Is it necessary to do an internship at school? Is summer internship required at school? Organization of work practice for persons with disabilities

Boilers 12.09.2020

Is it legal summer practise At school? Are students required to take it? The practice lasts 10 days, 3 hours each. and got the best answer

Answer from Ekaterina Ekaterina[guru]
We tried to do something like this, but we didn’t go)))
here's another:
Today the situation has changed. Currently, summer work practice is excluded from the curricula of secondary schools. According to the current federal law"On Education" in Article 50 - Rights and social protection students, pupils - it is said:
14. Involving students, pupils of civil educational institutions without the consent of students, pupils and their parents (legal representatives) in work not provided for by the educational program is prohibited.
16. Students and pupils of civil educational institutions have the right to freely attend events not provided for by the curriculum.
Consequently, the fundamental principle when deciding on attracting students to work should be voluntariness. At the same time, the consent of students alone is not enough: the consent of their parents (legal representatives) is necessary. Involving children in work without their consent and the consent of their parents is forced labor, and by virtue of Ch. 2 tbsp. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation forced labor in Russian Federation is under the strictest prohibition. This norm of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is based on international law: Art. 8 - forced and compulsory labor is prohibited by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Source: don't go anywhere :P

Answer from Ola[guru]
legal. Always has been and always will be.

Answer from Vladimir Sakhnenko[guru]
ten days is not that much. And then in the summer it’s boring, and that’s all you do

Answer from Denis Denis[newbie]
This is all bullshit. In Germany we have 3 weeks of practice, 7 hours a day, instead of school. You can work wherever you want. I did my internship at the hospital. This was in 9th and 11th grades

Answer from Yergey Moiseich[active]
The former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Filippov, also stated that school summer practice is illegal. He said that any school detention without the consent of students and their parents can be positioned as pure arbitrariness of the administration of the educational institution. Moreover, if you contact any qualified lawyer, he will confirm the above words that such obligations simply contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Therefore, absolutely any student can not worry and refuse such training. Thus, summer school practice cannot be forced (unless it is provided for in the educational program) and is a voluntary endeavor of parents and their children.

Answer from BayisiyaKonovalova[guru]
Is it difficult for a 12-year-old child to sweep the path or water the flowers in the flowerbed? Isn’t it too early to sign up for the oldies?

Answer from Kostya Sapado[active]
3 hours is not much. There is practice at school, college, technical school, and institute. It is legal.

Answer from Olga Solomon[guru]
At one time, at our school in the 9th grade we had car lessons - as much as 5 hours a week on Tuesdays. We girls were not interested, and we often ran away. Then, in June, a month-long internship in car work began: I had to go to school every day and tinker with all sorts of pieces of hardware in the garage. There were guys who did this with pleasure, but I declared a boycott and said: I won’t go! I got a job at a leather factory, worked for a month, and earned money. They gave me a bad mark for practice, but I studied well - no bad marks. Mom comes from the family meeting and says: “You’re a bad student!” BUT nothing, they transferred to the 10th

Answer from Alexander[guru]
It’s not legal to force people to work, only with your consent, but then don’t be offended if they lower your grades, it’s also legal

Answer from Elvira Ilyushina[active]
At our school, it’s also a practice to last for 1.5 or sometimes 2 hours in the summer, 11 days is infuriating, but it’s not that much of a walk, but since the 5th grade I’ve always been going since June 1st to get rid of it right away
and then 3 months so as not to go anywhere

Answer from Nastya Tolkacheva[newbie]
The head teacher of the school told me: You should go to practice because you didn’t go in the summer. In response, I said: how much will you pay for my work, 21st century. people what practice? They have workers, let them clean, that is, do their direct work. I go to school to gain knowledge and not to clean the school grounds!



1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”,The Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of Children’s Rights”, the Charter of the municipal budgetary educational institution “Zalesskaya School” (hereinafter -school ).

1.1. Summer practice for students in grades 5-8, 10 is organized withwith the aim of creating conditions for organized work, recreation, and employment of schoolchildren in summer period and prevention of delinquency and crime among children and adolescents.

1.2. Students are involved in summer work practice with the consent of their parents and legal representatives (Appendix No. 1).

1.3. Responsibility for organizing and conducting summer internships rests with the deputy directors for educational work, class teachers, and organizing teachers.

1.4. This provision is a local actinstitutions and determines the main goals and objectives, the procedure for completing summer work practice inschool.

2. Main objectives of summer internship

2.1. The main tasks during the internship are:

    nurturing love and respect for nature and the environment;

    formation of a conscious need for work;

    during the summer holidays, ensure organized labor participation in the school site, landscaping and landscaping of the school, and nature conservation;

    practical consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process in biology, technology, ecology, and geography lessons.

3. Content and organization of work during summer internship

3.1.The main areas of activity for secondary andsenior classes in practice are:

    work at the school site;

    preparing the school for the new school year;

    work on landscaping.

3.2.Summer practice is carried out according toplanned scheduleapproved by the school director, is promptly brought to the attention of students, their parents, subject teachers,class teachers involved in summer practice.

3.3.The duration of the working day should not exceed 4 hours. The total duration of work of students during the summer holidays should not exceed 1 week for students in grades V - VI and 2 weeks for studentsVII, VIII, X classes. In order to attract more schoolchildren to work, it is possible to hold summer practical work in 2-3 streams.

3.4. The schedule of summer work practice is promptly brought to the attention of students, their parents, subject teachers, class teachers involved in summer work practice. The scope of work practice is:

    5th grade students – 5 days, 2.5 hours a day with 10-15 min. breaks every hour;

    6th grade students – 5 days, 3 hours a day from 10-15 min. breaks every hour;

    students in grades 7-8, 10 - 10 days, 4 hours a day from 10-15 min. breaks every hour.

3.5.Only healthy students are fully involved in summer practical work. Students with health problems are allowed to work to the extent that they are approved by a doctor. It is prohibited to involve students with significant health problems in socially useful work.

3.6.Changing the dates of summer internship, its postponement for those leavingfor vouchers to vacation spots, temporarily disabled people, according to personal applicationniyamparentsallowedwith the permission of the director.

3.7. The employment of students in socially useful activities or other types of work outside of school does not exempt students from undergoing summer work practice. Students completing summer work practice at other educational institutions, including additional educational institutions, sports institutions, etc. cannot be counted as school summer practice.

3.8. Students who have not completed summer work practice (from June 1 to August 31) may be allowed to undergo it during the academic year in their free time from classes on a voluntary basis.

3.9. Those responsible for conducting summer work practice are appointed by order of the school director.

3.10. The results of students’ summer work experience are summed up in the first ten days of September at a meeting with the director.

4. Labor protection.

4.1. Director, deputy directors, teachersand their replacements organize summer work practice instrict compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety equipmentsafety, sanitation, coordinate types of work, working conditions, carry personalnew responsibility for safety.

4.2. Students are allowed to participate in summer work practice after preliminaryclear medical clearance, training in safe work practices,conducting briefings with them with registration in the established logforms.

4.3. It is prohibited to involve schoolchildren in work that is contraindicated for their duties.growing, at night, on holidayspersonal days associated with the use of pesticides, as well as with the rise andmoving heavy objects in excess of the norms established for teenagers.

4.4. Monitoring the provision of healthy and safe living conditionsIts labor practice is carried out by the administration.

5. Supervision of summer practical work.

5.1. The management of students’ summer practical work is carried out by the school administration.

5.2. The school director, acting teacher, responsible for summer practice, and housekeeping manager are responsible for organizing summer practical work for school students.

The school director is responsible for:

    responsibility for compliance labor legislation;

    determination of the content of students’ work;

    selection and placement of personnel for supervisors of summer practical work for students;

    organization of the necessary material base;

    providing assistance to student self-government and (or) parent committee in the management of students’ summer practical work;

    creating safe and healthy working conditions, and, if necessary, living conditions for students;

    establishing the necessary connections with enterprises, institutions, organizations, and the public.

The teacher responsible for summer internship is responsible for:

    planning summer practical work for students, organizing a discussion of the plan at a meeting with the school director;

    management of the formation of work teams of students, their preparation for participation in summer practical work;

    ensuring clear organization and labor protection of students, educational work with students during summer practical work.

    responsibility for the quality and volume of work performed.

The farm manager is responsible for:

    planning, together with the person responsible for organizing summer work practice, practical work for students;

    ensuring clear organization of students’ work;

    provision, inventory;

    creating safe and healthy working conditions.

5.3. Class teachers and subject teachers, in close contact with student government and (or) the parent committee, participate in preparation for summer practical work - in their planning, formation of work teams, and training of students.

5.4. Direct supervision of summer practical work is carried out by the head of the student workforce. He is appointed by order of the school director from among the teachers. The manager organizes the work of students, carries out educational work, and bears personal responsibility for the state of affairs in the work team. In organizing production and educational work, he is assisted by teachers and school employees assigned for this purpose.

5.5. Work team leaders maintain documentation:

Safety Magazine;

Attendance log;

Logbook of work done.

6. Responsibility of participants for completing summer practical work

6.1. Students are required to observe safety precautions when carrying out work, strictly comply with all the requirements of the director of summer practical work and other school employees. Completing summer practical work is mandatory for all students, except for the cases specified in clause 3.5.

6.2. Class teachers are responsible for recording and monitoring students’ completion of summer practical work.

6.3. The head of the work collective is personally responsible for the quality of the volume of work performed and for the state of affairs in the work collective.


To the director of the MBOU



(Full name of parent (legal representative)


The student and his parent (legal representative) to attract the student

for summer work practice at school

In order to foster love and respect for nature and the surrounding world, the formation of a conscious need for work, the practical consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process in biology, technology, and geography lessons, we give our consent to the Zalesskaya School MBOU to attract our child____________________________________________________________

A student of _____ class of the Zalesskaya School MBOU to participate in socially useful work during the summer holidays: work in the school area, preparing the school for the new school year, work on landscaping the school grounds.

MBOU "Zalesskaya School" undertakes to ensure that work is carried out in accordance with the requirements sanitary standards, occupational health and safety standards, under the supervision of responsible persons, in accordance with the “Regulations on summer work practice at the Zalesskaya School”.

This consent comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid during the period of summer work practice at the Zalesskaya School.

This Consent may be revoked at any time upon written request.

_______________________ ___________________________________

(date) Signature of parent (legal representative)

Advice from lawyers:

1. Regarding summer work practice at school. Is it mandatory or not?

1.1. Summer work practice at school is mandatory if it is included in the Curriculum. But most likely not, because this form training is not provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard and is a vestige of the Soviet era.

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2. From what grade does summer work practice begin at school?

2.1. taken from 9th grade

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3. In 1979, he graduated from school and entered the state farm. The farm sent me to study at a technical school. He was a scholarship holder from the farm. He did an internship on the farm and received a salary. In 1980-1982 he served in the SA, after service he returned to study at the same technical school. In 1984 he returned to the state farm and continued to work. My work experience is taken into account.

3.1. Yes, your work experience is taken into account.

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4. I graduated from the pedagogical institute in 1994, and began working at school in August of the same year. I am a mathematics and computer science teacher. After the third year, I did an internship at a pioneer camp. I worked two shifts, but didn’t keep a work book then. How to win two next year studies in favor of teaching experience?

4.1. When you completed your internship, you were given a referral. You need to contact the pedagogical institute and receive this direction. Then submit it to the pension fund. If the pension fund makes a decision to refuse to grant an early pension, you can appeal it to the court. Call me, I’ll advise you.

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5. I worked for 1 month in the summer in 1970 and 2 months in 1971 during school holidays, about which there are certificates; I received a work book in 1975 during an internship. From what time is the length of service considered... With uv., N.A.

5.1. The length of service for granting a pension will be counted from the time of practical training since 1975, if enrollment was by order and payment was made.

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6. Children do not undergo work practice at school, i.e. parents are against it. Although the parents signed an agreement to undergo work practice. Labor practice is carried out on school grounds, where their children play every day.

6.1. Good day to you, this practice is not a compulsory subject at school, which means it is not required by law and they have no right to apply any sanctions to the student in this regard, otherwise complain to the prosecutor's office of the same district as for the agreement from the parents, these parents need to write a statement of revocation of your agreement.

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6.2. Please clarify what your question is; if the parents have signed such a consent, then it must be complied with by their children

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6.3. dear Saidat
Forced labor is also prohibited for children, unless parents object to it.

Good luck to you and your loved ones!

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6.4. The question is a little unclear. Either you are outraged that the children do not work, or that they are forced to do the opposite.
Please check.
My proposal is this. If you want them to work where they play THE SAME, gather your parents, talk to them, let them understand your situation. I studied in the USSR, I worked, I didn’t break down, everything is fine.
Good luck!

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7. I have a question. The school director prohibited the issuance of textbooks to my granddaughter, for the reason that she had not fully completed her summer internship, which is prescribed in the school charter. Doesn't labor law prohibit the exploitation of child labor? Granddaughter is 13 years old. The director refers to Article 28 (clauses 3 and 6) Are the actions of the school director legal? We contacted the district education department, but as always, we are wrong.
Thanks for the answer!

7.1. IN in this case the director violates education legislation, so you have the right to appeal his actions to the prosecutor's office or the education department.

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7.2. In this case, you can contact the Department of Education with a complaint. The complaint must be justified in this circumstance.

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8. I am interested in the question of schoolchildren undergoing so-called summer work practice at school. I read that if practice is not included in the school curriculum, then it should not exist. What parents should give written agreement throughout this practice. But in our school everything is like in Soviet times, whether you like it or not, you come and work.

8.1. You may not attend school practice; they have no right to force you to attend this event.

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8.2. In this case it is on a voluntary basis. It cannot be forced. You can contact the Department of Education or the Prosecutor's Office

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9. My son, a 10th grade student, worked in a construction crew major renovation building of the school where he studies. Should the school administration give him credit for completing a summer internship?

9.1. --- Hello, NO YOU SHOULD NOT, this is a paid job. And the practice is free.
Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V. :sm_ax:

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10. At my school, it is “mandatory” to undergo summer work practice for 10 days, 2 hours a day. Or you can pay 500 rubles... Can I not go and pay? Is this practice legal?

10.1. You have the right not to pay and not to go to practice, and regarding coercion to work for free and extortion of money, your parents can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

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10.2. You have the right not to go and not pay. And for extorting money, you can write a statement to the police.
Thank you for visiting our site.

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11. The school charter stipulates summer work practice for 14 days for two hours. Is it legal to use child labor without the consent of a child and how to write a refusal to undergo an internship.

11.1. GOOD DAY

If it is written in the SCHOOL charter, THEN THE PRACTICE is legal. Work hard for the good of the school - HOW MUCH OVERTIME do teachers work?


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12. Question about summer work practice at school. The school obliges a 14-year-old teenager to work at the school site for two weeks, 3 hours each. How to approach this issue correctly and ask the school to enter into an employment contract with the student so that they can get work experience, etc.? Or is this done through some other competent authorities? What rules of law are you referring to? Thank you.

12.1. no one will enter into an employment contract with you based on this circumstance. You will be able to talk. This circumstance is also attributed in the local acts of the institution.

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12.2. Zlata, good afternoon!
Read SanPiN The activities of students and administration are described in detail there.
All the best to you!

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12.3. You can contact the employment center; most often they are engaged in employment of teenagers during the summer holidays. Thank you for visiting our site.

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13. I entered the Higher Educational Institution immediately after school, the first entries in the work book were received in the third and fourth years during practical training, studies at the university are recorded in the work book, then service in the SA, then work itself, from 1983 to the present.. Question: Is my study at a university included in my total length of service for calculating my pension?

13.1. Yes, the length of service includes full-time study at a university. You will be asked by the Pension Fund to provide a copy of your diploma higher education when applying for a pension.

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Consultation on your issue

Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. How to restore seniority if a work book is lost? Work in a construction team in the summer of 1983, work as a nurse in the Vologda City Hospital in the fall of 1983, and practical work at a school in the fall of 1986 in the Ust-Kubinsky district of the Vologda region?

14.1. You need to go to court with a corresponding application and prove the fact of work during the specified period of time. Evidence may be requested documents as well as witness statements.

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15. Is it possible to claim years of full-time study after completing teaching practice at school (worked as a teacher for 3 months primary classes, started employment history, where the remaining 1.5 years of study at the institute were then included) after which she began to work in her specialty - a primary school teacher to accrue preferential teaching experience?

15.1. To begin with, at least contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and provide documents that during the period of pedagogical practice you worked a certain number of hours. That is, before talking about the prospects of the court, it is necessary to obtain an official refusal from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to grant an early pension. U.

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16. Should schoolchildren take turns washing the floors in the classroom? In our school this is mandatory, from the point of view of the law it is legal. Thank you And if the child has not completed work practice, then it is necessary to wash the floor for 3 days in 1 day of absence,

16.1. They should. There is nothing like that.

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17. Can the school director establish summer duty (summer work practice) for students from grades 5-8 lasting 12 days with work for 3 hours a day, for grades 1-4 6 days with the same duration, and also force students to work debts for the last school year? How should summer internships be carried out by students according to the law?

17.1. According to the law, the director does not have the right to establish any summer practices at all. You can contact the prosecutor’s office about this fact. However, helping your home school is a noble cause, the budgets allocated are small, but it needs to be cleaned up)

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18. Is it compulsory for a child to complete “Labor Practice” at school? I know that it is not, but I need a link to the article of the Law “On Education”.

18.1. According to paragraph 16 of Art. 50 of the Education Law states: “Students and pupils of civil educational institutions have the right to freely attend events not provided for in the curriculum”: the school cannot force you to work in the summer if the practice is not prescribed in educational program on any subject as practice

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18.2. There is no such article that is not required. If there is no such article, then there are no obligations. this may be established by the charter of the school, but in this case the school is subject to the labor code, which prohibits the work of minors without parental consent

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18.3. There is no such article

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19. Education.
Hello! Is it compulsory for a child to complete “work practice” at school? I know that it is not, but I need a link to the article of the Law “On Education” Thank you!

19.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
Article 37

2. Forced labor is prohibited.

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20. My daughter is 15 years old, she is doing work practice at school for money (cleaning school flower beds, watering trees, etc.) from August 1 to 31, 2 hours a day. Approximately how much should we be paid?

20.1. The payment amount is indicated in employment contract or it is negotiated without an agreement on an oral basis with the school. Contact school personnel.

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21. After finishing the third grade at our school, it is necessary to complete a 10-day work practice. What does the law say?

21.1. This is illegal, of course. The educational organization has no right to attract you. Helping your home school is actually voluntary.

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22. Our school has been renamed a lyceum and they say that we must undergo work practice. Am I required to take it?

22.1. Dmitry, renaming and internship are in no way connected with each other.

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23. I am the class teacher of the 10th grade, all students were transferred to the 11th grade by order No. 9 of May 30, 2016. Now we are called to summer work practice in the amount of 80 hours, 6 working hours a day from 9.00 to 15.00, without lunch for repairs schools - whitewashing, cleaning, painting. The school order has not been written. What should we do?

23.1. ---Hello, as a rule, it’s like this everywhere. but demand an order and payment. Best wishes.

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24. Today from school my child brought an agreement of this type that I must give my son consent to work practice for 15 hours and hand over food products: 2 buckets of potatoes, 2 kg of onions, 2 kg of carrots, 2 kg of beets, 2 kg cabbage We have a rural school and they motivate this by the fact that they allegedly do not allocate money for food to the school. Tell me how legal their actions are?

24.1. Legal, but you have the right not to sign it

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24.2. The actions are not legal.. you can write a complaint to the education department..

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24.3. This is completely illegal, Elena.

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Oksana, hello.

The obligatory practice for students in school is a relic of the Soviet era and should be based on the norms of modern legislation of the Russian Federation.

Today, the use of child labor is regulated by the Law “On Education” dated June 10, 1992 N 3266-1 (Part 4 of Article 50) (and from September 1, 2013 by the Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (Part 4 Art. 34)), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2000 N 163 “On approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, with
the performance of which prohibits the use of labor by persons under eighteen years of age", Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04/07/1999 N 7 "On approval of the Norms of maximum permissible loads for persons under eighteen years of age when lifting and moving heavy objects manually", SanPiN 2.4.2553-09 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the safety of working conditions for workers under 18 years of age”, approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
Federation dated September 30, 2009 N 58, as well as the Model Provisions on Institutions. According to Part 4 of Art. 50 of the Law “On Education” of June 10, 1992 N 3266-1 (and part 4 of article 34
Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ) attracting students, pupils of civil educational institutions without
consent of students, pupils and their parents (legal
representatives) to work not covered by the educational program,

Thus, the most important condition
involving a child in labor educational institution is the presence of voluntary consent of him and his parents (legal
representatives). This consent can be drawn up in the form of a separate document (application, agreement, or a condition regarding this must be contained in the agreement between the educational institution and parents).

If voluntary consent is not obtained from the child and his parents (legal representatives), but the child is nevertheless involved in labor, this is forced labor, which, according to Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Art. 4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, prohibited.

Thus, if the child and his legal representatives did not consent to the use of the child’s labor, he cannot be forced to engage in
labor, incl. be on duty at school, class, or take part in summer work practice, etc. If an educational institution has voluntary consent to work, then it is important to ensure that
that this work is carried out in compliance with sanitary standards, labor protection standards, the list of permitted types of work and loads for
minors. In particular, it is unacceptable, while on duty, to involve children in washing windows, lifting heavy objects (for example, dragging desks, boards, etc.), or working in close proximity
from automobile and railways etc. Classes on
labor training must be carried out in accordance with curriculum(plan), and students must be certified in accordance with the law
© ConsultantPlus, 1992-2014

There will always be discussions about the need for occupational therapy for children, but the current position of the law is consistent with the above.

I wish you that your rights are respected.

School years are wonderful... Every person remembers his time at school and carefully carries these memories through his life. First friends, first love, first independent decisions- the school gives you all this. But, despite all the wonderful words said above, schoolchildren have many problems at school. One of the problems is the enforcement of compulsory school practice. Is this legal?

Summer work experience- this is one of the best and useful school traditions, it is a living creative activity in which best qualities personality, organizational and management skills, guys with leadership abilities are identified. Suffice it to say that during the elections of school activists, children in the class and at school often take into account, among other things, how this or that candidate has proven himself during summer work practice.

Most children call school their second home. They treat it like a home - they try to protect and preserve it. Summer practice begins with raids on the school. As a result, it becomes clear which school premises require repairs, painting, what school furniture needs to be repaired, and what work needs to be done on the school grounds.

At the second stage, labor teams are determined that will be engaged in a certain type of work: puttying, painting, replacing fallen tiles, restoring walls, repairing furniture. When distributing assignments, we try to take into account not only the skills of the children, but also their state of health.

Anyone who cannot carry out repair work helps to put the book collection in order in the school library, washes and cleans classrooms and other school premises, puts things in order in the school locker room, cafeteria, etc. At the same time, a work schedule for school teachers is drawn up in practice.

Each class teacher and subject teacher works together with the children in their area of ​​work. This often helps to learn a lot about each other and make mutual unexpected and pleasant discoveries. The guys work enthusiastically and creatively on the assigned areas of work, trying to complete it not only efficiently and on time, but also beautifully. But the most valuable thing is that, having completed their work earlier, the guys do not sit on the sidelines, but themselves come to the aid of those who need it.

This is how personal and collective responsibility for the results of one’s work, a genuine sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance in the name of a common cause are manifested. Many times we have observed that not very active children who did not find themselves in a class team were literally transformed during practice. Children, for the most part, appreciate the trust placed in them by adults and strive to adequately justify it. Especially those who rarely receive accolades in other activities. And for children who have recently come to school, practice helps them get to know each other even better, make friends and strengthen the class team.

The end of practice is a holiday for everyone: the school is transformed, the children and teachers rejoice at the results of their work and the arrival of the long-awaited and well-deserved vacation.

But there is one problem when there is no desire to help the native school, or, for example, the opportunity.

Personally, when I was at school, we FORCED practice, and if you have good reasons to avoid this (parents, departure, health), then you were required to bring some kind of “payoff” in the form of, for example, a can of paint or a package of printer paper. For me, this approach to practice has always raised doubts about whether the school has the right to compulsory service.
After reading the school charter (and they are all written according to the same template), I did not find a word anywhere about MANDATORY working off.

Everything that I came across was formulated in the form of “involvement in work”, i.e. in essence, work at will. Here is an example: “Students are involved in various works for their school; to work in the school area, manufacturing and repairing office equipment, furniture, workshops, landscaping the school grounds, etc.” But even with such “involvements”, your work should not exceed a week’s time. “The length of the working day should not exceed 3 hours. The total duration of work of students during the summer holidays should not exceed 1 week.” Although, as everyone knows, all laws can be circumvented, and there are millions of ways to do this. In general, all the rules for working out must be described in the “REGULATIONS on summer work practice for students.” And if something bothers you, then you can ask for this position. Surely you will find the answer to your question there, and I am 90 percent sure that there will not be a single word MUST there. But there is another side. Let’s say you prove that you are not obligated to work and are not eager, then a situation may arise that you will subsequently be “oppressed” for expressing your own opinion and desire. Unfortunately, in our society this is quite expected, and you will never be able to prove it. Because the teacher will always find something to reproach you for. Don't forget about this either.

Advice from the site for girls and boys: DON'T BE AFRAID TO DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS! Because child labor, especially forced labor, is prohibited in Russia.

The work of students at school outside of school hours is not the scope of legal regulation of labor legislation, since the school administration is not an employer, and students are not employees. But the question is timely. If in Charter school provides that issues of labor training and education of students outside of school hours are regulated by a local act, for example, the Regulations on labor training and education in an educational institution, then it is quite possible to talk about the legality of students’ work on the repair and improvement of the school and school grounds. This Regulation must indicate the total number of hours students receive labor skills and abilities within the framework of labor training and education during extracurricular hours, the number of hours during the day, the responsible teachers during the period of labor training and education, life safety measures and education must be provided. students' health. To avoid disputes, this Regulation must be approved by the school council, pedagogical council, school-wide parent committee, and at meetings of other collegial bodies that are formed and operate in the educational institution.

Here is an example of the Regulation:
Regulations on school students undergoing summer school work practice
1. General Provisions.
1.1. Students in grades 5-10 undergo summer school work practice. Students from grades 5 to 8 do practical work at the school site 5 days a week. Working hours for students: 10-11 years old 2 hours, 12-13 years old 3 hours, 14-15 years old 4 hours, 16-17 years old 6 hours.
1.2. The purpose of summer work practice is to intensify the activities of students in improving the school and school grounds.
1.3. General management of the school labor practice carried out by the deputy director for extracurricular educational work by order of the school director.
2. Content and forms of activity.
2.1. In the order book, teachers and school employees record orders to perform various works for students undergoing internships.
2.2. School work practice activities include:
- work in the school area (caring for flowers and green spaces, digging up soil, whitewashing trees and shrubs, cleaning the school area from debris, working in a greenhouse).
- Washing windows, chairs, desks, floors, walls.
- Repair of school furniture.
- Cleaning the school area of ​​garbage.
- Assisting the school librarian (repairing books).
- Classroom renovation, etc.
3. Management of labor practice.
3.1. By order of the school director, a deputy director for extracurricular and educational work is appointed responsible for organizing and conducting work practice.
3.2. The deputy director determines the teachers of work teams who are entrusted with control and responsibility for the summer work practice of school students.
4. Rights and responsibilities of those responsible and educators for organizing and conducting practice.
4.1. Before starting work, educators must provide students with safety and fire safety instructions.
4.2. Record students present (absent) daily.
4.3. The volume of work performed should be recorded daily in the labor practice journal.
4.4. After the expiration of the internship period, represent students to “* thanking them for work well done or reprimanding them.
4.5. Responsibility for the life and safety of children during internship lies with the teacher assigned to the work team by order of the school director.
5. Rights and responsibilities of students during internship.
5.1. Before starting work (after receiving instructions), students sign the safety log.
5.2. In accordance with the orders and the requirements of the teacher - the labor detachment, students must carefully and on time complete the work assigned to them.
5.3. Students who leave school after 9th grade do not complete school practice.
5.4. Based on the application of parents (for a good reason) and the permission of the school director, students may be exempted from internship.
5.5. Students who do not complete school practice without a good reason are invited to work in August, as well as during the school year.

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