Thematic week "Sun, Air and Water - our best friends." Outdoor games. The game of attention and reaction for children - "Earth, water, air rules of the game" Earth, water, air "

Painting 10.06.2021


"How to make changes interesting?"

Student 4 "in" class

Leader: Skvortsova Irina Petrovna,
primary school teacher


Introduction 3.

Basic part 4.

Practical work 7.

Conclusion 9.

Literature 10.

Appendix 11.


Objective of the project: Organize your holiday on change, taking into account individual interests.

Project tasks:

o observe what they are doing on the change of the guys;

o learn from which their behavior on change depends;

o How to organize a meaningful vacation rest, improve discipline on changes, increase interest in school

Problem:we want us to be interested in changing, but do not know how.


Change is a joke!

Change is laughter!

Change is the games!

Change is a run!

Main part

First of all, I found out what a "change" was, it turned out that in the dictionaries of the Russian language there is no accurate definition of this word. In the "Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms of the Russian Language" I found the synonyms of this word - P yeremen - Change, shift, alternation.I came to the conclusion that change in school is a change of activities.

Let's see from the side, as we behave on change:

Someone just walks along the corridor;

Someone repeats homework on the subject;

Someone enthusiastically communicates with friends;

Someone descends into the dining room to eat;

Someone with friends playing games;

Someone communicates by phone.

But there are many dangerous and unwanted what children do during change:

On the change, children are fighting.
A stupid quarrel in a stupid occasion often develops into a fight with health consequences.

On the change, children are torn out of the window, pushed on the stairs, run through school corridors.
Balecy before the good does not bring - it is known ..

After all, as it happens: the children did not want to do anything wrong, they simply have fun, pushed, forgot about common sense, and then someone accidentally collapsed, crushed, and ... Creek, tears, PE ...

Why do the guys behave differently?

It turns out that there are three types of people in the perception of the surrounding world.

So, the visual most often remains in the class, if the majority of students from it comes out. For him, the main thing - the opportunity to calmly plunge into their visual images.

But he may interfere with noisy audial dialogs or rolling games of kinesthetics. Then he would prefer to enter the corridor, where it will observe other children or consider information on the walls.

Audials use to change to speak and hang. Especially if in the previous lesson I had to "keep your mouth on the castle."

For a kinestrate, a change is needed to warm up, move.

What are these observations talking about? Do not force all the children to play for a change in any game or listen to quiet music. Each child instinctively chooses a suitable way to restore forces.

I spent poll Among your peers: "What needs to be done so that the changes are interesting, and that students do not run on school?"

Here are the proposals expressed students:

Girls offer to turn on music. Boys offer to play mobile games, but without injury.

Boys and girls offer to bring board games or you can compose jokes, riddles, or, if possible, repeat the lessons, or make them.

In the corridors include calm music.

Conduct competition between classes:

a) "The most polite class";

b) "The most quiet class."

Conduct games in the gym, lobby.

Put tennis and chess tables in the lobby.

Carry out radio broadcasts and radar, transmission from school life.

Create a psychological unloading room at school, in which the guys can relax, calm down, chat with a qualified psychologist who will help solve any problems.

Play: in puzzles, board games, chess, participate in organized games.

Help the teacher: remove the class, wash the board, distribute the notebook, pour flowers, firing the desks.

Go to the dining room.

After this polling, I made a table for each type of people and that's what I did.

I was once again convinced that each of the guys in my survey corresponds to a specific group in the table.

Practical work

I checked everything listed in the table in practical situations.

If the music sounded in the class, independently what sound and content in the class, then the same guys were on the change in the class.

If I brought bright and colorful magazines to class, they were interested in other guys.

And if I declared about holding games in the corridor, quite different classmates participated.

I shared with classmates interesting information that I learned about. The guys were very interested in my research and they became my assistants, began to find different games (see Appendix) and interesting materials.

For example, we have rules for change behavior.

1. The entire body should relax on the change, all the muscles (if you do not play, then performing physical attachment).

2. Do not loudly hype. Remember, your comrades and friends are resting with you.

3. In the game, comply with all the rules, respect comrants.

4. Clever to give up, do not quarrel.

5. If someone offended, inadvertently pushed - apologizing.

6. Find out new games and teach classmates.

7. Prepare for the next lesson, repeate the poem, rule.

The game was a person satellite from time immemorial. The appointment of ancient games was not entertaining, but practical. The actions of the game and the words of the song, people tried to secure future success in the upcoming works, and since a person depended on nature, and the main object of the image in the game songs was an animal and vegetable world.

I learned that games are:

· Movable ("spots", "Shootout", "bouncers",)

· Loading ("ring", "Covan chains"

· Sports ("Towns", football, volleyball)

· Didactic (games with words, attention)

· Desktop

· Games-hooks (games in which there is a construction that persists throughout the game)

· Reaction games

· Games are drawing (power games, the purpose of which the need to drag the opponent image)

· Catching (hardening (or leading) need to be osal (touch) runaway players

· Games relay

· Search games (games in which you need to look for participants or objects)

· Games with ball

· Acceptance games (various options for "war guys" and target shooting)

· Games with a rope, rubber band, etc.

I also learned that there are rituals accompanying the game. The drawing rituals include the draw, for the distribution of participants in teams and counting, to choose a leading.

In addition, in perspective after the game, winners can receive any reward, or defeated serving a certain sentence.
For example, the loser team rolling on its backs of winners or the loser becomes leading, etc.

I determined that for change in school games are suitable for small mobility, desktop, didactic, as they will not cause a lot of noise.


In conclusion, I can say that for myself I have opened a lot of interesting things in the organization of a meaningful rest on change. The assembled material can be used both the teacher and the guys.

By performing the project, I learned to conduct a sociological survey, handle information, worked with the Internet, selected the material necessary for my project, studied to systematize, choose the main thing, replenished my vocabulary.

I consider my project very interesting, exciting and useful for schoolchildren of any age.


1. Alekseev A.A. Games on school variables OSA: Rosstani, 1992

2. Shmakov S.A. Games - Jokes, Games - Minutes M., New School, 1993


Molecules game

Rules of the game: You are moving in class, as soon as I call the number of molecules, you must form it. The group in which "molecules" leaves the game less.

Game "Earth, Water, Fire, Air"

Playing become a circle, in the middle it is worth it. He throws the ball to someone from the players, pronouncing one of the four words: earth, water, air, fire. If the leader said the word "earth", then the ball had to quickly call any domestic or wild animal. On the word "water", the player meets the name of any fish. On the word "air" - the name of birds. With the word "fire", everyone must quickly turn around several times around, having fluttering his hands. The mistake comes out of the circle.

Game "Hot Ball"

Playing get up in a circle, the presenter becomes back to playing outside the circle. According to the signal of leading players, the ball transmits each other (for example, clockwise). Suddenly the lead says: "Stop!" He, who at that moment turned out to be the ball, coming out of the game. Finally only two players remain. They get up in front of each other and in the signal, as before, begin to quickly pass the ball to each other. When the presenter says: "Stop!", The ball will be in the hands of one of the players. At the same time it is believed that the second won.

The game trains attention and speed of movements.

Game "nonsense with drawings"

To calm the guys, play on the ranks in this game.

On the top of the leaflet, each player at the first page draws his head and neck of any creature - a man, birds, beast and so on. The edge of the leaf is bended so that part of the neck is visible. The players pass the leaflets to their neighbor on the desk, waiver to continue the drawing - to draw to the neck torso. Paper is bended so that the bottom edge of the body is visible. To this edge, after the exchange of leaves, you need to draw legs and tail. Now turn the drawings and admire the received "masterpieces"!

The game "This is me"!

Guys, I will now ask questions, and you are friendly, clapping in your hands, answer:
"That's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" Or, drowning legs, say: "And not me, and not me, and not all my friends."

Let's decide: clapping in your hands - "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!"
Hoping legs - "No I am not, no, not me, and not all my friends!". So, start:
Who is Vatago cheer every day walks to school?! (It's me...)
Which of you your work is decorated with class and house?! (It's me...)
Who frost is not afraid, skates run like a bird?! (It's me...)
Which of you is such a dexter, the ball is better than everyone?! (It's me...)
Which of you, tell me the choir, is busy in the class conversation?! (No, not me...)
Which of you keeps in order of books, handles and notebooks?! (It's me...)
Which of you, tell me, brothers, forgets to wash?! (No, not me...)
Who does his home lesson performs exactly on time?! (It's me...)
Which of you comes into a class late for an hour?! (No, not me...)
Who, playing in volleyball, scores in the window goals?! (No, not me...)
Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in the lesson?! (No, not me...)
Which of you does not look frowning, loves sports and physical education?! (It's me...)
Which of you brought here songs, jokes, laughter to tears?! (It's me...)

Game "Yes - no"

A friend always reversible? Yes!
Would you like to lie? Yes!
In the class to write off the answer? Not!
Throw stone cat after? Not!
Take a ticket on the bus? Not!
Ah ah ah! How is it "no"?
Need to take a ticket always? Yes!
Do not rob when trouble? Yes!
Do not regret the work of labor? Yes!
Hands do not wash when lunch? Not!
How is it "not wash"? Wash must!
Wash the dirt without a trace? Yes!
Sun, air and water? Yes!
We are lazy with a helmet hello? Not!
And those who always work? Yes!

Movable game "Earth, water, fire, air."

Playing become a circle, in the middle it is worth it. He throws the ball to someone from the players, pronounces one of their four words: earth, water, fire, air. If the presenter says the word "earth", the one who caught the ball must quickly call some homemade or wild animal. On the word "water" playing meets the name of the fish, on the word "air" - the name of the bird. With the word "fire" everything must turn around several times around, having fluttering his hands. Then the ball is returned to the lead.

Rules of the game: The mistake comes out of the game.

Moving game "Angry in pairs."

Waking up on the pairs, guys run the platform. Whose pair will be ahead of all, she will win.
You can run in pairs and holding the hands of the cross.

Movable game "Gus-Swans".

The participants of the game choose a wolf and owner, the rest of the geese swans. On one side of the site drawn the house where the owner lives and geese, the wolf lives on the other. The owner launches geese in the field to take a walk, core green grass. Geese leave home quite far away. After a while the owner calls geese. There is a roll call between the owner and geese:

Do you want?
Yes Yes Yes!
Gus-swans, home!
Gray wolf under the mountain!
What is he doing there?
Rockies pinch.
Well, run home!

Geese run to the house, the wolf is trying to catch them. Caught their games. The game ends when almost all geese caught. The last remaining goose, the most clever and fast, becomes a wolf.

Rules of the game:

Geese must "fly" throughout the platform. The wolf can only catch them after words: "Well, run home!"

Movable game "Consider steps".

Children are going on one side of the playground. Each playing is offered several times, in an arbitrary pace, to run on the other side, committing every period of an increasing number of steps.
Who will do it better?

Movable game "raise scarf".

Players become in a circle, in the center it is put on the head handkerchief. Melody sounds, everyone is dancing. With the end of music, each participant of the game tries to first raise a handkerchief.

Rules of the game:
You can not reach for a handkerchief and get out of the circle before the music stops.

Moving game "Vanechka needs clothes."

Playing form a circle. At a distance of one or two steps from each other outlined with chalk every place. From among the players, the vanechka is selected. He stands in a circle. All others assign a name for some clothes: hat, scarf, socks, etc. Several children may be called the same name of clothing.
Vanya says: "Vanechka needs a scarf". Scarves, having fallen a circle, become near Vanechka. Then he calls a different type of clothing, and repeats the same thing. Then Vanechka says: "Vanechka needs all clothes!"
After these words, everyone - those who stood around him, and those who remained not caused, leave their places and flee the Vanechka. Players must follow when the Vanechka will take some circle. Then they also quickly try to take some kind of circle.
The remaining without a place becomes a vane.

Rules of the game:
We defeat those that have never been a vanya.

Scene-role game "Mother's daughter".

Mother's daughters - a children's role-playing game, imitating adult family life. They initiate and play predominantly girls (including men's roles), which, however, does not exclude the participation of boys. Clear rules are absent. Everything is built on the initial idea and distribution of roles, which in the course of the game can easily change. For the game, as a rule, dolls and all kinds of children's "inventory" are used - toy dishes, underwear, interiors, etc.
Playing children distribute among themselves the roles of different family members, implement real life situations in the game, imitate the behavior of relatives and peers, play actual events, right up to intonation and poses, reproduce communication and relationships within their families, in kindergarten and others. Any playful plot It is nursed on the fantasy and creativity of the game for children. Children can not only imitate actually seen, but also embody their dreams about life in the game.
Adults must play, and not dictate the rules of the game. The permissible maximum activity is to submit an idea, but be prepared and refusal. The director must be the child. Otherwise, he will only be observed or imitate adults who actively show, "how to play correctly", and as a result - the child reaps the insecurity and the feeling that only adults can do everything really good.
At the time of the game, the parent must make an effort and forget the "adult tone". Sokhriches, wondering and educational notations destroy the game world in one moment. The game is important intonation and diligence of participants.

Moving games to the theme of the week

"Sun, air and water - our best friends"


Main move: Walking.

Game description:

Children go in a circle and pronounce words along with the teacher:

"The pond is silence

Do not pegs,

Do not make sure, root,

Fall asleep, kids. "

At the end of words, children stop, squatted, closed their eyes. The educator checks whether all the children are sitting motionless. Then says:

"Kamyshey's noise

And kids woke up. "

Children stand up and say: "And woke up, reached out."


Main movement: Run

Game description:

Children, holding hands go in a circle and say words:


Looking in the window

Babes walk

You will be waiting. "

Driving a sun in a cap and says:

"Well, do not yaw,

Runly fly away! "


Main movement:Running jumping.

Game description:

Choose leading. He put on a hat "Wind". And he moves away. The teacher says:

"Because of the Christmas tree on the edge

Someone looked out ears. (the children sat down and show ears)

Paws jacks freeze

Bunny legs warmingly (stood, fear feet)

Began to jump and jump,

Steel fun to play. " (Children jump).

The teacher says: "

Well, the wind, do not yaw

And bunners catch up! "

The driving catch up with children.

"Sun and rain"

Main movement:Walking, running.

Game description:

The teacher says:

« What a nice weather!" Let's go rather to walk.

Children go and utter words:

"Watching the sun in the window,

Shines in our room.

We scribble in the palm,

Very happy with the sun. "

"And now run who, where wants." (Children run on the site).

"Look, the rain is coming. Go to me under the umbrella. " Children run under an umbrella."Look at the rain ended. Let's go rather walking. "

The game is repeated several times.

"Earth, water, fire, air"

Playing become a circle, in the middle it is worth it. He throws the ball to someone from the players, pronounces one of their four words: earth, water, fire, air. If the presenter says the word "earth", the one who caught the ball must quickly call some homemade or wild animal. On the word "water" playing meets the name of the fish, on the word "air" - the name of the bird. With the word "fire" everything must turn around several times around, having fluttering his hands. Then the ball is returned to the lead. Rules of the game: The mistake comes out of the game.

"Air, earth, water"

The educator throws the ball with a child and calls the object of nature, for example, "forty". Child-Nok should answer "air" and throw the ball back. For the word "dolphin", the child is replied by "water", on the word "wolf" - "Earth", etc.
Another version of the game is possible: the educator calls the word "air". A child who caught the ball must call the bird. For the word "land" - an animal living on earth: the word "water" is the inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.


Number of players: Anyone

Participants of the game are in one line. With the word of the lead "sushi", everyone jumps forward, with the word "water" - back. Competition is carried out in a rapid pace. The presenter has the right instead of the word "water" to pronounce other words, for example: the sea, river, bay, ocean; Instead of the word "sushi" - coast, land, island. Jumping the nefple drop off, the winner becomes the last player - the most attentive.

"There are droplets in a circle"

The educator invites children to play an interesting and magic game. But for this you need to turn into small droplets of rain. (Music, reminiscent of the rain sounds) The teacher says magic words and the game begins.
The teacher says she is Mom Tuchka, and the guys are her kids droplets, it's time to go on the road. (Music.) Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Mom Tuchka shows what to do.
Fly droplets on the ground ... we jump, play. It was boring to jump alone. They gathered together and flowed with small cheerful streams. (The droplets will make a stream, holding hands.) Meet the streams and became a big river. (The streams are connected in one chain.) Cock the droplets in a large river, traveling. Tecla-flowed the river and got into the ocean (the children are rebuilt into the dance and move in a circle). Float-floated droplets in the ocean, and then remembered that Mom Tuchka punished them home to return. And here just a sun hardened. Steel droplets lightly, stretched up (cropped droplets climb and stretch hands up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to Mom Tuchka. Well done, droplets, behaved well, passersby for the collars did not climb, did not splash. Now with my mother, you have, she missed you without you.


According to the guys are divided into "horses" and "Kucher." On Earth, they make a line, one side of which the "horses" become, on the other - "Coucher".
"Horses", holding hands, are suitable for the feature and say: Ta-Ra-Ra, Ta-Ra-ra, gone hobs from the yard.
After that, they are running out, and they catch them "kucher" and lead to a fenced place - "courtyard". Children playing "horses" must all the time until they are caught, click the language: "Coc Coc Coc" so that "Couter" knew who to catch. When all the "horses" flow, changing roles.

Rip the chain!

The guys are becoming against each other in two ranks at a distance of ten - fifteen steps. They take hands - form a chain. In turn from each rank, the player runs, trying to break the chain "enemy". The one who succeeds to will lead to two guys from the torn chain to himself, and the loser remains at the opponent.

Earth, water, fire, air

The guys become a circle, in the middle - presenter. He throws the ball to someone from the players, uttering one of the four words: "Earth", "water", "air" or "fire". If driving said "Earth", the one who caught the ball must quickly call any homemade or wild animal; On the word "water" playing meets the name of any fish; On the word "air" - the name of the bird. With the word "fire", everyone must quickly turn around several times around, waving his hands. Then the ball is returned to the lead. Slow, nervy and inattentive guys come out of the game after the first mistake.


At the site, the guys draw a straight line six - ten meters long. We must move along it like a rope. It is allowed to keep hands on the sides.
They lose those guys who come from the line - "fly from the rope."

Perhaps, one of the most favorite virtual online games are the games of the rods in which every gamer can travel in various places in which he did not simply have not been, but will never be able to visit, as they are the fruit of the imagination of game developers. Just imagine yourself - how interesting to be in the magic city of the fictional heroes or to get acquainted with the animals non-existent in the real world, and also to spend your free time in other unreal worlds ... In addition to the fabricity of places in which the plays, players In the Games of the genre, evasion and running can test their abilities to respond quickly to certain changes in the game, as well as develop attentiveness, observation, intelligence, accuracy, logical thinking, accuracy, figurative thinking and other qualities.

We offer you enjoy an entertaining flash entertainment for the girls wearing the name of the fire water Earth and air. Here you can visit the worlds of the four listed in the name of the game, elements and collect four magical spheres from each of them. But to achieve this goal you will need to work well. The site wish you an exciting game!

Tips for passing:

At the end of the full load of our free toys, you can immediately begin to pass it. At the very beginning you will have to click on the Play button to go on traveling on the first elements - the earth. Here you will overcome a variety of earthly obstacles, for example, shy away from falling stones, jump over the abyss with the help of Lian and so on. At the end of this test you can see the sphere with earthly power. Take it down and go on the following journey through air spaces. Reach the air sector and go to search for water and fiery magic spheres.

Do not forget to collect glowing balls at each level that help you accrue bonuses and glasses. Try not to break into the abyss and not fall under falling items, as well as other obstacles, otherwise your hero will die, but after all lives, the level will have to start from the very beginning. Manage your hero is possible when using the arrows down, left and right, and you can make jumps with a space key.

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