Interpretation of sleep sandy in dream books. See hourglass in a dream incident and events

Electric 13.12.2020

For a short period of time will have to solve an important life task.

Uselessly the outgoing time, energy waste.

You have dreamed of a sleep hourglass - you see in a dream hourglass - constantly strengthening your mental state, you strengthen and health; You are well oriented in life, you are easily distinguished by true values \u200b\u200bfrom tinsel; You will live to very old years.

What do Hamheads mean in a dream 1. In dreams, time does not matter. A dream in which the segments of time are indicated, pays our attention to the need to measure their thoughts and actions. When such a symbol is old-fashioned - like an hourglass, is our time perception and disposal to them can be old-fashioned. This shows us that we need to understand how to use alternative and more accurate methods for measuring these actions. 2. When we are under pressure from circumstances, we can feel the shortage of time so acute, more than ever, and feel that time has become our enemy. This kind of condition personifies the hourglass. 3. In past times, the hourglass perceived as a symbol of death. Currently, they are seen as a symbol of a segment of life.

Hourglass -

Seen sleep is related to emotions, hidden talents, unrealized dreams and the needs of a sleeping person. Picture S. good sense Promises the implementation of cherished desire. Inexpressive sleep sulit routine. The embodiment of a dream occupies from one day to three years.

Dreaming hides important information regarding the future dream. It can tell about speedy changes or remind of the past, in which you missed something or not brought to the end. For Sleeping, it is better for anyone to discuss such a dream: this will allow to come true and fighting badly.

The dream indicates the new turns of the events that will soon happen. It indicates the spheres of life and questions that need to do in the near future. Dreams on the growing moon - prophetic.

The picture seen warns of troubles that may soon happen. Try to remember the key points of sleep: they will indicate the errors that you are able to prevent.

Dream Interpretation Hourglass

If you are shooting hourglass, it says that you will be drawn into social life anyway and take an active part in rallies and folk holidays. All this will start 26 days after you will dream of this dream, and at first you will not feel stiffness or inconvenience, as you will be asked about a trifle service. But gradually you will find how you simply dragged on Arkan into this case and dumped on you all the organizational part, which, of course, do not like you. But try to look at everything from the outside: you respect and want you to be in the thick of events.

Parents of schoolchildren's children is a dream of survivors about their children and their school events. After 17 or 26 days, they are scheduled for some holiday, and you will have to be actively involved in it, you want or not.

Quickly running - to short.

Dream Interpretation Hourglass Dreamed, why dream in a dream hourglass? To select a sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dreaming in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get online interpretation Dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the hourglass, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online Sonnikov Sun houses!

If you are shot by the hourglass, this suggests that you will somehow be drawn into public life and take an active part in rallies and folk holidays. All this will start 26 days after you will dream of this dream, and at first you will not feel stiffness or inconvenience, as you will be asked about a trifle service. But gradually you will find how you simply dragged on Arkan into this case and dumped on you all the organizational part, which, of course, do not like you. But try to look at everything from the outside: you respect and want you to be in the thick of events.

Parents of schoolchildren's children is a dream of survivors about their children and their school events. After 17 or 26 days, they are scheduled for some holiday, and you will have to be actively involved in it, you want or not.

Watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (bad or good), movement, success or lesion.

If in a dream you will remember the time that the watch showed, then try to understand what exactly it means. See interpretation: Figures.

Working hours in a dream mean that your business is successfully promoted.

Watch with a bracelet to see or get in a dream predicts quick marriage. Lose them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can find them, then you are waiting for happiness in the marital life. Dear hours in a dream foreshadow good changes and promise health, wealth and well-being.

The clock arrows indicate how long it remains to the desired moment.

Stopped watches in a dream foreshadows stop in business or the death of someone who owns this watch. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you can lose a bill of time, and warns you of uncompressive actions that may have a lot to damage your well-being.

If you dreamed that someone took the stopped clock to repair, then you will be able to safely get out of the next adventure.

If in a dream the clock is in a hurry, then you should not make speaking solutions. Sleep also indicates that you need to have time to do something important, and indicates a deterioration of health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry so as not to miss a happy chance.

If in a dream the clock slowed down, then your life is threatened with danger or trouble. A lot of ticking hours to see in a dream means that you will have many different things that will bring profit or benefit.

Broken watches in a dream foreshadow due to obstacles with which you cannot cope.

A broken clock mechanism to see in a dream means you lose earnings. Patients such a dream threatens death.

The clock without a shooter or with broken arrows indicate that you are waiting for stagnation in affairs and great experiences.

Many broken hours to see or drop the clock and do not raise in a dream means that you should leave in vain ventures.

Smash the clock in a dream means that you will make your own happiness or begging good luck.

See the broken clock - the head of the death of a loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped the clock, but they did not crash, then you shine a big luck in the case that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of the alarm in a dream indicates you that it's time to take an important decision or make a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will get a good profit. See Interpretation: Sounds.

The battle watches in a dream predicts ambulance and sad events, and sometimes funerals in the family.

Lose or donate hours in a dream - the foresight of domestic trouble.

Find a clock or receive them as a gift in a dream means that because of your frivolous behavior you can be in an unpleasant position. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good tips of your friends or loved ones.

If you dreamed that you have a clock stolen, then we wonder the ill-wishers who want to damage your happiness or well-being.

To steal the clock in a dream - the sign of what you are ready for all sake of your happiness.

Make a clock in a dream means you should take an important decision.

If you dream that your friend left your wristwatch with you, you will find a happy and long-term connection (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Seeing hours in a dream, you can succeed in the game on the stock exchange.

If you have twisted time on them, then in real life All your efforts will be reduced to no your rivals.

Smashed in a dream hours or gave them to someone - prepare for trouble.

They broke the glass in the clock - will be too frivolous to behave in an unpleasant society.

Stolen the clock - know that your opponents try to find your reputation.

I heard in a dream the hours of hours - there are pretty news.

If a woman dreamed that she lost her clock, then her at home is possible different troubles.

The clock was put on the hand - get a reward for your work done. True, this remuneration may be intangible.

If you dreamed of big wall or outdoor hours, then you will be surprised by the person you have always considered restrained and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting, he very brightly expresses his feelings.

Dreamed the tower clock - learn some very important and long-awaited news.

Broken clock - bad sign. You may be too straightforward and do not want to reckon with the opinion of a loved one. Try to take the first step, otherwise your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretations of dreams about the clock.

Considered in a dream an ancient clock - in the future you will be very repent of the mistakes performed in the past. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be ashamed for errors committed by your ancestors.

Wall clocks were dreamed - you have something to have something that will fundamentally change your life.

I saw a wristwatch in a dream - you do not have enough time to accomplish the conceived.

The time was determined in a dream by a clock that there is no dial - an event that happens to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

Heard in a dream a knock of hours - someone from your loved ones very much needs help. And the faster this help will be provided, the better.

Bulgarian Justice Vanga interpreted the dreams about the clock as follows.

I saw in a dream an ancient clock - it's time to reflect on my past: whether you really lived, good or bad deeds committed.

If you have dreamed of wall clock, you absolutely do not appreciate your life. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass by you.

Dreamed wristwatches - a very little time left for an important event in your life.

I heard in a dream a knock of hours - your life, unfortunately, will not work for a long time. You are destined to go through many tests to gain peace, peace and happiness.

Clock, tower clock see - a symbol of an inexorable time.

An ominous sleep about tower hours - to keep up with the requirements of time.

They beat - an important public event approached, the hour of your check, testing.

Wristwatches look at - life to the little things to waste.

They are broken - mess in your life / family loss.

Lose - some delay / loss of a friend.

The clock is knocking loudly - an alarming wait, for something there is little time left.

The clock in the form of a closet see - you have where to hide from a difficult present.

The clock in your house is echoing the fight with others by the wall - public events will affect the family.

Have pocket watch - small money, good luck, happiness.

The clock was stopped - the end of something, death.

Without arrows to see - your time passed, you will stay away from business.

Back Send - Return to the fact that I started; Something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

Spring at wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is the sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events of your life, which can not happen soon.

Large hours try to repair - reasonable hopes, should not believe in their impotence.

Pocket watches - to be marked in trifles.

Watch any clock - impatience testing.

Trying to stop the clock, hold the arrow to hold or break - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear before running time.

Discontinarily break - be displeased with his life; Divorce.

In the watches of the spider, find it - to find the culprit of anything.

In the clock skull to discover - think about the meaning of life.

Knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or arrows - the fatal inevitability of the course of time to feel on yourself.

Soda, a clock with a cuckoo to see is a peaceful period in your life.

Hourglass in a dream - the danger of losing an expensive person.

They are turned over - to be a culprit of important changes in his life.

Sunclock - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

This symbol is associated in our subconscious over time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes the age and state of health.

The people there are belief that if the clock stops in the house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give the clock and for the wedding of young, since the folk wisdom says: "Do not observe happy hours."

If in your dream you are afraid to be late and we look at the clock all the time - this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is given to a person infrequently.

To see the stopping hours - a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the battle of the watches that have long stopped, it threatens you with serious troubles. You or your loved ones can be without livelihood. Perhaps you threaten a serious illness.

The dream in which you buy yourself new hours - indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

Located in a dream its watch - a sign that I will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to sleep and start yourself alarm clock - it means that in real life you have to experience the bitterness of frustration and listen to unfair accusations.

Broken clocks - remind you that nothing stands on the spot, everything changes.

If in a dream you see the sand breaks in the hourglass, is a reminder to you that time is inexorably moving and if you do not hurry, then your capabilities will be irretrievably lost.

The sleep in which you are trying to repair the clock - testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop inevitable.

Buy hours - start new things.

Someone buys hours - get unexpected news or suggestions.

The clock symbolize changes in life.

If you managed to remember the clock and minutes on the dial, they can mean year and month or month and day of change.

Broken or broken clocks - unhappiness and all sorts of trouble.

Look at the clock - lose in the fight against rivals.

Give a clock - to trouble.

Lose - to a bad situation in your own home.

A sleep about the clock is still promise to you an acute shortage of time, late.

Slowly running hours - to a long life.

Quickly running - to short.

Stopped clock - death sign for the patient.

Hourglass - a symbol of life of life.

Hurrying hours - to a trip somewhere.

Loose - to the appearance of guests.

Dreamed the clock - you will have a visit to the official.

Street hours your efforts will appreciate.

If the clock is not very big - you have to do not think, make a decision.

You start the clock, it means that you will plunge with your head to work, and the result will not make yourself wait.

If the clock beat - your time leaves, hurry to complete the case.

Wear a watch or look at them - you will visit a very important person.

The clock on the facade of the building is to receive approval, recognition.

Small clock - you will have to quickly make a decision.

Make a clock - you have to work a lot to get the desired return.

Close of chimes is a warning that time leaves.

Gold clock - get public recognition.

See in a dream hours - means you will succeed in the game on the stock exchange. To see in a dream that you look at the clock, means that your efforts will be reduced to no your rivals.

Smash the clock - foreshadows troubles and losses.

Smash the glass in the clock is the foresight of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman in a dream loses the clock - this means that homemade troubles will cause misfortune. Imagine in a dream that you stole a clock means that you have fierce opponents who try to find your reputation.

Give someone's hours - means that you are waiting for trouble.

If you hear - the wound battle is disappointing news.

Dream Symbol Hourglass Dreamed, what dreams of a sandy symbol in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream the symbol of hourglass, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

If you are shot by the hourglass, this suggests that you will somehow be drawn into public life and take an active part in rallies and folk holidays. All this will start 26 days after you will dream of this dream, and at first you will not feel stiffness or inconvenience, as you will be asked about a trifle service. But gradually you will find how you simply dragged on Arkan into this case and dumped on you all the organizational part, which, of course, do not like you. But try to look at everything from the outside: you respect and want you to be in the thick of events.

Parents of schoolchildren's children is a dream of survivors about their children and their school events. After 17 or 26 days, they are scheduled for some holiday, and you will have to be actively involved in it, you want or not.

Watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (bad or good), movement, success or lesion.

If in a dream you will remember the time that the watch showed, then try to understand what exactly it means. See interpretation: Figures.

Working hours in a dream mean that your business is successfully promoted.

Watch with a bracelet to see or get in a dream predicts quick marriage. Lose them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can find them, then you are waiting for happiness in the marital life. Dear hours in a dream foreshadow good changes and promise health, wealth and well-being.

The clock arrows indicate how long it remains to the desired moment.

Stopped watches in a dream foreshadows stop in business or the death of someone who owns this watch. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you can lose a bill of time, and warns you of uncompressive actions that may have a lot to damage your well-being.

If you dreamed that someone took the stopped clock to repair, then you will be able to safely get out of the next adventure.

If in a dream the clock is in a hurry, then you should not make speaking solutions. Sleep also indicates that you need to have time to do something important, and indicates a deterioration of health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry so as not to miss a happy chance.

If in a dream the clock slowed down, then your life is threatened with danger or trouble. A lot of ticking hours to see in a dream means that you will have many different things that will bring profit or benefit.

Broken watches in a dream foreshadow due to obstacles with which you cannot cope.

A broken clock mechanism to see in a dream means you lose earnings. Patients such a dream threatens death.

The clock without a shooter or with broken arrows indicate that you are waiting for stagnation in affairs and great experiences.

Many broken hours to see or drop the clock and do not raise in a dream means that you should leave in vain ventures.

Smash the clock in a dream means that you will make your own happiness or begging good luck.

See the broken clock - the head of the death of a loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped the clock, but they did not crash, then you shine a big luck in the case that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of the alarm in a dream indicates you that it's time to take an important decision or make a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will get a good profit. See Interpretation: Sounds.

The battle watches in a dream predicts ambulance and sad events, and sometimes funerals in the family.

Lose or donate hours in a dream - the foresight of domestic trouble.

Find a clock or receive them as a gift in a dream means that because of your frivolous behavior you can be in an unpleasant position. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good tips of your friends or loved ones.

If you dreamed that you have a clock stolen, then we wonder the ill-wishers who want to damage your happiness or well-being.

To steal the clock in a dream - the sign of what you are ready for all sake of your happiness.

Make a clock in a dream means you should take an important decision.

If you dream that your friend left your wristwatch with you, you will find a happy and long-term connection (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Seeing hours in a dream, you can succeed in the game on the stock exchange.

If you have twisted on them, in real life, all your efforts will be reduced to no your rivals.

Smashed in a dream hours or gave them to someone - prepare for trouble.

They broke the glass in the clock - will be too frivolous to behave in an unpleasant society.

Stolen the clock - know that your opponents try to find your reputation.

I heard in a dream the hours of hours - there are pretty news.

If a woman dreamed that she lost her clock, then her at home is possible different troubles.

The clock was put on the hand - get a reward for your work done. True, this remuneration may be intangible.

If you dreamed of big wall or outdoor hours, then you will be surprised by the person you have always considered restrained and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting, he very brightly expresses his feelings.

Dreamed the tower clock - learn some very important and long-awaited news.

Broken clock - bad sign. You may be too straightforward and do not want to reckon with the opinion of a loved one. Try to take the first step, otherwise your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretations of dreams about the clock.

Considered in a dream an ancient clock - in the future you will be very repent of the mistakes performed in the past. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be ashamed for errors committed by your ancestors.

Wall clocks were dreamed - you have something to have something that will fundamentally change your life.

I saw a wristwatch in a dream - you do not have enough time to accomplish the conceived.

The time was determined in a dream by a clock that there is no dial - an event that happens to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

Heard in a dream a knock of hours - someone from your loved ones very much needs help. And the faster this help will be provided, the better.

Bulgarian Justice Vanga interpreted the dreams about the clock as follows.

I saw in a dream an ancient clock - it's time to reflect on my past: whether you really lived, good or bad deeds committed.

If you have dreamed of wall clock, you absolutely do not appreciate your life. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass by you.

Dreamed wristwatches - a very little time left for an important event in your life.

I heard in a dream a knock of hours - your life, unfortunately, will not work for a long time. You are destined to go through many tests to gain peace, peace and happiness.

Clock, tower clock see - a symbol of an inexorable time.

An ominous sleep about tower hours - to keep up with the requirements of time.

They beat - an important public event approached, the hour of your check, testing.

Wristwatches look at - life to the little things to waste.

They are broken - mess in your life / family loss.

Lose - some delay / loss of a friend.

The clock is knocking loudly - an alarming wait, for something there is little time left.

The clock in the form of a closet see - you have where to hide from a difficult present.

The clock in your house is echoing the fight with others by the wall - public events will affect the family.

Have pocket watch - small money, good luck, happiness.

The clock was stopped - the end of something, death.

Without arrows to see - your time passed, you will stay away from business.

Back Send - Return to the fact that I started; Something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

Spring at wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is the sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events of your life, which can not happen soon.

Large hours try to repair - reasonable hopes, should not believe in their impotence.

Pocket watches - to be marked in trifles.

Watch any clock - impatience testing.

Trying to stop the clock, hold the arrow to hold or break - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear before running time.

Discontinarily break - be displeased with his life; Divorce.

In the watches of the spider, find it - to find the culprit of anything.

In the clock skull to discover - think about the meaning of life.

Knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or arrows - the fatal inevitability of the course of time to feel on yourself.

Soda, a clock with a cuckoo to see is a peaceful period in your life.

Hourglass in a dream - the danger of losing an expensive person.

They are turned over - to be a culprit of important changes in his life.

Sunclock - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

This symbol is associated in our subconscious over time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes the age and state of health.

The people there are belief that if the clock stops in the house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give the clock and for the wedding of young, since the folk wisdom says: "Do not observe happy hours."

If in your dream you are afraid to be late and we look at the clock all the time - this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is given to a person infrequently.

To see the stopping hours - a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the battle of the watches that have long stopped, it threatens you with serious troubles. You or your loved ones can be without livelihood. Perhaps you threaten a serious illness.

The dream in which you buy yourself new hours - indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

Located in a dream its watch - a sign that I will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to sleep and start yourself alarm clock - it means that in real life you have to experience the bitterness of frustration and listen to unfair accusations.

Broken clocks - remind you that nothing stands on the spot, everything changes.

If in a dream you see the sand breaks in the hourglass, is a reminder to you that time is inexorably moving and if you do not hurry, then your capabilities will be irretrievably lost.

The sleep in which you are trying to repair the clock - testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop inevitable.

Buy hours - start new things.

Someone buys hours - get unexpected news or suggestions.

The clock symbolize changes in life.

If you managed to remember the clock and minutes on the dial, they can mean year and month or month and day of change.

Broken or broken clocks - unhappiness and all sorts of trouble.

Look at the clock - lose in the fight against rivals.

Give a clock - to trouble.

Lose - to a bad situation in your own home.

A sleep about the clock is still promise to you an acute shortage of time, late.

Slowly running hours - to a long life.

Quickly running - to short.

Stopped clock - death sign for the patient.

Hourglass - a symbol of life of life.

Hurrying hours - to a trip somewhere.

Loose - to the appearance of guests.

Dreamed the clock - you will have a visit to the official.

Street hours your efforts will appreciate.

If the clock is not very big - you have to do not think, make a decision.

You start the clock, it means that you will plunge with your head to work, and the result will not make yourself wait.

If the clock beat - your time leaves, hurry to complete the case.

Wear a watch or look at them - you will visit a very important person.

The clock on the facade of the building is to receive approval, recognition.

Small clock - you will have to quickly make a decision.

Make a clock - you have to work a lot to get the desired return.

Close of chimes is a warning that time leaves.

Gold clock - get public recognition.

See in a dream hours - means you will succeed in the game on the stock exchange. To see in a dream that you look at the clock, means that your efforts will be reduced to no your rivals.

Smash the clock - foreshadows troubles and losses.

Smash the glass in the clock is the foresight of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman in a dream loses the clock - this means that homemade troubles will cause misfortune. Imagine in a dream that you stole a clock means that you have fierce opponents who try to find your reputation.

Give someone's hours - means that you are waiting for trouble.

If you hear - the wound battle is disappointing news.

Dream S. Karatov

Clock - If you have dreamed of pocket watch - you are waiting for the settlement family relationships to find in a dream hours - you must be punctual.

If you have dreamed of a gold watch, you will be blocked by close familiar. Stopped hours - you are in vain losing time. Wall clock - you are waiting for the funeral of a loved one.

If you dreamed clock - it symbolizes changes in life. To do this, remember the watch and minutes to determine the year and the month of future change.

To buy hours in a dream - you are waiting for the beginning of new things. If someone buys a wristwatch nearby nearby - you are waiting for pleasant news, new affairs, offers from an unexpected place.

If you have dreamed of a watch, hurrying forward - you are waiting for a hurry trip somewhere.

What dreams of seeing the lagging clock is waiting for you stagnant in affairs. If you dreamed of hourglass - someone's short life.

See also: What does the time dream, what is the alarm clock, what the belt is dreaming.

Pocket Dream T. Bulatina

What dreams of watch, how to understand sleep:

Clock - If you have dreamed of a clock - then you carefully plan your work, so it turns out.

Watch in a dream on the clock - you are waiting for the miscarriages of competitors who are crowned with success.

Broken in a dream hours - this is to the loss. Give in a dream hours - your stupid desire for entertainment will harm business.

Dreamed hours of hours - you are waiting for bad news, a friend's death.

Dream Interpretation A.Vasiliev

What dreams of the watch on the dream book:

Clock - If you dreamed the clock - this is a symbol of waiting.

Dream Cleopatry

What dreams of the watch in the dreams:

See that the watch broke is a sign that you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

Broken clocks - remind you that nothing stands on the spot, everything changes.

If you dreamed, as in the sandy hours, the sand is drunk - this is a reminder to you that time is inexorably moving, and if you do not hurry, then your capabilities will be irretrievably lost.

To see that you are trying to repair the wrist watch - it testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop inevitable.

Dream Interpretation V. Melnikova

The clock is to see that we start the clock - this means a prosperous resolution of a crowded case. In a dream, the hours of hours, he foreshadows that you will have a suspicion of not committed misconduct, which largely can undermine your prestige and authority.

There was a ringing of the alarm - to positive change in affairs.

Wristwatches - mean a successful career. The clock on the chain is a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

If you dreamed of wall clock - this suggests that you will suffer from false slander's views.

If you have dreamed of a gold watch - it is thrust you the championship in a tight competition with stronger, but less successful rivals and competitors.

Large dream book

What dreams of the clock is a dream analysis:

What is the dream watch - interpretation of sleep:

Clock - If you dreamed clock - you can succeed in the game on the stock exchange. If you have twisted in a dream, time by the clock - then all your efforts will be reduced to no one rivals.

To see that they broke the clock or gave them to someone - then get ready for trouble.

Wheel in a dream glass in the clock - you will be too frivolous to behave in an unpleasant society.

To see that you have stolen the clock - then your opponents try to blacken your reputation.

If you heard in a dream the battleship of the clock - then there is a rattling news.

Universal dream book

If the clock is shot, what is it:

Watches, wristwatch - a brief interpretation: timeliness; study thoroughly; To be awake. Popular expression: Seven times fattened - a rejection once; patch be on one's mind The clock suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bobservation. When it is necessary to be attentive and concentrated, then you are always on the onset. Do you want to guard someone, or want another person to guard you? People love when they are appreciated and when they are desirable. Sleep reflects your desire to become an object of interest?

Dream Interpretation A. Pushkin

What does the watch dream? Interpretation of sleep:

Watches - Hourglass in a dream symbolizing your expectations. You will have indefinitely to die with family and people close to you. You have made your choice, but the heart is hard on separation.

Dream Interpretation Emperor Peter I

See the clock in a dream:

The clock in a dream is foreshadowed by success. See that you look at the clock, it means that your efforts will be reduced to no your rivals. If in your dream you are afraid to be late and we look at the clock all the time - this is a sign that in real life you will miss the chance that the person falls out often. To see the stopping hours - a sign of sad news and disappointment.

To see that you heard the battle of the watches that have long stopped, Introduces it is fraught with serious trouble. You or your loved ones can be without livelihood. Perhaps you threaten a serious illness. Watch battle in a dream always warns about something. See that you hear the watches battle and count the blows that beat the time to noon, then you have a lot of happiness ahead. If the clock beat off the afternoon - wait for troubles.

A sharp single punch of the clock warns about deteriorating your health and may even be about the approaching death. If you just dream hours of hours, then you will soon marry and you will be very happy. If you have dreamed of a tower watch, after this dream will follow the destruction of your home collapse of your affairs. To see that you will hear the battle of the tower hours, you have to take some kind of important decision. Broken clock - the foresight of troubles and losses.

To smash your clock in a dream - you will find yourself in a very delicate situation. The broken fully glass in the clock - says about your awkward and frivolous behavior in an unfamiliar company. The clock without a shooter will take off to the fact that you will be rejected by family, society. Watch clock - to change for the better. Pocket watches in a dream promise beautiful family relationships. Golden watches in a dream are a symbol that close familiar is robbed.

Large hours in a dream - a reminder that time is money. If a woman in a dream loses hours - it means that households will cause her misfortune. To see that you stole a clock, we fear fierce opponents who will try to blacken you. Give someone's hours to trouble. The dream in which you buy yourself new hours, indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

Dream interpretation for girls

What dreams of the watch on the dream book:

The clock - if you had a clock, in which the arrows on your eyes are very quickly spinning, it suggests that they do not have time in real life. You catastrophically lack time. Do you know why? Yes, because you grab it for everything, for which you can. Yes, it can be said that you are greedy to life, everyone wants to talk and cope with everything, forgetting that in the days, only 24 hours and a good half of them are given to sleep. Your subconscious is indicating that it's time to stop and choose something one thing to devote more time. Then, you look, and it will be a sense from your affairs, otherwise it is still not clear, what are you fond of and in which area you have in-depth knowledge, because all the information you have superficial.

If the arrows of the clock are spinning in the opposite direction, this indicates that in real life you do something wrong. Your subconscious will signal that you, more than ever, is close to committing an error, fix it will be later difficult.

Tell watches in a dream - it means that in real life protest against the time frame. You think they limit human freedom. You really do not like when the walk is let go strictly to 20 hours and a minute later. You just understand that parents are afraid to let you go to walk to a later time, because they fear, no matter how bad things happen to you.

Dream Interpretation O. Adaskin

What dreams of the watch on the dream book:

Clock - If you dreamed clock, you should take a chance and agree to a certain favorable offer, because after such sleep you can achieve unexpected success.

Buy hours - start new things; Someone buys hours - get unexpected news or suggestions.

Wrist watches symbolize changes in life. If you managed to remember the clock and minutes on the dial, they can mean year and month or month and day of change. Broken or broken clocks - unhappiness and all sorts of trouble. Look at the clock - lose in the fight against rivals. Give a clock - to trouble. Get in a dream hours as a gift - a favorable sign. Such a dream means that all your troubles will not be in vain. Lose - to a bad situation in your own home. A sleep about the clock is still promise to you an acute shortage of time, late. Slowly running hours - to a long life; Quickly running - to short. Stopped clock - death sign for the patient. Hourglass - a symbol of life of life. Hurrying hours - to a trip somewhere; Loose - to the appearance of guests.

Watch in a dream on the clock and not to disassemble the hour on them - to the unsuccessful decision of the current affairs. Perhaps your rivals make your rivals to this.

Sleep, in which you in any way do harm your clock (for example, break or break them), means that you are too frivolous and unreliable to keep someone to risk entrusting you an important thing. In part, therefore, you still have stagnant on the spot, which you consider unworthy.

To see what the clock stole, this means that your reputation threaten ill-wishers. I hear in a dream the battle battle means receiving unpleasant news.

Lowish dream book

If the clock is shot, what is it:

Clock - If you have dreamed of hours, all your works aimed at improving your material and social status will not disappear - soon you are waiting for success.

See the clock broken foreshadowed some losses, deprivation, chagrins. Also bad if the glass of the clock is broken or crushed into a crack - your frivolous behavior in society can serve you a bad service, you acquire bad fame, and it will prevent your plans.

If you dreamed of the clock that you stole, then this means that your enemies actively work to spoil your reputation and, most likely, they will succeed.

See the clock that you give someone - to a series of trouble. Please note that who exactly you give the clock - if this is a familiar person, then it can serve as a source of your trouble.

See that you hear the hours of hours, then this means that I will get bad news that you are very grieved and upset. If you have dreamed of a gold watch, then the likelihood of what they will be turned around, and close familiar.

Dreaming in the dream hours, the arrows of which are worth, then this means that I have in vain, you lose time. Pocket watches in a dream symbolize calm family relationships, unnecessary says that some kind of familiar familiar can die soon.

Dream hours? See the next interpreter.

Dream Interpretation Lewisa

What does the watch dream, for what reason:

The clock is eleven hours - eleven hours - a common symbol indicating that whose time almost came to an end, meaning either death, or a line for which it is impossible to go. In some Christian peoples, eleven hours - the short-time symbol remaining the coming of Christ. Distribution of the dial, on which the arrows show eleven, often reflect the fear of death.

Hourglass - hourglass symbolizes the current time and completion of a certain period in life or in a dream business.

Watch - watches as a symbol often reflect the alarm of the dream that it is not at the peak of events and, thus, does not fit into the chart. The clock can also symbolize the biological clock counting time for people who want a child, or for those who feel that time leaves from him.

Lunar dream book

What dream of sleeping clock, it means:

They show the life, business activity of a dream, various circumstances and affairs. A dream in which you will shoot wristwatches - is considered to be from the most significant and important. It can concern you personally and relatives, acquaintances and friends. This is what the wristwatch is being shot most often.

Problems with time

In such a dream, a person usually sees his daily clock on his hand, which show a certain hour. Sleep relevant for men, who in life do not part with them and always try to keep the hand on the pulse to have everything. To see the wristwatch in a dream and take time - hurry. You may not have time to do something important and necessary. This is an indicator that things and some important projects are best completed in the near future, as the timelines expire. In some situations, this dream dreams of men who are non-natives and have serious intentions to marry. Dream Interpretation warns that you need to make a sentence very soon, since your Passia will not wait and she has another cavalier who can get ahead of you.

See that they stopped and hurry - to trouble. Perhaps you just miss some possibility or circumstances will advance extremely slowly, which can lead to unnecessary delays.

It is possible that you will not be able to complete the undertaking due to adverse circumstances or incomplete cases that will force to postpone the important decision in this situation.

Wind of change

What did the wrist watch have new on your hand? Dream Interpretation writes that such a dream means a new case, opportunity or addition in the family. Most likely, you can change the activity of the activity, place of residence or just move to another city, or even the country. Sometimes a dream about new hours shows a change in material situation or marriage. Especially if the woman's hand has a man's watch and a man's men. It all depends on the cost of a new model. Dream Interpretation writes that it is very good if you have a new watch of a more expensive brand than you are used to wearing. And guys and girls such a dream predicts a profitable marriage, new job, career growth and position that will give an excellent financial situation. Sometimes beautiful new hours see in your hand means the birth of a child.

What else will tell the model of manual watches in a dream? Dream Interpretation writes that in this way you can determine which changes you are expected in the future. Since the clock is generally shown a change in social status, the material situation or at all of someone's life. Ancient, rare models mean the past, which will be reminded of yourself in the near future, receiving an inheritance, activities related to history, museums and world values, as well as the raysterity of the important mystery of the past, including the pedigree of your family.

What dreams to find them in a dream? Wait for an unexpected offer or news. Girls such a dream can fill marriage with elderly, but provided and a conservative person who will make your happiness. Sometimes the dream book writes that you will learn the mystery of a kind or past.

Modern and expensive models of the clock will be drawn to changes in the material position of a dream, a new position or favorable marriage. If you dreamed of beautiful wristwatches donated with a common person, then soon he or someone similar to him will contribute to your luck and great well-being.

Get them as a gift - to change. Especially if you just know that you were presented, but you can not understand who. Sometimes such a dream means pregnancy and the rapid birth of a child.

Incidents and events

In such dreams, you who have the owner and you know who exactly belongs to. What happens to them in a dream means changes in the life of the owner. If you have a friend who left you from you, then Dream Interpretation writes that you will soon make friends with this person for many years and you will associate a very close relationship. If you have dreamed of wrist watch girlfriends that she left with you, marriage is possible with this woman or her in love, which will prevent you from building your personal life along with another special.

Lose your watches - a bad sign. Perhaps dismissal from work, service troubles and conflicts, as well as the uncertainty of the situation, which will reach too long. If you have dreamed that you have stolen hours, the dream book writes that the dream foreshadows you real losses and trouble. It is possible to destroy hope for good marriage, dismissal from work, long searching it or danger to your life and health.

What does the watch dream? In general, see the clock in a dream - a complex symbol that requires a clear analysis of the situation in a dream. The clock in a dream can designate both the health state of the sleeping and its age. Drawing hourgings say that time leaves, and if you do not hurry, then all possibilities may be lost.

Drawing hours I can designate changes in the future. To see a clear time (hours and minutes) - month and day of events that can turn your life.

See the tower clock - it will soon have to learn important and long-awaited news. I hear the battle of the tower chimes - to change in the state that will directly affect your life.

If in a dream you understand that your watches are in a hurry - this suggests that you have little time left to take a very important solution. Chash on the clock clock - a sign of good health.

Trying to determine the time by a clock that does not have a dial - you have a serious danger. Pocket watches indicate that in the future your family problems are settled, and life will be settled.

What dreams wrist watch

Sleep, in which you see a wrist watch, is considered a sign of obligations taking place in real life. Often, it may mean the anxiety of sleeping about the timing of the execution of important cases. Wristwatches wear a reminder that you need to properly distribute your time.

Look at the wristwatch means that you have a strong concern about the affairs of the expected in the future. Perhaps this is an important meeting that you would like to hurry. If you have dreamed that you are somewhere late, glancing at the watch, it means that in real life you have problems with the period of execution of cases assigned to you. Look at the clock and see the expressed digit "5" - in society you give yourself to yourself as you really are.

If the dual hours do not have arrows, it means that it is expected to be carefree and empty waste of life. It may also mean that the sleeping person will wait for the circumstances at which he will forget about the time (love).

To see the bizarre clock or hours with a very beautiful dial means that very interesting moments occur in a person's life.

A bad sign is considered to see in a dream the clock who stopped, as a rule, such a dream can talk about someone's death. Losing a wrist watch - to the troubles caused by a rapid act.

If the time on the dial is counterclockwise, it means that a person is in an extremely difficult position from which it cannot find a way out. Wipe the clock with a rag - it means that the remainder of life has to be held on a foreign land.

To bring the arrows on the wristwatches testifies to the nearest remuneration for the work done, but you should not wait for wealth, because, most likely it will be just a praise of an influential person. Watch Watch - Changes for the better are expected.

Sleep, in which your friend accidentally leaves your wrist watch, is considered a predecessor of a long connection with this person.

Golden clock in a dream

A dream in which a person sees a gold watch may be controversial. It can foreshadow unpleasant events, such as betraying close people or theft of beloved things. If the Golden Watch does not show time, then in real life, a person is engaged in unnecessary affairs.

To see the gold watches in a dream may designate that intrigues are flying around a person who can disrupt the spiritual state of sleeping. Finding the golden clock - to joyful news from loved ones.

Some sources of sleep, in which a person sees a gold watch, is interpreted as a quick receipt of authority and recognition among others. See dear hours - To wealth and strong health.

What dreams of wall clock

Hear in a dream ticking of wall clocks - to an extreme situation, the development of the disease or sad events. If the ticking comes from the clock, which are faulty long ago, it means that the sleeping threaten serious problems associated with material position or health.

To see the vintage watch in a dream is a sign that it is worth thinking about the past and the future. Lee decently lived, and what a track will remain after you. Consider the vintage clock - in the future there is a repentance and shame for those perfect a few.

See the wall clock used for the purpose means that the sleeping person absolutely does not appreciate his life and time. And also such a dream foreshadows the situation that in the roots can change your life.

It may mean to start the alarm clock in a dream that in the near future will be faced with unfair accusations that can knock out the rut. Hear the ringing alarm - it's time for making an important decision.

Wall clock with cuckoo implies long life. The clock with a pendulum usually symbolizes the work of the heart. See wall e-watch - to a dispute with relatives or close friends.

To see the wall clock with the outcomed digit "1" - in a month the person who is not sensible to you will pay attention to you. If there is only a number "1" on the dial, it talks about your selfishness, which in the future can affect the attitude with close people.

If the arrows on the dial are twisted - after victory in real life, the failure band will follow, which can delay the long time.

What dreams broken or broken clock

To see broken or broken wristwatches in a dream - the leadership of the problem that will require urgent permission. Repair hours - in real life your attempts to stop the inevitable situation will not give results. If the clock is intact, and only the factory is broken - it can symbolize what soon you cheat your heart.

If in a dream you yourself break the clock, it can be considered a sign of what the tilting situation awaits you or the unlimited news. Smash the glass in the clock - a sign of frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society for a sleeping person, which may end the unexpected situation.

The dream in which the broken clock appear, says that it is not necessary to forget that everything changes and does not stand still. Broken clock symbolize the complex situation from which this moment You can't get out.

To drop the clock in a dream, while without breaking them - expect good luck in the resolution of the case, which everyone considered hopeless.

What does it mean to find a clock in a dream

Find clock in a dream - to losses and loss. Find pocket clocks - symbolize small problems. Find big wall clocks - to big scale problems. The reason for such problems can be your non-package. Sleep recalls that it is more serious to treat your duties of both professional and family.

If a woman dreams that she loses hours - the head of the fact that domestic troubles can serve as a great misfortune. To steal the clock means that someone tries to blacken the reputation of sleeping. If in a dream you have stolen hours - unfriendly people are trying to destroy your happiness.

What dreams to buy hours

Purchase of hours in a dream can indicate your excessive carelessness, as well as inability to independently cope with the current circumstances and make complex decisions. Also, such a dream reminds that it is serious to treat life and not to spend your time.

The dream in which you buy a clock can say that you lack confidence in your own power. Also such a dream can be interpreted as a quick receipt of a gift that will be very valuable for you.

What does it mean if in a dream gave the clock

In a dream, a gift in the form of wristwatches means that the sleeping is waiting for a new acquaintance in the near future. The presented clock completely symbolizes the person with whom the acquaintance will happen.

If you do not like the clock - it means that the acquaintance will be unpleasant. If a gift will drive you crazy with your beauty - perhaps in the future you will meet real love.

To give a clock in a dream - to trouble, in love affairs it may mean that you wonder the time for a person with whom you will not have nothing in the future.

According to the dream book, the hours in a dream foreshadow changes, successful achievement of goals, good luck in affairs, pleasant surprise, happy chance. What else do they dream? Sometimes deception, illness, unfair accusations, miscarius of ill-wishers.

Interpretation of the dreams of Enigma and Miller

Have you seen a dream watch? The dream book Enigma explains: the plot reminds of irrational use of the day. It is necessary to properly arrange priorities, reconsider their views and matters to the degree of importance.

If they were in your hand - successfully reach targets, despite the emerging complexity. Thanks to the previously accepted principles, you will easily overcome them.

Dreamed that you are watching their arrows? Interpretation of Miller The following: Rivals will impair your achievements and will prevent the efforts aimed at some kind of business.

Watch loss in a dream foreshadows homemade troubles that will provoke conflicts, turmoil with a partner - argues Miller.

What does Vange and Freud mean

What does the vintage watch dream? According to Vangi, this is a hint: it's time to rethink your achievements and understand whether you have made decisions. I need to think what a heritage in the spiritual plan will leave behind.

Watched on the clock that do not have a dial and tried to determine the time? Wang's dream book warns: to survive the tragedy, which will bring a lot of pain.

In the night dream, there were large outdoor or wall clocks? This means on Freud: you will surprise sex with a person who was previously considered clamped and restrained. It turns out that he expresses his feelings very brightly.

On Islamic, Muslim dream book

See the clock in a dream, according to the Muslim snorker, means: Sleeping joins an important life period, ahead of serious changes. Need to prepare.

Do not be afraid of change. Even if they seem unfavorable, as a result will benefit and experience. It is important to be patient and able to adapt to new circumstances. Nothing remains unchanged - everything changes at one time.

What hours were dreamed of

Remember what you dreamed:

  • wrist - small joy;
  • pocket - good luck in affairs and endeavors;
  • white - it's time to think about new purposes;
  • black - deceive a person who trust;
  • mechanical - throw off the illusions, live here and now;
  • old - fatigue from routine classes;
  • sandy - you can be late to do something;
  • aliens - envy to someone;
  • rusty - deterioration of well-being, energy loss.

Red - soon they will return the forgotten debts that you have no longer expected to get. But they themselves must also remember who need to give duty.

What dreams with a pendulum on the wall? Dream interpretation indicates: you will strongly repent of the errors allowed.

Precious in sleep

In a dream, the clock was silver? Soon reach the outlined and feel a peace, calm.

Golden wear - you will take up old tasks or deeds, but thanks to the new circumstances they will be easy to solve. Also, the vision promises recognition and honors.

Clock with diamonds - some changes will occur. Understand how the plan will help the appearance of the watch.

On the bracelet, strap

Women's, with a beautiful bracelet suggest: it's time to think about the current affairs and solve the accumulated questions or trouble. Especially pay attention to the love sphere.

Men's, on the road strap in a dream signals the beginning of significant life changes - says the dream book. Perhaps the dreams will meet a person who will affect his future.

Seen desktop?

Why dream desktop hours? They symbolize important things that sleep did not decrease. It's time to do it closely. No need to be afraid - the main thing is to start, and then everything will go.

To see the alarm clock - soon we take part in the unusual events that many positive and pleasant emotions will bring.


Did you consider the tower clock in a dream? This is a danger warning for you or relatives.

The clock on the tower is prompted: now not the time for active actions, do not rush events. Have you heard the fight of the chimes? Dream Interpretation Warns: Learn Sad Izvestia.

Wooden clock was present in the night dream? A certain life stage is completed, it's time to summarize. Rate your achievements, draw conclusions and move on.

Two hours nearly show different times? Subject to unfair accusations. Also, the vision indicates an indefinite life position.

What dreams of a clock as a decoration?

What dreams to wear elegant watch in the form of a ring on the finger? For the previous good deeds, fate thanks you on dignity.

Wailed to hang on the neck pendant with a clock in a dream? Your chosen one will greatly present a sophisticated surprise in honor of a special date or as a sign that he loves you very much and appreciates.

Have you seen an original, unusual eyelid bracelet? Dream interpretation suggests: To achieve conceived, you have to work a lot. He was new? You will go to a more prestigious work.

What does it mean to do something with them:

  • measure - a challenged choice;
  • find - you need to be punctual;
  • sell - long-awaited rest;
  • buy - the desire for a light naughty;
  • give - ahead of trouble;
  • get as a gift - cheat yourself;
  • steal - enemies want to blacken your reputation;
  • drop, not breaking - luck in solving a complex case;
  • smash - allow a serious error;
  • to put on your hand - significant events in the life of loved ones.

Choose in the store? So, things will be put up and go uphill - says Dream Interpretation. Vision promises success at work and in relationships.

Did the time for them? You have enough energy to complete your undertakings. Do not be afraid to act.

Lose and find out

Lost and searched in a dream? Troubles and discord houses. Show patience and understanding. Also, by the dream, the search for hours indicates a lack of communication.

Found lost? Considerate yourself to avoid losses. The find of other people is an excellent sign. Thanks to the unexpected good, you will achieve your goal.


Why dream of translating the arrows forward? In reality, the desire of sleep will come true, but not so fast. Translate back - will happen that man specially delays. Moreover, it will happen before he assumes.

Turn over the clock upside down - by dream book, you need to reconsider my beliefs. Some incorrectly understood information confuses, does not allow to take correct solutions.

Take off

Remove them in a dream - you work too hard, it's time to arrange rest, otherwise you will start wrong or spoil the results of the work.

Remove the old hours and throw them away - a favorable omen. Symbolizes getting rid of prejudice or obsolete views.

Over time, everything changes, and beliefs too. Learn to adapt to modern realities. But you should not fall in extremes: distinguish important principles from those that change under the influence of fashion or circumstances.

Replace broken

What dream of breaking the clock? Dream Interpretation reports: failures and losses will be collapsed. Replace them - you can correct the situation, replay ill-wishers.

Also repair the clock in a dream means: you will correct your mistakes. Also making the repair of the watch in a dream - you will have to help someone settle the consequences of his misses.


Perhaps to disassemble the clock mechanism? Let's get into the difficult situation from which it will be not so easy to get out. Thoroughly think about your steps, do not act the haze.

Why dream to disassemble them, eliminate the problem and collect? The meaning of the plot, in the dream: Sleep independently cope with the difficulties arising.

Saw how something happened with the clock:

  • disciped time - a significant event is completely close;
  • crashed - trouble, loss;
  • broke - you need to immediately solve some problem;
  • stopped - relatives seriously first;
  • hurry up - there will be a case to change the life of the family for the better;
  • should back - return to the past.

The clock was lagging behind in a dream? Hurry up to do something or complete the started: favorable time passes. Began to go wrong? Everything will go awry, it can even end sadly.

In a dream, any items can appear in a dream, any events. The main thing is to push the dream correctly. What dreams of wrist watch? It is worth understanding.

What dreams of wrist watch are the main interpretation

The clock count the time left to live a person. And it is inexorable runs. Dream interpreters claim if you had a clock, it is important to remember everything, even the most minor dream details:

Where in a dream, the clock took up;

Whose watches you see in a dream;

Whether they were good;

Did you hear the clock shooter running;

What emotions visited you during sleep;

Who else attended in your dream.

Exterminating sleep completely, you guarantee a clear prediction of future events. In some cases, the events of the past may appear in a dream. In this case, it is worth looking even stronger to all the details of sleep. In them, most likely, you will find a lot of interesting things.

If you see in a dream that the clock stopped - such a dream foreshadows someone's health problems and maybe even death. If you have in your hand in a dream the vintage watches that you really like - you have to remember the most pleasant moments of the past and let him go.

If you see the old hours on your hand, which all the wishes may even cracked - such a dream can add you the appearance of someone from your last Life. This person will raise the storm of emotions in you and will not let you calmly perceive reality.

Dream Interpretation advises not to restore old connections, not to join the relationship with old loved ones, not torturing the happiness in those who have denied. Your past is not just like you, it prevents you in every way to build you your future.

If in a dream you are trying to determine the time by the clock, which have no dial - you are in danger. Accidents and unpleasant events will simply pursue you at every step. If you suddenly become sad and lonely, do not look for consolation unfamiliar people - Possible from their side of betrayal and treason.

If you clearly hear a knock on your hand - your life will be for a long time Not defined. You will not be able to establish contacts, you cannot establish a relationship with others. You will have to even understand the internal causes of such troubles.

But it is worth remembering, how long did you hear a knock of the clock. If he never stopped in a dream - then you should be ready for protracted problems and obstacles. If he is in a dream of dots - the problems will retreat, and you yourself will find the right decision in order to get rid of them.

If you dreamed a dream in which you found someone's wristwatches in your bed - someone greatly envies your family happiness and the person will not calm down until he destroys the family. Dream Interpretation advises in the near future to limit the circle of his acquaintances and the circle of its admirers. If you even suspected who it can be - try to snatch and do not submit the mind that you expect a trick.

A dream in which you will dream that someone else brought wristwatches to your home and did not give them, but threw it up - remember who it was. Perhaps you have a serious conversation with this person. The conversation will be severe for you.

A dream in which you cannot find your wristwatch - promises in an empty spent time that you cannot restore. You will have to deny for a long time in many ways to catch up. If you still found a clock in a dream - it means troubles, if the clock did not find it - you will have to fight for a long time with the coincidence.

The dream in which you have stolen the robbers - promises the loss of your time for the troubles and problems of other people. Dream Interpretation advises to help only those who really need it. You may have been too trusting and sought to help many to the detriment own health, Then dream book advises you to stop such behavior, otherwise the result will be negative for you.

If you are in a dream inadvertently breaking your watch, but they only crack and continue to go such a dream promises you difficulty. You will see the opportunity for a long time to implement your plans and find. If you crash your wristwatches in a dream, and they are not subject to recovery - such a dream promises you the problems that you have brought yourself. You will also have to solve them yourself and you have it very bad.

If you dreamed that you found old wristwatches on the road - you will have to participate in solving someone's problems that in the past and you. The sense of duty will not allow you to refuse a person to help, but the dream book advises you to go for this step, otherwise you will lose a lot.

What dreams Wristwatches for the Dream of Freud

In the dream book, Freud says that if you see the watch in your hand - you are awaiting thanks for the work done. If they are from pure gold - your work will be appreciated, and more than once will contact you for help.

If a girl dreamed that a man gives her watches, decorated with stones and other expensive accessories - such a dream foreshadows her incendiary novel with a rather wealthy man.

A dream in which the clock you gave you old or even broken - you are waiting for an unpleasant relationship, poor sex and very hard parting with a person. Dream Interpretation advises in advance to this ready and not hoping to improve relations soon.

If the married couple will dreamed that the wrist watch stopped - their relationship is moving towards completion. They could try to keep them for a long time, but everything has their time. And time for life together they ended. If partners meet that there was a new bond between them, that they exchanged this for hours - so it will be in reality. They will really give each other valuable minutes of attention and love.

If a girl dreamed that she gives a lover clock - this is a rather unfavorable sign. She will pay more time to relationship than a man. At some point, she will get tired and she will complete relationships, but the partner will not be ready for this, as it believed that everything is in order and the partner suits everything.

What dreams of wrist watch for esoteric dreamy

In the esoteric dream book it is said that the most important and valuable person in the life of a person is time. If you manage correctly - you can achieve a lot. If you spend it in regret and fears - nothing is impossible to achieve. If you dreamed that you found wristwatches and they are good - you will be given a chance to correct some situation from the past.

If you dreamed that you found a clock, and they are broken - your hopes for success in some kind of fact will not bring fruits. It is worth seeing exactly where you found them. If this is your home - such a dream foreshadows you many features that you miss because of the difficult situation in the house.

Dream Interpretation advises not to allow despondency and scandals in the house. If you do not listen to the advice and do not restore the harmony and the way in it - you will continue to accompany trouble. If you have found broken hours at work - you may have to look for a new place.

If in a dream you are trying to fix the clock - such a dream promises you attempt to restore balance and justice. You can safely begin a new thing if you managed to repair the wrist watch. What is the watches watch - to a new favorable period in your life. Dream interpretation warns you from mindless use of a favorable moment. You should be more attentive to the gifts of fate, take the maximum benefit from them.

What dreams of wrist watch for other dreams

In the dream book of the wanderer it says that the wristwatch in a dream is a new lesson that will take time from you daily. If you do not know what kind of class it may be - you should look at the rest of the dreams.

If you have a long time in a dream, you choose the watches and can not buy them - you yourself will invent for yourself trouble and then you will be masculously to decide. You will with enthusiasm to overcome difficulties, not understanding that they could be avoided.

Medele's dream book says that stopped hours in a dream is a symbol of stopped time. In your life there will be stagnation, but you can now foresee. You can still change everything. Dream interpretation advises you not to stop there, do not stop planning, but constantly changing goals, constantly strive for something. If in a dream, the stopped watches begin to go - such a dream means that you can realize your losses in the past.

Such a dream has several values. Find a clock in a dream on the street or in the house can mean that soon you will give a lot of time and effort or you will have insufficient moments to solve all your problems and trouble.

Typically, the nature of this measuring device, its purpose and the appearance shows you a change that it will make you change my plans for the near future. Wrist watches can mean incomplete, some problem, business or activity.

Alarm clocks and wall-mounted watch often predict you change in personal life and in the family. To understand what it means to find a clock in a dream, pay attention to the place where you find them, the state of the measuring instrument of time, their color and purpose.

Try to link them with change, new plans and changes that will happen soon in your environment or in your personal life. That's what dreams to find any clock most often.

Street, house or apartment

The place in which you managed to find a clock in a dream can indirectly indicate the activity in which changes or time will soon happen when this happens. Please note, under what circumstances you could find them, weather and at least indirectly period of the year or day. Especially if this time is different from the real one. For example, if in a dream fall, and on the street there is snow or the Falls of the August Sun.

If in a dream you found a clock on the road while in a hurry to work or at the place of study, then the dream book writes that you will soon make a proposal that can affect professional activities or change your life. Sometimes a girl such a dream predicts an unscheduled pregnancy, which can change the life plans or the need to spend a lot of time on someone or something.

The watches found on the road, especially at the intersection, predict the birth of a child, as well as a change associated with the choice or a change in the life path. Many after such a dream will be replaced by the university profile, will switch to a similar institution already in another city or will soon be working at a new enterprise.

In some cases, the clock, especially beautiful, found at the intersection, predict the novel, as a result of which you lose a lot of time and miss some chance. But in some cases, the dream book writes that you will soon be the choice, road, relocation and even change in the place of residence.

Try to understand what such a discovery means and whether the clock went in a dream, was not broken or deformed.

Sometimes the watch at the intersection predicts you that very soon before you will be some kind of painful choice. However, the situation of this measuring device itself indicates the situation itself.

Find a clock in public transport - to the fact that as a result of change you can find your lucky chance and do not miss it. However, stealing this accessory is bad sign. It is believed that you can go through the road and even deprive the person of life in an unintentionally.

It is also worth paying attention to hours, their purpose, condition and size. In a public institution - wait for a new order or case.

Dream Interpretation writes about the next meaning of such a dream: you will spend a lot of time to work or she will seem to you endless. And the found hours on the market predict the danger of deception and fraud.

If they found themselves in the store, do not miss your chance, but remember that the well-being will not always continue.

Find watch in the house - to the change in the family. They can be completely different. Pretty both good and bad. Sometimes their appearance means the addition of the family.

Time of year and day

IN to go in a dream autumn around, when winter came, means that you still have time to complete some kind of business. Please note that you have found a clock or old in a dream. The ancient model, the more launched the case that requires attention.

Sometimes the dream book writes that you will soon have to do the affairs of your parents or grandparents.

Usually the past of the past resemble themselves about the time of the year, which has been held recently or here.

Especially if events unfold around that temporary interval, which is currently valid.

If you see the future time, the dream book writes that a certain event will soon happen and it will be important. Pregnant season, especially a month, year, the weather means often the date of birth of a child. Especially if it coincides with the holiday or whose birthday. Also found hours can mean premature birthoften for several months ahead of time or later.

The time of day in a dream shows, in which rhythm or pace you will solve your problems. If you find men's wristwatches in the dark time, wait for the responsible task or unexpected and overtime work, which will take a lot of time.

Sometimes the dream book says that you need to hurry with the solution of an important and responsible question. Early time means work, but you will do it in the usual mode. But the found beautiful o'clocks at night or at the dawn, it does not matter, morning or evening, predicts you trouble in your personal life or a new acquaintance.

Model of watch

Wristwatches usually mean some things and what is related to professional activities, work, communication and sports. The more expensive the model, the more significant the status and prestige of the person, as well as wealth.

Dream Interpretation writes that a dream often means a new job or activity that will soon bring you a tangible income. Or acquaintance with an influential person who will affect your life and place under the sun.

Sports models, simple and not too expensive usually mean friends and free pastime. Sometimes their finding predicts you acquaintance with a person who will good friend Both buddy, marriage in youth and active lifestyle. Pregnant woman their find means the birth of strong and healthy baby, more often a boy.

The alarm clock often predicts you change in the house or in the family. Color means caring, the birth of a son or daughter, if the shade is close to blue or pink. Pay attention to how the shade is pleasant for you. But in general, an alarm clock means troubles and care.

Wall-mounted round and modern watches found means that you will soon be waiting for change in your personal life and at home. Idle can lead to a woman's house, fall in love or marry. Married such a dream dreams of a child or pregnancy.

But the ancient or made under ancient ancient, even just jewelry predicts to you that soon the affairs of parents, grandparents will require increased attention.

Any broken and spoiled, curved hours predict to you trouble, collapse of hopes and plans for the future. Sometimes a pregnant woman is a dream for miscarriage and the fact that the child will be born dead or for a long time will not live. But even if the most hopeless hours went, then, contrary to all forecasts, you will get the desired.

Even if it seems that it is incredibly or impossible. The clocks that come with incredibly fast speed mean that you need to take a break in the activity and relax.

Dream Interpretation writes that such a dream means an extreme degree of tension and distance, the feeling of "proteins in the wheel". Try to focus only on the most important things to avoid overwork.

Women's watches in a dream mean women's affairs or personal life, men's business activity or acquaintance with a guy for a girl or a cute lady.

    Dream "vseproson"

    Sandfish clock in snow Sandfish clock in snow you see, how in sandy clock Pokoteet sand

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  • Dream Interpretation "Goroskop.Rx24"

    By Dream Tsvetkov: See in snow sandfish clock - Get a reprimand from the authorities for your disadvantage. By Dream Dream Hasse: if in snow you see sandfish clock - In life you are waiting for the disappointment in what you are doing on esoteric dreamy: Sandfish clock - Symbol sleepwhich carries the energy of control and accuracy. See Such a sign in snow, means that in reality you need to be more collected, because the time allotted by fate is not infinite.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Magiachisel"

    See in snow Wall-mounted electronic clockwhich is highlighted - means that in real life you will enter into a dispute with your nearest environment and make an important discovery. If you are shot sandfish clock - It suggests that you will be drawn in someone else in public life and take an active part in rallies and folk holidays.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    See in snow sand - suffer loss. Sometimes believe that sand - Means wealth. Sit on the beach and shield sand From hand in hand or somehow otherwise play sand - In reality, experience insecurity and greater doubts in their rightness, indecisiveness in affairs, which can harm. Master in snow sandfish clock - In your love experiences will be equally and joys, and chagrin.

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  • Dream "Owoman"

    What to dream Clock By dreams: Clock - with stopped arrows mean death; With fast moving arrows - your time ends. Sandfish clock - A possible symbol of death when time ends. Dream Dream Healer Evdokia. See Clock in snow: Clock - If you dreamed that you are squeezed clock on hand, then know: such sleep Specifies the major remuneration for your work.

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  • Dream "SNY-SONNIK"

    wATCH clock sandfish clock Devices wall clock. Dream book Clock To consider in snow Stainless clock - A sign that in the future you will be very repent of the mistakes perfect in the past. If in snow you see, how in sandy clock Pokoteet sand

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  • Dream Interpretation "Magiachisel"

    Sandfish clock in snow see - adversely because clock Sand in clock - Natural element, but the dreams lost either losing touch with natural rhythms, the investigation will be an unhealthy and loss of their own. No success in such a state is impossible. Sleep

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  • Dream Interpretation "Isonniki"

    See in snow Sandfish clock - It does not necessarily mean something bad, sometimes dnah Again what you thought before sleep or on this day. What means sleep Sandfish clock or see in snow Sandfish clock And what to expect from sleep - If you think about it, then the interpretation of these snov You will find exactly from us. Our dream book Sandfish clock will help you learn everything about snow in which you saw Sandfish clock.

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  • Dreamnov Domsnov

    Sandfish clock see in snow, indicates that you need to do some urgent, if you do not fulfill it on time, the result will be depressing. Also sandfish clock You can tell you about your non-serious attitude to the time you need to appreciate, and not spend in empty. Clock Without a shooter or broken arrows indicate that you are waiting for a stagnant in affairs and great experiences.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Esonniki"

    Sandfish clock in snow see - adversely because clock - a human hand product, the vision of them means submission to other people's external temporary rhythms. Sand in clock Sleep It is pushed as a warning from extremely wrong personal behavior.

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  • Dream "Sonnik.bun"

    Sandfish clock in snow see: adversely because clock. Sand in clock Sleep It is pushed as a warning from extremely wrong personal behavior.

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  • Dream "SNY-SONNIK"

    See Sandfish clock in snow So - Sandfish CLOCK - If you are shot sandfish clockthen this suggests that you will still be drawn into public life and take an active part in rallies and national holidays. If you have your own dream associated with a dream Sandfish clock Write about it: Check for yourself Page

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  • Dream Interpretation "Esonniki"

    Clock sandfish sand/ Water B. clock See in snow clock clock

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  • Dream "vseproson"

    Sandfish clock in snow - The danger of losing an expensive person. Sandfish clock turn over - to be a culprit of important changes in his life. If a in snow you see, how in sandy clock Pokoteet sand- This is a reminder to you that time is inexorably moving, and if you do not hurry, then your capabilities will be irretrievably lost.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Mirkosmosa"

    Sand in snow see/ go to sand/ move it / clock sandfish - sand, this is a Yin element of the Earth, easily conductive Yang-Energy in both directions (give and take). sleep sand. Sand - A common time symbol: sand in sandy clock, wandering sands The deserts are buried under themselves the ancient cities ... a dream with participation sand may reflect fear of death, fears for their health (time leaves) or the desire of sleeping leave your mark in life (the trail on sand).

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  • Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Clock sandfish or water or rapidly decreasing sand/ Water B. clock - Time of time and strength on empty things either on an ungrateful person. See in snow broken / stopped mechanical clock on hand / wall / vintage stopped clock - psychological stop, loopiness on some event in the past and the absence of this; Long negative emotions created blocks in the body - impassability of energy through channels.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Isonniki"

    See sleep Sand dream book See in snow Sand - a pleasant visit; Scatter - obscure relationship. Sand Dream Interpretation snov Sand - wealth; Sit down sand, go to sand - Meeting with an old friend. Sand dream book what dreams SandSand in snow foreshadows hunger and loss. Sand dream book Sand - A common time symbol: sand in sandy clock, wandering sands The deserts are buried under themselves the ancient cities ...

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  • Dream "Junona"

    Clock sandfish or water or rapidly decreasing sand/ Water B. clock - Time of time and strength on empty things either on an ungrateful person. See in snow broken / stopped mechanical clock on hand / wall / vintage stopped clock - psychological stop, loopiness on some event in the past and the absence of this; Long negative emotions created blocks in the body - impassability of energy through channels.

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  • Dream "Astromeridian"

    Dream Interpretator Online »Meaning snov on the letter P »Dream Sandfish clockWhat dreams of Sandfish clock in snow see. This will start 26 days after you will dream this sleep But gradually you will find how you simply dragged on Arkan into this case and dumped on you all the organizational part, which, of course, do not like you.

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  • Dream "Vedunica"

    Sleepin which you drag sand Stretch, foreshadows deception and severe consequences of errors committed not in their own fault. If a see in snow The children's sandbox in which your child plays is in reality will bring you the fulfillment of hope, success in affairs and family happiness. Turn over in snow sandfish clock - In your love experiences will be equally and joys, and chagrin.

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  • Dream "SNY-SONNIK"

    Sandfish clock in snow see: adversely because clock Sand in clock: Natural element, but the dreams lost either losing touch with natural rhythms, the consequence will be an unhealthy and loss of their own. No success in such a state is impossible. Sleep It is pushed as a warning from extremely wrong personal behavior.

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  • Dream "Junona"

    Sandfish clock in snow see - adversely because clock - a human hand product, the vision of them means submission to other people's external temporary rhythms. Sand in clock - Natural element, but the dreams lost either losing touch with natural rhythms (see the time article), the result will be an unhealthy and loss of their own. No success in such a state is impossible. Sleep It is pushed as a warning from extremely wrong personal behavior.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Esonniki"

    You dreamed Sandfish clock in snow? See in snow Sandfish clock - It does not necessarily mean something bad or good, sometimes dnah to take about the latest events, namely, what did you think before sleep or on this day. And what means sleep Sandfish clock If really see in snow Sandfish clock And what to expect from sleep - If you find yourself similar questions, the answer to them and the interpretation of these snov You will find exactly from us.

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  • Dream "Sonnik.Guru"

    Dream book Sandfish clock - If you are shot sandfish clock sleepAnd at first you will not feel stiffness or inconvenience, as you will be asked about a trifle service.

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  • Dream "Astromeridian"

    What does it mean if you are shot Clock: ClockSee Reminds the decent use of time; If you dream in snow, what clock run forward, then this means death; what if seethat they are lagging behind, it marks a long life. If in snow you see, how in sandy clock Pokoteet sand- This is a reminder to you that the time is inexorable moving and if you do not hurry, then your capabilities will be irrevocably lost.

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  • Dream "AstroKey"

    Sandfish clock in snow see - adversely because clock - a human hand product, the vision of them means submission to other people's external temporary rhythms. Sand in clock - Natural element, but the dreams lost either losing touch with natural rhythms (see the time article), the result will be an unhealthy and loss of their own. No success in such a state is impossible. Sleep It is pushed as a warning from extremely wrong personal behavior.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Ladyelena"

    At all see in snow clock - a complex symbol requiring a clear analysis of the situation in snow. Clock in snow They may be denoted as a state of sleep health and its age. Drawn sandfish clock It is suggested that time leaves, and if you do not hurry, then all the possibilities may be lost. Drawn clock I can designate changes in the future. See in snow clear time ( clock And minutes) - month and day of events that can turn your life.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dreamed sandfish Clock , but necessary interpretation sleep No in dream book? Our experts will help you find out what to dream. sandfish Clock in snow, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if in snow videli This symbol. Try!

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  • Dream Interpretation "Mirkosmosa"

    Clock in snow see. Sandfish clock - If you are shot sandfish clockThis suggests that you will still be drawn into public life and take an active part in rallies and folk holidays. All this will start 26 days after you will dream this sleepAnd at first you will not feel stiffness or inconvenience, as you will be asked about a trifle service.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Horo.mail"

    Pepelove in snow ash - means that sees this sleepare waiting for bitter changes. What was standing on my shelf sandfish clock, and suddenly I do not know where - they fall, and in snow sand falls asleep the whole room. I start to collect him quickly, because I am waiting for someone to visit, but nothing happens, it is becoming more and more .. I read that sand - This is ambiguity in relationships.

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