Parent's Saturday: when it comes, where to go, what to say and do. Parent's Saturday: when it comes, where to go, what to say and do Private parenting days

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Pokrovskaya parental Saturday - the day when Orthodox believers remember their loved ones who have passed away in a special way - in 2017 falls on October 7

This day has no fixed date - according to church calendar, it precedes the main autumn church holiday Cover Holy Mother of God, which Orthodox celebrates October 14th.

The memorial prayer service is postponed from Saturday to Sunday if the parental Saturday coincides with the day of presentation of the Apostle John the Theologian, which the Orthodox Church celebrates on October 9.

Pokrovskaya parental Saturday 2017: the history of the holiday

Pokrovskaya Saturday is one of the Ecumenical memorial services. In the Orthodox faith, there are only three of them: before the Trinity, during Great Lent and on the eve of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. These days are considered very important for all believers, because on such holidays it is customary for the whole world to pray for the peace of every deceased. It is worth noting that the history of such a holiday as the Intercession Parental Saturday is exactly the same as that of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, who saved people during the defense of Constantinople.

It is worth noting that Pokrovskaya parental Saturday appeared much later than Pokrov, and is not celebrated so widely. Initially, this celebration was timed to people who gave their lives to protect their country. By the way, the Pokrovskaya parental Saturday appeared around the 16th century and since that time has been annually celebrated on the eve of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Pokrovskaya parental Saturday 2017: holiday traditions

Of course, on such a holiday as Pokrovskaya Parental Saturday, there will be quite a lot of different services, which all believers strongly recommend to visit. Almost all of us have a person for whom we need to put candles and pray. And this is best done on Pokrovskaya parental Saturday. Still, it is believed that this is an ordinary day, with a slight difference. It is the Pokrovskaya parental Saturday that is the day when the dead can be helped to get into the kingdom of heaven.

Parental Saturdays

"Parental" days are called days of special commemoration of the departed, on which, through the prayers of the Church, the dead can receive relief or release from the afterlife punishment. And also because Christians, first of all, prayerfully commemorated their deceased parents. the dead go to the next world to their parents, forefathers

Saturday was also not chosen by chance - it is the last day of the week, since the final week of the week begins on Sunday, or "week", when nothing is done, and not Monday, as is commonly believed in the world.

The clergy explain that Sunday, as the first day, is a new stage of life, while Saturday, as the final stage of life (parallel to birth and death), according to the Charter, is considered to be the day of remembrance of the dead.

Among such Saturdays, when a special commemoration of dead Orthodox Christians is performed in Orthodox churches, the Ecumenical ones are especially distinguished - Meat-Passing and Trinity, in which the Orthodox Church prayerfully commemorates all the dead in general and special services are performed - ecumenical requiems.

The rest of parental Saturdays are not universal and are set aside specifically for private commemoration of people dear to our hearts. Dirge in translation from Greek means "intercession". This is a funeral service, where believers pray for the repose of the dead, ask the Lord for mercy and forgiveness of sins for them.

What needs to be done on Pokrovskaya parental Saturday

Pokrovskaya parental Saturday is a holiday when you need to honor all deceased relatives and friends according to East Slavic traditions. This holiday is also called “parental” because, according to Christian beliefs, dead people end up in the same world with their parents. In addition, it should be said that Pokrovskaya parental Saturday has a lot of different traditions.


First of all, on October 7, you need to go to church. On this day, divine liturgies are held there, where all Christians pray for the repose of the souls of the dead.

On Pokrovskaya parental Saturday, people usually bring with them burial notes with the names of deceased loved ones.

In addition, the holiday on October 7 is notable for the fact that people bring food and wine to church with them to celebrate the liturgy and commemorate the dead. Then, all this is given to those who need it.

How is it remembered in church

In Orthodox churches, on the eve of parental Saturday - Friday evening, the Great Panikhida is served, which is also called the Greek word "parastas". The funeral Divine Liturgy is served on Saturday morning, followed by a general requiem.

On this day, one should commemorate their deceased parents in church - people give notes with the names of loved ones of the dead and pray for the repose of their souls in the afterlife.

According to the old church tradition, parishioners bring meat and wine to the church for the celebration of the Liturgy, which are consecrated during the service, and later distributed to those who wish.

Remembrance traditions

Commemoration of the dead is one of the many traditions of Orthodoxy. On this day, funeral services are held in churches, memorial liturgies aimed at maintaining the memory of people who have left the earthly world and freeing the latter from the sins they once committed through prayers.


The memorial day on Pokrovskaya Saturday was established in the middle of the 16th century - Ivan the Terrible ordered on a certain day - on Saturday, on the eve of the Pokrova, to commemorate the soldiers who died during the storming of Kazan in 1552, but the Orthodox Church recognized this day only 40 years later - officially Patriarch Job published in 1592 about the annual commemoration of those who fell during the capture of Kazan on the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Over time, on this day, they began to commemorate not only the fallen soldiers, but also their own deceased relatives - this tradition has survived to this day.

The said Saturday was called “memorial” or “parental” because, according to the Christian faith, the dead go to the next world to their parents, forefathers. In addition, the ritual of remembrance begins with the names of the closest people - our parents.

On this day, one should commemorate their deceased parents in church - people give notes for deceased relatives, as well as for their souls to the priest, and also pray for the repose of their souls in the afterlife. But, if you were not able to visit the church, you can put a candle for your dead in front of the icons at home and pray for them.

After visiting the churches, the Orthodox go to the cemetery, read prayers for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives, and put the graves in order.

Customs and signs

On this day, according to tradition, the Orthodox hold modest meals and remember those who are not nearby - they put more appliances on the table, and among the memorial food they must serve a ritual dish - kutya (wheat porridge with raisins, nuts, poured with honey) - symbolizing faith into eternal life and resurrection.


Mourning for loved ones who had passed away in the villages and villages was closely intertwined with entertainment - the last festivities fell on the Pokrovskaya Saturday.

The custom of commemorating the dead still existed among the pagans - they had special Saturdays, on which they remembered their loved ones who had left untimely.

The main sign that has survived over the centuries of the holiday's existence is associated with the weather. It is generally accepted that on Pokrovskaya parental Saturday, autumn and winter meet for the first time in a year, and the snow that fell on this day is a divine sign - “cover”.

"On the Pokrov, before lunchtime, it is summer, after lunchtime, winter," the people said.

Pokrovskaya Saturday in Belarus is called “Pokrovskie Dedy”. Belarusians believe that on this day the dead come to the houses of their still living close people, and therefore they prudently prepare a memorial supper for them.

The people believed that the Grandfathers should be pleased in every possible way, because they, the holy guests from That World, miss the living, wish people well and grieve about separation.

People believed that not remembering the soul was showing disrespect for the dead. But along with respect, there was also the fear that if the souls of the dead were offended, they would not help the living in their affairs.

Prayer for the dead

Rest, Lord, the souls of the departed Thy servant: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven. During church services, Orthodox people commemorate many generations of their deceased ancestors by name.

Material prepared on the basis of open materials

On the eve of the great feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, an important and significant event awaits believers - the Intercession parental Saturday. This day is dedicated to the commemoration of all the dead.

Any parental Saturday is a very important event in the life of believers, and it was named so for a reason: the first, about whom a person will always remember, are parents. On such days, believers, as usual, rush to the church, read prayers for the dead, light candles for the repose and visit the cemetery. According to legend, it was in parenting days the deceased loved ones listen to us, see us and even feel our attitude towards them. The history of the Intercession commemoration is rooted in the depths of centuries.

Pokrovskaya parental Saturday: history of origin

Intercession Saturday is one of the Ecumenical memorial services, of which there are only three in Orthodoxy: on the eve of Trinity, during Great Lent and before the holiday, which is one of the twelve festivities of the Orthodox calendar - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. These days are very significant, because the whole world is praying for the peace of every soul.

Belief says that on one of the terrible days of the siege of Constantinople, all believers, gathered together under the roof of the temple of God, prayed for the intercession of the saints. Two priests who prayed with everyone that day saw the miracle and described it. According to them, the Mother of God appeared, accompanied by angels, along with the prophets John the Baptist and John the Theologian. The Blessed Virgin, taking off her cloak, covered all the parishioners with it, showing that now they are protected by Divine power, that every soul is under her intercession and protection. The popular memory knows how at the same hour the army for unknown reasons stopped its attacks, the enemies began to move away from the walls of the city, peace and tranquility returned to Constantinople. In honor of this phenomenon, Christians established a holiday called the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

It is important to note that Pokrovskaya parental Saturday in Orthodoxy began to be celebrated much later and not in every region of our Fatherland. At the beginning of the 16th century, it was timed to commemorate the killed soldiers, people who gave their lives for the Motherland and faith in the Lord. Subsequently, believers began to commemorate not only those killed during civil strife and wars, but also their deceased relatives and friends.

Pokrovskaya parental Saturday in 2017

The dates of ecumenical memorial services change annually, so it is important to keep track of the Orthodox calendar. Pokrovskaya parental Saturday in 2017 falls on October 7th, the next Saturday before the great feast in honor of the Mother of God. At this time, panikhida and divine services will be held in many churches.

Each of us has a close person who has already departed to another world. Therefore, the clergy strongly recommend visiting the church, lighting candles, praying for repose, remembering the deceased only in a good light, and visiting the cemetery.

Pokrovskaya Saturday, in fact, is an ordinary day, which differs only in that at this time people can help the dead to accept the Kingdom of Heaven and finally achieve unity with the Lord. Therefore, it is so important to at least pray for their peace.

If you decide to embark on the path of spiritual education, do not go astray. On Pokrovskaya Saturday, your sincere prayers will help those who previously lived on earth to find eternal peace. Pray for everyone who was dear to you. On October 7, 2017, it is important to remember everyone who was next to you with a kind word. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.10.2017 01:32

Any Orthodox holidays should be celebrated in accordance with certain rules, so as not to bring down on yourself ...

One of the most revered Christian shrines was brought to Moscow from St. Petersburg - the cross on which the Apostle Andrew the First-Called was crucified. It will be possible to worship the cross today and tomorrow at the Cathedral of St. George the Victorious in Odintsovo.

PHOTO: Alexander Kazakov, "Evening Moscow"

This expression - "parental Saturday" - we have all heard more than once. Of course, the name itself says, it seems, that she should be somehow connected with her parents or the older generation. But is it? And what should be done on this day?

To begin with, the main thing: there is not one parental Saturday in the year, there are several of them. The first one is today 10 february... However, first things first.

First, about why exactly Saturday was chosen for commemoration. This tradition goes back to biblical times, when this day was considered a day of rest. And peace is the best state for prayer and remembering those who are no longer with us.

The first and closest parental Saturday to us is called Meatless universal Parental Saturday - it falls two weeks before Lent. This year, we repeat, 10 february.

Then, before Trinity, on the 49th day after Easter, precedes the beginning of the Apostolic Fast Trinity Universal Parental Saturday (May 26)... Pay attention - both of these Saturdays, and Meat, and Trinity, are ecumenical. On such days, ecumenical memorial services are served in churches, and throughout the day they commemorate all deceased Orthodox Christians without exception.

During Great Lent (2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturday, that is, this year, March 3, March 10and March 17) these days were set for commemoration on purpose, since at this time the traditional daily commemoration of the dead was canceled.

There are also so-called small fast Saturdays - this is last saturdaysbefore Rozhdestvensky (November 28 - January 6), Petrovsky, or Apostolic (June 4 - July 11) and Dormition (August 14 - August 27) fasting. On these days, the commemoration of the dead is also traditionally performed.

In addition, the commemoration of the departed is performed on Dimitrievskaya (November 3), Pokrovskaya and Mikhailovskaya Saturdays, although this period is not marked as a funeral one. These are the so-called Private parenting days.

The departed are remembered on Radonitsu... In 2018, it falls on 17 april... Note - this is Tuesday. Radonitsa comes nine days after Easter. On Radonitsa it is also supposed to visit the graves of relatives and put them in order.

On the closest to us Parents' Saturday, February 10, according to tradition, church and cemeteries are visited. And the first is more important than the second. On this day, with the most sincere, brightest words, they pray for the departed loved ones, asking for the peace of their souls in the next world. It is supposed to order special commemorations.

At the end of the service, which must be defended to the end, it is necessary, if possible, to distribute alms to those who are in need, to whom you can help at least something. This is how they remember those who, according to church rules, are not remembered - including those who are not baptized and who have passed away voluntarily. When visiting the grave of deceased relatives, it is necessary to put it in order and pray.

Traditionally, on the Ecumenical Parental Saturday, kutya, a dish made from honey and wheat, was put on the table. Now, for obvious reasons, rice is used instead of wheat, which is boiled with the addition of honey and raisins. It is easy to cook kutya according to the rules:

1. Rinse the rice before cooking, cook the cereals until tender without presoaking. The rice should be soft but crumbly.

2. Boil honey and sugar syrup, add to rice (to taste).

3. Steam dried fruits, dry, cut into small pieces and mix with rice.

4. Put the finished kutya into a bowl with a small slide. Top kutya can be decorated with nuts or raisins. Sometimes the raisins are kneaded inside, this is not forbidden. If you decide so, pre-fry the raisins with honey or sugar in butter in a pan.

But extra tears on this day are not welcome. Bright memory, the best memories and kind words addressed to the departed - better memory about them.

As for the fulfillment of other rules, most of them simply established traditionally, it is believed that on this day you can do household chores, but not overwork, it is worth helping as many people as possible. But to arrange a "funeral" in the sense of a feast, and even with alcohol, is not worth it. In extreme cases, it is permissible to drink a little wine, while spirits are prohibited.


Another day of remembrance is the seventh Thursday after Easter, the so-called Semik. Remembering those who left for Semik is a purely folk tradition. On this day, the dead are also remembered voluntarily and unbaptized. Semik this year falls on May 24.

Even after death, a person's soul needs the support of loved ones, and this can be provided through prayers. It is believed that it is best to pray for the departed on parental Saturdays. Already in October the next one is awaiting us.

Commemoration of the departed is an important church tradition that must be observed by every believer. And for this purpose the church sets aside special days. Pokrovskaya parental Saturday precedes important orthodox holiday - The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. On this day, believers visit the temple, order funeral services and pray for the repose of the souls of those who have already left the earthly world. The experts of our website will tell you what date Pokrovskaya parental Saturday is celebrated in 2018 and how to remember the dead on this day correctly.

In 2018, Pokrovskaya parental Saturday is celebrated the day before the onset of the Intercession, namely October 13. Despite the fact that the traditions of all memorial days are generally similar, there are certain nuances that should be considered in order to avoid trouble.

Before the beginning of the liturgy, it is necessary to put a note with the names of the deceased in a previously prepared urn. You can also bring cahors or treats to the temple, which are then distributed to the poor.

On this day, memorial services for the dead are performed in churches, during which they commemorate the deceased loved ones and pray for the repose of their souls. However, it is forbidden to order a memorial service for the deceased who passed away voluntarily or was an unbeliever.

Many people doubt that it is possible to visit the cemetery in front of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. But the clergy do not prohibit it, and even, on the contrary, recommend it. On this day, people clean up the graves, bring consecrated sweets or pastries.

If you wish, you can remember the deceased relatives by laying the table and inviting the closest friends and relatives of the deceased. But do not forget that the commemoration of the deceased is not a reason to have fun and abuse alcohol, and even more so it is not necessary to do it in the cemetery. On Pokrovskaya parental Saturday, it is recommended to give up heavy and fatty foods and prepare only lean dishes for the Saturday meal. According to one of the signs, if you want the deceased to come to dinner, you need to put extra cutlery on the table and fill the plate with various treats. It is believed that as soon as all household members go to bed, the soul of the deceased will descend to earth to visit their loved ones.

Those who do not have the opportunity to visit the temple and order a panikhida can pray for the dead at home.

The soul of a deceased person has an inextricable connection with the earthly world. That is why the dead often remind of themselves and sometimes try to notify us about upcoming events and even protect us from danger. Most often, signals from another world come to us in dreams, so we invite you to find out what the deceased might dream of.

Pokrovskaya Saturday is one of the Ecumenical memorial services. In the Orthodox faith, there are only three of them: before the Trinity, during Great Lent and on the eve of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. These days are considered very important for all believers, because on such holidays it is customary for the whole world to pray for the peace of every deceased. It is worth noting that the history of such a holiday as the Intercession Parental Saturday is exactly the same as that of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, who saved people during the defense of Constantinople.

It is worth noting that Pokrovskaya parental Saturday appeared much later than Pokrov, and is not celebrated so widely. Initially, this celebration was timed to people who gave their lives to protect their country. By the way, the Pokrovskaya parental Saturday appeared around the 16th century and since that time has been annually celebrated on the eve of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Of course, on such a holiday as Pokrovskaya Parental Saturday, there will be quite a lot of different services, which all believers strongly recommend to visit. Almost all of us have a person for whom we need to put candles and pray. And this is best done on Pokrovskaya parental Saturday. Still, it is believed that this is an ordinary day, with a slight difference. It is the Pokrovskaya parental Saturday that is the day when the dead can be helped to get into the kingdom of heaven.

Pokrovskaya parental Saturday is a holiday when you need to honor all deceased relatives and friends according to East Slavic traditions. This holiday is also called “parental” because, according to Christian beliefs, dead people end up in the same world with their parents. In addition, it should be said that Pokrovskaya parental Saturday has a lot of different traditions.

In Orthodox churches, on the eve of parental Saturday - Friday evening, the Great Panikhida is served, which is also called the Greek word "parastas". The funeral Divine Liturgy is served on Saturday morning, followed by a general requiem.

On this day, one should commemorate their deceased parents in church - people give notes with the names of loved ones of the dead and pray for the repose of their souls in the afterlife.

According to the old church tradition, parishioners bring meat and wine to the church for the celebration of the Liturgy, which are consecrated during the service, and later distributed to those who wish.

Commemoration of the dead is one of the many traditions of Orthodoxy. On this day, funeral services are held in churches, memorial liturgies aimed at maintaining the memory of people who have left the earthly world and freeing the latter from the sins they once committed through prayers.

The memorial day on Pokrovskaya Saturday was established in the middle of the 16th century - Ivan the Terrible ordered on a certain day - on Saturday, on the eve of the Pokrova, to commemorate the soldiers who died during the storming of Kazan in 1552, but the Orthodox Church recognized this day only 40 years later - officially Patriarch Job published in 1592 about the annual commemoration of those who fell during the capture of Kazan on the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Over time, on this day, they began to commemorate not only the fallen soldiers, but also their own deceased relatives - this tradition has survived to this day.

The said Saturday was called “memorial” or “parental” because, according to the Christian faith, the dead go to the next world to their parents, forefathers. In addition, the ritual of remembrance begins with the names of the closest people - our parents.

On this day, one should commemorate their deceased parents in church - people give notes for deceased relatives, as well as for their souls to the priest, and also pray for the repose of their souls in the afterlife. But, if you were not able to visit the church, you can put a candle for your dead in front of the icons at home and pray for them.

After visiting the churches, the Orthodox go to the cemetery, read prayers for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives, and put the graves in order.

On this day, according to tradition, the Orthodox hold modest meals and remember those who are not nearby - they put more appliances on the table, and among the memorial food they must serve a ritual dish - kutya (wheat porridge with raisins, nuts, poured with honey) - symbolizing faith into eternal life and resurrection.

Mourning for loved ones who had passed away in the villages and villages was closely intertwined with entertainment - the last festivities fell on the Pokrovskaya Saturday.

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Parental Saturdays are days of special commemoration of the departed, when with our prayers we can provide great help to our relatives and friends who have passed away from earthly life. Five of them are set aside for the commemoration of deceased relatives, two more and the requiems performed at the same time are called universal. Parental Saturdays involve the observance of certain rules that all believers should be aware of.

Parents' Saturday is a special day in orthodox calendar, when it is customary to remember loved ones who have passed away and to pray to help them. First of all, the deceased parents, and then the rest of the people dear to their hearts. A respectful attitude towards parents in Christian families should be formed in a child in childhood.

What to do when parental Saturday comes?

First of all, performing the actions taken on that day, visiting the grave loved one, or being present at the service in the church, open your heart and sincerely answer to yourself the questions: what is my true attitude towards the deceased, have I forgiven him in everything and what feelings do I really feel? The effectiveness of your prayer directly depends on your sincerity in these moments. This is the main answer to the frequently asked question of what to do on parental Saturday in church.

Parents' Saturday before the Veil in 2019, when

Parental Saturday before the Veil in 2019 falls on October 12. On this day, memorial services and funeral services will be held in Orthodox churches. It happens that people neglect going to church and prefer visiting the graves of the dead to this. But for the repose of the souls of loved ones, prayer and participation in the service in the temple are much more important.

Going to the funeral liturgy, you will need to prepare notes with the names of deceased relatives or friends. According to the rules, you cannot submit requests for the commemoration of unbaptized people and suicides; all others may be referred to without limitation. Believers put these notes into prepared urns or give them to the priest.

You can read a prayer for the departed in the temple or at home:

"Rest, O Lord, the souls of the departed Thy servant: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven."

Earlier this day in the churches they covered festive table, for which one could taste the consecrated food and wine. Now in the same place you can simply consecrate the food and wine brought with you, and the clergy distribute alms to the poor. After visiting the temple, you can go to the cemetery, remove the graves and bring flowers and sweets, or any other food there.

As you know, the festive table on the day of Pokrovskaya parental Saturday should be modest, and the dishes should be lean, since such a restriction demonstrates our grief for those who died and whom we remember.

As noted, throughout the day of the parental Saturday in temples and churches, priests perform memorial services, remembering deceased relatives and loved ones. After they are held, people come to the graves of relatives and dear people in order to rid them of garbage, paint fences, change flowers and the like. Coming from the cemetery, funeral meals are served. It is important to remember that on this day it is not advisable to use excesses in dishes. It is best to set the table modestly, emphasizing the grief for all the dead.

The tradition of visiting church for services and graves of the dead in the northern parts of the country is very popular. Residents are in a hurry to clean up the graves before the arrival of frost and snow, and often this happens the day after the Intercession. The central districts do not honor Pokrovskaya Saturday so much, devoting time only to Dmitrievskaya Saturday, which is considered the most significant and obligatory event.

Belarus celebrates this day in a different way. There, they pre-prepare for the holiday on Friday, serving exclusively lean and light dishes for dinner, which cleanse the body for the use of the heaviest food on a Saturday meal.

Customs and signs

On this day, according to tradition, the Orthodox hold modest meals and remember those who are not nearby - they put more appliances on the table, and among the memorial food they must serve a ritual dish - kutya (wheat porridge with raisins, nuts, poured with honey) - symbolizing faith into eternal life and resurrection.

Mourning for loved ones who had gone to another world, in the villages and villages, was closely intertwined with entertainment - the last festivities fell on Pokrovskaya Saturday.

And after the Intercession, the time began for Pokrov evenings and home gatherings - this tradition goes back to the pre-Christian period of the Slavs.

The custom of commemorating the dead still existed among the pagans - they had special Saturdays, on which they remembered their loved ones who had left untimely.

The main sign that has survived over the centuries of the holiday's existence is associated with the weather. It is generally accepted that on Pokrovskaya parental Saturday, autumn and winter meet for the first time in a year, and the snow that fell on this day is a divine sign - “cover”.

"On the Pokrov, before lunchtime, it is summer, after lunchtime, winter," the people said.

Pokrovskaya Saturday in Belarus is called “Pokrovskie Dedy”. Belarusians believe that on this day the dead come to the houses of their still living close people, and therefore they prudently prepare a memorial supper for them.

The people believed that the Grandfathers should be pleased in every possible way, because they, the holy guests from That World, miss the living, wish people well and grieve about separation.

People believed that not remembering the soul was showing disrespect for the dead. But along with respect there was also the fear that if the souls of the dead were offended, they would not help the living in their affairs.

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