What are the benefits after 70 years. The new law will deprive the pensioners of the Russian Federation of the right to dispose of their apartments. Who can receive: conditions

Roof 09.10.2020

Often the only source of income for a 70-year-old person is an allowance guaranteed by the state to all citizens of retirement age. Health no longer allows looking for additional income, children and grandchildren are trying to provide for their own families. Old man should know that in addition to the pension earned during employment, he can count on other privileges. Federal laws, decrees of regional and municipal authorities explain what benefits are given to pensioners after 70 years.

Types of privileges for 70-year-old pensioners

Benefit - some advantages of the state, provided to certain categories of citizens.

The types of benefits for pensioners over 70 years old depend on:

  • received income;
  • statements of overcoming the seventy-year threshold;
  • attribution of a person to a social group of pensioners;
  • additional status (in addition to age).

The privileged right of an older person is to qualify for a partial or full discount on:

  • taxes;
  • utility bills;
  • overhaul fees;
  • medical services;
  • transportation costs.

Sphere of housing and communal services

The Housing Code grants a specific right to seventy-year-old pensioners to pay for common household property. Article 169 paragraph 2.1 recommends the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide a 50 percent discount to payers who have turned 70 years old. The regions have fixed this rule with their own regulations.

The owners of the premises have the right to count on the preference:

  • living either with another pensioner;
  • in the absence of debts for major repairs and other housing services.

Housing and utilities are a significant part of a pensioner's expenses. A 70-year-old payer can get a discount if:

  • Utility expenses exceed the threshold coefficient set for the region.
  • The applicant has documents confirming belonging to the privileged category (for example, disability).

The limit value of spending according to the federal standard is 22%. Regions use similar or lower rates (Moscow - 10%, St. Petersburg - 14%).

Discount for overhaul and is provided in relation to charges for one room in accordance with the standards:

  • living space;
  • resource consumption.

To compensate for the costs of paying for communal services, the size of the family budget, formed from the income of all family members living together, matters.

The overhaul relief for pensioners over 70 does not depend on financial well-being an elderly person.

Health care

Medical institutions keep records of beneficiaries for diseases and disabilities. There is a state register of drugs that pharmacies are required to dispense with strict accountability without charging a fee. Appointments are made by the attending physician. Elderly patients may be offered discounted drugs in addition to the specified list if specified by local or regional legislation.

A certificate from the FIU will serve as the basis for the allocation of sanatorium-resort vouchers by a medical institution or social service. The tour will be free or partially paid.

Medicines, vouchers, travel compensation are included in the list of social services. When such a package is due to a pensioner, but he does not have the ability or desire to use it, the beneficiary has the right to issue the cash equivalent of benefits (Federal Law No. 178). Cancellation of the entire package will allow you to receive a monthly allowance supplement established for 2017 in the amount of 1,048.97 rubles.

October 1, 2019 - deadline submitting an application to the Pension Fund to monetize the social package and receive a pension supplement in 2020.

Free dental prosthetics is another first-come, first-served privilege run by the state dental clinic.


Tariffs for urban and suburban transport are regulated by municipalities. The administration provides subsidies to carrier companies in order to provide reduced travel for elderly passengers. Therefore, enterprises are developing:

  • special rates;
  • preferential travel tickets.

Social services can reimburse the cost of a road card or pass.

This practice is not valid in all regions.

When making a trip to a place of rest, northerners are offered the purchase of tickets at a special price or compensation for the cost of those already purchased (once every 2 years).


The Tax Code obliges owners to make payments for property, to pay personal income tax on income. What tax after 70 years, disclose articles of the Tax Code, decisions of the administrations of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities.

  1. Income tax (13%) is not withheld from social payments - state benefits, compensatory subsidies. Personal income tax will be calculated in full from the salary of a part-time pensioner.
  2. The duty for owning real estate to a 70-year-old owner will be charged with a 100% discount on the tangent of one object of each type (Article 407 of the Tax Code). Will be exempted from fees for 1 apartment, 1 house, 1 garage, provided that the object is not used for the purpose entrepreneurial activity.
  3. Persons over 70 do not have land tax privileges. Article 395 of the Tax Code did not designate pensioners as beneficiaries. However, practice shows that there are regional preferences. IFTS, based on the regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, apply: minimum rates; deductions from the total inventory value; 100% exemption from contributions for 1 piece of land.
  4. Federal vehicle tax regulations provide a 100% discount on specialized vehicles for disabled people. Variations in regional taxation are manifold. Most adhere to the practice of applying minimum coefficients and a 100% discount for vehicles with a capacity not exceeding 100-150 hp. The differentiated rule applies to 1 vehicle.
  5. The right to deduction when buying a residential property (house, apartment) can be exercised by a 70-year-old citizen. Refund of 13% of the cost of purchased housing is carried out: through the employer, if the person is employed; through the IFTS in a single payment (according to the paid contributions). The nuances of the formation of the refund amount and the conditions for exercising the right will be prompted by the inspection staff.
  6. The deductions that a person will receive if he provides a tax return with information and supporting documents about payment for treatment, purchase of prescription drugs are relevant.

Other types of government assistance

Support for the elderly is not limited to tax, medical and communal benefits. Enterprises provide assistance former employees as:

  • gifts for the holidays;
  • material payments.

Targeted subsidies are allocated by self-government bodies through:

  • fuel supply to homes without district heating;
  • financing gasification of houses;
  • payments in case of emergencies;
  • provision of technical aids for movement and rehabilitation to those in need.

An employed pensioner has some advantages over other employees. He has the right to take 2 weeks of unpaid leave (disabled person - 60 days), quit at any time without working two weeks. In case of staff reduction, the employer is obliged to pay the severance pay due to the Labor Code.

Regional preferences

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation have the right to introduce concessions different from federal recommendations for pensioners living in their jurisdiction. More often this applies to:

  • taxation systems;
  • transportation;
  • reimbursement of expenses for payment of utility bills.

Contacting the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence, the social security authorities, the MFC, the Pension Fund branch will clarify the situation with regard to the current regional benefits, obtain information on the conditions and methods of issuing preferences.

Material security is an important component of a decent standard of living. The earned state allowance does not always meet the needs of the person. In this case, it makes sense to contact government agencies for help. Even if a 70-year-old pensioner does not need material support, it is worth taking advantage of the existing benefits legally.

Elderly people, namely pensioners, belong to an unprotected group of the population. The only source of livelihood is the pension, which, as many might have noticed, is not very large. Therefore, since 2015 in the state. control system changes were made to better side for retirees.

Now pensioners after 70 years have a number of benefits. And this applies to most areas, such as payment for com. services, monetary compensation, no monthly payment for overhaul... Indeed, for most elderly people, it is so problematic to live on the pension received, and even to make constant payments and completely unaffordable amounts.

Now let's take a closer look at what benefits are available to older people who have reached the age of 70:

  1. The state provides low-income pensioners with basic necessities, food, personal hygiene products and much more, which is a need for a dignified human existence.
  2. Reduced rates when paying for com. services. Part of the funds is transferred to the account as compensation. But this only works if the pensioner is unemployed and has the only living quarters in his private possession.
  3. Providing free vaccinations, as well as part of the medicines. To do this, you need to register at the clinic to establish a diagnosis and in the future receive free treatment.
  4. If a pensioner continues his work activity at this age, then it is difficult for him to keep up with modern technologies. For this reason, the state provides them free lessons and refresher courses so as not to deviate from the modern world.
  5. Availability of additional leave. If a pensioner works, then according to the legislation he is entitled to labor leave. And for the elderly, extra days are allowed. 14 days are added per year, and in case of disability, up to 35 days are added every year. Also, in case of disability, you can use up to 60 days annually, without saving funds.

Good to know. The number and list of benefits for a pensioner may change and vary depending on changes in the country's legislative system. To make sure it is correct, call the help desk number, which will inform you and provide you with all the information you need.

Tax incentives

Not spared the tax benefits, which are also provided to pensioners over 70 years old. They touched upon such types of taxes as:

  1. Transport tax. Pensioners who own a personal car are exempt from paying the tax that is levied on it. Benefits can only be obtained if the vehicle has no more than 100 horsepower.
  2. Land tax. It is impossible to completely exempt a person from paying the land tax, however, a discount of 10,000 rubles is provided, which greatly facilitates and reduces the amount of payments.
  3. Property tax. Benefits apply only to one property owned by a pensioner over 70 years old.
  4. Income tax. Pensioners are exempt from this type of tax.

Tax exemption when buying real estate

A benefit also applies to the purchase of real estate by a pensioner.

But this exemption has a number of disadvantages, namely:

  1. This benefit is valid only once in a lifetime and can no longer be used.
  2. The purchased housing must have an amount of at least 2 million rubles.
  3. Only those pensioners who work can receive this benefit.
  4. Purchase of real estate after a maximum of 3 days upon retirement.

Ability not to pay property tax and personal income tax

The list of items and things that are not taxed and which are not subject to taxation are as follows:

  1. Place of residence of the pensioner.
  2. Pension payments, as well as an increase to it.
  3. Payments to a pensioner from the company / organization in which he worked - gifts, vouchers to a sanatorium, financial support from the company, as well as provision of medicines can be provided.

Unpaid leave

This kind of vacation is also called a preferential vacation. It is provided to all retirees, regardless of seniority. This vacation is not the main one, it serves as an addition to the main one.

It is issued only to those pensioners whose age has reached the mark of more than 70 years. He is entitled to an additional vacation of 14 working days annually in addition to the main one, without deducting wages and additional funds.

Travel reimbursement

For the category of those people who have worked in the Far North, they have preferential compensation for travel to the place of rest. When spending money on this type of travel, part of the amount is returned to the elderly person. This benefit can be used no more than once every two years.

Communal benefits

For seniors who have reached the age of 70 or more, they are eligible for a subsidy in the communal area of ​​taxes. To receive this kind of benefits, it is necessary that the pensioner's income is 22% of the total amount of housing and communal services taxes.

The subsidy lasts for six months, and after its expiration, you must reapply.

When paying utility bills

As mentioned above, there are benefits in utilities Oh. There are conditions that must be met when receiving these benefits. If they are not met, they will not be received. To issue them, you need to contact special authorities - the MFC with an application and a package of required documents.

Good to know. For more convenience, you can always use online portal public services, which will facilitate the procedure as a whole.

To pay for the overhaul

Relatively recently, benefits began to apply to overhaul payments. But for people aged 70 and over, there is a discount of 50 percent of the due payments.

How do I get a benefit?

Now let's take a closer look at the procedure for obtaining these benefits. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Collect the entire package of necessary documents.
  2. Submit your application.
  3. Wait for consideration of the application and application.
  4. Obtaining a positive response to the decision.
  5. Collection of necessary receipts and certificates.
  6. Transfer them to special bodies.
  7. Receiving compensation payments and benefits.

List of documents

A list that includes all Required documents to receive benefits consists of:

  1. Original passport.
  2. A written statement.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Real estate documents.
  5. Extracts from the house book.
  6. Inquiries about the absence of debt.
  7. Certificate confirming the status of a pensioner.

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When people reach the age of a pensioner, they face the fact that their income level is significantly reduced, since the pension is much lower in size than the salaries they received earlier.

As the age increases, the costs of retirees increase. Therefore, the state intervenes in this situation, providing them with all possible assistance. Consider what benefits are provided to persons related to retirees after 70 years.

There is no separate normative act that would provide for benefits for persons who have reached the age of 70 years.

They are subject to the benefits provided for ordinary pensioners. The mention of this category of citizens exists only when considering the right of pensioners to benefits for major repairs.

In these regulations, pensioners over 70 years old are separated into a separate intermediate subgroup.

Therefore, the procedure for resolving the issue of granting benefits to pensioners is carried out by the same acts as in ordinary cases.

At the same time, these norms are determined by both federal and regional acts. The former extend their effect to the entire territory of the country, while the latter act only within a specific region.

Housing and communal benefits:

Let's consider, by groups, what benefits are available to pensioners after 70 years.

For the purchase of housing

When purchasing housing, pensioners do not have housing benefits as such. When buying, such a person can only count on the application of a property deduction in the amount of 2,000,000 rubles.

The deduction can increase to 3,000,000 rubles if the housing was purchased on credit, for which certain interest is paid.

However, a pensioner can exercise this right, provided that this amount has not been previously applied to him and he continues to work and has income taxed at a rate of 13%.

For utility bills

Pensioners can count on a subsidy under certain conditions if they pay utility bills to pensioners over 70 years of age.

The main thing is that the pensioner makes timely payments on the invoices that come to him for paying rent and for utility services, and the volume of expenses for these purposes does not exceed 22% of his pension.

At the same time, it is also mandatory that the pensioner belongs to the unemployed.

Overhaul benefits

The main benefits for pensioners aged 70 and above are provided for in this category.

According to the law, a pensioner who has turned 70 years old has the right to receive a discount on contributions for overhaul, if he is the owner of the premises and lives alone or with another person of retirement age. A pensioner must be unemployed to receive this benefit.

Preferential medical care:

Seniors can apply for health benefits. There are the following options for obtaining benefits:

Discounts on the purchase of medicines

This benefit depends on the capabilities of the region. Many entities provide discounts to retirees for the medications.

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How to get a funded pension all at once working pensioner in 2020

The chances of retirees over 70 years of age getting free drugs increases if they belong to other benefit categories.

Preferential spa treatment

Pensioners can apply for a free sanatorium voucher only if they are included in any privileged category.

However, this kind of benefit can be provided by regional legislation, if the budget has the necessary funds.

If a pensioner lives in the Far North, according to the law, he can use the right of free travel to the sanatorium and back once every two years.

Reduced fare on public transport

Most often, benefits for pensioners for using urban transport are provided if the municipality has the funds to pay for these costs.

Therefore, the availability of this type of benefit must be clarified with the local social protection authority. For example, in Moscow in 2019, a pensioner can purchase a special social card, which entitles him to free travel in public transport (buses, trolleybuses, and occasionally trains).

Another benefit option may be to reimburse the cost of the ticket after purchasing it on your own.

Attention! Free receipt of tickets for air travel for pensioners is not provided. However, there are subsidized tickets that retirees can purchase for half the price.

Tax exemption

Tax legislation states that a pensioner can receive a property tax relief. So, a citizen of retirement age can receive exemption from real estate tax for any one object (apartment, residential building, garage, studio, etc.).

In this case, the most important condition is that this property should not be used in business.

Also, pensioners can be exempted from paying land tax on a plot of 6 acres. This benefit is provided as a deduction.

To determine the land plot to which you need to apply this deduction, you must fill out an application. In the event that such an application was not submitted within the prescribed period, the deduction will automatically be applied to the site with the highest tax.

Some regions of the country may provide transport tax benefits if certain conditions are met (the car must not be old, the engine power is not more than the established limit, etc.).

Labor preferences for working pensioners

Labor legislation establishes that if a pensioner carries out work, the employer is obliged to provide him with 2 weeks of vacation at his own expense in any period convenient for him.

Also, once a pensioner has the right to quit without working for a period of 2 weeks.

Other types of assistance

Regional legislation may provide additional benefits for pensioners. So, for example, at the expense of the local budget, the relatives of a pensioner may be paid a burial allowance.

Some stores may offer discounts to retirees on products included in grocery basket, if they present a certificate at the time of purchase.

Targeted material assistance to certain categories of pensioners after 70 years

Targeted assistance can be paid to those citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation... But before its appointment, it is necessary to provide confirmation, and you can receive financial assistance from the state once.

Most often, the payment is assigned to the following people:

  • Single pensioners who do not work and their total income does not exceed two minimum living wages;
  • Non-working pensioners who live with relatives, and for each family member, the income does not exceed two living wages.

Most often, material assistance is issued for a specific purpose - housing repairs, the purchase of medicines, etc.

Some regions practice giving aid not in money, but in kind - things, food, hygiene products, etc.

Specifics of providing social support to elderly pensioners in Moscow and in the regions

Social support for pensioners in Moscow is implemented as follows:

  • The ability to move free of charge on public transport, including trains and metro.
  • Annual provision of a free ticket;
  • Free dentures (except for precious metals and cermets) every 5 years;
  • The ability to buy medicines at a discount;
  • Providing a one-time cash payment for the purchase of necessary things;
  • Providing tax incentives;
  • Registration of a burial allowance for a relative of a pensioner.

Until recently, there was a gap in legislation, when pensioners over 70 years old were not provided with benefits when living together with disabled people who have not reached retirement age, or working disabled people, while when living separately, the benefit is provided to both categories of citizens. This gap will only be closed from January 1, 2019. Thus, the general condition for the provision of relief on contributions for overhaul has been implemented: the recipients are single non-working pensioners after 70 years of age. It is worth noting that the fact of cohabitation is legally established: by ownership and registration record, that is, if a working relative who is not registered in this apartment lives in an apartment owned by a pensioner, the right to a benefit is retained.

What are the benefits for pensioners after 70 years

Additional preferences are provided for those who survived the blockade of Leningrad. Question 74. Benefits for pensioners over 70? These include the following:

  • if the house does not need repair, that is, it was recently built;
  • the house is officially recognized as emergency;
  • it was found that repairs to this housing will no longer help, that is, the house is intended to be demolished;
  • if a decision was made to transfer this house as ownership to the municipal institutions of the region.

All questions regarding the contribution of funds for capital repairs are considered by regional authorities, since at the federal level only regulation and the introduction of new provisions in the state policy on this issue are provided.
Each constituent entity of Russia individually calculates the amount that must be paid in a particular house.


The doctor will write out a referral to receive a voucher if the patient has an officially confirmed diagnosis and has repeatedly undergone treatment in medical institutions. The categories of recipients of preferential vouchers are approved by Law No. 178-FZ of 17.07.1999.


The following pensioners have the primary right to free vacation:

  • disabled people of any group, including those from childhood;
  • those who participated in the Second World War and other hostilities (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.);
  • relatives of the deceased invalids of the Second World War;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • Heroes of Russia and the USSR;
  • former military personnel;
  • to labor veterans.

You can rest and improve your health only in those institutions that have entered into an agreement with government agencies. Military pensioners can only go to departmental sanatoriums for free.

What are the benefits for a pensioner from the state after 70 years?

People with disabilities, former military personnel and combatants can also receive compensation in the form of travel costs to the place of treatment. Medicines, vouchers, and travel supplements make up a list of social services.
If a citizen of the privileged category does not want to enjoy the privilege, he has the right to receive compensation in the form of a certain amount of money. What are the benefits of pensioners after 70 years? The state guarantees a pensioner after 70 exemption from property taxes on houses, plots, garages, apartments, rooms and other immovable objects. When applying, you need to have a passport for identification and a pension certificate to prove age.

Are there any pension supplements after 70 years

A lonely pensioner, 72 years old, has a preferential status of a participant in hostilities, an apartment in Moscow, 45 sq. m. In this case, it is preferable to use the status of a participant in hostilities.

The amount of compensation will be: 33 sq. m. x 17 rubles. x 100% = 561 rubles. The amount of the overhaul fee will be: 45 sq. m. x 17 rubles.

- 561 rubles. = RUB 204

Example 2. A married couple over 70 years old, an apartment in Orenburg in common joint ownership of 50 sq. m. The amount of compensation will be: 21 sq. m. m. x 7.92 rubles. x 2 people

x 50% = 166.32 rubles. The amount of the overhaul fee will be: 50 sq. m. x 7.92 rubles. - 166.32 rubles.

Benefits for pensioners upon reaching 70 years of age


For a preferential voucher, they apply to the social services. protection. There you must submit an application and the following set of documents:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • insurance certificate;
  • a certificate from a therapist (form 070 / y-o4);
  • a document confirming that you belong to the privileged category (certificate of disability, veteran's certificate, etc.).

Social authorities

the defense consider the documents and make a decision within 20 days. But even in case of a positive outcome, it may be necessary to wait a little longer for the voucher, since they are issued on a first come, first served basis. Advice If there is no desire or physical ability to go to a sanatorium, your right can be monetized by receiving compensation along with the basic pension.

To do this, you must apply to the local branch of the FIU.

Benefits for retirees after 70 years

The State Register of drugs has been formed, which are dispensed by pharmacies free of charge under special reporting prescriptions. The ability to take the medicine is prescribed by the attending physician.

Patients who have reached the age of 70, in addition to the existing list, are offered medicines with discount. A certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia serves as a basis for obtaining vouchers to sanatoriums or resorts.

Such a benefit can be provided completely free of charge or paid in part. People with disabilities, former military personnel and combatants can also receive compensation in the form of travel costs to the place of treatment.

Medicines, vouchers, and travel supplements make up a list of social services. If a citizen of the privileged category does not want to enjoy the privilege, he has the right to receive compensation in the form of a certain amount of money.

Benefits apply to pensioners over 70 years old

  • payment discipline: there are no arrears in payments for housing and communal services and payments for overhaul;
  • region: passed the law on the provision of benefits.

Benefits for paying contributions for overhaul are provided by the state as a measure of social assistance, and therefore, unfortunately, have limited different conditions volume. The subsidy is accrued not for the entire area of ​​real estate owned by an elderly person, but only for 33 square meters. m. living alone or 21 sq. m. to each of those living together. Citizens who are granted a benefit by law The law provides for benefits for contributions for overhaul for retirees after 70 years in 50 percent, and after 80 years in 100 percent of the amount of contributions for real estate of no more than 33 square meters. m. (21 sq.m.). At the same time, a condition is introduced related to the marital status of a citizen:

  • living alone, i.e.

How to get benefits on contributions for overhaul for pensioners after 70 and 80 years

Persons of retirement age are entitled to free medicines only if additional conditions are met, including:

  1. the presence of disability group 1 and 2 non-working groups (disabled people of group 3 and working citizens with group 2 can only count on a 50% discount on the purchase of medicines);
  2. participation in the Second World War;
  3. passing service in hot spots;
  4. rewarding with the titles of the Hero of Russia or the USSR;
  5. participation in the elimination of radiation disasters;
  6. the presence of diabetes, asthma, multiple sclerosis or other serious diseases (for a complete list - in Resolution No. 890).

The rest of the pensioners are not entitled to help. However, if they receive the minimum pension, then they have the right to buy medicines with a 50% discount.

The list of free drugs is approved annually by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It can be found on the website of the department.
Housing and communal services is compensatory, that is, it is a return of part of the funds paid on the receipt to the payer's account. For the heroes of Russia and the USSR, it is provided in 100% volume, for other privileged categories of pensioners - in the amount of 50%.

If a pensioner lives with a family, then the benefit will be applied only to his share in the total consumption of utilities. To apply for a benefit, you must visit the social authorities.

protection. The following package of documents is submitted there:

  • passport;
  • insurance certificate;
  • a document confirming the right to a benefit;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificates of absence of debts for all utilities;
  • documents of title to housing;
  • bank account details.

The registration procedure will have to be repeated every six months, since the benefit is limited in time.

Pensioners are a socially unprotected category of citizens who need additional support measures from the state and regional authorities. For such citizens, a pension is the only source of constant income, which is often not enough to meet all the needs of a person of old age.

So what benefits do retirees have after 70 years of age? Of course, in this case we are not talking about an increase in the size of pension payments, as well as other measures of additional material support for a citizen. However, a person can save money on receiving compensation for paying for utility repairs and utility bills, as well as receiving free services in medical institutions, purchasing medicines with significant discounts.

It is worth mentioning that people over seventy years old are entitled to special measures of social support, but, often, pensioners do not even know about their existence. Ignorance of this information leads to the fact that pensioners can enjoy all the benefits and privileges that are due to them for their labor efforts.

Benefits for pensioners over 70 include tax privileges. In particular, this category of pensioners is entitled to the following tax benefits:

  1. Exemption from payment of transport tax. According to the law, pensioners, as well as other beneficiaries, are exempted from paying tax on the vehicle they own;
    However, this right can only be exercised by citizens vehicles which have a capacity of no more than 100 horsepower.
  2. Land tax discount. Of course, completely exempt a person from paying tax on his own land plot, will not work. However, the state authorities provide the opportunity to receive a discount of 10 thousand rubles for the amount specified in the tax notification, which can significantly save the payer's budget;
  3. Property tax exemption. This right can only be exercised in relation to one real estate owned by a pensioner over 70 years old;
  4. A person has the right to independently choose real estate in respect of which such a benefit will be applied;
  5. Income tax exemption.

The provision of any tax benefits is possible only after a personal appeal of a citizen to the department of the Tax Inspectorate of his city. These privileges are not automatically granted.

Utility subsidies

The privileges that are granted to pensioners after 70 years include obtaining a substantial discount on utility bills in the housing and utilities sector. In relation to this category of citizens, the size of the compensation payment ranges from 30 to 40 percent, depending on the region.

People can use such privileges only after submitting an appropriate application to the social security authority. In this case, from the amount indicated in the receipt, the pensioner will be paid monthly subsidies in the percentage established by law.

Discounts on contributions for major repairs

In 2012, all apartment owners in apartment buildings were obliged to pay capital repair fees. Of course, such a need did not make the majority of Russians happy, in particular, it negatively affected pensioners.

Due to the fact that citizens over 70 years old need additional measures of state support, in 2015 another one was adopted at the federal level. the federal law, according to which such a category of beneficiaries can count on receiving benefits when paying for capital repairs of an apartment building.

In particular, at the legislative level, the following privileges are provided for such citizens:

  1. Discount of 50 percent of the total invoice for major repairs. The provision of such a benefit is possible only in cases where employed citizens are not registered in the apartment;
  2. Disabled citizens who live together can count on similar privileges. In this case, a discount on the payment of capital repairs is provided only if there is a person in the family who has already reached 70 years of age.

Pensioners over the age of 80 are completely exempted from paying contributions for the overhaul of an apartment building.

Targeted material support

Social protection services for pensioners also include the possibility of providing targeted financial assistance measures for needy pensioners over 70 years old. In particular, pensioners over 70 years old may be assigned additional benefits and subsidies for improvement. housing conditions if their income is lower living wage or they need to improve their standard of living.

The size of the payment is established on an individual basis, after studying the documents about the person's condition, living conditions, income received.

Traveling by public transport

At the legislative level, it is possible for a citizen over 70 years old to enjoy transport benefits. In particular, pensioners over this age can use this right to travel to the place of rest. Citizens over 70 years old are given the opportunity to travel to the place of sanatorium treatment free of charge, but only once a year.

At the regional level, the ability to use public transport for free or at a discount may be established.

Free treatment and medicines

Benefits for retirees at the age of 70 include the possibility of obtaining privileges in the field of health care. They can get:

  1. Free medicines;
  2. Treatment on preferential terms ( often free);
  3. Spa treatment vouchers;
  4. Emergency provision of medical care.

Pensioners who have reached the age of 70 can receive such privileges at any public medical institution in their city.

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