Presentation on the theme of art during the wwii. Presentation - painting of the Great Patriotic War. You guys own the future

For fitting and assembly work 12.08.2021
For fitting and assembly work

Art in years
The great Patriotic
During the Great Patriotic War, it did not weaken
interest in real art. Artists
drama and musical theaters, philharmonic halls
and concert groups contributed to the common cause
fight the enemy. Huge popularity
used front-line theaters and concert
brigades. Risking their lives, these people
performances proved that the beauty of art
alive that it is impossible to kill her. Among the frontline
artists performed and the mother of one of our
teachers. We bring her memories of those
unforgettable concerts.

From a letter from Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov to the reader (1969): “
poem "Wait for me" there is no special story. I just left for
war, and the woman I loved was in the rear. And I wrote her a letter in
poetry ... "
Wait for me and I will come back.
Just wait really hard
Wait for the sadness
Yellow rains
Wait for the snow to sweep
Wait when it's hot
Wait when others are not expected
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.

Front Concert Brigades
During the war years, artists
held for Soviet
warriors 1 million 350
thousands of performances,
concerts, creative
meetings - there were none
one piece, wherever
visited frontline
theaters and brigades.
Together with Red
The artists passed through the army
the whole path of the war.

Lydia Ruslanova - frontline artist
Together with his comrades in
concert brigade almost all this year
I spent on the front lines.
We recently returned from South-West
front, and in the coming days I will again
there will be a trip to the front - the seventh.
How much has been experienced during this time.
How many different meetings there were
impressions. So many friends now
me on all fronts. So much happened
see and hear!

Music and songs during the war

Seventh Symphony by D. Shostakovich

Symphony 7, completed already in evacuation, in Kuibyshev, and there for the first time
performed, immediately became a symbol of the resistance of the Soviet people
fascist aggressors and faith in the coming victory over the enemy. So
perceived it not only at home, but also in many countries of the world.
Brilliant "invasion episode", courageous and strong-willed themes
resistance, the mournful monologue of the bassoon ("Requiem for the victims of the war") with all
his journalism and poster simplicity of the musical language and in the very
in fact, they have tremendous power of artistic impact.

"Holy war"
(interesting information)
The story of the creation of one of the most famous songs of the Great Patriotic War is interesting.
On June 24, 1941, the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda published a poem by V.I.
The poem was read in the newspaper by the head of the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble of Krasnaya
Army A. V. Alexandrov. It made such a strong impression on him that he immediately sat down for
piano. The next day, having come to the rehearsal, the composer announced:
- We will learn a new song - "Holy War".
Immediately after a tense rehearsal, the group of the ensemble left for the Belorussky railway station to perform
in front of the soldiers leaving for the front line. The view of the station was unusual: all the premises to overload
filled with the military.
In the waiting room, a platform was knocked together from freshly rounded boards - a kind of stage for
performances. The artists of the ensemble climbed this dais, and they involuntarily had a doubt:
is it possible to perform in such an environment? In the hall - noise, harsh commands, radio sounds. Leading words,
who announces that the song "Sacred War" will now be sung for the first time, are drowning in the general hum.
But then the hand of Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov rises, and the hall gradually dies down ...
The excitement was in vain. From the very first bars, the song captured the fighters. And when the second sounded
verse, there was absolute silence in the hall. Everyone stood up as if they were singing a hymn. On the harsh
tears are visible on their faces, and this excitement is transmitted to the performers. They all have tears in their eyes too ... Song
subsided, but the fighters demanded a repetition. Over and over again - five times in a row! - the ensemble sang
"Holy War".
Thus began the path of the song, a glorious and long path. From that day on, "Holy War" was taken on
armament by our army, by all the people, has become a musical emblem of the Great Patriotic War.

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Presentation on the topic: Art during the Great Patriotic War

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1. ON THE EVE OF THE WAR The purposeful ideological and moral preparation of the USSR for the coming war against fascism became apparent already in the mid-1930s. Confirm this thesis with the facts you know. 1934 - history was restored as a compulsory academic discipline 1938 - "A short course in the history of the CPSU (b)" substantiated the continuity of the Russian Empire and the USSR in opposition to external enemies, the creation of patriotic films and films about the revolution "Alexander Nevsky". Dir. S. Eisenstein. Moose. With Prokofiev. The year is 1938. "Peter I". Dir. V. Petrov. 1940 year. In the role of Peter I N. Simonov. "The Man with the Gun". Dir. S. Yutkevich. 1937 year. "Lenin in October". Dir. M. Romm. 1937 year.

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1. ON THE EVE OF THE WAR The purposeful ideological and moral preparation of the USSR for the coming war against fascism became apparent already in the mid-1930s. Confirm this thesis with the facts you know. military-patriotic education of youth (TRP, OSOVIAKHIM, DOSAAF, Voroshilov shooter) the prestige of military professions is extremely high until 1939 in the USSR there was no general military duty, selection into the army, aviation and navy is very strict (education, general health, initial military preparation) And on the enemy's land we will smash the enemy with little blood, a mighty blow!

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2. SOVIET CULTURE TO THE FRONT The best cultural achievements are associated with those types of creativity that in the shortest possible time could become the property of a mass audience (poster, cinema, song, military journalism) "Motherland calls!" Hood. I. Toidze. 1941 year. SACRED WAR Composer: A. Alexandrov Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach Get up, a huge country, Get up to mortal combat With a dark fascist force, With a cursed horde. Chorus: Let the noble fury Boil like a wave - There is a people's war, Holy war! "Holy War" is a patriotic song of the period of the Great Patriotic War, which became a kind of anthem for the defense of the Fatherland. It is also known for the first line: "Get up, the country is huge!" On June 24, 1941, simultaneously in the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda, poems by the poet V. I. Lebedev-Kumach “The Holy War” were published. Immediately after the publication, the composer A.V. Aleksandrov wrote music to them. There was no time to print words and notes, and Aleksandrov wrote them in chalk on a blackboard, and the singers and musicians copied them into their notebooks. Another day was set aside for rehearsal. And already on June 26, 1941, at the Belorussky railway station, one of the groups of the Red Banner Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance of the USSR that had not yet left for the front sang this song for the first time. According to eyewitnesses, the song was performed five times in a row that day. However, until October 15, 1941, the "Sacred War" was not widely performed, since it was believed that it had an overly tragic sound: it sang not about an imminent victory "with little blood", but about a heavy mortal battle. And only from October 15, 1941, when the Wehrmacht had already captured Kaluga, Rzhev and Kalinin, the "Holy War" began to sound daily on the all-Union radio - every morning after the battle of the Kremlin chimes.

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2. SOVIET CULTURE TO THE FRONT LITERATURE, PUBLIC STUDIES, MILITARY CORRESPONDENTS Alexander Tvardovsky "Holy War" is a patriotic song of the Great Patriotic War, which has become a kind of anthem for the defense of the Fatherland. It is also known for the first line: "Get up, the country is huge!" On June 24, 1941, simultaneously in the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda, poems by the poet V. I. Lebedev-Kumach “The Holy War” were published. Immediately after the publication, the composer A.V. Aleksandrov wrote music to them. There was no time to print words and notes, and Aleksandrov wrote them in chalk on a blackboard, and the singers and musicians copied them into their notebooks. Another day was set aside for rehearsal. And already on June 26, 1941, at the Belorussky railway station, one of the groups of the Red Banner Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance of the USSR that had not yet left for the front sang this song for the first time. According to eyewitnesses, the song was performed five times in a row that day. However, until October 15, 1941, the "Sacred War" was not widely performed, since it was believed that it had an overly tragic sound: it sang not about an imminent victory "with little blood", but about a heavy mortal battle. And only from October 15, 1941, when the Wehrmacht had already captured Kaluga, Rzhev and Kalinin, the "Holy War" began to sound daily on the All-Union radio - every morning after the battle of the Kremlin chimes.

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2. SOVIET CULTURE TO THE FRONT LITERATURE, PUBLICISM, MILITARY CORRESPONDENTS Konstantin Simonov "Holy War" is a patriotic song of the Great Patriotic War, which has become a kind of anthem for the defense of the Fatherland. It is also known for the first line: "Get up, the country is huge!" On June 24, 1941, simultaneously in the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda, the poems of the poet V. I. Lebedev-Kumach “The Holy War” were published. Immediately after the publication, composer A.V. Aleksandrov wrote music to them. There was no time to print words and notes, and Aleksandrov wrote them in chalk on a blackboard, and the singers and musicians copied them into their notebooks. Another day was set aside for rehearsal. And already on June 26, 1941, at the Belorussky railway station, one of the groups of the Red Banner Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance of the USSR that had not yet left for the front sang this song for the first time. According to eyewitnesses, the song was performed five times in a row that day. However, until October 15, 1941, the "Sacred War" was not widely performed, since it was believed that it had an overly tragic sound: it sang not about an imminent victory "with little blood", but about a heavy mortal battle. And only from October 15, 1941, when the Wehrmacht had already captured Kaluga, Rzhev and Kalinin, the "Holy War" began to sound daily on the all-Union radio - every morning after the battle of the Kremlin chimes.

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2. SOVIET CULTURE - FRONT FRONT BRIGADES, MUSIC, THEATER, CINEMA. Speech by Claudia Shulzhenko to the soldiers of the N unit. Leningrad front. 1941 year. Speech by Lydia Ruslanova at the walls of the defeated Reichstag. Berlin. 1945 year. In 1948 L. Ruslanova was arrested and was imprisoned until 1953. "Holy War" is a patriotic song of the period of the Great Patriotic War, which became a kind of anthem for the defense of the Fatherland. It is also known for the first line: "Get up, the country is huge!" On June 24, 1941, simultaneously in the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda, the poems of the poet V. I. Lebedev-Kumach “The Holy War” were published. Immediately after the publication, the composer A.V. Aleksandrov wrote music to them. There was no time to print words and notes, and Aleksandrov wrote them in chalk on a blackboard, and the singers and musicians copied them into their notebooks. Another day was set aside for rehearsal. And already on June 26, 1941, at the Belorussky railway station, one of the groups of the Red Banner Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance of the USSR that had not yet left for the front sang this song for the first time. According to eyewitnesses, the song was performed five times in a row that day. However, until October 15, 1941, the "Sacred War" was not widely performed, since it was believed that it had an overly tragic sound: it sang not about an imminent victory "with little blood", but about a heavy mortal battle. And only from October 15, 1941, when the Wehrmacht had already captured Kaluga, Rzhev and Kalinin, the "Holy War" began to sound daily on the all-Union radio - every morning after the battle of the Kremlin chimes.

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SOVIET CULTURE - FRONT FRONT BRIGADES, MUSIC, THEATER, CINEMA. Dmitry Shostakovich. The Seventh Symphony, which D.D. Shostakovich wrote in the besieged city in 1941, became a symbol of the invincible spirit of Leningraders. The symphony was performed in besieged and starving Leningrad on August 9, 1942.

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3. RADIO June 22, 1941. Soviet people listen to the government announcement about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Y. Levitan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 read the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau and orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. Stalin, and his voice became known to every citizen of the USSR. It was Yuri Levitan, thanks to the unique timbre of his voice, who was entrusted to announce the capture of Berlin and the Victory. Levitan was among the first to be hanged by Hitler. The German special services developed, but failed to implement, a plan to kidnap the main announcer of the Soviet Union, for whose head the Reich appointed a reward of 100 thousand (according to other sources - 250 thousand) marks. Levitan was guarded at the state level, the "main voice of the country" was guarded day and night by NKVD agents with orders to use weapons at the slightest danger. Through the press, disinformation was launched about his appearance - so that no one knew what a person looks like, whose life the Nazis estimated at a huge amount.

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3. RADIO Yuri Levitan and Olga Vysotskaya. Levitan's voice was known to every citizen of the USSR, tk. he was in 1941-1945. Olga Berggolts read the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau and the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. Stalin. During the Great Patriotic War, while staying in besieged Leningrad, she worked on the radio, almost daily appealing to the courage of the city's residents. Y. Levitan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 read the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau and orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. Stalin, and his voice became known to every citizen of the USSR. It was Yuri Levitan, thanks to the unique timbre of his voice, who was entrusted to announce the capture of Berlin and the Victory. Levitan was among the first to be hanged by Hitler. The German special services developed, but failed to implement, a plan to kidnap the main announcer of the Soviet Union, for whose head the Reich appointed a reward of 100 thousand (according to other sources - 250 thousand) marks. Levitan was guarded at the state level, the "main voice of the country" was guarded day and night by NKVD agents with orders to use weapons at the slightest danger. Through the press, disinformation was launched about his appearance - so that no one knew what a person looks like, whose life the Nazis estimated at a huge amount.

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5. AUTHORITIES AND THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH since 1925 (after the death of Patriarch Tikhon) the election of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church was not carried out) in the 1930s. the authorities conducted an active and aggressive anti-religious propaganda (churches were destroyed, priests and believers were destroyed) by 1941 the number of repressed for their faith reached 350 thousand people according to the 1937 census, more than 50% of the population of the USSR remained believers Twelfth Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Sergius (1943 -1944). In 1943, the patriarchate was restored, churches and monasteries were partially returned. Concessions to power were limited and forced, but church life in the 1940s. perceptibly perked up.

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7. “FOREVER NINE YEARS” Among the front-line soldiers born in 1922, 1923 and 1924, three percent returned from the war (only three out of a hundred). Pavel Kogan Mikhail Kulchitsky Nikolai Mayorov "Forever - Nineteen" (1979), a story by Grigory Baklanov, dedicated to the fate of young guys - yesterday's schoolchildren - who came to the front. This story was awarded the USSR State Prize (1982).

Art during the Great Patriotic War

Glinchikova Ekaterina Andreevna

Bushina Anna Alexandrovna

Project manager: social studies

Kopenko Olga Nikolaevna

MOU "Gymnasium No. 1 of Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region.

Relevance of the topic

The Great Patriotic War is one of the most terrible trials that befell the Russian people. Its severity and bloodshed made a huge imprint on the minds of people, and had dire consequences for the life of an entire generation. Artistic culture and music played a huge role for people who fought for the honor and freedom of the Motherland.

Purpose: to become familiar with Russian

art during the war.

Objectives: consider artistic

works, sculptures

and musical creativity


analyze the significance

Russian art.

Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, artists are taking the most active part in the fight against the enemy.

Between battles, they managed to publish newspapers, posters, cartoons. In the rear they were propagandists, they organized exhibitions, they turned art into a weapon against the enemy - no less dangerous than the real one.

During the war, many exhibitions were organized, among them two all-Union ("The Great Patriotic War" and "Heroic Front and Rear") and 12 republican.

# 1 in the wartime schedule

occupied the poster.

On the second day of the war, a poster of the Kukryniksy people appeared: "We will mercilessly crush and destroy the enemy!"

Among the first posters of the Patriotic War, the poster of the artist I. Toidze "The Motherland Calls" should be noted.

The main idea was to repulse the enemy, and it was expressed in a harsh, laconic pictorial language, regardless of creative individuals.

At the second stage, after a turning point in the course of the war, both the mood and the image of the poster change.

B.C. Ivanov depicts a soldier against the background of a crossing of the Dnieper, drinking water from a helmet: “We drink the water of our native Dnieper. Let's drink from the Prut, Neman and Bug! " (1943).

The poster is permeated with optimism, folk humor

L. Golovanova "Let's get to Berlin!" (1944)

The poster of V.G. Koretsky "Warrior of the Red Army, save!" (1942)

The war forced in a new way, more deeply and seriously to feel the value of all that the enemy encroached on, that he wanted to take away and destroy. In order to reflect the selfless and heroic struggle of the people, art needed a special depth and power to reveal feelings, penetration into the inner life of a person, into the meaning of phenomena. It was necessary not only to illustrate individual facts and events, but to create images that carry great feelings, experiences that correspond to the high patriotic enthusiasm of the Soviet people.

The famous battle painter dedicated his painting "The Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey" (1943) to the historical victory of the Russian people in the Battle of Kulikovo

M. I. Avilov.


They took part in the national struggle against the enemy

not only painters, but also masters of sculpture.

The Patriotic War put before them

extremely difficult and noble

the task is to perpetuate for posterity

images of the defenders of the Soviet country,

heroes of the front and rear, brave partisans.

Therefore, one of the leading genres

sculpture became a portrait in which

revealed the best

qualities of Soviet people, their spiritual

nobility and courage.

One of the most successful works by Vuchetich is a bronze bust of General of the Army I. D. Chernyakhovsky (1945).

Monumental painting, of course, had few opportunities during the war years. But even at this time of the most difficult tests, the art of "eternal materials", frescoes and mosaics, continued to exist and develop.

Among these works, the image of N.F. Gastello of the Belarusian sculptor

A. Bembel (bronze, 1943)


On one of the June days of 1941, at the Belorussky railway station in Moscow, echelons with fighters were preparing to be sent to the front. The artists of the Red Banner Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance of the USSR, who were seeing them off, sang a new song. Its chiseled melody, severity, courageous restraint so captured everyone present that the song had to be repeated five times. It was "The Sacred War", written by the composer A. V. Aleksandrov on the verses of the poet V. I. Lebedev-Kumach.

From here she began her combat path and went along with the Soviet soldiers through all the trials to victory. The song entered the everyday life of the war faster than all other musical genres, became a part of the life of the front and rear.

Some songs had a glorious fate .

The song "The Severely Bryansk Forest Rumbled" was composed by the composer S. A. Kats to the verses of A. V. Sofronov at the request of the Bryansk partisans. Soon the whole country began to sing it.

Today, her melody sounds in Bryansk on Partizan Square at the Monument of Eternal Glory to those who fell in the battles for the liberation of Bryansk and the Eternal Flame.

Katyusha gained almost legendary popularity. Written in peacetime, it was sung everywhere during the war years, a variety of poems were selected to its melody. Playful and lyrical, she carried with her the belief in victory.

After the war, Katyusha became a kind of friendship password. She is known in all countries and is sung in different languages.

Many musicians fought with the enemy in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Those who remained in the rear gave their talent and their art to the front. 473 thousand concerts were given by artists and musicians at the forefront of the army. KI Shulzhenko sang over 500 times in front of the soldiers of the Leningrad Front in the first year of the war.

Arias from operas, songs, works of chamber and symphonic music sounded under enemy bullets.

The artists understood the responsibility of their mission.

On cold days, in the harsh conditions of the front

they performed in concert costumes,

in the best artistic form,

striving even for a short

time to create for the soldiers

holiday atmosphere.

“Lydia Ruslanova is standing right in the snow ... She is wearing a bright sundress. On the head there is a colored scarf ... On the neck there are beads. She sings..."

Music inspired not only fighters, but also home front workers. When many theaters and performing groups of Moscow, Leningrad and cities temporarily occupied by the enemy were evacuated into the interior of the country, radio became the center of musical life in them.

A. V. Nezhdanova, N. A. Obukhova,

S. Ya.Lemesheva, playing by pianists M.V. Yudina,

S. T. Richter, many other famous

and favorite artists.

May 1, 1942 under brutal shelling

the orchestra performed the 6th symphony of PI Tchaikovsky ”.

The Leningraders were shown 81 operas and 55 ballets.

In conclusion, analyzing my story, I would like to note that the Soviet people fought not only for their freedom, but also for the salvation of world culture. It is no coincidence that one of the American journalists called the Soviet Union "the great hope of mankind." Interest in Soviet art was unusually great throughout the progressive world.

In 1941-1945, during the years of the great battle against fascism, artists created many works in which they both expressed the entire tragedy of the war and glorified the feat of the victorious people.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to erect monuments. But it was in the days of the war that many sculptors had new ideas and projects.

The performance of the "Leningrad Symphony" was marked by a true triumph in the West

“The country, whose artists in these harsh days are able to create works of such immortal beauty and lofty spirit, is invincible,” one of the American critics expressed his impressions of the symphony. These words contain recognition of the moral strength of the Soviet people, of Soviet music.

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Art during the Great Patriotic War

The presentation was prepared by Olga Ulyeva, teacher of history and social studies, secondary school № 1353

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The purposeful ideological and moral preparation of the USSR for the coming war against fascism became apparent already in the mid-1930s. Confirm this thesis with the facts you know.

1934 - history was restored as a compulsory academic discipline 1938 - "A short course in the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks" substantiated the continuity of the Russian Empire and the USSR in opposition to external enemies creation of patriotic films and films about the revolution

"Alexander Nevskiy". Dir. S. Eisenstein. Moose. With Prokofiev. The year is 1938.

"Peter I". Dir. V. Petrov. 1940 year. In the role of Peter I N. Simonov.

"The Man with the Gun". Dir. S. Yutkevich. 1937 year.

"Lenin in October". Dir. M. Romm. 1937 year.

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military-patriotic education of youth (TRP, OSOVIAKHIM, DOSAAF, Voroshilov shooter) the prestige of military professions is extremely high until 1939 in the USSR there was no general military duty, selection into the army, aviation and navy is very strict (education, general health, initial military preparation)

And on the enemy's land we will smash the enemy with little blood, with a mighty blow!

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The best cultural achievements are associated with those types of creativity that in the shortest possible time could become the property of a mass audience (poster, cinema, song, military journalism)

"The Motherland Calls!" Hood. I. Toidze. 1941 year.

SACRED WAR Composer: A. Alexandrov Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach Get up, a huge country, Get up to mortal combat With a dark fascist force, With a cursed horde. Chorus: Let the noble fury Boil like a wave - There is a people's war, Holy war!

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Alexander Tvardovsky

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Speech by Claudia Shulzhenko to the soldiers of the N unit. Leningrad front. 1941 year.

Speech by Lydia Ruslanova at the walls of the defeated Reichstag. Berlin. 1945 year. In 1948 L. Ruslanova was arrested and was imprisoned until 1953.

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Movie "Two fighters". Dir. L. Lukov. 1943 year. Mark Bernes as Arkady Dzyubin.

SONGS OF MILITARY YEARS: "In the forest near the front" "Nightingales" "Roads" "In the dugout" "Dark night" "Katyusha"

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Film "A guy from our city". Dir. A. Stolper. 1942 year. Cast N. Kryuchkov, L. Smirnova.

C / f "Ivan the Terrible". Dir. S. Eisenstein. 1944 year. Starring N. Cherkasov.

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Dmitry Shostakovich. The Seventh Symphony, which D.D. Shostakovich wrote in the besieged city in 1941, became a symbol of the invincible spirit of Leningraders. The symphony was performed in besieged and starving Leningrad on August 9, 1942.

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June 22, 1941. Soviet people listen to the government announcement about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

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Olga Berggolts. During the Great Patriotic War, while staying in besieged Leningrad, she worked on the radio, almost daily appealing to the courage of the city's residents.

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Peterhof. The Grand Palace and the Grand Cascade, destroyed by the Nazis.

1670 destroyed Orthodox churches and monasteries, 427 museums, 180 million volumes of books, numerous archives are included in the state register of cultural values ​​lost during the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the USSR. In total, about 565 thousand works of art have disappeared.

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since 1925 (after the death of Patriarch Tikhon) the election of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church has not been made) in the 1930s. the authorities conducted an active and aggressive anti-religious propaganda (churches were destroyed, priests and believers were destroyed) by 1941 the number of repressed for their faith reached 350 thousand.According to the 1937 census, more than 50% of the population of the USSR remained believers

Twelfth Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Sergius (1943-1944). In 1943, the patriarchate was restored, churches and monasteries were partially returned.

Concessions to power were limited and forced, but church life in the 1940s. perceptibly perked up.

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Among the front-line soldiers born in 1922, 1923 and 1924, three percent returned from the war (only three out of a hundred).

Pavel Kogan

Mikhail Kulchitsky

1. The art of the war years. Introduction

2. Music

3. Literature

4.ISO. Painting

Graphic arts

5. Cinematography

6. Agitation brigades

7. Conclusion

8. Assignment

The art of the war years.

The Great Patriotic War is one of the brightest and most tragic pages in the history of Russia. The war, which became the greatest test for the Soviet people, awakened the best qualities in people. The rise in patriotic feelings caused by the war became a powerful stimulus to creativity. Artists, poets, composers could not stand aside when all the people stood up to defend the Fatherland. From the first days of the war, literature became the most important ideological and spiritual weapon in the struggle against the enemy. Many writers went to the front as war correspondents.

Many poems were set to music and became songs

"In the dugout" A. A. Surkov

Who of the former front-line soldiers does not remember one of the most famous songs of the Great Patriotic War - "In the dugout". Its authors are a poet Alexey Surkov and composer Konstantin Listov. When the poet wrote the poem "Fire is beating in a cramped stove", he did not even think that it could become a song.

Surkov wrote them indeed in a dugout, "in snow-white fields near Moscow," in the Istra region, at the end of November 1941 under the vivid impression of a very difficult day when the author, a front-line newspaper correspondent, had to wage a heavy battle with the headquarters of one of the guards units. Hitlerites.

« Wait for me" - poem Konstantin Simonov... Written in July-August 1941 year... Dedicated to the actress Valentina Serova

The poem was not originally intended for publication - as too personal; nevertheless, Simonov read it to his friends many times, and on the basis of their feedback in late 1941 - early 1942, he nevertheless agreed to send it to print. For some reason, a number of newspapers refused to publish the poem, and for the first time it was published in " The truth » 14 january 1942 year on the third lane

Wait for me and I will come back, To spite all deaths. Who did not wait for me, let him He will say: - Lucky. Do not understand, who did not wait for them, As among the fire By their expectation You saved me. How I survived, we will know Only you and me, - You just knew how to wait Like no one else.

Wait for me and I will come back. Just wait really hard Wait for the sadness Yellow rains Wait for the snow to sweep Wait when it's hot Wait when others are not expected Forgetting yesterday. Wait when from distant places Letters will not come Wait until you get bored To everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back, Do not wish good To everyone who knows by heart It's time to forget. Let the son and mother believe That there is no me Let friends get tired of waiting Sit by the fire Drink bitter wine In commemoration of the soul ... Wait. And with them at the same time Don't rush to drink.

The military theme found expression in easel works

S. V. Gerasimov "Mother of the Partisan" (1943).

In an episode of a dramatic clash between a patriotic woman and an invader, the artist showed the courage inherent in Soviet people and resilience in the struggle, born of a firm belief in the inevitability of the victory of light and reason over barbarism, darkness and obscurantism.

A. A. Plastov "Fascist flew" (1942),

It is difficult to argue that the artist Plastov was an eyewitness to such a scene. Perhaps he did not see such an episode. But that's not the point. Severe pain and anger filled the artist's heart. Soviet people perished at the hands of fascist monsters. The war brought blood, death and tears. She burst into the distant corners of Russia, came to peaceful fields. Villages blazed on fire, cities were destroyed. It was 1941. The enemy was approaching Moscow.

A. A. Deineka "Defense of Sevastopol" (1942),

A. Deineka deliberately did not choose any separate, isolated episode of the city's defense, for he intended to create a generalizing image, to raise it to the symbol of a folk epic. Perhaps, exactly such a battle did not unfold on the embankment of Sevastopol, but there were hundreds of similar ones, and the artist created a monumental-epic canvas, having managed to generalize in it the heroics of the great war.

Theatrical and concert brigades went to the front line.

Master of artistic word Yakhontov V.N. speaks to the Red Navy crew aboard the destroyer Black Sea Fleet. 1945

Speech by Klavdiya Shulzhenko before the soldiers of the N unit of the Leningrad Front. 1941

Theater artists. Eug. Vakhtangov front-line soldiers. 1943

Art played a special role in the spiritual confrontation with the fascist aggressors. Works of art, music, literature and cinema, created in the spirit of the best cultural traditions of the country, helped millions of people to realize their place in the general order. The patriotic beginning dominated the works of those years. The people's memory is indestructible, it keeps the most tragic and at the same time glorious pages of the country's history.

It is art that has powerful means of influencing people, because it affects primarily the sensory sphere. And in the next decades, Russians should be guided by the lines of Robert Rozhdestvensky: NOBODY IS FORGOTTEN, NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN. Only then a country has the right to be called great if the people living on its territory remember and honor their history.

Mark the statements for which you can

answer in the affirmative

1. Art cannot develop during war

2. "War" art should only be about war

3. During the war in art

dominated by the patriotic beginning

4. "Military" art is not interesting

people in peacetime

5. "Military" art should

touch the sensory sphere of people

6. "War" art helps people

to realize their place in the general order

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