Unified federal cost of living. What is the cost of living in Russia. The composition of the minimum consumer basket

Astringent compounds 10.06.2021
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Russia has long passed a law on the payment of social pensions to disabled citizens. In 2020, the legislature increased the amount paid by 4%.

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Dmitry Medvedev personally signed the law. Officials set a living wage according to the amount of social pension. This article will introduce the reader to how the consumer basket is calculated this year.

Important aspects

In Russia, the law “On the cost of living in the Russian Federation” was enshrined on 10.24.1997. It operates at the federal level. Living wage- a term denoting an estimate of value consumer basket... It also includes the payment of taxes and other mandatory payments.

Basic concepts

Purpose of the above term:

  • assessment of the standard of living of citizens in the country;
  • fixing the minimum payment for labor and educational activities, as well as benefits and benefits;
  • allocation of the required budget for each region.

Basically, the cost of living indicates a future pension after a certain length of service.
The Government of the Russian Federation independently denotes the subsistence level, hereinafter referred to as the PM.

However, in our country, the effect of this indicator on each subject that is part of the state is determined on an individual basis.

Functional features

The PM shows the minimum retirement and working salary. Many Russian citizens are concerned about this issue in 2020, as they want to know what to prepare for in the future.

If the amount of the indicator changes, then the rest of the amounts for payment are recalculated - utility bills, prices for products and services intended for different categories of the population.

Photo: share of the population with a living wage income

Recently, there was a crisis on the territory of Russia, therefore, it is not worth counting on timely guarantees for increasing benefits, benefits and pensions.

Without payment of the listed benefits under state programs, it is impossible to provide citizens essential products and prosperity in general.

What the law says

According to the economic plan, the subsistence minimum is divided into 2 types:

The listed types describe the minimum for meeting human needs in Russia. Along with the annual estimates of the PM, economists in Russia also analyze the following areas:

  1. The level of satisfaction with the life processes of the average citizen of the Russian Federation, taking into account the location of the individual.
  2. Prioritization in the implementation of government programs that act to improve the well-being of the population in the right area.
  3. The number of people in need of assistance in the form of material benefits provided by the government.

On these grounds, Russian economists are developing an algorithm for calculating the subsistence minimum for each person living in Russia.

What is included in the cost of living

According to legislative data, the PM has the following components:

The number of products is calculated for a citizen who is employed in an easy job. By the standards of the consumer basket, it is also not enough for a person to wear the same things throughout his life.

Division into categories

Today, for 2020, the issue of PM is especially acute. Literally every second citizen makes sure that his well-being is not less than the subsistence level.

People of retirement age Men are supposed to retire at 60, and women at 55. By metropolitan standards, the PM indicator is 10,700 rubles. However, the average cost of living for retired people is much lower - about 8,000 rubles.
Workers This category includes people who work on a full-time basis for legitimate employers. Men between the ages of 16 and 60 inclusive, and women from 16 to 55, respectively. The capital PM indicator for this category is 17,000 rubles
Juvenile This includes underage babies, children and adolescents who are unable to work due to their age. Moscow PM indicator = 13,000 rubles

At the end of last year, the State Duma of the Russian Federation received a proposal to expand the above categories. MPs want to isolate people with unlimited features.

The issue will be resolved in 2020, so it is not yet known how much the minimum subsistence level will be set for people with disabilities.

What amount of money

The living wage is changing every year due to an increase or decrease in prices for goods, services, payments and insurance premiums... Therefore, the amount of money equivalent to the PM also changes.

Today the indicator has been increased for a certain category of citizens of the Russian Federation. At the end of 2020, the subsistence allowance for 1 person in Russia was almost 10,000 rubles. Consequently, in the opinion of the authorities, this amount is required for normal living for a month.

Photo: the ratio of the size of the subsistence minimum and the average income of the population

Many Russians are sure that the amount is not large, given the price tags in stores and the money that goes to rent or pay for communal services.

For people of retirement age, the government of the Russian Federation allocated 2,000 rubles less than the average person.

All about the consumer basket

The authorities calculate the price of the consumer basket, which includes goods and services necessary for normal life.

Analyzes the prices of groceries in stores and all kinds of services. PM is easy to calculate - the approximate volume of required goods and services is taken together and divided into 12 parts. The resulting number is then multiplied by the average cost of products and other services.

Photo: what is included in the consumption basket per person per year

Then the resulting numbers, denoting the monthly rate for human consumption, are added together, and the cost of the consumer basket is obtained. The number of products that each individual is entitled to per month according to the PM is described in the section below.

PM is calculated according to the values ​​of the following indicators:

  • payment for living space;
  • payment for water, electricity, gas and heating meters in winter;
  • using public transport - paying for tickets;
  • events that satisfy the spiritual needs of a person - cinema, theater, museums;
  • other types of services - hairdresser, dinner at a restaurant, etc.

What's in the product list

For 2020, the main “food” from the consumer basket is:

  • bread products: buns, loaves, bread and others;
  • coffee;
  • sugar or confectionery products;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • milk products;
  • sunflower and butter;
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • a fish.

Products are distributed among the 3 above-described categories of people according to the requirements of monthly consumption.

For example, according to the authorities, the average children are entitled to 76 kg per month. For pensioners it is necessary - 98 kg, and for people who are busy with work, 126 kg are allocated.

Thus, the average monthly consumption of bread and bread products for children is 76 kilograms 600 grams, for pensioners - 98 kilograms 200 grams, and for working adult Russians - 126 kilograms 500 grams.

Other questions

Often, the population of Russia has additional questions regarding the subsistence level. The answers to the most common ones are described below.

What is supposed to retirees

Pensioners who, after retirement, did not continue to work and, at the same time, their social pension is less than the subsistence level at the place of residence, have every right to a social supplement.

The authorities are adding the missing amount in terms of the subsistence level according to the region of residence.

This benefit is valid at the federal level. The amount of money is paid by the branch of the Russian pension fund located at the place of residence of the pensioner.

Payments per child

The living wage has a significant impact on the payment of social benefits for children.Following the information on child benefits, we can conclude:

  • when measuring PM, the cost of such benefits as maternal capital, allowance for caring for a baby up to one and a half years old and others, for which the necessary documentation is previously collected, which provides considerable assistance to a large family;
  • however, the monthly mother's infant allowance is insignificant - 50 rubles each month if the mother is on maternity leave up to 3 years of age.

Subsistence minimum (LW) - the minimum amount of a person's monthly income required to meet his physiological, social and cultural needs. This value is used for economic calculations, and is also the basis for calculating social benefits.

Why is it needed?

Every year the Government of the Russian Federation compares the real incomes of the population with the established subsistence minimum. Individuals whose earnings were below the subsistence level are below the poverty line and can apply for state subsidies.

Also, the cost of living is used in the following cases:

  • assessment of the standard of living in the country;
  • calculating the minimum amount of benefits and wages;
  • determination of the minimum tax-free income of citizens;
  • formation of state and local budgets.

In accordance with legislative framework RF, the monthly income of the adult population of the country cannot be lower than the established minimum. In this regard, on the basis of the PM, the following payments are formed:

  • social supplements to pension- regular government subsidies covering the difference between the real pension and the minimum subsistence level;
  • child benefits- monthly payments to minors in cases when the income of their family does not reach the subsistence level;
  • benefits for the poor- additional payments to the basic income up to the level of subsistence allowance;
  • subsidies for housing and communal services;
  • childbirth allowance for young families;
  • a lump sum payment to reimburse the costs of adoption;
  • a monthly subsidy for single mothers due to price increases;
  • compensation for persons in difficult life situations.

The PM also allows you to identify citizens who are eligible for the following types of assistance:

  • increased scholarships for low-income students;
  • turn to improve living conditions;
  • free legal advice.

When the GR value is changed, subsidies are recalculated automatically. No documents or confirmation of consent are required from the recipient.

What does it depend on?

The subsistence minimum is the cost of the consumer basket. In this regard, the PM value is influenced by:

  • the composition of the consumer basket;
  • current prices for food, housing and communal services, travel by public transport;
  • indexation of price increases;
  • statistical data on the amount of mandatory payments and fees.

In turn, the consumer basket consists of 3 sections:

  • Food(bread products, sugar, meat, fish, milk, fats, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, spices and drinks);
  • non-food products(basic necessities, medicines, clothing, office supplies);
  • services (housing and communal services, transport, cultural).

The average ratio of the cost of non-food goods and services to the cost of food products (in percent) has been established:

Food (consumption is indicated on average per person per year)

For which categories of citizens is it calculated?

For each of the following categories, the PM is calculated on an individual basis:

  • minor children under 16;
  • able-bodied citizens aged 16 to 54 (women), or 59 years (men), as well as disabled people of I and II groups;
  • pensioners.

The living wage also depends on the region of residence.

The value of the PM in Moscow in 2019 was approved by Government Decree No. 672 PP and is:

  • per capita - 16,957 rubles (it was 16,087 rubles);
  • for people of working age - 19,351 rubles (it was 18,376 rubles);
  • for disabled people of I and II groups - 17,560 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 12,005 rubles (previously - 11,424 rubles);
  • for minors - 14 647 rubles (it was 13 747 rubles).

The size of the living wage in Moscow in 2019

For pensioners who have been registered in the capital for more than 10 years, there is a special financing program. Their income level should not fall below 17,500 rubles.

Living wage for a family

The subsistence minimum for a family is calculated on the basis of the subsistence minimum of each of its members. The average income per person is called the average per capita income. When determining it, such incomes are taken into account:

  • wage;
  • compensation payments;
  • social benefits;
  • severance pay;
  • rent (for owners of movable and immovable property leased out);
  • alimony;
  • fees;
  • profit from entrepreneurial activity;
  • income from bank deposits;
  • inheritance and gifts.

When calculating total family income, the following are not taken into account:

  • income of adult children living in a separate territory;
  • earnings of parents deprived of parental rights;
  • income of children who are supported by the state;
  • the earnings of a parent in military service / retraining / training;
  • the income of a parent in correctional institutions.

The calculation of the average per capita income is made according to the formula:

SD = D / KM / H, where:

  • SD- average per capita income;
  • D- total family income;
  • KM- 3 months of calculation;
  • H- the number of family members.

If in the course of calculations it is established that the monthly income of family members is below the subsistence level, citizens have the right to receive subsidies.

What documents are needed for registration of subsidies?

Applications for state subsidies are accepted by the social protection authorities. The applicant must have a package of documents with him, which will include:

  • marriage certificate / divorce;
  • a statement asking for recognition of the family as poor;
  • original and copy of the child's birth certificate (if any);
  • applicant's identity card;
  • an extract from the house book on the composition of the family.

Social protection officers may also require the following additional documents:

  • copies of labor books of able-bodied family members;
  • the ITU opinion on the assignment of disability;
  • income statement.
  • The application is pending up to 10 business days. Upon the expiration of the specified period, the organization's specialists assign the family the status of poor and draw up all the necessary subsidies.

Minimum wage in Moscow

Minimum wage - a fixed minimum wage for a certain period of time. In accordance with the legislative framework of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the monthly salary of an employee cannot be lower than the established minimum wage.

For Moscow, the minimum wage in 2019 was set at 19,351 rubles.

The main sources of financing the minimum wage are:

  • own funds of the organization - the employer;
  • local, regional, or federal budget for state budgetary institutions.

The minimum wage includes the following deductions:

  • basic salary for the position held;
  • compensation payments;
  • stimulating bonuses;
  • other subsidies from the employer.

When calculating the minimum wage, the following are not taken into account:

  • overtime;
  • part-time work on weekends;
  • work on holidays.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the hours listed above are paid separately at one and a half rate - the first 2 hours from the start of work, at a double rate - from 3 hours from the start of work.

The employee's income should not be less than the established minimum wage, subject to the following rules:

  • full time work day;
  • performance of official duties;
  • at least 22 working days (full month);
  • no fines and penalties.

Organizations that violate Article No. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are subject to fines in the amount of:

  • 50,000 rubles - for organizations;
  • 5,000 rubles - for the management of companies, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

In the article, we will consider what the cost of living is, what it consists of, what factors influence it, and also determine what the cost of living is now in Russia (in 2018).

You can determine the salary level, taking into account the subsistence minimum, in a free service from the BuchSoft program:

Calculate the minimum wage

What is the cost of living

The subsistence minimum (WL) is the minimum income of an individual, in the opinion of the Government, that allows the former to function normally. This is the value that enables a person to purchase basic necessities, receive necessary services and make utility payments. This is the optimal set of consumer basket that allows a person to live and stay healthy.

The indicator is based on the value of the consumer basket and the inflation rate. And its size is revised every 2-5 years and depends on the region. So, the cost of living in 2018 by region may vary depending on climatic conditions, local consumption traditions, etc.

For each category of the population - working citizens, children and pensioners - the cost of living has its own value. The method for calculating it is regulated by Federal law No. 134-FZ dated October 24, 1997.


What is the cost of living now for different categories of the population is determined by their needs. Thus, for minors, the cost of living will be higher than for pensioners, but lower than for the able-bodied population.

The value of the minimum living wage in 2018 is related to the size of the minimum wage (minimum wage). It is on the basis of these two indicators that the budgets of the federal and regional levels are planned, and the country's economy is based. The indicator allows to assess the quality of life of the population, it also forms the basis for the development of social programs.

Living wage in 2018 in Russia: composition

The structure of the subsistence minimum in 2018 in Russia consists of a list of food products and things that are capable of ensuring a "normal" human existence, including:

  1. Food products that make up the annual consumer basket.
  2. The minimum range of sets of shoes and clothing.
  3. Personal hygiene products.
  4. Transport and utility bills.

To measure the consumer basket, their own standards have been established, which are given by categories of the population in the following table:

Product type

Average rate per subject per year, kg




Wheat flour

cereals and rice

wheat bread

Rye bread



tomatoes and cucumbers

table vegetables

milk and dairy products

margarine and fats

vegetable oil

What determines the cost of living in Moscow in 2018

The cost of living in Moscow in 2018 and other cities of Russia is influenced by:

  1. The maximum minimum wage, with an increase in which the PM will also increase.
  2. The inflation rate by which the PM is indexed.

When the cost of living in Russia is approved

The deadlines for setting the minimum subsistence level in 2018 are reflected in the following table:

What is the cost of living now

Judging by the previous table, the values ​​for the first and second quarters of 2018 are now known, and they are as follows:

If we take into account the previous value, then we can conclude that, in comparison with the 4th quarter of 2017, the increase in the PM value was 2.4-2.6%. This table also clearly reflects the growth of the indicator in the second quarter of 2018 compared to the first. First of all, this trend is associated with an increase in the cost of food. But these are data for Russia as a whole. The cost of living in 2018 differs slightly by region.

Living wage 2018 by region

In the country as a whole, over the past period of 2018, the PM increased by 3%. If we analyze the regions separately, then Moscow, Far East and the High North remain regions with the highest living standards. The lowest PM is observed in the Republics of the North Caucasus and regions of the Non-Black Earth Region. Below is a complete table of the cost of living in 2018 by region.

Subject of the federation

PM, rubles

For the able-bodied population

For retirees

For kids

St. Petersburg









Sakha (Yakutia)

North Ossetia Alania


Tuva (Tuva)


Altai region

Zabaykalsky Krai

Kamchatka Krai

Krasnodar region

Perm Territory

Primorsky Krai

Stavropol region

Khabarovsk region

Amurskaya Oblast

Arkhangelsk region

Astrakhan region

Belgorodsky district

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Volgograd region

Vologodskaya Oblast

Voronezh district

Ivanovo region

Irkutsk region

Kaliningrad region

Kaluga region

Kemerovo region

Kirov region

Kostroma region

Kurgan Territory

Kursk Territory

Leningrad region

Lipetsk region

Magadan Region

Moscow region

Murmansk region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Novgorod region

Novosibirsk region

Omsk region

Orenburg region

Oryol Region

Penza region

Pskov region

Rostov region

Ryazan Oblast

Samara region

Saratov region

Sakhalin region

Sverdlovsk region

Smolensk region

Tambov region

Tver region

Tomsk region

Tula region

Tyumen region

Ulyanovsk region

Chelyabinsk region

Yaroslavl district

Jewish Autonomous Region

Nenets Autonomous District

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

What is the impact of the minimum cost of living 2018

The value of the minimum living standard underlies the calculation of many indicators aimed at providing social assistance to certain groups of the population. So the PM underlies the calculation:

  • social assistance to the poor;
  • monthly payments for the child;
  • compensation for the third child;
  • social assistance to pensioners in the form of additional payments up to the cost of living.


For the calculation of all these benefits, the value of the minimum living standard is not applied as a whole for Russian Federation, and separately by region. Therefore, the amount of benefits, as well as the subsistence allowance, differs in different regions.

PM and minimum wage

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum wage cannot be lower than the cost of living. In this regard, the Ministry of Labor has developed a bill, according to which a phased increase in the minimum wage began in 2018. So, in 2018, the minimum wage should be 85% of the subsistence minimum, and closer to 2019, the indicators should become equal.

This result was achieved due to the equalization from May 2018 of the minimum wage with the PM for the second quarter of 2017 (Federal Law No. 421-FZ of December 28, 2017).

This rule began to be practiced in the future. That is, when determining the subsistence minimum for the second quarter of 2018, the Government automatically set the size of the minimum wage for 2019. Thus, from January 1, 2019, the minimum wage will be 11,280 rubles, because the PM indicator for the working-age population is taken as a basis.

This means that employers do not have the right to evaluate the work of their employees below this amount.

In this regard, another question arises: if there is such a relationship between the minimum wage and the PM, then what will happen if the cost of living becomes less than the value used to set the minimum wage? The government insured itself and amended Article 1 of Law No. 82-FZ, according to which, in the event of such a situation, there will be no revision towards lowering the minimum wage.

Note that, just like with the cost of living, regions have the right to independently set their own minimum wage. Only its value should not be less than the federal value. For example, in Moscow, the minimum wage level is almost twice the federal value of the indicator, which makes the city a leader in terms of wages.

To compare the minimum wage from January 1, 2018 for a number of regions, it is presented in the following table:

Despite the fact that according to general rule the employer is not entitled to pay salaries to employees in an amount below the cost of living, there are exceptions.

  1. Part-time job. In this case, earnings do not depend on the minimum level of the minimum wage. The latter depends on the hours actually worked.
  2. Underemployment. If an employee works part-time, then his wage level may be lower than the established minimum wage.

In all other cases, when assessing the work of employees in the amount below the minimum wage, the manager will face large fines.

The living wage of a pensioner in Moscow in 2018

Judging by the fact that the cost of living in Moscow in 2018 is higher than in other regions, it can be assumed that this also applies to Moscow pensioners. But the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in Moscow in 2018, as well as in other regions, remains the lowest in comparison with other categories of the population. This is due to the fact that a pensioner consumes less, and accordingly, he needs less funds for a normal existence.

On the other hand, the indicator of the cost of living of a pensioner contributes to the provision of this category of citizens with a pension not lower than this value. So, if the pension turns out to be lower than the pensioner's subsistence minimum, the latter is entitled to an additional payment, for which you need to contact the social protection authorities.


The calculation takes into account the federal value of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner, and not the regional one. If in a particular region the value of the pensioner's subsistence minimum is lower than the established value in Russia as a whole, then he is also entitled to the corresponding federal benefit. In this case, you need to visit the Pension Fund.

The living wage of a pensioner in Moscow in 2018 can be increased due to the so-called status of a native resident, which a pensioner receives after living in the city for over ten years. The surcharge is just over two thousand six hundred rubles. Therefore, a pensioner lives in Moscow somewhat better than in another region. On the other hand, life in the capital is more expensive.


Only unemployed pensioners are eligible to receive additional payments. If a retired person continues to work and receive a salary, he cannot apply for social assistance, even if his pension is below the subsistence minimum.

Subsistence minimum for a child 2018

The main tasks in setting the minimum subsistence level for a child in 2018 are:

  1. Assessment of the quality of life of minors.
  2. Definition of children as one of the socially vulnerable categories of citizens.
  3. Determination of the list and amount of benefits for children, as well as the reasons for their appointment to persons with children.
  4. Determination of the amount of alimony payments.
  5. Planning a budget for next year.
  6. Carrying out calculations to establish the minimum wage.
  7. Calculation in the development of regional and federal programs.

The product table is shown above. It can be seen from it that the standards for the consumption of certain products for children are different from other categories of the population. So, in some children, it contains more fruits and vegetables and less flour and pasta products.

In addition to food products, the consumer basket also includes non-food products. Their content in the general basket must meet the following conditions:

  • the cost of non-food products should not be more than fifty percent of the cost of food products;
  • the cost of works and services should also not exceed this value.

The share of non-food products in the consumer basket of a child accounts for more than, for example, for a pensioner. Children grow up very quickly: often in one season they have to shop for not a single pair of shoes and clothes.

Determining the minimum subsistence level for a child in 2018 is also important from the point of view of its relationship with wages. The child's standard of living depends on the level of the parents' wages. So, the amount of wages should be such that it could meet the needs of not only the recipient, but also the children living in the family.

This indicator is taken into account when determining a family of poor people by adding up the cost of living for all its members and comparing the result with the total income of the family. If the result is less than the subsistence minimum, then the family is recognized as poor and has every reason for social support.

PM and alimony

There is also a direct relationship between the cost of living and the amount of child support paid. In the event of a divorce of the spouses, one of them is appointed the guardian of the joint child, and the other pays alimony to him. The value of the latter is usually determined by the percentage of the payer's income. But you can make the calculation in another way.

The connection between the subordination of the amount of alimony to the amount of the PM is spelled out in article 117 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. So, according to this article, when making payments of alimony ordered by the court, their amount must be a multiple of a certain part or a whole value of the minimum standard of living. This rule is due to the fact that alimony must be subject to regular indexation in connection with the annual change in the value of the cost of living.

There is no fixed amount of alimony. It all depends on the size of the payer's wages, in particular the amount that remains with him after the payment of alimony. Here it is also necessary to be equal to the PM.

There are a number of cases where the amount of alimony is set at the level of the child's cost of living. These include:

  1. Lack of permanent earnings for the alimony payer.
  2. Receipt by the alimentary payer of wages in kind or in foreign currency.
  3. Lack of an official source of income.
  4. The salary is so small that it will not work out of it to allocate a share for the maintenance of the child.

In all these cases, upon presentation of the relevant evidentiary documents, alimony is imposed in the amount that the child “does not receive”. For example, if in the second quarter of 2018 the minimum cost of living per child is set at 10,390 rubles, and his mother's income is 20,000 rubles, i.e. 10,000 rubles per person, then the child "receives less" 390 rubles from the PM. That is exactly how much his father should list for the maintenance every month.

PM and social benefits

If the total average income of a family is below the minimum level of the cost of living, then it is considered poor and has the right to request an allowance in the amount of “shortfall” of the subsistence minimum.

To determine the average per capita income, you need to calculate the total family income for the last quarter and divide the result by three. The resulting total must be decomposed by the number of family members.


It is necessary to focus on the value of the cost of living established in the region, and not on the all-Russian indicator.


The family consists of four people, two of whom are minor children. Let's say a spouse has received 26,000 rubles for the last three months, and a spouse - 24,000 rubles each. Those. the family's total monthly income is 50,000 rubles.

Dividing this amount by 4, we get 12,500 rubles.

If it comes about Moscow, the PM for an able-bodied family member is 19,453 rubles, for a child - 14,409 rubles. Based on this, both spouses receive less:

19 453-12 500 = 6953 rubles,

and children by:

14 409-12 500 = 1909 rubles.

Those. a family can apply for monthly social assistance in the amount of:

2 * (6953 + 1909) = 17,724 rubles.

In addition, a poor family can count on the following benefits:

  • payments for children under eighteen years of age;
  • subsidies for payment of housing and communal services, etc.

In each region, the amounts and types of these payments are set by the regional authorities.

Thus, the size of the subsistence minimum in Russia affects many aspects of life. It is closely related to the lower limit of wages and makes it possible to assess the quality of life of different categories of the population. On its basis, the budget for the next year is formed and the amount of benefits for those in need is established. Therefore, it will be useful for citizens to know the value of the indicator both at the federal and regional levels.

It is a basic value that directly affects any social benefit.

Depending on the region, this value may differ depending on the standard of living and inflation. The revision can be carried out annually.

What is this indicator and how is it calculated

The living wage is cash, which, according to the state, are enough to buy basic foodstuffs, non-food items and pay utility bills.

Sum may be revised during the year, as price changes and inflation analysis occurs every quarter.

All food products taken into account by officials when calculating the subsistence minimum are included in consumer basket defined in accordance with the regulations.

For example, a person cannot do without the following products:

The amount of food, calculated for a day, clearly does not correspond to the real needs of the body and does not quite provide the correct structure of nutrition, but there are no other guidelines.

Child's living wage calculated based on his need for nutrition, education, medicines ah, clothing, hygiene products and transportation costs.

Size and expected changes

The cost of the consumer basket and the standard of living in most regions of the Russian Federation increases annually and in the process of calculating federal, regional and social payments indexed regularly... This is done to maintain the quality of life of Russian citizens, including children.

The question of the minimum indicator of the value necessary to ensure normal living conditions has not lost its relevance in 2019.

It can be approved both for the whole country and separately for its regions. For each category of the population, it is determined individually. As for children, as of January 01, 2019, on average in Russia it was 10 500 rubles.

Within the framework of the federal legislation, the subsistence minimum is understood as monetary equivalent, which is required for the purchase of vital goods and services capable of creating favorable conditions for a normal life and ensuring the health of a person - in this case, a child.

Based on this value, it is determined:

  • the standard of living of the region as a whole;
  • minimum wage indicator - it cannot be less than the consumer basket;
  • retirement benefits and benefits.

Few people understand that the federal budget of the country is formed taking into account and on the basis of the subsistence minimum for the population for the current period, adjusted for the inflation coefficient.

Half of the Russian consumer basket is food ( first group), on which, by the way, many families spend more than half of the family budget.

Second group consists of non-food items - clothes, shoes, hats, medicines, etc.

Well and the third part consumer basket allocated utilities, transportation costs and cultural activities.

The size of the Russian subsistence minimum in 2019 per child does not reach the minimum living standard in other countries, although the cost of food, which occupies the bulk of the food basket, is practically the same.

True, these indicators cannot be compared, since, for example, one hundred goods are calculated in Russia, and more than 300 in the United States.

Economic indicator set every quarter and depends on food prices.

What does this indicator affect

Cost of living calculation produced in relation to 3 categories of the population:

  • children;
  • pensioners;
  • workable part.

The amount of the child's subsistence minimum is usually slightly higher than the amount assigned to the pensioner.

By the way, there are several ways to achieve the required amount for the maintenance of a child from a second parent ():

True, in order for alimony to be equal to the size of the subsistence minimum, you must have a sufficient reason:

  • variable amount of wages;
  • the payer can receive money for the work performed only in kind or in foreign currency;
  • there is no official income at all;
  • earnings do not allow calculating a share from it;
  • in the case of using the share accrual, the rights of the child are infringed.

Also, the court can listen to the parent's request. increase the amount of alimony to the subsistence level in the presence of the following circumstances:

  • the second parent deliberately underestimates the level of their income;
  • health has deteriorated significantly;
  • other dependents appeared;
  • fired / laid off from work, etc.

The court is responsible for making the final, balanced decision on the amount to be paid, carefully analyzing all the circumstances on each side of the process.

That is all depends on:

  • financial and marital status on each side;
  • the amount of money remaining in the end with the payer;
  • presence / absence of dependents;
  • providing other evidence to the court.

What to do if the amount of alimony does not correspond to the subsistence level? Collect as much evidence as possible that the other parent can pay and is deliberately evading.

Regional features

Living wage per child in the Krasnodar Territory is 10,057 rubles and is determined in accordance with Federal Law No. 134 of October 24, 1997 and the law in force on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory No. 1980-KZ of June 9, 2010.

The subsistence minimum is applied in the territory of the region and allows you to assess the standard of living of the population, to develop and implement regional social programs , provide state social assistance to low-income citizens, assign a monthly allowance for a baby, etc.

Children whose place of registration is Moscow, receive benefits and alimony payments in an amount corresponding to the subsistence level, even if this requires appropriate allowances.

The current legislation established the following subsistence minimum for children in 2019: 14,329 rubles. It is this amount that the court takes into account when it determines the amount of payments that can ensure the normal maintenance of a minor child.

In accordance with latest news, cost of living per child in St. Petersburg will be about 10,742 rubles. The quarterly upward trend in this amount, depending on the rate of inflation growth, will continue in the current year. This process can be called natural, since with a daily increase in prices, financial assistance cannot be reduced. And due to the cosmic rise in the cost of living, the most vulnerable groups of the population suffer.

So, according to statistics, a poor person spends 80% on food, a citizen with an average income - 20%, and a rich one - only 5%.

Within the territory of Rostov region in accordance with Government Decree No. 53, the following subsistence minimum values ​​apply:

  • able-bodied population - 10,412 rubles;
  • pensioners - 7,941 rubles;
  • children - 10 413 rubles.

This value is taken into account when calculating benefits and other types of assistance to the poor.

For the size of the living wage for children, see the following video:

The standard of social policy of our country, which is used to determine the standard of living of Russians and to establish wages, pension payments, and various benefits, is important.

We will tell you what a living wage is, what goals this concept implies, and also give an example of how to correctly calculate it for a family.

What is the cost of living, and what does it include?

The concept implies the level of income of a citizen, necessary to ensure a certain standard of living of the population. As a rule, it includes the entire cost of products and goods that are indispensable for a person's life and maintaining his health.

Calculate the size of the subsistence allowance for certain categories of citizens in order to make it convenient to set other sizes of social benefits.

When understanding the essence of PM, some concepts are taken into account:


Short description

Consumer basket

The minimum set of goods and services required to ensure the life of a citizen and preserve his health.

Socio-demographic groups

Average per capita income, also known as per capita income

Income for a specific person or a specific income of a family, divided by each of its members.

The calculation is based on certain principles:

  1. The entire population of the country is taken into account in order to assess the well-being of the nation.
  2. It is based on separate social demographic categories in order to correctly determine social benefits.
  3. The “consumer basket” and the amount, size of payments and contributions that citizens make on a monthly basis (for example, utility bills) are taken into account. The calculation is based on the following requirements: the "basket" should contain 50% of products, 25% - non-food products, 25% - services.
  4. Attention is drawn to the rise in prices for both food and non-food products.
  5. The minimum consumption rates of certain products and essential goods are determined.
  6. The subsistence minimum is calculated, both per capita and per family. The monthly income of a particular family is divided by the number of people living together at the same address. Do not take into account communal apartments, in which non-relatives may be registered. A family can only include close relatives, for example, parents, children, spouses, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers.

PM is installed taking into account the analysis of changes in the cost of food, essentials, as well as goods and services necessary to maintain a full life and human activity.

Appointment of a living wage - why do you need to know and calculate?

In accordance with article 2 of the federal law under number 134, the PM implies the following goals:

  1. Assessment of the living standards of Russians , as well as the development of social policy and special support programs both at the federal level and at the regional level.
  2. Establishing the size of the minimum wage , retirement benefits, scholarships and other payments.
  3. Determination of the federal budget .

If we consider each region of Russia separately, then the PM is necessary for:

  1. Assessment of the standard of living of citizens in a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the development and implementation of social programs operating at the regional level.
  2. Formation of the budget of the region.
  3. Identifying and helping low-income citizens, families.

Of course, regional authorities can change the size of the subsistence minimum - that is why it has different meanings in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The value of the subsistence minimum for different groups of the population in 2019 - what is the subsistence minimum for an adult, child, pensioner?

When calculating the PM, the entire population of our country is divided into three groups. Let's consider what is the PM value for each population group in 2018.

Who is included in it

The value of the subsistence minimum in St. Petersburg *

Living wage in Moscow *

Able-bodied citizens

Persons who are able to take an active part in the labor force, including men (16-59 years old) and women (16-54 years old). Age can change annually.

This group does not include citizens with 1 and 2 disability groups.

12 064 rub. 70 kopecks


Non-working citizens who have reached retirement age.

RUB 8 944 10 kopecks

Minors, children

Persons not working due to age and minority.

RUB 10,742 60 kopecks

Per capita

The average value of this indicator is relevant for all categories of citizens.

RUB 11,008 40 kopecks.

16 463 RUB

* The data is based on the calculation of the PM for the IV quarter of 2018 and regulations:

  1. Resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg No. 128, approved on March 09, 2018.
  2. Moscow Government Resolution No. 88-PP, adopted on March 7, 2018.

The PM value in other regions is also set by the Government or local authorities.

How to calculate the subsistence minimum for a family in Russia - instructions and an example of calculation

The PM for an individual citizen is determined by specialists. They:

  1. Calculate the amount of food consumed by a person per year, which is grocery basket and then divide the number of grocery items by 12 months.
  2. The resulting amount is multiplied by the average cost of products and services.
  3. Add up the resulting values.

The calculation of the PM for the family is carried out in a different way. You can independently calculate the income of your family and determine whether you fall into the category of the poor, those whose subsistence allowance is less than the established size.

The formula for calculating PM for a family is as follows:

PM = ((PM tn * N tn) + (PM p * N p) + (PM d * N d)) / (N tn + N p + N d), where:

PM- living wage.

PM tn- PM for the working-age population.

PM p- PM for pensioners.

PM d- PM for children.

PM tn- the number of able-bodied citizens in the family who belong to socio-demographic groups.

N p the number of pensioners in the family who belong to the socio-demographic group.

N d - the number of children in the family who belong to the socio-demographic group.

To calculate, follow these instructions:

  1. Determine which socio-demographic groups your family is made of. We indicated them above, for example, children, able-bodied population, pensioners.
  2. Calculate how many people belong to each group.
  3. Check the table above and determine what the cost of living is set for each group. If you do not live in St. Petersburg or Moscow, be aware that each region has its own subsistence level. You should find it out on the website of the administration or in the department of social protection.
  4. If there is no group in the family, then it is excluded. For example, if there are no retirees in the family, then the values ​​are not taken into account.
  5. Plug in all the values ​​into the formula.
  6. Add up the multiplied values ​​of the PM and the number of people. Divide the received amount by the total number of people in the family. This will give you the PM for your family.

An example of calculation for a family from St. Petersburg in 2019

Let's calculate the PM for a family of 5 people:

  1. Father, 45 years old (able-bodied population).
  2. Mothers, 44 years old (able-bodied population).
  3. Daughters who are 16 years old (children).
  4. Son, age 12 (children).
  5. Grandmothers, 70 years old (retired).

So, determining the PM for each group, we substitute the value into the formula:

(12,064 rubles 70 kopecks x 2) + (10,742 rubles 60 kopecks x 2) + (8,944 rubles 10 kopecks x 1)

We get the amount of PM for each family member: RUB 54,558 70 kopecks / 5 people = RUB 10 911 74 kopecks

How is the subsistence level for the benefit determined?

Registration of social benefits - for example, wages for Russians or cash assistance for low-income families or citizens - is carried out taking into account the PM, as well as important nuances concerning costs.

Experts should calculate this value based on:

  1. All expenses spent by able-bodied citizens on a monthly basis.
  2. The costs of personal income tax and other types of taxes established by regional laws and procedures.
  3. Income on declarations 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL. You can get the documents from the tax office.

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