October 9 ivan theologian. National holiday of John the Theologian: the story of the apostle Christ

Ceilings 10.07.2020

On October 9, 2019, the national holiday Ivan the Theologian (Ivan the traveler) is celebrated. The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian on this day.

As the story goes, John the Theologian was one of the three closest disciples of Jesus Christ. He walked with the Teacher all his long and difficult path and was there until his crucifixion. After that, he took care of the Virgin Mary until the last day of her life.

Then John the Theologian went to Malaysian cities to bring the word of God to people. He was convicted during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Nero and sentenced to exile on the island of Patmos. When his sentence expired, he returned to Ephesus, where he continued to do godly deeds.

Sensing his imminent end, John the Theologian asked his disciples to prepare a grave for him in the form of a cross. Then the apostle lay down in it and ordered to cover it with earth. The disciples with tears in their eyes fulfilled the last will of their mentor.

To this day, every year on October 9, the Orthodox Church celebrates the death of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian.

Among the people, John the Theologian is considered the patron saint of artists and icon painters. Therefore, with special trepidation on this day, people of art and creative professions offer prayers to the saint, asking him to give them inspiration.

Also, John the Theologian is revered by travelers. It is not for nothing that the people also call this holiday Ivan the traveler. The church calls the saint a wanderer of God. Travelers pray to him before a long journey. Also, prayers to the saint are offered by travelers whom the night found on the road, asking for protection and patronage. People believe that John the Theologian will help them and protect them from the evil spirits that live by the side of the roads and frighten the people at the crossroads.

Like any national holiday, John the Theologian on October 9, 2019 has many signs and beliefs.

So, for example, if the first snow fell on that day, then winter will not come earlier than in a month.

If by this day all the foliage has fallen from the cherry, then winter is already close.

If on Ivan the Theologian the day turned out to be warm and sunny, then June will be rainy.

An unexpected wind in the midst of a calm on this holiday portends rain or snow.

If at sunset the sky is pink, yellow or golden, then this promises good weather in the coming days.

October 9(September 26, according to the "old style" - the Church Julian calendar). Wednesday 17th week after Pentecost (seventeenth week after the feast of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost). Lenten day, at the meal bless lean food with vegetable oil. Today, the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates 10 saints known by name. Below we will briefly talk about them.

The repose of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" -this gospel adage is widely known. Even to those who have never taken the Holy Scripture in their hands. It belongs to St. John the Theologian, the most mysterious of the apostles-evangelists. To the beloved disciple of Christ, whose texts, primarily the Gospel of John and the Apocalypse (Revelation of John the Theologian), have been interpreted most often over the past two millennia.

Thunderous Apostle of Love: Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of St. John the Theologian

The Lord Himself gave the Apostle John the name "son of thunder" - for fiery sermons that shook people like thunder and lightning. At the same time, the iconographic symbol of John the Theologian is the eagle - the image of the high soaring of the theological thought of this saint.

Today we call theologians all who have received at least some theological education. But in the Orthodox tradition, only three saints bear this high name: John the Theologian, Gregory the Theologian and Simeon the New Theologian. It would seem that this means that the teaching of St. John must be very complex and sublime. And this is partly so, which is especially noticeable in the example of the Apocalypse. However, the main idea that John the Theologian sought to convey to all people is extremely clear.

The repose of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru

So, in one of his sermons, Archpriest Andrei Tkachev explained this basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Apostle John the Theologian as follows:

His teaching is very simple. He tells us that God is Light, and there is no darkness in Him. And that the main Name that God can be called is Love. And he who knows God as Love manifests his faith in love for his neighbors and does not commit sin, because he who does sin does not know God, and he is not His ...

It would seem, why so categorically? But this is precisely what true Love is about. The all-human love of the Apostle John, the only mortal to whom the Revelation of the End Times was given in its entirety. Perhaps that is why he was so straightforward in rejecting any sin. Indeed, it is our sins, the main of which is the impoverishment of love for God and our neighbors, that alienate our world from its Creator and bring the reign of Antichrist closer.

Glorification of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Revolutionary 1917 year brought a lot of troubles to the Russian Church and its people. But in the same year, an event occurred that the Orthodox had been waiting for for more than two centuries. In November, at the Local Council, for the first time after Peter's reforms, the Moscow Patriarch was elected. It was Saint Tikhon (Bellavin), a man whose wisdom and meekness contrasted surprisingly with the spirit of the times that had come.

Angel of the Russian Church: the day of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow

The future Patriarch was born in 1865 year in the Pskov province in a priestly family. From a young age, he was good-natured, meek and God-fearing, without guile and sacredness. And among his comrades in the Pskov seminary he had a joking nickname "Bishop".

The pranksters-seminarians proved to be discerning. Already at the age of 32, Father Tikhon, who had never sought high titles and awards, was ordained Bishop of Lublin, vicar bishop of Kholmsk Russia, now part of Poland. Later, Vladyka served in North America, in the Vilnius region and in the Yaroslavl region, where he was not shy of political activity, heading the local Union of the Russian people. And finally, in the fateful 1917, he became the All-Russian Patriarch. It was on Vladyka Tikhon that this heavy lot fell.

The election of the Primate did not ease the pressure of the secular authorities on the spiritual. Moreover, the atheist persecutions only intensified. But in the minds of the church people it was clearly deposited: now we have an earthly intercessor - His Holiness the Patriarch.

In the last years of his earthly life, Saint Tikhon was repeatedly imprisoned. But, despite the most severe pressure, he did not renounce the patriarchal service until his death in 1925 year... The saint bravely carried the cross of the hierarch. And it bore fruit: the Russian Church withstood, and in 1989 yearsolemnly glorified in the ranks of the saints her Primate of the most difficult years - Patriarch Tikhon.

Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru

Righteous Gideon, Judge of Israel... Old Testament saint XI century BC... This righteous man lived during the years when the ancient Jews were divided politically and spiritually, as a result of which the Israeli lands were in decline and oppression by the Midianites, as the Bible says: "And Israel was greatly impoverished" (Judg. 6: 6). The brave warrior Gideon was called by God to deliver his people from oppression and, at the head of a small detachment of 300 people, he was able to expel the Midianites beyond the Jordan. The Israelites offered him to become a monarch, but Gideon abandoned this form of government, becoming a judge, and Israel prospered under him for forty years.

Venerable Ephraim of Perekomsk... Russian saint Xv centuries, founder of the Perekom monastery near Veliky Novgorod. From his youth, he strove for the monastic life and, despite the urgent requests of his parents, he refused family life... The first teacher and spiritual mentor of the future saint was venerable Makarii Kalyazinsky, second - rev. Savva Vishersky, who tonsured Father Ephraim into monasticism. About 1450 years the future elder went to Lake Ilmen, where for some time he was in hermit seclusion, but later his disciples joined him, and a monastic community was formed. Saint Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod, ordained Father Ephraim to the priesthood and appointed hegumen of a new monastery, which was called Perekop or Perekom. The elder died in 1492 year from the Nativity of Christ.

Hieromartyrs Athanasius Dokukin, Alexander Levitsky and Dimitry Rozanov, presbyters, martyrs John Zolotov and Nikolai Gusev (1937). Hieromartyr Vladimir Vyatsky, presbyter (1939). These holy sufferers, including those in the priesthood, received crowns of martyrdom in different years Soviet godless persecutions. Later, all were glorified as saints in the many-thousand-strong Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.

We congratulate all Orthodox Christians on the day of all today's saints! By their prayers, Lord, save and have mercy on all of us! We are glad to congratulate those who received names in their honor in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism or monastic tonsure! As they used to say in Russia in the old days: "To the Guardian Angels - a golden crown, and to you - good health!" To our deceased relatives and friends - eternal memory!

October 9 is marked by 3 Orthodox church holidays. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, days of veneration of the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Orthodox Church Holidays October 9

Ivan the Theologian

The repose of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
Veneration of one of the chosen disciples of Jesus Christ - John the Theologian (Zebedee). Author of the Book of Revelation, the Gospel of John and the Three Epistles.

Saint Tikhon (Belavin), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Honoring the memory of Patriarch Tikhon (birth name - Vasily Ivanovich Bellavin). Canonized as a saint on October 9, 1989.

Monk Ephraim of Perekomsk, abbot, miracle worker of Novgorod

Celebration of memory of Abbot Ephraim (baptismal name - Eustathius) hails from the town of Kashin, Tver province. Founder of the temple in honor of the Epiphany at the mouth of the Verenda River.

Folk omens on October 9

  • If it rains and snows on this day - expect strong thaws three times in January, sunny and warm - June will be rainy and cold.
  • If it rains on this day, it will last three more weeks.
  • If it snows, then winter will come on November 21 (on Mikhailov day).
  • If the leaf does not fall off the tree cleanly, there will be a severe winter.
  • If the leaf falls on the ground upside down - to the harvest.
  • If the leaves fall soon, expect a cool winter.
  • The sun sets in a muddy whitish cloud - to bad weather.
  • Red clouds at sunset - to the wind.
  • If a lot of bubbles appear at the bottom of a dish filled with water, it means rain.
  • Field mice hide a supply of grass inside their burrows - for a cold winter.
  • Sunset yellow, golden or pink - good weather.
  • Bright stars - for pleasant weather, dim ones - for snow or rain.
  • The weather will be clear if the black grouse are on the tops of the trees.
  • The wind blows after a long lull - towards snow or rain.
  • The temperature is the same throughout the day - the bad weather will continue.
  • As soon as the rooks fly away, snow falls.

October 9 conspiracies

Conspiracy, how bad to throw on the mirror

If you are suffocated by melancholy, tormented by malaise, and this does not go away, you can throw this misfortune off yourself onto the mirror. Go to the mirror at night, holding a burning candle in your left hand. Kiss him and say:

I am you and you are me. My will be done!
You, mirror, reflect me in yourself,
And you, reflection, take all the bad things.
I appeal to the strength of Tsar Charon,
I throw all my bad things behind the glass.
Reflect my face in the mirror,
All that destroys me, dissolve.
Who knows the secret of the mirror
Saint Helena Queen,
Any mirror will obey that.
The key is the sky, the lock is the earth,
And may my words be fulfilled.
Amen. Amen.

Today, October 9, 2019, also celebrates World Post Day and other events.

The church on this day remembers the death of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian.

According to legend, he was one of the three closest disciples of Jesus Christ. Walked with the Teacher a long and difficult way to the crucifixion. He took care of the Virgin Mary until her last breath.

After that I went to the cities of Asia Minor to preach the word of God. He was tried during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Nero and sentenced to exile on the island of Patmos. At the end of this type of punishment, he returned to Ephesus, where he continued his godly work.

Sensing an imminent death, John asked his disciples to prepare his grave in the form of a cross. Laying in it, he ordered them to cover it with earth. Crying and saying goodbye to the teacher, the disciples fulfilled the last will of the Apostle John.

According to signs, if it started raining with snow, then there will be three warming in January.

A warm sunny day means a cold rainy June.

World Post Day

World Post Day is celebrated annually on October 9th. Its founder was the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1969.

The event dates back to 1969. At the XVI UPU Congress, held in Tokyo, it was decided to create a holiday. It was first celebrated in 1970. The chosen date has a symbolic meaning: it is timed to coincide with the founding of the Universal Postal Union on October 9, 1874. Initially, the event was called: UPU Day. After some time (in 1984) it acquired its modern name.

At the XIV Congress, an initiative was put forward for the introduction of the Week of Writing - in the week on which the World Post Workers Day falls. The idea was widely disseminated and was supported by the United Nations. Annual events are held under its auspices. A predefined theme is installed for each of them. It concerns topical issues, goals and conditions in which the industry develops.

Alexander, Afanasy, Vladimir, Dmitry, Efrem, Ivan, Nikolay, Tikhon.

  • 1760 - during the Seven Years War, Berlin surrendered to the Russian corps under the command of General Chernyshev.
  • 1829 - the first ascent of Mount Ararat was made.
  • 1874 - Universal Postal Union established.
  • 1943 - the Soviet counteroffensive in the battle for the Caucasus ends.
  • 1991 - the Booker Prize was established for the best novel in Russian - Russian Booker.
  • 2002 - the 10th All-Russian Population Census began.
  • Robert de Sorbonne 1201 - French theologian.
  • Christophe Columbus 1451 - Spanish navigator.
  • Miguel de Cervantes 1547 - Spanish writer.
  • Camille Saint-Saens 1835 - French composer.
  • Nicholas Roerich 1874 - Russian painter.
  • Nikolai Bukharin 1888 - Russian politician.
  • Kusuo Kitamura 1917 - Japanese swimmer.
  • Evgeny Evstigneev 1926 - Soviet actor.
  • John Lennon 1940 - English musician.
  • Boris Nemtsov 1959 - Russian politician.
  • Eddie Guerrero 1967 - Mexican-American wrestler.

On October 9, believers from all over the world honor St. John the Theologian. In Orthodoxy, the apostle and evangelist is revered immensely, because he did a lot for Christ, and also wrote one of the four Gospels of the New Testament. The holiday is not one of the greatest, but our ancestors have always honored it, and also adhered to all traditions and prohibitions on this day.

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Today edition "So simple!" recalls life saint John the Divine and talks about why it is so important to observe all the prohibitions on this day.

Apostle John the Theologian

John was the son of Zebedee and Salome, the daughter of Joseph the Betrothed. He spent his entire life serving the Lord. Even before becoming a disciple of Jesus, he was a disciple of John the Baptist. He became a disciple of the Savior after the Lord himself called him with his brother on Lake Genesaret. Both brothers followed Jesus, leaving their father behind.

John became one of the most beloved disciples of Christ, the Savior valued him for sacrificial love and purity. The Apostle never parted with Jesus and relentlessly followed the Teacher along the Way of the Cross, grieving with all his heart. He alone stood beside the Savior on Calvary, not caring about his life.

Saint John wept with the Mother of God at the foot of the Cross when he heard the words of the crucified Jesus addressed to the Mother of God: "Woman, here is your son!", And then the words addressed to John himself: "My son, this is your mother!" After that, the Apostle faithfully served the Mother of God until the Dormition.

After the Assumption, he went to preach and carry the Word of God to the pagans. He incessantly preached to the pagans about Christ, and his sermons were accompanied by many miracles. Once he raised the youth Domnus with a prayer, healed many sick people. Thanks to his words and deeds, the number of believers increased every day.

As soon as the persecution of Christians began, they summoned Saint John to Rome and sentenced him to death, but the Lord protected him. At first they tried to poison the apostle, but the poison did not work. Then they wanted to boil John in boiling oil, but this torture did not harm the saint either. Realizing that attempts to kill John would not bring results, the saint was sent into exile on the island of Patmos, where he lived for many years.

The apostle continued his sermons and miracles there, which attracted the inhabitants of the island. After a long exile, John was freed and returned to Ephesus, where he continued to teach Christians. It was there, presumably in 95 AD, that John the Evangelist wrote the Gospel.

The apostle died in Ephesus at about the age of 105. I must say that his death was rather strange and mysterious. At the insistence of the apostle himself, seven close disciples buried him in a cruciform grave. But they buried him alive, not daring to violate the teacher's request. When the grave was opened, John's body was not there.

According to legend, John the Theologian was taken to heaven alive in order to return to earth before the second coming of the Savior. This is exactly what it says about the life of the apostle. And today, October 9, we celebrate the day of memory of one of the most revered saints. Let's figure out what to do on this day and what to refrain from.

The first half of the day was allowed physical work, but nothing can be done after dinner. It is believed that this can bring on bad weather. It was forbidden to eat onions and garlic on this day, so that the dead would not dream all winter.

On this day, you cannot cut vegetables with a knife, it is believed that then the entire crop will rot and turn black. Just like any other orthodox holiday It is strictly forbidden to use foul language, quarrel and overeat. Also, you cannot refuse to help those who need it.

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Be sure to visit the temple and pray on this day. John the Theologian helps people who have lost their faith and need support, as well as sincerely repentant. Also, John should pray for the healing of diseases, for love and for the happiness of motherhood. This day is considered a memorial day, so it is worth praying for the souls of the dead.

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Prayer to John the Evangelist

“O great and all-praiseworthy apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, thimble of Christ, our warm intercessor and quick helper in sorrow! Pray the Lord God to grant us the forgiveness of all our sins, who have sinned greatly from our youth in all our life by our deeds, words, thoughts and all our feelings.

In the exodus of our souls, help us, sinners, to get rid of airy ordeals and eternal torment, and by your merciful intercession we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

The Church calls John the Theologian the apostle of love, because he constantly taught that without love it is impossible to approach God. The whole life path apostle - the ministry of love. That is why this day should be spent in love, without quarrels and offenses. Help the one who needs it, sincerely forgive all offenders and let love into your heart.

Prayer is a way to talk to God, and it is important to know certain nuances. Recently we told you how to pray properly.

The church on this holiday welcomes any prayer, the main thing is that they are sincere. But recently we wrote about the most powerful prayer that everyone needs to learn by heart.

How is this holiday celebrated at your home? Share your traditions and customs with us in the comments, we are always interested in learning something new!

Beloved student memory Jesus Christ - apostle and evangelist John the Evangelist - Orthodox Christians honor October 9... Folk traditions, prescriptions and prohibitions are associated with this day.

history of the holiday

John the Evangelist is one of the twelve apostles, the only one of Christ's disciples who died a natural death. John was with Jesus during the Last Supper, followed the teacher in the Garden of Gethsemane, this apostle also witnessed the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor.

At the time of the persecutor of Christians, the Roman emperor Nero John was sentenced to death, but neither poison nor sinking into a boiling cauldron caused the apostle any harm. Then the evangelist was exiled to the island of Patmos, where he wrote his main work, known as the Revelation of John ("Apocalypse"). Among the people, John was revered as the patron saint of icon painters and artists, as well as wanderers. John is also called the apostle of love, as this evangelist was the beloved disciple of Jesus.

On the icons, John is depicted with an eagle, symbolizing the high flight of theological thought.

Do's and don'ts on October 9

According to folk tradition, this day should be spent in harmony with neighbors, in love and silence. On John the Theologian, it is customary to commemorate the deceased loved ones and to arrange plentiful memorial meals. Since John is the apostle of love, on this day they also pray for those for whom it is not customary to offer prayers on other days: for those who died a violent death, drowned, hanged, died in war, as well as stillborn children.

So, it was forbidden to use cutting and prickly objects, for example, cutting vegetables - it was believed that if this prohibition was violated, all harvested crop will rot in the bins.

It was forbidden to work on this holiday, especially in the afternoon. It was believed that those working for John the Theologian bring bad weather to their fellow villagers.

According to folk tradition, it is forbidden to eat onions and garlic on Ivan the Theologian, otherwise in winter a person can overtake various troubles.

It should be noted that at this time most of the agricultural work had already been completed, the villagers were beginning to prepare for the winter, so a short rest did not affect the well-being of the villagers.

We will remind, on September 11, the Orthodox commemorated John the Baptist, celebrated September 21, and September 27 - a holiday.

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