What time will the President's New Year address be. Channel One will broadcast the President's New Year greetings on time in all time zones. How this tradition appeared in Russia, and how Vladimir Putin congratulated Russians over the years

Finishing 05.07.2020

As every year in the new 2019, Russians will hear Putin's New Year's address. Many Russians are waiting for it, because this is, in fact, summing up and setting priorities for the next year. Where and on what channel to watch it, as well as what time Moscow time, we will tell you in this article.

The tradition of addressing the head of state has existed for a long time and in many countries. This became possible with the appearance of first radio, and then television. It is clear what makes him the leader of the country, be it the president or the monarch, and we have this tradition not only for several decades. Many Russians are very much looking forward to this, since for them it is part of the holiday, the more the head is addressing just before the onset of the next period of time.

Putin's New Year's address 2019 on which channel to watch, what time Moscow time

The address of our president will be shown on all main channels of the country and it will traditionally begin to be shown a few minutes before the next year. So it is planned that it will begin at 23:55 Moscow time. The congratulation is simple and does not make any special statement, although the speech may contain a call for something. The appeal ends with the chimes.

Most often, the speech is divided into several parts: the results of the past year, expectations from the new, and the congratulations and wishes themselves. Since the speech is only about five minutes long, it does not provide any extended analysis of what happened. True, many expect with hope the statements that next year will be better than yesterday.

The past year turned out to be really difficult, as prices were rising, the national currency was Osalbl, and many protests took place in the country. In addition, tension did not abate in the foreign arena, which is only the failure of intelligence in England. How not to remember the border conflicts with a neighboring state and much more.

Latest news on Putin's New Year address 2019

As a rule, such an appeal is recorded in advance and always in new formats. The current head of the country addressed the Russians for the first time almost twenty years ago. It is interesting that last year the head of the country spoke little about the country in general, and focused on warm human relations.

This year, almost all federal channels will broadcast the address of the head of state. At 23:55 Channel One, Russia 1, Match!, NTV, Channel Five, Culture, Karusel, OTR, TV Center, REN-TV, Spas TV, STS, Domashny "," Friday ", TNT," MUZ-TV ", Disney Channel," CHE! ", TNT4," U "," 2x2 "and" Moscow-24 "will broadcast the President's New Year speech.

It should be noted that the tradition of congratulating citizens on the New Year exists in many countries of the world - in the USA, Germany, Austria, DPRK, Belarus and Ukraine. In Russia, the first such speech was made in 1935 by the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR - Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin. It is noteworthy that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, for some time before the chimes, it was not the heads of state who addressed the people, but the stars of the domestic show business. So, in 1991 satirist Mikhail Zadornov made a speech, and in 1995 Alla Pugacheva congratulated the country on NTV.

Come on. In 1932, in the UK, the head of the BBC, John Reith, got an audience with King George V and offered him a brilliant idea: to speak on the radio on Christmas Day to the people. The monarch did not show enthusiasm, but the stubborn Reith continued to assure His Majesty that the king's Christmas address was what the nation needed. It took some time to persuade, but in 1932 the first such congratulations took place. It is noteworthy that the author of the text was Mowgli's "dad": the writer Rudyard Kipling.

Annual direct line with Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin scheduled for Thursday June 20, 2019.

IN live The head of state will answer the questions of the citizens of the country received using various communication channels (by phone, in the form of text SMS and MMS messages, by e-mail, using social networks "Vkontakte" and "Odnoklassniki"), as well as asked during online connections from various Russian cities.

Straight line start time - 12:00 Moscow time.

What time will the straight line with V.V. Putin on June 20, 2019:
* At 12:00 Moscow time.

This will be the seventeenth interview with Vladimir Putin in this format.

Where you can watch the broadcast of the Direct Line 2019 (channels, online resources):

The live broadcast of the speech of the President of the Russian Federation will be available for viewing on the air of five federal television channels, starting at 12:00 Moscow time.

Live broadcast channels with Vladimir Putin on June 20, 2019:
"First", "Russia 1", "Russia 24", "NTV", "OTR".

Online broadcasting will be available on the Internet:
In the official communities of the direct line "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki" .

You can not only watch the direct line with Vladimir Putin on June 20, 2019, but also listen to the following radio stations:
"Mayak", "Radio Rossii", "Vesti FM" .

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Great Lent, which begins 48 days before the Bright Feast. And after 50 days, Trinity is celebrated.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making cakes and curd puffs.

Easter treats are consecrated in the church on Saturday, on the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the very day of the Feast.

One should greet each other on Easter with the words "Christ is Risen", and answer - "Truly He is Risen".

This will be the fourth game for the Russian team in this qualifying tournament. Let us remind you that in the previous three meetings Russia lost 1: 3 to Belgium “at the start”, and after that it won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4: 0) and over San Marino (9: 0). The last victory was the largest ever for the Russian national football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to the bookmakers, the Russian national team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and the islanders cannot expect anything good from the upcoming match. However, it should be borne in mind that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises can await us.

The Russia - Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 in Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Location of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* The start time of the game is 21:45 Moscow time.

Where to watch the live stream Russia - Cyprus on June 11, 2019:

Channels will show the meeting of the national teams of Russia and Cyprus "First" and "Match Premier" ... The start time of the direct connection from Nizhny Novgorod is 21:35 Moscow time.

When will the Day of the worker of the river and sea fleet of Russia in 2019 (Day of the river worker 2019):

Every year in Russia they celebrate the professional holiday of workers of the sea and river fleets, in short - Riverman's Day.

in 2019 falls on July 7, 2019.

Water transport is one of the most important sectors of the economy of our country.

All workers of water transport should be congratulated on this professional holiday: passenger, cargo, icebreaker, special. Recall that special water transport includes ferries, floating workshops, tugboats, dredging vessels, floating shops, etc.

The professional holiday of workers of the river and sea fleet was established back in 1980, during the Soviet era. Despite the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed a long time ago, in Russia, River River Day is still celebrated on the first Sunday of July every year.

Venue events instead of the traditional "Olympic", closed for reconstruction, will metropolitan Sports Palace "Megasport" with a capacity of 14 thousand spectators.

What time and on which channel to watch the live broadcast of the MUZ-TV Prize 2019:

The pre-show of the musical event called "Star Track" and the award ceremony itself will be shown live by the TV channels of the UTV holding - "Yu" and "Muz-TV".

The live broadcast starts at 17:00 Moscow time from the pre-show of the MUZ-TV 2019 Prize, during which we will see how the stars arrive at the event and parade with dignity along the Carpet Run.

Live broadcast will continue at 19:40 Moscow time when the presenters will move from the meeting of the guests to the award ceremony itself.

Show hosts:

In 2019, for the first time, the MUZ-TV Prize will be hosted by five leading.

It: Maxim Galkin, Alexander Revva, Mikhail Galustyan, Ksenia Sobchak and Lera Kudryavtseva .

New Year is the most favorite holiday for most Russians, celebrated with family and friends. We have many traditions connected with New Year's Eve. Some are rooted in the deep past, and some are quite young.

These include the New Year's address of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to the people, which can be seen in all regions of the Russian Federation exactly 10 minutes before the beginning of 2019.

History of New Year messages

The tradition of addressing the people a few minutes before the chimes strike exists in many countries of the world, including the USA, Germany, Austria, North Korea, Belarus and Ukraine. Great Britain has its own long tradition - on Christmas Eve, the Queen addresses the people.

The first New Year's address of the President to the people can be considered the speech of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR M. I. Kalinin on the radio, which took place on December 31, 1935. This tradition was adopted by his successors.

After the collapse of the USSR, the arrival of the New Year was not accompanied by speeches by the top officials of the state. Instead, famous people congratulated the people from TV screens, including Mikhail Zadornov and Alla Pugacheva. There are some curiosities in the history of video greetings. So, in 1991, Zadornov did not meet the allotted time, because of which the chimes from the television screens of the whole country sounded a minute later than expected.

The tradition was resumed in the winter of 1997-1998, and with the onset of 2000, the people received two congratulations at once - from the outgoing President Boris Yeltsin and from his successor, Vladimir Putin. It is worth noting that this was the only new year greetings Putin, recorded in the office.

What to expect from Vladimir Putin on New Year's Eve 2019

Of course, it is difficult to predict what will be heard from the lips of Vladimir Putin. But it is still possible to assume. The main time when summing up the results will be devoted to the successful world championship in football, where Russia was able to go much further than earlier in its history. The players gave off confidence and the prospect of further performance in the international arena. In addition, the bridge, which made it possible to connect the Crimean peninsula and the continental part of Russia, cannot be left aside. It was opened and now you can use it for your own pleasure without unnecessary problems.

In connection with the emergence of sanctions from the states of the world, Russia began to intensively develop the agro-industrial complex, demonstrating incredible success. She thereby showed that she is able to live at a high level without the rest of the world community. In addition to this, modern technologies have been able to break through to many industries, which brings them to a competitive level.

As for the sanctions, there will most likely be a mention, since it undermines the Russian economy and makes the level of oil prices fluctuate. The question remains, how and what the president of the country will say with regard to the pension reform, which will come into effect on January 1, 2019. For the bulk of the population, it became across the throat, which was reflected in speeches and rallies in the streets. But there is no other way back to this. There are plenty of difficulties and ambiguities in this.

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The most important thing is that all previously said words should be emphasized with congratulatory and pleasant words, as well as wishes for success and prosperity next year. They are addressed to everyone who watches the New Year's address. All that remains is to raise a glass of champagne at the table among family and friends and drink it exactly with a chime, making the most intimate wish.

Place and time of viewing Vladimir Putin's New Year greetings

There is no doubt that the New Year's address will be broadcast on the Russia or Pervy channel. Even if the citizens of Russia in New Year will be abroad, they should find an online broadcast on the Internet and listen to all the beautiful words addressed to them. But at the moment, you can only look at those appeals that were earlier, for example, in 2016 or 2017, in order to have an idea.

Before the New Year's address, it will remain to sit at a chic table with various dishes and in the circle of loved ones. You can meet the New Year 2019 not only in your own region, but also alternately wait for it in other time zones and even states, celebrating the holiday. This can be said to be an extra reason to cheer yourself up and have a great time.

"Putin cannot go to New Year's nirvana"

In the general human understanding, the president's holiday is not provided for the New Year, and the holiday program is "unpredictable." "Putin will not be able to go to New Year's nirvana for a week," said spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov in an interview with the TV channel "Russia24" said that Putin does not have a holiday for the New Year holidays in the universal understanding, there is not even one completely free day.

And his program for this time is completely unpredictable. Even on holidays, the flow of papers does not stop, “the country lives anyway,” something happens somewhere, it happens, there may be some movements in the international agenda that were not foreseen earlier. Papers go day and night, instructions are required, and so on.

“Therefore, the president, of course, cannot afford to go to such a New Year’s nirvana for a week,” said Peskov.

The traditional New Year's address of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the citizens of the country will be broadcast on all major television channels. 5 minutes before the chimes, the head of state will sum up the results of the outgoing year, tell about the direction in which the country will move in 2019, and also wish the Russians peace and prosperity.

As it should be, at the end of the year it is customary in the country to sum up the results. This has become a good tradition in almost every family. It is also up to Russian President Vladimir Putin to remember what has been achieved over a certain period of time and what has not been achieved. He will tell the Russians about this at 23:55 Moscow time, that is, 5 minutes before the onset of the holiday.

When the Russians have already filled their glasses with champagne, the head of state will also talk about what plans the government has for the new 2019. Usually, Vladimir Putin talks about the key stages and directions that will become priorities in the development of the state for the next 365 days.

It is possible that 5 minutes before the chimes, the Russian president will talk about the state's plans to support pensioners, military men, students and other segments of the population. Also at these moments, Vladimir Putin will sincerely wish all Russians health, family wealth, prosperity and new successes.

Perhaps the speech of the President of Russia will be divided into several blocks, in which he separately address the residents of some regions, for example, the Crimeans.

Vladimir Putin's New Year's address to Russians will begin 5 minutes before the start of the new 2019

The press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov told the media that the format of congratulating Vladimir Putink will remain the same. The Kremlin is not planning to make any special changes in terms of organization.

You can watch the New Year's address dedicated to the new year 2019 at 23:55 local time. As usual, the broadcast will begin on the main federal channels Russia 1, Channel One, NTV, as well as entertainment channels STS, Domashny, TNT and others, and will last until midnight.

Those who, for any reason, cannot watch the broadcast 5 minutes before midnight, will have access to a recording of the New Year's address by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the Karusel TV channels at 00:55 Moscow time, as well as Match, Spas and OTR ”At 03:55 Moscow time.

The address of Russian President Vladimir Putin will end with the striking of the Kremlin chimes. According to legend, it is in the last seconds of 2018 that you need to have time to make your innermost wishes, which will come true in the new 2019.

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