The function of the human kidney is concise and clear. What is the function of the kidneys? They have an antispasmodic effect

Ceilings 22.09.2020

The kidneys serve as a natural "filter" of blood, which, if properly worked, remove harmful substances from the body. The regulation of kidney function in the body is vital for the stable functioning of the body and the immune system. For a comfortable life, two organs are needed. There are times when a person stays with one of them - it is possible to live with this, but all his life he will have to depend on hospitals, and the protection against infections will decrease several times. What are the kidneys responsible for, why are they needed in the human body? To do this, you should study their functions.

Kidney structure

Let's delve a little into the anatomy: the excretory organs include the kidneys - this is a paired bean-shaped organ. They are located in the lumbar region, while the left kidney is higher. This is the nature: the liver is located above the right kidney, which does not allow it to move anywhere. Regarding size, the organs are almost the same, but note that the right one is slightly smaller.

What is their anatomy? Outwardly, the organ is covered with a protective shell, and inside it organizes a system capable of accumulating and removing fluid. In addition, the system includes parenchyma, which create the medulla and cortex and provide the outer and inner layers. Parenchyma is a set of basic elements that are limited to the connective base and shell. The accumulation system is represented by a small renal calyx, which forms a large one in the system. The connection of the latter forms the pelvis. In turn, the pelvis is connected to bladder through the ureters.

Main activities

During the day, the kidneys pump all the blood in the body, while cleaning it from toxins, toxins, microbes and other harmful substances.

Throughout the day, the kidneys and liver process and cleanse the blood from slagging, toxins, and remove decay products. More than 200 liters of blood are pumped through the kidneys per day, which ensures its purity. Negative microorganisms enter the blood plasma and are sent to the bladder. So what do the kidneys do? Given the amount of work that the kidneys provide, a person could not exist without them. The main functions of the kidneys do the following:

  • excretory (excretory);
  • homeostatic;
  • metabolic;
  • endocrine;
  • secretory;
  • function of hematopoiesis.

Excretory function - as the main responsibility of the kidneys

The formation and excretion of urine is the main function of the kidneys in the excretory system of the body.

The excretory function is to remove harmful substances from the internal environment. In other words, it is the ability of the kidneys to correct the acid state, stabilize water-salt metabolism, and participate in maintaining blood pressure. The main task is to lay down precisely on this function of the kidneys. In addition, they regulate the amount of salt, protein in the liquid and provide metabolism. Violation of the excretory function of the kidneys leads to a terrible result: coma, impaired homeostasis and even death. In this case, a violation of the excretory function of the kidneys is manifested by an overestimated level of toxins in the blood.

The excretory function of the kidneys is carried out through the nephrons - functional units in the kidneys. From a physiological point of view, a nephron is a renal corpuscle in a capsule, with proximal tubules and a storage tube. Nephrons perform important work - they control the correct implementation of internal mechanisms in a person.

Excretory function. Stages of work

The excretory function of the kidneys goes through the following stages:

  • secretion;
  • filtration;
  • reabsorption.

Violation of the excretory function of the kidneys leads to the development of a toxic state of the kidney.

During secretion, the metabolic product, the remainder of the electrolytes, is removed from the blood. Filtration is the process of getting a substance into the urine. In this case, the fluid that has passed through the kidneys resembles blood plasma. Filtration has an indicator that characterizes the functional potential of the organ. This indicator is called the glomerular filtration rate. This value is needed to determine the rate of urine excretion for a specific time. The ability to absorb important elements from urine into the bloodstream is called reabsorption. These elements are proteins, amino acids, urea, electrolytes. The reabsorption rate varies with the amount of fluid in food and the health of the organ.

What is the secretory function?

Once again, we note that our homeostatic organs control the internal mechanism of work and metabolic parameters. They filter blood, monitor blood pressure, and synthesize biologically active substances. The appearance of these substances is directly related to secretory activity. The process reflects the secretion of substances. Unlike excretory, the secretory function of the kidneys takes part in the formation of secondary urine - a liquid without glucose, amino acids and other substances useful to the body. Let's consider the term "secretion" in detail, since there are several interpretations in medicine:

  • synthesis of substances that will subsequently return to the body;
  • synthesizing chemicals that saturate the blood;
  • removal of unnecessary elements by nephron cells from the blood.

Homeostatic work

The homeostatic function serves to regulate the water-salt and acid-base balance of the body.

The kidneys regulate the water-salt balance of the whole body.

The water-salt balance can be described as follows: maintaining a constant amount of fluid in the human body, where homeostatic organs affect the ionic composition of intracellular and extracellular waters. Thanks to this process, 75% of sodium and chlorine ions are reabsorbed from the glomerular filter, while the anions move freely, and water is passively reabsorbed.

The regulation of acid-base balance by the organ is a complex and confusing phenomenon. The maintenance of a stable pH value in the blood is due to the "filter" and buffer systems. They remove acid-base components, which normalizes their natural amount. When the pH of the blood changes (this phenomenon is called tubular acidosis), an alkaline urine is formed. Tubular acidoses pose a threat to health, but special mechanisms in the form of h + secretion, ammoniogenesis and gluconeogenesis stop urine oxidation, reduce enzyme activity and participate in the conversion of acid-reacting substances into glucose.

The role of metabolic function

The metabolic function of the kidneys in the body occurs through the synthesis of biological active substances (renin, erythropoietin and others), since they affect blood clotting, calcium metabolism, and the appearance of red blood cells. This activity determines the role of the kidneys in metabolism. Participation in protein metabolism is provided by the reabsorption of the amino acid and its further excretion by the tissues of the body. Where do amino acids come from? They appear after catalytic cleavage of biologically active substances such as insulin, gastrin, parathyroid hormone. In addition to glucose catabolism, tissues can produce glucose. Gluconeogenesis occurs within the cortical layer, and glycolysis occurs in the medulla. It turns out that the conversion of acidic metabolites to glucose regulates blood pH levels.

The kidneys are vital organs of the human body. Thanks to them, the process of filtering blood and removing metabolic products from the body takes place. To understand how great their role is, you need to study their structure and functionality.

The location of the kidneys in the body

Each of the pair of organs has bean shape... In an adult organism, they are located in the zone lumbar surrounding the spinal column. In children, it is slightly below the usual level. But, in the process of growth, the location of the kidneys returns to the desired level. To visually find out their location, you just need to put your palms to your sides, and point your thumbs up. The desired organs are located on the conditional line between the two fingertips.

Their feature is their location in relation to each other. The right kidney is below the level of the left. The reason for this is that it is located under the liver, which does not allow the organ to rise higher. Sizes fluctuate 10 to 13 cm in length and up to 6.8 cm wide.

Kidney structure

Structural formation is represented by the nephron. A person has them more than 800 thousand... Most of it is located in the cortex. Without nephrons, it would be impossible to imagine the process of formation of both primary and secondary urine, which is ultimately excreted from the body. One functional unit is represented by a whole complex, which includes:

  • Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule.
  • Renal glomeruli.
  • Tubular system.

Outside, the kidneys are surrounded by layers of adipose and connective tissue, the so-called "Kidney bag". It not only protects against damage, but also guarantees immobility. The organs are covered with a parenchyma, which consists of two membranes. The outer shell is represented by a dark brown crust, which is divided into small lobes, where are:

  1. Renal glomeruli... A complex of capillaries that form a kind of filter through which the blood plasma passes into the Bowman's capsule.
  2. Renal glomerulus capsule... Has a funnel shape. Filtered fluid passes through it and enters the renal pelvis.
  3. Tubular system... It is divided into proximal and distal sections. Fluid from the proximal canal enters the loop of Henle, and then into the distal part. It is in this complex that the reverse absorption of nutrients and vitamins into the bloodstream occurs.

The inner membrane is represented by a light brown medulla, which includes pyramids (up to 12 units).

The blood supply to the kidneys is due to the arterial system that runs from the abdominal aorta. The filtered blood fluid enters the vena cava through the renal vein. It is important to note that the organs themselves contain a huge number of blood vessels that feed the cell. Regulation of work occurs due to nerve fibers located in the parenchyma.

The main role of the kidneys

The main role of the kidneys in the body is to purify the blood through filtration. This happens in the renal glomeruli. Then it enters the tubule complex, where it undergoes reabsorption. The secretion process begins in the pelvis and continues in the ureter. It is surprising that more than 220 liters of blood are pumped through the kidneys every day, up to 175 liters of primary urine is formed. And this is an indicator of how important their continuous work is.

Functions of organs

The kidneys have the following functions:

  1. Metabolism... They are an important link in the synthesis of vital proteins, carbohydrates, and also form vitamin D3, which in its original form is produced in the subcutaneous layer when exposed to ultraviolet rays.
  2. Urination... During the day, 170-175 liters of primary urine is formed in the human body, which, after thorough filtration and re-absorption, is excreted in the form of secondary urine with a volume of up to 1.9 liters. This is what helps to cleanse the blood from excess fluid, salts, toxic substances such as ammonia, urea. But if this process is disrupted, then poisoning with harmful metabolites can occur.
  3. Maintaining the constancy of indicators of the internal environment... There is a regulation of the level of blood and fluid in the body. The renal system prevents the accumulation of excess water in the body, and also balances the concentration of mineral salts and substances.
  4. Synthesis of hormones... Participate in the production of erythropoietin, renin, prostaglandin. Erythropoietin is the ancestor of blood cells originating in the red bone marrow. As a result of the action of renin, the level of circulating blood is regulated. And prostaglandin controls blood pressure.
  5. Blood pressure monitoring... This happens not only due to the production of the hormone, but also due to the elimination of excess water.
  6. Protection... Destructive substances such as alcohol, ammonia, toxic metabolites are excreted from the body.
  7. Stabilization of indicatorspH in blood plasma... This process is characterized by excretion strong acids and pH adjustment. When deviating from the level equal to 7.44 units, infectious contamination can occur.

How important is the function of the kidneys in the body?

In the process of dysfunction of the kidneys, the body is exposed to poisoning, which causes uremia. This condition occurs when there is a large accumulation of toxic substances, accompanied by a violation of the water-salt balance. It is manifested by edema of the upper and lower extremities.

Health risks can be brought about by urolithiasis disease, formed at the moment of high concentration of insoluble salts. To avoid this, you need to monitor the health of organs and use such types of annual diagnostics as urine and blood tests. It is advisable to carry out ultrasound diagnostics every 1.5 years.

Prevention of kidney disease

First, you should exclude the use of potent drugs and hormone-based drugs, pay attention to regular physical activity. To improve the functional activity of organs, it is necessary to consume at least 1.8 liters of water per day.

Herbal drinks are also useful, helping to cleanse the body of harmful metabolites. To avoid dehydration, it is advisable to minimize the amount of alcohol, carbonated and coffee drinks consumed and limit the amount of salt in the diet.

  • The structure and physiology of the kidneys in the human body
    • The main functions of organs

The kidneys are of great importance in the human body. They perform a number of vital functions. Humans normally have two organs. Therefore, the types of kidneys are distinguished - right and left. A person can live with one of them, however, the vital activity of the body will be under constant threat, because its resistance to infections will decrease dozens of times.

The kidney is a paired organ. This means that normally a person has two of them. Each organ is in the shape of a bean and belongs to the urinary system. At the same time, the main functions of the kidneys are not limited only to the excretory function.

The organs are located in the lumbar region on the right and left between the thoracic and lumbar spine. At the same time, the location of the right kidney is slightly lower than that of the left. This is due to the fact that there is a liver above it, which does not allow the kidney to move upward.

The buds are approximately the same in size: they have a length of 11.5 to 12.5 cm, a thickness of 3 to 4 cm, a width of 5 to 6 cm each and a weight of 120 to 200 g. The right kidney, as a rule, has a slightly smaller size. ...

What is the physiology of the kidneys? The organ is externally covered by a capsule, which reliably protects it. In addition, each kidney consists of a system whose functions are reduced to the accumulation and excretion of urine, as well as from the parenchyma. The parenchyma is made up of the cortex (its outer layer) and the medulla (its inner layer). The urine storage system is made up of small renal cups. The small calyces merge to form the large renal calyces. The latter are also connected and together form the renal pelvis. And the pelvis is connected to the ureter. In humans, accordingly, there are two ureters that enter the bladder.

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Nephron: the unit by which the organs work properly

In addition, the organs are equipped with a structurally functional unit called the nephron. The nephron is considered the most important unit of the kidney. Each of the organs contains more than one nephron, but there are about 1 million of them. Each nephron is responsible for the functioning of the kidneys in the human body. It is the nephron that is responsible for the process of urination. Most of the nephrons are found in the cortex of the kidney.

Each structurally functional unit of the nephron is a whole system. This system is made up of the Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule, the glomerulus and the tubules passing into each other. Each glomerulus is a capillary system that supplies the kidney with blood. The loops of these capillaries are located in the cavity of the capsule, which is located between its two walls. The cavity of the capsule passes into the cavity of the tubules. These tubules form a loop that penetrates from the cortex into the medulla. The latter contains the nephron and excretory tubules. Through the second tubules, urine is excreted into the cups.

The medulla forms pyramids with tops. Each top of the pyramid ends with papillae, and they enter the cavity of the small calyx. In the area of ​​the papillae, all the excretory tubules are combined.

The structural functional unit of the kidney, the nephron, provides correct work organs. If the nephron was absent, the organs would not be able to perform the functions assigned to them.

The physiology of the kidneys includes not only the nephron, but also other systems that support the functioning of the organs. So, the renal arteries depart from the aorta. Thanks to them, the blood supply to the kidney occurs. Nervous regulation of organ function is carried out with the help of nerves that penetrate from the celiac plexus directly into the kidneys. The sensitivity of the kidney capsule is also possible thanks to the nerves.

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Function of the kidneys in the body and the mechanism of their work

To understand how the kidneys work, you first need to understand what functions are assigned to them. These include the following:

  • excretory, or excretory;
  • osmoregulating;
  • ion-regulating;
  • intrasecretory, or endocrine;
  • metabolic;
  • hematopoietic (takes a direct part in this process);
  • concentration function of the kidneys.

During the day, they pump the entire volume of blood. The number of repetitions of this process is enormous. About 1 liter of blood is pumped in 1 minute. In this case, the organs select from the pumped blood all decay products, slags, toxins, microbes and other substances harmful to the human body. Then all these substances enter the blood plasma. Further, all this is sent to the ureters, and from there to the bladder. After that, harmful substances leave the human body when the bladder is emptied.

When toxins enter the ureters, they no longer return to the body. Thanks to a special valve located in the organs, the re-entry of toxins into the body is absolutely excluded. This is made possible by the fact that the valve opens in only one direction.

Thus, pumping over 200 liters of blood per day, the organs stand guard over its purity. From slagged with toxins and microbes, the blood becomes pure. This is extremely important as the blood washes over every cell. human body so it is vital that it be cleansed.

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The main functions of organs

So, the main function that the organs perform is excretory. It is also called excretory. The excretory function of the kidneys is responsible for filtration and secretion. These processes take place with the participation of the glomerulus and tubules. In particular, the process of filtration is carried out in the glomerulus, and the processes of secretion and reabsorption of substances that need to be removed from the body are carried out in the tubules. The excretory function of the kidneys is very important because it is responsible for the formation of urine and ensures its normal excretion (excretion) from the body.

Endocrine function consists in the synthesis of certain hormones. First of all, this concerns renin, due to which water is retained in the human body and the volume of circulating blood is regulated. The hormone erythropoietin is also important, which stimulates the creation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Finally, the organs synthesize prostaglandins. These are substances that regulate blood pressure.

The metabolic function lies in the fact that it is in the kidneys that microelements and substances vital for the body's work are synthesized and turned into even more important ones. For example, vitamin D is converted to D3. Both vitamins are extremely important for humans, but vitamin D3 is the more active form of vitamin D. In addition, thanks to this function, the body maintains an optimal balance of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

The ion-regulating function involves the regulation of the acid-base balance, for which these organs are also responsible. Thanks to them, the acidic and alkaline components of blood plasma are maintained in a stable and optimal ratio. Both organs secrete, if necessary, an excess of bicarbonate or hydrogen, due to which this balance is maintained.

The osmoregulatory function is to maintain the concentration of osmotically active blood substances under different water regimes that the body can undergo.

Hematopoietic function means the participation of both organs in the process of hematopoiesis and purification of the blood from toxins, microbes, harmful bacteria and toxins.

Concentrating function of the kidneys means that they concentrate and dilute urine by excreting water and solutes (primarily urea). The authorities should do this almost independently of each other. When urine is diluted, more water is excreted rather than solutes. Conversely, concentration releases more solutes than water. The concentration function of the kidneys is extremely important for the vital activity of the entire human body.

Thus, it becomes clear that the importance of the kidneys and their role for the body are so great that it is difficult to overestimate them.

That is why it is so important for the slightest disturbances in the work of these organs to pay due attention to this and consult a doctor. Since many processes in the body depend on the work of these organs, the restoration of kidney function becomes extremely important.

Many believe that the only function of the kidneys in the human body is to form and eliminate it.

In fact, these paired organs simultaneously perform several tasks, and with a pronounced disruption of the kidneys, serious pathological consequences can develop, which, in a neglected form, can lead to death.

Why are they needed and what functions do they perform in the body?

  • Endocrine. The production of erythropoietin, a hormone that is involved in the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow.
  • Ion-regulating or secretory. Maintaining the required level of acid-base balance in blood plasma.
  • This is necessary so that pathogenic bacteria do not develop in the blood, for which an environment with an acid-base balance level above or below 7.4 units is favorable.

    Also, the kidneys help maintain the level of the water-salt balance of the blood, in case of violation of which there are malfunctions in the work of all vital systems of the body.

  • Concentration. Regulation specific gravity urine.
  • Metabolic. Production active form vitamin D – calcitriol. Such an element is necessary for the absorption of calcium in the intestine.
  • How do they work?

    Kidney are supplied with blood through large vessels suitable for the organs from the sides. Also, these vessels receive liquids, toxic products of the breakdown of various elements and other substances that must be removed from the body.

    Through these vessels, which branch into small capillaries inside the kidneys, such fluids pass into the renal capsules, forming the primary urinary fluid. Further, such urine passes from the glomeruli formed by these capillaries to the pelvis.

    Not all fluid entering the kidneys is excreted: part of it is blood, which, after passing through the tissues of the kidneys, is cleansed and through other capillaries is excreted into the renal vein, and from there into the general circulatory system.

    The circulation of such fluids occurs constantly, and in a day, both kidneys are driven through themselves up to 170 liters of primary urine, and since it is impossible to remove such an amount of it, part of the liquid undergoes reabsorption.

    During this process, all the beneficial components contained in it are filtered out as much as possible, which combine with the blood before it leaves the kidneys.

    If for some reason even an insignificant violation of such functions occurs - the following problems are possible:

    • increased blood pressure;
    • the risk of developing infection and subsequent inflammatory processes increases;
    • internal bleeding in the stomach and intestines;
    • a decrease in the level of production of sex hormones;
    • development .

    In case of serious acute disorders of the functioning of organs, necrosis may develop, spreading to the cortical layer.

    Progression is also possible, in which specific symptoms can be observed in the form of limb tremors, seizures, anemia. This increases the risk of stroke and heart attack, and in the worst case, death is possible.

    How to check if there are violations?

    Usually kidney dysfunction immediately noticeable by outward signs ... These are swelling of the lower eyelids, urination disorders, general malaise. But sometimes such manifestations are absent, and it is possible to check the functionality of the kidneys only during the examination.

    Such diagnostics include the following procedures:

    • ... The results can show the presence of bodies, proteins, salts and compounds, the presence of which is characteristic of inflammation of the renal apparatus.
    • X-ray examination. Allows you to visually assess the condition of the kidney tissue. The procedure is performed using a contrast reagent, which “highlights” the kidney tissue in the images.
    • ... It is performed to assess the condition of the renal structures and can be performed both according to medical indications and during the annual preventive examination. Also, the method allows you to track violations urinary tract.
    • In the presence of indications or suspicions of impaired renal function, procedures can be performed, computer and. Such studies allow with high precision examine specific parts of the organ and study it in different projections.

    Restore and improve the functioning of the organ

    In case of impaired renal function and, if necessary, improve their work, no specific therapeutic methods are used.

    On the part of a person, only follow certain recommendations:

    Subject to these conditions, there is no need to worry about the normal functioning of the kidneys.

    But even if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to be regularly examined by a specialist.

    The origin of some kidney pathologies still remains a mystery to specialists, and sometimes diseases arise without any prerequisites, and at an advanced stage, the treatment of such organs is always long and problematic, and often pathological processes are irreversible.

    What the kidneys do in the human body - see the video:

    Most people wonder what function the kidneys do. These paired organs play an important role in the production of urine. Violation of the kidney function often leads to sad consequences.

    general information

    It is not difficult to establish the exact location of the kidneys. These organs are located in the retroperitoneal zone. More specifically, the kidneys are located on the back wall of the actual cavity, not far from the lower back and to the side of the spine.

    The right paired organ is located a couple of centimeters below the left. Each of the organs is enveloped in specific membranes.

    The parameters of the actual organ are as follows:

    • length - from ten to twelve centimeters;
    • width - from five to six centimeters;
    • thickness - four centimeters;
    • weight - 120-200 grams;
    • weight - 0.5 percent of the total weight;
    • oxygen consumption - 10 percent.

    Medicine knows several cases of the presence of one and three kidneys.

    If one of the organs dies, a person who adheres to all the recommendations of the attending physician is rarely in mortal danger.

    The main functions of these bodies

    The functions of the kidneys are quite varied. Some of the functions are associated with excretory processes, where the organs play a leading role. The remainder is defined in medicine as the non-excretory capacity of the actual organs.

    The main functions of the kidneys are:

    1. Protective.
    2. Endocrine (endocrine).
    3. Metabolic.
    4. Homeostatic.
    5. Excretory function.

    Intact and protective

    The essence of renal protective capacity is as follows. With the help of paired organs, neutralized foreign and dangerous substances are evacuated from the human body.

    These substances include alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and narcotic and medicinal preparations.

    The endocrine function lies in the fact that with their help the production of:

    • erythropoietin (it accompanies the creation of blood in the bone marrow);
    • prostaglandins (they contribute to the regulation of blood pressure);
    • renin (it contributes to the regulation of blood volume);
    • calcitriol (it controls calcium metabolism in the human body).

    Metabolic and homeostatic

    Metabolic renal ability is involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Also, through these organs, the separation of peptides and amino acids occurs.

    Thanks to the kidneys, vitamin D is transformed into the D3 form, which is initially produced from cholesterol.

    The participation of these organs in protein synthesis is of great importance. Thus, the vital systems of the human body are supported.

    The essence of homeostatic ability is to control blood volume and fluid that has accumulated between cells. Unique organs quickly evacuate an excess of ions from the blood plasma.

    They also have an effect on maintaining a standard volume of fluid in the human body. This is done by controlling the ionic composition of the liquid.

    What do you need to know about excretory work?

    The excretory function is as follows. With the help of these organs, the final metabolic products are evacuated from the blood. Also, the kidneys quickly evacuate hazardous substances from the human body.

    The excretory function is carried out by:

    1. Secretion process.
    2. Reabsorption process.
    3. Filtration process.

    In 24 hours, the paired organs pass through themselves 1.5 thousand liters of blood. From this amount of blood, approximately 180 liters are filtered out at the first stage. urea.

    Then the water is absorbed, and about 2 liters of urine are excreted from the human body. Dysfunction contributes to the emergence and progression of the most dangerous pathological conditions.

    Health hazard

    Poor performance is a rather dangerous pathological condition. Against this background, there is a strong failure in the work of the kidneys. In some pathological conditions, the process of urination slows down, and fluid is problematically removed from the body.

    Poor kidney performance is associated with several major factors. In the presence of renal failure, filtration deteriorates markedly, after which the tubules become clogged.

    In the most severe cases, urination is not possible. Against this background, a considerable amount of hazardous components is concentrated in the body. The next step is organ damage.

    Preventive actions

    The kidneys can work poorly due to the progression of chronic pathological conditions, as well as the presence of extra pounds. Hormonal and unnatural medications are especially dangerous.

    Also, work is disrupted against the background of a sedentary lifestyle. You can find out how you can fix the situation at a consultation with your doctor. Usually the person is advised to adhere to certain dietary recommendations.

    Kidney structure

    Basic information:

    • paired organs, bean-shaped;
    • in case of kidney failure, forced blood purification with the help of a hemodialysis machine is required, otherwise all toxins will remain in the body, after a while the patient will die;
    • the organs are located in the lumbar region, the left is slightly higher: the liver is located above the right;
    • dimensions - 10-12 cm, the right organ is slightly smaller;
    • on the outside there is a protective shell; inside there is a system for the accumulation and removal of liquid;
    • the thickness of the parenchyma, limited by the shell and the connecting base - 15-25 mm;

    • the main structural unit is the nephron, the amount in a healthy body is 1-1.3 million. Urine is formed inside the nephron. There are three types of nephrons, depending on functionality and structure;
    • renal tissue has a homogeneous structure, foreign inclusions (sand, stones, tumors) are normally absent;
    • the renal artery delivers blood to the kidney; inside the organ, the vessel branches into arterioles, which fill each glomerulus with blood. Constant pressure maintains the optimal ratio of arterioles: the bearing is twice as narrow as the bearing;
    • fluctuations in blood pressure in the range from 100 to 150 mm Hg. Art. does not affect blood flow in the renal tissue. At severe stress, pathological processes, blood loss, a decrease in blood flow is observed;
    • the large renal cups form the renal pelvis, which is connected by the ureters to the bladder.

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    Urine formation

    The process consists of three stages. Violation of the filtration function, damage to the glomeruli and tubules interferes with the process, provokes fluid stagnation, and leads to the accumulation of toxins.

    Main steps:

    • filtration through three layers of a glomerular filter;
    • accumulation of primary urine in collecting barrels and tubules;
    • tubular secretion - the transportation of unnecessary substances from the blood to the urine.

    The volume and quality of urine released throughout the day is regulated by hormones:

    • adrenaline - reduces the formation of urine;
    • aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal cortex. Excess hormone causes heart failure, edema, excess - dehydration, decreased blood volume;
    • estradiol regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism;
    • vasopressin is responsible for the absorption of water by the kidneys. The hormone is produced by the hypothalamus. With the defeat of this department, the volume of urine increases sharply - up to five liters;
    • parathyroid hormone is responsible for removing various salts from the body.

    Functions of paired organs

    The main function of the kidneys is that the organs pump all the blood through tiny filters, cleanse the liquid from microbes, toxins, toxins, poisons, and other harmful components. The filtration capacity of the kidneys is amazing - up to two hundred liters of urine per day! Thanks to the kidneys, the body constantly receives "clean" blood. Waste products, decay products are excreted in the urine through the urethra (urethra) in a natural way.

    What are the functions of the kidneys:

    • excretory kidney function. Excretion of urea, decay products, poisons, creatinine, ammonia, amino acids, glucose, salts from the body. Violation of the excretory function leads to intoxication, deterioration of health;
    • protective. Important organs filter, neutralize hazardous substances that have entered the body: nicotine, alcohol, components of medicines;
    • metabolic. Participate in carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism;
    • homeostatic. They regulate the ionic composition of the intercellular substance and blood, maintain a constant volume of fluid in the body;
    • endocrine kidney function. Nephrons are involved in the synthesis of important hormones and substances: prostaglandins (regulate blood pressure), calcitrol (regulates calcium metabolism), erythropoietin (stimulates hematopoiesis), renin (maintains optimal blood circulation).

    It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the kidneys. Most people do not think how important the work of the bean organs is until diseases of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature develop. Damage to the kidney tissue, problems with the production and excretion of urine adversely affect various parts of the body.

    Symptoms of the development of renal pathologies

    The early stages are often almost asymptomatic. People often do not pay attention to the slight discomfort in the lumbar region, they believe that the back hurts from overexertion. Only with severe pain syndrome, accidental detection of diseases of the urinary tract with bad analyzes urine patients visit urologist.

    Unfortunately, according to the results of ultrasound of the kidneys, urine and blood analysis, radiography, the doctor often reveals a chronic form of pathology. With advanced cases of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, nephrosis, a long and often costly treatment is required.

    Learn about common symptoms and treatments for renal colic in women.

    What does ultrasound of the bladder have in women and how is the procedure? Read the answer in this article.

    Go to for information on how to prepare for retrograde urography and how the procedure works.

    It is important to know the main signs of kidney problems:

    • in the morning, under the eyes and on the lower legs, edema is noticeable, which after a couple of hours disappear as imperceptibly as it appears;

    • blood pressure often rises. Violation of indicators is a sign of not only hypertension, but also nephritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes;
    • problems with urination: more or less urine is secreted than usual, although the drinking regimen is about the same;
    • discomfort in the lumbar region. If the kidneys hurt, then the discomfort is heard from one side or the other, sometimes, on both sides of the spine, but not in the central part (along the vertical axis);
    • the shade or transparency of urine changes;
    • periodically audible "lumbago" in the lumbar region, more often, on one side. This sign indicates an active inflammatory process or the movement of stones along the ureters;
    • causeless weakness, lethargy, drowsiness combined with slight discomfort in the lumbar region and high blood pressure should prompt the idea of ​​visiting a urologist. With renal pathologies, toxins accumulate in the body, hence the deterioration of the general condition.

    What is bad for the kidneys

    Pathologies of important organs develop under the influence of negative factors:

    • hypothermia, wet feet;
    • alcohol abuse;

    • heat: the kidneys work with increased stress, actively process the increased volume of fluid consumed;
    • drafts, cold wind;
    • lack of physical activity, provoking stagnation of blood and urine;
    • overflowing bladder: the optimal number of urinations is 5-6 times per day. With stagnant urine, harmful microorganisms actively multiply;
    • drastic weight loss often provokes a prolapse of the kidney due to a decrease in the volume of the protective fat layer surrounding the bean-shaped organ;
    • frequent use of antibiotics, other potent drugs;
    • the use of too sweet or salty food, smoked meats, spicy, fried foods negatively affects the condition of the nephrons, tubules, filtering glomeruli;
    • carbonated drinks with artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners do not benefit the kidneys;
    • mineral water gas, high salt content puts stress on the kidneys. It is important to release the gas, slightly warm up the healing liquid, only after these manipulations consume the liquid. Medicinal mineral waters are allowed to be drunk only in courses, taking into account the nature of the diseases and the composition of the salts;
    • serious physical exertion, overwork, lifting weights, overloading during sports competitions;
    • inflammatory processes in various parts of the body. Pathogenic microorganisms with blood enter the renal tubules, possibly infecting important organs.

    How to reduce your risk of disease

    • hypothermia prevention;
    • drinking clean, "soft" water;
    • refusal from the frequent use of sour juices, citrus fruits, tomatoes;
    • it is useful to drink weak more often green tea, rosehip decoction, infusion of corn stigmas, bearberry, parsley;
    • well washed melon buds, watermelons. An important point- melons and gourds must contain minimal amount nitrates;
    • table mineral water is good for the body, but in reasonable amounts. The frequency of use, the daily rate is suggested by the urologist for a particular patient;
    • you should not drink strong alcohol, beer, wine. Carbonated low-alcohol drinks with dozens of chemical compounds are especially harmful;
    • you should not eat stale foods, overload the body with "heavy" food, abuse spices, hot spices;
    • it is important to limit the intake of salt, which provokes the accumulation of fluid in the body, edema, increased stress on the urinary tract;
    • correct drinking regime - up to two liters of water per day. This should become the norm for every day, otherwise, over time, toxins will accumulate if the kidneys are not flushed properly;
    • do not get carried away with offal, veal, mackerel, cod, beef, sorrel, spinach. Strong coffee, chocolate, beer, legumes - names containing purines and oxalates. Frequent consumption of these types of food provokes active deposition of salts, leads to urolithiasis and gout - joint disease.

    Video is an anatomy lesson that explains the functions of the urinary system, the structure of the kidneys and the formation of urine:

    What are the parts of a human kidney?

    The kidney (in Latin - eider, in Greek - nephros) is a paired organ of the genitourinary apparatus. The bud is in the form of a bean measuring 10-12 cm in length, 5-6 cm in width and 4 cm in thickness. Kidney weight ranges from 120 to 200 g.

    What are the parts of the kidney in the human body? The kidney includes the renal artery, which extends from the aorta (the largest artery in the human body) and supplies the kidney with arterial blood, rich in oxygen and nutrients, and also carries metabolic products (let's call them conditionally "slags"), which must be removed through the kidney.

    The anatomical structure of the human kidney also includes nerves. The renal vein, which carries the blood, cleared of toxins, and the lymphatic vessels, through which the tissue fluid (lymph) flows from the kidney, leave it.

    The ureter also leaves the kidney, which is a thin elastic tube through which urine flows into the bladder and further into the urethra.

    The section shows that the kidney consists of a number of heterogeneous structures:

    Let's take a closer look at each of them. The kidney consists of the cortex, which contains a large number of renal glomeruli, and the medulla, represented by the renal pyramids (a large number of microscopic tubules). Urine begins to form in the cortex in the renal glomeruli, it is there that intense blood supply from the small branches of the renal artery is observed. Then, through the renal tubules, urine enters the collecting ducts, and then into the small and large cups, the pelvis (resembles a mug), the ureter, bladder, urethra and is excreted during urination.

    But if it seems to you that the process of urine formation is very simple, then you are deeply mistaken.

    Below are photos of the structure of the human kidneys and their main functions are described:

    Functional unit of the kidney nephron: structure and function

    The structural, functional unit of the kidney is the nephron - a microscopic structure in which urine is formed.

    The structure of the kidney nephron is as follows.

    The nephron consists of the renal glomerulus and tubular system: proximal (close to the glomerulus), distal (distant from the glomerulus) and the loops connecting them.

    The distal tubule empties into the collecting duct, which collects urine from several adjacent nephrons. What is the function of the kidney nephron in the human body?

    Blood enters the renal glomerulus through the adductor arteriole (microscopic artery), which in the glomerulus branches into a large number of even smaller vessels - capillaries that form a "miraculous network". Then the blood, having passed through the capillaries of the glomerulus, is collected in the discharge arteriole. The walls of the glomerular capillaries are in contact with the wall of the glomerular capsule. Between the lumen of the capillary and the capsule, there is a permeable glomerular membrane through which the liquid part of the blood (water, electrolytes, toxins, glucose, etc.) is filtered. The permeability of the membrane is explained by the presence of pores, the size of which is very small. The filtered part of the blood enters the glomerular capsule, and then into the proximal tubule, loop, and distal tubule.

    The tubules also play an important role in the formation of urine. If they served only as passive conductors of urine, then a person would have to excrete about 180 liters of urine per day.

    This is impossible, because the urine filtered in the glomeruli (primary urine) is then partially reabsorbed. Water is absorbed, as well as useful elements dissolved in it (electrolytes, glucose, etc.). Some wastes are secreted by the cells of the tubule wall, helping the glomerulus to eliminate harmful substances. And only when urine enters the collecting ducts from the nephron and further into the cups, then it is considered secondary, that is, the final urine that is excreted during urination.

    What is the function of the kidneys in the human body?

    The following describes what function the kidneys perform in the human body and what complications can arise with diseases of this paired organ.

    In addition to the formation of urine, which means that excess fluid and toxins are excreted from the body, the kidney also performs a number of important functions:

    • It is involved in the growth and development of red blood cells (erythrocytes).
    • Blood pressure regulation.
    • Exchange of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and other electrolytes.
    • Exchange and elimination of some hormones.
    • Another function of the kidneys in the human body is to maintain the normal acid-base balance of the blood.

    Renin is produced in the kidney - one of the most important enzymes that play an important role in the development of arterial hypertension.

    That is why with kidney disease, not only the formation and excretion of urine are affected, but all of the listed functions of the kidney.

    Patients may develop anemia (anemia), arterial hypertension, impaired electrolyte metabolism (dyselectrolythemia), etc.

    In the process of life in the human body, significant amounts of metabolic products are formed, which are no longer used by cells and must be removed from the body. In addition, the body must be freed from toxic and foreign substances, from excess water, salts, drugs. Sometimes the excretion processes are preceded by the neutralization of toxic substances, for example, in the liver. So, substances such as phenol, indole, skatole, combining with glucuronic and sulfuric acids, turn into less harmful substances.

    The final metabolic products excreted by the body are called excreta, and the organs that perform excretory functions are excretory or excretory. The excretory organs include the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, skin, kidneys.

    Lungs - contribute to the release of carbon dioxide and water into the environment in the form of vapors (about 400 ml per day).

    The gastrointestinal tract secretes a small amount of water, bile acids, pigments, cholesterol, some medicinal substances (when they enter the body), salts of heavy metals (iron, cadmium, manganese) and undigested food residues in the form of feces.

    The skin performs an excretory function due to the presence of sweat and sebaceous glands. Sweat glands secrete sweat, which includes water, salts, urea, uric acid, creatinine, and some other compounds.

    The main excretory organ is the kidneys, which excrete most of the end metabolic products, mainly containing nitrogen (urea, ammonia, creatinine, etc.), in the urine. The process of formation and excretion of urine from the body is called diuresis.

    The structure of the kidneys.

    The kidneys are located on both sides of the lumbar spine, covered with a connective tissue capsule. The dimensions of an adult kidney are about 11 X 5 cm, the average weight is 200-250 g. On a longitudinal section of the kidney, 2 layers are distinguished: cortical and cerebral.

    The structural and functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. Their number reaches an average of 1 million. The nephron is a long tubule, the initial section of which, in the form of a double-walled cup, surrounds the arterial capillary glomerulus, and the final section flows into the collecting tube.

    The collecting tubes, merging, form common excretory ducts, which pass through the medulla of the kidney to the tops of the papillae, protruding into the cavity of the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis opens into the ureters, which in turn drain into the bladder.

    Blood supply to the kidneys.

    The blood supply to the kidneys is very important. They receive blood from the renal artery, one of the large branches of the aorta. The artery in the kidney is divided into a large number of small vessels - arterioles, which bring blood to the glomerulus (bringing the arteriole), which then disintegrate into capillaries (the first network of capillaries). The capillaries of the vascular glomerulus, merging, form the efferent arteriole, the diameter of which is 2 times less than the diameter of the efferent arteriole. The efferent arteriole again disintegrates into a network of capillaries that encircle the tubules (the second network of capillaries).

    Thus, the kidneys are characterized by the presence of two capillary networks:

    • capillaries of the vascular glomerulus;
    • capillaries surrounding the renal tubules.

    Arterial capillaries become venous. Subsequently, they, merging into the veins, give blood to the inferior vena cava.

    All blood (5-6 liters) passes through the kidneys in 5 minutes. During the day, about 1000-1500 liters flow through the kidneys. blood. Such abundant blood flow allows you to completely remove all unnecessary and even harmful substances for the body. The lymphatic vessels of the kidneys accompany the blood vessels, forming at the hilum of the kidney a plexus surrounding the renal artery and vein.

    Mechanisms of urine formation.

    Urine is formed from blood plasma flowing through the kidneys. Urination is a complex process consisting of two stages: filtration (ultrafiltration) and reabsorption (reabsorption).

    During the day, 150-180 liters of primary urine are formed in the kidneys. Due to the reabsorption of water and many substances dissolved in it in the tubules, only 1-1.5 liters of final urine are excreted by the kidneys per day.

    Thus, urination is a complex process of reabsorption, secretion and synthesis. The vigorous activity of tubular cells requires energy expenditure. This is associated with a large need for kidney oxygen. They use 6-7 times more oxygen than muscles (per unit mass).

    The intensity of urination fluctuates during the day. More urine is produced during the day than at night. A decrease in urine production at night is associated with a decrease in the body's activity during sleep, with a slight drop in blood pressure. Night urine is darker and more concentrated.

    Physical activity has a pronounced effect on the formation of urine. With prolonged work, diuresis decreases. This is due to the fact that with increased physical activity, blood flows in large quantities to the working muscles, as a result of which the blood supply to the kidneys decreases and urine filtration decreases. At the same time, physical activity is accompanied by increased sweating, which also helps to reduce urine output.

    The kidneys are the main excretory organ. They have many functions in the body. Some of them are directly or indirectly related to the processes of isolation, while others do not have such a connection.

    Let's take a closer look at the function of the kidneys:

    1. Excretory, or excretory function. The kidneys remove excess water from the body, inorganic and organic matter, products of nitrogen metabolism and foreign substances: urea, uric acid, creatinine, ammonia, drugs.
    2. Regulation water balance and, accordingly, the volume of blood, extracellular and intracellular fluid (volume regulation) due to changes in the volume of water excreted in the urine.
    3. Regulation of the constancy of the osmotic pressure of fluids in the internal environment by changing the amount of excreted osmotic active substances: salts, urea, glucose (osmoregulation).
    4. Regulation of the ionic composition of fluids in the internal environment and the ionic balance of the body by selectively changing the excretion of ions (sodium, potassium, magnesium) in the urine (ionic regulation).
    5. Regulation of the acid-base state by excretion of hydrogen ions, non-volatile acids and bases (PH).
    6. The formation and release of physiologically active substances into the bloodstream: renin, erythropoietin, the active form of vitamin D, prostaglandins, bradykinins, urokinase (endocrine function).
    7. Regulation of blood pressure levels by internal secretion of renin, depressant substances, excretion of sodium and water, changes in the volume of circulating blood.
    8. Regulation of erythropoiesis by internal secretion of the humoral regulator of erythron - erythropoietin (erythropoietin is a hormone necessary to maintain normal hemoglobin). This is why kidney disease is always associated with anemia.
    9. Regulation of hemostasis by the formation of humoral regulators of blood coagulation and fibrinolns - urokinase, thromboplastin, thromboxane, as well as participation in the metabolism of the physiological anticoagulant heparin.
    10. Participation in the metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates (metabolic function).
    11. Protective function: removal of foreign, often toxic substances from the internal environment of the body.

    Some interesting facts:

    1. If you put together all the urine that humanity produces during the day, it will make 20 minutes of Niagara Falls.
    2. If a person weighs 68 kg, then 43 kg of them is water.
    3. In a woman's body less water than in the male of the same mass.
    4. If you drink as much as the health experts recommend, then the volume drunk per year is 2920 glasses of water.
    5. Normally, the total daily filtration of fluid through the membranes of all capillaries in the body, with the exception of the membranes of the glomeruli of the kidneys, is only 4 liters, and the glomerular filtration rate is 180 liters per day. This is the capacity of the kidneys.

    The kidneys are a very important organ in the human body. If the kidneys are affected, the whole organism suffers.

    Human kidney disease:

    Pyelonephritis- inflammatory kidney disease, which is very common because infections often enter the kidney with blood.

    The source of infection can be inflammation in the lungs, intestines, in the uterus, as well as a carious tooth or boil.

    Often, inflammation of the kidneys is caused by microorganisms that are constantly present in the human body, which are activated when immunity is weakened.

    Infection very often enters the kidney from an already inflamed bladder. The causative agents of pyelonephritis are more often Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus aureus, Proteus.

    In men, the infection can penetrate from the urethra, prostate gland. Women, due to their physiological characteristics, suffer from pyelonephritis more often.

    Kidney stone disease- In this type of disease, stones and sand are formed in the kidneys.

    The development of the disease is promoted by improper nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, chronic lack of water in the body, hot climate, metabolic disorders in the body, and others.

    Nephroptosis- call the condition, which is also called the terms "vagus kidney", "prolapse of the kidney", "mobile kidney".

    As the names suggest, this disease is associated with a human condition in which the kidneys have abnormal mobility.

    Again, due to the anatomical features, women are more likely to suffer from nephroptosis than men. Also unbearable leads to nephroptosis physical labor, strong weight loss, injuries.

    The descent of the kidney can be accompanied by its rotations along the axis, which leads to serious consequences in the form of impaired circulation of the kidney due to the bending of the vessels.

    Hydronephrosis- (fluid accumulation) This kidney disease is characterized by impaired flow of urine from the kidney. As a result, the calyces and renal pelvis expand.

    The causes of hydronephrosis can be a narrowing of the ureter, a stone blocking the urinary tract, congenital anomalies, kidney tumors, diseases of the pelvic organs and others, due to which a situation arises with a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney.

    Renal failure- with renal failure, the kidneys cease to fully or partially fulfill the functions assigned to them.

    As a result, changes occur in the body, due to which metabolic products (uric acid, urea, etc.) do not leave the body, causing harm.

    Renal failure can develop as a result of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, gout, diabetes mellitus, poisoning drugs, the action of toxic substances.

    Glomerulonephritis- bilateral kidney damage, which is based on damage to the renal glomeruli. It is also an inflammatory disease. The cause of this kidney disease is most often an infection as a result of previous tonsillitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever and purulent skin diseases. Less commonly, glomerulonephritis occurs due to hypothermia, malaria, tuberculosis.

    Kidney tumors.

    → polycystic kidney disease

    Polycystic- is a genetic disease manifested by cystic degeneration of the renal parenchyma.

    Kidney tuberculosis- an infectious lesion of the renal parenchyma, which is caused by a specific microorganism: mycobacterium tuberculosis. Kidney damage takes 1st place among all extrapulmonary organ forms of tuberculosis, and is observed in 30-40% of pulmonary lesions.

    Amyloidosis- violation of protein metabolism, accompanied by the formation and deposition in tissues of a specific protein-polysaccharide complex - amyloid.

    What are the signs of kidney disease?

    Most kidney diseases are characterized by the following symptoms (signs):

    • general weakness, malaise, fatigue;
    • headache;
    • loss of appetite;
    • morning swelling, especially in the eyelids;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • chills and fever;
    • pale skin color.

    Of the local symptoms, it should be noted such as:

    • pain in the lumbar region on the side of the lesion or on both sides;
    • redness of the skin over the projection of the kidneys;
    • bulging in the lumbar region;
    • changes in urine: the release of bloody urine (hematuria), a change in its color (cloudy, brownish, rich yellow or weakly concentrated);
    • frequent urge to urinate;
    • discomfort pain or burning while urinating.

    Let's now look at what is bad for the kidneys and what is good.

    Nutrition is very important in kidney disease. It is aimed at correcting metabolic disorders. Depending on the severity of the pathological process in the kidneys and the degree of renal dysfunction, a more or less strict diet is recommended.

    • meat and fish sauces;
    • fish and mushroom broths;
    • hot seasonings and spices;
    • fat meat;
    • smoked meats;
    • sausages, sausages;
    • canned food and salted foods;
    • sea ​​fish;
    • legumes (peas, beans, soybeans);
    • greens (sorrel, spinach, parsley);
    • chocolate;
    • coffee and cocoa.

    The following foods and drinks should be consumed:

    • Bakery products: white and gray bread, salt-free bran, salt-free biscuits;
    • Drinks: tea, tea with milk, fruit drinks, juices from fruits and berries, rosehip infusion with honey and lemon;
    • Fermented milk products: milk, cream, sour cream, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
    • First meal: vegetable soups, soups from cereals, vegetarian borscht, dairy, fruit;
    • Second courses: lean meat or fish, steamed cutlets, meatballs;
    • Dishes from pasta, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs (no more than 1-2 eggs per day);
    • Desserts: baked apples, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, jelly and jelly from fresh fruits and berries, watermelons, melons, jam, honey.
    • Don't overcool! Sitting on cold rocks, on the ground, even in the evening on the resort beach, short jackets and other light clothing on freezing days will invariably lead to kidney disease. This also includes swimming in cold water, spending the night for tourists, fishermen in cold conditions. Pyelonephritis is the smallest thing that can be obtained for hypothermia.
    • Foods that are harmful to the kidneys are not our profile. Eat right. Now there are many products with artificial additives, various preservatives, flavor enhancers, leavening agents, and so on. All this harms the body, especially the kidneys. Any salty, smoked, spicy food, including soda, vinegar preservatives, ketchup, spices, coffee, cocoa, are harmful, especially in daily use.
    • The contrasting temperatures are a mockery to the kidneys. The kidneys do not like strong temperature changes. For example, from a steam room to an ice hole, or overheating on a hot beach in cold water... This leads to overloading of the kidneys. Not only temperature changes, hypothermia, but also intense heat are dangerous. During the heat, the kidneys also have a very difficult time. If, at the same time, you still do not give the necessary amount of water to your body, the water-salt balance changes. The blood becomes thick, poorly filtered, which is why our internal organs are poorly supplied with essential nutrients in the blood.
    • The kidneys don't like tobacco. Nicotine is dangerous for the kidneys, as well as for the whole organism. It leads to vasospasm, which makes the nutrition of the whole organism deteriorate, and the kidneys also have a hard time.
    • Alcohol and beer are bad for the kidneys.
    • Dehydration. With dehydration, the kidneys suffer in the first place, the absence of urine leads to crystallization of uric acid, often accompanied by attacks of renal colic.

    WHO has developed and organized a number of measures to prevent dehydration in the summer and other times of the year.

    6 basic rules for protecting the body from dehydration:

    1. To drink water, do not wait until thirst appears. The appearance of thirst indicates severe dehydration;
    2. You need to drink at least 8 glasses a day at any time of the year, regardless of whether it is hot or not. This will prevent many diseases;
    3. You need to drink water gradually, try to drink it evenly throughout the day;
    4. You need to drink water before, during and after physical activity;
    5. In the heat, go outside, only taking a bottle of plain water with you;
    6. In the absence of contraindications and complications, pregnant women need to drink at least three liters a day.

    These tips will protect you from the effects of dehydration and will not cause kidney stones.

    In the prevention of diseases of the urinary system, great importance is attached to:

    • Timely sanitation of various foci of infection (carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic appendicitis, chronic cholecystitis, etc.), which are potential sources of microbes entering the kidneys with the bloodstream, as well as eliminating the reasons that impede the outflow of urine.
    • Appropriate hygiene measures (especially for girls and pregnant women) play an important role in prevention to prevent the upward spread of infection in the urinary tract, as well as to combat constipation and treat colitis.
    • People with kidney and urinary tract diseases should avoid overwork and hypothermia. They are contraindicated for severe physical work, work in the night shift, outdoors during the cold season, in hot workshops, in stuffy rooms.
    • The main treatment for nephroptosis is wearing a bandage. Its early use prevents the progression of the disease and the occurrence of complications. Wear a bandage only in a horizontal position, in the morning, before getting out of bed, while exhaling.
    • It is also recommended to carry out a special set of gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The required position of the patient in bed is with the raised foot.

    One of effective method prevention (and treatment) is the intake of herbal remedies.

    And here our favorite preparations of the Primaflora company will help us.

    To remove accumulated toxins, toxins, nitrogenous substances, the following company preparations are used:

    • Aminophytes:"Phytochistam", "Nephrophytes", "Artrorfitam", "Fitoal";
    • Elixirs:"Cleansing", "Easy Walk", "Recovery", "Purity of Life";
    • Extracts:"Burdock", "Parsley", "Needles", "Horsetail"

    They have an antispasmodic effect:

    • Extracts: "Fennel", "Parsley", "Birch", "Linden", "Motherwort"

    A number of Primaflora preparations have anti-inflammatory effects:

    • Primafits, primafloras, "Chinese recipe", "Nephrophytes";
    • Elixirs:"Healthy kidneys", "Health improvement", "Female beauty", "Male power";
    • Extracts:"Birches", "Betulin", "St. John's wort", "Icelandic moss", "Calendula", "Linden", "Needles", "Horsetail", "Plantain", "Yarrow", "Chamomile".

    Also, these drugs have a diuretic effect.

    Maintaining and improving blood circulation in the kidney tissue is of great importance.

    These are drugs such as:

    • "Venumfitam", "The Norm of Life";
    • Elixirs:"Venotonik", "Life-giving spring", "Normal pressure";
    • Extracts:"Chestnut", "Sophora", "Rosehip";
    • Seasoning"Perfect".

    Promote softening and dissolution of soft stones:

    • "Amber with green tea»;
    • Extract"Burdock";
    • Elixir"Tripping";
    • Seasoning " Special ".

    Horsetail, Sporysh help with urolithiasis, maintain a balance between colloids and crystalloids, preventing them from forming stones.

    Preparations “Nephrophyt”, elixir “Healthy kidneys”, seasoning “Osobennaya” should not be used for stones over 6mm!

    « Chinese recipe "," Tree of life "," Icelandic moss "- normalize the immune system, also have antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory.

    Extracts of "Nettle", "Yarrow", possessing anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties are relevant in the presence of blood in the urine(with pyelonephritis, renal colic, hemorrhagic cystitis).

    An important role in the normalization of kidney function is played by drugs that improve and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

    Drugs such as:

    • "Form of Life", "Pancreatitis";
    • Elixirs:"Grace", "Exchange-plus";
    • Seasonings:"Diet", "Elite" - help to improve the metabolism of uric acid and pancreas, and thereby prevent the formation and deposition of salts in the kidneys and joints.

    "Oncofitam", "Chinese recipe", "Tree of life", "Icelandic moss", elixir "Longevity", "Power of the sea" - cancer protectors. Used in programs for kidney tumors.

    Extracts: "Chagi", "Series", "Betulin", "Astragala"; "Amber with green tea" - inhibit the growth and metastasis of tumors.

    Sample wellness programs for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract:


    • "Primafito with fvoy" - 1-2 tab. 3-6 times before meals, 3-6 pack.
    • "Tree of life" - 1 caps. 3-4 times a day after meals, 3-4 pack.
    • Horsetail + Calendula + Nettle extracts - 5-10 drops 3-4 times a day before meals, 1 pack.
    • Seasoning "Special" - for food.


    • "Primaflor minus" - 1 tab. 3 times a day before meals 3-6 pack.
    • "Form of life"
    • Elixir "Healthy Kidneys" - 7-10 drops. before meals 1-2 pack.


    • "Nephrophytes" - 1 tab. 3-5 times a day before meals, 3-6 pack.
    • Elixir "Life-giving Spring" - 7-10 drops 3 times a day before meals 1 pack.
    • Extracts "Series" + "Birches" - 5-10 drops 3 times a day before meals, 1 pack.
    • Seasoning "Delicate" - for food.


    • "Chinese recipe" - 1 caps 2-4 times a day after meals 2-4 pack.
    • "Primafito-plus" - 1 tablet 3-4 times a day before meals 3-4 pack.
    • Elixir "Light Walk" - 7-10 drops. 3 times a day before meals 1-2 pack.
    • Extracts "Chamomile" + "Calendula" - 5-10 drops 3 times a day before meals.


    • "The energy of life" - 1 caps. 2-4 times a day after meals 3 pack.
    • "Arthrophytes" - 1 caps. 3 times a day before meals, 3 pack.
    • Elixir "Longevity"
    • Extracts "Needles" + "Lindens" - 5-10 drops 3 times a day for food. 1 pack
    • Seasoning "Elite" - for food.

    Sample wellness programs for urolithiasis, metabolic nephropathies.


    • "Form of life" - 1 caps. 3 times a day after meals, 3-5 pack.
    • "Primaflor-plus" ("Primaflor-minus") - 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals 3-5 pack.
    • Elixir "Healthy Stomach" - 7-10 drops. 3 times a day before meals. 1 pack
    • Extracts of "Calendula" + "Nettle" - 5-10 drops 3 times a day before meals, 1 pack.
    • Seasoning "Elite" - For food


    • "Tree of life" - 1 caps. 2-4 times a day after meals 2-3 pack.
    • Elixir "Life-giving Spring"
    • Birch extract - 7-10 drops. 3 times a day before meals 1 pack.
    • Seasoning "Elite"- for food


    • "Primafito with fvoy" - 1 tab. 3-4 times a day, 3-5 pack
    • "Amber with green tea" - 1 tab. 1-3 times a day after meals, 2-3 pack.
    • Elixir "Exchange-plus" - 7-10 drops 3 times a day, 1-2 pack
    • Extracts "Needles" + "Betulin"


    • "Primafito-plus"
    • "Skin Life" - 1 caps. 2-3 times a day after meals, 2-3 pack.
    • Elixir "Light Walk"
    • Extracts "St. John's wort" + "Birches"


    • "Nephrophytes" - 1 tab. 3 times a day before meals, 3 pack.
    • "The energy of life" - 1 caps. 3 times a day after meals, 3 pack
    • Elixir "Grace" - 7-10 drops each 3 times a day, 1-2 pack
    • Clover extract - 7-10 drops each 3 times a day, 1 pack

    Sample wellness programs in the presence of tumors of the genitourinary system.


    • "Phytochistam"
    • "Primafito with needles" ("") - 1 table. 3-5 times a day before meals, 3-6 pack.
    • Chaga extract
    • Astragalus extract - 7-10 drops each 3 times a day before meals, 1-2 pack.


    • "Nephrophytes" - 1 table. 3-4 times a day before meals, 3-4 pack.
    • Elixir "Longevity" - 7-10 drops. 3 times a day before meals, 2 pack.
    • Icelandic moss extract - 7-10 drops. 3 times a day before meals, 1-2 pack.


    • "Chinese recipe" - 1 capsule 2-3 times a day after meals, 3-5 pack.
    • Elixir "Venotonic" - 7-10 drops. 3 times a day before meals, 1 pack.
    • Extracts "Chaga" + "Licorice" - 5-10 drops each 3 times a day before meals, 1 pack.


    • "Oncofit"- 1 table. 3-4 times a day before meals, 3-5 pack.
    • "Tree of life" - 1 caps. 3-4 times a day after meals, 3-5 pack.
    • Extracts "Motherwort" + "Betulin" - 7-10 drops each 3 times a day, 1 pack.


    • "Gerontophytes" - 1 tab. 3-4 times a day before meals, 3-5 pack.
    • Elixir "Healthy Kidneys" - 7-10 drops. 3 times a day before meals, 1-2 pack.
    • Extracts "Series" + "Lindens" - 5-10 drops each 3 times a day, 1 pack.

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