Do I need to wash the parsley before drying. Dried parsley root. How to properly dry parsley in a dryer

Drywall 17.09.2020

In order to use parsley in cooking in winter, it must be prepared for future use. Good way- drying. How to properly dry parsley for the winter at home, this review will tell. Step by step recipe with photo. Video recipe.
Recipe content:

Parsley is one of the most popular herbs. In the summer, when the shelves are full of fresh herbs, few people think that in winter it will be very expensive. And those who care about its safety for future use are mostly dried. This is the most popular method for harvesting greens for the winter. Healthy and aromatic spicy herbs in winter will enrich any meal with vitamins and improve its taste. Parsley contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, calcium, essential oils. It is rich in carotene, vitamins C and group B. Therefore, we will learn to dry parsley for the winter at home. The method of drying parsley does not require much effort, the finished product takes up little space and is easy to store.

  • For drying, choose parsley with coarse stems and tender leaves.
  • The greens should be fresh, not wilted, without yellowed leaves and rotten stems.
  • If the parsley was in water, then it is not suitable for drying. Greens are heavily saturated with water, which will make it difficult to dry. This method is used by sellers to prolong and improve the presentation of not quite fresh greens.
  • It is harvested from its own garden in dry weather. Such parsley will be difficult to dry.
  • You need to collect parsley for drying before flowering - until the leaves are coarse.
  • Various dried herbs are used to make exquisite seasonings, combining all kinds of varieties.
  • If several herbs are dried at the same time, then this should be done far from each other so that the aromas do not mix.
  • Caloric content per 100 g - 252 kcal.
  • Servings - any quantity
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Parsley - any quantity

Step by step cooking dried parsley for the winter at home, recipe with photo:

1. Sort the parsley stalks, removing the yellowed and wilted leaves. Cut off some of the bottom of the twigs and rinse the herbs thoroughly with cold water.

2. Place the parsley on a cotton towel and leave to dry from the water. To speed up the process, blot it on top with a paper towel.

3. Cut twigs and leaves of parsley that have dried up from water.

4. Put it on a baking sheet and send it to a heated oven up to 50 degrees for 1-1.5 hours. Stir the greens occasionally. Although greens can be dried in the sun. But it is better not to use this method, because the sun's rays destroy chlorophyll, which makes the dried leaves turn yellowish. In addition, drying in the sun evaporates essential oils.

5. Determine the readiness of dried herbs by touch: when squeezed, it will crumble. Pour dry parsley into a glass container with a lid and store in a dry, dark and cool place for 1 year.

The most common spice in the world is the herb called parsley. It is an indispensable ingredient in every cuisine - be it American, Eastern, African, European or Russian. And also serves as a wonderful decoration for any dish.

This spice is good in combination with meat, fish and vegetables, both fresh and cooked.

Few people know that parsley does not lose its characteristics during prolonged heat treatment, but only enhances its taste.

Undoubtedly, due to its beneficial qualities and spicy taste, it is used in all types of dishes: from first courses to salads and appetizers. And therefore it is always necessary to have it at hand. But how can this be achieved in winter?

There are several methods for storing greens in winter. For example, freezing, salting or growing on a windowsill. But not everyone managed to free up space in the freezer or buy a pots for a new green neighbor. And then a complication arises: how else can you preserve all the useful aspects without spending a lot of space, time and effort?

There is another way out - drying, but now another kind of difficulty appears, namely, how to dry parsley at home and do it correctly without losing its useful elements.

There are several methods by which you will always have prepared herbs in your kitchen, suitable for use:

  1. Natural drying.
  2. Drying in a microwave oven or an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits.
  3. Processing in the oven at a low temperature.

The first method is the most preferable, since with its help a minimum of useful substances is lost.

So, we offer you detailed description process of how to dry parsley for the winter at home.

Before drying it, it is necessary to carefully sort out all washed and dried bundles and clean them of wilted shoots and leaves.

Next, you need to divide the shoots by size and tie them with a regular thread in order to hang them in any room where air circulates freely. Please note that you must not allow direct hit sun rays on greens - it will lose a lot of nutrients and lose its taste! To avoid this, you can distribute the bundles in paper bags. Moreover, this method will help to remove excess moisture better and faster. The time during which you need to dry the greens in this way is about 3 or 4 days. It depends on the room temperature. Afterwards, it can be crushed and stored in a dry container until used.

The most beautiful and aromatic parsley remains when dried in a microwave oven. In order to dry the greens, we need to cut off all the cuttings from well-washed and dried parsley. Then put everything in one layer on the dishes covered with a paper napkin and cover with another napkin. The time that this process will take you will be about a day (the power should be no higher than 450 W). After that, the spice can be chopped by hand and put into a dry container before use. Do not forget that the lid of the container in which the dried seasoning is stored must be tightly closed - this will preserve the maximum taste and aroma.

The process of removing moisture in the oven will take a little longer, but with this method, the greens can lose their original color and tarnish. In order to dry it in this way, you will first need to chop it finely and put it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. First, you need to dry the spice at a temperature not higher than 40 ° C for about two hours, and immediately before removing it from the oven, raise it to 80 ° C for about 10 minutes. Next, it must be pulled out of the oven and left in the fresh air for about 10 minutes.

It is interesting to note that the most aromatic part of parsley is its root. And many also prepare it for the winter to remember the bright summer days.

The root of the parsley is dried in the same way as the leaf - in the oven or in an electric dryer. In order to prepare the root for drying, you need to rinse it, cut off the tail, peel it like a carrot, and then grate it on a coarse grater. The baking sheet should be lined with baking paper and should not be greased.

Try to spread it in a thin layer so that it dries faster, and place it in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 80-100 degrees. After half an hour, check the readiness - stir it and put it in the oven for a while. The finished root can be crushed, or you can leave it simply grated - this way it will add originality to the dish.

How to dry parsley at home? This question remains unchanged for housewives, despite the emergence of many other ways to preserve greens for a long time. However, neither the presence of the "freezing" function, nor the cultivation of parsley in greenhouses on the windowsill, in any way diminishes the role of traditional drying. This is our mentality - for safety reasons.

A good tradition - harvesting in natural conditions

It is good, if possible, not to resort to using kitchen equipment, but to dry the parsley in the fresh air. The result exceeds all expectations. Greens retain not only a wonderful aroma, but also a bright green color.

On air

It is better to spread the paper in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight. The first measure will allow the parsley not to grow moldy during the drying process, and the second will not turn yellow, preserve useful substances and aroma. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a bale of hay.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. clean freshly torn bunches well from earth lumps and other debris
  2. remove yellow damaged leaves
  3. chop the grass along with the stems
  4. spread thinly on paper
  5. periodically stir up greens for 3-4 days
  6. collect in any hermetically sealed container.

On a note! Ready-made parsley does not require special storage conditions. The main thing is not to allow dampness or foreign odors to it.

Bunch drying

This method is interesting in that as a result, the hostess receives raw materials without coarse stems - only leaves.

A simple task is to collect and tie 7-15 branches of parsley into neat, loose bunches and hang them by the tails on the street in the shade of trees or in a ventilated room.

After about a week (and if the weather is hot above 30 ° C, then much earlier), the bundles are removed from the rope and threshed - the leaves are separated from the stem. The drying of the parsley is complete. The herb is put into a jar and stored until the next harvest.

In the oven

How to dry parsley in a catastrophic lack of free time or bad weather? We'll have to turn to kitchen appliances.


  1. cover a baking sheet with parchment
  2. put parsley in bunches
  3. remove stems without leaves
  4. coarsely chop the remaining tops
  5. spread the raw materials thinly on a baking sheet
  6. preheat the oven to no more than 40 ° C
  7. dry greens, often stirring up leaves

The increased fragility indicates the readiness of the raw material. So it's time to take out the dried parsley and put it in bottles and bags.

Important! A closed oven door can lead to steaming of herbs! And more heat processing - to burning, ugly discoloration and odor. It's not worth the risk.

By the way, the aroma of air-dried and oven-dried parsley is different. In the second case, the smell will almost always contain spicy notes. And still, homemade spice cannot be compared with a store product.

In an electric dryer

A specially designed device for this purpose - a dryer for vegetables and fruits - will help to stock up on parsley for future use.

The principle of preparing raw materials for laying out on grates is the same. Parsley must be washed, removed random weeds, shaken off to remove excess water, and it is better to spread it on a towel for a couple of hours.

On a note! Do you harvest herbs and greens on an industrial scale? Pay attention to the centrifuge. Removing excess water will become much easier!

Next, you need to carefully study the instructions for the model of the electric dryer. There, the manufacturer indicates the features of the functioning of the technique, in particular, the time required for drying the greens. Typically, indicators vary within 2-4 hours at a temperature of 25 ° - 45 ° C, or even higher.

In the microwave

Why buy special equipment when you can use a microwave? Drying time directly depends on the amount of raw materials. It is quite possible that you will have to go through one procedure in 2 stages.

The actions are as follows:

  1. preparation of greens, as usual, consists in washing and removing weeds, spoiled twigs
  2. the plate is covered with a paper napkin
  3. parsley dried with a towel is spread loosely on top
  4. a plate with raw materials is covered with a second napkin
  5. power is set - 450 W, time - 3 minutes.

Dried parsley is manually chopped in any convenient way and placed in glass jars.

Important! During the operation of the microwave, the plate heats up very much, you need to get it out with an oven mitt!

How to harvest roots?

Washed parsley roots are peeled, chopped on a coarse grater, left in the air for 2-3 days to dry and wither. Or they are sent to the oven for 3-4 hours (up to 40 ° C).

The finished shavings are poured into bags or jars, tightly sealed and taken out if necessary.

Attention! Dried parsley is a concentrate, you need to add spice to food in much smaller quantities than fresh grass!

You can clearly see the process of drying greens in the video below.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The smell of dishes seasoned with spices and herbs gives us a feeling of comfort, warmth and goodness. In summer, fresh parsley is always at hand, but for the winter months we need to be able to preserve it. Greens can be frozen, preserved, dried. The easiest and most practical way is to dry the parsley. Consider how to dry parsley at home.

How to prepare

If the plant is grown in a greenhouse or area away from busy roads and industrial enterprises, you do not need to wash it. In this case, it is cut in the morning, after the morning dew subsides. If there is a production nearby, the greens must be washed.

They sort it out, remove yellowed twigs and debris. The washed parsley is allowed to drain and spread on a napkin to remove moisture.

Video "Useful properties of greens"

From the video you will learn about beneficial features greenery.


There are several ways to properly dry parsley.

Drying parsley in a natural way is the most gentle. It is best to spread it out, after removing the thickest stems, on a mesh surface or on a cotton towel. Choose a well-ventilated place in the shade. If greens are dried in the sun, then they fade, and vitamins are destroyed. It is better not to cut the parsley for drying, but to let its leaves dry whole. This drying takes from several days to two weeks.

In the oven

If the summer is rainy, there is no free space to place the grass, or you need to do this process quickly, you can use the oven.

Prepared parsley is placed on a baking sheet, previously covered with paper, and placed in the oven. For this purpose, turn on the oven at the lowest temperature, and leave the door ajar so that air can circulate freely.

After 3-4 hours we will get completely dried greens. The readiness of dried parsley is determined by how easily it crumbles between the fingers. After cooling, the stems are removed from the dry green mass. The finished spice is poured into storage containers.

In bunches

You can tie the prepared greens with threads in small bundles and hang them under a canopy or in a room with good air exchange. Drying time depends on temperature and humidity and can take up to two weeks. When the dried greens are completely cooked, they are crushed from the coarse stems.

The resulting dry parsley remains green, fragrant, does not lose its properties for two years. It is convenient to use and easy to dose. It should be remembered that dry parsley has a more pronounced taste. Therefore, you need to add very little of it to dishes, at the very end of cooking.

At home

Now there are electrical devices that help housewives to dry greens. They represent a multi-level mesh structure where prepared greens are placed.

The electric heater maintains a constant temperature in the dryer, which is most suitable for drying the selected product. The drying mode is selected in such a way that the loss of nutrients is minimal.

As well as greens, root parsley can also be harvested. For this, the roots are dug up, cleaned of green leaves, washed. You do not need to clean them, just scrape them well. With a sharp knife, thinly cut the root into rings or strips. It is better to dry the roots using the oven, following the same rules as for ordinary greens, or in an electric dryer, following the instructions for it. Store dried root parsley in paper bags or cloth bags.

Greenhouse greens are almost devoid of vitamins and trace elements, since they grew under artificial light and not in open ground, but on special substrates. But it is "rich" in nitrates and other chemicals, which are generously used by producers to increase yields.

Unlike the greenhouse, properly harvested parsley preserves healing properties all winter and is not capable of harming the body.

How to store fresh parsley in season

Even in season, not every one of us has the opportunity to pick fresh parsley in the garden every day. Greens brought from the dacha or bought on the market have to be stored for a long time. So that she does not lose nutritional value, has not wilted or deteriorated, it is necessary to avoid:

  • bright sunlight, from which spicy herbs turn yellow and lose vitamins;
  • excess moisture leading to product decay;
  • excessive loss of water by leaves;
  • access of oxygen, which causes oxidative processes (the appearance of brown spots, a withered look of greenery).

There are some simple and effective ways keep parsley fresh:

A month is a long time when it comes to storing such a delicate product as fresh herbs, but this is not enough for winter preparations. Nevertheless, I would like to save a "piece of summer" for the cold days.

Next, we will tell you how best to keep parsley fresh for the winter, so as not to deprive yourself and your loved ones of the vitamin seasoning.

Freezing spicy herbs for the winter

This method maximizes the preservation of the original taste, appearance and nutritional value of parsley. After defrosting, whole twigs can be used to decorate ready-made dishes, and chopped greens can be put in salads, meat, fish and first courses.

parsley, like other herbs, does not tolerate repeated exposure low temperatures... It needs to be frozen in small portions, "for one time", even if we are talking about a bundle.

"Everything in a bunch"

Indeed, whole branches of parsley can be stored well, and frozen easily, and is universal in use.

Previously, fresh greens are washed, freed from debris and too long stems with roots are cut off.

Parsley can be soaked in a bowl of salt water for 15 - 20 minutes. So it will be cleansed of nitrates and pathogens. Then the grass is washed under the tap.

Wet greens are dried with a paper towel, laid out on a dry surface and kept for some time, turning them regularly so that excess moisture evaporates. In this case, the twigs should not fade.

Storing finely chopped parsley in bulk

Having prepared the greens as in the previous recipe, they are chopped with a knife, placed in a container and frozen.

The scatter must be dry so that it does not stick together at low temperatures into a little appetizing lump. For the same reason, it is not recommended to grind it in a combine - instead of neat pieces, you will get a "porridge" with a lot of unnecessary juice.

It is convenient to sprinkle chopped parsley on ready meals.

Green ice cubes

For seasoning soups, they often take parsley frozen in cubes.

It is not difficult to prepare these semi-finished products: several pinches of greens are placed in special molds, poured with water and sent to the freezer.

It is enough to throw an ice cube into the boiling soup so that the parsley immediately thaws, giving the first course its unique aroma.

Instead of water, you can take butter: melted butter, olive or sunflower. Subsequently, the briquettes with fat are thrown into the pan and used for frying vegetables or meat.

Freezing parsley in cling film

Freezing in portions is convenient when the hostess does not need a large amount of parsley at one time.

Prepared whole branches are tightly wrapped in cling film and rewound with thread. Bank elastic bands are also well suited for fixing.

If necessary, part of the film is turned off, the required amount of parsley is cut off, and the rest is packaged again.

In the garden

The method is suitable for those who live in their home and grow greens in the garden.

Part of the parsley can be left in the garden in autumn, marking the place of its growth with pegs. It will sprinkle with snow, in this form the parsley will leave for the winter.

When you cook soup or stew meat, just go out into the garden. Dig up the snow and pick up some frozen greens. Remember to cover the bed with snow again.

This method is a little risky, as there are winters without snow, there are thaws. However, you can always keep your finger on the pulse and in case of force majeure you will have time to send the greens to the freezer.

Dried parsley is a worthy alternative to freezing

If for some reason it is not possible to store greens in the freezer, they should be dried. The seasoning processed in this way is compact in storage, and also contains almost all vitamins and mineral salts that fresh parsley is rich in.
You can dry spicy herbs in the following ways:

  • outdoors;
  • in the oven;
  • in a microwave oven;
  • in the dryer for vegetables and fruits.

Drying in the open air

With natural dehydration, parsley with dense leaves is cleaned of rotten parts and impurities, rinsed thoroughly and dried with paper towels.

During drying, the grass is protected from direct sunlight, which destroys chlorophyll. The chopped parsley should be regularly turned over and the bunches should be stirred to avoid mold or decay.

The drying process takes up to 7 days.

Drying in the oven

Happens much faster, however some of the nutrients are destroyed by high temperatures.

The leaves, peeled from the stems, are scattered on a baking sheet covered with parchment and sent to the oven, preheated to 45 - 50 ° C. The door does not need to be closed to allow moisture to escape. From time to time, the leaves move, otherwise they may burn.

How to properly store dried parsley at home

Well-dried leaves are easily separated from the stems and crumble when squeezed. The resulting seasoning is poured into glass jars with tight-fitting lids or paper bags foiled from the inside.

It is better to store parsley in a dry, dark place. away from stoves or heating appliances. It does not lose its taste and useful properties for 2 years.

Fresh parsley preparations

Freezing is not the only way to store garden herbs at low temperatures.

Parsley drenched in vegetable oil

The leaves are washed and finely cut, and then poured into glass jars, lightly tamping the mass. Then the container is gradually filled with refined vegetable oil, making sure that no air bubbles form.


The parsley must be covered by at least 1 cm to avoid mold.

Oil is poured in portions - then it fills the gaps between the herbs as much as possible.

The jars are closed with polyethylene, or even better with vacuum, lids and stored either in the cellar or in the refrigerator at + 7 ° C.


Parsley is crushed and placed in pre-sterilized jars, sprinkled with layers of coarse salt.

Greens and preservatives are taken in a 5: 1 ratio, respectively.

Salted parsley is stored similarly to the preparation with vegetable oil.

Used as a dressing for soups and main courses.

Parsley marinated

Recipe number 1

  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley
  • ½ l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 2 - 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  1. Cut the washed and thoroughly dried parsley.
  2. Place the garlic and bay leaf at the bottom of the sterilized jars. Fill the containers tightly with greens and fill them with hot brine.
  3. For the marinade, mix water with salt and sugar, bring to a boil, pour in vinegar and immediately remove from heat.
  4. We sterilize the filled cans within 15 minutes at a temperature of 90 - 95 ° C.
  5. We roll it up, wrap it up warmly and set it to cool.

The finished preservation can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months.

Recipe number 2

  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 1 tbsp. l. with a top of coarse salt;
  • 1 l. water.
  1. We fill sterilized jars with herbs as in the previous recipe. Fill the leaves with a saline solution heated to 80 ° C and leave to ferment for 2 - 3 days. Do not forget to remove the foam from time to time.
  2. We seal the jars with plastic lids and store them on the lower shelf of the refrigerator at above-zero temperatures.

Jars of herbs can be immediately sterilized as described above and rolled up. For taste, celery and dill are added to parsley.

Such a blank is stored for 3 - 4 months.

Let's sum up

In order for parsley preparations for the winter to be well stored and bring maximum benefit, it is important to adhere to three rules:

  1. Greens must be clean and dry.
  2. You need to use only leaves without thick parts of the stem.
  3. We freeze in portions.
  4. Vacuum packing contributes to a longer storage of herbs.

Cook for yourself and your loved ones with love, and you will save the most valuable thing - health.

Useful video

One more original way: freeze greens in a plastic bottle.

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