Homophones. Presentation on the topic "homonyms" Presentation in the Russian language on the topic of homonyms

Frame houses 12.08.2021
Frame houses

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I walked with a bag over my shoulder, I see a key beating in the ravine. Leaning over the key, I dropped the key into the water. I rummage in a key along the bottom, Above the water my back wildebeest. If I don't find the key, how will I get home? V. Lifshits WHAT LANGUAGE PHENOMENON WILL THE SPEAK OF SPEECH ABOUT?

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5 will accept homonyms:

1. Homonyms are words of the same part of speech; 2. Homonyms sound the same; 3. Homonyms are spelled in the same way; 4. Homonyms have different lexical meanings; 5. Homonyms have no similarity in meaning;

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Using homonyms, answer what homonymous words are used for the name

1) A garden plant and weapon for throwing arrows 2) A purse for money and small papers and a paper industry worker 3) Geographic map book and silk, smooth, shiny fabric 4) Marriage and poor quality product, defect 5) Borrowed money and duty (BOW ) (WALLET) (ATLAS) (MARRIAGE) (DEBT)

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Give a clue to the riddle

I am everything that is in the world, All peoples on the planet. My homonym is the enemy of war, Peace friend of labor and silence

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I am a dwelling for an animal, For a cricket and a spider. There is also my namesake: a rare fur animal. mink

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They are usually for sewing, And I saw them at the hedgehog. There are on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree, And they are called ... needles

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We are recruited a lot in games, And sometimes they put on the nose. glasses

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The ancient name of the city, and its homonym is the name of atmospheric precipitation hail I am looking for as a reason justifying some action, and my homonym is an official part of speech preposition Upper branching part of a tree and monetary unit of some European countries crown

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Diminutive form of the noun cat and marine mammal with valuable fur fur seal

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OMONIM has namesThree - he is so important!

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Once, of course, "homophones", Two, without a dispute, "homoforms", Three - "homographs" (you can distinguish them only with Accent) ... Just deal with them: "Same name"!

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Homophones are words that are pronounced the same way, but spelled differently. Vienna-Vienna, Block-Block, Dal-Dal, Hope-Hope. A rhinoceros - nose on a horn, a pot - to the market, a window - on a cat.

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Homophones: meadow and bow -Only the same sound; Labor and tinder, mouth and family, Carcass and ink, raft and fruit -The writing is different -The sound is one, the faces are different!

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Instead of a lake - a pond. Instead of a fishing rod - a rod. Just know: I myself will catch a catfish! ..

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We will tell you how Taras distinguished himself once: Gathering mushrooms in the forest, And he caught a fox by the tail! ..

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Rinse the cranberries under the tap Three times - And with granulated sugar Rub ...

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How did you like crayfish? - I did not see In the darkness ...

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Omoforms are words of different parts of speech that are spelled and pronounced in the same way.

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Briskly bursting with heat FURNACE-Pies, it's time for us to FURNACE. The blizzard has died, the wind VERSE, The VERSE has been written to the end - There is no secret: Omoforms! Only change the shape, They will scatter away: Pies baked in the oven; QUIET wind; Teach poems, -Omorofm lost track, There are not even a trace of them! Marvel with me yourself

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Tolik and I are sitting at a table, A hundred are guarding - We are being guarded.

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I met a mushroom picker outside the forest, Then - Polkan behind the fence, And after - a boy at the dacha. And I wished them all good luck!

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The Tsar Peas is sitting on the throne, and a large, custom-made bus has arrived from the bank behind the treasury. The final scene, it seems, comes out mute: Peas are on beans, because Peas' treasury is dumb ...

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Homographs are similarly spelled words that are pronounced differently. Flour-flour, mugs-mugs, lock-lock. The scarecrow was a scarecrow forty-forty.

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Looks, as the granddaughter looks, And with her, and two granddaughters At the way the Bug barks At the black bug ...

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Any stirrup is not easy. Cooking is a complex science. But if you have flour, then making pancakes is not flour ...

KINDS OF OMONYMS: Homophones Homophones (phonetic homonyms) are words that sound the same, but differ in spelling and meaning. Homographs (graphic homonyms) are words that coincide in spelling, but different in sound and meaning Homographs Moforms Moforms (grammatical homonyms) are different words that coincide in separate grammatical forms.

Homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings.In Russian, there are two main sources of homophony: - the phenomenon of stunning consonants at the end of words and before another consonant sound - reduction of vowels in an unstressed position. For example: make a decision - make a decision, build - build, bend - bend, return - return.

Homographs are words that coincide in spelling, but differ in pronunciation, in Russian most often due to differences in stress 1) For example: lock-lock, Zhenya - to his wife mela mela 2) Professional vocabulary Words that do not differ from each other by letter, if not dotted over the e. For example: agitated agitated condemned condemned angled deepened

Omoforms are different words that coincide in separate grammatical forms For example: The word "three": - the form of the nominative and accusative case of the numeral 3 - the form of the imperative from the verb "to rub" The word "glass" is a noun in the nominative singular - the verb "to drain" in the form of the past tense neuter.

Lesson by topic


Group No. 5

Topic: Homonyms

The purpose of the teacher:

to create conditions for the study and application of knowledge about homonyms when working with texts, a textbook and a dictionary.

Lesson steps


Organizing time

Knowledge update. Problem formulation

Staging a story. Diving into the problem. Drawing up a diagram.

Introduction to the topic

Determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

ZUKH (I know, I can, I want to know) Question-reflection

Discovery of new knowledge.

Group work. Protection of drawings.

Application of new knowledge. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

Independent work. Checking against the standard.


Reception "Insert"


Optional homework


Complete the sentence

Planned results:

  • Subject : students formulate a definition, based on existing knowledge, independently interpret words, using a dictionary in case of difficulty. They find homonyms in the text, they know how to distinguish homonyms from ambiguous words.
  • Metasubject: cognitive - determine the meaning of the word homonym, build logical judgments
  • Personal: give an adequate self-assessment of educational activities, are aware of the boundaries of their own "knowledge and ignorance",
  • Regulatory: accept and save the educational task on the topic, make the necessary adjustments to the actions after its completion based on its assessment, adequately perceive the assessment of the participants in the educational process.
  • Communicative: formulate their own opinion and position, working in pairs and groups.

Knowledge update

Two friends met: Olya and Nadya. Nadia says:

And I have oatmeal at home.

Just think, - said Olya, - I also have oatmeal at home.

And I love! - said Olya.

She is yellow, so beautiful!

And delicious, especially with milk!

How delicious is that? How is it with milk?

Yes so. It is also good with butter or granulated sugar

What are you talking about?

How is that about? About oatmeal!

What kind of oatmeal?

About ordinary oatmeal. What are you talking about?

About the one that lived in our garden and sang songs.

Porridge sang songs?

What porridge? Not porridge, but a bird. Bird oatmeal!

Haven't you heard of this, or what? Let me listen to my porridge!

And then eat my oatmeal with me!

Why didn't the friends understand each other for a long time? (students' answers)

Do you know what these words are called?

Can these words be called ambiguous?

Draw a conclusion and compare with the reference in the textbook (p. 160).

- Make a scheme for distinguishing polysemous words from homonyms.

Similarities-differences between homonyms and ambiguous words



Multi-valued Homonyms

Are written


have absolutely

common in LZ different LZ

(in shape, color,

character, action)

Omonims (Old Greek ὁμός - the same + ὄνομα - name) - different in meaning, but the same in sound and spelling of the word, morphemes and other units of the language. Term introduced Aristotle .

Find homonyms. Draw them

Our Vanyusha in the forest

Breaking away from the earth

I mowed the slanting grass.

On a big rocket

And with your scythe Tanyusha

Took a handful of earth

I fell in love with Andryusha.

In memory of the planet.

Find homonyms.

  • bitter bow - hunter's bow;
  • rowan brush - paint brush:

Which pair is superfluous? Why?

Find homonyms (Key)

  • bitter bow - hunter's bow;
  • underground key - the key to the front door;
  • brush rowan - brush for drawing:
  • mink fur coat - mouse mink

funny riddles

Riddle 1

Really, my hair is a miracle!

Braiding me is not bad.

In the meadow with a sharp hiss

I manage haymaking.

I go into the water in a strip -

Narrow, grayish and flat.

funny riddles

Riddle 2

I am a collection of maps; from stress

Depends on my two values;

If you want, I will turn into a name

Shiny, silky fabric i.

funny riddles

Riddle 3

I am a herbaceous plant

With a flower of various colors,

But rearrange the stress

And I turn into candy.

Reception "Insert"

"V" - already knew

"+" - new

"?" - I do not understand, there are questions.


- What goals did we set in the lesson? Did you manage to achieve them?

- Today I found out ...

- What caused the difficulty?

- Today I learned ...

- Did you like how you worked in the lesson?

- It has become new for me ...

- It was difficult for me ...


When preparing a lesson model

It was easy

It was difficult

Select didactic materials

Formulate the goals of the lesson in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

Compose tasks for the text

Delineate the types of UUD to the stages of the lesson

Design a lesson structure

Change from a traditional to a modern approach to lesson modeling.

Select tasks for motivation and actualization

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Reviewing what has been learned, checking homework - What is called vocabulary? - Lexicon? What words do we call ambiguous? How do you understand the term "figurative meaning"? What is an epithet? Metaphor? Give examples.

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Find the words used in a figurative sense. The heat of the sun - the heat of feeling The severity of the baggage - the severity of the loss The flexibility of the mind - the flexibility of the branch Make plans - build a bridge Mature age - ripe fruit.

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Syntactic five-minute Read the sentence: The country of the Russian language is huge, and its vocabulary is wide. - Determine where the predicate is? What part of speech is it expressed? -Punctual analysis of the sentence, make a diagram.

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Listen to V. Lifshnits's poem I walked with a bag over my shoulder, I see a key beating in the ravine. Leaning over the key, I dropped the key into the water. I rummage in a key along the bottom, Above the water my back wildebeest. If I don't find the key, how will I get home? - How many objects does the word key define in this poem? - Are the words written and sound the same? - Think, are they the same in meaning?

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Homonyms are recorded in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. Unlike polysemous words, in which all meanings are revealed in one dictionary entry, homonyms are characterized in different dictionary entries. - Find in dictionaries the interpretation of the word key. How many meanings does a word have? Note the textbook wording “completely different in meaning”.

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R A B O T A C O S L O V A R E M K L Y CH 1 - 1. A metal rod of a special shape for unlocking and locking the lock. 2. A device for unscrewing or screwing nuts, uncorking, planting something. 3. That which serves to solve, to understand something. 4. The sign at the beginning of the note line, which determines the value of the notes. K LYU CH 2 - A source gushing from the ground, a spring.

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Omonims are words of the same part of speech, identical in sound, but completely different in lexical meaning. LUK - a garden plant (n.) - a weapon, a sports equipment K O S AND T L - to deviate from the direct (v.) Direction - to cut with an oblique, or a mower, or a combine

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Learn to distinguish between homonyms and polysemous words! O M O N AND M S are different words, in the meanings of which there is nothing in common. Language is the verbal speech of a person, a verbal means of human communication. Language is a people, a nation. Language is a prisoner from which you can get the information you need.

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M N O G O Z N A CH N Y E S L O V A - words that have several meanings, the meanings are related. The tongue is an organ in the oral cavity, which is an organ of taste, and in humans it is also involved in the formation of speech sounds. The tongue in the bell is a metal rod that makes ringing by striking the walls.

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Before us is a poem, read it. What does the author warn us about? Some letters in the words got lost. Let's help them get back to their places. Write down the words with gaps, explain the spelling. We are words from Russian .. speech, From r .. one language! One..now you hear us..t, But..nako write us..t. But not only appearance is important, Therefore (do not) hurry, Haste is not always needed, You get to the meaning of it. Like a filling The meaning is hidden in the ser..dink, Similar persons, in spite of We, within the meaning of d..leki. (J. Kozlovsky)

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P O T R E N I R U E M S Z? ON THE RIDDLE, GIVE THE GUIDE 1. I am everything that is in the world, All peoples on the planet, My homonym is the enemy of war, Friend of labor and silence. 2. I am a dwelling for an animal, For a cricket and a spider. There is also my namesake: a rare fur animal. 3. Here's the word. For a solution In it, find two meanings: One babbles in the clearing, makes noise in the forest and in the meadow. The other went to rest in my pocket and there wasn’t a googo all the time.

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Group and write down pairs of phrases containing: 1) homonyms-nouns, 2) homonyms-verbs Autumn leaf - sick leave, interfere with work - stir with a spoon, green onions - tight onions, heat the stove - drown the ship. Make up a phrase with homonyms world-world, using the following words: lasting, starry, animal, conclude, championship, spiritual.

"Lexicology" - Information about the word. Lexicography. Selection of synonyms. The meanings of the word in the dictionary. Lexicology. Types of linguistic dictionaries. Dictionaries are divided into encyclopedic and linguistic. What lexicography does. What are the information carriers. Explanatory dictionaries. Types of word interpretations. Linguistic dictionaries contain information about words.

"Features of vocabulary" - Homonyms. Vocabulary from the point of view of semantic meaning. Read the sentences. Direct and figurative meaning of words. Vocabulary. Read the sentences. Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Lexicon and phraseology. Synonyms. Complete tasks. Antonyms. Find synonyms. Unambiguous and ambiguous words.

"Vocabulary of the text" - Vocabulary of the Russian language from the point of view of the sphere of use. Dialectisms in the text. Topic. Linguistic terms. Language is the history of a people. Fedor Abramov. Lexical characteristics of words. Key. The lips and lips are not the same, and the eyes are not gazes at all! Some people have access to depth, others - deep cymbals.

"Russian vocabulary" - Homonyms. Obsolete words. Section "Vocabulary". Find an extra word. Find homonyms in poems. Fabulous shape-shifters. Words in a figurative sense. Antonyms in proverbs and sayings. Knowledge on the topic "Vocabulary". Couples that are opposite in meaning. Phraseologisms with antonyms. Vocabulary. Guess the heroes.

"Vocabulary and phraseology" - Omoforms. Homographs. Stylistic categories of Russian vocabulary. Paronyms. Historicisms. Trails and stylistic figures. Homophones. Phraseology. Cold soup. Material on vocabulary and phraseology. Information. Homonyms. Common vocabulary. Dialectisms. Replace the spoken word. Sections of lexical units.

"Vocabulary of the modern Russian language" - Crossword questions. Find phraseological units. Road. Signs of Old Slavicism. Borrowed words. The origin of phraseological units. Signs of phraseological units. Find loan words. Borrowed morphemes. A collection of words. Lexicon in terms of origin. Speech. Russian correspondences. Find synonyms.

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