If older people dream. Why do older people dream? Old man according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

Wallpaper 03.11.2020

Internal anger, resentment, resentment.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing frail old people in a dream - a sign of mental decline and pessimism.

Decrepit old woman - portends mental disappointment or the extinction of some feeling.

Old man - in the near future life will teach you an important lesson and make you become wiser.

Old lady - a reminder that you are spending too much time on entertainment.

Seeing a strong, healthy old man - to longevity; haggard and painful - to illness or to possible death, especially for seriously ill patients; unpleasant scary old man - to a possible evil eye or damage.

See an angry old woman - to possible unpleasant events in the future, to anxiety, stress, evil eye or so on; for patients such a dream (especially if the old woman is bony) - portends a deterioration in the condition, sometimes even death; to see a kind old woman who has positive intentions for you - to favorable events in the future, for sick - to improve the condition.

Old woman - captivity, hardships, slavery.

See old people in a dream - means that in reality you should show great wisdom and prudence and you should heed some important advice, because then your long work will bring you a worthy reward.

If you dreamed:

Turn the bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

An old man falls into a dream depending on your physical and emotional states and carries a hidden meaning. What exactly is the dream of an elderly person in a dream, the dream book will be able to tell. And a more detailed decryption can be made if we recall the various details of the dream.

Why is the old man dreaming? As a rule, it is a symbol of accumulated experience, wisdom and longevity. It is a reflection of your emotions and your current mental and physical condition. In a dream, he can appear before you in various images: for example, an elderly traveler, a fisherman, an old man or a familiar person.

According to the dream book, the old man dreams of achieving well-being, especially if in a dream you talk to him. Then in reality, expect to receive a sudden win. Also, an old man in a dream can personify a patron who will appear in your life and have a significant impact on it.

Some details

Why does an old man dream in a dream for the beautiful half of humanity? Old people dream of a woman before receiving income from some business, and this also promises her a safe start and end of any business.

For a young unmarried girl, seeing an old man in a dream portends a successful marriage in the near future. She will have wonderful children, whose fate will be as prosperous as her own.

Respect for others promises you a dream in which you see yourself as an old man. Seeing your old reflection means good health and longevity. The dream in which the old man saw himself as young has the same meaning.

Decrepit, sick old people who reach out to you, and you are trying with all your might to fight off them, personify your fatigue. You now need as many positive emotions and impressions as possible. Do something interesting, bring bright colors to life, dilute your daily worries with some pleasant activity.

The interpretation of the image of a dying person depends on who he is to you. If this is your friend or relative - in reality it promises him a long life and good health. An unknown person foreshadows the end of an important matter, which has long been "hanging" in your plans, but due to circumstances you could not complete it earlier. Now you have such an opportunity.

Think about how you felt when you learned about someone's death. If you have experienced joy, then the dream promises the completion of affairs without much cost and effort. But the sadness of the death foreshadows that some efforts will have to be made to finish things.

Elderly classes

In a dream, you can observe what older people were doing. Based on this, the dream is interpreted in different ways. Let's see what the dream book tells us:

  • The old man walked along the street and leaned on a stick - such a dream warns you that you should refuse to participate in dubious matters, otherwise you may lose something valuable.
  • Seeing an old man in a dream in a torn and dirty warns you to be more careful in spending. You should plan your budget carefully and refrain from unnecessary purchases.
  • An elderly man was walking in the park with his grandchildren - expect a visit from distant relatives soon.
  • The old man asked in a dream to convey that someone from the environment needs your help. Make sure to take the time to call your friends to see if they need your support.
  • You helped an elderly person to cross the street - soon you will have fun in the company of nice people.
  • To see an old man sitting on - you may have such a dream before completing all your plans.

If in a dream you dreamed of an old man walking along the road and giving you valuable advice, listen to his words. Perhaps at this moment in your life, this advice will be useful for you to get things done.

Remember the mood the elderly man was in, the further decoding of the dream depends on this.

  • Grandfather was in a good mood - in reality you will receive valuable information or learn some secret.
  • The angry old man warns that in reality you are moving a little in the wrong direction. The dream advises to stop and think carefully about the correctness of the actions being taken. Think about what exactly you are doing wrong to achieve success.
  • Laughing grandfather foreshadows you getting money, and if you talked to him, then in reality expect pleasant troubles and happiness in the family.

Seeing older people get married has different meanings depending on your personal relationship with them. A familiar couple foreshadows good health and long life for them. But strangers will bring changes in your life.

Seeing people dressed in old clothes in a dream is a source of mental dismay. Tramps rummaging in old things or beggars are a harbinger of long and hard work to achieve a high goal.

Having a deal with a junk dealer in a dream means well-being.

Old things piled up in a pile means that, deep down, you yourself condemn yourself for your weakness and cowardice, but you cannot get rid of them.

Old faulty and unrepairable mechanisms that only belong in a landfill mean that all your expectations for a change for the better will be in vain.

A dream in which you visit your old home portends good news.

To dream of an old abandoned castle in the Gothic style is a danger of being robbed or robbed.

An old neglected cemetery in your dream means that you will outlive all your loved ones.

If in a dream you change an old car for a new, luxurious and expensive one, you will provide not only yourself, but even your children and grandchildren.

Throwing away old gloves means that you will incur losses as a result of elementary cheating and your own naivety.

Seeing decrepit elders in a dream - in reality you will come to despair from the failures that haunt you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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The most important and interesting on the topic: "To see an elderly person in a dream" with a full description.

Some details

Elderly classes

Why is Age dreaming (dream book of the esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

Seeing yourself in a dream in old age or old - usually such a dream predicts that some kind of illness awaits you. Remember - how long have you had a routine examination at the clinic? If so, and you are dreaming of age, now is probably the time to correct this omission. If you are sick and see other aged people in a dream, then this is a good omen that promises you a speedy recovery.

Age (person, object) - In a dream, it is relatively unambiguous or two-valued. To be old (old) means gaining life experience, authority, wisdom, knowledge (more for men) or illness, withering, trouble, bad progress (also for men, but more for women). Being young (young) indicates frivolity, stupidity or happiness, healing, health, luck. Age (state) of material objects: old, dilapidated things or objects in a dream can be perceived as obsolete, unnecessary. The interpretation is also corresponding - the negative meanings of objects are intensified. And at the same time, antiquity, antiquity can give them additional value, charm, and uniqueness. And old familiar objects, things are interpreted in a more positive sense than new ones, because they are already familiar and reliable in use. To change the age (to see yourself not as you really are) - To deception.

What is the dream of Age for the dreamer (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

Age - Any vision associated with age is unfavorable. If you dreamed something about your own age, this predicts your own excessive straightforwardness and intransigence, which will cause the anger of loved ones. If a young lady dreams that she is considered older than her years, this means that, having abandoned her worthy habits, she will fall into bad company. Seeing a beloved as old is a possible loss of him.

If in a dream you see yourself at a younger age or very young, this usually indicates your infantilism. You still have not matured, you probably have some interests that are not typical of your age. If you dream of your young age, it's definitely time for you to stop being childish, from the outside it looks just ridiculous. Stop looking back, rather try to look into your future. Otherwise, you can skip all the fun. Age - Youth is a good time to plan new businesses; to see your child small again is his illness; worry about the future of a son or daughter.

What does it mean to see Age in a dream (according to the Christian dream book)

A dream about your own age means your excessive adherence to principles and intransigence, which causes the discontent of others. Seeing yourself old is a disease. Beloved for the old - to the possible loss of him. Other people who are old - to your recovery. If a young girl dreams that she is considered older than her years, she will fall into bad company. Any vision associated with age is unfavorable. If you dreamed something about your own age, this predicts your own excessive straightforwardness and intransigence, which will cause the anger of loved ones. If a young lady dreams that she is considered older than her years, this means that, having abandoned her worthy habits, she will fall into bad company. Seeing a beloved as old is a possible loss of him.

Age - A dream in which attention is focused on age is an unfavorable sign. You seem to be talking about your age in a dream - in real life you are a person too straightforward; your stubbornness and directness in the coming days will cause displeasure or even irritation of loved ones; it would be nice for you to read something from Niccolo Machiavelli. You see yourself as older than you really are - in the near future you can fall under someone's bad influence and, as a result, change your habits; if you quit smoking, try to spend more time in privacy. You see yourself in a dream as an old man - such a dream portends you an illness. It is as if a young woman is being told that she looks older than her age - the behavior of this woman has recently been rather frivolous, this woman has made a mistake and has sinned to her heart's content; let her not be surprised when she finds out that her adventures are already being discussed in society.

What is the dream of Age, taking into account the date of birth (according to the dream book of the Birthday People)

If you were born in the spring, why dreaming about your own age means your excessive adherence to principles and obstinacy, which causes discontent among others.

If you were born in the summer, as a man or woman of an age dreamed of, write a letter to your parents, they are worried about you.

If you were born in the fall, why dreamed of seeing yourself in the mirror very old - to the disease.

If you were born in winter, why dream of seeing yourself old to illness, a beloved who is old - to the possible loss of him, other people who are old - to your recovery. If a young girl dreams that she is considered older than her years, she will fall into bad company.

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream had a dream.

An old man falls into a dream depending on your physical and emotional states and carries a hidden meaning. What exactly is the dream of an elderly person in a dream, the dream book will be able to tell. And a more detailed decryption can be made if we recall the various details of the dream.

Why is the old man dreaming? As a rule, it is a symbol of accumulated experience, wisdom and longevity. It is a reflection of your emotions and your current mental and physical condition. In a dream, he can appear before you in various images: for example, an elderly traveler, a fisherman, an old man or a familiar person.

According to the dream book, the old man dreams of achieving well-being, especially if in a dream you talk to him. Then in reality, expect to receive a sudden win. Also, an old man in a dream can personify a patron who will appear in your life and have a significant impact on it.

Some details

Why does an old man dream in a dream for the beautiful half of humanity? Old people dream of a woman before receiving income from some business, and this also promises her a safe start and end of any business.

For a young unmarried girl, seeing an old man in a dream portends a successful marriage in the near future. She will have wonderful children, whose fate will be as prosperous as her own.

Respect for others promises you a dream in which you see yourself as an old man. Seeing your old reflection means good health and longevity. The dream in which the old man saw himself as young has the same meaning.

Decrepit, sick old people who reach out to you, and you are trying with all your might to fight off them, personify your fatigue. You now need as many positive emotions and impressions as possible. Do something interesting, bring bright colors to life, dilute your daily worries with some pleasant activity.

The interpretation of the image of a dying person depends on who he is to you. If this is your friend or relative - in reality it promises him a long life and good health. An unknown person foreshadows the end of an important matter, which has long been "hanging" in your plans, but due to circumstances you could not complete it earlier. Now you have such an opportunity.

Think about how you felt when you learned about someone's death. If you have experienced joy, then the dream promises the completion of affairs without much cost and effort. But the sadness of the death foreshadows that some efforts will have to be made to finish things.

Elderly classes

In a dream, you can observe what older people were doing. Based on this, the dream is interpreted in different ways. Let's see what the dream book tells us:

  • The old man walked along the street and leaned on a stick - such a dream warns you that you should refuse to participate in dubious matters, otherwise you may lose something valuable.
  • Seeing an old man in a dream in torn and dirty clothes warns you to be more careful in spending. You should plan your budget carefully and refrain from unnecessary purchases.
  • An elderly man was walking in the park with his grandchildren - expect a visit from distant relatives soon.
  • The old man asked in a dream to bring bags - someone from the environment needs your help. Make sure to take the time to call your friends to see if they need your support.
  • You helped an elderly person to cross the street - soon you will have fun in the company of nice people.
  • To see an old man sitting on a bench - you may have such a dream before completing all your plans.

If in a dream you dreamed of an old man walking along the road and giving you valuable advice, listen to his words. Perhaps at this moment in your life, this advice will be useful for you to get things done.

Remember the mood the elderly man was in, the further decoding of the dream depends on this.

  • Grandfather was in a good mood - in reality you will receive valuable information or learn some secret.
  • The angry old man warns that in reality you are moving a little in the wrong direction. The dream advises to stop and think carefully about the correctness of the actions being taken. Think about what exactly you are doing wrong to achieve success.
  • Laughing grandfather foreshadows you getting money, and if you talked to him, then in reality expect pleasant troubles and happiness in the family.

Seeing older people get married has different meanings depending on your personal relationship with them. A familiar couple foreshadows good health and long life for them. But strangers will bring changes in your life.

The article on the topic: "old people dream of a dream book" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

An old man falls into a dream depending on your physical and emotional states and carries a hidden meaning. What exactly is the dream of an elderly person in a dream, the dream book will be able to tell. And a more detailed decryption can be made if we recall the various details of the dream.

Why is the old man dreaming? As a rule, it is a symbol of accumulated experience, wisdom and longevity. It is a reflection of your emotions and your current mental and physical condition. In a dream, he can appear before you in various images: for example, an elderly traveler, a fisherman, an old man or a familiar person.

According to the dream book, the old man dreams of achieving well-being, especially if in a dream you talk to him. Then in reality, expect to receive a sudden win. Also, an old man in a dream can personify a patron who will appear in your life and have a significant impact on it.

Some details

Why does an old man dream in a dream for the beautiful half of humanity? Old people dream of a woman before receiving income from some business, and this also promises her a safe start and end of any business.

For a young unmarried girl, seeing an old man in a dream portends a successful marriage in the near future. She will have wonderful children, whose fate will be as prosperous as her own.

Respect for others promises you a dream in which you see yourself as an old man. Seeing your old reflection means good health and longevity. The dream in which the old man saw himself as young has the same meaning.

Decrepit, sick old people who reach out to you, and you are trying with all your might to fight off them, personify your fatigue. You now need as many positive emotions and impressions as possible. Do something interesting, bring bright colors to life, dilute your daily worries with some pleasant activity.

The interpretation of the image of a dying person depends on who he is to you. If this is your friend or relative - in reality it promises him a long life and good health. An unknown person foreshadows the end of an important matter, which has long been "hanging" in your plans, but due to circumstances you could not complete it earlier. Now you have such an opportunity.

Think about how you felt when you learned about someone's death. If you have experienced joy, then the dream promises the completion of affairs without much cost and effort. But the sadness of the death foreshadows that some efforts will have to be made to finish things.

Elderly classes

In a dream, you can observe what older people were doing. Based on this, the dream is interpreted in different ways. Let's see what the dream book tells us:

  • The old man walked along the street and leaned on a stick - such a dream warns you that you should refuse to participate in dubious matters, otherwise you may lose something valuable.
  • Seeing an old man in a dream in torn and dirty clothes warns you to be more careful in spending. You should plan your budget carefully and refrain from unnecessary purchases.
  • An elderly man was walking in the park with his grandchildren - expect a visit from distant relatives soon.
  • The old man asked in a dream to bring bags - someone from the environment needs your help. Make sure to take the time to call your friends to see if they need your support.
  • You helped an elderly person to cross the street - soon you will have fun in the company of nice people.
  • To see an old man sitting on a bench - you may have such a dream before completing all your plans.

If in a dream you dreamed of an old man walking along the road and giving you valuable advice, listen to his words. Perhaps at this moment in your life, this advice will be useful for you to get things done.

Remember the mood the elderly man was in, the further decoding of the dream depends on this.

  • Grandfather was in a good mood - in reality you will receive valuable information or learn some secret.
  • The angry old man warns that in reality you are moving a little in the wrong direction. The dream advises to stop and think carefully about the correctness of the actions being taken. Think about what exactly you are doing wrong to achieve success.
  • Laughing grandfather foreshadows you getting money, and if you talked to him, then in reality expect pleasant troubles and happiness in the family.

Seeing older people get married has different meanings depending on your personal relationship with them. A familiar couple foreshadows good health and long life for them. But strangers will bring changes in your life.

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Dream interpretation

Elderly people

Dream interpretation Elderly people dreamed why the elderly dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Elderly people in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why is the elderly person dreaming?

The first dream book appeared more than 3 thousand years ago and was a clay tablet. In ancient times, priests were involved in the interpretation of dreams. It is said that emperors and generals made important decisions only after they learned the meaning of their dream.

What if an elderly person is dreaming?

Nowadays, you can find out the interpretation of a dream you saw without problems. In such cases, dream books come to the aid of a person, which are available in paper and electronic forms. Almost every dream book contains information about what an elderly person dreams of.

A person of age often symbolizes fatigue and the need for rest for the dreamer in a dream. Feeling like an old man for a young man - to difficulties and unpleasant news. When an elderly person dreams that he is older than his years, it means that wealth and respect from others await him. To see your acquaintances as elderly people - to the onset of a bright streak in life.

Some dream books interpret the appearance of an elderly man in a dream as a sign that the dreamer will live a long life in honor and respect. The aggression emanating from such a person in a dream means achieving success in life. The more aggression, the more dizzying success will be.

In addition to an elderly man, a woman may also dream. The interpretation of dreams with an elderly woman is somewhat different from those in which an elderly person appears. An angry woman of age, seen in a dream, warns a person that he has enemies and ill-wishers. A benevolent elderly lady tries to remind the dreamer to always heed the advice of parents and elders. An elderly woman who has come to sleep with a sick person can warn him of a serious illness or death. Helping an elderly woman in a dream for a man means prosperity in family life and success in important matters.

What portends?

If a young girl dreamed that an elderly man was courting her, it means that she will soon marry a wealthy young man and live her whole life in wealth and surrounded by children. A dream with an elderly boyfriend predicts a mature woman financial well-being and success in business.

Talking with an elderly person in a dream is very beneficial, dream books in this case promise the dreamer to receive an inheritance. A man of advanced years, full of health, dreams of respectful attitude, and a sick old man warns a healthy dreamer about illness, and a sick one about death.

To determine what events the appearance of an elderly person in a dream predicts, it is worth remembering what emotions this person caused. When an old man or an old woman aroused sympathy in the sleeping person, then such a dream promises success. But the negative feelings that appeared after sleep warn of impending problems.

Any dream is a reflection of reality in the subconscious. When a person often starts having dreams with negative connotations, this means that a period of depression has begun in his life. To get rid of disturbing dreams, you need to add more color and positiveness to your life.

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Why do old people dream - interpretation of sleep

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing old people in a dream is a sign of fatigue and a desire for peace. A dream in which you felt old predicts bad news or great difficulties. Seeing yourself old in a dream is good for an elderly person. Such a dream portends to him the respect of others, wealth and well-being. See gray-haired. If in a dream you see others old, then your affairs will improve.

If a girl dreams that an old man is caring for her, then the dream predicts her a happy marriage with a wealthy person. For women, such a dream portends success in business. If a man dreams that he is courting an old woman who rejects his advances, then his wife will be young and beautiful.

To meet an old person in a dream means that you have to make a vital decision.

Old women in a dream are a harbinger of gossip, squabbles or widowhood.

To see an old sick person in a dream means receiving news of someone's illness or death. Such a dream portends great excitement and sadness.

Why do old people dream of a dream book -

"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If angry old people dreamed, this means anger, indignation, resentment. If you dreamed about a kind old man or an old woman - protection and help from someone's side. Talking to an old person in a dream is an unexpected inheritance. To be old in a dream is to gain respect and success.

Why do old people dream of a dream book -

"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If an old man dreamed - to a long life; talking in a dream with an old man - to an unexpected inheritance; to see a healthy old man in a dream - to respect and honor; to see a sick old man in a dream - for a healthy person to illness, for a sick person - to death.

Old man from a dream book

"My dear old men ..." - sung in the song. Are all old people dear to us? Does everyone make you want to communicate with them? If you meet an old man who scolds everyone, would you like to smile at him sweetly? And imagine that you communicated with him in a dream! Why is such a dream dreaming? Most dream books believe that an old man in a dream is good, but there are exceptions! Let's find out in what cases an elderly man is a harbinger of trouble, and in what cases - happiness!

Dear kind man

I had a dream in which you have a sweet conversation with a gray-haired old man - to family happiness with pleasant chores.

Seeing a smiling or laughing cheerfully grandfather with a beard in a dream is a sign of money. You will have a good income in the near future, the Moon Dream Book promises.

Grandfather is dreaming about walking in the park with his grandchildren - you have to communicate with relatives this weekend. Perhaps distant relatives will come to visit you.

To see a gray-haired old man with an accordion, singing ditties - for a party or some kind of event in a narrow circle of old friends.

Mischievous old man

I dreamed of an evil grandfather with a stick shouting at you - Miller's dream book does not recommend that you get involved in dubious adventures in the near future, you can incur troubles and problems.

Seeing in a dream a dirty, drunk old man in tattered clothes - be reasonable when spending money, there is a risk of "winding down" a large sum.

An old sorcerer or shaman is dreaming, casting curses on everyone - to trouble at work. Even a reprimand or a fine is possible, Tsvetkov's dream book warns.

To see an old wrinkled old man in black clothes, angrily looking at you from under his eyebrows is a disease. Don't count on luck, take preventive measures.

I dreamed that an old, but fast old man stole your bag or wallet - to petty quarrels and offenses.

Love has no age!

To see a dream in which an old man and an old woman go down the aisle - in real life, you take too long to make decisions on which your success depends. You should be more agile.

Marrying an old man in a dream - in reality you regret something that you have done in the past, and mentally return to it.

If you dream that you are having sex with an old man, you will not be able to solve the problems yourself, since the favorable period for this has already passed.

To see how an old man and an old woman have sex - to unpleasant news or gossip, the Women's Dream Book predicts.

If you dream that you are being pursued by an elderly man offering you sex - in reality you will receive an offer that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste on your soul.

Sad dreams

I dreamed that you were sitting at the bedside of a dying grandfather - the interpretation depends on the details. You are upset and cry - dreams are not destined to come true in the near future; rejoice, because the old man was harmful - in reality you will get rid of the burden of problems that have been pressing on you lately.

A sick, weak old man is dreaming, basking in the sun - you hope that the plans will come true exactly as you intended.

I dreamed that your real elderly relative died, alive in reality - to the long and happy life of this person, Vanga's dream book predicts.

Don't pass by the old people ...

Helping a blind old man cross the road - you will spend a pleasant evening in the company of a person you like, the Spring Dream Book promises.

The gray-haired grandfather asks you to help him with heavy bags - in reality you will take on the burden of someone's problems. Most likely, someone from the family.

To dream that you are helping a sick widower with the housework - in reality you will meet one of your old friends whom you have not seen for a long time.

An old man with a beard that reaches his knees asks you to cut it - to get rid of envious people and intriguers, and easily and for a long time, the Autumn Dream Book predicts.

I dreamed that my deceased husband threw a tiny, naked old man to me in the snow. I wanted to take him home and take care of him, but he started trying to kiss me, I left him.

Why do older people dream?

Dream interpretation elderly

Who is not familiar with the saying "Old age is not joy"? But is this statement always applicable to the age of honor?

What if you're only dreaming of old age? Or rather, you see an elderly person in your night vision.

Difficulties in interpretation

According to the dream book, the elderly, seen in night dreams, reflect the inner state of a sleeping person, indicate what emotions you are experiencing at a given time.

See old people in a dream

This is the most common interpretation given by dream interpreters. True, this image does not always indicate only your feelings and experience. He can predict the future, warn about what is about to happen.

The old man appeared

A dreamed old man indicates wisdom, everyday experience, acquired knowledge. An elderly person may appear before you in completely different ways, from a salesman in a store around the corner to a gray-haired old man who preaches the truth.

The first thing the dream books advise to look at is the mood of the old man who was dreaming.

Radiant smile

The old man from the dream smiles

I dreamed of a good-natured elderly person - soon you will receive valuable advice or find out the information you need in the future. The dream also predicts: a blessing will descend on the sleeping person.

What the old man did in a dream:

  • laughed, smiled - making a profit, money;
  • talked nicely with you - happiness in the family.

Angry old man

If the elderly person in your vision was angry, perhaps even shouted at you, then you have chosen the wrong path, you are on the wrong path. This dream should make you think, correct and take the right path.

To grow old

To grow old in a dream

Why dream that you yourself suddenly grew old in a dream? Although this vision can be scary, and it seems to you that nothing good is worth waiting for, dream books will be of the opposite opinion.

If a young dreamer sees himself as old in a dream, or vice versa, the old man feels that he is younger, then he will have excellent health. You should also listen to your well-being.

Pay attention to the actions

When you dream of an elderly person, it is logical to assume that he was performing certain actions in your night vision.

Different plots will dream, and you can try to find their interpretation:

  • a pensioner walks in the park with his grandchildren - soon relatives will come to visit you;
  • help bring bags to him - a loved one will need your help or advice;

Seeing an old woman with a stick in a dream

The opinion of different peoples

Muslims believe that elderly people dream of material well-being. Such a dream promises you that soon you will have a faithful friend who can help you in trouble.

Seeing aged people in a dream

The Russian interpreter says that when in a dream you see a decrepit old man, then you will suffer quite tangible losses. The old man was tough and looked youthful - you should listen to what he tells you. In his words, information important to you will be encrypted.

The French are of the opinion that older people dream if you have to show all your wisdom.

Only thanks to your work, experience and knowledge will you be able to achieve the desired result.

The gypsy interpreter says that an old man or an old woman dreams in the case when a sleeping person has to show his knowledge in front of an audience.

If a woman in a dream sees unambiguous signs of attention from an elderly man, it means that soon she will receive a rather impressive amount of money, and all her undertakings will be successful. For a girl, the same dream promises a wealthy young groom and a happy married life. This is exactly what the French interpreter of dreams thinks.

Italians are easier to approach this vision. When asked what the old man is dreaming of, the dream book replies that the old man from the dream is your inner "I", wise by experience.

Dream interpretation: old woman. Why dream?

Sometimes people have dreams, the meaning of which seems like an insoluble mystery. In such a situation, a dream book comes to the rescue. The old woman is one of the subjects that can be dreamed of. What does a dream in which an elderly woman appear? The answer to this question will be suggested by old and modern travel guides to the world of dreams. Of course, the owner of the dream will have to remember the details of the picture he saw.

Esoteric dream book: old woman

Why do people dream of an elderly lady? Whether she was benevolent is the first moment that recommends remembering an esoteric dream book. The old woman appearing in the dream warns the dreamer about the intrigues of dangerous enemies if she is evil. An elderly woman, well-disposed, dreams of someone who needs to follow the advice of their elders. Perhaps the time has come to pay attention to the words of parents who want only good.

What other plots does the dream book decipher? The old woman, who has a stick in her hands, warns of possible traps set by unkind people. Care must be taken to avoid getting caught in the net. If the dreamer knows an elderly woman who dreamed of him, this indicates problems in relations with familiar old people. It is possible that they need the attention and help of the master of sleep.

Muslim dream book

What does a Muslim dream book say about such dreams? Seeing an old woman (acquaintance) in the form of a young girl is a good omen. Especially if she's in a great mood. There is no doubt that the sleeper's affairs are going well, good luck awaits him.

It's bad if you dreamed about an elderly lady with a gloomy face. Such night dreams promise poverty. It is highly likely that the dreamer's financial situation will soon shake, he will lose a large amount of money or lose property. Also, such a dream can predict job loss, demotion, fines.

Nightmares about death

Terrible dreams always seem to people as a bad omen, but the dream book does not always agree with this. An old woman in a black robe and with a scythe, oddly enough, dreams of a happy and long life. If, in a dream, a gray-haired elderly lady throws clods of dirt, stones at the dreamer, curses him, in reality it is worth abandoning the implementation of the planned plan. At the moment, achieving this goal is not possible.

What other plots related to death does the dream book help to decipher? An old woman lying in a coffin can dream of a person who is awaited by bad news in the real world. In the near future, you should be careful not to create a reason for gossip and be afraid of the intrigues of ill-wishers. In this case, there is a chance that the bad news will bypass. If in a dream the old woman tries to strangle the dreamer, such a plot hints at the development of an upper respiratory tract disease in him.

Illness, death

A person may dream that he is coming to say goodbye to a dying old woman, sitting by her bed. Surprisingly, this dream is considered good, as it symbolizes getting rid of an unbearable burden. Soon the dreamer will throw off a heavy burden that has been poisoning his life for a long time. For example, we can talk about the need to hide the truth from someone.

What else does the dream book say about sick elderly people? The terrible and sick old woman, whose face is covered with ulcers, never dreams for good. A person needs to take a closer look at others, there is a high probability that he will become a victim of deception by one of them. Liars often see themselves in the form of sick old women.

What if a grandmother dies in a nightmare, in reality she is still alive? Do not worry, as this dream promises the old woman many years of life, good health. Night dreams with the death of a relative who has already left this world predict getting rid of a large debt, improving the financial situation in the coming days.

Good old woman

Of course, not all the plots have been mentioned above, which the dream book helps to understand. Why is an old woman dreaming in beautiful clothes and a snow-white scarf? Such dreams portend the dreamer with joy and good luck, it is possible that soon he will have fun with family and friends.

A kind old witch, busy collecting herbs, also dreams of good. In real life, a person will soon recover from a serious illness. If a healthy person sees such a dream, he can not be afraid of illness, deterioration of health in the near future.

A grandmother, dressed in a wedding attire, may appear in the dreams of a person whose dreams will soon come true. This can happen even if hope is long gone. A cheerful old woman predicts profit for the dreamer, it is possible that he is about to acquire something expensive.

Angry old woman

The answer to the question of what angry elderly ladies dream of will also help find a dream book. An unfamiliar old woman, dressed in a black scarf, with a negative attitude, dreams of a lingering illness. The sleeper can manage to prevent its development if he immediately takes care of preventive measures.

The old woman, threatening with a stick, figures in the night dreams of a person who is in grave danger. It will be possible to prevent it if the dreamer does not allow himself to be drawn into a dubious enterprise in the coming days. An old woman, dressed in black and torn rags, cursing the master of the dream, predicts troubles associated with the professional sphere. Such a plot suggests that it is desirable for the dreamer to go on a long vacation. A scary elderly woman who begs for alms promises financial losses. The dreamer can even become a victim of robbery.

A terrible fortune-teller, laying out cards, dreams of success, deserved recognition.

Helping the elderly

Of course, the dream book offers other interesting interpretations. Why is the old woman dreaming if the dreamer helps her cross the street? In reality, this person will have a journey, a walk with people pleasant to him. There will certainly be wonderful memories of this moment.

If some grandmother in a dream asks the sleeping person to help her calm down the raging children, in reality he will have to become a victim of gossip that is spread by envious people. Do not underestimate enemies, their intrigues can even destroy the dreamer's life. A person whose friends really need or will soon need his support can receive a request for help from an unfamiliar old woman.

What does a dream mean in which a sleeping person helps an old widow to organize a commemoration? Such a plot promises the dreamer a fun feast, after which he will wake up with a severe headache. The dream only warns that you need to be careful with alcoholic beverages.

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