The latest analysis of the work of Rasputin. Deadline for analysis of Rasputin's work Deadline for Rasputin summary by chapter

Children 02.10.2020


Old woman Anna lies motionless, without opening her eyes; she almost froze, but life is still flickering. The daughters understand this by bringing a piece of a broken mirror to their lips. It fogs up, which means that mom is still alive. However, Varvara, one of Anna's daughters, thinks it is possible to mourn, "to echo her", which she selflessly does first at bedside, then at the table, "where it is more convenient." Daughter Lusya at this time sews a mourning dress tailored back in the city. The sewing machine chirps to the beat of Barbarian sobs.

Anna is a mother of five children, her two sons died, the first ones, born one for God, the other for a hover. Varvara came to say goodbye to her mother from the regional center, Lucy and Ilya from nearby provincial towns.

Anna cannot wait for Tanya from distant Kiev. And next to her in the village was always her son Mikhail, along with his wife and daughter. Having gathered around the old woman on the morning of the day after arrival, the children, seeing the revived mother, do not know how to react to her strange rebirth.

"Mikhail and Ilya, having brought vodka, now did not know what to do: everything else in comparison with this seemed to them trifles, they toiled, as if passing through themselves every minute." Huddled in a barn, they get drunk almost without a snack, except for the products that Mikhail's little daughter Ninka carries for them. This causes a legitimate female anger, but the first shots of vodka give the men a feeling of a genuine holiday. After all, the mother is alive. Not paying attention to the girl collecting empty and unfinished bottles, they no longer understand what thought they want to drown out this time, maybe it’s fear. "The fear from the consciousness that the mother is about to die is not like all the previous fears that fall out to them in life, because this fear is the worst of all, it comes from death ... It seemed that death had already noticed them all by sight and already will never forget. "

Having drunk thoroughly and feeling the next day as if they had been passed through a meat grinder, Mikhail and Ilya are thoroughly drunk the next day. “And how not to drink?” Mikhail says. “Laziness, second, even a week - it is still possible. at work, and at home, so not to gasp, so much you had to do and did not do, you must, must, must, must, and the further, the more you must - waste it all. I did what I had to do. And what I didn't do, I didn't have to do, and I did the right thing, what I didn't do. " This does not mean that Mikhail and Ilya do not know how to work and have never known any other joy than drunkenness. In the village where they once lived together, there was a common work - "friendly, inveterate, ringing, with discordance of saws and axes, with a desperate hoot of fallen woods, echoing in the soul of enthusiastic alarm with obligatory banter with each other. Such work happens once a season of harvesting firewood - in the spring, so that over the summer they have time to dry out, pleasant to the eye yellow pine logs with a thin silky skin lie in neat woodpiles. " These Sundays are arranged for themselves, one family helps another, which is still possible. But the collective farm in the village is falling apart, people are leaving for the city, there is no one to feed and raise livestock.

Recalling her former life, the town dweller Lyusya, with great warmth and joy, imagines her beloved horse Igrenka, on which "slap the mosquito, he will fall down," which in the end happened: the horse died. I dragged a lot of games, but did not manage. Wandering around the village through the fields and arable land, Lucy realizes that she does not choose where to go, that she is guided by some outsider who lives in these places and professes her strength. ... It seemed that life came back, because she, Lucy, had forgotten something here, lost something very valuable and necessary for her, without which it was impossible ...

While the children drink and indulge in memories, the old woman Anna, having eaten the children's semolina specially cooked for her, cheers up even more and goes out onto the porch. She is hung by a long-awaited friend Mironikha. “Oti-mochi! You, old woman, are you alive?” Says Mironikha. “Why doesn't death take you? .. I'm going to her funeral, I think she was kind of chilling, but she’s all tutaka.”

Anna grieves that among the children gathered at her bedside there is no Tatiana, Tanchora, as she calls her. Tanchora did not look like any of the sisters. She stood, as it were, between them with her special character, soft and joyful, human. Without waiting for her daughter, the old woman decides to die. "She had nothing more to do in this world and there was no need to push death aside. While the guys here, let them bury them, they carry out, as is customary with people, so as not to return them to this concern another time. Then, you see, Tanchora will come too .." The old woman thought about death many times and knew her as herself. In recent years, they became friends, the old woman often talked to her, and death, settling down somewhere on the sidelines, listened to her reasonable whisper and sighed understandingly. They agreed that the old woman would leave. at night, at first he will fall asleep, like all people, so as not to frighten death with open eyes, then she will quietly cuddle, take off her short worldly dream and give her eternal rest. " So it all comes out.

Eighty-year-old Anna is dying, but still alive. Daughters know about this by a foggy mirror brought to the lips of their mother. The eldest daughter, Varvara, considers it possible to start the funeral service for her mother. At first she is wailing at her mother's bed, and then she goes to cry at the table, where her second daughter, Lucy, sews a mourning dress, which she cut out in the city.

Anna had three daughters and two sons, and her two more sons were killed. She always lived with her youngest son Mikhail in the village, the rest of the children came to say goodbye to her from the city where they now lived. The old woman was only waiting for her daughter Tanya, who lived in Kiev. Everyone gathered at the table, the brothers began to drink, not knowing what else to do with themselves, the sisters joined them. Toward nightfall, they checked whether their mother was still alive.

The next day passed with the usual chores. The children did not know what to do with themselves, waiting for the time when the mother would take her last breath. We bought a little white girl in the store to have enough. Ilya and Mikhail sat down to drink again.

Sometimes consciousness returned to the old woman. She moved her eyes, uttered some semblance of sounds escaping from her chest. The children, gathered around their mother, languished in anticipation of death, felt sorry for their mother and themselves, and “not believing themselves, they wanted it to end sooner.”

But the old woman came to life little by little, recognized the children beside her and even asked for some thin semolina. I began to remember my children one after another, was glad that I saw everyone before death, worried about their fate, wanted to see everyone happy. Only the youngest, Tanya, still did not go. And the old woman near her children came to life, cheered up, talked. She began to complain about Mikhail - when he was drinking, neither wife nor mother could live from him.

And the next morning Anna saw. I was even able to sit on the bed and my friend, she asked to call Mironikha. Only Tanya still did not go, and the old woman was afraid that she would not wait. She understood that she was no longer living her own life, that God had given her supplements - to see the children. And the children seem to languish in anticipation, the sisters are busy with their usual daily activities, sometimes they quarrel, without sharing something, and the brothers drink. Mikhail even expresses the idea that it would be better for the mother to die after all, since everyone has arrived. Lucy also does not know how long she will have to stay here, leaving all her business at home. We decided to go to the forest for mushrooms. Wandering through the fields, through the arable lands, Lucy remembers something dear, long forgotten, realizing that she left something very important here ...

Finally I met with Mironikha. A few more days passed in conversations and memories, unnecessary, extra days. So the children began to get ready for the journey - it was time to leave. And Tanya never came. And the mother decided that it was time for her to die so that the children would not come again, since everyone was here now. She died at night.

Picture or drawing Deadline

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Puganova Daria

Material for the lesson:

1. Analysis of the work.

2. Presentation.





Summary of the story.

Old woman Anna lies motionless, without opening her eyes; she almost froze, but life is still flickering. The daughters understand this by bringing a piece of a broken mirror to their lips. It fogs up, which means that mom is still alive. However, Varvara, one of Anna's daughters, thinks it is possible to mourn, to “echo her”, which she selflessly does first at bedside, then at the table, “where it is more convenient”. Daughter Lusya at this time sews a mourning dress tailored back in the city. The sewing machine chirps to the beat of Barbarian sobs.

Anna is a mother of five children, her two sons died, the first ones, born one for God, the other for a hover. Varvara came to say goodbye to her mother from the regional center, Lucy and Ilya from nearby provincial towns.

Anna cannot wait for Tanya from distant Kiev. And next to her in the village was always her son Mikhail, along with his wife and daughter. Having gathered around the old woman on the morning of the day after arrival, the children, seeing the revived mother, do not know how to react to her strange rebirth.

"Mikhail and Ilya, having brought in vodka, now did not know what to do: everything else in comparison with this seemed to them trifles, they toiled, as if passing through themselves every minute." Huddled in a barn, they get drunk almost without a snack, except for the products that Mikhail's little daughter Ninka carries for them. This causes a legitimate female anger, but the first shots of vodka give the men a feeling of a genuine holiday. After all, the mother is alive. Not paying attention to the girl collecting empty and unfinished bottles, they no longer understand what thought they want to drown out this time, maybe it’s fear. “The fear of knowing that their mother is about to die is not like all the previous fears that fall out in their life, because this fear is the worst of all, it comes from death ... It seemed that death had already noticed them all in the face and no longer will forget. "

Having drunk thoroughly and feeling the next day as if they were passed through a meat grinder, Mikhail and Ilya are thoroughly drunk the next day. “How not to drink? - says Michael. - Day, second, even a week - it is still possible. And if you don't drink at all until your death? Just think, there is nothing ahead. Pretty much the same thing. How many ropes are holding us both at work and at home, what is not to gasp, so much you had to do and did not do, you must, must, must, must, and the further, the more you must - waste it all. And he drank as soon as he got free, did everything he needed. And what I did not do, I should not have done, and I did the right thing, what I did not do ”. This does not mean that Mikhail and Ilya do not know how to work and have never known any other joy than drunkenness. In the village where they once all lived together, common work happened - “friendly, inveterate, ringing, with discordance of saws and axes, with a desperate hoot of fallen woods, echoing in the soul of ecstatic alarm with obligatory banter with each other. This kind of work happens once a season of harvesting firewood - in the spring, so that over the summer they have time to dry, pleasant to the eye yellow pine logs with a thin silky skin lie in neat woodpiles. " These Sundays are arranged for themselves, one family helps another, which is still possible. But the collective farm in the village is falling apart, people are leaving for the city, there is no one to feed and raise livestock.

Recalling her former life, the town dweller Lyusya, with great warmth and joy, imagines her beloved horse Igrenka, on which “slap a mosquito, he will fall down,” which ultimately happened: the horse died. I dragged a lot of games, but did not manage. Wandering around the village through the fields and arable land, Lucy realizes that she does not choose where to go, that she is guided by some outsider who lives in these places and professes her strength. ... It seemed that life came back, because she, Lucy, had forgotten something here, lost something very valuable and necessary for her, without which it was impossible ...

While the children drink and indulge in memories, the old woman Anna, having eaten the children's semolina specially cooked for her, cheers up even more and goes out onto the porch. She is hung by a long-awaited friend Mironikha. “Ochi-mochi! Are you, old woman, alive? - says Mironikha. “Why doesn't death take you? .. I’m going to her funeral, I think she’s kind of chilling, but she’s all tutak”.

Anna grieves that among the children gathered at her bedside there is no Tatiana, Tanchora, as she calls her. Tanchora did not look like any of the sisters. She stood, as it were, between them with her special character, soft and joyful, human. Without waiting for her daughter, the old woman decides to die. “There was nothing more to do in this world, and there was no need to postpone death. While the guys are here, let them bury them, carry them out, as is customary with people, so as not to return them to this concern another time. Then, you see, Tanchora will also come ... The old woman thought about death many times and knew her as herself. In recent years, they became friends, the old woman often talked to her, and death, settling down somewhere on the sidelines, listened to her judicious whisper and sighed understandingly. They agreed that the old woman would leave at night, first she would fall asleep, like all people, so as not to frighten death with open eyes, then she will quietly press herself, take off her short worldly sleep and give her eternal rest. So it all comes out.

Analysis of the story "The Last Term".

The plot of the work is simple: the old woman Anna dies, she is waiting for the arrival of her children. In total, she has 5 children, only her son Mikhail lives with her mother, the eldest daughter Varvara is in the regional city, Lusya and Ilya are in the regional city, the youngest daughter Tanya lives far away. Old Anna, an ideal hero, of a departing folk character, experienced: war, her husband's resentment, raising children, but managed to save her soul: "No one will be you instead of you." She does not envy anyone, she believes that everyone has their own share of grief and joy, but dies because she has outlived her portion of life. He is not afraid of death, but perceives it as a part of fate and life: “once it was a blade of grass, but it will become a flower”. She hears the gospel.

In this work, the author poses the problem of generations. Children have become different, this can be seen in their attitude towards death: they cannot take death for granted, the expectation of death is occupied with rituals. Varvara teaches how to cry, Lucy sews a black dress, and the sons drink a box of vodka in the bathhouse, they do not feel the scale of the loss. On the first day, the illusion of a clan was created in the house, on the second day, the children felt a sense of guilt and their memory began to awaken, nature reminds of childhood, on the third day the clan disintegrated, everyone left. When everyone left home, the mother dies, we can say that she dies alone and abandoned by everyone, such is the memory and gratitude of children. The old woman considers herself guilty that the children have grown up differently. They have become envious, strive for material accumulation, have become detached from the earth, upset from their roots. Old woman Anna does not like the city, she believes that a woman is a state being. She looks to see if she is like the others, but from the woman it is clear that she had a mother and grandmother. Many Russian writers have addressed the problem of the succession of generations, for example: I. S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons". In my opinion, the work is still relevant today, as children must always remember and respect their parents, their home, remember their roots.

There is still a glimmer of life in grandmother Anna, frozen and lying motionless with her eyes closed. Raising the broken mirror to her lips, the daughters realized this. It has fogged up, which means that mom is still alive. But one of Anna's daughter thinks that she can already cry for her mother, echo her, she begins to do this first at the pastel, then at the table, it is more convenient there. mourning, which was once cut in the city .. Varvara is crying, and the sewing machine knocks in time with her sobs. The sewing machine chirps in time with the Barbarian sobs.
Anna has five children; her two sons died, the first. One was born for God, the other for a hover. Varvara, Lyusya and Ilya from nearby small towns came to say goodbye to their mother from the regional center ... Anna is waiting for Tanya from Kiev, which is far away. Son Mikhail with his wife and daughter was always next to her in the village. Children, having gathered in the morning the next day, after when we arrived around the mother and seeing her suddenly come to life, they do not know how to behave. Ilya and Mikhail brought vodka and did not know what to do now, everything else seems to them to be nonsense now, comparing it to this. They were tormented, as if they were letting everything through. They drank without drinking, except for the food that Mikhail's daughter brought them. Nina. The women swear, but from the first glasses of vodka the men felt a holiday, because the mother is alive. They do not react to their daughter and do not understand what to drown out. Maybe a fear that is not like other fears from the knowledge that a mother may be about to die, because it does not look like other fears. From this fear, death is felt. This fear is the worst of all fears. It seems that death remembered them in the face of everyone and will not forget. Ilya and Mikhail began to get drunk the next day. They felt like they were being minced. Mikhail began to say that you can drink even for a week, so you can not drink until the day you die. there is nothing ahead, everything is the same. As much as we are everywhere, both home and work, everywhere we all need. There they should, here they should. Everything would be lost. And when you drink, you immediately become free, everything is done as it should. And if something didn’t work, but okay, then it shouldn’t have been done. But this does not mean that Mikhail and Ilya only know how to drink and do not know anything else. They know how to work and find other joys in life. ... In the village in which they all lived together, they had a common job. They all sawed wood together, cheerfully and amicably. The hooting of the fallen forest was heard, which echoed loudly in the soul, they saw each other making fun of each other. This work happens only once a season, more precisely in the spring, so that the pine logs have time to dry out over the summer. Then the logs, dry and beautiful, are stacked in woodpiles. All this work is arranged for themselves, families help each other, but this can still be done. But there is no one to feed and raise livestock, since the collective farm is falling apart, people are leaving for the cities. Lyusya, who left for the city warmly and joyfully portrays the horse Igrenka, who is very weak, if you kill a mosquito on him, he will die, which is what happened. The horse worked hard, but could no longer. Lyusya walks around the village in the field and arable land and knows that she did not choose where to go, but some kind of outsider force that lives in these places indicates where to go. And the impression is that everything turned back, because she, Lucy, is here again, as if she had forgotten something and lost what she really needed, which is very significant for her. While everyone drinks and remembers, Grandma Anna ate semolina, which was specially prepared for her, became even more cheerful and went out onto the porch. Her friend Mironikha visited her.
She was glad that the old woman was alive and began to make fun of her. Mironikha said that she was going to the commemoration, but she was alive, apparently death had not yet come for her. Anna worries that among the children gathered around her bed there is no Tatyana, whom she calls Tanchora. This daughter was not like anyone else. She was somehow between them with her own character, gentle and cheerful, human. Without waiting for her daughter, the grandmother decided to die. It is no longer necessary to postpone death, since she has no more business in this world. Once the children are gathered here, then let them bury them, conduct them as they should, so that next time they would not have to return to this business. will drive up. The old woman never once thought about death and knew it very closely. In recent years they became friends, the old woman often held conversations with her, and death was attached not far, understood and sighed, listening to her whisper. Death and the old woman agreed that she would die at night. As all people go to sleep, fall asleep so that his eyes are closed, and death will quietly cling to her, take her short worldly dream, and give her an eternal one. And so it all happened.

Please note that this is only a brief summary of the literary work "Deadline". Many important points and quotes are missing in this summary.

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin


Old woman Anna lies motionless, without opening her eyes; she almost froze, but life is still flickering. The daughters understand this by bringing a piece of a broken mirror to their lips. It fogs up, which means that mom is still alive. However, Varvara, one of Anna's daughters, thinks it is possible to mourn, to “echo her”, which she selflessly does first at bedside, then at the table, “where it is more convenient”. At this time, daughter Lusya sews a mourning dress tailored back in the city. The sewing machine chirps to the beat of Barbarian sobs.

Anna is a mother of five children, her two sons died, the first ones, born one for God, the other for a hover. Varvara came to say goodbye to her mother from the regional center, Lucy and Ilya from nearby provincial towns.

Anna can't wait for Tanya from distant Kiev. And next to her in the village was always her son Mikhail, along with his wife and daughter. Having gathered around the old woman on the morning of the day after arrival, the children, seeing the revived mother, do not know how to react to her strange rebirth.

"Mikhail and Ilya, having brought vodka, now did not know what to do: everything else in comparison with this seemed to them trifles, they toiled, as if passing through themselves every minute." Huddled in a barn, they get drunk almost without a snack, except for the products that Mikhail's little daughter Ninka carries for them. This causes legitimate female anger, but the first shots of vodka give the men a feeling of a genuine holiday. After all, the mother is alive. Not paying attention to the girl collecting empty and unfinished bottles, they no longer understand what thought they want to drown out this time, maybe it’s fear. “The fear of knowing that their mother is about to die is not like all the previous fears that fall out in their life, because this fear is the worst of all, it comes from death ... It seemed that death had already noticed them all in the face and no longer will forget. "

Having drunk thoroughly and feeling the next day as if they were passed through a meat grinder, Mikhail and Ilya are thoroughly drunk the next day. “How not to drink? - says Michael. - Day, second, even a week - it is still possible. And if you don't drink at all until your death? Just think, there is nothing ahead. Pretty much the same thing. How many ropes keep us both at work and at home, why not gasp, so much you had to do and did not do, you must, must, must, must, and the further, the more you must - waste it all. And he drank as soon as he got free, did everything he needed. And what I did not do, I should not have done, and I did the right thing, what I did not do ”. This does not mean that Mikhail and Ilya do not know how to work and have never known any other joy than drunkenness. In the village where they once lived together, common work happened - “friendly, inveterate, ringing, with a discord of saws and axes, with a desperate hoot of fallen woods, echoing in the soul of ecstatic alarm with obligatory banter with each other. This kind of work happens once a season of harvesting firewood - in the spring, so that over the summer they have time to dry, pleasant to the eye yellow pine logs with a thin silky skin lie in neat woodpiles. " These Sundays are arranged for themselves, one family helps another, which is still possible. But the collective farm in the village is falling apart, people are leaving for the city, there is no one to feed and raise livestock.

Recalling her former life, the town dweller Lyusya with great warmth and joy imagines her beloved horse Igrenka, on which “slap the mosquito, he will fall down,” which in the end happened: the horse died. I dragged a lot of games, but didn’t do it. Wandering around the village through the fields and arable land, Lucy realizes that she does not choose where to go, that she is guided by some outsider who lives in these places and professes her strength. ... It seemed that life came back, because she, Lucy, had forgotten something here, had lost something very valuable and necessary for her, without which it was impossible ...

While the children drink and indulge in memories, the old woman Anna, having eaten the children's semolina specially cooked for her, cheers up even more and goes out onto the porch. She is hung by a long-awaited friend Mironikha. Ochi-mochi! Are you, old woman, alive? - says Mironikha. “Why doesn't death take you? .. I’m going to her wake, I think she’s kind of chilling, but she’s all tutak”.

Anna grieves that among the children gathered at her bedside there is no Tatyana, Tanchora, as she calls her. Tanchora did not look like any of the sisters. She stood, as it were, between them with her special character, soft and joyful, human. Without waiting for her daughter, the old woman decides to die. “There was nothing more to do in this world, and there was no need to postpone death. While the guys are here, let them bury them, carry them out, as is customary with people, so that they do not return to this concern another time. Then, you see, Tanchora will also come ... The old woman thought about death many times and knew her as herself. In recent years, they became friends, the old woman often talked to her, and death, settling down somewhere on the sidelines, listened to her judicious whisper and sighed understandingly. They agreed that the old woman would leave at night, at first she would fall asleep, like all people, so as not to frighten death with open eyes, then she will quietly cuddle, take off her short worldly dream and give her eternal peace. So it all comes out.

Grigory Rasputin's story "The Last Term" begins with how all the children of the main character, Anna, came to her when she becomes very sick. Anna was the mother of five children, two sons (first-born) died, and the rest were born for God and for a bet. Having gathered by the mother's bed, the children see her lying motionless, which is almost frozen, but still alive. The daughters realized this by bringing the glass to the main character. One of Anna's daughters Varya came from the regional center, Lyusya and Ilya from provincial towns. The heroine is also waiting for her daughter Tanya, who lives in Kiev, and her son Mikhail lives in the same village with her.

Here are all the children, except for Tanya. The next day, they were perplexed when they saw their mother revived. Ilya and Mikhail sat down in a barn, in which they drink vodka at the same time, not eating at all, not taking at the expense of the products that Mikhail's daughter Nina brings. By their behavior, the guys make the girls angry, but the first shots give the men the joy that their mother is alive. After that, Ilya and Mikhail no longer understand what they are drinking for, most likely because of the fear that their mother might die. And all this time little Nina cleans up the bottles after them. So the guys get drunk completely and go to bed. The next morning, the brothers do not feel well and begin to hang over. In fact, Mikhail and Ilya did not fall to the bottle so often, but, on the contrary, loved to work. Since childhood, all of Anna's children loved to work together and help each other, as well as their village. Meanwhile, Lucy begins to remember her childhood and her beloved horse Igrenka, who was weak, which led to his death. The horse worked hard and benefited Lucy's family. Walking around the outskirts of her village, she realized that she was not walking herself, but some kind of force was pulling her, trying to show her that she had lost here without what she could not. All this time Varvara sat and grieved over her mother who had not died.

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