Prostatitis on nervous grounds. Features of the manifestations of cystitis on the nerves Influence of the nervous system on the prostate

For fitting and assembly work 01.10.2021

Nervous cystitis occurs due to disturbances in the functioning of the brain. Especially often its signs are observed during prolonged stress. The risk of developing it increases with infectious diseases and catheterization Bladder. The brain gives a signal to remove urine, which causes the muscles to contract.

If nerve endings or certain parts of the central nervous system are damaged, the bladder does not function properly. Neurogenic disorders of urination are the general name for problems with the excretory system associated with impaired innervation.

Causes of the disease

Cystitis can be caused by brain tumors, cerebral palsy, herpes infections that affect the nerve endings of the pelvic and sacral regions, multiple sclerosis, systemic ataxia, Parkinson's disease, stroke, or diabetic neuropathy. The excretion of metabolic products from the body is a complex process that is regulated by certain departments of the central and peripheral nervous system.

In the absence of an infection in the bladder, dysfunction of the brain or spinal cord can be suspected. The development of cystitis can be provoked by compression of nerve endings caused by a herniated disc, trauma or osteochondrosis.

Violation of urination is associated not only with somatic problems, but also with mental disorders that occur after stress. The autonomic nervous system is directly involved in the processes of urination. Violation of its functions leads to the occurrence of frequent urge to urinate and pain during this act.

There are many provoking factors, among which are constant stress, psycho-emotional overload and problems with intimate life. With prolonged exposure to these causes, cystitis becomes chronic, characterized by an undulating course.

Periods of exacerbation are replaced by remission, the disease is difficult to treat. Cystitis, associated with dysfunction of the nervous system, can occur against the background of malnutrition, lack of vitamins and hypothermia.

The psycho-emotional state of a person is directly related to his health. Constant stress negatively affects the work of all organs and systems, including the genitourinary. In medicine, there is a special branch that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that occur against the background of psycho-emotional overload.

The deterioration of the general condition of a person can contribute to fear, anger, loneliness, sexual failure. Cystitis most often occurs in women who are unable to fully express their emotions. Having got rid of negative thoughts, a person once and for all forgets about this disease.

Neurogenic diseases of the excretory system are not amenable to standard treatment. Only the patient himself can save himself from unpleasant symptoms. You need to learn how to adequately respond to stressful situations and improve the state of the nervous system. Do not hold back your emotions and pay attention to the reaction of others. You need to express your opinion without fear of being wrong.

The manifestation of emotions prevents the appearance of signs of neurogenic cystitis. Negative emotions have a stronger effect on the human body than positive ones. Often it is impossible to cope with them on your own. Consultation with a psychotherapist comes to the rescue.

How does this disease manifest itself?

Symptoms of neurogenic cystitis are similar to those of inflammatory cystitis. These are frequent urge to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of dystrophic changes in the excretory system.

The most common complications of neurogenic cystitis are: pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, chronic renal failure. Violation of the functions of the bladder contributes to the emergence of psychological disorders. A person cannot live normally in society, he develops complexes and phobias.

In women, cystitis after stress occurs suddenly. There are no symptoms of inflammation and infection, the patient does not have chronic diseases, what causes problems with urination? They may be associated with previous difficult childbirth or surgical interventions. At the same time, not only frequent urge to urinate, but also symptoms of a depressive disorder appear.

By themselves, these signs cannot disappear, the woman will need the help of a urologist and a psychotherapist. In men, bladder problems appear in old age, prostate diseases, high physical activity, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep contribute to this. The clinical picture is similar to the manifestations of infectious cystitis or prostatitis.

The diagnosis of neurogenic cystitis in a child can be made only after reaching the age of two. The disease can be caused by congenital pathologies or external factors. Birth trauma can also damage the nerve endings responsible for bladder function. For the treatment of cystitis in a child, the safest drugs are used.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

It is necessary to start the examination in the presence of problems with urination with a visit to the urologist. The doctor will help determine the cause of the disease, because the symptoms of all forms of cystitis are almost the same. The examination plan includes urinalysis according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, cystoscopy.

If during these studies no organic and functional changes in the excretory system were detected, diagnostic procedures are prescribed to assess the state of the nervous system - EEG, MRI, X-ray examination of the spine.

The disease almost always has a favorable prognosis.

Treatment must begin with the elimination of the cause of urinary problems. The therapeutic course includes the use medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures, psychotherapeutic techniques and physiotherapy exercises. The treatment regimen is selected individually.

A psychotherapist's consultation is indicated for depressive disorders that accompany a period of exacerbation of neurogenic problems with urination. Homeopathic medicines are effective in the early stages of the disease, its neglected forms are not amenable to such treatment. Good results are obtained by the use of decoctions of medicinal plants with sedative and anti-inflammatory properties.

What causes prostatitis in men

Half of the male population in the world suffers from such a disease as prostatitis, suffered from it before or have a predisposition to its occurrence at a certain age. This is evidenced by the facts of international medical statistics. In men from 40 to 50 years old, this disease is in third place in terms of frequency of occurrence. Increasingly, it occurs at a younger age. What causes prostatitis?

The disease develops when the prostate gland becomes inflamed as a result of the penetration of an infectious agent into it. This is facilitated by the anatomical location of the organ. Infection can come from the urethra, bladder, rectum, or through blood vessels from nearby organs.

The very fact of penetration of infection into the prostate does not mean the indispensable development of the disease. Moreover, given the location of the gland, this is a common occurrence that does not threaten a healthy man. Predisposing factors must be present for the development of the disease.

Anatomical process of development of prostatitis

The prostate gland (prostate) is an unpaired male organ located in the pelvic area between the pelvic diaphragm and the bladder. The vas deferens and the urethra (urethra) pass through it. The prostate measures about 3 cm and takes an active part in the urinary, sexual and reproductive functions of the male body.

The organ produces a secret that serves as a component of sperm and plays an important role in the reproductive functionality of the male body. The rhythms of sexual activity and the normal operation of the erection mechanism depend on the work of the gland. Without the prostate, conception would not be possible.

Prostatitis is divided into two main types: congestive and infectious. The structure of the prostate differs in some features that predispose to the development of prostatitis. There are no large blood vessels in the organ itself, and its blood supply occurs through small vessels from other sources. Therefore, the rate of blood circulation in the prostate gland is initially low.

The vessels of the prostate are connected with the circulatory system of the small pelvis, and with a decrease in the activity of the latter, congestion occurs in the prostate gland. With a deterioration in the blood supply to the organ, congestive prostatitis develops.

Congestive type of prostatitis causes circulatory disorders in the pelvic area. Stagnation of blood in the veins of the body can occur with a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, irregular sexual relations, due to wearing tight underwear and alcohol abuse.

The penetration of various viruses, bacteria and fungi causes infectious prostatitis. Factors contributing to this process include weakened immunity, disruption of the nervous-vegetative system, and hormonal abnormalities.

Factors affecting the development of the disease

The main factors leading to the development of prostatitis include a weakened immune system.

A person with normal protective functions of the body can also get sick, but with appropriate treatment, he can easily cope with the disease.

In a patient with a weakened immune system, inflammation in an acute form can easily turn into chronic stage which makes healing a complex process. The weakening of the protective functions of the body contribute to:

  • deficiency of trace elements and vitamins;
  • violation of allergic status;
  • stress;
  • hormonal imbalance.

The causes of prostatitis include exposure to the herpes virus, less often the flu. According to statistics, more than 40 million adult men suffer from genital herpes. Every year, about half a million infections with this disease are recorded, which subsequently recur.

A certain influence on the development of prostatitis has a chronic mechanical effect on the perineum experienced by motorcyclists, riders, drivers. More than half of men with chronic prostatitis professional activity associated with physical exertion of a similar nature or permanent sedentary work.

An increased incidence is observed in regions with cold weather conditions and high humidity. Colds with a decrease in immunity predispose to the activity of pathogens and their penetration into the prostate gland. The risk group includes men working in adverse weather conditions, lovers of extreme sports - skiing, kayaking, diving, winter fishing.

But such statistics do not mean that if you are a clerk, a driver or a walrus, you will definitely get prostatitis. It is important to combine sedentary work with motor activity, not to allow excess of cold, physical (as well as mental) loads. Once every six months, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a urologist, since a neglected disease is always more difficult and more expensive to cure.

Contrary to popular belief, sexually transmitted infections are unlikely to cause prostatitis. Many experts completely exclude the development of prostatitis in this way. There is no substantiated evidence that chlamydia, ureaplasma, etc. can cause a disease in the scientific community.

Disease manifestation, prevention and treatment

Prostatitis is not easy to diagnose on early stage. Its symptoms often do not differ from those of other diseases. The structure of the prostate gland has an abundance of nerve fibers. Therefore, the earliest and most common symptom of its inflammation is pain, which has a variety of localization. But sharp and sharp pains are rare, usually there is discomfort and heaviness in the perineum.

The clinical picture of the disease is sometimes manifested by such minor symptoms that the patient may simply not pay attention to them. If the disease nevertheless manifests itself suddenly, its symptoms are accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 38-39˚ C, painful urination, pain in the groin, perineum and behind the pubis.

For the prevention of prostatitis, physical activity, physical education, and an increase in immunity by hardening procedures are of great importance. These measures should be reinforced by avoiding alcohol and smoking.

The influence of the physiological rhythm of sexual relations also deserves attention. Protracted sexual intercourse, incomplete ejaculation can cause a disorder of blood microcirculation in the prostate and secretion stagnation. Therefore, for the normal functioning of the prostate gland, both long sexual abstinence and prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation are undesirable.

Getting rid of prostatitis is not an easy task, especially when it becomes chronic. With inaccurate diagnosis at an early stage, it is often very difficult to find the right course of treatment, leading to complete healing.

The level of modern medicine is increasing every day, new methods of treatment are being developed, effective drugs etc. Periodic examinations of the condition of the prostate gland and timely referral to a urologist-andrologist will help to avoid the development of prostatitis.

  • Prolonged sexual abstinence, as well as excessive sex life. Both causes are equally harmful to the body, but mostly act negatively on the condition.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases are the main causes of prostatitis. These include chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, carious teeth that have not been treated.
  • The causes of prostatitis in men, among the most common, are associated with urological and venereal diseases. Any other condition that contributes to the suppression of the immune system of the body (lack of sleep, improper and irregular nutrition, chronic stress). All of these factors either facilitate infection by penetrating the prostate gland, or worsen the blood supply to the male pelvic organs, by a stagnant process, which contributes to an increase in microorganisms and the development of an inflammatory process.
  • Prostatitis is such a disease that it can begin to develop quite suddenly, as an acute inflammatory disease with all the accompanying symptoms. In this case, the big one will have a fever, fever, fever body, pain in the perineum, painful urination and defecation.

    However, much more often prostatitis develops in a chronic form, without disturbing the man too much. In this case, all the symptoms are present to a minimal extent, sometimes absolutely without attracting attention. The temperature can only occasionally rise to 37, periodic pain in the perineum, discomfort during urination and defecation, during which there may be a small discharge from the urethra - this is one of the most obvious symptoms of chronic prostatitis.

    The causes of prostatitis in young men are sometimes caused by a complication of a chronic sexually transmitted infectious disease, we are talking about chlamydia, ureaplasmosis or trichomoniasis. AT this case during the course of the disease, small changes may be noticeable - unpleasant sensations of urination, which can become stronger, pain in the perineum, discharge from the urinary canal during defecation can be added to them.

    After some time of prostatitis in men, problems with erection may appear. This can be explained by the inflammatory process of the nerves that are responsible for erectile function, they pass through the prostate gland in men. Chronic prostatitis has a very bad effect on the general well-being of a person, he becomes irritable, dissatisfied and preoccupied only with his own well-being. Sometimes this manifests itself so strongly that not only a good doctor is needed for successful treatment, but also an experienced psychologist.

    What happens if prostatitis is not treated?

    If a patient with acute chronic prostatitis refuses professional help from a urologist, it is likely that an abscess of the prostate gland will develop - focal purulent inflammation. In this case, the body temperature can jump up to 39-40 degrees, while its difference up to 1 degree can be observed, strong fever changes with severe chills, urination is difficult due to severe pain in the perineum, and defecation generally becomes impossible. After some time, swelling of the prostate gland may develop and, as a result of all this, an acute urinary retention. It is good that men try not to bring the disease to such a stage and turn to the urologist in time.

    The causes of prostatitis in men have a different explanation if the prostatitis is chronic. It proceeds in waves, with periodic exacerbation, which can change with long-term remissions, during which the disease does not make itself felt. Because of this, many representatives of the stronger sex prefer to sit at home instead of the hospital. However, this is not the best option way out, because each exacerbation of the inflammatory process spreads further and further. If the disease goes through the urinary system, this can lead to the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis. However, the most common consequences are inflammation of the seminal vesicles, or inflammation of the testicles and their appendages. In the worst case, chronic prostatitis can cause infertility, the treatment of which will be very long and complicated.

    The causes of prostatitis in young men are completely different, but they all boil down to the fact that a person who develops prostatitis has a weakened immune system. Diagnosis of chronic prostatitis occasionally presents difficulties for the doctor. After questioning and a general examination, the urologist conducts a rectal examination of the prostate gland and the collection of prostate secretions using prostate massage. This is an extremely unpleasant and painful procedure during the inflammatory process, however, it is absolutely necessary.

    Neurogenic complications of chronic prostatitis.

    Neurogenic complications of chronic prostatitis.

    Chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, as an organ extremely abundantly supplied with neuroreceptor elements and having many nerve anastomoses with neighboring organs, cannot but affect the function of these organs to one degree or another. V.P. Ilyinsky (1925) emphasized that the prostate gland has a versatile effect on the functions of the body (“the second heart of a man”), and with its diseases, various painful conditions sometimes occur both in the whole organism and in individual systems.

    Therefore, reflex-induced functional disorders of urination, sexual function, various paresthesias and pain should not be considered complications in the exact sense of the word. Rather, they are common symptoms of prostatitis (see Chapter 4). Their list should, perhaps, be supplemented by a prolonged reflex spasm ("blockade") of the bladder neck. This relatively rare complication of prostatitis sometimes results in ascending infection (cystopyelitis, pyelonephritis) or congestion with hydrourethritis and hydronephrosis.

    However, neurotic disorders often developing in patients with chronic prostatitis belong to the real complications of a neurogenic (more precisely, psychogenic) nature. They were noticed by many researchers at the dawn of the development of the doctrine of prostatitis. For example, Drobny in 1907 called his work "Chronic prostatitis as an etiological factor of neurasthenia." B.N. Holtsov (1909) wrote that, alarmed by the duration of the disease and unsatisfactory results of treatment, patients with chronic prostatitis fix their attention on their illness, go into illness, exaggerate their disorders. As a result, they develop neurasthenia, which is expressed not only by local (urination disorders, sexual activity disorders, paresthesia and pain), but also by general nervous disorders (despondency, deep melancholy). According to M. Junk-Overbeck et al. (1988) and M. Deinhart (1993), pain in the lower extremities noted in such patients against the background of general asthenia was a manifestation of affective depression.

    Patients with chronic prostatitis are characterized as emotionally unstable, depressive, aggressive, impulsive individuals, often having problems in relationships with partners, anxious, introverted. In this case, the factor of depression plays a major role.

    As pointed out by L. Keltikangas-Jarvinen et al. (1989), many patients with chronic prostatitis suffered from impotence, reported to the doctor that they had bi- and homosexual contacts, latent homosexuality and other sexual problems that either existed before or appeared during the illness.

    Of all the symptoms of chronic prostatitis, the most painful impression on such patients is made by prostorrhea and spermatorrhea, in which they see direct evidence of the loss of sexual ability. Especially often, according to I.F. Yunda et al. (1988), sexual disorders are noted in patients with chronic Trichomonas prostatitis. The course of sexual disorder in such patients was undulating; at the first stages of the development of the pathology, an increase in sexual desire and an acceleration of ejaculation due to over-irritation by the inflammatory process of the posterior urethra and seminal tubercle were more often noted. In the future, there was a violation of erectile function and libido; long-term inflammatory processes in the gland, as a rule, were accompanied by a decrease in its functional activity, which induced a decrease in the endocrine function of the testicles. This proceeded according to the type of correlational hypogonadism with changes in the peripheral and pituitary parts of the reproductive system and could be one of the reasons for the decrease in libido and sexual activity. The torpid course of trichomoniasis, frequent relapses, genitalgia caused the patient's attention to be fixed on the state of the genital organs and their functions, general asthenia, provoked the manifestation of accentuated personality traits, complicating the structure of sexual disorder. Sexual disorders in urogenital trichomoniasis proceeded within the framework of interoreceptive mental, mixed sexual dysfunction.

    Developing neurosis often comes to the fore in the clinic of chronic prostatitis, and the own symptoms of inflammation of the prostate often no longer attract the attention of such patients. They develop common vegetative disorders common to secondary neurasthenic syndrome: fatigue, decreased performance, cardiovascular disorders, gastrointestinal dyskinesias, etc.

    One of the factors in the development of secondary neurasthenic syndrome in chronic prostatitis may be stress.

    N.S. Miller (1988) considered stress (intense workload leading to asthenia; anxiety, etc.) as an etiological factor in chronic prostatitis and treated patients with "stress prostatitis" with anti-stress therapy methods.

    Despite the recognition by most researchers of the important role of the neurogenic factor in the development of chronic prostatitis, attempts to differentiate chronic bacterial prostatitis from chronic abacterial prostatitis using psychodynamic and psychometric examination methods were not successful. Also, the hypothesis about the greater severity of psychoneurotic disorders in patients with prostatodynia compared with patients with chronic prostatitis was not confirmed. It turned out that patients with chronic prostatitis and prostatodynia have approximately the same high frequency of neurotic and general psychosomatic complaints compared to healthy people. In the same studies, it was shown that taking antibiotics can lead to the disappearance clinical signs chronic prostatitis, but does not guarantee the cessation of psychosomatic complaints. With this in mind, E. Brahler and W. Weidner (1989) recommend that psychosomatic and somatopsychic agents be included in the complex of treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis, which should lead to a decrease in anxiety and help the patient cope with the symptoms of the disease, since, according to the hypothesis of M. Junk-Overbeck et al. (1988), emotional depression and persistence of symptoms of chronic prostatitis reinforce each other.

    In the treatment of chronic prostatitis, the entire arsenal of means should be used to prevent iatrogenic fixation of the patient's attention on individual symptoms of the disease.

    All diseases are caused by nerves - a stable expression, a saying that everyone knows. To some, it will seem a considerable exaggeration, but still the truth is somewhere nearby. So cystitis, the disease may well be due to neurological disorders. Prolonged stress is a big risk, it can be a trigger for many ailments.

    Neurological cystitis

    Brain disorders can cause cystitis. If to speak plain language: signals go to the brain, and it gives commands to the organs. Including, the signal about overcrowding of the bladder also enters the brain. But it happens that the necessary connections break. The brain gives an erroneous signal to empty the bladder, and the muscles begin to contract.

    If the nerve endings or certain parts of the central nervous system are damaged, the bladder will not work properly.

    The general name for cystitis of a neurological nature is neurogenic urinary disorders. The reasons are very different: from brain injuries, tumors, concussions to excessive stress on the nervous system, severe stress.

    How does cystitis develop on nerves?

    Neurogenic inflammation cannot arise from scratch, something must precede the disease. But the patient himself does not always realize that his illness was provoked by a neurotic problem. Neurogenic cystitis and infectious cystitis are similar, but have some differences.

    The psychogenic nature of the pathology can be assumed:

    Not all patients believe that cystitis from nerves is possible. They explain it simply: all people are worried and worried, everyone is stressed, and nothing. But these are just general words. Each person has his own reaction to stress, his own internal reserves.

    Sometimes it is impossible to imagine how much your close person, from the side it is difficult to assess the depth of his depressive state. Therefore, it is very reckless to judge that these are the machinations of psychologists to “blame” all health troubles on stress.

    Forms and diagnosis of neurogenic cystitis

    Prolonged depression or a similar condition, long-term stress disrupt the body's healthy, physiological response to the process of urination. There are pains, there is a pathology of accumulation of urine and its evacuation.

    Forms of neurogenic cystitis:

    Who to contact? First, definitely, to the urologist. Describe your problem to him in detail - sometimes the smallest detail gives a clue for the doctor in making a preliminary diagnosis. In addition, visit a gynecologist, as it is necessary to exclude the connection of cystitis with some kind of “female” disease.

    Pass all the tests that the doctor will write out for you. In addition to the standard urinalysis, this can be an analysis according to Zimnitsky or Nechiporenko. You will probably have to take a blood test - often it also clarifies the picture, reveals the inflammatory process and more.

    Read also: Do boys get cystitis and how to deal with it

    Also, a specialist can refer you to an ultrasound of the kidneys and the bladder itself. What the lab won't show, the innovative visual toolkit will show.

    In more rare cases, the doctor prescribes endoscopy, cystoscopy and MRI. If after all the examinations no violations of the inflammatory plan or other pathologies are detected, the patient can be sent to a neuropathologist, therapist.

    "Nervous soil" is both herpes and depression

    Indeed, in answer to the question whether there can be cystitis on a nervous basis, a very voluminous answer is obtained in the affirmative. The main provocative factor is the reduced resistance of the body to stressful situations. And stress can be anything.

    Tumors, brain injuries are also stressful, since the main organ human body is experiencing a severe shock, he has to rebuild in his work. A herpetic infection is also stress, and this is an insidious and multi-vector disease, it can “attack” different organs.

    With a hernia, osteochondrosis, the nerve endings are physically compressed - and this can also lead to cystitis.

    Doctors have proven that illnesses and the psycho-emotional state of the patient are closely related to each other. There is such a thing as “energy of thought forms”. This is not some esoteric claim to be dismissed as medieval heresy. The depressed state of a person is, one might say, reduced mental immunity. The patient constantly scrolls through negative scenarios for the development of his illness, as if preparing for the worst.

    And even progressive improvement does not bring him out of a state of fear. Moreover, even in people who were completely removed from the diagnosis, they often recorded not quite explicable euphoria, but tension. People can get so used to a negative way of thinking, let their fears so deeply into themselves that they will always wait for a relapse. And they can wait - the body does not receive the necessary nourishment.

    The symptoms of cystitis on nerves are similar to the standard symptoms of bladder inflammation. Moreover, a combination of two problems is very likely: a bacterial attack and a stress factor. Or hypothermia and stress, or the consequences of a surgical operation, plus the same stress.

    A man has long been considered the guardian of the family, its head, from whom they are expected to solve many problems.

    Today, the role of a man in society and in interpersonal relationships has not changed, his psychological portrait remains the same - he is a strong, independent, powerful person, a breadwinner for his loved ones and an object to follow.

    But it is worth moving away from the foundations a little, as a man begins to torture himself with thoughts of inferiority, uselessness, begins to torment himself with remorse for the inability to change the situation.

    First of all, the reproductive system, namely the prostate gland, suffers from this kind of emotion. Psychosomatics of prostate diseases today occupies a leading position along with other factors influencing the development of the disease.

    The psychosomatics of prostatitis has been studied by leading psychologists around the world for many years, and it has been repeatedly proven that it is the undermined moral and psychological state of the strong half of society that has such a detrimental effect on reproductive function, which entails the development of various kinds of diseases.

    Prostate diseases begin to develop mainly after 50 years, these ailments are considered more "old", although the exception is prostate cancer, which, unfortunately, can occur in men of different ages.

    People with a suspicious nature are most susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system.

    A person who tends to exaggerate problems that may arise at work, in the family, between friends and relatives, with a loved one. You can say about such people “They make an elephant out of a fly”, that is, they take minor disagreements, quarrels or unpleasant situations very sharply, constantly think about them and wind themselves up.

    Men with a suspicious character are constantly in a state of stress, they try to look for reasons in themselves and, most often, they blame themselves for everything. Due to constant stress, inferiority complexes, helplessness, lack of demand are formed.

    Most men who take all situations to heart had problems with their parents in childhood, they did not receive proper attention, they were rarely praised, disliked, after which, becoming a man, a person is constantly looking for a catch in any situation.

    Nervous prostatitis also worsens in those who have already begun treatment, but are not sure of its effectiveness and the ability to regain the former capabilities of the reproductive system.

    Depression against the background of the fact that it will not be possible to cure the disease completely or the treatment does not give any positive results, only aggravates the patient's condition.

    A man with insecurities in modern medicine and treatments is constantly exposed to problems with blood pressure headache, loss of appetite. He is anxious, can lose several kilograms of body weight in a short time, there is increased sweating.

    In no case should these symptoms be ignored in patients with prostate problems, because the psychological state can not only interfere with drug treatment, but also become a catalyst in the development of the disease. With a disease such as prostate cancer, psychosomatics plays a fundamental role. Cancer cells are able to start metastasizing in a short time if a person is in a depressed state.

    There are cases when, having diagnosed such an ailment as prostate adenoma, the patient's psychosomatics helped to avoid surgical intervention, only after the patient underwent a course of therapy with a psychologist and figured out all the problems that had accumulated for years and haunted the man.

    Psychosomatic causes of ailments

    Experts identify a number of psychological reasons that lead to the development of prostate diseases:

    Psychosomatics plays a fundamental role in the development of diseases of the genitourinary system: the prostate gland is extremely sensitive to the psycho-emotional state of a man.

    How to fight?

    First of all, it is necessary to timely identify psychosomatic factors that can cause the development of the disease. This is what the attending physician should do.

    In addition to determining the main symptoms of prostate diseases, you need to pay attention to the moral and psychological state of the patient.

    If depression, depression, excessive anxiety were detected, then a psychologist should also be involved in the treatment. The main thing is to correctly explain to the patient all the possible factors and risks, if you do not choose a full-fledged combined treatment.

    If sessions with a psychologist did not bring satisfactory results, then you can resort to drug treatment of prostate psychosomatics. In general, physicians prescribe psychotropic drugs, adaptogens, biogenic stimulants.

    Even with drug treatment psychological components of prostate diseases, the doctor must constantly assure the patient that the treatment will help get rid of the disease. Only a positive attitude of physicians can give the patient hope for a speedy recovery and long-term remission.

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    Psychological factors of prostatitis and impotence in men:

    Nervous strain can cause not only problems with the genitourinary system, the whole body suffers from a depressive state, so it is worth reconsidering views on many things and treating life from a philosophical point of view. Much in this world cannot be changed, but it is not worth taking everything to heart, especially if a person cannot influence the situation. A stable psychological state is able to attract more positive moments, interesting people and solve even the most difficult tasks.

    In addition to the physiological factor (predisposition, congestion in the pelvic area, injuries), urologists identify the psychological causes of prostatitis. Practical in 75% of cases, violations in the activity of the prostate gland occurred against the background of stress, problems in family life, emotional disorders.

    If the main factor in the development of the disease is not eliminated, it will not be possible to achieve a stable remission. The course of official therapy includes the help of a psychologist.

    What is the psychological cause of prostatitis

    Psychosomatics is a science that studies the influence of psychological factors on work internal organs and human systems. With regard to prostate disorders, the relationship between the emotional background of a man and the development of pathologies is especially obvious.

    Urologists distinguish three main psychosomatic causes of prostate diseases:

    • Erectile dysfunction - regardless of what caused the “failure” in bed, a man perceives the situation extremely acutely. The goal of the partner is to calm him down. If this does not happen, subconscious anxiety appears, fear of failure, which creates psychological prerequisites for the occurrence of inflammation of the prostate gland.
      Constant anxiety leads to unwillingness to have sexual relations, psychological impotence. And irregular sex causes congestion and the development of inflammatory processes.
    • Family problems - the psychosomatics of prostatitis is often associated with quarrels, protracted and unresolved problems with his wife. The nervous system that regulates sexual function is a complex mechanism that includes the influence of the subconscious on the emotional background and decision making.
      Constant quarrels provoke psychological rejection of the sexual partner, unwillingness to have intimacy with him. On psychological grounds, prostatitis or any other disorders can develop, leading to a decrease in erectile function.
    • Fear of the consequences of the disease - prostatitis from the point of view of psychosomatics arises due to the projection of the symptoms of the disease onto oneself. As a result, inflammation of the prostate occurs even where there were no prerequisites for this.
      The difficulty is that with the appearance of dysuric disorders or erectile dysfunction, a man rarely seeks professional help. So, emotionally “winding” himself, a man subconsciously catalyzes violations.
    It turns out that prostatitis can occur due to psychological and emotional trauma, fear of the onset of the disease, as well as one-time failures in bed. Mental disorders affect the work of the prostate ambiguously: on the one hand, an increase in sexual desire is possible, on the other, a complete loss of interest in sex.

    The negative psychological consequences leading to prostate disease are a compelling reason to avoid stress and strife and have a regular sex life.

    How prostatitis affects the psyche

    Men are quite vulnerable if the matter affects their reproductive function and penis. Any diseases and disorders associated with this create psychological discomfort, which only exacerbate the situation. Emotional disorders are constantly growing.

    The picture of the change in the psychological personality with prostatitis is as follows:

    • Violation of the functions of the prostate leads to a decrease in sexual desire and deterioration of erectile function. Interesting fact! Physiologically, a man is able to have sexual intercourse during the entire period of the disease, with the exception of advanced chronic inflammation. Despite this, urologists often diagnose emotional or psychosomatic impotence. Reluctance to have sexual relations leads to a deterioration in the condition.
    • The psychology of a man with prostate diseases is often similar to the thinking of a “scared child”. The fear of illness is stronger than the disturbances themselves. The influence of prostatitis on the mental state of a man has been proven: the appearance of irritability, depression.
      In fact, the patient initially projects the worst-case scenario onto himself: impotence, family loss, infertility, although in his case the disease is curable and the listed complications are rare.
    • Prolonged disease of the prostate can cause a man's mental state. At this stage, understanding from loved ones is extremely important.
    In fact, prostatitis triggers a psychosomatic closed-loop reaction. Inflammation of the prostate leads to a decrease in erection. A man has a fear of failure in bed, which leads to a psychological rejection of sex.

    The lack of regular sexual relations causes the development of extensive congestion. And stagnation leads to an exacerbation of inflammation and its transition to a chronic form.

    Psychological symptoms of prostatitis, which urologists pay attention to in differential diagnosis:

    • Insomnia.
    • Constant irritability.
    • Changing the nature of behavior and personality.
    • Panic fear of consequences.
    For a complete clinical picture It is recommended that the survey be attended by a permanent sexual partner who is in a civil or official marriage. The survey is conducted in a confidential and calm manner.

    Psychologically, men treat prostatitis as a practically incurable disease, which necessarily leads to impotence. Actually it is not. Modern methods therapy helps to cope with the disease in 80-85% of cases. Mental disorders in inflammation of the prostate significantly complicate therapy, reduce the effectiveness of drugs.

    How to psychologically cope with prostatitis

    Psychosomatics of prostate diseases on this moment- an indisputable scientific fact, confirmed by many years of clinical research. The mood of a man largely determines the effectiveness of the fight against the disease and even helps to prevent the transition of inflammation into a chronic form.

    Psychological treatment begins with a conversation. The specialist discusses with sexual partners the reasons that caused the violations. During the survey, the reasons for the decreased activity in sexual life are established. The patient is explained the consequences of the disease and indicates the possibility of complete healing. To achieve stable psychological remission in case of hormonal failures of the body, a course of antidepressants is prescribed.

    The prostate in men from the point of view of psychology is the second heart that determines behavior, psycho-emotional stability and a behavioral factor. The recovery of the patient and the achievement of a stable remission of the disease depend on the elimination of emotional factors, catalysts for inflammatory processes.

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