Great Orthodox holidays in March. Significant dates of March according to the calendar of Orthodoxy

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In the Orthodox calendar, March 27 is the day of honoring the memory of the Monk Benedict of Nursia, hegumen.The folk holiday "Venedict's Day" is celebrated on March 27th.

Other names of the holiday: "Venedict's Day", "Venedict", "Skotnik", "Fedor". The day was nicknamed the cattleman in honor of the livestock, which had a change of wool and undercoat by that day. Saint Benedict of Nursia was the founder of the Western monastic movement, the author of one of the most important statutes of the Latin tradition.

In Russia, cattle and domestic animals were looked after on this day. It was a time of moulting of cows and horses, and therefore it was imperative to take the cattle out into the yard and thoroughly clean and wash them. After all, the health of the cattle was guaranteed by a plentiful table, successful sowing and a good harvest. At the same time, cowsheds and stables were also cleaned - they changed bedding, removed manure, invited healers to read conspiracies on the health of livestock and protection from the evil eye. It was observed that if a cow began to milk worse, then this promised inclement weather, and a stumbling horse predicted an unsuccessful path.

Church calendar for 2018 Orthodox holidays and fasts

March 2018 contains 65 significant dates for Orthodox Christians. Lent is also held this month, ending on April 7th. Recall that the total duration of this most important and strict fast is 40 days.

Orthodox Christians believe that through prayer, fasting, humility and abstinence, they will be able to draw closer to God, and after finishing Great Lent and celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, God's blessing will descend upon them. During the whole fast, it is customary not only to refuse food and follow a strict diet, but also to pray fervently and refrain from sins.

Orthodox calendar for March 2018 for every day

03/01/2018 - 12 martyrs

02.03 - Great Martyr Theodore

03.03 - Parents' memorial Saturday. Saint Leo, Pope of Rome.

04.03 - Saint Gregory

06.03 - St. Timothy

08.03 - Polycarp

09.03 - Finding the head of the prophet and Baptist John the Baptist

10.03 - Saint Tarasius.

11.03 - Saint Porfiry.

12.03 - Venerable Procopius.

13.03 - Saint Basil the Confessor.

14 .03 - Venerable Martyr Eudoxia.

15.03 - Icons of the Mother of God, which is called "Reigning".

17.03 - St. Prince Daniel of Moscow.

18.03 - St. John of the Ladder.

19.03 - Finding the Honorable Cross.

21.03 - Saint Theophylact the Confessor.

22.03 - St. 40 Martyrs.

24.03 - St. Efimiy, Archbishop of Novgorod.

March 25 - Venerable Mary of Egypt, Saint Gregory the Dvoeslov, Pope of Rome.

26.03 - St. Nicephorus.

March 29 - Martyrs Savin and the Pope.

30.03 - Venerable Alexis, the man of God.

31.03 - St. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem.

Parental Saturdays in 2018 - what date?

Parental Saturdays in 2018 fall on the following dates:

Church calendar for 2018, Orthodox holidays and fasting

Church calendar contains the dates of the main Orthodox holidays dedicated to the memory of historical events from the life of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary (Mother of God) and other saints. Using the calendar, you can find out the date of the beginning and end of fasting, Easter and other great christian holidays in 2018, according to the website

Twelve rolling holidays

Twelve non-passing holidays

Great Church Feasts

Multi-day Church Fasts in 2018

One-day Church Fasts in 2018

Wednesday and Friday throughout the year, except for solid weeks and Christmastide

Continuous weeks

Days of special commemoration of the departed

Commemoration of those who suffered in the time of persecution for the faith of Christ - February 4, Sunday

Church memorable dates

Those who piously believe in the existence of the Almighty are always at hand orthodox calendar... This almanac contains the dates of all holidays, fasts and other memorable dates that every self-respecting Christian should remember.

The calendar helps to prepare on time for the celebration of this or that Orthodox celebration, without unnecessary fuss.

If you need to know what will come church holidays in March 2017, do not be too lazy to look into the calendar in order to remember and keep in memory for a long time all memorial days important for the church, which do not allow our faith to shake.

Orthodox holidays in March 2017

March 1, 2017 (Wednesday)

  • Memorial Day Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna.

March 2, 2017 (Thursday)

  • Day of memory of the great martyr Theodore Tiron.
  • Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker.

It is noteworthy that Great Lent begins during the heyday of earthly forces, the awakening of nature from sleep. Everything around is changing, changing, becoming more beautiful.

Whatever they say, but spring is the most beautiful time of the year and Great Lent, despite its severity, emphasizes this beauty with its rituals. Just what are the beautiful birds - "larks", which skillful housewives bake to "attract" the attention of the beautiful spring.

Almost every day in Christianity important dates are revered, which are dedicated to either memorable events or significant dates. You can find out which church holidays in March 2019 occur in Russia if you turn to the basics of the religious calendar.

Significant dates of March according to the calendar of Orthodoxy

Religious holidays are important events in the life of any Christian. Each church event has its own liturgical significance; in religion, memorable events are different, as well as important solemn dates. Church fasting has a special meaning. During the year, believers fulfill the foundations of 4 most important long fasts, one of them - the Great - lasts throughout March.
Orthodox holidays in March 2019 in Russia are numerous and multifaceted, the calendar of important church meanings will tell you about them:
  • 1 - Saint Macarius is revered by believers, who is the Metropolitan of Kolomna, as well as of the Moscow Church.
  • 2 - the believers are given respect and honor to the Holy Martyr Theodore. On the same day, the holy work of the Moscow Patriarch Hermogen is honored.
  • 3 - Great Saturday of commemoration. In Christianity, this event is called. During this period, the souls of all dead people are remembered. First of all, deceased parents and relatives are remembered. Ecumenical Saturday means that a tribute of respect and memory is paid not only to relatives and relatives, but also to all deceased people, from the time of Adam to our modern days.
  • 3 - the calendar of church holidays in March 2019 in Russia includes a significant event founded in honor of Saint Leo, who is the Pope.
  • 4 - the week coming from today is completely dedicated to the holy martyr George Palami. This celebration opens the second week of strict fasting. The Orthodox must sacredly observe the foundations of church restrictions, in which the main thing is not the observance of the strictest restrictions, but the approach of the soul to the Heavenly Forces. Having passed all the difficulties of Great Lent, the believer gains spiritual strength and power.
  • 5 - Great and strict fast continues. Believers are not advised to think about delights and indulgences, it is important to continue to follow the basic principles of religious restriction.
  • 6 - an event in Christianity, founded in honor of the prince saint Yaroslav the Wise.
  • 7 - on this day, during the time of the Bible, the martyrs received sacred relics.
  • 8 - the calendar of Orthodox holidays in March 2019 includes an event dedicated to the memories of the holy martyrs - Polycarp and the bishop of the Church of Smyrna.
  • 9 - the great Orthodox date - the acquisition of the head of St. John the Baptist, called the first in Orthodoxy, as well as the second acquisition.
  • 10 - memorial Saturday during the Great Lent. At such a moment, believers remember the dead souls, visit church churches, light memorial candles and sincerely pray for peace for the departed souls.
  • 11 - The third week of strict Lent begins. Believers continue to operate all the principles and rules of Orthodox restriction that help the believer find the meaning of life and become spiritually closer to God.
  • 12 - the date is dedicated to the Venerable Prophet Procopius Decapolitus.
  • 13 - the believers celebrate the event founded in honor of the reverend confessor Saint Basil.
  • 14 is a memorial date based on the memories of the Monk Martyr, the Holy Eudoxia, as well as the holy martyrs Nestor, and also Trivimius.
  • 15 - a great Orthodox event - a tribute to the sacred face of the Mother of God on the icon "Sovereign"

Since ancient times, the Russian people have kept the Orthodox faith from generation to generation. Russia has always been called holy. This is due to the faith of the people and the observance of established customs. Therefore, it will be interesting for everyone to get acquainted with the church calendar for the upcoming 2018. It lists the main Orthodox holidays and fasts.

Major holidays
Everyone knows that there are great and twelve Orthodox holidays in the church calendar for 2018. There are transferable and intransitive. Unlike non-transitory, rolling holidays are in different numbers of the year. It depends on which day Easter is celebrated.

The Orthodox church calendar contains a list of all the holidays, fasting days and days of remembrance of saints that every believer should know about. The church calendar will help you not to forget about important dates and events in the life of the saints, Jesus Christ and his mother, the Virgin Mary.

And although the month of March 2018 is not so rich in magnificent Orthodox holidays - it is dedicated to the strict schedule of Great Lent, very important work is going on throughout this month: with prayers and abstinence, believers are preparing for the biggest and brightest holiday of the year - the Resurrection of Christ.

Parental days also fall on this important period - there are three parental Saturdays in March: 2nd, 3rd and 4th, the week of Lent.

AT Parent's Saturday you need to go to the church for a divine service, submit notes of repose with the names of deceased relatives, put a candle on the memorial table, stand and pray for their souls. After church, it is good to visit the grave of the deceased, where it is also worth praying for him.

Orthodox calendar for March 2018: church holidays, fasting dates and days of commemoration of saints

March 4, Sunday - 2nd week of Great Lent. Cathedral of all the reverend fathers of the Kiev Caves. Saint Gregory Palamas Day.

March 11, Sunday - 3rd week of Great Lent Cross-worship. Saint Porfiry Day.

March 17, Saturday - Parents' memorial Saturday. Day of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow.

March 18, Sunday - 4th week of Great Lent. Day of the Monk John of the Ladder.

March 25, Sunday - 5th week of Great Lent. Day of the Monk Mary of Egypt. Day of St. Gregory Dvoeslov, Pope of Rome.

March 31, Saturday - Lazarev Saturday. Day of Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem.

Fasting days in March 2018:

Lent continues throughout March 2018. At this time, one should refrain from meat and dairy products, it is allowed to eat food with vegetable oil.

One-day fasting and continuous weeks are absent in March.

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