"They shoved this porridge into my anus with a spoon." Former inmates described how prison officials brutally mistreated them. "When will this all end?"

Boilers 28.10.2020

Convicts, who, for some reason, are threatened with physical violence in the zone, go to all sorts of tricks and tricks, as well as victims, just to "break out" of the colony or the cell of the remand prison. About why such situations arise and how cunning prisoners get out, we will tell in this material.

First, escape

Sentences in the zone to “sinking” or even death can only be for serious so-called “shoals” (according to the hair dryer, the word “joint”, which is already firmly included in the everyday language of the inhabitants, means violation of certain rules of the so-called thieves' law established in the zone). Such "jambs" are: non-repaid debt, "ratism", unlimited behavior, betrayal, intentional insult, contact (not sexual) with a "cock". In order to avoid punishment, a convicted person who has committed any of the above must somehow be saved. Namely - get out of the common barracks as soon as possible. How is it usually done in such cases? The choice for the convict, of course, is small, and not pleasant, but it is.

As employees of the colonies say, when they find out that a certain convict is in an unpleasant situation, then, first of all, they expect him to try to escape. At the same time, the beggar is not particularly upset if he is detained. After that, he is immediately isolated, a term is added and transferred to another colony. In short, what you need. Well, if the escape also succeeds, it's generally good. “There was such a case in the zone,” recalls the head of one colony. - The beggar rushed, but we quickly caught him, did not go far. The guys kicked him a little, and he smiled at the same time. Later it turned out that he didn't really think about running free, this whole escape was needed to be transferred to another zone. "

In addition, self-harm is popular. Usually some kind of nails or metal objects are swallowed. Then - medical unit or hospital. True, many convicts are too zealous in this swallowing business and die (especially if they swallow cutting objects).

They also cut their veins. Prison Aesculapians are very experienced people, and in order for them to place a convict with them, he needs to seriously injure himself, so simple scratches will not come off - they will smear with brilliant green and walk. There were cases when, without calculating the depth of the cut, the convicts involuntarily committed suicide.

How else can you isolate yourself from your persecutors? Get into the punishment cell. But this is only if the "difficulties" in the zone are temporary. They usually sit in a punishment cell for a maximum of ten days. Where is the best way to get into the BUR (high security barracks). This is an isolated cell, and they sit there for at least six months. During this time, many problems can and "dissolve". However, to get into the BUR, one must commit a serious disciplinary offense. Hit the whirligig, for example.

And in general, in order to move to another zone, even if the regime there will be stricter, "nasty" convicts try to commit some kind of crime. They can defiantly beat someone in front of everyone. If for the "jamb" they want to punish them not to kill or maim, but to "put them down", then many convicts themselves take their belongings and voluntarily go to the "cock's corner".

As an employee of one of the colonies said, there was such a case:

They decided to let the convict, that is, a rat, who had stolen from his own. And to do it not humanely, but as it should be, in the sense - to pierce. Moreover, in group order, so to speak. But the zek-rat, who knew perfectly well what awaited him, asked himself to go to the barrack for the offended. Nobody raped him after that - he finished, and now it's a cock. And to do it by force does not allow the concept of a zone. True, as I heard, in the boundless zones, and such a decrease in color may not save you from brutal rape. "

In addition, if there is a danger to life, some convicts seek protection from the administration. She, as a rule, goes to meet them (why do they need an emergency in the form of a corpse?) And takes them under her "roof".

How this process takes place, I was told by a "godfather" of one of the St. Petersburg zones:

As a rule, "shoals", after which we are asked for protection, is a card debt or a debt for buying drugs on credit. It happens that huge sums run up by any measure. Indeed, the danger for such convicts in this case is very great, and we are taking measures. I or my assistants communicate with convicts who want to deal with the debtor. We warn them that if something happens to that, we will deal with them harshly and they will receive a new term for drinking. This conversation almost always helps.

I am changing the general area to the Black Dolphin ...

Many seasoned convicts, in order to live freely and calmly in the zone, come to the “godfather” about once every six months and say: “Here, I remembered another episode. I want to confess. " It means that the convicted person "remembered" a crime that did not appear officially at the trial. "Kumu" is a joy - he will be rewarded for the revealed "capercaillie". In joy, he does not forget about the "confessed" one: the prisoner receives an extra parcel, an unscheduled meeting, or something like that. In short, full understanding and mutual benefit.

However, in cases where the convicted person wants to “break out” from the prison, it is not enough to “remember” some theft, for which no time will be added. In order to be transferred to a stricter regime, it is best of all to be put on a "cover", that is, a prison, one must "recall" something significant, a murder, for example. When life is in danger, they decide to do that.

Well, if a convict has committed such a "jamb" that, according to thieves' laws, he cannot live anywhere, then the very last option remains - to take on something (for example, participation in a terrorist act) that he has only one road - in a special prison for "fawn". There, the "long arms of the mafia" will most likely not reach them. And, probably, they will not be persecuted, since many inhabitants of the "mortal" colonies recognize it as a heavier and more painful punishment than execution.

Camera "skiers"

And yet, it is quite difficult to survive in the zone if the influential of that world, that is, authoritative thieves, do not want this - in the colony it is rather difficult to isolate from other convicts, almost all the time the prisoners are left to themselves.

It is much easier to save your life or health in case of any problems in pre-trial detention centers. From the "hut", as they say in the prison language, you can always "break out". That is, to ask the employees of the pre-trial detention center to transfer them to another cell (usually in this matter, convicts are met halfway). True, they will not meet the "rushing" there very welcomingly - running from cell to cell is considered, according to prison concepts, an undesirable occupation. In addition, by the convict's "" it immediately becomes known that the "screwed up" arrives in the cell. But when it’s pinned down, it’s clear that there’s no time for concepts or doubts — you have to run wherever you go, and only then look where you’re going. By the way, those who ask to be transferred from cell to cell are called “skiers” in the criminal world (hence the now commonly used expression “lather skis” somewhere). So, there are always a decent number of such "skiers" in jail. It happens that they are even assigned to one "ski" special camera.

It is in the pre-trial detention center that prisoners are most often "lowered" (in colonies such cases are rare), therefore there are also special cells for the "offended". For example, a rapist, who is waiting for an unenviable fate in a common cell, can "rush" there.

Of course, all of the rescue methods described above are extremely risky and unpleasant. But do not think that they are a panacea. When the "joint", according to thieves' concepts, is very serious, then "soaping skis" in another colony will not help. He will go there with the essence of the matter, and the "screwed up" convict will get his already there.

Evgeny Kolesnikov
Based on materials from the newspaper
"Behind Bars" (No. 12 2013)

At the request of the interlocutor, we do not disclose his name and surname.

- What did you serve your sentence for? And how did the employees of the GUFSIN treat the prisoners?

- I was serving a sentence under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud". I had my own business, went bankrupt, planted. He went through four prisons, held various positions.

With regard to torture - in the colonies of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, everything is presented in a completely different way. Zones of the edge are considered "red zones" - those that are controlled by the administration.

Convicts from the "black zones" of the Russian Federation are taken to the region so that they abandon the concepts of thieves.

A corps is assigned to each operative in the prison, each cell has its own people, as a rule, from former drug addicts who beat people, humiliate, make them homosexuals, if they do not tell them about previously committed crimes and "do not change their color from black to red" ...

As soon as the "pressmen" receive a confession, they bring a paper about it to the operative.

If the turnout is confirmed, then the operative is promoted in rank, and those who knocked out the turnout are given concessions: they can be sent to "work" in the temporary detention center (temporary detention center) - there is a more comfortable life than in prison.

Most of this work is carried out in prisons and in quarantine blocks of zones. As soon as the prisoner enters the zone, he ceases to be of interest to the operatives.

I was lucky, I had a lot of episodes and had no interest in me, but not many are so lucky.

- This is also torture, in fact, only committed other people's hands, but with the knowledge of the prison staff?

- That's why I wrote that everything is happening now in a little different way. Such cameras are called "press khatami". They are in temporary detention facilities in prisons.

Children from 14 to 18 years old are treated differently, knocking out attendance.

- How?

- If a child drove to the prison for theft of art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - that is, a light article, he is placed in a cell for a week or two to those who committed the murder.

Psychologically, the child is humiliated by the more mature, and within a week he writes appearances, if the appearances are not confirmed, the child is "lowered", that is, made a homosexual. And all this is under the control of the senior camera (usually he is 40 years old) and even more control of the operative.

When the prosecutor's office checks the cells, the elders are moved to the temporary detention facility and the cells are put in order according to the articles, but this is for a day or two, then everything is returned again.

- Have you just heard or seen such people?

- I have two convictions. The first was "as a youngster", the second - at a more conscious age. What I wrote about children was with me. I drove into the prison on a light article.

I was not 18 years old and I was psychologically pressed for two weeks in a cell where heavy prisoners were sitting - those who were charged with murder, robbery, and violence.

I was lucky, the prosecutor's check saved me, and I was transferred to the cell to the light-stayers.
Yes, somewhere it’s awful, but how to split a little criminal if no one can beat him? The only way.

By the way, these methods have been going on since Stalin's times, when simple convicts-criminals destroyed religious and political ones. Only now it is softer than then.

- And those who "put down" and torture - they do not sit with other prisoners, they are then separately located somewhere?

- As a rule, those who torture are in prison all their lives. They are transferred from cell to cell, then they become agents of the OSB GUFSIN and travel around the zones in small stages, collecting information on employees and privileged prisoners.

- If we talk about torture, then they are used to those when they want to confess to something, but the rest are not touched?

- The total mass is not touched. The maximum who can be punished is the guilty prisoners.

For example, if the work quota is not fulfilled, a person is placed in a punishment cell (punishment cell) at night, where the temperature is + 16 ° C, and his work uniform is left outside where it is -35 ° C, and in the morning he is taken out of the punishment cell, he puts on a cold uniform and goes to work - this was in my colony where I was serving.

You can buy time not to be touched. Somehow I was offered through senior prisoners to invest in the renovation of the prison building (buy 10 PVC windows or 200 boxes of tiles), then I’m supposedly left where I want. They will be employed as a prison attendant, then transferred to a colony-settlement for a good position and released first on parole.

It is generally very difficult to get a prisoner to work, I had people who cut themselves, sawed off their hands, sewed up their mouths, etc. etc., but they need to work, since they have payments that were awarded to them by the court and the administration is obliged to employ the prisoner.

There are also a lot of provocateurs who provoke employees, because when they were beaten, they could demand relief from the regime. It is, as a rule, in the zones such individuals among the long inmates. Therefore, torture is a two-sided medal.

This is a system that was formed under Stalin, only before there were some levers, but now the levers are different, the only thing is, I feel sorry for those who are made homosexuals by the system, over time these are future pedophiles.

The militia cannot do without sexists, informers, tramps, tikhars of all kinds of agents, informers, provocateurs. Acquaintance with this part of the world of the prison and the zone for the newly minted convict sometimes begins in the bullpen. Probably, in some cameras they put (and put) eavesdropping devices, but, apparently, in order to get important information, you also need to talk the victim of the "knock". And for this you need your own seasoned "boy", preferably decently tattooed and who knows how to gloriously "bot on a hairdryer." It was precisely this that one of my acquaintances ran into, and not in the bullpen, not in the prison cell, but in the corridor of the prosecutor's office, where he came for questioning. The investigator said: wait ... Immediately, the uncle, blue from tattoos, who had seen the Crimea and Rym, was sitting sadly on a chair, prompting my naive comrade to talk. The "uncle" himself led this conversation mainly through the "century of freedom will not be seen" and "I will fucking" and popularly and authoritatively explained what to do to avoid sitting down. They talked for a full hour, after which the "uncle" went to the investigator (in turn, bro!). Soon the "uncle" left the office and disappeared, and a friend from the same office went to the bullpen and for a long five years in the high security zone. Thus ended his meeting with the so-called "free hen".

"Hens" are an indispensable element of the part of the prison where the persons under investigation live. They "work" in close cooperation with the police, prosecutor's office and prison administration. They call for a conversation, rub into the credibility of the "object" and extract information from it for the interrogators. This can be information about the whereabouts of stolen items, "accomplices", weapons and whatever! Their fate, in case of exposure, is unenviable: it is good if they simply outraged, they will not break their legs, arms, spine; choke with a towel. If the "hen" manages to break out of the hut, knocks with his hands and feet on the iron door, then the controllers will save her: they will transfer her to a safe place: to the medical unit, to another cell ... The "hen" has its own catchers-specialists who, for example , by the appearance of excrement, they can determine what this guy has recently been eating, allegedly summoned to a doctor or lawyer.

For a long time, the very concept of "informer" has been associated with us mainly with "politics"; mostly it was primitive snitching: someone said something somewhere about someone or something; wrote something that goes beyond ideology ... an ordinary, but overly vigilant citizen could report this to the "authorities" But, apparently, there were (and exist) not just "snitches", but professional sex workers. In the boiler room where I worked, the local police once burned unnecessary documentation: there was a lot of interesting things in this heap of papers. I came across a card for a retired (deceased) seksot - quite an official document. I was especially surprised by the column "In what criminal environment can work (cross out unnecessary). And then it followed:" youth, drug addicts, taxi drivers. "

Zon's informers are divided into officials and servants. The manager of the detachment, the shnyr, the contractor and others like them, must report to the administration (the chief of the detachment, the opera) about what is happening. Therefore, it would never occur to anyone to conduct dangerous conversations in their presence. Much more dangerous are informers from "their own" who got into this "stream" under the threats of "godfathers" (operatives), frightened, literally zombified by their fear. They can share a piece of bread with you, drink chifir, talk about life topics and immediately hand over all the ins and outs. I remember that some kind of well-wisher overheard my conversation with a friend: the topic was purely churchly today, harmless. And then, in 1985, "Kumu" did not like the church theme, and he provoked my friend and me to be openly rude. Who exactly "knocked" I never found out. Escaped with deprivation of the "stall". And a friend is deprived of a short-term date ...

The reprisal against the "informer" in the zone is the same as in the prison. If you're lucky, you can split a stool on your head or make "Gagarin": shove them into the nightstand and throw them off the second or third floor. Even more harmless is group abuse and lowering to the category of "roosters".

In general, "snitching" bread is heavy and bitter, and their fate is unenviable. Few of them survive to the memoir age.

And to recognize a "snitch" is easy as shelling pears. For example, he sits as if writing a letter. Mumbles: "Hello, mom! .." And look over his shoulder, "I bring to your attention ..."

But seriously avoid, especially in prison, dangerous conversations concerning your "case." According to the prison-camp "concepts", no one has the right to ask you about the twists and turns of the case if you are under investigation; and in the zone it is not accepted, as well as questions about the article: they say, for what? Where? as? Who needs it, he will find out everything himself, without your help.


Sometimes a newcomer is offered to take "pogonyalovo" (nickname) and shout from the head: "Prison, give me a nickname!" And the prison responds: some answer seriously ("Oblique!" "Gray!" "Plague!"), Others joke, suggesting nicknames like "Cockerel", "Goat", "Polkan", etc. etc. For this they themselves bark at other "khatami". This is how first-movers and youngsters amuse themselves.

Communication with the adjacent camera is different everywhere. You can pump out the water in the toilet and communicate like on the phone, or even transfer all sorts of things: smoke, "little things", etc. In one of the "Kresty" cells they managed to disassemble the masonry in the ventilation hole and even exchanged handshakes. You can glue a pipe from a newspaper and launch an arrow with a thread on the tails of the opposite body (I saw specialists: they blew the arrow very far and very accurately). Tapping is less common, although it is the most reliable method.

Thirty letters of the alphabet without "e" and soft and hard signs are placed in the following table:

A E l R H s

B F m S C e

B 3 n T h y

Г И о у Ш я

one beat pause three beats pause two ...

For example, the letter "D" has five beats; letter "M" hit. And so on...

In some old prisons, they managed to disassemble the ceilings and get into the cells below the floor, as in the novel The Count of Monte Cristo. From prison to prison there are legends about such penetrations into women's cells:

"Eh, lads! What was there!" There is some truth in such legends, nothing is born from scratch ...

You can communicate with women in absentia, shout to them, they will answer, they can even sing something joyful or sad. In the Vyborg prison, from the men's section of the bath, they drilled a hole into the female one and saw in it, so what, in fact, can this be seen through a meter thick and a hole two centimeters in diameter ?!

In the same prison, they puffed the little ones into the street, talked with the girlfriends who had come to support the dear person.

Now, they say, in some prisons, for a certain fee, the pupkar can take a convict to another "hut" to talk to a "kent" (friend). And they probably take them to see women ... The main thing is to come from there alive.


A zek has a right to complain.

However, in recent times almost no attention was paid to complaints. The zek demanded a prosecutor for supervision, and the operative unit sent a prison "fireman": he listened to the claims and promised to punish the guilty, to allow something, etc. However, competent complaints sometimes had an effect.

An acquaintance of mine, in response to a torn cross, wrote four papers: Gorbachev, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the Prosecutor General, and for some reason Valentina Tereshkova. Complaints were not sent anywhere, of course, but the cross was returned, although the day before that the chief of the operative unit had promised to make the complainant a "Catholic": "I'll hang him up to the pipe: you, erysipelas, will remain without kidneys!" Now, thank God, the crosses are not torn off ...

A competent complaint is also not an argument - who you run into. One fears the literate operas, the other hates them.

Asking the administration for anything is most often useless. They will give you what you are legally entitled to, and they will not make an exception to the rules, even if it is allowed by law and the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are many lies and fantasies on the subject of prison stories omitted. In fact, everyone who gets into the zone does not need to know about how they are lowered in prison. Yes, from time to time we hear that a guy was lowered in prison or that a guy is lowered in prison. But this happens so rarely that it does not deserve attention.

But since one cannot do without a story of how exactly and who is put in prison, I will continue the topic I have begun, telling about this.

How they go down in prison.

The most successful player among the men was Kolya - "Sovok". In his circle, he had no equal. His rivals quickly "missed" Sovk's talent and stopped sitting with him at the card table. By that time, he had managed to make good money on his friends in misfortune. Most of the debtors paid with transfers from relatives. Scoop smoked the most expensive cigarettes. On account of the debt, his creditors went to work for him.

Scoop was a real gambler by nature. Such can not calmly watch and not participate in the game. The thieves gladly accepted him into their circle of play. But before that, exactly the same guy was lowered in prison, starting with a "friendly game".

At first, Scoop was very lucky. He won a decent amount. This was most likely a hoax. The scoop swallowed the bait thrown at him by the experienced cheats. The next game was fatal for him. The thieves didn't play on any nonsense. In addition to money, vodka and drugs were used as means of payment.

For several hours of the night game, Scoop lost a huge amount of money. The game was dominated by the well-known authority "Lokot". It was he who determined the weekly deadline for the return of the card dog. Naturally, Scoop could not get money in a week. In these matters, the zone does not joke. No excuses roll.

The guy was put in jail.

A few days later, after the deadline for payment, a rumor went around the zone - the guy was lowered in prison !!! - or rather the Scoop was "lowered". The whole zone learned about it. The convicts immediately changed their attitude towards him. They stopped greeting him and sat down next to him at the table in the dining room. The most notorious scum, made his life even worse. Slop was poured onto Scoop, they put footboards on him, spat on his back.

Anyone can break from such moral and physical pressure. And so it is always - a peasant is lowered in prison and he breaks down, turning either into a chukhana or killing himself, or becoming a common prostitute.

But that's not what happened to the unlucky player. At night, sharpening, he cut the throat of three thieves who lowered him. With the same sharpening, Scoop opened his veins on both arms.

A large commission from the Penitentiary Administration came to the colony. Found the "extreme". Punished. We left. The head of the colony received an official inconsistency. Kum got off with a stern reprimand. After this incident, the employees of the colony did not give the opportunity to calmly play cards, as it was before. Now, the players were awaiting PKT (a chamber-type room), where notorious violators of discipline were sent for re-education. But those who put the peasant in prison were not touched.

Since the prison omitted stories are impossible without details, I will tell you about how they are lowered in prison:

1. First, the victim is offered to surrender.

2. If she refuses, she is beaten.

Another example of a non-standard post that OFFICEPLANKTON loves to pamper its readers with.

A collection of riddles with a trick, very unusual for a law-abiding citizen. In certain places, based on your answer, your further fate may happen. Prison puzzles like this were often encountered in their youth. Usually prison puzzles are given to newcomers in the cell for fun, but the prison problem itself and the answer to it will tell the inmates a lot about the newcomer. In the future, inmates relate to a person, based on how he answered tricky questions.

We ask impressionable persons, persons under 18 years of age, and persons with an unstable mentality not to read this material. Contains profanity.

The convicts themselves are very resourceful people. And even if the prisoner was a computer scientist in the wild, then in places of imprisonment he may discover hidden talents in invention. For example, convicts are able to skillfully adapt to a hard life thanks to their ingenuity, and from scrap materials. With the help of inventions, prisoners can boil water, or light a cigarette.

1 Two chairs (classic):

There are two chairs, on one the peaks are chiseled, on the other x * and other * cheny, on which one will you sit, on which mother will you sit?
Answer: I will take the peaks chiseled, I will cut down x * and other * cheny, I will sit down and put my mother.
Answer # 2: I'll sit on the peaks myself, I'll put my mother on her knees.

2 Parachute:

You are flying on a parachute, on the right is a forest xy * v, on the left is a sea of \u200b\u200bshit * a. Where are you going to sit?
Answer: Every forest has a clearing, and every sea has an island.

3 Pit:

You fell into a hole. Pie in the hole and shit. What will you eat, what will you shove in the * oop?
Answer: I'll take a pie and climb out of the hole.

4 * oops or mother?

Will you give it to W * or will you sell your mother?
Answer: F * n is not given, the mother is not for sale.

5 Fork:

Question on the forehead: With a fork in the eye or at x * ny times?
Answer: And there are no forks in the zone.
Answer # 2: Something I do not see here one-eyed.

6 Soap or Bread?

What will you eat - soap from the table or bread from a pan?
Answer: The table is not a soap dish, a bowl is not a bread box.

7 About Sahara:

You and the Kent are walking through the Sahara Desert. At a distance of one hundred kilometers, there is no housing, no settlements, no one and nothing but sand. Suddenly a poisonous snake creeps out, rushes to the kent and bites him for x * d. What are you going to do?
Answer: If the kent has a prick above the knee, then the snake will not reach. If lower - then he will suck himself.
Answer # 2: Today Kent, and tomorrow cop.

8 About the train:

You ride a train, chained to levers, they can be turned either to the left or to the right. There is a fork in front - the mother is tied to a post on the right, kents on the left, about ten people. Where will you turn, whom will you crush?
Answer: Today Kents, and tomorrow cops.
The answer to all the riddles above is: Wake up.

9 About bones:

A convict sits on a shkonar, opens a feeder and gives gruel, dry bread. In the morning they open the feeder again and see the bones. Question: where do the bones come from if the convict is alive?
Answer: Dice.

10 About roosters:

There were two roosters, one e * before dinner, and the other after dinner, who was worse?
Answer: Someone is already worse.

11 Football:

They draw a football goal on the wall, and a ball on the floor. They say to score a goal. What will you do?
Answer: Ask for a pass.

12 Broom:

They give you a broom and say: "Play something on the guitar." What will you do?
Answer: Give a broom with the words "And you are in the mood first"

13 Sew a bottle:

They break the bottle and say: "Go ahead." What will you do?
Answer: Ask to turn it inside out.

14 Bayan:

They ask to play on the battery, as on the accordion. What will you do?
Answer: Ask to inflate the furs.
And if you are interested in how life in prison goes, we can offer some rather unusual and interesting ones about life in prison.

15 They put a man in prison for 9 years:

They put a man in prison for a strict 9 years. Once his godfather (the head of the prison) says, if you guess the riddle within 9 years, I'll let you go, well, the man agreed and the chief says:
A word of 9 letters, is in every home, ends with "dawn", but not TV. The man thought he thought for a long 9 years and did not guess. After serving his 9 years, he comes home, enters the house and sees this object and dies of a heart attack.
Answer: TV set. The question is not about what the jailer thought, but about the object about the cat the man first heard from the jailer (TV), and then saw at home. And if you read the condition, you can understand it.

16 Zek escaped from prison on the island:

There is an island in the ocean. There is a prison on the island, there is water around. A convict escaped from the prison, climbed over the wall, jumped into the motor boat and the cellar with all his might. The guards jumped into a faster motor boat and chased after him. They caught up, twisted, grabbed by the hair, banged their head on the side, and took them back to prison. There are 3 inconsistencies in this story.
1. No wall needed in the open ocean
2. Why paddle in a motor boat if you have a motor
3. The convicts are still bald

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