Presentation on the topic "atmospheric pollution and its consequences." Environmental effects of global air pollution Blaschko lines: characterized by strange stripes all over the body

Blocks 09.03.2021

Pollution environment

WATER POLLUTION Settlements. Most known source The water contaminant that has traditionally received the most attention is domestic wastewater. Soap, synthetic washing powders, disinfectants, bleaches and other household chemicals. Paper waste comes from residential buildings, including toilet paper and baby diapers, waste from plant and animal food. Rain and melt water flows from the streets into the sewer system, often with sand or salt used to accelerate the melting of snow and ice on the roadways and sidewalks.

Industry. In industrial developed countries The main consumer of water and the largest source of wastewater is industry. Industrial wastewater into rivers is 3 times larger than municipal wastewater. Due to the growing volume of industrial waste, the ecological balance of many lakes and rivers is being disrupted, although most of the wastewater is non-toxic and not fatal to humans.

Agriculture. The second main consumer of water is agriculture, which uses it to irrigate fields. The water flowing from them is saturated with salt solutions and soil particles, as well as chemical residues that help increase productivity. These include insecticides; fungicides that are sprayed over orchards and crops; herbicides, a famous weed control agent; and other pesticides, as well as organic and inorganic fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other chemical elements.

Soil pollution Residential buildings and public utilities. Pollutants in this category of sources are dominated by household waste, food waste, construction waste, etc. All this is collected and taken to landfills. Burning garbage in city landfills is accompanied by the release of toxic substances that settle on the surface of the soil and are difficult to wash off with rain.

Agriculture Soil pollution in agriculture occurs due to the introduction of huge quantities of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. It is known that some pesticides contain mercury. Man's desire to take more and more from the soil leads to irrational use of land, and often to the complete disappearance of its fertility. Excessive application of mineral fertilizers and chemicals to protect plants from weeds and pests into the soil leads to its pollution. Heavy metals (for example, mercury), radioactive substances emitted by some industrial enterprises. From the soil, these toxic substances enter living organisms, which can cause irreversible changes.

Air pollution The main cause of air pollution is the ingress of uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances into it, as well as changes in their natural concentrations. This occurs as a result of both natural processes and human activity. Moreover, it is humans who play an increasingly important role in air pollution. The cause of most chemical and physical pollution is the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels during the production of electrical energy and during the operation of vehicle engines.

One of the most toxic gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity is ozone. Lead contained in car exhaust gases is also toxic. Other hazardous pollutants include carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, and fine dust. Every year, as a result of human industrial activity (during the generation of electricity, cement production, iron smelting, etc.), 170 million tons of dust enter the atmosphere.

The presentation was completed by Victoria Gushchikhina, a student of grade 11. Checked by technology teacher Kalmykova T.S.

Introduction. Judging by photographs taken from space, our planet could well be called Oceania, since the area occupied by water is 2.5 times larger than the land area. The huge mass of ocean waters forms the planet’s climate and serves as a source of precipitation. More than half of the oxygen comes from it, and it also regulates the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, since it is able to absorb its excess. At the bottom of the World Ocean there is an accumulation and transformation of a huge mass of mineral and organic matter, therefore, geological and geochemical processes occurring in the oceans and seas have a very strong impact on the entire earth’s crust. It was the Ocean that became the cradle of life on Earth; it is now home to about four-fifths of all living creatures on the planet.

Resources of the world's oceans. In our time, the “era of global problems,” the World Ocean plays an increasingly important role in the life of mankind. Being a huge storehouse of mineral, energy, plant and animal resources, which - with their rational consumption and artificial reproduction - can be considered practically inexhaustible, the Ocean is capable of solving some of the most pressing problems: the need to provide a rapidly growing population with food and raw materials for developing industry, danger of energy crisis, lack of fresh water. Main ocean resources 1. Sea water 2. 75 chemical elements 3. Table salt (33%) 4. Mining of uranium and deuterium 5. Mineral resources 6. The bottom is rich in mineral deposits. 7. Inexhaustible energy resources

Main pathways of ocean pollution Oil and petroleum products Wastewater Pesticides Synthetic surfactants Carcinogenic compounds Heavy metals Discharge of waste into the sea for disposal Thermal pollution

Ecological consequences for humans Pollution of aquatic ecosystems poses a huge danger to all living organisms, and in particular to humans. The environmental consequences of pollution of the World Ocean are most pronounced in a decrease in reproduction marine organisms. It has been established that under the influence of pollutants in freshwater ecosystems, there is a decrease in their stability due to disruption of the food pyramid and breakdown of signal connections in the biocenosis, microbiological pollution, eutrophication and other extremely unfavorable processes.

Protection of seas and oceans. Oceans cover two-thirds of the Earth's surface, and their protection has become a core mission of the United Nations. The activities of the UN Environment Programme, especially its diverse efforts to protect the marine environment, have attracted the attention of the world community to the problems of the oceans and seas. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized UN agency responsible for taking measures to prevent marine pollution from ships and improve the safety of international shipping. Despite the enormous growth in world shipping, oil pollution from ships declined during the 1980s. by 60 percent, and this trend continues. This is partly due to the introduction of better waste disposal controls and partly due to increased control through conventions.

Conclusion The consequences of wasteful, careless attitude humanity to the Ocean, terrifying. The destruction of plankton, fish and other inhabitants of ocean waters is not everything. The damage could be much greater. After all, the World Ocean has planetary functions: it is a powerful regulator of the moisture circulation and thermal regime of the Earth, as well as the circulation of its atmosphere. Pollution can cause very significant changes in all these characteristics, which are vital for climate and weather patterns throughout the planet. Symptoms of such changes are already visible today. Severe droughts and floods recur, destructive hurricanes appear, and severe frosts come even to the tropics, where they have never occurred. Of course, it is not yet possible to even approximately estimate the dependence of such damage on the degree of pollution. The world's oceans, however, a relationship undoubtedly exists. Be that as it may, ocean protection is one of humanity’s global problems. A dead ocean is a dead planet, and therefore all of humanity.

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Radiation effects on humans consist of disruption of the vital functions of various organs. First of all, the hematopoietic organs are affected, resulting in oxygen starvation of the tissues, the body's immune defense sharply decreases, blood clotting worsens and radiation sickness develops. The sequence of tissue irradiation: - bone tissue - thyroid gland; - Bone marrow; - lungs; - mammary gland; - ovaries or testes; - other fabrics.

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Progeria, Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome: children look like ninety-year-olds Progeria is caused by one tiny defect in a child's genetic code. This disease has almost unpreventable and detrimental consequences. Most children born with this disease die by age 13.

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Young children suffering from this disease grow long, dark facial hair. The disease is called wolf syndrome because people with excessive hair resemble wolves, only without the sharp teeth and claws. The syndrome can affect different parts of the body and manifest itself to varying degrees.

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Blaschko Lines: Characterized by strange stripes all over the body Blaschko Lines are an invisible pattern embedded in a person's DNA. Many acquired and inherited diseases of the skin or mucous membranes appear in accordance with the information embedded in DNA. The symptom of this disease is the appearance of visible stripes on the human body.

“Human Atmospheric Pollution” - Emissions of substances into the atmosphere. Lake Ladoga is a drinking water reservoir for St. Petersburg. And I hear the voice of the river: “Take care of us, take care of us!” Pollution in Petukhovo. Pollution of the world's oceans. For each city dweller there is from 150 to 600 kg. garbage per year. The most polluted cities in Russia. Pollution of freshwater ecosystems.

“Pollution problems” - Pesticides as a pollutant. Ozone holes. MPCs are concentrations that do not have a direct or indirect effect on humans and their offspring. The priority in the development of maximum permissible concentrations in the air belongs to the USSR. Fluorine compounds. Chlorine compounds. The main components of smog include ozone, nitrogen and sulfur oxides.

“Pollution in ecology” - Erosion. Acids. Soil pollution. Ecological problems modern world. 94–99% of species have disappeared. Taking care of nature is everyone’s moral duty! Radioactive contamination. Heavy metals. Fossil fuel. When a liter of fuel is burned, 200–400 mg of lead enters the air. Sulfur oxides (SO2). Water problems.

“Biosphere pollution” - Dozens of animal species and hundreds of plant species have been exterminated. Object of study: Humanity today is the most powerful global force in the biosphere. Forests play a vital role in the normal functioning of natural ecosystems. One of the main water pollutants is oil and petroleum products. Hypothesis: Currently, electricity is mainly obtained from hydroelectric power plants, thermal and nuclear power plants.

“Types of pollution” - Types of environmental pollution. Biological: Biogenic Microbiological Genetic engineering. Air pollution. Physical: Thermal Noise Radioactive Electromagnetic. Problematic question. Consequences of exposure to certain heavy metals on human health. Hydrosphere pollution. Global problems of humanity.

Production process of dust emissions, million tons/year. Effect of carbon monoxide on humans. Noises. Ways to solve the problem. Air pollution is an important problem that requires an urgent solution. Main sources of air pollution. Air pollution. History of the issue. Diseases caused by air pollution.

Relevance Environmental pollution is the cause of 40% of deaths in the world Forty percent of people in the world die due to environmental pollution, namely water, soil and air. These ecological problems coupled with rapid population growth lead to an increase in the number of diseases, according to a press release from Cornell University.

ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGENS Man in his daily activities encounters many chemicals used in huge quantities in industry, agriculture, medicine and in everyday life. Substances used in industry Vinyl chloride monomer has been produced by industry for more than 50 years. Over 95% of it is used to produce synthetic resins. It is not vinyl chloride itself that is a mutagen, but its metabolites, primarily ethylene chlorine oxide. The latter has the strongest mutagenic and carcinogenic properties for mammals. Styrene, used in the production of polyester plastics, and chloroprene, used in the production of polychloroprene elastomers, have mutagenic activity. The mutagenic activity of compounds of lead, zinc, mercury, chromium and other metals has been established.

The process of formation of mutations is called mutagenesis; factors causing mutations are mutagens. Mutagenic factors are divided into: a) physical b) chemical - natural organic and inorganic substances; oil and coal products; synthetic substances not previously found in nature; some metabolites of the human body c) biological

A new anthropogenic factor (iatrogenic) - the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) The total number of test tube children has exceeded 3 million. They have an increased incidence of imprinting diseases (Angelman and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromes) A ​​defect in the short arm of the Y chromosome, responsible for decreased fertility in men.

This is what a person will look like in 2768 years 1. Eyes. To withstand contact with pollutants in the atmosphere, a person's eyes will become smaller and more pig-like. The clear membrane (which can now be found in the inner corner of the eyes) will become larger size and will serve as a second century. 2. Nose. It will increase in size and be equipped with a system of compartments and caves to better purify the air. For the same reason, nose hair will become thicker and longer 3. Light. They will increase in size and have a denser circulatory system, which will allow them to extract from the air the small amount of oxygen that remains in it. 4. Liver. Since its function is to purify the blood, it will increase to enormous sizes in order to more successfully filter toxic substances. 5. Leather. It will become rougher, with keratinized areas to avoid burns from chemical pollutants in the atmosphere. 6. Appendix. It will again become a working organ, helping to process food, which by that time will become exclusively plant-based (since meat will become unfit for consumption due to environmental pollution). 7. Bone structure. The person will become slender and short. This will be caused by a relative lack of vitamin D (due to reduced exposure to sunlight and a poorer diet). 8. Hair. Will disappear due to severe climate warming. 9. Ears. Increased noise pollution will cause folds in the ears, making them more dog-like. A person will be able to raise them to listen and lower them to reduce noise. 10. Character. The person will be slightly crazy. This will be caused by the presence of toxic substances in food (which can already be observed in those people whose food contains a high percentage of mercury) 11. Breathing apparatus. Immediately after birth, the person will be attached for some time to a special apparatus that will help him breathe for the first weeks of life. 12. Kidneys. They will acquire a new function - extracting water from urine and preserving water in the body. Instead of liquid, a person will secrete a mush consisting of uric acid and toxic substances.

Ways to protect the environment Creation of treatment facilities, use of low-sulfur fuel, waste processing, land reclamation, etc. Development and application of fundamentally new environmental production technology in the transition to low-waste and waste-free production processes Rational placement of “dirty” industries 26

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