Presentation on the topic "dictionaries of the Russian language". Presentation on "history of dictionaries" Download presentation on Russian dictionaries

Ventilation 12.08.2021

An obligatory step for finding information is going to the library.

To facilitate the search and access to information and literature, there is reference and bibliographic apparatus , which includes catalogs, card indexes, bibliographic indexes, reference fund ( dictionaries , reference books, encyclopedias).

Accessing dictionaries is the easiest and most effective way. In them you can find ...



Vocabulary -

it is the entire universe in alphabetical order.

(F. Voltaire)

I love dictionaries! I love them not only for the great benefits they bring, but also for everything that is beautiful and majestic in them ...


If you think well,

a dictionary is a book of books!


Don't be afraid to look in a dictionary.

It's a lush ravine

not a sad abyss.


Take a look !

The VI DAL dictionary contains about 200 thousand words. Along with the vocabulary of the literary language of the first half of the 19th century, regional words, terminology of various professions and crafts, about 30 thousand proverbs and sayings are presented here. Dahl's dictionary will be a companion not only for a writer, philologist, but also for any educated person interested in the Russian language. "

Take a look !

Ozhegov's dictionary is widely represented by vernacular vocabulary used both in literature and in colloquial speech. The dictionary entry includes the interpretation of the meaning, characteristics of the structure of a polysemantic word, examples of use, information on the compatibility of the word, grammatical and orthoepic characteristics of the word. The dictionary entry is accompanied by a description of those phraseological expressions that are generated by this word or are somehow associated with it.

Take a look !

Explanatory dictionary - a type of dictionary that explains, interprets the meaning of a word. This is a veritable storehouse of linguistic wealth, and it is a pleasure to read them. Moreover, the benefits of this reading are very great: you will learn the meaning of the words that you have heard or met in the book, and sometimes in general they can be a discovery for you.

Take a look!

The spelling dictionary gives the rules for spelling words. In the 2nd edition, the dictionary has been increased by 20 thousand units, including those that have been fixed in use recently. The dictionary is intended for a wide range of users, including Russian language teachers, publishers and editorial staff, as well as all those who study Russian .

Take a look!

The dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language occupies an important place among other dictionaries. It helps to choose words with opposite meanings, to find a figurative opposition, to "grasp" the polar manifestations of a particular property or quality.

The synonym dictionary contains a series of synonyms. It helps to choose the most successful word or phrase for a more accurate and vivid expression of thought. Each dictionary entry is a list of synonymous words, their interpretation and examples from literary and artistic works. Synonyms expand the vocabulary of the language, make it brighter, more expressive, more diverse.

Take a look!

  • The dictionary includes the names of the most important and geographically interesting objects included in school geography textbooks and geographical atlases. And for the most inquisitive students, it considers some other names that have cultural, historical and religious value. The dictionary is addressed to all lovers of geography.

Take a look!

Having familiarized yourself with the etymological dictionary, where the history of the occurrence of words in the Russian language is described in detail in an interesting and accessible form and facts from the history of their use are presented, you will reveal many secrets that lie in such a science as etymology.

Take a look!

Unlike other dictionaries, not individual words are described here, but phrases established in the Russian language - phraseological units. The main task of the dictionary is to help understand the complex and varied life of stable word combinations, get an idea of ​​the properties of phraseological units, master the norms of their use in speech and find out their origin. The dictionary gives the interpretation of the meanings of phraseological units, gives various forms of their use, synonyms and antonyms of phraseological units, their origin. Dictionary entries are arranged alphabetically

Take a look!

The word-formation dictionary gives information about how words are formed in the Russian language. Words in the language are very diverse in structure. Words, in addition to the root, can include a prefix, a suffix, and an ending. The dictionary shows the structure of a word, the elements it consists of.

In the dictionary entry, you can find the interpretation of some incomprehensible words, interesting facts related to both word formation and the history of the emergence and use of words in the Russian language.

Take a look!

The dictionary of foreign words contains about 3,000 foreign words that have entered the Russian language from other languages ​​of the world. The dictionary entries contain a brief summary of the origin of words, their translation and interpretation. The dictionary is completed by an extensive section of foreign expressions - catch phrases and famous quotes in the original language with an explanation in Russian.

  • Remember that words in dictionary arranged in alphabetical order .
  • Remember that the dictionary consists from prefaces and dictionary entries . Therefore, first carefully study the text of the preface. This will help you easily navigate the dictionary.
  • Remember that the dictionary entry tells about different sides of the word : his writing correct pronunciation , stories words, its composition and ways of education, lexical meaning, etc. Many dictionary entries contain illustrated quotations, with which the authors of the dictionaries confirm or justify the use of a word or expression in a language. These quotes are written out from fiction, socio-political, scientific and other literature. Proverbs and sayings are used as quotations.
  • Remember that in most dictionaries at the beginning of the page, the words with which this page begins and ends are indicated in bold , or paired three letters of these words. This will make it easier to find the word you are looking for.
  • 4. Remember that for the sake of economy, many explanations in the dictionary entry are given in abbreviated form. Clarification to the system abbreviations are given at the beginning of the dictionary.

There is a magical land That is wide open before you The one who with words How people are inhabited. The sovereign rules them nicknamed DICTIONARY. And he refers to them, as if to his subjects.

Asserting is nothing new to him,

How to write which word

How to combine with others ...

  • There is a magical land That is wide open before you The one who with words How people are inhabited. The sovereign rules them nicknamed DICTIONARY. And he refers to them, as if to his subjects. Asserting is nothing new to him, How to write which word How to write and how to read, How to combine with others ...

We respect the sovereign


Even Pushkin, I mean it

I say for sure

More than once for advice

I turned to the DICTIONARY.

He will bind new and old,

And you always, as a friend,

Ready to provide a service,

Russian speech Sovereign


Yan Kozlovsky

Hundreds of words, native and well-aimed, Sneaking down, losing my voice, Locked up like caged birds Doze in thick dictionaries. Let them out of there Return to everyday life, So that speech is a human miracle - Has not become scarce these days "

Vadim Shefner

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

“Read books…, travel meaningfully and be rich in spirit. Yes, be also philologists, that is, "lovers of the word",

for the WORD stands at the beginning of culture and completes it, expresses it "

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev


Slides: 50 Words: 1968 Sounds: 0 Effects: 99

Russian dictionaries for grades 5-6. An obligatory step for finding information is going to the library. Accessing dictionaries is the easiest and most effective way. Russian Speech Sovereign nicknamed Dictionary. The dictionary is the entire universe in alphabetical order. (A.France) If you think well, a dictionary is a book of books! (A.France) Don't be afraid to look in the dictionary. Dictionary. Dahl's dictionary contains about 200 thousand words. An explanatory dictionary can explain any word to us. Explanatory dictionary - a type of dictionary that explains, interprets the meaning of a word. Orthographic dictionary. A spelling dictionary will help you write all the words correctly. - Dictionaries.ppt

Dictionary of the Russian language

Slides: 18 Words: 1201 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

Working with a dictionary in Russian lessons. Main tasks: Purpose of work: Types of dictionaries of the Russian language. How to get students interested in working with dictionaries? Acquaintance with an outstanding figure in the science of language - with the lexicographer Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. Working with the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl. Read the dictionary entry "Friend". Russian proverbs: Friends and in one grave are not cramped. All my friends, tolokonnichki, and after eating the end, everything is rosy! To hope for a friend is to disappear himself. An old friend is better than two new ones. The results of working with V.I. Dahl. Creation of problematic situations when working with dictionaries. - Dictionary of the Russian language.ppt

Origin of the dictionary

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Piggy bank of words. There are two types of dictionaries: encyclopedic (for example, the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary) and philological (linguistic). Linguistic dictionaries can also be encyclopedic, for example: "Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary". History of dictionaries. In the XVI century. such dictionaries began to be compiled alphabetically, as a result of which they were called "ABCs". Mostly bookish Slavic words and a small number of foreign words were interpreted. The next printed dictionary was compiled in 1627 by the Ukrainian philologist Pamva Berynda. - Dictionary origin.ppt

Various dictionaries

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Types of dictionaries

Slides: 20 Words: 384 Sounds: 3 Effects: 99

From the history of dictionaries. What is a Dictionary? Dictionary history. Types of dictionaries. Dictionary. Etymological dictionaries will tell us about the origin of words. Aphorisms about the dictionary. Voltaire. Aphorisms about the dictionary. Jacques Deval. Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Samuel Johnson. Andrew Rooney. - Types of dictionaries.pptx

The main types of dictionaries

Slides: 12 Words: 511 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Formation of general educational competence. Principles of education. General educational competence. Functional literacy. Types of dictionaries. Dictionary. Reverse dictionary. Pronouncing dictionary. Etymological Dictionary. Phrasebook. Word-formation dictionary. - Basic types of dictionaries.ppt

Basic types of dictionaries

Slides: 19 Words: 365 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Our friends and assistants are dictionaries and encyclopedias. Education throughout the cycle of sciences. Dictionaries. The most famous explanatory dictionaries. Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich. Interpretation of words. Garland. Orthographic dictionary. Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. The task. Antonym. Folios. Dictionary of foreign words. Folio. Phrasebook. Origin and meaning. - Basic types of dictionaries .ppt

Types of Russian dictionaries

Slides: 24 Words: 522 Sounds: 0 Effects: 121

Dictionaries of the Russian language. Vocabulary. Lexicographer. Famous lexicographers. Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov. Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov. Dictionary. Orthographic dictionary. Word-formation dictionary. Dictionary of antonyms. Pronouncing dictionary. Synonym dictionary. Phrasebook. Etymological Dictionary. Dictionary of foreign words. Joke. Put the accent correctly. Find the antonyms for the words. Find synonyms for words. Winged words. Unravel the encryption. - Types of Russian dictionaries.ppt


Slides: 13 Words: 532 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The dictionary was published twice. During his long life, Dahl has seen and experienced a lot. He was a military man, served as a midshipman in the navy. After retirement, Dahl graduated from the medical school and received his doctorate in medicine. S.I.Ozhegov (1900 - 1964). Basic grammatical forms are given for all words. All words are stressed. The dictionary contains about 57 thousand words. Sergei Ivanovich graduated from Leningrad University (1926). Pupil of V.V. Vinogradov and L.V. Shcherba. Founder and first head of the speech culture sector of the Institute of the Russian Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1952). On the right side of the house is a memorial plaque in honor of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov. - Explanatory dictionary.ppt

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Slides: 16 Words: 735 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Dictionary. Language. Language picture. Linguistic picture of the world. The picture of the world is inextricably linked with a person. People. Semantic space. A dictionary containing words and concepts. Dictionaries are different. Words of wisdom. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. Vocabulary. Mast. Handicraft. Elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. - Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.ppt

Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language

Slides: 7 Words: 185 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Dictionaries of the difficulties of the Russian language. "Uppercase or lowercase" "Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language." "Uppercase or lowercase". "Uppercase or lowercase" by D.I. Rosenthal includes about 8,500 words and phrases. Purpose. Phrases from the dictionary. Lenin Communist Youth Union "Blue Light" (TV show) Rostov-on-Don Regional Puppet Theater. "Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language." - Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language.ppt

Encyclopedias and dictionaries

Slides: 20 Words: 525 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

"Our assistants" encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries. Library lesson on information culture. Dictionaries Reference books Encyclopedias. Historical reference. Let's start our acquaintance with dictionaries. The French writer A. France called the dictionary "the universe in alphabetical order." There are different types of dictionaries. The main ones are linguistic and encyclopedic ones. Among the language dictionaries, an important place belongs to explanatory. A dictionary that interprets the meaning of words is called an explanatory dictionary. After all, some words have several meanings. Alice was too puzzled to say anything ... - Encyclopedias and Dictionaries.ppt

Types of encyclopedias and dictionaries

Slides: 20 Words: 1037 Sounds: 0 Effects: 182

Russian dictionaries. Dictionary. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Vladimir Ivanovich. Popular dictionary of the Russian language. Synonym dictionary. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. Educational spelling dictionary of the Russian language. Spelling dictionary of the Russian language. Dictionary of foreign language expressions and words. Dictionary of correct Russian speech. Encyclopedia of Biology. Encyclopedia of Chemistry. Encyclopedia of Physics. Mathematics. The World History. Great rulers. Great people of the world. Myths of the peoples of the world. -

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Every day I look more diligently in the dictionary. Sparks of feeling flicker in its columns. Art will come down more than once in the cellars of words, Holding my secret lantern in my hand. S. Marshak.

Dictionary - a book containing a collection of words arranged according to a certain principle, and giving information about their meanings, use, origin, translation into another language, etc. (linguistic dictionaries) or information about concepts and objects they designate, about figures in any areas of science, culture, etc. (New Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2000);

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Dictionaries are usually divided into two types: encyclopedic and linguistic.

Encyclopedic (from the Greek. Enkykliospaideia - learning across the entire range of knowledge) dictionaries contain extra-linguistic information about the described linguistic units; these dictionaries contain information about scientific concepts, terms, historical events, personalities, geography, etc. In the encyclopedic dictionary there is no grammatical information about the word, but information about the subject indicated by the word is given. The object of describing linguistic (linguistic) dictionaries is linguistic units (words, word forms, morphemes). In such a dictionary, a word (word form, morpheme) can be characterized from different sides, depending on the goals, volume and tasks of the dictionary: from the side of semantic content, word formation, spelling, spelling, correctness of use. Depending on how many features of a word are described in the dictionary, one can distinguish between single-aspect and multi-aspect dictionaries.

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Encyclopedias are divided into universal regional, problematic, and personal.

Depending on the preparation of the reader to whom the encyclopedia is addressed, it can not only contain information about a certain area of ​​knowledge, for example, about medicine, philosophy or jurisprudence, but also present the material in a more or less special language.

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Big Encyclopedic Dictionary (Moscow, 1991. Vol. 2) RADCHENKO I.I.RAYEVSKY NN "BROKEN GENERATION" department of the nerve. systems of women and humans. Consists of nerves. tissues: gray matter (accumulation of gl. arr. nerve cells) and white matter (accumulation of gl. arr. nerve. fibers). In vertebrates, a distinction is made between the brain and the spinal cord. In invertebrates, M. is called. congestion of nerves. cells at the front end of the body ”(try to guess what the abbreviated notations of some words in this article mean). Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova (M., 1997) JOY -i, -ov, m. 1. The central department of the nervous system of humans and animals - the nervous tissue that fills the skull and the canal of the spine; organ of higher nervous activity. Head m. Spinal m. Brain work. 2. units, transfer. The main core, the governing center of something. Laboratory - m. Of the plant. 3. units Soft tissue that fills in bone cavities. Bone m. 4. transfer Mind, mental abilities (colloquial). Spread (or move) your brains! (think it over, think it over). Brains on one side of someone. (about a stupid, weird person). Feed someone's brains. (make you think again, come to your senses). 5. pl. The tissue that fills the skull of some animals and uptr. like food. Calf brains - to the marrow of bones (colloquial) - to the last degree, with all his being. Spoiled to the core. || adj. cerebral, th, th (to 1, 3 and 4 values) ".

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Modern dictionaries of the Russian language

There are various types of linguistic dictionaries: explanatory, dictionaries of foreign words, etymological, spelling, orthoepic, phraseological, dictionaries of synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, dictionaries of linguistic terms, syntactic dictionaries, etc. Language is both old and forever new! a huge sea - a sea of ​​words - Swim hourly! Shibaev

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A dictionary entry in an explanatory dictionary is a portrait of a word. To perceive this portrait correctly, one must be able to read a dictionary entry, extracting from it all the information contained in it. TOVA "P, a (y), m. 1. (plural in the meaning of different types, varieties). A product of labor that has a value and is distributed in society through purchase and sale (economy); in general, everything that is a subject of trade We must finally understand that the goods are produced in the last analysis, not for production, but for consumption. My ship, anchored in the bay, is full of rare goods (Zhukovsky). Red t. (See red). There are many goods in stores . Leading t. Lying t. Colonial t. 2. (only items). Finished finished leather (boots.). Opoykovy t. 3. (only items). Ore mixture, ready for melting (forge.). Living goods See live in 6 digits Show product with your face - to show something from the best, most advantageous side An auditor is coming from St. Petersburg ... the basic structural unit of the dictionary; text that explains the heading unit in the dictionary and describes its main characteristics. the tasks of the dictionary. But a dictionary entry of any dictionary begins with a headword [in a different way: heading word, lemma, black word (from bold, which usually marks the headword)]. The collection of heading entries form the vocabulary, or the left side of the dictionary. The right part of the explanatory dictionary, as a rule, includes the following zones: grammatical characteristics of a word, interpretation, type of meaning (direct, figurative); illustrations (quotes, sayings); word-building nest; the so-called "zarombovaya" part (phraseological units), etc. Zones of the right side are developed for each dictionary. The collection of all dictionary entries forms the corpus of the dictionary. In addition to the corpus, any dictionary has a preface, a section "How to use the dictionary" (which for some reason is not readable by anyone); list of abbreviations, etc.

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Electronic dictionaries and computer lexicography

Interactive dictionaries are a service focused on finding the highest quality, reliable and up-to-date information about all spheres of human life. The sources of such information are universal and thematic encyclopedias, Russian dictionaries and translation dictionaries. Electronic dictionary - a computer database containing specially coded dictionary entries that allow you to quickly search for the desired words, often taking into account morphological forms and with the ability to search for combinations of words, as well as with the ability to change the direction of translation (for example, English-Russian or Russian-English ).

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Descriptive and normative dictionaries.

A typical example of a descriptive dictionary is the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V. I. Dal. The purpose of the dictionary creator was not to standardize the language, but to describe the diversity of Great Russian speech, including its dialectal forms and vernacular. EVENING (-he, -you, -you, 1 and 2 l. Not used), -soo; more often without words; nonsov. Lean towards evening; come (about the evening). The day is getting dark. It gets dark early in autumn (bezl.). II Sov. to end the evening (-he, -you, 1 and 2 l. not used), -eats (colloquial). Normative dictionaries recommend, prescribe a standard for the use of a word, set a literary norm. The first normative dictionary of the Russian language of the 20th century. is a four-volume Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by D.N. Ushakov. The tradition of preparing normative dictionaries was continued by the Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language in 17 volumes, the Dictionary of the Russian Language in 4 volumes; The dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov. POWCHER'S POWCHERE Wed. sun-sow, the very end of a bright evening, evening dawn. Pavel and feast short Vespers, Small Compline. To celebrate, to have a supper, to have a snack around sunset. Pavechorki m. Pl.

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General and private dictionaries.

By the nature of the vocabulary, explanatory dictionaries are divided into general and private. The explanatory dictionaries discussed earlier refer to general dictionaries. Dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and paronyms, as well as dictionaries of new words, can be considered special types of explanatory dictionaries. A typical example of a private explanatory dictionary are phraseological dictionaries, the vocabularies of which are limited to stable combinations of words. Private explanatory dictionaries also include dictionaries of jargons and slangs, dialect dictionaries, and dictionaries of foreign words. CHEAP AND ANGRY CHEAP AND ANGRY. Simple. Express. Quite moderately in price and satisfactory in quality. I asked myself a dinner, very decent and costing only 35 kopecks - both cheap and cheerful (A. Borodin. Letter to AK Kleinecke, Nov. 5, 1859).

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Ideographic dictionaries. Translation dictionaries. Associative dictionaries. Frequency dictionaries. Historical and etymological dictionaries. "Dictionaries of language forms". Usus dictionaries. (Dictionaries of difficulties. Dictionaries of compatibility.) Onomasticons (anthroponymic and toponymic dictionaries) SOME NON-TRADITIONAL TYPES OF LINGUISTIC DICTIONARIES Dictionary of Russian political metaphors Dictionary of epithets of the Russian literary language Author's dictionaries (Dictionary of Pushkin's language. Dictionary of Dostoevsky's language.) or in all the writer's work).

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Oh, boy, in translations, read the dictionary for the coming dream. And in the morning, having thrown off the bliss, Read the dictionary intensively. From the subtle songs of military translators

Famous glossaries. One of the earliest glossaries containing English words was the Epinal Glossary, named after the French city of Epinal, in which it is preserved. Compiled by an unknown scholar probably in the 7th century, this glossary follows the usual practice of listing difficult Latin words and interpreting them with simpler ones. The American Dictionary of the English Language 1828 The Large German Dictionary The Dictionary of the French Language by Emil Litre Oxford English Dictionary.

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For the first time, Dahl used the definition explanatory for the dictionary, calling his work "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language."

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Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl

on the title page in the note noted: "The dictionary is called explanatory, because it not only translates one thing to another, but also interprets, explains the details of the meaning of concepts and words subordinate to them."

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    Etymological Dictionary Helps to learn about the origin of words and phraseological units, allows you to give knowledge and develop skills and abilities, develops intelligence and feelings. Etymology not only broadens your linguistic horizons, but also helps you better understand the meaning of difficult words.

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    Synonym dictionary

    The dictionary is of interest to people of any profession. It helps to choose the most successful word or phrase for a more accurate and vivid expression of thought. The Russian language is extremely rich in synonyms, which testifies to the high development of the vocabulary of the Russian language. The educational focus of the dictionary is manifested primarily in the fact that selected synonyms are presented in the dictionary and they are given a comprehensive description, designed so that students can learn to use synonyms in their speech.

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    Dictionary of antonyms

    Many proverbs are built on the opposition of antonyms: Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie. A small truth will defeat a big lie. Truth does not go hand in hand with deception.

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    Antonyms are powerful artistic means. They enliven speech, make it clearer, more expressive, more imaginative. That is why many masters of the artistic word often resort to this expressive means to create contrast: Truth has a thousand roads, Truth has only one. She is sometimes full of anxiety And full of bitterness. A.Keshakov

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    Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings

    This dictionary offers an interpretation of the proverbs and sayings that are often used in speech, which allows us to judge how extensive the life reflected in them is. Poetry and wisdom, the art of a capacious word, capable of embracing both small and large, the accuracy of life characteristics - everything here makes you think about the creative genius of the people - the language creator.

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    Informational resources

    Alektova L.P., Zimin V.I. Educational dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. M., "School-Press" 1994 Bagdanova G.A. Russian language lessons in grade 5. M., Publishing House "Genzher", 1998 Gergel I.G. Russian language. Grade 5. Non-standard Russian lessons. Vologda, Publishing house "Coryphaeus", 1997 Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. Moscow, LLC "World of Books", 204 Krylov G.A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. St. Petersburg, 2007 Lapatukhin M.S. School explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., "Education" 1981 Lvov M.R. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. M., "Russian language", 1985 Snegirev I.I. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. Nizhny Novgorod, "Russian merchant", 1996 Shashilova N.A. Non-standard Russian lessons. 6th grade. Volgograd, Publishing House "Coryphaeus", 2005

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  • Recommended to read
