Third Savior (Nut Savior, Bread Savior) Feast of the Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands. Why is the nut spas called the third and bread spas What is covered on the bread spas

Leaks 31.01.2021

Every year in August it is customary to celebrate Spas - folk and Orthodox holidays. Having learned more about the last, the Third Savior, you will be able to meet this day today according to the old precepts of our ancestors.

Of course, some traditions and signs may become outdated. But most of them, centuries later, are still true and useful. And today it can be celebrated folk holiday Orekhovoy Spas the way it was done before in villages and villages, attracting comfort, abundance and prosperity to the house.

Spas or Spasovki Are folk celebrations ending the summer. They are associated with church holidays dedicated to Christ, hence their common name: "Savior" - from the word "Savior".

In total, in August, it is customary to celebrate three Spas - Honey, Apple and Nut. Thus, the Nut Savior is the last to refuse this trio - it is celebrated on August 29. For which he is called the Third. But there are other names for this wonderful folk holiday.

Nut Spas

Nuts are the dish with which it was customary to celebrate this day. On Honey Spas they ate honey, on Yablochny - they treated themselves to apple dishes. Also, on Orekhovy (or Oreshny) Spas, they tried to regale households and guests with treats taken on this date. And if the first two Savior were holidays, then the Third was considered half-holiday. So nuts on this day are still welcome today.

Khlebny Spas

At the end of August, it was customary for the first time to bake bread from a new crop - harvested only this year: the Third Savior of bread had in store, as the people said. On this day, you should definitely eat fresh bread. And prayerfully thank Heaven for the bread on the table.

Canvas Spas

This is another name for the Nut Savior. His name was also Savior on canvases, Savior on canvases, Linen Savior - because from that time it was customary to arrange auctions at which homespun canvases were exhibited.

Cold Spas

Finally, Cold, Autumn Savior - was associated with the calendar cycle of the people. Summer was coming to an end, which meant it was time for autumn. At this time, they watched the flight of birds: beginning, he announced autumn.

Remember the national holidays and signs on the Nut Savior; some of them are able to warn of trouble, while others - to bring money into the house. We wish you well-being, and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.08.2016 04:16

In the last month of summer, Orthodox believers celebrate three major holidays, three Savior - Medovaya, Yablochny and Khlebny. Find out, ...

One of the strictest fasts in Orthodox Christianity is Uspensky. For two weeks, believers abstain physically and spiritually in order to ...

Traditionally, the Third Savior ends the series of summer Orthodox holidays. Like all church events, the Nut Savior has a rich history, as well as amazing traditions and customs, which you can learn about from our article.

The third Savior is the last of the three feasts dedicated to the Savior. The people called this event the Bread or Nut Savior, in connection with which many arose. In 2018, Orthodox believers will be able to celebrate the Nut Savior on August 29. Having learned about the main customs, you can spend this day correctly, without breaking church laws ..

history of the holiday

The Third Savior is also called Not Made by Hands, or the Savior on Canvas, because of a miraculous event that happened during the life of the Savior. When the Syrian ruler was exhausted from a serious illness, he decided that only the Son of God could heal him. Despite the fact that he never had a chance to see Christ live, he believed in him and wrote him a letter asking for the healing of his ailment. Having instructed his painter Ananias to hand over the letter, he ordered to paint an image of Christ on canvas. When the painter arrived in Palestine, he saw with his own eyes Jesus Christ surrounded by the people. However, he could not approach him, so he climbed onto a high stone and tried to paint his portrait. When the Son of God noticed this, he called the painter to him, took the letter and promised that his disciple would soon come to the governor and give him healing, and then asked to give him water and a towel. After washing his face, he dried himself with a towel, on which his divine face suddenly appeared. Before the arrival of the disciple, the disease had already left the ruler, and the image of Jesus Christ became the main shrine of the Syrian city of Edessa.

Church and folk customs

The Nut Savior is a holiday that over the years of its existence has absorbed many church and folk traditions. Having learned about them, you can spend this day with fun and benefit.

According to tradition, from that day on, it was allowed to eat freshly harvested nuts, as well as to consecrate them in the church. It was believed that by eating at least one consecrated nut, you can provide yourself with good health for the whole year.

In 2018, the Dormition Fast will end the day before the onset of the Savior of Bread - August 28. This means that after a long abstinence on the holiday itself, you will be able to please yourself and your loved ones with meat, fish dishes, as well as pastries with any fillings.

In Russia, the Third Savior was considered the opening day of fairs. However, it was impossible to visit the fair without buying anything. It was imperative that you buy something so that you do not have a shortage of money throughout the year.

On the Third Savior, it is customary to consecrate water, as well as visit the bathhouse and steam with the help of walnut brooms. It was believed that such a rite helps to protect against the evil eye and damage.

As in other Spas, in the Third it is customary to attend church and offer prayers to the saints. Also on this day in all temples you can consecrate water or nuts. After visiting the church, it is necessary to invite guests to the house and set a rich table, where the main treat is freshly baked bread.

Do not forget that the Bread Savior is not only a church holiday, but also a national holiday, so on this day you must not sit back and shirk from work. According to the omen, the one who is lazy on this day will live in poverty all year.

Proceeding from the fact that this holiday is also considered a national one, on August 29 you can conduct several effective rituals and ceremonies to attract what you want. The most important thing in our life is health, which is why we suggest you take advantage of the strongest conspiracies to strengthen it. We wish you happiness and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.08.2018 02:03

Nut Spas - Orthodox holiday completing the two-week Dormition Fast. On this day, our ancestors spent ...

Third Spas (Nut Spas, Bread Spas)
Feast of the Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands

Third Spas (Nut Spas, Bread Spas)- the day of the national calendar, celebrated on August 29. On this day, bread is baked from the new harvest and, after consecration, it is the main dish of this day. It was also customary to trade canvases, canvases.

V church calendar on this day, the transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image of Our Lord Jesus Christ not made with hands is celebrated - an Orthodox holiday celebrated by the Church in honor of the Image of Christ the Savior not made with hands.

Also, this is the day of honor Martyr Diomedes the physician, to whom they pray for various ailments and diseases; Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, before which women pray for a safe resolution from the burden, feeding with milk, for help with family and other everyday needs. Coincides with the first day of the feast Assumption of the Virgin.

Among the popular names of the holiday:
Savior on Canvas, Savior on Canvas, Savior on Canvas;
"Nut" or "Nut Spas", since by this time hazelnuts (hazel) ripen and it is allowed to collect them in the forests;
"Khlebny Spas" - harvesting of bread ends;
"Sowing", "Seeding" - winter bread is sown;

In the old days they said: “The First Savior - they stand on the water; the second Savior - they eat apples; the third Savior - they sell canvases on the green mountains ", therefore the third Savior was also called" Savior on canvases "," Savior on canvas "," Spas on canvas ". On this day, it was customary to trade in canvases, canvases.

N. Pimonenko. Canvas saleswoman. 1901

On this day, new wells are blessed. They clean the healing springs by the fall, drink underground water, go around the wells in circles, as if closing the warm time. On Khlebny Spas, they bake pies from new bread: "The Third Savior has saved bread." The harvesting of hazelnuts began from the third Savior.

On the third Spas, the departure of birds, especially swallows and cranes, is noted. It is believed that the swallows fly off at three Spas. If the crane flies off to the third Savior, then it will be frosty on the Pokrov.

There are sayings and signs among the people about this day:
The third Savior of bread has been saved.
The Third Savior is good - there will be kvass in winter.
Harvest for nuts - bread harvest for next year.
There is no harvest for nuts for two years in a row.
If the crane flies off to the third Savior, then it will be frosty on the Pokrov.
"Widlit on a whole day of cranes and early winter" (Ukrainian).
Departure of swallows.
Swallows fly off three times, three spas.
"Pislya Uspennya has come - the sun has come in autumn" (Ukrainian).
In what Evdokei, in that and the third saved.
The first saved - they stand on the water; the second saved - they eat apples; the third saved - on the green mountains canvases are sold (Nizhny Novgorod province; in the village of Zelenye Gory Yarmarka).
Before Petrov, look out for days, fence up to Ilyin, sow before rescue.

The last holiday of the generous summer, the time of the end of the harvest, the last of - Walnut, Canvas, Khlebny, Savior on canvas falls on August 29... On this day, the Dormition Fast is coming to an end, so our ancestors celebrated this holiday on a special scale.

Nut Spas

On this day, they began to harvest hazel and walnuts nuts(in the southern regions). In Russia, nuts have always been a special delicacy, because various sweets and pastries were prepared from them on honey.

It is not without reason that ancient Rusichi considered nuts to be food for the mind. The fact is that hazelnuts such as hazel and hazelnuts contain a valuable unique complex of trace elements and bioactive components that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

According to their healing properties pine nuts are in no way inferior to earthen nuts. On the contrary, they are even surpassed. The oil extracted from pine nuts is much more valuable. Alcohol tinctures of pine nuts are effectively used in traditional medicine in the treatment of joint diseases. All nuts are classified as high quality dietary, nutritious food, their protein perfectly replaces animal protein.

Khlebny Spas

"The Third Savior - I Have Bread", the time of the end of the Assumption Savior was the time of the end of the harvest. Moreover, the harvest for this day was supposed not only to be harvested, but also to grind. Housewives baked bread and pies from new flour... That's why not only nuts were sanctified in the church, but also lush loaves.

The end of the harvest was accompanied by the ancients with pagan roots , rituals. So in the villages of central Russia, it was customary to leave a strip (kulizhka) for one sheaf of grain of the highest quality in the end, to Bread Savior... They reaped the kulizhka last, saying: "Having squeezed two fields, having smelled the third, give it back and put it down".

The cut ears of wheat were folded in piles, the last of them had to be pulled out of the ground by hands with the following words: "Stubble, my stubble, I stung you, lost my strength, here's the stubble, and give me my strength"... Further, the peasant women counted the piles, if there was an odd number of them, then the family was expected to change, either someone would die, or the girl would be married off.

In other regions, on the contrary, the wader was left "Ilya in the beard" on the field not compressed. After that, the reapers went to a river or lake, where they performed a symbolic washing of the sickle: "Willow, willow, give my strength to the second stubble".

At the end of the harvest, the reapers sang merry songs, collected a ritual sheaf, decorating it with ribbons and beads, carried it to the house in the same way, at the threshold of the “birthday man” they sprinkled holy baptismal water.

The peasant women tied the last spikelets with sickles, put them under the image and kept them in this form until the next stubble.

Canvas Spas

At the same time, end of weaving The fabric canvases were woven, bleached and dyed. Together with the loaf, people carried canvases for consecration to the church. Only after that they were used for sewing children's clothes or were taken to the fair, for sale. Oh, and there were glorious fairs in Russia in the old days on Canvas Spas!

Christian traditions of celebrating the Third Savior - the day of the glorification of the Image of Christ not made by hands

The ruler of the Mesopotamian city of Edessa (now Turkey) suffered from leprosy. Hearing about the miracles of healing performed by Christ, the king sent the painter Ananias to him so that he would paint a portrait of the Messiah. No matter how Ananias tried to paint a portrait of Christ, nothing came of it. Jesus, tired of sitting, posing for the artist, took a towel and wiped the sweat from his face with it. At the same hour, the face of Christ was imprinted on him. One of the Messiah's disciples took a towel, brought the sick ruler, and the king was healed.

For almost a century the Image of Christ Not Made by Hands was kept in Edessa. August 29, 944 AD he was transported to Constantinople. After 2 centuries, the miraculous relic was lost during one of the medieval crusades. In 1204, the ship on which it was transported sank in the Mediterranean Sea.

Since the miraculous image belonged to the Eastern rite, then, most likely, the first ancient Russian and Byzantine icons with the face of Christ were painted from this ancient relic.

A good tradition it was these days to help indigent neighbors (widows, soldiers' mothers, orphans) to cope with the harvest before the autumn rains. It is a pity that this tradition of helping "the whole world" has not survived to this day, more often than not we turn our backs on poor and vulnerable people.

On holiday of the Image Not Made by Hands it was supposed to go to church services with a basket filled with the generous gifts of the summer:

  • fragrant loaf,
  • grapes
  • nuts
  • apples,
  • honey.

After serving a solemn prayer service, the Orthodox went with a procession to the harvested fields with thanksgiving for the generous harvest and requests for a better one next year.

Rich food from the holiday basket fell on festive table, on which, in addition to the lean ones, they already put meat and fish dishes. But that day reigned on the tables, of course, pies baked from the flour of the new harvest.

Often, world feasts were held in the villages, at which all residents gathered at a common table, relaxing and discussing the end of the harvest, having fun and drinking delicious food with brotherly beer. A “birthday man” was placed near the table - a festive sheaf, around him, as a rule, they sang songs and danced in round dances.

"Stubble, stubble, give me my snare,
On a pestle, on a sack, on a beat,
Yes to a new spindle. "

At the end of the festivities, the "birthday man" was brought into the hut in the red corner, where he was supposed to stand until the end of winter. With its help, the future harvest was predicted. At the end of winter, three spikelets were pulled out of it in random order, before threshing the prezhin sheaf. Then the grains from the spikelets were sown in different boxes and waited for the shoots.

  • The first ear gave amicable shoots - expect a good harvest from early sowing.
  • The grains of the third spike are thickly rinsed - later sowing will give a fat harvest.

On the Third Spas, it was customary to harvest walnut branches... It was believed that at this time they acquire magical powers. They made from hazel happiness for home and family members. Walnut branches were included in bath brooms, it was believed that they were able to cure any ailment.

On this day, as well as on the Wet Savior, our ancestors cleaned wells and blessed water. We stocked up with water from underground sources, because on that day it was endowed with magical healing power.

The third saved for our ancestors was the border between the end of the stubble and the beginning of sowing winter crops. The peasants tried to complete the summer cycle of field work before the onset of the damp autumn weather. Therefore, in the villages, they did not arrange especially magnificent festivals, in contrast to cities and towns with their Great Day festivities.

Signs and sayings on the Third Savior

To the Third Savior, they watched the departure of birds. The cranes flew away - wait for the Cover of Frost. If the stork is preparing to fly away a week before the holiday, then an early, frosty winter and a warm spring are coming. The stork flew away after the Savior - wait for a late warm winter and cold spring.

  • The Third Savior is good - there will be kvass in winter.
  • It's good if the Savior is on the canvas, and the bread is on the threshing floor.
  • The nuts yielded a bountiful harvest - the ji of rich breads the following year.
  • For two years in a row, nuts do not bear fruit generously.
  • The first Savior - they stand on the water, the second Savior - they eat apples, the third Savior - they sell canvases on the green mountains.
  • Before Petrov, the days to look up, to Ilyin to fence, to sow to the Savior.
  • Savior has come - and summer is from us.

A holiday in August. The Nut Spas or, as it is also called, the Bread Spas, marks the last harvest.

The Nut Savior, like the first two - Honey and Apple, is an ancient holiday that united all Christian and folk traditions, therefore the third Savior was considered a day of thanksgiving to the Lord for the harvest of bread and nuts.

The Third Savior is called the Nut because from that day you can eat nuts. It is not as popular as the previous two, but of the three, it is the most important.

The Assumption is celebrated in front of the Nut Savior Holy Mother of God(August 28) and the end of the Assumption Lent, which lasts two weeks - from August 14 to August 27.

history of the holiday

According to legend, at this time in the Syrian city of Edessa ruled Abgar, who was struck by leprosy all over his body. The rumor about the great miracles that the Lord Jesus Christ performed reached Syria and Abgar. Not seeing the Savior, but believing in Him, Abgar sends him a letter with a request for healing and sends his painter Ananias to hand over the letter and draw the Image of the Lord.

Arriving in Jerusalem, Ananias could not approach the Savior in any way because of the huge number of people who surrounded the Lord and listened to his sermons. Then he stood on a stone and decided, looking from a distance, to draw the Image of Jesus Christ, but nothing came of it, the Divine light emanating from the Lord blinded the artist.

The Savior Himself called Ananias, calling him by name, gave a short letter for Abgar and promised to send His disciple to instruct him in salvation. Also, the Lord asked for water and ubrus (canvas). After washing, he put the ubrus to his face - and His Divine Face was reflected there.

Ananias brought an Image and a letter from the Savior to the ruler. Reverently accepting the Great Shrine, Abgar received healing, and only a small part of the disease remained on his face until the arrival of the Apostle.


The apostle who arrived in Edessa was Saint Thaddeus, who baptized Abgar and all the inhabitants of Edessa. The image of the Savior not made by hands was installed in a niche above the gates to the city. And everyone who went into the city worshiped Him.

This went on for many years, until one of Abgar's great-grandsons fell into idolatry, and he had a desire to remove this Image from the city gates. But the bishop of Edessa had a vision of the Lord to hide this image. Arriving at night with the parishioners, the bishop lit a lamp and laid the image with a clay board and bricks.

Many years passed, and the inhabitants forgot about the shrine. However, in 545 the Persian king laid siege to Edessa, and the situation was hopeless. And the Bishop of Edessa was the apparition of the Most Holy Theotokos, who commanded to get the Image of the Savior from the niche to save the city. Having disassembled the bricks, the bishop saw the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, in front of which a lamp was burning, and on the clay tablet that covered the Face was the reflection of the image of the Savior. With the Image Not Made by Hands, a procession was made, and the Persian army retreated.

Even when the Arabs later took possession of Edessa, they did not interfere with the worship of this Image. In 944, the emperor Constantine bought this Image from the emir and with great honors transferred it to Constantinople, to the Pharos Church of the Most Holy Theotokos.

On August 29, the Holy Church recalls that miraculous event that happened in 944 - the transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image of Our Lord Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands. According to the folk traditions, this day was called the Nut Savior, because by this time the nuts were ripening. This is the ripening time for crops, vegetables, fruits and all the fruits of the earth.

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According to tradition, on this day, it is imperative to consecrate fresh nuts, water and fruits in the temple, and in the old days, ears of wheat collected the day before were also consecrated. Only after the church prayer and gratitude to the Almighty for the daily bread from the consecrated products could a festive table be prepared.

At the same time, according to tradition, nuts are added to almost all dishes, which have long been endowed with healing powers. Not only fruits are appreciated, but also nut branches. They were stored for the future for a whole year, they were often made amulets. Many people still believe that the walnut cross hung by front door, will protect from envious people and unkind thoughts. And after taking a steam bath with a walnut bath broom, a person will heal from diseases and gain protection from the evil eye. They were harvested and stored separately, not mixed with brooms made from other tree species.

Housewives make a tincture from walnut membranes, drenched in alcohol. This medicine helps with colds. And an ointment based on young nuts can heal joint pain. If honey is mixed with nuts and given to a man for a month, then his masculine strength will double.

Fairs are usually held in cities on this day. Moreover, one cannot leave such a fair empty-handed - otherwise then the whole year will be penniless. But if you buy a cloth and sew clothes for a child from it, then this will bring him good health, and the family will be lucky.

Another tradition on Nut Spas is finishing up. After home prayer, the hostesses accompanied the husbands and sons to the fields with bread and salt. Three sheaves were put on the cart, and on top they put rye in bags, which was intended for sowing.

On Orekhovy Spas, just like on Medovy, they consecrate water in wells, cleanse the springs gushing from the bowels of the earth. Water is considered healing and is able to cleanse the soul from accumulated sins.

The most common dishes for nut spas: baked apples with nuts, charlotte, various cakes with nuts and other sweets, as well as freshly baked bread. In the evening, candles are lit and after the evening prayer, the family can start a festive meal.

In addition to bread, pies with mushrooms and dishes with nuts are also prepared on this day, which are sure to be treated to relatives and friends.

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If a nut fell on your head in the forest, then this good sign, testifying to good luck in business. Finding two fused nuts for a holiday is considered an unprecedented luck. They need to be picked up with your left hand and put into your wallet to attract money.

On Orekhovy Rescue, people always closely watched the behavior of birds, especially storks and cranes. If the storks fly south to the Third Savior, then on Pokrova (October 14) severe frost and spring, on the contrary, is expected to be sunny. Birds are in no hurry to fly away - autumn will delight you with warmth, winter will start late, and spring will be cool.

At the same time, according to the legend, you need to feed the birds flying away to warm regions with bread crumbs. And if on the way the birds meet the souls of deceased relatives, they will convey messages to them.

At a festive dinner, you must pay tribute to the hostess and try every dish on the table. Then the whole year will be accompanied by good luck and there will be no financial problems.

With the arrival of the Nut Savior, autumn fully comes into its own - by folk signs thunderous August heralds a long, warm autumn.

Fortune telling

The girls wondered about the future and love. On this day, they picked nuts and determined what it would be next year... A ripe and sweet nut - for great love, unripe - for important news, rotten - for trouble, and bitter - for relationship problems.


  1. You can't refuse to work, because Nut Spas (Khlebny Spas) is the time for harvesting and preparing food for the winter.
  2. On Orekhovy Spas, do not go out into the forest without a talisman. Our ancestors believed that this way you can meet with evil spirits.
  3. Food should not be denied to the needy and the wanderers.

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