Natural fibers of animal origin. Presentation. Presentation on the topic "fibers of animal origin" Presentation for the lesson fibers of animal origin

Painting 12.08.2021

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    Cotton is a tree-shaped annual plant. It grows as a bush, fruits are capsules containing seeds, covered with long hairs. These fibers are called cotton or "white gold".

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    Cotton fiber is a single plant cell that develops from the skin of a cotton seed after flowering. The cotton seeds are enclosed in a fruit box, which, upon reaching full maturity, opens and the seeds come out together with the cotton, after which the cotton is immediately harvested and processed.

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    Cotton is the oldest spinning plant, whose homeland is India. It was grown in the Indus and Ganges valleys on the East coast of the Indian subcontinent and the Deccan plateau on extensive plantations

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    Ivan Tames was the first to produce cotton fabrics in Russia in the 172s. The Russified Dutchman had a linen establishment in Moscow. By the end of the 18th century, cotton production spread to the Tver, Ivanovo, Vladimir and Moscow regions. The rival era of flax and cotton began, in which cotton fabrics took the leading position.

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    Cotton properties

    Cotton is characterized by a relatively high strength, chemical resistance (it does not collapse for a long time under the influence of water and light), heat resistance (130-140 ° C), medium hygroscopicity (18-20%) and a small proportion of elastic deformation, as a result of which cotton products strongly crumpled. The abrasion resistance of cotton is low. Advantages: Softness Good absorbency in warm weather Ease of coloring Disadvantages: Easy to wrinkle Has a tendency to shrink Turns yellow in the light

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    Cotton fabrics are divided into two main types: household and technical. Household fabrics are intended for sewing clothes, and you can also find decorative fabrics used for the manufacture of curtains and furniture upholstery. Cotton fabrics can be of different widths: 80, 90, 140 and 160 cm Summer fleece blankets, tablecloths, bedspreads and gauze are also made from cotton. Technical fabrics are packaging and container.

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    The bike is a dense soft fabric with a thick pile. It is used in making light blankets, pajamas, warm underwear and home clothes. Flannel is a soft fabric. Has a double-sided fleece. Pajamas, underwear, women's dressing gowns, baby clothes and diapers are sewn from flannel. ... Bumazeya is a fabric with a one-sided pile, usually on the seamy side. They sew children's clothes and women's dresses from bumazey.

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    Corduroy is a fairly dense fabric. On the front surface it has longitudinal ribs from light coats, suits, skirts, trousers and men's shirts. Corduroy with a rib more than 5 mm is called corduroy cord, and with a narrow one - corduroy rib Velvet is a soft fabric. There is a thick pile on the front side. It is used in sewing jackets, trousers, women's dresses, as well as in interior decoration and curtains production.

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    Waffle fabric is a fabric distinguished by the originality of the weave, visually resembling waffles. Possesses good absorbency properties. Therefore, it has received its application in the manufacture of towels. Calico is a dense unusual fabric. Its warp threads are much thinner than weft threads. They sew overalls from coarse calico, men's and bed linen. Satino has a shiny and smooth face. Goes into sewing men's underwear, shirts, women's and children's dresses. Chintz, wrinkled chintz - fabric with a printed variegated pattern of plain weave. Goes to sewing shirts, light dresses for children and women.

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    Flax is a herbaceous annual plant from the flax family. This is one of the most important industrial crops. In our country, two forms of flax are grown: fiber flax, which contains flax fiber in the stems, and oil flax, which has a lot of fatty oil in its seeds. Flax growing is the plant growing industry that grows flax. Fiber flax forms a straight, thin, branching at the top of the stem 60-160 cm high.

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    Fiber flax is a very ancient culture. In the X-XIII centuries. Fiber flax has become the main spinning plant in Russia. The trade in flax fiber and linen fabrics developed, its centers in the XIII-XVI centuries. steel Pskov and Novgorod. Later, fiber flax began to be grown almost throughout the Non-Black Earth Zone of Russia. Flax is the most ancient cultivated plant after wheat.

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    Flax harvesting

    Since time immemorial, the center of linen production has been the vicinity of the city of Yaroslavl, especially the village of Veliky, as well as the Pskov and Vladimir provinces, where flax was sown and processed in large quantities.

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    Linen was removed only in dry weather, knitted in sheaves

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    Flax cracker.

    In order to separate the remnants of the bone from the fiber and to achieve proper separation of the fibers, immediately after crumpling the flax was ruffled.

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    Combed flax

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    Folk spinning

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    Folk weaving

    Russian silk in the old days was called thin linen fabrics, which could only be weaved in Russia.

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    Modern weaving

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    Flaxseed Fiber Applications

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    Fine wool consists of thin, crimped, down fibers uniform in thickness and length. Semi-fine wool includes thicker downy and transitional fibers. Semi-coarse wool includes down and thicker transitional fibers. Coarse wool contains thick fibers.

    Properties of wool fibers Wool fibers are available in lengths from 20 to 450 mm and varying in thickness. The strength of wool fibers depends on their thickness and structure. The color of the coat can be white, gray, red and black. The shine of the coat depends on the size and shape of the scales. Wool fiber is highly hygroscopic and has good resilience and heat resistance. Due to its good elasticity, wool products do not wrinkle. The resistance of wool to sunlight is much higher than that of plant fibers. Reaction to combustion Wool fibers are sintered during combustion; when the fibers are removed from the flame, their combustion stops. At the end, a black sintered ball is formed, which is easily rubbed with your fingers. In the process of burning, the smell of burnt feather is felt.

    Woolen fiber is used for the manufacture of dress, costume and coat fabrics. Thanks to felting, it is possible to make cloth, drape, felt, felt from wool, as well as other textile products. Woolen fabrics go on sale under the names: gabardine, cashmere, drape, cloth, tights and others.

    For the first time, the secret of making silk was discovered in China five thousand years ago. An ancient legend says that once Xi Ling Chi, the wife of the third emperor of China Huang Di, who was also called the "Yellow Emperor", was drinking tea in the garden of the palace under the crown of a mulberry tree and a silkworm cocoon fell from the tree into her cup of tea. The young empress and her maids were extremely surprised to see the cocoon begin to unfold in the hot water, releasing a thin silk thread. Having become interested, the girl began to observe how the cocoon unfolded. Xi Ling Chi was so impressed by the beauty and strength of the silk thread that she collected thousands of cocoons and from them weaved the emperor's clothes. So a tiny silkworm butterfly gave silk to all mankind, and the empress, in gratitude for such a valuable gift, was elevated to the rank of a deity.

    Stages of development of the silkworm Stage 2 The caterpillar is active from the moment of hatching: it crawls in search of leaves of a mulberry tree and, finding them, starts to eat greedily. The caterpillar's life is spent eating. Newly born caterpillars gnaw exceptionally soft parts of the leaf, making small holes. A little later, they eat up all the pulp of the leaf, leaving only the veins and turning the leaf into thin lace. Later they eat them too. When a large number of adult caterpillars are busy eating, the rustle of their chewing jaws produces a characteristic noise that can be compared to the noise of rain falling on the leaves of trees. During the days of its development, the caterpillar eats about 30 g of a mulberry leaf, and by the time the cocoon is formed, its length reaches 8-9 cm, and weighs 3-5 g. This means that from the moment their eggs hatch, the caterpillar increases in length and in weight 6-10 times. Continuous growth entails periodic shedding of the shell. From time to time, the shell bursts, separates from the body, falls off it. The silkworm caterpillar has five molts. Stage 3 After 10 days after the 4th molt, the voraciousness of the caterpillar decreases and it completely ceases to gnaw. The caterpillar finds a suitable place on the branch. He stops, settles down there, and quickly moving his head from side to side, begins to stretch out numerous threads, sticky, frozen in silk in the air in all directions. The curling of the cocoon begins. The main thing in the construction of the cocoon is that it consists of one continuous silk thread, the length of which varies between 300 and 1500 m. The cocoon has an oval shape. Its color can be silvery white, pale pink. After the end of the cocoon curling, the caterpillar turns into a pupa. Stage 4 At t 20-25 ° c, a butterfly emerges from the pupa every other day. The butterfly releases transparent saliva, which softens the threads of the silk wall of the cocoon, pushes its head between the silk threads, breaks them with its legs and comes out of the cocoon. Stage 1 The silkworm butterfly lays yellow eggs, about 1.5 mm long. It is usually coated with a sticky substance, as a result of which it adheres firmly to the surface on which it is deposited. The number of eggs in a clutch ranges from 400 to 800; an average clutch contains about five hundred eggs. A small furry caterpillar about 3 mm long emerges from the egg.

    Treatment of cocoons before transportation and storage Steam treatment to kill pupae Steam treatment to soften silk glue Hot air drying to remove moisture Winding silk threads together with several cocoons The purpose of the primary silk processing is to unwind the cocoon thread

    The thickness of the cocoon filament is uneven throughout its entire length. The length of the unwound cocoon thread is m. The strength of silk is slightly higher than that of wool. The color of the boiled cocoon threads is white, slightly creamy. Natural silk has good hygroscopicity, quickly absorbs moisture and dries quickly. It feels cool to the touch. Silk breaks down faster when exposed to direct sunlight than other natural fibers. Combustion reaction. Silk fibers are sintered during burning, when the fibers are removed from the flame, their burning stops. At the end, a black sintered ball is formed, which is easily rubbed with your fingers. In the process of burning, the smell of burnt feather is felt. Silk fiber properties

    Bring the fabric to compile the collection, know what it comes from, what it is called. Choose or draw illustrations for the topic: Cotton and linen, woolen and silk fabrics. Prepare interesting messages on this topic. Pick up riddles, proverbs, sayings about fabrics. Bring a white cloth, colored thread, a needle in the needle bar. Homework of your choice

    summaries of other presentations

    "Natural fibers of plant origin" - Properties of cotton and linen fabrics. Cotton and cotton fibers. Linen. Cloth removed from the loom. The impact of various factors on linen and cotton. Materials Science. Textile. Types of weaves. The process of obtaining fabric. Sewing materials science. Natural fibers of plant origin. Fabric production. Fabric finishing. Primary processing of cotton.

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    "" Modeling an apron "grade 5" - To acquaint with the techniques of artistic design. Artistic modeling. Safety rules when working with scissors. Finishing types. Study of the material. The process of making clothes. The term "modeling". Applying the names of parts. Modeling the bottom of the apron. Modeling an apron. Pocket modeling. Bib modeling. Securing the material. Modeling. Drawing of the base of the apron.

    "Natural fibers" - Packing in bales (pressing). YARN is a thin thread made by twisting fibers. In the spinning shop, yarns are drawn and twisted from the roving. Loom diagram. Carding shop. Shuttle. Laboratory work "study of cotton fibers". Fabric production process. Spinning shop. Process. At a weaving factory, yarn is woven into fabric (severity). Washed linen straw. Flax flap. Roving shop. Laboratory work "study of flax fibers".

    "Design and modeling of an apron" - Design and modeling. Appointment of the apron. The choice of fabric for the apron. Pocket modeling. Types of aprons. Bib modeling. Modeling. Measurements for building a drawing of an apron. Modeling methods. Apron finishing options. Modeling an apron. Modeling the main part of the apron.

    "Russian costume" - Lesson flow. Crossword "Russian folk costume". North Russian word of mouth complex. Insert method. Explanation of how to work. The purpose of the lesson. Methods and forms. Headdress. The stage of goal-setting. Post new material. Sundress. Shoes. Practical work. Men's suit. Detail of clothing that served as a talisman. Text. Russian folk costume. South Russian ponyovny complex. Analysis of work, summing up the results of the lesson.

    Cotton fibers Cotton is a vegetable fiber obtained from cotton bolls. When the fruit ripens, the cotton boll opens. The fiber, together with the raw cotton seeds, is collected for cotton collection points, from where it is sent to the ginnery, where the fibers are separated from the seeds. This is followed by the separation of fibers by length: the longest fibers from 2025 mm are cotton-fiber, and shorter lint hairs are used for the manufacture of cotton wool, as well as for the production of explosives.

    Cotton fabrics The assortment of cotton fabrics is very diverse, it includes the largest number of types and articles. Fabrics are different in structure, type of finish, properties, external design and have versatile applications. Cotton fabrics are characterized by good wear resistance, hygiene, beautiful appearance, color fastness, they are well tolerated by water and heat treatments. The disadvantages of these fabrics are increased creasing and deformability in the wear. For the production of cotton fabrics, all types of weaving are used.

    Wool fibers Wool is the hairline of animals: sheep, goats, camels. The woolen cover is removed from the sheep with special scissors or machines. The length of the wool fibers is from 20 to 450 mm. They are trimmed with an almost integral unbreakable mass, which is called RUNE.

    Silk fibers Natural silk is obtained by unwinding silkworm cocoons. A cocoon is a dense, tiny egg-like shell that the caterpillar coils tightly around itself before becoming a pupa. The four stages of silkworm development: 1. Testicle. 2. Caterpillar. 3.Doll. 4. Butterfly.

    The silkworm, or silkworm caterpillar and butterfly, play an important economic role in silk production. The caterpillar feeds exclusively on mulberry leaves (mulberry tree). A closely related species, the wild silkworm, lives in East Asia: in the northern regions of China and the southern regions of the Primorsky Territory of Russia. The silkworm is the only fully domesticated insect not found naturally in the wild. Its females have even "forgotten how" to fly. The adult insect is a fat butterfly with whitish wings and a span of up to 6 cm. The caterpillars of this silkworm eat only the leaves of the mulberry or mulberry tree. Silkworm caterpillars curl cocoons, the shells of which consist of a continuous silk thread with a length of m and up to 1500 m in the largest cocoons.

    A bit of history Ancient China is considered the homeland of silk. According to many legends, the culture of sericulture emerged around the 5th millennium BC. on the banks of the Great Yellow River. Most noteworthy is the legend of Lei Zu, the first wife of the Yellow Emperor, the legendary ancestor of the Chinese, who lived in the central regions of China about 5,000 years ago. After moving to her husband from the southwestern part of the country, Lei Zu brought with her the secret of silkworm cultivation. First, she taught people how to breed silkworms, untangle a cocoon, and thus provide themselves with clothing. In the Celestial Empire, there was no longer such a misfortune as scratches and abrasions, and subsequent generations began to bring offerings to Lei Zu as the founder of sericulture ... in great condition. This means that silkworm breeding existed about two thousand years before the birth of Christ (the late Neolithic era), and the production of silk years ago was already a developed industry - this is the age of the discovered remains of fabric!

    More than 2,000 years ago, Emperor Wu Di sent his messenger westward to pave the way for the silk caravans. This is how the Great Silk Road appeared. Naturally, the secret of making silk in China was guarded with special trepidation. Hence, by the way, the absolutely phantasmagoric ideas about the origin of silk threads among ancient thinkers: they say, they grow on trees, and they are a product of the life of an animal with large horns, and it's not threads at all, but the fluff of special birds ... For smuggling mulberry leaves trees and silkworm larvae, according to Chinese laws, a painful death was assumed. But the thirst for profit (and silk was literally worth its weight in gold, pound for pound) took its toll. Around the 5th century, silk was exported from China, and at the same time its production began in several countries of the world. Again, according to legend, one cunning Indian Raja wooed a Chinese princess. And as a dowry he desired - guess what? And the poor bride brought silkworm larvae and mulberry seeds ... right in her high wedding hairdo. In the Mediterranean countries, the production of silk fabric became widespread at about the same time when silkworm green (eggs) was first delivered to Constantinople from China. The role of pilgrims of goodwill was performed by monks who hid the larvae in the voids of their staves. In the Middle Ages, silk became one of the main industries in Venice (XIII century), in Genoa and Florence (XIV century), in Milan (XV century). And already in the 18th century, throughout Western Europe, their own silk was woven with might and main.

    The old North Road was initiated by Emperor Wudi, who needed thoroughbred horses for the army. I saw such horses during my embassy to Central Asia in the years. BC. dignitary Zhang Qian. He also reported to the emperor about the absence of silk-weaving craft in other countries and advised the emperor to export silk abroad in exchange for fine horses, as well as sweet fruits, wine, etc. In 121 BC. the first camel caravan with silk and bronze mirrors headed to the Fergana oasis through the Turfan depression along the spurs of the Tien Shan. But the unfolding trade was interrupted by ruinous uprisings in that area in the years. AD However, trade soon continued, but this time along a new path - the South Road.

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