Presentation on the topic “Turkmenistan. Presentation on the topic "Turkmenistan" Turkmenistan presentation on geography

For welding 12.08.2021
For welding

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TUKMENISTAN Population of the country: 6 million people. Territory of the country: 491 thousand km2 Capital: Ashgabat Population density: 12 people / km2

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State in Central Asia. In the north it borders with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, in the east - with Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, in the south - with Afghanistan and Iran. In the west it is washed by the Caspian Sea.

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State structure The head of state and executive power is the president. Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov The highest representative body is Khal Maslahaty (People's Council). The highest legislative body is the Majlis (parliament).

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The state emblem of Turkmenistan is a green octahedron with a yellow-golden border, into which two circles of blue and red colors are inscribed. The circles are separated by yellow-golden stripes of equal width. On the green background of the octahedron around the red circle, the main elements of national wealth and symbols of the state are depicted. In the lower part there are seven open five-leafed bolls of white cotton with green leaves. In the middle part there are ears of yellow-golden wheat, two ears on each side of the coat of arms. In the upper part there is a crescent moon with five five-pointed white stars. On the circular strip of a red circle, 2 diameters of a blue circle, five main carpet gels are depicted clockwise: akhalteke, salyr, ersary, chovdur, yomut, which symbolize friendship and cohesion of the Turkmen people. The blue circle depicts Yanardag - the Akhal-Teke horse of the first and life-long President of independent neutral Turkmenistan Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, the pride of the Turkmen, the embodiment of the classic example of the unique Akhal-Teke breed. In 1992-2003. the coat of arms of Turkmenistan had a round shape. According to the President of Turkmenistan Saparmurat Niyazov, who proposed to change the appearance of the coat of arms, the octagon has been considered a symbol of abundance, peace and tranquility among the Turkmen people since ancient times.

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Do you know why the East is so famous for its hospitality? Because its inhabitants sincerely believe that the guest is sent by Allah. As a guest, you will give such honor to the Almighty. Even in ancient times, roaming the deserts with families and experiencing all the hardships associated with this, people simply would not have survived without each other's support. It was considered very bad form not to welcome a tired traveler. Even close relatives turned away from such a person. The Turkmens are also very hospitable. Turkmen hospitality is the most defining feature of this friendly people. Turkmens often form an opinion about a person by the way he receives guests. The guest is greeted with the words "Hosh Geldiniz!" and, in addition, they utter ritual phrases: “How glad we are to see you! What an honor you have shown us! ”Not to sit down with a Turkmen at the table, not to taste food, not to drink camel's milk means to offend a person who sincerely tried hard. We know that people of the East prefer to eat while sitting on the floor. But without fail, the best tablecloth is laid for the guest, on which all the treats are placed. By the way, you should never step on a tablecloth, because the Turkmens consider it sacred, which means that by stepping on such a tablecloth, you are committing a sin. Also, the Turkmen have a very reverent attitude towards salt and bread. For them, these products are sacred, and they should also never be stepped on. Turkmen cuisine is somewhat monotonous, but very tasty and satisfying. Mainly meat dishes (lamb, poultry), flour (chureks) and dairy (chala). And, of course, it is necessary to say a few words about green tea. Turkmens drank green tea, drink and will always drink in huge quantities. This is one of the most popular drinks.

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Respect for elders is also based on ancient traditions. It is unacceptable not to fulfill their request, to argue with them, look at them from under their brows or express their dissatisfaction, wait for gratitude for the service rendered or remind them of it. Customs require reverence for parents and elders in general. A Turkmen proverb says: "Gold and silver do not age, father and mother have no value." The father, as the head of the family, has the right to evaluate the actions of his children, and is also obliged to protect them. Children should be especially reverent and respectful of their mother. The slightest manifestation of disrespectful attitude or inattention to the mother is not only condemned by others, but should also be immediately suppressed.

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Traditions of morality Turkmen people are highly moral people. In their attitude to life, they cultivate hospitality, respect for elders, modesty, nobility, truthfulness, honesty, courage, and spiritual generosity. "A noble man, says a Turkmen proverb, if he promises, he will certainly keep his word." The Turkmens place a high value on the concept of honor. “My honor is the honor of my family, my tribe, my people,” they like to repeat. The so-called spirit of kinship is highly developed among the Turkmen. The Turkmen have always appreciated sincerity. “Speak the truth, even if it is against you,” says popular wisdom. Duty and obligation are honored, frivolity and talkativeness are condemned. The Turkmen society has always had a negative attitude towards backbiting, believing that "the one who gossips with you also gossips about you." And, of course, such unworthy traits as cowardice, cowardice, ingratitude were condemned. Turkmen cherish the feeling of friendship and love, maintain good relations with neighbors. There are many popular sayings on this topic: "Before you build a house, find out who your neighbor is", "Live next door to a happy one, and you yourself will be happy", "Take care of your neighbor first", "A close neighbor is better than a distant one. brother".

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The oral creativity of the Turkmen people is rich and diverse. Legends and traditions, legends and destans, songs and laments, proverbs and riddles - this is not a complete list of its types and genres. Humor and satire occupy a special place in it: they are rightfully called pearls of folk wisdom. Turkmen folklore began to take shape in time immemorial. Over the centuries, it has been supplemented and changed, capturing the historical experience of the working masses, their stubborn, although not always successful, struggle against the "evil forces" of nature and human society for freedom, happiness and a bright future. Love for work, high moral qualities - goodness, justice, honor - were also embodied in satirical and humorous works. But their main content is the exposure of human weaknesses; shortcomings and vices of representatives of the ruling classes - shahs and khans, merchants and bays, mullahs and ishans. Folklore was created by different segments of the population and in different historical eras. Therefore, it is quite natural that it reflects the cultural and everyday level, views, worldview of its creators; corresponds to the way of life and everyday life of that time.

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Carpet weaving The art of Turkmen carpet weaving originated at least six thousand years ago. The antiquity of the Turkmen carpet-making traditions is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds, as well as written sources that tell about unusually beautiful carpets from Parthia, which was previously located on the territory of modern Turkmenistan. Turkmen carpets are original and do not resemble the carpet products of other nations either by technology, or by ornament, or by color schemes. The color scheme of the Turkmen carpet is dominated by burgundy, which is the background. And for the ornament, dark tones of blue, green, black, as well as orange and crimson patterns are used. The black color is an integral part of the pattern of the Turkmen carpet and symbolizes the element of water, and just like water framing the earth, so black ornamental elements frame all other carpet ornaments, delimiting and separating one ornamental element from another. Traditionally, only natural dyes are used in Turkmen carpet weaving, which makes it possible to achieve a characteristic, traditional color scheme, and since ancient times, only the best varieties of wool of local sheep breeds have been used as raw materials. Very high quality and practical carpets, they perfectly tolerate adverse effects in the form of moisture or dirt, create coziness in the house and delight the eye with their beauty.

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Amulets Almost all wedding clothes of Turkmen women, in addition to their direct purpose - to serve as a decoration for the bride, also played the role of a talisman. The newlywed's outfit consisted of various amulets designed to protect her from harmful forces, help maintain health and bring well-being.

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Turkmen Alabai The Turkmen dog - Alabai - is a beautiful and courageous animal. For many centuries, she has helped the Turkmen to protect flocks of livestock in the harsh conditions of the sandy desert. This magnificent dog cannot be confused with any other breed. Powerful, well-built, Alabai conquers with nobility of movements, confidence and calmness. But whoever saw how this fighter fights with a predator will never part with the Alabai ... Now the Turkmen wolfhound has many friends and admirers all over the world.

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Papakhi Papakhi - a national treasure of the Turkmen Despite the sometimes forty-degree heat, Turkmen elders wear large furry fur hats, which cause considerable surprise to tourists. However, this unique headdress, invented by the Turkmens in ancient times, on the contrary, saves from extreme heat.

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Akhal-Teke horses The horse of the Turkmen has long been a sacred animal. It is difficult to imagine a Turkmen without a horse. “A horse is an equal member of the Turkmen family,” they say here. The Turkmens carried the caring and reverent attitude towards the horse through the millennia. Already in the V century. BC NS. The “father of history” Herodotus reported that the ancestors of the Turkmens chose the horse as a symbol of the sun, since, according to their ideas, the fastest animal on earth had to correspond to the fastest animal on earth.

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Dress For cutting and sewing a wedding dress, they chose certain days, which were considered successful among Muslims. The well-being of the bride depended on this. They made a dress in the bride's house from the fabric donated by the groom. The dress was cut by a woman respected in the village, a mother of many children, surrounded by close bridesmaids. They took scraps of material - for luck. Headscarf A headscarf was of great importance in the wedding ritual. At the "gelin toy" (bride's wedding) women from all over the village carried wedding gifts, sweets in bundles of scarves. When they left, they were given back knots with gifts equal to those brought.

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Bright representatives of the traditional art of the Turkmen - bakhshi - musicians, storytellers, singing and playing the dutar. Bakhshi musicians at all times enjoyed special honor and respect in Turkmenistan. Bakhshi wander owls with their songs from village to village. And in each locality, people prepare in advance for the meeting: they think over questions for a conversation, a place for a celebration, a meal, etc. They spread a carpet on a large area, make a large fire in the middle, which illuminates all those present, and a few meters away from it they spread a tablecloth. dastarkhan and exhibit various sweets, fruits, chel-pek (thinly sliced ​​fried dough) and other treats. Up to two thousand people gather to listen to bakhshi. According to Muslim custom, bakhshi wear special clothes: don (thick robe with cotton wool), telpek (hat made of wool of white and black sheep), white shirt, soft leather boots and wide trousers on their feet. They drink the water taken from their well and use their utensils, transporting it with them everywhere intact. Bakhshi begins singing at five or six in the evening and ends at eight or nine in the morning. Every two hours, he takes a short break (10-15 minutes), during which he drinks tea, talks with people. The musician is constantly accompanied by an assistant who is well aware of his habits and tastes. National musical instruments. Dutar is a stringed musical instrument. The word comes from two Iranian words: du - two, tar - string. The oldest musical instrument (around the 3rd century) is the Oscar. This is a ceramic wind instrument that sounds like a flute. It became widespread not only in Central Asia, but also in India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan. Gopuz is a stringed plucked instrument equipped with a tongue that vibrates when played. The musician holds the instrument with his lips and at the same time manipulates his tongue. This is how a very unusual sound is born. The popular stringed instrument of the Turkmens is the gidjak. Unlike dutar, it is played with a bow. He was nicknamed the oriental violin. Folk songs are a very ancient art. They are diverse in content and are associated with different aspects of the life of the people. Mothers lull their babies to sleep, babies sing while they play; there are girlish, wedding songs; labor, performed while weaving cloth and carpets, milking camels, while working at a hand mill. The national epic - destan is very popular. These are musical and poetic legends: fairy tales, legends, traditions, which are chanted. In destans, prose narration and poetic fragments-poems alternate, which are sung to the accompaniment of a dutar. The originality of Turkmen music is also expressed in the original manner of singing. Singers sing with great tension of the vocal cords and mainly in a very high voice. The peculiarities of the natural landscape (steppe, desert) and the nomadic way of life have developed the habit of speaking loudly among the Turkmen. Hence the loud singing, in sharp contrast to the quiet, gentle sound of the dutapa. Traditional wedding rituals. Weddings among the Turkmens have always been "surrounded" by many different customs and rituals. Clothes played the main role in their performance. It was believed that it even has a magical meaning, performing the functions of a talisman and purification. Bright representatives of the traditional art of the Turkmen - bakhshi - musicians, storytellers, singing and playing the dutar. Bakhshi musicians at all times enjoyed special honor and respect in Turkmenistan. Bakhshi wander owls with their songs from village to village. And in each locality, people prepare in advance for the meeting: they think over questions for a conversation, a place for a celebration, a meal, etc. They spread a carpet on a large area, make a large fire in the middle, which illuminates all those present, and a few meters away from it they spread a tablecloth. dastarkhan and exhibit various sweets, fruits, chel-pek (thinly sliced ​​fried dough) and other treats. Up to two thousand people gather to listen to bakhshi. According to Muslim custom, bakhshi wear special clothes: don (thick robe with cotton wool), telpek (hat made of wool of white and black sheep), white shirt, soft leather boots and wide trousers on their feet. They drink the water taken from their well and use their utensils, transporting it with them everywhere intact. Bakhshi begins singing at five or six in the evening and ends at eight or nine in the morning. Every two hours, he takes a short break (10-15 minutes), during which he drinks tea, talks with people. The musician is constantly accompanied by an assistant who is well aware of his habits and tastes.
National musical instruments. Dutar is a stringed musical instrument. The word comes from two Iranian words: du - two, tar - string. The oldest musical instrument (around the 3rd century) is the Oscar. This is a ceramic wind instrument that sounds like a flute. It became widespread not only in Central Asia, but also in India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan. Gopuz is a stringed plucked instrument equipped with a tongue that vibrates when played. The musician holds the instrument with his lips and at the same time manipulates his tongue. This is how a very unusual sound is born. The popular stringed instrument of the Turkmens is the gidjak. Unlike dutar, it is played with a bow. He was nicknamed the oriental violin.
Folk songs are a very ancient art. They are diverse in content and are associated with different aspects of the life of the people. Mothers lull their babies to sleep, babies sing while they play; there are girlish, wedding songs; labor, performed while weaving cloth and carpets, milking camels, while working at a hand mill.
The national epic - destan is very popular. These are musical and poetic legends: fairy tales, legends, traditions, which are chanted. In destans, prose narration and poetic fragments-poems alternate, which are sung to the accompaniment of a dutar.
The originality of Turkmen music is also expressed in the original manner of singing. Singers sing with great tension of the vocal cords and mainly in a very high voice. The peculiarities of the natural landscape (steppe, desert) and the nomadic way of life have developed the habit of speaking loudly among the Turkmen. Hence the loud singing, in sharp contrast to the quiet, gentle sound of the dutapa.
Traditional wedding rituals. Weddings among the Turkmens have always been "surrounded" by many different customs and rituals. Clothes played the main role in their performance. It was believed that it even has a magical meaning, performing the functions of a talisman and purification.

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Flag of Turkmenistan

handicraft has become a national symbol

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Republic of Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan (officially Turkmenistan, Türkmenistan) is a state in Central Asia. Capital - Ashgabat

It borders with Afghanistan and Iran in the south, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the north, washed by the internal Caspian Sea in the west, and has no outlet to the world ocean.

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Annexed to Russia in the period between 1865 and 1885 as a territory inhabited by nomadic tribes, Turkmenistan became a republic within the USSR in 1925. It proclaimed its state independence in 1991.

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Political structure

The form of government is a presidential republic. The head of state is the president, elected by direct secret ballot for a term of 5 years. The president for life of Turkmenistan until December 21, 2006 was Saparmurat Niyazov, who changed his name to Turkmenbashi. Currently, the president is Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov.

Legislature - Mejlis (parliament, 125 members). Deputies are elected for 5 years in single-member constituencies. The competence of the Majlis is the adoption of laws, the adoption and amendment of the Constitution.

  • Saparmurat Niyazov
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    Country with a total area of ​​488 thousand square meters. km is located in the western part of Central Asia, occupying almost half of the territory of this region. The relief is mainly flat, the climate is subtropical, desert: the Karakum Desert occupies more than 80% of the territory. It has access to the Caspian Sea (the length of the coastline is about 1.8 thousand km).

    • Karakum desert
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    5.1 million people, concentrated mainly in the riverside oases and the foothill part of the Kopetdag. The huge area of ​​the Karakum Desert is poorly populated. Average density - 10 people. for 1 sq. km. Average annual growth in 2000-2006 - 1.4%. Life expectancy is about 64 years (2005). 85% of the population are Turkmen, 5% are Uzbeks, 4% are Russians, 2% are Kazakhs. The official language is Turkmen, it is spoken by 72% of the population (12% - in Russian). 89% of the population are Muslims, 9% are Orthodox. According to 1999 data, 98% of the adult population is literate.

    Turkmen in national dress

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    The basis of the country's transport system is road transport, the functioning of which is closely related to the construction of bridges on the Amu Darya. According to official data, in 2000 the volume of road freight was 408 million tons, 10 million tons were transported by rail, 1.7 million tons by inland waterways, 161 thousand tons by sea and 11 thousand tons by air. Passenger traffic in the same year was: by road - 842 million people, by rail - 2,629 thousand people, by air - 1,293 thousand people and by sea - 11 thousand people.

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    The development of transport infrastructure (primarily gas pipelines - 8 thousand km) is a decisive factor in the economic development of Turkmenistan, especially important for the richest storehouse of its energy resources.

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    Economic ties with Russia

    Russian purchases of Turkmen gas on the basis of long-term contacts remain a traditional sphere of interaction. Russian companies are also involved in the development of oil fields on the Turkmen part of the Caspian shelf.

    Turkmenistan (officially Turkmenistan, Turkm. Türkmenistan) is a state in Central Asia. It borders with Afghanistan and Iran in the south, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the north, washed by the internal Caspian Sea in the west, and has no outlet to the world ocean. Turkmenistan (officially Turkmenistan, Turkm. Türkmenistan) is a state in Central Asia. It borders with Afghanistan and Iran in the south, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the north, washed by the internal Caspian Sea in the west, and has no outlet to the world ocean.

    Foreign trade and export: the main place is occupied by gas, oil and oil products, cotton goods, carpets and rugs. The main buyers are Ukraine 51.6%, Poland 10%, Hungary 8%. Foreign trade import: industrial products, foodstuffs, chemicals, medicines. The main suppliers are Russia 16.8%, China 16.7%, Turkey 13.8%, Ukraine 7.8%, Germany 5.5%.

    According to the data for 2001, the population of Turkmenistan was people. The average population density is 9.43 people per sq. Km. The highest density is in the southern, eastern and northeastern oases; one of the lowest in the west of the republic; in the central desert regions, one person per several square kilometers.

    The country's climate is arid continental with large temperature differences, low rainfall and high evaporation. Summers are usually hot and dry, with average July temperatures of 28–32 ° C. Winters are mild, with little snow, but in some years there are heavy, but short-term snowfalls and temperatures can drop to –20 ° С. Average January temperatures range from –5 ° С in the north-east of the country up to + 4 ° С in the south. The average annual precipitation is approx. 80 mm in the middle reaches of the Amu Darya, 150 mm in the Karakum Desert, 200–300 mm in the foothills and intermontane valleys, and over 400 mm in the mountains. The plains are characterized by hot dry winds and dust storms.

    Most of the territory of Turkmenistan is located within the Turan lowland. The Karakum Desert ("black sands") occupies the middle part of the republic. Stony and gravelly deserts prevail in the west, sandy deserts in the east. Mountains and hills are confined mainly to the southern periphery of the country. Only 3% of the area of ​​Turkmenistan is suitable for agriculture.

    The Kopetdag mountain system is located in the extreme south of the country (the highest point is Mount Rize, 2942 m). Its northeastern continuation is the low remnant mountains Maly Balkhan (up to 777 m) and Bolshoi Balkhan (Mount Arlan, 1881 m). To the north of the Kopetdag lies a piedmont plain, passing in the west into the vast Caspian lowland. A small Krasnovodsk plateau (up to 308 m) stands out near the coast of the Caspian Sea. In the north-west, the southern edge of the Ustyurt plateau with heights of up to 400-460 m enters the borders of Turkmenistan.

    Almost the entire territory of Turkmenistan, with the exception of the southeastern and southwestern outskirts, does not have a constant surface runoff. The largest river Amu Darya, receiving glacier-snow nourishment in the Pamir mountains, enters the territory of Turkmenistan in its middle course. From the Kopetdag and other medium-altitude mountains, a number of small rivers with spring-rain supply also flow down. In spring the water levels in the rivers are the highest, in some years there are strong floods. In summer, many rivers become shallow and dry. Even such ones as Tejen and Murghab remain without water in the lower reaches.

    Representatives of many nationalities live in Turkmenistan. The majority are, of course, Turkmen (72%). Turkmenistan has large communities of Uzbeks (9%) and Kazakhs (2.5%). A noticeable part of the population is made up of Russians (9.5%) and Russian-speaking peoples (about 7%). Among other peoples, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Persians, Lezgins, Uighurs, as well as Baluchis, Kurds, etc. live here.

    In terms of their anthropological appearance, the Turkmens belong to the Trans-Caspian racial type of southern Europeoids. Turkmen are distinguished by their tall stature, an elongated head shape, a narrow face, a rather high forehead, and a relatively dark shade of hair, eyes and skin. Their Mongoloid features are insignificant. In Turkmenistan, as in other Central Asian states, the birth rate is high. Large families are characteristic of the Turkmen.

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    Turkmenistan is located between 35 ° 08min. and 42 ° 48min. north latitude and 52 ° 27min. and 66 ° 41min. east longitude. The total area of ​​the state is 491.2 thousand square kilometers, the length of borders from north to south is 650 km, from west to east - 1110 km. Turkmenistan borders: in the north - with Kazakhstan; in the east and north-east - with Uzbekistan; in the south - with Iran, in the southeast - with Afghanistan. ++ The total length of the rivers is 14300 km. The longest river is the Amu Darya (total length 1437 km, across the territory of Turkmenistan - more than 1200 km) The largest mountain system is the Kopetdag. The highest mountain peak is the peak of the Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi (height 3139 m). ++

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    As in other countries of Central Asia, the population of Turkmenistan professed Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity. Starting from the 7th - 8th centuries. since the Arab conquest, Islam has become the dominant religion. Today, the overwhelming majority of believers in Turkmenistan are Sunni Muslims of the Hanifite persuasion. A small part of the local population, immigrants from Iran, are Shiite Muslims.

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    Representatives of many nationalities live in Turkmenistan. The majority, of course, are Turkmen (72%). Turkmenistan has large communities of Uzbeks (9%) and Kazakhs (2.5%). A noticeable part of the population is made up of Russians (9.5%) and Russian-speaking peoples (about 7%). Among other peoples, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Persians, Lezgins, Uighurs, as well as Baluchis, Kurds, and others live here. In their anthropological appearance, the Turkmens belong to the Trans-Caspian racial type of southern Europeoids. Turkmen are distinguished by their tall stature, an oblong head, a narrow face, a rather high forehead, and a relatively dark shade of hair, eyes and skin. Their Mongoloid features are insignificant. In Turkmenistan, as in other Central Asian states, the birth rate is high. Large families are characteristic of the Turkmen.

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    The standard (flag) of the President of Turkmenistan was approved on July 15, 1996. It is the most important and main attribute symbolizing presidential power. Article 54 of the Constitution stipulates that "the President of Turkmenistan is the head of state and executive power, the highest official of the state." It is the standard that confirms the role and importance of the institution of presidency in Turkmenistan and at the same time emphasizes the exercise by the head of state of supreme executive power in the country. The standard (flag) of the President of Turkmenistan embodies Turkmenistan as a presidential republic, proclaimed in Article 1 of the Constitution. Saparmura t Atayevich Niazov head of Turkmenistan from 1985 to 2006

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    Ashgabat (Ashgabat). The capital and largest city of Turkmenistan, whose name can be translated as "City of Love", is located in the southwestern part of the country, in a vast oasis lying in the foothills of the Kopetdag, on the very edge of the sultry desert.

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    The landmarks of Turkmenistan are a mixture of the country's ancient cultural heritage, communist monuments and works of modern masters. One of the oldest monuments of Turkmenistan is the Orthodox Church of Alexander Nevsky (XIX century) Mary - a city in the south of Turkmenistan. The third largest city in Turkmenistan, Mary, is located in a large oasis in the middle of the Karakum sands. Now it is the largest center of a rich cotton-growing region, a major transport hub and the main center of the country's gas industry - the main source of income for Turkmenistan.

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    Turkmens are a highly moral people. In their attitude to life, they cultivate hospitality, respect for elders, modesty, nobility, truthfulness, honesty, courage, and spiritual generosity. "A noble man, says a Turkmen proverb, if he promises, he will certainly keep his word." Turkmenistan is known all over the world for amazing carpets that Turkmen women weave by hand. The work of carpet makers is comparable to a real feat. If today carpet weaving is a matter of professionals, then in the past centuries every Turkmen woman knew how to weave carpets.

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    Tourists to Turkmenistan are attracted by unique natural monuments: stunning flora - forests of wild fruits and nuts, juniper forests on mountain slopes, pistachio savanna woodlands, saxaul forests, floodplain tugai; diverse fauna - Central Asian leopards, argali, kulans, gazelles; a mesmerizing landscape - from picturesque mountain ranges to lifeless desert sands, from green oases to many kilometers of the sea coast. Turkmenistan has a huge number of caves. The most famous of them are the Karlyuk caves. They are located on the slope of the Kugitangtau ridge and are unique natural monuments, they have no equal in Eurasia, and they are rightfully included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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    Agriculture employs about 30% of the economically active population, industry - about 40%, services - about 30%. The main natural wealth of Turkmenistan is natural gas. In 2007, it is planned to produce 71.1 billion cubic meters of gas, with about 50 billion cubic meters being supplied to Russia and 8 billion cubic meters to Iran. According to official data, the rates of economic growth of GDP were: 1999 - 16%, 2000 - 18%, 2001, 2002 - 20%, 2003 - 17%, 2004 - 21%. Extraction of oil and gas and their subsequent export. For the supply of energy resources, various types of transport are used, the main of which is the Central Asia - Center gas pipeline, built during the Soviet era. Projects for the construction of gas pipelines to Afghanistan, China, India and other Asian countries are at various stages of development. To transport gas to Europe, bypassing the territory of Russia, the Nabucco gas pipeline is being designed. The leading sector of the economy is light industry, primarily the textile industry and the agricultural sector. Foreign trade - export: the main place is occupied by gas, oil and oil products, as well as electricity, cotton goods, carpets and rugs. Exports reached $ 4.4 billion. Foreign trade - imports: machinery and equipment (for the oil and gas industry), coal, chemicals, medicines, etc. Imports were at the level of $ 2.4 billion.

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