborn, but honest. Seeing a huge one in a dream - you are poorly aware of the true motives that guide a person of the opposite sex in their actions.

I dreamed about how a bewitchingly beautiful swims in the sea - it means that a man who is intoxicated with feelings for a woman will soon realize that this relationship will not make him happy.

The dream book believes that if you dreamed of a jellyfish, this could be a warning: - the one you do not consider as a competitor will cause trouble. Complete dream book New Era also considers it as a symbol of seeming spinelessness, spinelessness of a familiar person, capable of inflicting an insidious blow, “it hurts to sting”.

By Eastern dream book, the dreamer does not quite adequately assess what is happening around. Denise Lynn, in his interpretation of the dream, says that the one who saw the jellyfish limply gave himself up to the will of the waves in the stormy ocean of life. Think about it, is this about you?

Why dream with horror to find a flock of huge jellyfish around you, to be afraid that they will sting? According to Miller's dream book, in reality this will turn into the most deplorable events that will be the result of adventurism and frivolity. It is a pleasure to watch in a dream how these transparent creatures sway on the waves - to an acquaintance, unremarkable, but playing an important role in your destiny.

In many interpretations, the jellyfish is seen as a symbol of feminine nature, personifies dependence on external forces or on strong man. In the dream book of the Wanderer, associations are made with the sea, the embryonic state, and the subconscious. It is intuition that guides the person who dreamed of a jellyfish - and this is his organic state.

get burned

I dreamed about how a huge jellyfish stings, according to the dream book of the White Magician, to bad gossip about you. Try to be more careful in conversations, as it is your words that will become food for gossip.

Why dream that she stings, but there is not even redness on the skin: a very emotional meeting awaits you. We saw blisters or ulcers in a dream - a harbinger of a conflict that will painfully affect fate.


Why dream of catching a big jellyfish without thinking that it can sting: a dream portends news about a friend or a meeting with him. Trying to catch her is a harbinger of vain efforts that will exhaust the dreamer - and the reason will be in the wrong target, the lack of a well-developed plan.

see dead

I dreamed of finding in a dream a jellyfish thrown ashore by a wave - a sign that predicts a man that he will be at the mercy of a beautiful lady. For a woman, the same dream prophesies a deft victory over a rival.

Seeing in a dream how it dries up on the shore under the rays of the scorching sun prophesies family troubles. If you have patience, these events will not lead to a quarrel, the destruction of the family.

mythological monster

Miller's dream book explains why a person dreams that he himself is Medusa Gorgon, and his hair turned into snakes: this means that he is inclined to exaggerate troubles, to attribute them to the machinations of villains.

Dream interpretation jellyfish

A gentle, rather attractive jellyfish, hides a hidden threat behind an innocent and ingenuous appearance. And at the same time, she personifies grace, moving smoothly under water, finding harmony with the inhabitants of the underwater world.

"Golden Key" of dreams

In order to maintain vital functions, the jellyfish must constantly be in the water in motion. She does not touch the first, she simply rebuffs the attacker. This exclusivity and her ability to stand up for herself are not the last qualities that affect the interpretation of the image in dreams. We leaf through the pages of dream books.

Classic riddles of the genius of the night

Foretellers past years the image of a jellyfish is positioned with delicate situations, inability to assess the situation.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a jellyfish

I dreamed of swimming among a flock of these marine inhabitants - there is a risk of being in an unpleasant situation that will have a devastating effect on your activities.

If you were an observer of how a beautiful, huge jellyfish moved in the water column, then you quite often idealize what is happening around you. You do not adequately assess reality.

Dream Interpretation Longo

According to the master of white magic, when in dreams one was lucky enough to observe that a jellyfish was swimming, chance meeting which the dreamer does not consider significant. He will be sure that the new acquaintance will disappear from his life path just as quickly as it arrived. Although he will play a significant role in the future of the sleeper.

As the dream book indicates, the jellyfish that stung you in the water warns against unflattering reviews of others around you. Although you yourself gave the reason for this gossip, hastily expressing your opinion about something that did not need to be spoken about in front of some persons.

The interpretation of dreams, where the jellyfish was thrown ashore by the waves and it quickly turned into a puddle under the scorching sun, means the likelihood of family disagreements and troubles. But the spark will not ignite into a flame. We need to wait a little, and the world will be restored.

The current clues of the genius of the night

Modern predictors interpret the image of a marine life as a dual human essence, a veiled relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

If the image of your dreams was a jellyfish, then they should be interpreted as a warning about the significant troubles that a person who previously considered you spineless and weak-willed will bring you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The healer, giving an interpretation of this marine animal in dreams, proceeds from the lack of supporting bone structures in it. Therefore, the image of an animal is associated with the weakness of a person who is not able to make decisions on his own, without the help of someone else's opinion.

Dream Interpretation of Samokhvalov

The psychoanalyst suggests that the image of this creature in dreams, associated with the sea, reflects the unconscious female essence, which is characterized by awkwardness, obedience, dependence.

Dream kaleidoscopes

Quantity Matters

In order to unravel what this inhabitant of the seas is dreaming of, one must attach importance not only to the image as such, but also to its size, quantity, and actions. A thorough analysis of the details of sleep will help to decipher the night throwing of the soul. Consider fragments of dreams:

  • dreamed of an elusive animal;
  • dreams of a giant jellyfish;
  • stinging creature;
  • flock of jellyfish;
  • jellyfish in a black cloud.

The interpretation of dreams, where the sleeper tried to catch this inhabitant of the seas, which he did not do well, is associated with a useless exercise. Your efforts are directed in the wrong direction. Therefore, they do not bring the desired result.

If you wonder why this huge animal is dreaming, then the answer will encourage you to think about the authenticity of the feelings of your soul mate.

You are probably in a big delusion about the sincere attitude of a partner.

Why dream, how a jellyfish stings you. The interpretation of such dreams is associated with gossip, which will greatly tarnish the dreamer's reputation. Therefore, you should not allow unfamiliar people and dubious personalities into your life. Any conversation that concerns the family budget, do not voice the general public.

I dreamed about how you swim in the sea, and there are a lot of jellyfish around you, beware of bad company. People belonging to her can drag you into dubious affairs and dangerous intrigues.

Why dream, like a cephalopod releases an ink cloud in the water. Be careful when eating. There is a high chance of food poisoning.

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Dream Interpretation - Water

Seeing clean water in a dream - to well-being and pleasure.

If the water is cloudy, danger awaits you.

They saw that water flooded your house - you will fight, resist evil.

I dreamed that the water was decreasing - succumb to the dangerous influence.

If in a dream you are splashed with water, then passionate love will awaken in your soul, which will bring you happiness.

Nostradamus attached great importance to the image of water in dreams. He believed that drinking in a dream warm water- a sign of danger from a strong enemy.

Cold water means peace of mind and the presence of devoted friends.

Holy water dreams of health, sinlessness.

Walking on water - to success.

To see that the water evaporates is to improve the weather.

To scoop up water - to long classes and big troubles.

Spilling water in your room is a chore and labor.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered water a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, development, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. This is how she interpreted dreams about water.

If in a dream you drank pure cold water, then in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection.

I dreamed that water was pouring on you from above - a wave of cosmic influence is coming on you, which is useless to resist.

If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world.

Muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Vanga urged to show kindness and patience, so as not to defile the soul with unworthy impressions.

If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news. One of them will significantly change your self-esteem and relationships with people.

Drowned in a dream - in reality you will resist the natural course of events. You don’t need to do this, otherwise you will undermine your health and shorten your life.

I dreamed of circles or ripples on the water - ahead of change. Having hardly stood in the stormy stream of events, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

And now let's see what D. Loff wrote about water. He believed that whether it is a deep fresh lake, a life-bearing river, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. That is why it is so important to understand the role of this strongest symbol that appeared to you in a dream.

Very often, the appearance of water in a dream coincides with highest point feelings. Her image can enhance both the feeling of peace and bliss, as well as anxiety and anxiety. Water either provides life or poses a danger.

Water is a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Managed water is the key to problem solving. Try to remember your dream: if you dreamed of a lake, did you see the entire coastline, and if it is a river or a stream, did they overflow their banks? These are all examples of managed water.

Unmanaged water creates anxiety. Boundless lakes and raging rivers reflect the uncontrollability of circumstances. Still, deep water can also give rise to feelings of anxiety if its depth is fraught with danger and the unknown.

Taps are an exception to this theory. Remember what you dreamed: was the crane controlled by you or someone else? If in a dream you tried to control the tap, but you didn’t succeed (or there was no water in the tap), then in reality you clearly feel your inability to cope with simple circumstances.

If the crane was operated by someone else, then in real life you feel that your position, whether good or bad, is determined by other people. This circumstance can make you feel both comfortable and uncomfortable, depending on where the guidance comes from.

Interpretation of dreams from

Jellyfish are inhabitants of the seas and oceans. They are very beautiful, but they are also very dangerous. Many of us, relaxing on the coast, dream of catching this creature and holding it in our hands. Or at least see with one eye.

But what if she was destined to dream of you? Let's find out the meanings offered to us by dream books:

  • A prototype of a friend.
  • A symbol of the true feelings of the "second half".
  • Acquaintance.
  • Meeting with friends.

It is important to take into account all the moments present in a dream. So, remember whether you caught her or just saw her, whether she burned you or was in the hands of another person - these details are necessary for a more accurate interpretation of what the jellyfish is dreaming of.

Transparent inhabitants of the sea

If a jellyfish appeared to you in a dream, it can personify your friend, whose main qualities are stubbornness and honesty. A large sea jellyfish may signal your confusion about the actions of a member of the opposite sex. The true motives of these actions are not clear to you.

For men, watching the gracefulness of a jellyfish swimming in is a sign that he will soon realize that the crazy feelings he has for a girl will not bring happiness to both of them. In general, the appearance of this spineless organism can also indicate the presence of an ill-wisher, whom you underestimate. You consider this person weak-willed, but in fact he is capable of more and can even “sting, burn” unnoticed. So don't trust everyone.

Some dream books believe that jellyfish dream as a sign of the dreamer's some lack of will. Just like this invertebrate creature, you ride the waves of life, missing out on many opportunities. Dream Interpretations advise those who dreamed of a jellyfish in this interpretation to take everything into their own hands and make decisions on their own. By following these guidelines, you will achieve everything you want and even more.

If in a dream jellyfish swayed imposingly on the water, and you watched them, an interesting acquaintance awaits you. Most likely, initially you will not attach much importance to it, but it will become very important in your life.

But a huge jellyfish in the water, stinging you, can notify you of the appearance of gossip around your person. The ground for them will be your own words, so control your speech so as not to give rise to gossip. But the dream, in which the jellyfish stung, but left no traces and burns, promises the dreamers a meeting saturated with emotions.

Did you catch this invertebrate without fear of getting burned? News from an old friend will reach you, or maybe you will even meet him and have a great time. Got her? This image represents futile efforts, wasted effort. The reason for this is the lack of a goal and a well-defined plan. Therefore, do it as soon as possible so that efforts are directed to the future.

A lot of jellyfish and you among them? Such a dream may warn of a dubious company in which there is a risk of being. Avoid strangers and their society - it is better to spend time with well-known friends, which will be even more fun.

Also, the dream book clarifies, a jellyfish thrown ashore is interpreted depending on the dreamer's gender. For men - to be captured by love spells attractive woman, for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity - to defeat a rival.

Quick jump to interpretations

For many, jellyfish in real life are the personification of the worst nightmare, as they, despite their beauty and grace, can leave quite painful burns. The bites of some of them are completely deadly to humans. To understand what a jellyfish is dreaming of, you need to pay attention to the small details of night vision. They will allow you to find out its exact meaning.

Interpretation in dream books

In dream books, you can find a different explanation for what you saw in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The Wanderer's dream book indicates that the image he sees can be both a harbinger of something good and something disgusting. In addition, it can indicate the beginning of the dreamer's creative path. Perhaps a person has a rather difficult period ahead of him, which will require a lot of strength from him and at the same time calmness.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

If you dream that a creature is swimming in water, it means that you will meet a person who will play a significant role in the dreamer's life in the future. A stinging spineless creature indicates that the sleeper will soon face a lot of gossip in his address.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Denise Lynn explains the appearance of a jellyfish in a dream as a sign that it is time for the dreamer to remember his determination and start building own life the way he wants, not the way others demand.

Psychoanalytic dream book

According to the specified interpreter, such an image is evidence of the presence of such traits in the dreamer as awkwardness and shyness. Men should get rid of them. Women, in general, too. They won't help you get what you want.

Eastern female dream book

East women's dream book a dreamed image warns that a person is looking at what is happening through rose-colored glasses. You need to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise the dreamer will have real problems.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

The indicated interpreter of dreams says that the dreaming creature personifies a friend. He may be stubborn sometimes, but always honest. If the creature was too big, most likely, the second half is hiding something, intending to benefit from the relationship. For a man, according to the indicated dream book, to see how a jellyfish swims in sea waters means imminent disappointment in a relationship, as an intoxicating love feeling will be replaced by strong disappointment.

American dream book

According to the American Dream Book, such an image in a dream indicates that the sleeper is simply going with the flow. It's time to turn your life around.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Seeing a jellyfish in a dream, the dreamer should be wary of a strong shock. Most likely, he will burn himself in reality about something that at first glance will seem to be something harmless.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, swimming with a lot of jellyfish in the sea means you will soon run into trouble. Most likely, they will relate to the dreamer's work area. Well, seeing a huge creature means that a person inadequately evaluates the events happening to him.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima warns that the creature seen in night dreams is a kind of warning about the presence of secret competitors. Very soon they will manifest themselves in a rather unpleasant situation for the dreamer.

Modern combined dream book

A huge creature indicates that a person is mistaken about the motives that dictate the actions of another. If in a dream a jellyfish is thrown ashore in large numbers, it means that a man will fall in love with one that does not reciprocate, and a woman will defeat an insidious rival. Catching a creature means unfaithful life purpose, and if it floats in the water column, then next to the dreamer is a person with whom he will not become happy.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, a dreaming jellyfish means fear of the partner's naked genitals. Perhaps the time has come for the dreamer to loosen up, otherwise his relationship will end.

Loff's dream book

According to Loff's dream book, a creature seen in a dream means that a sleeping person will soon cope with all minor troubles, thanks to his own speed and enterprise.

How to interpret the location of a jellyfish in a dream?

Some dreams make sense if you pay attention to where the being is in the vision.

In water

If the jellyfish that you dreamed of swims in the water, a person will have to make new acquaintances, friendship with whom at first glance will not become something special. However, this opinion is erroneous. Most likely, it is with this person that the dreamer will associate the most vivid and warm memories. If the water was clean at the same time, then a new acquaintance in the future will help solve serious problems.

In the sea

Seeing a creature swimming in the sea is a restructuring of character. Once you stop being a spineless creature, it's time to resolutely declare yourself and start preparing for the coming changes.

In aquarium

Seeing spineless creatures swimming in an aquarium means that the dreamer is not able to adequately assess what is happening to him. It may be worth listening to the opinion of an outsider in order to make the right decision.

In hand

When a person sees how he holds a jellyfish in his arms, it means that what he is most afraid of will happen soon. However, such a warning in a dream will allow him to turn the situation in his favor and, perhaps, even get away with it.

Why is Medusa Gorgon dreaming?

Everyone knows that Medusa Gorgon is a mythical character who is the personification of evil, greed. If in a dream the sleeping person himself turns into a monster, most likely there are too many bad thoughts inside him, the implementation of which will harm not only him, but also those around him, close people. It is worth stopping on the path of self-destruction before it is too late. If the sleeper meets this creature on his way in the night story, deep feelings about minor events await him ahead. They will appear as such only at first glance.

What does it mean to catch a jellyfish?

Catching sea creatures means news from an old friend with whom communication was temporarily lost. In addition, such a dream may be a sign that the time has come to set a clear plan, goals and objectives that will really allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

What does swimming with jellyfish mean?

Joint swimming with jellyfish is usually considered a warning against dating. The new company, most likely, is not the most honest and respectable people, and therefore communication with them will not lead to good. You should not spend your free time with them, it is better to call old friends, relationships with which have been tested by time.

How to interpret a dream based on who dreamed it?

Many psychoanalysts and interpreters of dreams indicate that the dreamer's gender directly affects the interpretation of the plots they see.


A woman who sees sea creatures in a dream can breathe a sigh of relief. Family well-being and happiness await her ahead, a feeling of inner harmony will appear.


A girl dreams of jellyfish when she has a very unexpected, but pleasant acquaintance. Perhaps she will not regard the fan as a serious boyfriend, but over time it turns out that he is the best match for her.


For a pregnant girl, a dream in which she sees floating sea creatures means an easy birth. The child she is expecting will be born healthy and strong.


A man who sees a jellyfish in a dream should think about his feelings for a new chosen one. His sizzling passion will not bring them happiness, and therefore it is worth leaving courtship attempts. In addition, such a plot warns of the presence of a serious opponent who does not manifest himself in any way. It is worth being prepared that at the most crucial moment, he will definitely show himself.

How does the size of a jellyfish affect the interpretation of sleep?

The size of sea creatures also affects the interpretation of dreams with their participation.


Jellyfish large sizes indicate that the other half of the dreamer is a dishonest person. It is better to pay attention to someone who has been showing signs of attention for a long time. He will be a more decent and reliable person.


If you dreamed of small creatures, there are many new acquaintances with members of the opposite sex ahead, and therefore meaningless flirting. The main thing is not to get hung up on it, since none of the new acquaintances will become a life partner.


Giant creatures in night scenes indicate that the sleeper will soon hear a lot of unpleasant things about himself. Naturally, all this will be rumors and gossip, however, it is better not to compromise yourself with behavior that can be regarded in two ways by others.

What does a lot of jellyfish mean in a dream?

Many jellyfish in night vision do not bode well. They will try to “break” the sleeper by spreading gossip and rumors about him. It is important not to succumb to negative influence from the outside. The dreamer has enough strength to cope with such unpleasant situations and single out real friends, weeding out false ones.

What does the general state of the creature affect when interpreting the night plot?

The general condition of beings also influences the interpretation of dreams.

washed ashore

For a woman, such a dream means victory over an insidious rival, for a man - a connection that will not end in anything good. His blinding passion will quickly fade away and will not find a response from the chosen one.

Dries out in the sun

If a creature is washed ashore and dries up under sunbeams, melting gradually, most likely, disagreements and conflicts will begin in the family. The dreamer needs to remain patient and just wait for the unpleasant period to end. His negative response can lead to unpredictable consequences.


A creature floating around the dreamer indicates that he idealizes the events taking place too much. It may be worth letting go of the situation so that it manifests itself to the end, and only then make a decision.

see dead

The interpretation of such a dream depends on the gender of the dreamer. For a man, it means the imminent fall "under the heel" of an imperious lady, and for a woman, the restoration of a trusting relationship with her lover, overshadowed by the appearance of a new passion in him.

Medusa stings

When a dream shows how a creature stings a dreamer, he has a difficult struggle ahead of him with his own laziness and carelessness. It's time to finally change your life for the better, making the maximum amount of effort. When a dream shows how a jellyfish stings at night, a person will have to face gossip about himself and open attacks from ill-wishers.

In addition, an acquaintance who was not taken seriously before may show a different side of himself. Well, if the dreamer himself turns into a stinging creature in a dream, it is most likely that his closest and dearest people will suffer from his actions in the future. For this reason, it is extremely important to think first and then act.

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