How many years the soul incarnates. How many lives a human soul has and what is reincarnation. Test who you were in a past life transcript

Interior elements 18.07.2020
Interior elements

Before finding out the answer to the question of how many lives a person's soul lives, it is necessary to understand what reincarnation is and what is the law of karma.

In the article:

How many lives does a person's soul live?

Probably every person knows what deja vu... The feeling that we have already experienced these events, saw people in this situation, more than once arises in any person. Unfortunately, today people cannot come to consensusto explain a similar phenomenon.

However, there is a theory that such a phenomenon is memories from previous lives. In this case, the question arises - how many times does a person's soul live and. But no one can give an unequivocal answer to this question.

There are various assumptions on this score. Someone believes that a person has nine lives in total, others insist on 15. If we turn to the treatise "The Cup of the East", we will see that it indicates that a person lives 350 times. There are people who believe that 777 earthly incarnations from lower beings to humans are possible.

Today, people are trying in every possible way to find out how to determine who a person was in a past life and how much incarnation he went through. There are special ones for this.

There are also special techniques that allow a person to remember their incarnations. This can be done in many ways. One of the most popular is the use of meditation. The application of this practice makes it possible to obtain information about their past incarnations.

In most cases, people can simply determine whether they were a man or a woman. More experienced practitioners even manage to distinguish their appearance, clothes, determine the country in which they lived, find out how many lives have been lived in total.

Another popular way to learn a little about your past lives is lucid dreaming... There is a theory that a person can recall his previous incarnations in a dream from time to time. It is enough to learn how to memorize these dreams and analyze them correctly.

He is capable of helping someone who wants to know how many lives he has already lived. This attribute is sometimes replaced by a mirror or even water. However, if a person is not strong enough energetic, unprepared for such a practice, then most often he only manages to see blurry plots from past lives, but it is very difficult to get a clear answer to the question.

The last and probably the most difficult way to learn a little about your previous lives is through hypnosis. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that it is very difficult to find a professional specialist who will really help you see your early incarnations and will not harm you.

What is reincarnation and the law of karma?

What is Karma? This is the energy of consciousness in action, the law of cause and effect, knowledge. The law of karma makes the rebirth of the soul obligatory until all karmic cycles are balanced. The doctrine of karma is inseparable from the doctrine of reincarnation.

Since a person is not ideal, she continues to perform negative actions throughout her every life, which must subsequently be neutralized. Reincarnation is an opportunity that allows you to balance the number of good and negative actions.

If you believe the law of karma, then all speech, thoughts and actions of a person in one incarnation determine the living conditions in the next incarnations. It is worth noting that karma does not deny the existence of free will. Each person is free to choose whether to be good or evil to him.

Unfortunately, often one life is not enough to neutralize all the negative actions committed earlier. Therefore, a person is given several lives to correct mistakes.

It is believed that souls are not initially divided into bad or good. They are all created the same, absolutely clean, like a sheet of paper. From the moment the soul was created by God, it begins to exist by itself, and the soul incarnated in the physical body has to make its own choice. From this moment, all human actions begin to be considered.

It is very difficult to say how a person will have to atone for his sins. You can only make various assumptions. One thing is certain - good and evil must be equal. For example, if a person stole something, then it is enough for him to donate something to another.

If an individual has taken someone else's life, killed someone, then in the next incarnation he will have to give life to the soul he had killed earlier in order to restore the life that he himself took away.

Belief in transmigration of souls

Since people for many centuries have been looking for answers to such eternal questions as the afterlife, rebirth of the soul and reincarnation, religion has tried to give answers to these questions. As you know, the belief in the rebirth of the soul is a very ancient phenomenon.

The northern peoples were convinced that all souls are reborn into their relatives. This indicates that a newborn child is more likely to have the spirit of his great-grandfather than some outsider.

For the first time the fact of rebirth of the spirit was described in the sacred ancient scriptures of Hinduism - the Vedas and Upanishads.

The ancient Greeks also expressed similar theories. Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates talked about the possible transmigration of souls.

Today the New Age movement promotes the belief in the rebirth of the soul. There is a lot of controversy as to whether only people have a soul or all the creatures around us.

For example, Agni yoga assures that the human spirit can only be reborn into a person. There is also an opinion that the soul can become both a man and a woman. However, in Buddhism, it is believed that initially the spirit is inhabited in the body of some animal and, as it develops, it can eventually become a man.

But not all religious denominations agree with the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation. For example, the Christian religion absolutely denies the possibility of rebirth. Since 543, the theory of reincarnation has come under critical condemnation from the Emperor Justinian. This doctrine was finally condemned in 553 by the second Council of Constantinople.

Flavius \u200b\u200bPeter Savvaty Justinian

Precisely due to the fact that today there is not a single real confirmation of reincarnation, the cases that people face are very difficult to explain, and it is impossible to accurately answer the question - is the transmigration of souls possible. Therefore, everyone decides for himself what to believe in.

Using a variety of magic sessions and tests, you can determine what kind of life you are living at the moment. However, many people regard such practices as entertainment rather than a way to get reliable information. It is possible to say with exact certainty that it does not matter whether reincarnation and the law of karma exist or not, the more good deeds each individual does, the better it will be for himself and for all of humanity.

Different religions have different ideas about life after death. Each person is able to select for himself the most appropriate opinion. Reincarnation is the rebirth of a person after death. Leaving the body, the soul passes into another living being. This opinion is not inherent in all religions, but there are some that say just that.

So, for example, in Buddhism, it is believed that a person has certain karmic laws, thanks to which he will be reborn in different beings several times, depending on how much he deserves during his earthly life.

Not many people want to believe in the disappearance of both body and soul after death. Someone is inclined to believe that after death, breathing goes to heaven to paradise, someone believes in reincarnation. This question remains unexplored and no one can give an exact answer to it. However, the concept of reincarnation is vividly discussed by many people, especially adherents of some religious trends.

Origin and meaning

Literally "reincarnation" means "secondary entry into flesh and blood." The word is borrowed from Latin. In other words, this is the transmigration of the soul from one body to another. There is also a certain religious trend that claims that reincarnation is not in doubt.

Reincarnation can be carried out into any living being, not necessarily from person to person. Different traditions have different definitions of the spiritual shell. In some, she is reincarnated from life to life, in others - she goes into another world. In any case, the soul is considered to be an immortal entity that never dies.

There is a purpose in reincarnation, thanks to which it happens. In many religions, there are ideas that the spiritual shell of a person is reincarnated into another being from time to time in order to undergo evolutionary changes and allow it to improve over several lifetimes, as well as to work out sins or karmic ideas.

You don't have to be a follower of any religion. Some people simply believe in reincarnation while being atheists. Initially, the concept of reincarnation appeared a long time ago. It was said about her in ancient scriptures. Even among the Indians, it is believed that the soul of a deceased relative after death passes to an infant from the same community.

Socrates, Pythagoras and other philosophers ancient greece believed that reincarnation did exist. Many people in the modern world also have faith in it.

Reincarnation laws of physics

Subtle matter, from the point of view of science, has been studied for a very long time. However, no one has yet given an exact answer to the question of the existence and subsequent movement of the soul after death.

There is the so-called law of karma, which is not separate from the concept of reincarnation. Every life the soul undergoes evolutionary changes, it becomes better, it is cleared of karmic mistakes. Sometimes, according to some religions, it takes not one, but several lives to work out all the karmic mistakes of a person.

According to the law of karma, all actions and thoughts of a person are embodied in this and future lives. In order for karma to become pure, one incarnation in a person is not always enough. Therefore, there may be several of them.

Reincarnation while alive

Every person has subtle matter. Different peoples call it differently. It is commonly called the soul. A person has not only a physical body, but also a subtle body, which is responsible for the actions, thoughts and actions of a person in this and subsequent lives.

It is believed that reincarnation also implies gender reassignment. That is, if in this life a man is a man, then in the previous one he was a woman. If in a past life a person did not work out what was necessary and did not close his channels, then in this life he may get some difficulties in the form of mental disorders, visions, multiple personality disorder and other difficulties.

There is some idea that reincarnation occurs from a living being to a living, but if the soul can reincarnate from a person into an animal, then it cannot go back.

There is a concept of relocation during life. That is, if a person does not need to change his body in a given life, then she can reincarnate in this life without changing the biological carrier.

Such processes do not occur often, but usually for a person they are accompanied by some kind of serious shocks, such as clinical death. After such experiences, a person feels completely different, although his body remains the same as it was.

There is one case in human history, recorded not so long ago, when an American fell into a prolonged coma, and when he woke up, he realized that he was a Swede. That is, the process of reincarnation in an existing body took place.

There is a certain table, guided by which you can learn a lot of interesting things if the soul is reincarnated in the same biological carrier.

There is also a temporary transmigration of the soul into another body. It is observed in actors when they completely transform into other characters and get used to the role so much that they no longer remember who they were before. Returning from the role later is quite problematic for them, but possible. This process must be carefully planned by the actor in order to learn how to return his soul to his own body after leaving the role.

Past lives and your soul

There are certain techniques that allow you to find out who a person was during a past life, that is, who his soul was in before moving into his present body.

The principles of reincarnation are found not only in human lives, there is a law of cyclicality that can be found in nature: the change of day and night, seasons. The purpose in the past and present lives may differ, since karmic mistakes are worked out in each new life, some become less, others - more.

11 signs your soul has reincarnated

The process of reincarnation is not captured by a person, since the physical body does not have the ability to remember the past lives of his soul. But under certain conditions in memory it is possible to recreate pictures from the past. The spiritual shell of a person is immortal, but it can be of age.

Some teachings suggest that the more mature a person is in a particular area, the more often in past lives he has had experience in this area. Not all people are mature, some are younger.

There are certain postulates that will allow you to determine that she was already in another body in front of yours.

  • Repeated dreams. All people have dreams, but not everyone remembers them. However, there are dreams that repeat themselves several times and become annoying. At the same time, in a dream, a person clearly feels that he is a different person, or the dream is so realistic that it is then difficult for him to come to his senses when he wakes up.
  • Unusual memories. It is especially found in young children when they recall something that their parents do not remember and which does not seem to have happened in reality.
  • Strong intuition. The unconscious flow can protect a person from any action. Or he can predict an event. Intuition is not well developed in everyone.
  • Deja vu. They say that it is most often observed in young people and disappears over the years.
  • Empathy.
  • Foresight ability. A person can predict his own and someone else's future, has the ability to "peep" ahead to find out the answer to some questions.
  • Clairvoyance. Has a very small number of people.
  • Feeling out of age. Some people feel that their spiritual experience is superior to that of their physical body.
  • Desire to learn another culture or traditions of the people.
  • Phobias.
  • Feeling not at home on Earth.

A person who has at least one of these signs may not understand why this is happening with his consciousness, but this may mean that she has already reincarnated. Perhaps more than once.

Recurring dreams

Dreams are a companion of every person. Even young children have dreams. The older a person gets, the less often and more blurry illustrations he sees, but some do not see them even at a young age.

There are such dreams that literally haunt a person throughout his real life. They dream so often and clearly that it begins to seem to a person that this really happened to him. At the same time, in a dream, he sees some unfamiliar person, a place, conversations, and so on. That which in this life he does not meet. This moment suggests that the spirit was already in this place or met with such a person in a past life.

Strange memories

Young children experience the most intense memories from their past lives. Sometimes parents mistake childhood memories for jokes or fantasies, but almost always they are not fantasies, but memories from their past lives.

You have strong intuition.

People with strong intuition definitely have a rather mature spirit, since it gives them a connection to some unconscious sources, with the help of which you can own a certain amount of information.

Good intuition is common among young people, mature people, and even children. Not every person may have a mature soul. But people with good intuition have sufficient experience with their spiritual shell.

Deja vu

Many people, especially young people, often come across such a concept as déjà vu in their lives. When you assume that something will happen now, and what exactly is going to happen, it is either difficult or impossible to remember. Déjà vu is not necessarily unpleasant. It can also be caused by positive aspects.

Deja vu is caused by various circumstances. They usually appear spontaneously, but sometimes they are caused by some kind of smells, sounds, voices and so on. Psychologists claim that déjà vu is nothing more than a neurological disorder, but those who believe in reincarnation believe that it appears as a reflection of past lives.

You are an empath

People who know how to immerse themselves in the pain and joy of another person, regardless of their experiences, are called empaths. They will feel so strongly everything that the other person feels that it seems to them that they are experiencing these feelings in their lives. There are very few such people. The bulk is fixated only on their own experiences. But the ability to empathy speaks of the past transmigration of the soul into another body. When reincarnation occurs, the spiritual shell remembers some events and reflects them in future lives.

Often there are those who only pretend to be empathy. In reality, they are not imbued with the experiences of the other, but only superficially accept reality, while remaining completely immersed in themselves. But those who truly experience and feel all the suffering and joys of others have a mature spirit.


A very small number of people have the ability to foresee certain circumstances and incidents. These abilities can appear both in childhood and adulthood. Sometimes they meet after serious incidents and experiences in a person's life.

Foresight can be done through visions, dreams, feelings, and many other aspects. It is clear that this ability is manifested in people with a mature spirit.

Clairvoyance directed to past events

Clairvoyance is very rare. Most often, a person possesses this ability from early childhood, but it can open suddenly and in adulthood. Some try not to hear what they actually hear, in order not to delve into many circumstances.

Information obtained with the help of clairvoyance is unprovable. However, many people do confirm the reality of the events predicted and received by the seer.

You feel older than your age

There are people who cannot correlate their physical and mental age. Sometimes it seems to them that their soul is actually more mature than their body. Already at a young age, they do not make the mistakes that their peers make, use their own experience, which appeared from nowhere. This fact suggests that such people have a mature soul that helps in real life.

You have a strong attraction to a particular culture, time period, environment

Attachment and desire to learn as much as possible about any culture or tradition of the people indicates that in a past life the soul lived in the physical body of a person belonging to this group.

At the same time, a person may not understand why he is so eager to determine the meaning of this culture for himself, everything happens unconsciously. This is often found among archaeologists who are looking for information and artifacts from a period that is very important to them.

Unexplained fears or phobias

some children may be afraid of some inexplicable things. Nobody scared them, did not tell scary stories, but for some reason the child is afraid of water, spiders or something else. This is due to past life experiences. During reincarnation, the spiritual shell remembered and captured negative experiences and transferred them to the real body.

Parents often mistake such phobias for fiction, but in reality they are often reflections from a past life. In adults, this happens much less often, but it also happens.

You feel like the earth is not your home

An inexplicable phenomenon sometimes occurs in people when they feel that they are out of place. They do not feel the earth as their home. There is a feeling that he came from another planet or from another world, or from another time period.

Often this feeling is accompanied by constant anxiety, unconsciousness of some of their actions, incomprehensible dreams, and even neurological disorders. Such people have a spiritual shell that has been reincarnated, possibly more than once.

In the "Secret Doctrine" by H.P. Blavatsky it is said that from a certain period of development of monads, which, ascending along the spiral of evolution, pass from one kingdom to another, and in the end from animal to human, the door to the human kingdom closes, and on the planet only a certain limited number of monads incarnate into a dense physical body. These monads (read, human souls) have been incarnated over many millions of years in leather suits, which we call bodies. If we consider that the door to the human kingdom has been closed since the middle of the Atlantic period, then the youngest souls who began their incarnations in the middle of the fourth root race (Atlanteans) are about 1 million 600 thousand years old. Whereas the oldest spirits, who began their first incarnations on the physical plane during the third subrace of the third root race (Lemurians), are about 18 million years old. This explains the great cultural, intellectual, spiritual gap between people, nations, races, tk. older souls who many times incarnated on Earth in dense bodies had more opportunities to accumulate life experience in comparison with those souls who began to incarnate much later than the first.

When the body grows old, the soul leaves it, stays for some time in the subtle world (astral) in its subtle (astral) body, and then again descends to the surface of the earth's crust, putting on a dense physical spacesuit in the form of a physical body. The body grows, lives, and the spirit that animates it gains new emotions, impressions, it accumulates life experience, learns to do good, and sometimes evil, in order to understand the difference between them. In the course of this struggle of the soul's choice between the light and dark paths, a person grows spiritually, and thereby, spiritually evolves. This road is endless - from an illiterate fool to the ruler of the galaxy, and further, to other worlds and planes of existence, the end of which has no end. To follow this path, the human spirit must experience a dense world. For this, the soul must periodically incarnate into dense physical shells. In the intervals between incarnations, the soul rests and gains strength in the subtle world. What is the period between two incarnations today, for example, of the Russian people? This article will answer this question.

Of course, we know from Theosophy that the period between incarnations can be either very short (several years) or very long (several thousand years). Likewise, the life of one person can be several days, and can even exceed a hundred years. This is if we talk about one person, about one soul. But if we consider a large mass of people, souls, then in this case the laws of statistics are valid, which operates with average values. Here we will take statistical data and process them using elementary mathematical operations. For the convenience of calculations, we will use the Excel program.

So, in order to know how many years it takes from birth to the birth of the average soul of the Russian people, we need to know:

A) the total number of souls periodically incarnating in the Russian state egregor;
B) the total number of embodied souls living on the territory of Russia;
C) average life expectancy.

The formula for calculating the period of incarnations "P" is simple: P \u003d A / B * C

A small note to point "A". According to the law of development of monads, they can pass from one people to another. But take a relatively short period of time, say, 200-300 years, then the migration of the souls of one people to another will be minimal and can be neglected. It is these small historical periods of time that will be used in our calculation. In one case, it will be 307 years (from 1700 to 2007) - when calculating the percentage of the population of the world's peoples from the total population of the planet. And in the second case, we will talk about 50 years (from 1900 to 1950), when the calculation of the percentage of the peoples of Europe, which includes the Russian people, to the total number of the population of Europe will be made.

According to the same law of development of monads, souls who have reached the highest spiritual level that is only possible for an average monad at this stage of the evolution of planet Earth, and who have freed themselves from earthly karma, can "fly away" to other planets that are higher in their capabilities for the spiritual development of the monad. Since the number of such souls is immeasurably small in relation to the total number of monads incarnating on Earth, we will neglect this loss of souls in our calculations.

There is no direct data on how many souls are spinning in the Russian "birth-death-astral-birth" circle. But there is information about how many souls are incarnated on our entire planet. In dubious esoteric circles (Alice Bailey and others) 60 billion monads were discussed. In proven theosophical and agni yogic sources, this figure is not refuted, but not supported. In a series of books "Signs of Light", published by K. Ustinov, in a book called "Roses of Light" in paragraph 140 there is the following phrase: "20 billion souls revolve in the cycle of Samsara." As calculations and indirect facts show, this figure corresponds to reality more than 60 billion. (The reader can open the file "reincarnation.xlsx", where all calculations are given, and change in the "O2" field the figure 20 billion to 60 billion, and see how all the graphs of the reincarnation period change).

To isolate from these 20 billion souls only those souls that are embodied in the Russian state egregor, it will be necessary to make a number of calculations, which are due to the availability of statistical information. Based on the data on the population of the peoples of Europe in relation to the total number of inhabitants of the Earth, we calculate the percentage of the population of Europe in relation to the whole world, and impose these percentages on the number of all souls. So let us know the number of incarnating souls of Europe. Knowing this figure, we will take statistical data on the population of the peoples of Europe, and extract from it the percentage of the Russian people in relation to the whole of Europe, multiply the percentage by the number of souls in Europe, and so find out the number of souls of the Russian egregor.

It should be noted here that not all groups of souls participate directly in the cycle of incarnations at this stage. Some of the souls have already reached the level of the next root race (sixth), and is waiting for their incarnation on Earth, when suitable conditions will be created that correspond to the level of the sixth root race. These conditions must be created by representatives of the militant vanguard of the sixth race, voluntarily incarnating at the end of the fifth root race, which consists mainly of white-faced peoples plus Hindus. New conditions mean a new social and political system, with a new scale of values, differing in relation to the current scale of values \u200b\u200bby increased spirituality, culture, and friendliness. Therefore, representatives of the avant-garde of the sixth race are distinguished by their high culture and developed spirituality. Their goal of the current incarnation by the end of our (fifth) race is to build a new society based on high spiritual values. Only in a new, culturally progressive society can the bulk of the souls of the sixth race be embodied. The world is awaiting a cultural revolution, and according to esoteric sources, this will happen in Russia. Our calculations will help establish the approximate date of this new revolutionary era. More on this below.

The vanguard of the sixth race is scattered throughout the world today, mostly in the white races. But their number in comparison with the general population is negligible, so they are not taken into account in our calculations. But the number of souls that await their incarnation in the sixth race in the astral world must be quite large. For our calculations, this share of souls is estimated at approximately 3% (600 thousand). This share must be subtracted from the total number of souls (20 billion), and we will receive the number of all souls participating in the circle of samsara at this stage - 19 billion 400 thousand souls.

In terms of population and life expectancy, we take the exact figures from Wikipedia. Under the link "History of the Earth's Population" we take data from 1700, tk. it is from this time that all regions of the planet are taken into account: Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Oceania. Let's enter this data into table number 1 of the "reincarnation.xlsx" file. In the link "Life expectancy" let us pay attention to the chapter "The evolution of life expectancy", where the average life expectancy for historical epochs is roughly indicated. We are interested in the period starting from 1700. Let's enter these data into table 3, stretching them over the years. Now let's calculate the percentage of the population for the specified regions, creating table number 2. The obtained data will be presented in graphical form, creating a graph with the title "Percentage of the population of regions to the total population of the planet."

It can be seen from this graph that the percentage of the world's population by region was not the same. This is due to the different periods of incarnations. Representatives of some peoples, for example, European ones, incarnated more often than peoples, say, Africa. For clarity, consider the 1998 population growth chart by the United Nations demographic department (see the graph "Earth population growth from 1750 to 2150"). It can be seen from this graph that the main population growth occurred at the expense of developing countries. This means that the souls of these egregors were in the astral world and were waiting for their turn to incarnate. And when the time came for the reduction of the period of reincarnation, these souls in droves received the opportunity for life on Earth. Therefore, the percentage of European peoples has been decreasing all the time. This figure is extremely important for calculations, because the number of souls spinning in the circle of samsara of a particular region of the planet is calculated from it. We are interested in the European region, which includes the Russian people.

If we consider another graph made in 1998 by the UN demographic department, which shows the world population distribution by years - 1800, 1900, 2000, we can see that it gives approximately the same figures that were obtained in our calculation in Excel file "reincarnation.xlsx". To calculate the number of souls by region, we took the percentage for 2007, namely: Europe - 11%, Africa - 14%, Asia - 60%, North. America - 5.0%, South. America - 8%, Oceania - 0.53%.

Taking from table number 2 the percentage of the population by region for 2007, we can calculate the total number of souls incarnating by region of the world. These data are shown in Table 4. Now you can calculate the period of reincarnation for the average soul of the planet Earth, broken down by region. To do this, you need to take the number of all souls of one region, divide this figure by the number of embodied ones, and multiply by the average life span. These data are presented in Table 5. By presenting the obtained data in graphical form, we will get a general picture of the development of the timing of reincarnation for the population of the whole world, broken down by regions.

The general trend for the whole world is marked with a yellow dotted line, which smoothly goes in the direction of reducing the time of reincarnation. This suggests that the scrolls of karma have been folding very quickly over the past three centuries, i.e. people incarnate much more often in order to have more opportunities to distribute their karmic debts. This mathematical calculation is consistent with esoteric information, in particular with the content of paragraph 263 from K. Ustinov's book "Lilies of Light": "Truly, everything has been accelerated to unknown speeds. Karma rolls up the scrolls. There is no time for the slow elimination of karma. The path of the bird remains. the ant is gone. " In another book by the same author, namely in the book "Faces of the Light", paragraph 171 says: "Many souls recognize each other in a new guise. The memory of previous incarnations is still fresh, because the time between existences has shortened."

Why does the time between existence in dense bodies decrease? The answer is clear to those who know that our humanity is on the verge of a change of root races, when the Earth is preparing for a global continental reorganization, during which some masses of souls (rearguard and gray serenidniki of humanity) are deprived of the opportunity to incarnate in their usual places, and other accumulations of souls ( spiritual and cultural vanguard of mankind) will have the opportunity to incarnate on new lands, free from the pernicious influence of past (read, current) civilizations. In addition, when the root races change in the astral world, souls will be divided into different planets in accordance with karmic merits. The most evil souls will go to Saturn, which will soon leave our solar system. The gray human mass, unsuitable for further spiritual evolution on Earth, will go to Mars, where in the future conditions suitable for the new Martian humanity will be organized, which will make it possible to make heroes of the spirit out of the gray mass of people. Well, the vanguard of our humanity (of which there are much fewer than just indicated) will continue to evolve on planet Earth. It is clear that the paths of these human groups will diverge for a long time, if not forever. Therefore, there should be no karmic connections between them. In order to untie the karmic bonds connected over the past millions of years of incarnations, on the threshold of the change of races, there is a sharp increase in incarnations of all groups of the population - from the aborigines of the lower third root race to the last seventh subrace of the fifth root race.

Considering the graph for table number 5, which shows the curves of changes in the period of reincarnation for different regions of our planet, we can say that the representatives of Europe and Asia had comparatively the same incarnation tendencies in comparison with the global ones. And this is understandable, since these two groups of monads make up the advanced root races of mankind (the higher subraces of the fourth root race and the fifth root race), therefore, uniform and stable periods of reincarnation reign in their midst, which cannot be said about the African, North and South American, Pacific egregors, which are lagging subraces (remnants of the third root race and lower subraces of the fourth root race). The terms of incarnations in these subraces were enormous, so the inhabitants of these regions did not have time to accumulate rich life experience. But on the threshold of the change of races, the curves of all regions of the world converge at one point to ensure frequent meetings of souls in physical bodies and distribution of mutual karmic debts. Surprisingly, in our calculations, the period of reincarnation turned out to be equal for all regions - 195 years. This mathematical miracle suggests that on the verge of a change of races, everyone is given an equal chance to correct their karma.

Now the task is to isolate the share of the Russian people from the total mass of European peoples. You can take statistical data on the number of European peoples in the XX century from the Wikipedia website from the article "List of censuses of the population of the countries of the world", and calculate on the basis of these data the percentage of the Russian people and the proportion of Russian souls from the total number of those incarnating in the European region. For a unified population count, three years were taken - 1900, 1925, 1950. If in these years in some countries the population census was not carried out, then the average indicator for these years was calculated from the two nearest (previous and past) periods. According to calculations, the percentage of the Russian people in the population of all of Europe was 18.6%, which in specific quantity will be expressed in 397 million 75 thousand 325 souls (see table number 6, fields K101 and L101) - this is the number of human souls for the present the moment of evolution is periodically embodied in the egregor of the Russian Federation.

Now we need to find statistical figures for the population in the modern borders of the Russian Federation for the XX century. On Wikipedia from the same article "List of censuses of the population of the countries of the world" you can take data on the size of the Russian population in the XX century. Data on the average life expectancy for the Russian people for the XX century can be found on the website of the Institute for Demographic Research in the article "The demographic situation in modern Russia". Now, using these numbers, according to the above formula, you can calculate the period of reincarnation (from birth to the birth of two consecutive incarnations of the same soul) for the Russian people in the XX century. The data obtained are collected in table number 7 (a) and presented in graphical form on the graph "The period of reincarnation for the population of the Russian Federation in the XX century."

It can be seen from this graph that the period of reincarnation in the Russian Federation was constantly decreasing, as well as on a global scale. The reasons for this decrease are specified in the paragraph above, where it was said about all peoples in general. The difference between the Russian people and the average inhabitant of European nations is that the period of reincarnation of Russian souls lagged slightly behind the average European level, and only at the end of the 20th century did it catch up with this level, and at the beginning of the 21st century even surpassed it. This suggests that the Russian people, due to the difficult life in the 20th century (World War I, October Revolution, Stalinist repressions, World War II, Perestroika), did not have favorable demographic conditions for population reproduction. Such conditions appeared in the Russian Federation only at the end of the century, together with political, economic and social stability. This trend of growth in the population of the Russian Federation, which provides for a reduction in the period of reincarnation, will continue in the 21st century. According to the forecasts presented in table 7 (b), in 2050 the number of Russian citizens will reach 183.5 million, and by 2100 - 213.6 million.

It should be said about what the forecast presented in table 7 (b) was based on. The linear function of the reincarnation graph (Table 7 (a)) will be as follows: y \u003d -0.723x + 1628, where "y" is the period of reincarnation in years, and "x" is the historical years. If we take this function as the direction of the further development of the graph of the reincarnation period, then we can build a forecast for the 21st century. But it is necessary to smooth this curve towards a decrease in the period of reincarnation, because if this is not done, then by the end of the century this period will become negative, which cannot be. As logic suggests, the time between incarnations cannot be reduced to a minimum, since the souls of the dead need time for posthumous rest (devachan), receiving karmic rewards and retributions (purgatory), birth and growing up in a new subtle body, getting used to a new subtle world, communicating with deceased relatives, creative development, preparation for a new incarnation in a physical body, receiving and considering a task for a new incarnation, etc. etc. - all this takes a lot of time. Only developed and strong spirits performing the task of Shambhala can fit into two or three decades. But ordinary people, following the paths of samsara at the behest of karma, need at least twice as much time for the posthumous path. Therefore, the reduction of the period between incarnations from 113 years in 2002 to 73 in 2100 (see table 7, column "E") is critical, after which this period should stabilize or even increase. But a further fall is unlikely to be allowed by the Lords of the planet, who control the periods of birth with the help of the lunar elements.

On the graph to table 7 (b) "Forecast of the period of reincarnation of the population of the Russian Federation in the XXI century", the curve of the reincarnation period smoothly approaches a horizontal straight line, which mathematically means that the period of reincarnation stabilizes around 158 years. With an average life expectancy in 2100 of about 85 years, the soul has about 73 years left for its posthumous existence, which is rather short if we take into account that in the recent past these periods were several centuries. Such critical periods, as mentioned above, are due to a special period of evolution, which is on the verge of changing the indigenous races of mankind.

An interesting calculation is the calculation of the year of death of the last incarnation for people born in the estimated historical year, shown in column "A" and therefore named A-years. It is very easy to calculate this figure - you need to subtract the incarnation period in effect in this historical year (column "E") from which historical year (column "A"). These figures are presented in column "F" of Table 7. In graphical form, these calculations are shown in the graph "Year of birth of incarnates and year of death of their previous life in the Russian Federation in A-year". If you analyze this graph, you can make a social forecast for the Russian Federation for the 21st century. Let's show this with an example.

There is an expression: "Everything is decided by cadres." It is true not only for an economic or political group of people, but also on a national scale in historical and karmic terms. Karma connects groups of people who perform some kind of historical action. Groups of people die and reincarnate, carrying group karmic ties with them. Historians often talk about the spiral of historical events, thereby confirming the doctrine of the reincarnation of the soul, because the spiral of history is generated by the periodicity of reincarnation of human groups, which in each subsequent life find themselves in the same situations, thanks to the karmic ties of previous incarnations.

In the book "The Message of Infinity" K. Ustinov contains the following lines: "Events in the Caucasus are not easy. * ... Chechnya is experiencing a return of the reincarnations of the era of Alexander II and the first Caucasian war. ** Both the fallen soldiers returned from one side and the other."

For reference:
* We are talking about the Russian-Chechen wars. The first Chechen war (officially the conflict was called "measures to maintain constitutional order") lasted from 1994 to 1996. The second Chechen war (officially called the "counter-terrorist operation") lasted from September 30, 1999 (the date the federal troops entered Chechnya) to April 16, 2009, when the counter-terrorist operation regime was canceled in the Republic of Chechnya.
** The first Caucasian war - the so-called. The Ermolov period (1816-1827), when Alexander II appointed General A.P. Gorky to the post of commander-in-chief of the Russian troops in Georgia and on the Caucasian line. Ermolov (1777-1861).

From this information, you can calculate how many years have passed between the First Caucasian War of the era of Alexander II and the modern First Chechen War - we get the following figure: 1994 - 1816 \u003d 178 (years). It is this figure that will be the period of reincarnation in the Russian Federation at the time of the beginning of the First Chechen War, i.e. in 1994, when the long-standing enemies of the Caucasian wars of the times of the Russian Empire were embodied both in Russia and in Chechnya. If you look at our calculations of the reincarnation period given in table 7 of the "reincarnation.xlsx" file, you can see approximately the same numbers. For 1989, the period of reincarnation was 186 years, and for 2002 - 178 years. 1994, in the middle, will give the figure for the period of reincarnation at about 182, which is quite close to the figure of 178, calculated above from K. Ustinov's books as the interval between the First Caucasian War of the era of Alexander II and the modern First Chechen War.

As history repeated itself in the form of a spiral of the Chechen wars, other events can also happen when other groups of souls who wrote the history of Russia in past centuries are embodied in the Russian Federation. Based on the knowledge of the past history and the period of reincarnation, one can make a forecast of social relations in Russia in the 21st century. If we take the masses of people between the ages of 25 and 45 as the leading force of the era, then forecasting should be based on the incarnations of 35 years of age. If you add 35 years from table number 7 to the years of death of past incarnations, you get a year in which these incarnations acted as the engines of the era. This is how you get a column of numbers with the years of the engines of the era of past history (see column "H" of table number 8). Now we need to take the year in which this leading group of souls will incarnate in our time, and add 35 years to this figure, when this group of souls will again take the leading position in society. This is how the table number 8 "Historical parallels with the present time" was obtained, which is graphically presented on the corresponding chart.

If you look at position number 3, then the top line will show the year of modern history - 1994, and the bottom line - the year of past history - 1835. Near these years, some epochal events took place that will have a similar character. In position number 3, apparently, there is a similarity between the Caucasian wars of the past and the Chechen wars of the present. The Caucasian wars of tsarist Russia, in which Ichkeria were directly affected, lasted 42 years: from 1817 (the beginning of the Ermolov period) to 1859 (the capture of Shamil and the declaration of Ichkeria's submission). The middle of this period of the war between the soldiers of the Russian army and the Chechen highlanders is exactly 1835. When these people incarnated again, then, fastened by a karmic bond (hatred holds together as strongly as love), they again took up arms. This is how the first Chechen war of 1994 began.

Today's time - positions number 4 and 5 - is characterized by the growth of the bourgeoisie in the second half of the 19th century, when crooks of all stripes were born with one goal - to get rich. Society worships the bourgeois element as an idol. Money is a measure of success and social prosperity. The Church is to breed demagoguery, but she herself is not averse to filling the purse. The peasants drink too much or migrate to the cities, where they replenish the army of slaves of the bourgeoisie. The working people are mercilessly exploited and receive pennies for their labor. Culture is placed at the service of the petty-bourgeois morality of profit. These are the historical parallels between the last quarter of the 19th century and the first quarter of the 21st century.

Position number 6 of the graph "Historical parallels with the present" to table number 8 of the file "reincarnation.xlsx" corresponds to the famous "Bloody Sunday" and the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907. It must be assumed that, starting in 2024, the first discontent with the state policy of the tsar-president will begin in the Russian Federation. The people will be under the thumb of the neo-capitalists, who treat the people with paper sausage, pesticide vegetables, fired vodka, while fooling the people with laughter panoramas and pop TV parties. A public order in which the green dollar is at the forefront of public morality will be called into question by a large proportion of young people. The first social cells, Internet communities, will emerge, aiming to change the capitalist system of Russian society in favor of socialist ideas. "The idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism will make a turn of the spiral in order to return anew" - these are lines from the books of the same K. Ustinov. The country will look for new forms of social life in which material wealth will be of secondary importance in relation to the cultural and spiritual life of people. Young social scientists will appear who will assess society not by the level of the country's gross industrial product, but by the index of happiness of its inhabitants.

In addition, the struggle between the hired workers and the new Russian neo-capitalists will take on an acute character. Industry and transport can cover strikes of workers and employees who will be dissatisfied with low wages, lack of environmentally friendly working and living conditions, the flourishing of obscene mass culture, rampant bribery and embezzlement, the inability to achieve justice in the courts, etc.

It is quite possible that some revolutionary incarnates will find an outpouring of their rebel characters in the ecological movement, which by that time will have a global, planetary character. The intransigence, courage and ingenuity of Russian eco-activists will make the mass media around the world speak of them as the most desperate fighters for the preservation of the planet's natural resources. In addition, the Russian "greens" will bring new living blood into the world movement Greenpeace, putting forward on the agenda of this movement a completely new ideology of the communal order, in which man and nature live in a friendly symbiosis.

Probably, the revolution of the 2030s will not have such a brutal and bloody character that took place in Russia during the civil war of 1918-1920. In the 2030s, clashes between the supporters of Russian neo-capitalism and the new world, free from the dictates of capital, will most likely take the character of ideological, bloodless wars. This will be the karmic task of the new incarnates, who took up arms in a past life and started a fratricidal war. Whites and reds in a past life will converge again in the 2030s in an irreconcilable struggle with each other. In this incarnation, they will need to learn how to resolve their disputes peacefully - without weapons in their hands. It will be difficult, and therefore hot times await Russia.

If we recall the letter of the Mahatmas to the Russian government, which says about the achievements of the Great October Revolution, then we can predict the achievements of the future revolution of the 2030s. Let's make the assumption that it will be more spiritual, cultural and ideological than material, political and economic as in 1917. Based on the letter of the Mahatmas, transmitted in 1924 by the Roerichs in Moscow to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs GV Checherin, the future cultural and ideological Russian revolution of the 21st century will probably have the following points in its achievements:

All these and other events cannot be carried out without the support and leadership of the International Invisible Government - the White Brotherhood of Shambhala. This time, the Mahatmas will not only watch the revolution progress, or send their ambassadors to offer cooperation with the government, but one of the Mahatmas will himself lead the Russian cultural revolution. The Reverend White Brother himself, one of the seven Great Kumars, Saint Germain has already incarnated in Russia to lead the movement of revolutionary souls that are emerging in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century. This joyful and bright message is proclaimed in the books of the same K. Ustinov: "A new Savior was born. This is one of the incarnations of S.-Zh." (Mountain Abode, p. 141.) These lines were adopted by Ustinov at the end of 2000. This means that Saint-Germain is already at least about 10 years old, and he probably goes to a Russian school in a Russian city and speaks in Russian. The following lines, adopted by K. Ustinov in 2007, shed light on the mission of the new incarnation of the Great Saint Germain:

"The predestined people belong to the law of timing. Meetings are inalienable, but both the shadow side and the forces that do not want changes can hinder. The movement of hearts has begun. The spiral will unfold into a great community where the pure forces of My country will be gathered. Under the leadership of the Reverend the path of spiritual growth will begin. It is the spirit that will show wealth the best use of the application. The resonance will be throughout the planet. Like a meteorite, the wave will travel around the globe more than once. " (Voice of the Heart, p. 333.)

Indeed, the movement of revolutionary hearts has already begun! The spiral of reincarnation will bring to Russia the spirits who fought for a better future for the country in 1917. These rebellious spirits will gather around Saint Germain and will make a new revolution in Russia - a communal revolution, a cultural revolution, a revolution of the spirit triumphant over the death of the neo-capitalist swamp! Great Zvenigorod will throw the spiers of its glory into the blue sky of the blessed Altai. The city-community will achieve, under the leadership of Saint-Germain, unimaginable achievements in the field of culture and science, unprecedented hitherto simple and cordial relations between its inhabitants, community members. The resonance from the great community created will have a worldwide scale. Delegations of all countries will visit the Altai community of Saint Germain, be surprised and amazed at the simplicity, happiness and wisdom of the inhabitants of the Altai Zvenigorod. There will be many imitators around the world. The communal settlement movement will be especially successful in Russia, where it will assume a nationwide character. The community of Saint Germain will become the prototype of the world community ... Great Russia, the Ivans of the Hundreds of Thousands, will again direct the world in the right direction of evolution.

Today's demographics only take into account the birth, movement, and death of embodied spirits. In the future, the science of reincarnography will be created, which will deal with the full cycle of transmigration of human souls. This article only briefly shows one of the possibilities of this science, based on only one, but key figure, which speaks about the number of souls spinning in the circle of reincarnation on our planet. We are not yet aware of many laws governing the posthumous sojourn of the soul. This is due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of humanity does not accept the doctrine of reincarnation at all. When this barrier is broken, and every inhabitant of the Earth accepts this theory (as, for example, it is the case in today's India), then the science of reincarnography will be accepted by the scientific world, making it possible to collectively brainstorm this area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge. And if humanity reaches that moral and spiritual level of development, after which it becomes impossible to abuse esoteric knowledge, then our Teachers - the Mahatmas of Shambhala - will help humanity on the way to mastering the secrets of reincarnography, which in its power can easily overshadow any technocratic achievements of modern sciences.


will help you understand not only what karma is
and how it relates to your life, but we will also help you find out what exactly
characterizes your personal karma and what can be done to improve it.





The multiple birth of a person in different bodies is called reincarnation.
This phenomenon means that a certain part of a person - namely his immortal Spirit and soul, after death can move to another body. There are many hypotheses of how many reincarnations a human Spirit and soul has. There is no need to list them. I will give you my point of view on this matter.
The reincarnations of the Spirit and the human soul are not endless and have a limit.
They consist of twelve circles with twelve reincarnations in each circle. Collectively, the Spirit incarnates in various human bodies of various nationalities, in the male or female field, in different geographical locations 144 times. During the incarnation of which, the Human Spirit gains a positive or negative life experience, fulfills the set karmic tasks or not, has the ability to free itself from karma and enter the Divine plan and not be born again on Earth. If the Spirit of a person after passing twelve circles does not solve karmic problems, then as is known from esoteric sources of knowledge, the prototypes of these Spirits are destroyed on the Divine plane.
Reincarnations can only be interrupted for two reasons.
A person himself can interrupt the course of reincarnations and remain indefinitely at the level of the Subtle Worlds (the Kingdom of Heaven), but this happens only if a person has solved all his tasks on Earth and fully meets all the requirements of the Higher Forces. A person must atone for karma, possess absolute wisdom (knowledge), master spiritual discipline and make efforts to achieve this goal.
The second condition for the impossibility of the embodiment of the Spirit on Earth is the unnatural or violent death of a person. Having studied the Holy Scriptures - the BIBLE for many years and focusing special attention on the chapter “Revelations”, I came to this conclusion. Noticing chapter 6: verse 8-11.
Quote: "And I looked, and, behold, a pale horse, and on him a horseman, whose name was death, and hell followed him, and he was given power over the fourth part of the earth - to put to death with the sword and hunger, and pestilence and the beasts of the earth." It makes no sense to explain what scales of unnatural violent death our civilization has - wars, alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, epidemics, death from seriously curable diseases, natural disasters, accidents, suicides, a huge part of the world's population dies of hunger, etc. Quote: "And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those killed for the word of God and for the testimony they had." The spirit, heading for the next reincarnation, has a life purpose.
Quote: “And they cried in a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who live on earth? These souls are not in heaven, not in hell, but in an intermediate state of lack of demand, eternal waiting and not in comfortable conditions.
Quote: “And each of them was given white clothes (this means that these Spirits have erased all accumulated life experience acquired in previous reincarnations) and told them to calm down for a short time (it seems to me that these Spirits are being prepared for In recent years, the world of science has been discussing the so-called “INDIGO CHILDREN”, whose aura is dominated by violet-blue color. A distinctive feature of these children is the rejection of lies, injustice and other negative aspects of modern life. I have my own comments on this, which I will provide later.) For now, both their employees and their brothers, who will be killed, as they will add to the number. " (The number here means that the Creator created a certain number of Spirits, that is, a specific number. After the apostle John was shown in a vision one group of 144,000 "sealed", he was shown another group. John describes the second group, as “a great multitude of people, which no one could count from all nations, tribes, peoples and languages.” This is the great multitude that will live in the 1000 year Earthly Paradise of the heavenly reign of Christ.
Over the years, studying the Bible, studying esoteric and astrology, and creating my own concept in these directions, I came to the conclusion that reincarnations consist of twelve circles. Each circle consists of 12 incarnations. In total, the Human Spirit incarnates on earth 144 times, with interruptions from a year to a hundred and thousands of years. The greater the merit created by the Spirit during life in measure, before the Creator in relation to people and the earth, the longer the Spirit can remain in the subtle worlds and, accordingly, the opposite, the less merit, the less rest. This is based on the fact that the eastern horoscope consists of twelve annual cycles, the cosmic energy of each year is determined by the animal and corresponds to the characteristic quality of energy - the year of the rat is aggressiveness, the year of the bull is perseverance, the year of the tiger is energy, the year of the cat is calm, the year of the dragon is power. , the year of the snake - wisdom, the year of the horse - endurance, the year of the goat - criticism, the year of the monkey - ingenuity, the year of the rooster - idleness, the year of the dog - justice, the year of the boar - goodness - wealth. In each year, the eastern horoscope passes through the 12 constellations of the zodiac - Aries, Taurus, Bleznetsov, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. You can calculate your reincarnation in this circle (in this life) by performing the following arithmetic operations.

Example No. 1. Date of birth of a person on August 22, 1974.
22. 08. - a person was born under the constellation Leo - № 5 in the horizontal row of the table.
74 years old - under the auspices of the Year of the Tiger - No. 3 in the vertical row of the table.

3 x 5 \u003d 15 REINCARNATION

In this incarnation, astrological indicators correspond to the year of the Tiger and the constellation Leo. This suggests that this person (i.e. his Spirit) is passing the test - the energy of the year of the Tiger (energy). This means that in the past birth he was also born in the year of the Tiger under the constellation of Cancer, and in the future he will be born under the constellation of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces also in the year of the Tiger. After passing the energy of the Tiger, the Spirit is embodied on the level of energy of the patron of the year Cat (calmness). If, for the above two reasons, the circle of reincarnations does not open. In astrology, there are no bad or good signs of the Zodiac - they are all individual and endow a person with certain qualities. From the above, it follows that people should be solidary and tolerant of each other, because we were born or will be born under the auspices of all the years and constellations of the Zodiac.

Sample No. 2.
Date of birth: 03/12/1971. Means the twelfth circle - the year of the Pig (good) under the constellation Pisces - 12 incarnation
12 x 12 \u003d 144 reincarnation. The human soul lives its last incarnation on Earth in a human body.
The presence of circles and reincarnations does not affect personal development and does not give superiority over other people. The only thing that matters is the amount of positive or negative experience gained by the Spirit in past incarnations for the accumulation and working off of which, the Spirit is directed to the next reincarnation.

Special numbers that are mentioned in the Bible, in Astrology, Esoterics and in our time of calculation:
These are numbers -12 -24 -144
Bible: The Apostle John in revelation speaks of the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Quote: "And the twenty-four elders who were sitting on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God."
Revelation verse 14.
"And I looked, and, behold, the Lamb stood on Mount Zion and with Him one hundred forty-four thousand, with His Father's name written on their foreheads." Or in the same place in the Revelation about the Great City of Jerusalem: "And he measured its wall at one hundred and forty-four cubits, with the measure of a man, what is the measure of an Angel."

Now let's look at the parallels in astrology.
12 years of the eastern horoscope.
12 constellations of the zodiac
12 + 12 \u003d 24 - astrological indicators.
12 x 12 \u003d 144 - combined astrological archetypes.
144 000 ******* - an infinite number of incarnations of Spirits through 144 astrological archetypes, which in fact are the gateway for the passage of Spirits into our Earthly space.

Now let's look at the parallels in esotericism.
Seven energy centers of a person.
When you add all the petals of the chakras, mini-streams of energy, you get the following:
4 + 6 + 10 + 12 + 16 + 96 \u003d 144 times 1000 \u003d 144000. This means that a person is a LOTUS. Consisting of HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND PETALS. (consists of 144,000 streams of cosmic energy) Harmonious functions of the six lower chakras, which make up 144 petals in total, provide a person with access to 1000-dimensional space, receive information from it and tranquilize his positive energy into it.

Consider the parallels with the units of our time of calculation.
60 - seconds in one minute.
60 - minutes in one hour.
24 hours a day.
By adding the units of time, we get 60 + 60 + 24 \u003d 144 units of time.
The above is explained as follows. Every second, minute, hour, day, new Spirits (Souls-Life) come to the next reincarnation. A new person is born - a future personality, and at every moment the Spirits are sent back where they came from. If we imagine Our Planet from the side, looking at it as if from the Cosmos, and the Spirits coming to us and leaving us in the form of points of flickering light, then this picture would resemble a star rain. And this Cosmic rain is continuous for the Universe, but not for the human Spirit.

They began to ask me many questions, to which I will gradually answer you. So ask more often. The most popular question about the idea of \u200b\u200btransmigration of souls was the time of reincarnation, that is, how long after the death of the physical body the soul acquires a new body. That's what today's post is about.

Fundamental laws of reincarnation

In order to understand why the time between soul reincarnations depends, you need to know about the mechanism of soul rebirth. There are such three laws of reincarnation:

Gender-preserving reincarnation

In rare cases, when the soul of a deceased person has fulfilled its mission in the current life, reincarnation takes place in a new body of the same sex, but already with new karmic program... In such cases, sudden reincarnation is possible, which occurs with clinical death.

This theory is confirmed by many cases when a person who has been in a coma for a long time suddenly returns to life. With such a reincarnation, completely new skills, habits and character traits of a person often appear in the current body.

Surely, you have read stories when a person who came out of a coma could speak foreign languages \u200b\u200bthat he had never thought about before, or showed aptitude for crafts and art. Less noticeable to others in such cases is the rethinking of life goals and self-awareness.

What determines the time between reincarnations

The time interval between the death of the physical body and the new birth largely depends on the following factors:

  • level of soul development,
  • whether the death was natural, violent, suicide, or an accident.

You probably want to ask how death affects the reincarnation of the soul?

Most people who die suddenly at the hands of a killer or in an accident are reborn instantly. They are incarnated in newborn children or in the bodily shells of people whose spiritual component has left the physical body.

This is what is often explains sudden coming out of a coma people whose brain activity was considered inactive. The changes that have occurred to a person after he was in a state of clinical death are explained in a similar way.

The souls of enlightened and spiritually developed people who have fulfilled their mission in life can wait for many years before they are programmed for new goals and the path of knowing the truth. The waiting period in this case can last from several years to several centuries.

What mechanisms determine the process and time of reincarnation

The soul of absolutely any creature begins its journey rebirth from scratch... According to the Creator's plan, any life is a path of cognition of truth and spiritual development. Thus, everyone starts their great path from scratch.

For people created by the Gods as higher beings, the first birth takes place in a human body. For other living beings, the path to incarnation in the human body can take a great many reincarnations. However, those people who follow the spiritual path not forward, but backward, often after death, are reborn in the bodies of animals in order to walk the spiritual path from the very bottom.

The earthly path of soul formation usually lasts for eight stages of development, from the spiritual level of an ordinary man in the street to the level of a spiritual leader, lama, messiah. Each stage involves obtaining a certain amount of experience, completing missions, gaining skills and realizing your own talents. Sounds like the principle of various computer games, right?

Each of the levels of formation of the soul, and there are, I remind you, eight, is comprehended in the best case for five or six rebirths, in the worst case the number of incarnations of one soul is not limited. Why is it so?

It is much easier to achieve enlightenment and realize your destiny if you interact with a teacher or mentor in the spiritual sphere, and follow the path of self-development and self-realization purposefully. However, the surrounding reality is always rich in temptations and temptations of various kinds, which significantly complicates the path of spiritual development of the individual.

Each soul has its own highest goal or program, on the implementation of which the transition from one level of spiritual development to another depends. Thus, the higher powers seem to program everyone for certain achievements, the path to which opens at the necessary stages of self-knowledge and self-development.

Cycle reincarnation of one soul directly depends on how successful was its path of development and cleansing from sins committed during all earthly lives. Only the highest lamas, messiahs and spiritual leaders of the peoples have reached such a level of mental development.

Thus, you can start influencing your rebirth in your next life right now. It is worth more often to listen to your own intuition and hidden thoughts, not to neglect premonitions.

For those who want to know in detail about their reincarnation path, the number and quality of their earthly reincarnations, I suggest.

Alternatively, you can get and try "". I wonder if you can do it?

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

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