Mirimanova nutrition according to the system minus 60. Official group VKontakte. What can you eat

Cement 27.09.2020

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova has become very popular among those who dream of losing weight. Having developed this technique from her own experience, the woman began to share it with people who need to lose weight. On the this moment the minus 60 system gained more than a million followers.

Many people wonder why Mirimanova's diet deserved such popularity? After all, Ekaterina is not a nutritionist, and some professionals even reproach her methodology. Where and how do kilograms magically disappear?

The origin of the "Minus 60" system

Ekaterina Mirimanova is an ordinary journalist, with ordinary life. And, like everyone else, black stripes happen in life. The loss of a father, the departure of a husband, problems at work - all this played a decisive role. The body, in the fight against stress, began to consume much more food. On the nervous ground a woman inclined to fullness began to gain kilograms at the speed of light.

The black stripe is always followed by the white stripe. Catherine's life began to improve, a loved one appeared, from whom she soon became pregnant. But the usual rhythm, when excess weight came, remained. Hormones and new emotions only brightened up and strengthened this lifestyle. So the mark on the scales reached 120 kg.

With the advent of a child, everything changes. There is a more active lifestyle, more needs. And then Ekaterina noticed that activity is very difficult in her weight. Looking at herself in the mirror with new eyes, the woman was horrified. How could she bring herself to such a state? Everything suited my husband, he himself weighed about 150 kg, but chefs, perhaps, this is due to their status. But how embarrassing it has become now, with the advent of a child who should look at his mother, take an example from her, enjoy her love for herself, be proud.

This became the starting point of motivation. Without listening to anyone, the woman went headlong into the study of diets and weight loss programs. Having tried everything on herself, she selected the most effective methods, and those that will not force the body, but will help bring it back to life! So, in the first year, Mirimanova lost 50 kg!

Over the next six months, she lost another 10. Katerina keeps herself in great shape, while not making much effort. It is this moment that attracts people to her diet - lightness and effectiveness.

In the future, Ekaterina Mirimanova wrote about 30 books on the topic of losing weight, created a website for helping people lose weight under the Minus 60 program, and opened courses to combat overweight organized webinars and consultations. And her before and after photos inspire thousands of readers.

Methodical rules

What is the essence of the "System minus 60" diet? The name of the program is due to the fact that the author herself lost 60 kg. thanks to this system. Before starting the Mirimanova Minus 60 diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation and do a little propaedeutic work.

  1. The first thing to understand and deal with is your head. Only in the head are the possibilities for success. And only there is born something that can interfere with you. At this point of the "Minus 60" system, you need to achieve the right motivation, attitude.
  2. Are you still putting off losing weight? And the rest have already lost weight! You just need to do it, start right now.
  3. Why are you losing weight? For what? For your own sake! Not for the sake of a husband, not for the sake of children, not for the approval of society. But only for yourself. You need to love yourself before you start losing weight. Only in love and harmony can you improve your body.
  4. Take a photo of yourself every month of following the diet. This will help to compare the result, get inspired, and increase motivation for new achievements.
  5. Mirimanova's program teaches you to love yourself, listen to your body, give yourself time and care. These are fundamental principles for losing weight.
  6. It is worth starting the Minus 60 nutrition system gradually. Just as your weight was gained in long steps, you should not expect weight loss in an instant. Step by step we reduce portions. We remove deep plates and large spoons. Learning to restrain. Gradually reduce the amount of consumption of harmful products. Reduce sugar in tea by half a spoon. Little by little we are switching from milk chocolate to black, of better quality. expensive varieties, high in cocoa. It is necessary to give the body time to get used to the innovations, otherwise it will no longer be possible to maintain a correct lifestyle.
  7. It is always important to look at the clock. Diet "Minus 60" implies the differentiation of food in time. You can eat everything in the morning. But only until 12:00, while the body just wakes up, starts its mechanisms and begins to work actively. After 12.00, until approximately 14:00, at lunchtime, some restrictions are introduced. Do not eat meat with potatoes or grains. We do not combine fish with pasta and bread. Only one nutritious, heavy food should be present in the system's lunch ration. You also need to avoid fried foods. You need to have dinner according to the “Minus 60” system already without super-heavy food. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish. And the main rule is no later than 18.00. In the evening, you need to free the body from the load of food so that it has time to process everything and calmly rest and recover at night.

Principles of the Mirimanova diet

All advice can be found in books and on the official website of the author of the System Minus 60 program. Mirimanova shows everything from her own experience. What attracts everyone to this technique is that in order to lose weight, it is not necessary to give up your favorite food. Do you want fried food? You are welcome. Sweet? To health. Can't live without coffee? And it is not necessary. The main thing is to know the fundamental principles that Ekaterina Mirimanova developed for “Minus 60 kg.”.

  • You can't skip breakfast. He should run the job gastrointestinal tract. If you get up early and do not want to eat, then you can easily refresh yourself with a slice of cheese, for example. But then you must definitely make a second, hearty breakfast according to this system.
  • You can drink tea, coffee and alcohol, no matter how strange it may seem. There is no need to forbid the body to feast on its favorite drinks. So you can only tease him, and then you still break loose, it will be much worse. So don't give up on these drinks, but drink wisely. In tea, instead of sugar, add honey. In coffee, replace regular sugar with brown sugar and reduce the dose. And drink dry red wine from alcohol. It is considered very useful in small quantities for blood vessels and the stomach.
  • You can eat sweets according to the “Minus 60” system! If you really can't live without it. But only until 12:00. And butter cakes and milk chocolate should be avoided. Switch to dark chocolate. Learn aesthetics and refinement. Gradually increasing the level of cocoa in chocolate and its quality, you will learn to feel the delicate taste of solid desserts.
  • You need to eat cereal throughout the day. Buckwheat and rice will be especially useful. Buy good quality rice. First, try steamed, it tastes almost the same as long-grained. And then try brown, the most useful, and wild.
  • In the menu for every day of the "Minus 60" system, it is not recommended to refuse bread. Eat white bread in the morning. In the second - replace it with rye crackers or bread. And do not combine it with meat or potato dishes. That's the whole secret.
  • Mirimanova's diet considers potatoes and pasta to be dangerous foods. Accordingly, it is better to eat them in the morning, if you can’t refuse them at all. If you eat these dishes at lunch or dinner, then you should clearly distinguish them from heavy foods, such as meat with fish or legumes.
  • Dinner must be early. Not earlier than 17.00 and not later than 20.00, even if with your regimen you can only go to bed in the middle of the night. This will allow you to feel light in the body in the morning and reduce swelling after sleep.
  • The "Minus 60" system in Mirimanova's nutrition table offers suitable products. But you also need to consider the lightness and volume of the portion. You do not need to combine several of these products if together they make a heavy dish.
  • The minus 60 diet includes recipes where fried foods can be included in the diet, but only up to 12 hours. After that, other types of food processing (boiling, stewing, grilling, etc.) will do.

As for water, it does not need to be “poured” into oneself in liters. You drink as much as your body requires. Of course, you should not bring yourself to thirst. But forceful fluid intake will not help you lose weight.

Diet Supplements

Diet "Minus 60" allowed Ekaterina to lose 60 kg. But besides that, she began to look younger and more beautiful. What is the secret here?

  • Do not forget about physical activity! They help tone the body, tighten sagging skin after losing weight, restore health to a weakened body. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the gym and torture yourself on simulators several times a week. Home gymnastics and exercises will be sufficient. The main thing is to repeat them every day. It is better to systematically perform even simple exercises for 10 minutes every day, thereby giving the body stability and lightness, than to plunge it into a stressful state with hourly loads. Ekaterina Mirimanova has developed her own set of exercises, which is accompanied by her photo with instructions and comments. It consists of the simplest swings, bridges, stretches, tilts and squats.
  • You need to take care of yourself besides diet food. Regular scrubs, massages with brushes and hands, applying creams to the body, baths with salts and oils, contrast showers, body wraps. Take care of yourself every couple of days. Firstly, it helps to get rid of stretch marks, cellulite, swelling. You must help your skin recover. And secondly, it will raise your psychological stability, self-esteem, self-acceptance, improve your mood, create harmony and comfort in your life, teach you to love yourself!

Diet and menu

A section of one of Mirimanova's books is a table that indicates what foods can be eaten at a certain meal and how to cook them. She also encourages to think with your own head, and only draw the basis from her books. Let's try to figure out an acceptable diet and make an approximate menu for a week for each meal separately, taking into account the specifics of the time of day and the work of the body.

Diet "Minus 60" - an approximate menu for the week:


It is the most permitted meal of the day. Here, the Mirimanova diet on the menu for every day does not consider products in detail, but only clarifies small cooking rules. You can eat as much as you want, but without fanaticism.

Limit your salt and sugar intake slightly. Do not forget that fried, sweet, heavy, all your weaknesses can only be eaten until 12:00! Then it takes time to process such food.

sample menu

  • Day 1: banana, sausage sandwich, a piece of cake or pastry, coffee.
  • Day 2: fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms, persimmon, tea.
  • Day 3: pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese and fruit, a glass of milk.
  • Day 4: apple, fried eggs from 2 eggs, butter sandwich, kefir.
  • Day 5: cottage cheese with fruit, biscuits, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Day 6: oatmeal or rice, half a chocolate bar, cocoa.
  • Day 7: cheese sandwich, slice of pie, milkshake.

Cheesecakes with carrots: video recipe


The program "Minus 60" in the menu for the week makes certain adjustments for the lunch meal:

  • You can no longer eat sweets for lunch.
  • Useful technique will use frozen vegetables. Vitamins are preserved, and less time is spent.
  • If you are making soup with meat, then do not add potatoes. You can make a vegetarian vegetable soup with potatoes.
  • Along with meat for a side dish, you can not cook legumes, mushrooms, canned food and flour.
  • Cook porridge only on water.
  • Buy pasta only from durum wheat.
  • You can eat sushi, but not warm.
  • All marinated use little by little.
  • Recipes should exclude butter.
  • Fried food is excluded.
  • You can fill the dishes with any spices and sauces.
  • You can eat only until 14:00.

sample menu

  • Day 1: baked potatoes with vegetables, light salad from carrots and beets with yogurt, compote.
  • Day 2: grilled pork chop, rice porrige, cabbage and cucumber salad, dry wine.
  • 3 day: fish stew pike perch, salad with peppers and tomatoes, tea.
  • Day 4: buckwheat porridge, baked crucian carp in foil, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Day 5: bean lobio, salad with cabbage and carrots, jelly.
  • Day 6: boiled meatballs, buckwheat porridge, apple, coffee.
  • Day 7: chicken stew in pineapples, rice porridge, kefir.

Zucchini puree soup: video recipe


Dinner should be the lightest. By evening, the body relaxes and ceases to actively process food. Therefore, heavily loading it is fraught with fat deposits.

  • On the Mirimanova diet, it is recommended to eat only until 18:00. You may have to cook your own meals separately from your loved ones.
  • Now, in addition to lunch borders, you can not use sunflower oil.
  • Sugar and salt should be completely limited.
  • If you are invited to an evening feast, limit yourself to a glass of wine and slices of cheese.
  • Salty and smoked should not be for dinner at all
  • Sauces should also be avoided.
  • Carbonated water is forbidden to drink, as it whets the appetite.

sample menu

  • Day 1: vegetable salad with yogurt, water.
  • Day 2: baked trout with shrimps, dry wine.
  • Day 3: cabbage rolls, compote.
  • Day 4: cottage cheese, apple, juice.
  • Day 5: aspic, tea.
  • Day 6: baked apples, yogurt.
  • Day 7: cottage cheese, grapefruit, juice.

Useful dinner option: video recipe

Diet cons

  • You will need to reorganize your daily routine and schedule for all meals by the hour, workouts, self-care.
  • On evening dates, celebrations, you will have to limit yourself to a glass of wine and a light snack.
  • Contraindications are diseases with certain therapeutic restrictions in food. It is also better to consult a doctor during pregnancy.
  • This system is not the recommendation of a professional nutritionist. Nutritionists criticize allowing sweet, salty, fried foods. They consider pasta and potatoes normal food. As well as legumes, canned vegetables. Many professionals condemn three meals a day, but such that you can eat as much as you want. They vote for multiple meals in small portions. In general, the nutrition system is contrary to many established canons in the world of weight loss.

But no matter what critics say, this diet helped Mirimanova lose as much as 60 kg.! And now there are many positive reviews from the followers of this diet.

The Mirimanova diet has gained wide popularity among those who want to lose a significant amount of kilograms. The results are amazing - the creator of the nutrition system lost 60 kg, adhering to simple principles. Many followers managed to get rid of hated kilograms with the help of advice and following the rules of nutrition from Ekaterina Mirimanova.

Basic principles

The main principle of the Mirimanova diet: you can eat absolutely everything (mainly low-calorie foods). In addition, of course, obviously harmful products - carbonated water, snacks, sausages.

But there are restrictions on the time of use of various products:

  1. Breakfast is a must eat in the morning. Without breakfast, the body will not wake up and start all the necessary processes for losing weight. If the rise is early (before 7 am), then it is permissible to have breakfast twice. But one of the breakfasts should be light. For breakfast, it is permissible to eat anything: bread, sweets, fruits. There are no restrictions on the first meal, except for milk chocolate. If you don’t have the strength to give up your favorite treat, then the diet allows you to consume dark chocolate. Gradually, you can increase the percentage of cocoa content in order to eventually eat the most useful product;
  2. Lunch - in the second meal, the restriction is white bread. If there are no meat and fish dishes in the Mirimanova diet menu for lunch, it is allowed to eat 1 slice of rye bread. Pasta and potatoes are acceptable, but paired with either non-starchy vegetables or a little cheese. They cannot be combined with meat, fish and chicken. If for lunch meat or fish, then you can eat vegetables as a side dish. Portion sizes should be reasonable;
  3. Dinner - no later than 18:00. This rule can be adjusted - if you go to bed later than 12 at night, you need to have dinner later. But on average, the time of the last meal is 5-6 hours before bedtime. Dinner should be light - steamed rice with vegetables or fruits. Allowed cottage cheese, or meat, fish, but only without a side dish;
  4. Water - no need to try to drink a certain amount of water per day. Forcibly drinking water will not do any good. The body itself is able to determine how much fluid it needs. One rule - you need to keep the water in sight, then by itself it will turn out to drink much more water than usual;
  5. Steamed rice - it is much healthier than regular rice, so you should choose it for Mirimanova's diet;
  6. Drinks - in addition to water, you can drink tea and coffee. It is even permissible to add sugar to them, but gradually it is necessary to reduce its amount. From alcoholic drinks - red semi-dry wine. It is permissible to drink 1 glass if it is not possible to refuse - for example, when you are at a holiday or a party.


There are practically no contraindications to the Mirimanova diet - this system is recommended by dietitians, various weight loss specialists. The diet is balanced, takes into account all the needs of the body - vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are supplied in sufficient quantities. However, there are a couple of limitations:

  1. Pregnancy - when you are in an interesting position, you must first think about the health of the unborn child. Therefore, even if a girl is on such a diet during pregnancy, then it is worth making a number of changes to it. Breakfasts and lunches remain the same, but dinner time must be shifted by a few hours so that the child does not lack nutrients. It is best to consult with your doctor before following the Mirimanova diet during pregnancy;
  2. The presence of diseases, in which it is necessary to adhere to a different power system. It is more important to think about health than about losing weight, so if you have such a disease, you should not take risks and stick to the Mirimanova diet.

Table of eligible products

For breakfast, as mentioned above, there are no restrictions other than milk chocolate. But for other meals, a special table has been compiled, with a list of allowed products for compiling a menu for every day with the Mirimanova diet.

Dinner Dinner Snacks
All types of meat All types of meat** Orange
All kinds of birds All types of poultry** Grapefruit
Any Fish Any fish** Apple
Buckwheat Rice with fruits Kiwi
Rice (if porridge, then not with milk) Rice with vegetables plums
Non-starchy vegetables Fruit
Potatoes, pasta* Cottage cheese
Legumes* Kefir
Corn (frozen or fresh)* Non-starchy vegetables
Mushrooms Buckwheat
Eggs Eggs**
rice noodles Cheese, up to 50 gr
Corn grits, couscous
Dairy products with a fat content of not more than 5%

* - with the addition of a small amount of cheese or salad. ** - without garnish.

Snacking on the Mirimanova diet is not recommended. It is best to eat 3 times a day, but satiety. After dinner, with a strong feeling of hunger, a small amount of the fruits described in the table is allowed. For example, you can eat 1 grapefruit, a couple of apples. But you should be careful - fruits provoke appetite, so it's better to wait until breakfast.

Detailed diet menu Mirimanova

All the basic principles and permitted products are described clearly and clearly, so there should be no difficulties. Approximate diet should look like this.

Breakfasts: any lean cereals, sandwiches with cheese or boiled meat (no more than 2, smoked meats are undesirable), boiled eggs, scrambled eggs with a minimum amount of oil, fruits, vegetables, meat. You can drink breakfast with tea, coffee (even with milk and sugar), juices. If it's hard to say no to sweets - morning is the time to eat something harmful.

Lunches: meat, fish or poultry with a side dish of vegetables. Macaroni and cheese, potatoes stewed with vegetables. Steamed buckwheat with chicken, baked fish with steamed rice, beef with mushrooms (it’s better not to get carried away with this combination, and eat mushrooms in company with other vegetables). During the Mirimanova diet, you can eat a piece of rye bread with stewed vegetables (no meat or fish). Soup in meat broth without pasta and potatoes, or lean, then pasta or a small amount of potatoes are acceptable.

Dinners: cottage cheese (with a fat content of less than 5%) with the addition of prunes, apples and kiwi. Stewed vegetables (not starchy) and fruits with a low sugar content, such as a stew of cabbage, carrots, onions and tomatoes, and a couple of fruits for dessert. Buckwheat porridge on the water with pieces of fruit, dairy products, steamed rice. It is also permissible to dine with a portion of meat, fish or poultry, but without any side dish, or eggs under similar conditions.


Roll with cucumber and salmon - boil rice with the addition of rice vinegar (or cook it yourself - mix apple cider vinegar with sugar, salt and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1). Allow to cool slightly, then put on a nori sheet. Top with cucumbers, cut into long strips, and salted fish sticks. Roll up tightly, cut with a sharp knife. Serve with soy sauce and wasabi. According to Mirimanova's method, it is permissible to eat such a dish for breakfast or lunch.

Fish with vegetables - a piece of any fish (white, red) salt, pepper, pour over lemon juice and put in a double boiler. As a side dish, serve a fresh vegetable salad dressed with butter, or a stew. Also, fish can be baked, fried on minimum quantity oils. It is acceptable to have dinner or lunch.

Buckwheat porridge - rinse and boil buckwheat in lightly salted water. Put on a plate together with sliced ​​​​fruits - apples, prunes, or kiwi. You can also add citrus fruits to your taste.

Pros and cons of the Mirimanova diet

There are many benefits to this diet.:

  • Diet is not hungry- the author of the nutrition system against bullying of the body, therefore does not recommend fasting days and starvation. Adhering to the principles of the diet, there is no chance to remain hungry;
  • Diet is balanced- The menu includes vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. Sweets, bread and pasta are allowed. When losing weight, it is still recommended to take a course of vitamins, but in this diet there is no urgent need for this;
  • Her recommended by doctors and weight loss experts- this point is key, because most modern diets are not supported by doctors, because of the harm done to the body;
  • - the slower the body loses weight, the less likely it is that those extra pounds will return. For a week on a diet of minus 60, you can lose 1.5-2 kg, which is quite acceptable by experts;
  • Can do sports - physical exercise will help the skin maintain its tone during weight loss, but most modern diets do not allow you to play sports while losing kilograms. Short-term diets are difficult to deal with due to dietary restrictions. With this style of nutrition, sports are welcomed and recommended by Ekaterina Mirimanova.

Minuses :

  • Daily routine - while eating according to the minus 60 system, it is important to adhere to a certain routine: in the morning, be sure to have breakfast, lunch around 12-13 pm, and dinner no later than 18:00. It is difficult to get used to this mode right away, so it will take time to adapt;
  • Weight loss is slow- this item, oddly enough, is immediately both in the minuses and in the pros of the diet. The downside is that Mirimanova's diet is not instant - the principle of nutrition is designed for months, years, even preferably for life. If you want to lose weight quickly, this diet is not suitable.

Photos before and after

The Minus 60 system occupies a leading position in the ranking of diets. Ekaterina Mirimanova independently developed a nutrition plan that helped her get rid of 60 kg in six months.

The diet menu is varied. If you follow the basic rules of nutrition, exercise, lose weight and gain slim figure by the summer everyone will succeed.

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova does not provide for strict restrictions. The bottom line is the use of products, dishes in accordance with the time of day. Fasting is contraindicated, as the risk of breakdowns increases. You need to eat in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Breakfast- room for imagination. Fried potatoes, borscht, sweets, cakes, pastries are allowed in reasonable quantities.

At lunch You already need to exclude certain foods. The dish must consist of compatible products.

Dinner- the most strict. Easily digestible foods are allowed. The food system does not provide for constant snacking. Food should have time to be digested between meals. Some products are digested within half an hour, while others after four 3-4 hours.

Basic nutrition rules:

  1. You can't skip tomorrow. It starts the process of digestion.
  2. You can drink as much as you like. No need to forcefully drink three liters of water. Black tea, green tea, coffee with sugar are allowed (gradually try to abandon the latter). Alcoholic beverages are not recommended, with the exception of dry red wine.
  3. Sweets to eat in the morning.
  4. Do sports daily. To go to gym, pool, yoga. If there is no time, just do exercises at home.
  5. If you need to lose more than 5 kg, then do a light massage, use creams, scrubs so that the skin does not sag from losing extra pounds.
  6. Gradually reduce portions.
  7. The last meal is 3 hours before bedtime.

Allowed and prohibited products

A huge plus of the program is the ability to use any product, but at a certain time of the day. Ekaterina Mirimanova recommends giving up fatty and sweet. Sugar is better to replace with honey. Remove skin from chicken. Cereals can be everything except semolina. All fish and seafood are allowed. It's better to refuse.

You can eat all vegetables, fruits, legumes, dried fruits, nuts. Potatoes, pasta made from premium wheat should be kept to a minimum.

Be sure to include dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat in the diet. Cheese can be eaten 50 grams per day.

Vegetable, olive, butter, mayonnaise, ketchup are allowed to be added to dishes that you will consume before 14:00.

The first two weeks are difficult, then you understand the basic principle of nutrition. You begin to control yourself and easily combine products.

sample menu for a week:

Days of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Dinner
Monday Oatmeal, coffee, bread with butter, cheese Banana Boiled veal, steamed rice, fresh vegetable salad dressed with olive oil Baked fish
Tuesday Omelette. Wheat porridge. Coffee. A piece of dark chocolate Apple Vegetable soup. Boiled chicken. cabbage and cucumber salad Cottage cheese with apple, berries
Wednesday Pasta with cheese. Tea or coffee handful of nuts Jellied. Fruit salad Salad of cabbage, cucumber, herbs, seasoned with lemon juice
Thursday Boiled potatoes, steam cutlet Apple Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms. vegetable soup Jellied veal
Friday A sandwich. Omelette Ryazhenka Borscht on the water. Rice with vegetables Pineapple or watermelon
Saturday Cottage cheese casserole Banana Rice, fish cutlet. Cabbage salad, cucumber, herbs sea ​​kale
Sunday Wheat porridge. Whole grain bread with cheese Apple Pumpkin with rice. Borscht without broth Fruit

Table of allowed products:

Breakfasts on the system "Minus 60"

The dish should be moderately salty. You are allowed to combine any products. They should be fried, boiled, stewed, sandwiched with butter, cheese. Bananas are not to be eaten after dinner. Milk chocolate is prohibited.

The resulting calories are consumed throughout the day.

Lunches on the Mirimanova diet

Lunch should be between 12:00 and 15:00. Lunch should be as satisfying as possible. Restrictions take effect.

Products are boiled, stewed, baked. Soups on the water with potatoes, or on the broth, but without it. Kasha is boiled in water. The dish is seasoned with oil, mayonnaise until 14:00. Exclude fats, sugar.

It is important to monitor product compatibility. Combined: meat or fish with cereals, meat or fish with vegetables, durum pasta with cheese or vegetables, potatoes with cheese or vegetables. Products containing protein can not be combined with potatoes, legumes, corn.

Dinners according to the "Minus 60" system

Dinner time is from 17.00 to 18.00. Strict menu. Forget about potatoes, pasta, pastries, bread. Optimal: cottage cheese, meat or fish without garnish, rice.

It is important to combine products correctly: eggs, slave, vegetables separately, do not combine with anything. Fruits can only be eaten with fruits, as well as dairy products.

Everything is boiled, stewed, baked, eaten raw. Do not fill with sauce, oil.

Each person is individual, depending on how strictly you approach nutrition, the loss of extra pounds will depend. On average, you can get rid of 2-7 kg per month. Ekaterina lost 60 kg in six months, she got rid of another 10 within six months.

Remember, this is not a diet, this is a principle of nutrition that you must follow all the time. At first it will seem difficult, but gradually you will understand what the body requires of you. Do not expect the hands of the scales to show the desired figure in two days.

What to do when you break the diet

Breakdowns are possible on any diet. Mostly this happens when you come to the holiday. Ekaterina Mirimanova is absolutely not against such events, they are rare in our lives. It is better to eat a piece of meat, a small portion vegetable salad, drink wine, than sit with a dull look, and tomorrow return to your old life.

What to do if there is a breakdown? Nothing, just the next day, follow the basic rules of the diet, observe the compatibility of products.

Pros and Cons of the Minus 60 Diet

A pleasant moment - in the morning you can eat the usual food. For example, a cake, a sandwich, fried potatoes, pasta with a fried cutlet. Of course, the portions will have to be reduced. But it will reduce the risk of failure.

A significant disadvantage is the slow weight loss. But if you look from the other side, losing weight quickly is harmful to the body.

There are a lot of supporters of the "Minus 60" system, for 10 years it has not lost its relevance. Millions of women and men have regained their slim figure. The diet does not require restrictions, which is what attracts overweight people.

Losing weight in every woman is associated with a painful hunger strike, a complete rejection of delicious meals, loss of strength, dizziness and nervous breakdown. A total negative. Where does the motivation come from to follow the diet throughout the entire course, as well as to maintain the results obtained after a certain number of kilograms is defeated? However, this is not at all the path that can lead you to a complete victory over excess weight. To do this, you need to live in harmony with your body.

And this means that the theory of total bans is completely unjustified. Certain rules and restrictions will have to be followed, but learning about them in more detail, you will be surprised how soft they are. Today, Mirimanova's diet is presented to your attention. The menu for each day, detailed in detail, will allow you to form your own opinion about it and decide for yourself whether it is suitable for you.

A bit of theory

This system has received the widest popularity among thousands of women. In fact, this is a diet that Ekaterina Mirimanova developed for herself. However, she managed not only to significantly lose weight, but also to keep the result for many years. Seeing that her well-thought-out system had an excellent effect, she published the essence of the technique for a wide range of followers. In fact, this individual mode consists of several important blocks. This is a complex menu and a system of physical activity. Its great advantage is that you do not need to invent anything, just follow the steps described, and the result will not be long in coming. In addition, the author has thought out a system of motivation. However, enough theory, let's consider what the Mirimanova diet is. The menu for every day, detailed in detail, is a real guide to action.

Basic principles

The first difference is that the diet does not aim to severely limit your diet. On the contrary, which is completely atypical for weight loss programs, absolutely everything is allowed to you. Even simple carbohydrates. Yes, you heard right, sugar and bread, potatoes and pasta - all this can be included in the diet. What is the diet based on? First of all, on the ratio of the time of day with the incoming energy.

But what do people say who already know in practice what the Mirimanova diet is? The menu for every day (we will look at it in detail below) surprises with its variety. At the same time, on average, people lose weight by 5 kg per month. The results may vary slightly, some lose weight more, some less.

General rules

Now let's look at what Mirimanova's diet tells us. We will study the menu for each day in detail, so you will only have to combine meals in accordance with it.

Here are the main rules:

  • The importance of the morning meal. Many diets emphasize the importance of not skipping breakfast for proper metabolism. It is he who starts all the processes in the body. The morning meal is practically unlimited in products. Confectionery delights are permissible, but it is advisable to choose natural marmalade and dark chocolate.
  • In the morning we will allow white bread.
  • In fact, before lunch you are not limited in the choice of products. If in the evening you were treated to a cake, then leave it in the refrigerator. In the morning you will eat it without any remorse.
  • After 12 hours, the diet consists of only stewed, boiled or steamed foods without simple carbohydrates.
  • And the last rule - it is extremely important to devote time to physical activity, as well as drink plenty of clean water. But you don’t need to force yourself, one and a half liters a day is enough.

Main advantages

Why is Mirimanova's diet so popular? Menu for every day (you can redraw the menu for yourself, but it is important to stick to general rules) does not require counting calories eaten, which is extremely convenient. Down with diaries, kitchen scales and endless remorse. Now everything is much easier. Until 12 o'clock you can eat everything.

There are no age restrictions. This diet can be used by both the elderly and teenagers.

Pregnant and lactating women can also follow this diet without harm to their baby.

All products offered by the system are available to everyone.

According to official medical conclusions, this diet does not harm your body. How wonderful to lose weight and not experience hunger, irritability and weakness.

Each meal is only one food group

This is the basis that will allow you to optimize your nutrition every day and choose the products that you have in your kitchen today. So, how was the Mirimanova diet built? The principles of this system boil down to the fact that all products were divided into seven large groups. At a time, you can only eat those that are in the same group. This rule is easy to follow. However, let's take a closer look.

Here are the groups:

  • Dairy products and fruits. The perfect combination that many people like. From this group, cheese and yogurt are contraindicated, you need to choose products with a fat content of no more than 5. These are fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and kefir. From fruits, you can use citruses and apples, prunes and plums, kiwi and watermelons.
  • Cheese and dairy products, as well as drinks. All products (yogurt or cheese) should be low-fat. Portions are small. From drinks you can tea, juices or fresh juices, dry wine or water.
  • Vegetables and fruits. The most useful group, which should be given special attention. These are ripe plums and watermelons, apples. Any vegetables are allowed, with the exception of peas, potatoes and eggplant. In addition, the products of this group cannot be combined with mushrooms, avocados and corn.
  • Mirimanova's diet also includes fish and meat. The menu for the week can be prepared in advance, then it will be easier to plan the purchase of products and cooking. You can combine fish and eggs. It is recommended to steam chicken, fish and cutlets.
  • Cereals and fruits. You and I are used to eating porridge with butter or milk, as well as with meat. Here you are offered a different combination. It's buckwheat and brown rice. From fruits, you can add watermelons, citruses and prunes, as well as apples.
  • Cereals and vegetables. A successful combination, it is widely used by the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova, the result of which will not be long in coming. In one month, you can easily lose up to 5 kg. In this case, the process will continue as long as the excess weight remains. After that, the diet will allow you to maintain the result. So, in a combination of vegetables and cereals, it is allowed to take brown rice and buckwheat. But oatmeal, millet and corn grits will have to be abandoned. From vegetables it is necessary to exclude potatoes, eggplant and pumpkin.
  • Dairy products and vegetables.

We plan our day

In fact, the diet is very successful for a working person. An exemplary diet menu for Ekaterina Mirimanova clearly demonstrates that the amount of food for breakfast is not limited. Eating in the morning can be anything. For lunch, it is recommended to boil or stew food, bake on the grill. You can forget about mayonnaise, it is better to use lemon juice. Garnish for meat can be vegetable, but without potatoes.

The humblest meal is dinner. It is distinguished by a low calorie content, and also it should not take place later than 18:00. Fish or meat are served without a side dish, and sugar and bread are banned until morning.

Diet by day

The first week is given very hard, but then the body gets used to it, and you will quite calmly continue on your way to perfect figure. If there are breakdowns, do not reproach yourself, just continue on. Or give yourself one day a month when all prohibitions are lifted. And in the morning come back to proper diet. So, before us is Mirimanova's diet. The menu option is given as an example, you can modify it at your discretion.

Monday or day one

You can start your first day with mashed potatoes and chickens. Also, complement your meal with a piece of bread and tea or coffee. For lunch, cook 250 g of potatoes with vegetables. Complement your meal with 150 g of carrot and beetroot salad. Refueling can be any. And for dinner there is a salad of vegetables. Allowed vegetables can be used as a snack. The menu should change so as not to get bored, and also so that the body receives all the necessary substances and trace elements.

We continue the diet

We will also write out the rest of the days of the week in detail so that you do not have to guess what to cook for yourself today. We present you a detailed menu for the Mirimanova diet for every day. So, Tuesday starts with steamed vegetables and chicken, bread and coffee. Lunch will also please with its thoroughness. Prepare 200 g of stew and a side dish of rice, as well as 100 g of coleslaw. And for dinner, 250 g of baked fish.

The third day begins with vermicelli with cheese, sweet tea and bread. For lunch, 200 g of baked chicken with vegetables, rice and beetroot salad. And for dinner, 100 g of cottage cheese and 2 fruits to choose from.

You are already starting to get used to the new diet a little and you don’t want to eat so much in the evenings. This good sign. Today you can start the day with milk porridge with bread and tea with sugar. For lunch, 200 g of pasta with tomatoes. And in the evening 250 g of stewed vegetables and 100 g of yogurt.

The fifth day starts with scrambled eggs. It can be a big omelet, sandwich and coffee. For lunch, 150 g of any for a side dish. And for dinner, 100 g of cabbage rolls.

Day six will give some relief. The body has already understood that in the morning it will be fed and is looking forward to the proper meal. Saturday starts with scrambled eggs, banana and coffee. For lunch 150 g chicken hearts with stewed vegetables. For dinner, kefir and a baked apple.

The seventh day closes the week. On the next one, you can rewrite the menu at your discretion. Today you will find scrambled eggs and yogurt, sweet tea and bread. For lunch 200 g of baked fish and green salad. And for dinner, 250 g of jelly.

Ekaterina Mirimanova, the woman who brought the weight loss system to life, proved that losing 60 kilograms or more is real. The principles are simple and the requirements are easy to follow. No need to keep track of dishes, limit, refuse your favorite food, face a choice between benefit and taste.

The Minus 60 system will help to follow the rules and bring the figure into the desired form, get rid of annoying fat deposits and shine with natural beauty.

One of the distinguishing features of the Minus 60 diet is that absolutely all types of foods are consumed, including sweets and starchy foods. You also need to follow a few simple rules.

  • You need to have breakfast.

The activation of metabolism in the body depends on breakfast. When an early rise occurs, food is consumed in two stages: the first breakfast is light, and the second is hearty. This principle helps to lose weight correctly using the diet system of Ekaterina Mirimanova.

  • There is no need to give up alcohol and other drinks.

The Minus 60 system allows sugary drinks during breakfast, but the amount of sugar should be gradually reduced in order to wean the body from sweets. Red dry wine is the only alcoholic drink in the menu, which is allowed by Mirimanova. With the gradual restructuring of the body, changes occur, the rejection of semi-sweet and sweet wines, a smooth transition to this drink.

  • Breakfast is sweets.

The first meal is not limited to the usual dishes. There is a need for only one thing - the rejection of milk chocolate. They replace it with bitter, and soon you like its taste even more. The higher the percentage of cocoa beans, the better. Breakfast is not limited to anything, any dishes are acceptable, and subsequent meals are limited in accordance with Mirimanova's Minus 60 diet system.

  • Replacing the usual rice.

An excellent alternative, the taste of which is in no way inferior, is steamed rice. Increased benefits from the components of the product for the body, a variety of menus.

  • The bread is white.

Breakfast is the only period of time when you can eat white bread. Lunch time involves the use of rye bread, if there are no dishes where they used seafood, meat ingredients of an animal or bird. Neglecting this rule, the Mirimanova system will not have any effect.

  • Potatoes and pasta.

They are ideal for breakfast. In the menu for the day, they combine with seafood, poultry, and other types of meat. Lunch time is good for pasta and potatoes, but too often and in large quantities they are prohibited. Combine with, you can add vegetables. They are forbidden for the final meal.

  • Dinner no later than “6 pm”.

Quotation marks are not without reason, because people work on different schedules, therefore, someone goes to bed earlier, someone later. If it was not possible to get to dinner before 18 o'clock, then you need to have time to eat before 20 o'clock. However, dinner before 17:00 is not allowed, especially in the form of light components. The process of losing weight will slow down, and Catherine's diet and menu will stop working.

  • Moderate fluid intake.

Weight loss "Minus 60" works on the principle: the body itself tells you how much fluid it needs. A lot of water entering inside, and an increase in the rate of weight loss is a myth. Water is necessary for the body, but not in the amount of 5 liters. The same goes for salt. Without it, the work of the body will not be complete, and an excessive amount is highly undesirable.

  • Final meal.

The light ingredients of the dishes are an integral part of the dinner. Rice groats, fruit or vegetable supplement, cottage cheese with the same ingredients. Dishes with meat components are eaten without additives in the form of a side dish, like all kinds of seafood, poultry meat. Diverse menu for the day, includes delicious recipes, allows you to enjoy different variations of food.

Table of allowed products

The table for the menu of Ekaterina Mirimanova "Minus 60" contains a list of allowed foods for all three meals for a week for every day. All food is allowed at the initial intake, more often there are tables with product recommendations for the second and third meals. The menu that Ekaterina Mirimanova's Minus 60 diet offers tells in detail about all the pros and cons, and the results will not please you on the first day, but you feel lightness in the body and cheerfulness if you take only allowed products.

The lunch table is divided into 5 columns

List where they paid attention to allowed drinks:

  • All types of tea;
  • Coffee;
  • Red dry wine;
  • Mineral water, excluding the addition of sweetness;
  • Sour-milk and milk drinks;
  • Soku.

The table for the final meal is divided into columns, including permissible and impermissible foods for dinner according to the system of Ekaterina Mirimanova. Diet "Minus 60" is clear and simple.

General concepts about products:

  • Pay attention: apples, not forgetting prunes, plums,. Citrus fruits, kiwi;
  • Milk and low-fat sour milk, including natural yogurts without added ingredients, low-fat cheeses (and with mold too);
  • Dry red wine mineral water, tea or coffee, juices from not prohibited fruits;
  • Do not pay attention to mushrooms, peas. When cooking, do not give preference to sweet potato, pumpkin, potatoes. As well as avocados, eggplant, legumes, corn. Do not poison the body with pickles and marinades;
  • Buckwheat, rice (not white) are allowed, rice noodles are prohibited;
  • All varieties of meat products are useful, except for sausages, fat and skin. Useful low-fat broth no more than half a glass. Not canned fish, seafood, with the exception of crab sticks;
  • Rye allowed.

Products that the diet system prohibits:

  • fried ingredients;
  • Sweets;
  • Baking.

Menu for the week

The main time for eating, according to the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova "Minus 60", when you can afford what you want, including sweets, is breakfast. Enemies of the figure will not have their negative impact on the body when consumed. The best time for him - as soon as the person woke up.

In the case when a person is not used to breakfast, but wants to lose weight, he will have to rebuild his body and absorb at least a small amount of food.

The main thing is not to overeat, no matter how tasty the menu is, because the feeling of hunger should arise by 13-14 o'clock in the afternoon. You need to eat three times a day, and various recipes help not to get bored using boiled, steamed or baked ingredients.


  • with the addition of granulated sugar, a sandwich with white or dark bread, sweet tea of ​​any kind;
  • Mashed potatoes, skinless chicken (boiled or baked), piece white bread, Cup of coffee;
  • Spaghetti with cheese crust, a little biscuit, a drink to taste;
  • Omelet, sausage sandwich, coffee;
  • Vegetable salad, scrambled eggs, tea, honey bun.

Snack (second breakfast)

  • Sandwich with cheese, pate or sausage, coffee;
  • A cup green tea or yogurt;
  • Fruit juice or one fruit;
  • Cheese with crackers, coffee;
  • A little cottage cheese, tea.


In the "Minus 60" system, a hearty meal is carried out until 14 o'clock in the afternoon. If lunch time coincides with this, 1st, 2nd and 3rd courses are allowed, but when preparing meals, you must be guided by the table every day. Ideal for steaming, stewing or baking food, but do not fry.

  • Shchi with potatoes vegetarian, green peas, tea;
  • , stewed mushrooms with vegetables, tea to taste;
  • Heart goulash with cabbage, pumpkin puree soup with broccoli and cream, compote;
  • Fruit salad, meat soup, vegetable stew with chicken, juice to taste;
  • Boiled meat, rice, rye bread, coffee.


Eating the lightest meal of the day. All food is steamed or boiled. The minimum set of spices and salt is acceptable, but without sugar. Ekaterina's "Minus 60" system will show results if you follow it every day, use only permitted foods, studying the detailed menu. Self-created recipes that include everything the system describes are allowed. So that the taste of food does not become boring, experiments are possible daily.

Allowed combinations of ingredients:

  • fruits and dairy products;
  • Cereals, vegetables and dairy products;
  • It is permissible to use seafood, meat ingredients, eggs without a side dish;
  • Coffee or tea without added milk and sweets.

If the desire for hunger has become unbearable, and hours have passed since dinner, the system allows the use of several pieces of cheese or one piece of fruit.

Options for the final meal:

  • Salad and tea to taste;
  • Boiled chicken breast without skin, tea;
  • Cottage cheese with fruits, natural juice;
  • Cottage cheese casserole, coffee;
  • Steamed red fish, tea.


"Steam salmon steak" 3 servings

  • 500-600 gr. fishes;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • Black ground pepper to taste;
  • 2 limes or lemons

Remove the scales from the fish, wash, cut into pieces. In the absence of a double boiler, a colander is used. Grease the cooking surface with oil, put the steaks. The dish is being prepared for 15-20 minutes, five minutes before the end, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice.

"Cottage cheese casserole"

  • 200 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • 1 banana or apple;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina.

Add cottage cheese, semolina, 1 tablespoon of sour cream to the container. Wait until the cereal swells. Make a puree from the fruit with a grater, squeeze the juice, put the puree into the mixture and mix. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, bake for 40 minutes. Take out, grease with a spoonful of sour cream, remove again for 20 minutes.

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