deductive method. How to develop deduction? A few tips for beginners. Distinguish between deductive and inductive methods

Batteries, radiators 18.07.2020
Batteries, radiators

It seems to me that everyone who read stories about Sherlock Holmes would like to get a little closer to his amazing ability to reason logically. How to develop deduction? Let's learn from him!

11 Notes on the Development of Deduction…

The habit of observing and being attentive

Most of us do not pay attention to the world around us. Deduction is primarily the ability to notice small details. That is, this is the development of the habit of being constantly “on”, being conscious with the “internal analyzer” constantly on.

It's not a superhuman ability. When we are talking about Sherlock, he cultivated the habit of being considerate all his life. He was not born with this ability, he purposefully developed it. We have a lot of bad habits in our minds, they need to be monitored and gradually eliminated, replacing them with useful ones.

By constantly noticing the details, we are, and after prolonged effort, this can become an automatic habit.

Our worst habit is not to pay attention to anything. We are always trying to get something quickly, and because of this, we lose the baby. We almost never ask questions when we don't understand something. Children ask about everything that is not clear to them. And that's what they need to learn..

Improving your powers of observation means first of all identifying a bad habit (the habit of reaching goals quickly and missing small details) and cultivating a new habit (slowness and attention).

Daily and monthly challenges

One of the classic tricks for forming a new habit is to gradually work on yourself every day. That is, every month you can enter a new habit and fix it daily.

You can do whatever you want, as long as it makes you "turn on" and observe the world from a different perspective. For example, moving around the city, you can begin to pay attention to countless strange things that you usually do not notice.

How to develop deduction - The idea is to gradually teach yourself to notice small details in Everyday life.

How to develop deduction? Take notes throughout the day

When trying to develop attention doesn't work and personal issues get sidetracked, there's another trick: start writing down your observations throughout the day.

Write down your observations for 10 minutes. You can describe the behavior of a person, everything to the smallest detail: actions, reactions, behavior, etc. At the same time, write down his actions and his thoughts. You need to pay attention to the search for patterns of behavior, repetitive or unusual details.

Clearing the brain

Meditation is sometimes equated with a religious experience, but originally it was an exercise in thought control. A few minutes a day will help to establish the process of thinking, and clear the mind of excess garbage.

Meditation does not mean that you have to break loose and run away, becoming a monk. This is just a way to tune the mind, which will teach you to pay attention to yourself and what is happening in your head. Understand how thoughts arise and what the process of thinking is.

This is just a training in mindfulness and concentration. When we can focus on ourselves, we are likely to be better at observing the world around us.

Intuition or instinct is a powerful thing and she just needs to be trusted. If there is a strong feeling, you should definitely pay attention to it. The body is sometimes smarter than the mind.

Critical thinking

Once you begin to pay close attention to the world, you can begin to shape your vision into theories or ideas. Think through situations logically, applying critical thinking, and questioning everything around.

Question all norms. Absolutely all information should be subject to sound criticism, despite the authority of the source. There is always a chance that a bug has crept in somewhere. The ability to listen, control emotions and reason soundly.

Not always the first impression (opinion) is true. You need to be careful with your view of things and subsequent conclusions. There is always a chance that the conclusion is not true, and something was missed.

How to develop deduction?

Analyze what you see or and ask questions

We return to the children's world and begin to ask as many questions as possible.

Curiosity is the catalyst for discovery . If you have curiosity and attentiveness, then you are really ready to dig deep and further develop logical chains. When there is no curiosity, it is simply impossible to motivate yourself to sort things out.

When you receive new information, you can’t just perceive it, you need to find a logical stable place in memory. What does your place mean? You need to ask yourself: “Why is this important?” “How can this be related to already existing concepts in memory?” or “Why do I want to remember this?” Thus, you need to build and create your own knowledge system.

Often there is an obvious and simple answer to most of the puzzling problems in modern world . Big problems can be broken down into parts. In calculus this is called factoring and it is effective method separating things into parts to save time and effort.

Creating links between knowledge

Heightened perception and critical thinking won't do much good if you don't start to develop connections between knowledge and perceived information.

Holmes doesn't always remember more, but he can see connections that people tend to miss. This is how it works memory palace , but instead using memory in space, and linking one hook to another.

Perception, then critical thinking, then connection building go around in circles. This chain trains memory, memory expands perception.

How to develop deduction? Increase knowledge base

Strong knowledge in a specialty, when they are interconnected, in itself causes a deduction. The search in the memory of one concept provokes the passage of a chain of knowledge - a logical chain of reasoning.

But on the other hand, you can’t go deep into just one thing, since you can lose the skill of a broad view of things. Respecialization is bad, you need to be curious about different things and be ready to learn and new things.

Distinguish between deductive and inductive methods

Both deductive and inductive methods are useful. But you need to understand what is what. The deductive method operates on truth. For example, “All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. So Socrates is mortal." Inductive reasoning, on the other hand, involves reaching a conclusion that is possibly true. For example, “He has an anchor tattoo on his arm. He may have been in the Navy."

How to develop deduction? Intellectual humility

Or, to put it another way, intellectual modesty. That is, the ability to reason at the highest level of quality, taking into account one's own shortcomings, limitations, ignorance and prejudice.

The sin must be judged, not the sinner

It is necessary to exclude superficial assessments and be not biased. Condemnation of a person leads to a biased attitude that will not allow you to build a logical chain. That is, you can evaluate an act or a situation, but not people.

One head it's good, but two better . Sherlock had Watson, who helped him solve complicated cases more than once. The two of us can come up with a better solution. And yet, when we explain something to another person, we begin to understand it more fully.

How to develop deduction - video sherlock

Throughout life, people improve and develop. In the process of personal development, it is necessary to develop logical thinking. In the development of logic, such a method of thinking as deduction is of great importance. And a lot of people are asking:

  1. What is logic?
  2. How to develop deduction?

Deduction refers to the ability to reason logically and come to an irrefutable conclusion.

Deduction (from lat. deductio- derivation) - derivation of the particular from the general; a path of thought that leads from the general to the particular, from general position to the special.

Deduction, as a particular way of thinking, is based on the selection of the main idea from the general one. In any science and in life, the method of deduction is widely used, which is why it is so important to develop deductive reasoning.

The simplest example of deductive reasoning:

  • Olya and Masha are on a diet;
  • the diet excludes the use of sweets;
  • therefore, Olya and Masha do not consume chocolate.

Everyone knows the "king" of deductive thinking - Sherlock Holmes. In solving crimes, he always proceeded from the general - a complete picture of the crime with the alleged participants, and moved to the particular - considered each separately, who could commit it, studied the possibilities, motives, behavior. And then, by logical reasoning, he figured out the criminal, presenting him with irrefutable evidence.

There are many ways, methods and games that develop deductive thinking.


The first and most important way to develop deduction is to read books. Firstly, this is an elementary expansion of horizons, memory training and personal development.

From the particles of soil on the shoes, Sherlock Holmes could determine from which corner of England the person came. And he distinguished 140 types of tobacco ash. Holmes was interested in literally everything and had a huge store of knowledge.

Secondly, you should not just read books, but analyze the situations described, memorize, assume, compare, calculate. Reading, for example, a detective story, try to determine by logical reasoning who will be the criminal. This will teach you how to build logical chains.

Plots of detectives by Daria Dontsova are perfect for training


In order to develop deduction, you must train your memory daily. Not only books, but also various games will help you with this. Remember, there are a sufficient number of games that will become your assistants in your daily workouts:

  • Chess - desktop logic game for two opponents. Perfectly develops logic, ingenuity, attentiveness.

Playing chess is great for developing intelligence

  • Checkers - a board logic game for two players on a multicellular board similar to a chessboard. Teaches you to think one step ahead, develops observation and memory.

Playing checkers improves your memory

  • Sudoku is a popular logic puzzle. A 9x9 square must be filled in with numbers according to special rules. The game develops attention, intelligence, a three-dimensional view of the world, as well as divergent thinking.

Sudoku will allow you to master divergent thinking

  • Puzzles puzzle game, which is a mosaic of many fragments of a picture of various shapes, which you want to put together into a single image. Develops mindfulness, logic, imagination and trains memory.

Making puzzles develops logic and attention

  • « Memory » - board game, consisting of several dozen paired cards. The cards are shuffled and laid out face down, then opened two at a time. When the pictures on them match, then the cards remain turned upside down, but if the images are different, the cards are turned over again face down. « Memory”to this day remains the leader among games that develop visual and spatial memory.

An exciting game that is really useful for developing memory

  • "Snowball" - game with a lot of strangers. It is also called the game for the first acquaintance. The bottom line is that all those present become in a circle, and someone first calls his name. Then, clockwise, the next participant calls the name of the previous one and his own. The third will have to name the names of the previous two and pronounce his own, and so on in a circle. You can also play the game with friends, calling not names, but, for example, the names of cities. Great memory training.

Similar games develop memory and attention

  • Card games - the well-known card game of "fool", etc. In the game, you not only have to memorize cards, but also calculate moves.

Although playing cards is considered gambling, it is developing.

You can invent games for yourself. For example, take a picture, remember the picture for 15 seconds, and then on a piece of paper reproduce a list of items that you were able to remember.


Everyone, for sure, knows the mysteries. There are a great many of them and they perfectly develop logic. If you can't solve a riddle, don't rush to look at the answers. Try to logically come to the answer yourself, even if it takes you a few days.

Do not forget that the best riddles are riddles with a trick. They allow you to develop logic and deduction much more efficiently than simple ones.

Examples of puzzles for logic and thinking:

  1. Two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. Both men crossed to the opposite bank. How?
  2. Where is it found that a horse jumps over a horse?
  3. Sherlock Holmes was walking down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He walked over, opened her bag and took out her phone. He found her husband's number in the phone book. He called. He says: “Come here immediately. Your wife is dead." And after a while the husband arrives. He looks at his wife and says: “Oh, honey, what happened to you ???”
    Then the police arrive. Sherlock points his finger at the woman's husband and says, “Arrest this man. It was he who killed her." Q: Why did Sherlock think that?
  4. The jar is on the table. It stands in such a way that one half of it is in the air, and the other is on the table. What is in the jar if it falls in half an hour? And why?
  5. A man went to sea and got into a storm. He was taken to an island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up covered in ropes at some kind of ritual and found out that they wanted to kill him. And he asked for the last word. After he voiced him, the girls made him a boat, gave him food, water and sent him home. What did he say?
  6. A 1st grade student solves this riddle in 5 minutes, a high school student in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, a professor will never solve it. Riddle: decipher ODTCHPShSVDD.
  7. It is known that among the nine coins there is one counterfeit, which has less weight than the rest. How to determine a counterfeit coin using a weighing pan in two weighings?
  8. Cat - 3, horse - 5, rooster - 8, donkey - 2, cuckoo - 4, frog - 3. Dog -?
  9. Three criminals met: Belov the bear cub, Chernov the burglar and Ryzhov the pickpocket. "It's amazing that one of us has black, the second white, and the third red hair, but none of the hair color matches the last name," said the black-haired man. “And, really…”, said Belov the bear-cub. What color is the pickpocket's hair?
  10. A father and two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. He stands on the water either a father or two sons. How to cross to the other side of the father and sons?
  1. They were on different sides.
  2. In chess.
  3. Because Holmes did not tell her husband the address.
  4. Let me be killed by the ugliest.
  5. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
  6. First weighing: 3 and 3 coins. The counterfeit coin is in the pile that weighs the least. If the piles are equal, then the fake is in the third pile. Second weighing: from the pile with the smallest weight, 1 and 1 coin are compared. If they are equal, then the fake is the remaining coin.
  7. The cat - "meow" (3), the horse - "i-go-go" (5), the rooster - "ku-ka-re-ku" (8), the donkey - "i-a" (2), the cuckoo - "ku-ku" (4), the frog - "qua" (3), the dog - "woof" (3).
  8. Belov is not white because of his surname and not black, since he answered the black-haired one. That is, Belov is red. Chernov is not black because of his surname and not red, since the red one is the bear cub Belov. Pickpocket Ryzhov remained black.
  9. Both sons cross first. One of the sons returns to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son crosses to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross to the father.

Observation and details

It is very important for the development of deduction to notice the details everywhere and in everything. For example, if you are on a bus, choose one person and, noticing even the little things, try to understand what he is interested in, who he works for, what his marital status, lifestyle. Attention to small details will allow you to see a more truthful picture of the situation than it might seem at first glance.

Observation in itself is the ability to notice in things, phenomena and situations essential signs and features, but little noticeable, and therefore eluding the attention of most people.

You can develop observation with the help of different pictures:

It is necessary in a short time to find numbers in the table in the sequence from 1 to 90

To understand the very meaning of deduction, you can look movies, whose characters are endowed with developed logic:

  • Sherlock Holmes (any films and any parts).
  • Mentalist.
  • Ace Ventura.
  • Doctor House etc.

If you use the basic methods that develop logic every day, the result will not be long in coming. You will become observant, you will have attention to detail, and these are the first signs of advanced deduction.

Deduction is a special method of thinking based on the ability to build a logical connection, to draw small private conclusions from the overall picture. How did the famous legendary hero Sherlock Holmes use this?

Sherlock Holmes Method

The deductive method of Sherlock Holmes can be described in one phrase that the detective uttered in A Study in Scarlet: "All life is a huge chain of causes and effects, and we can know its nature by one link." Undoubtedly, everything in life happens chaotically and sometimes unpredictably, but despite this, the skills that the detective possessed helped him solve even the most intricate crimes.

Observation and details

Sherlock Holmes collected as much information as possible, analyzed various scenarios for the development of events and looked at them from different angles. This allowed the detective to discard the insignificant, thus, the hero of Arthur Conan Doyle singled out one or more more significant ones from the many possible versions.


A detached face, ignoring people and their questions, as well as events around him - this is how Conan Doyle draws his hero. However, this behavior is by no means a sign of bad taste. No. This is the result of a special focus on the investigation. Sherlock Holmes is constantly thinking about all sorts of options for solving the problem, abstracting from external factors.

Interest and outlook

The main weapon of the detective was his broad outlook. It is worth remembering how he could easily determine from which place in England a person came from by the particles of soil. He was interested in literally everything, especially what eluded the attention of ordinary people. He was a specialist in forensics and biochemistry, played the violin remarkably well, understood opera and music, knew several foreign languages, was engaged in fencing and knew how to box. A multifaceted personality, isn't it? ..

The palaces of the mind

The deduction method is based on memorizing information using associations. A famous detective worked with a large amount of information. And in order not to get confused in it, he used a method called "mind halls." By the way, it is far from new, its essence was known to the ancient Greeks. Each fact, information, knowledge is tied to a specific object of the room, for example, to a door, a window, etc. This made it easier for the detective to remember the information that came to him almost hourly.

Sign language

Sherlock Holmes was a wonderful psychologist. Observing the behavior of a particular person, the detective paid attention to facial expressions and gestures, as a result of which he could easily determine whether his client/suspect was lying or not. The ability to notice details - behavior, manner of speaking, dressing - helps to draw up a general picture of a person's life.


Sherlock Holmes' intuition was based not on the sixth sense, but on experience. But the line between the voice of the subconscious and high qualifications in the work is quite blurred. Only the person himself can draw this fine line between the assumption and the action itself.


The method of deduction can only be developed through practice. Sherlock Holmes constantly practiced logic, even in his spare time. This allowed him to constantly keep his mind "in good shape." But without an interesting case, he was bored and depressed.

Benefits of deduction

Deductive thinking skills will be useful in everyday life and work. The secret of many successful people lies in the ability to think logically and analyze their actions, predicting the outcome of events. This helps them avoid patterns and achieve great success in various areas:

In studies - helps to quickly master the subject being studied;

In work activity - make the right decisions and count your actions several steps ahead;

In life - to understand people well and build effective relationships with others.

Thus, the deduction method will help to make life much easier and avoid many unpleasant situations, as well as quickly achieve your goals.

How to develop deductive thinking

Mastering the way of thinking we are considering is a long and painstaking work on oneself, but at the same time it does not represent special difficulties. The deduction method requires the participation of common sense, while emotions must be relegated to the background, they will only interfere with the process. There are a number of some rules that will help develop a deductive way of thinking at any age.

1. If you are determined to achieve a positive result in this field, then you need to start reading a lot. But not glossy magazines and newspapers - they will be useful classic literature and contemporary detective stories or novels. While reading, you need to think about the plot, remember the details. Compare "learned material": eras, genres, etc.

2. In everyday life, try to pay attention to the little things: people's behavior, their clothes, gestures, facial expressions, speech. This will help develop observation and teach you analysis. It would be nice to enlist the support of a like-minded person with whom you can discuss what you saw, in addition, in the process of conversation, you will learn to explain your thoughts logically and build a chronological sequence of events.

3. Solving logical problems and puzzles will help you master the skills of deductive thinking.

4. Pay attention to your actions, analyze why you did what you did in a certain situation, look for other possible ways out of it and think about what the result could be in this case.

5. The development of deductive thinking requires memory training. This is necessary in order to cover a large amount of information and keep it in mind. It is important to note that memory training should be done constantly. Scientists have found that a person loses acquired skills and abilities if brain activity is interrupted for a certain period of time (say, on vacation). Known ways to develop memory will help:

Memorize a certain number of words by ear;

Repeat the words you read word for word.

List items.

It should be remembered that there are several sources of perception of information: auditory, voice, visual and tactile. At the same time, it is important to develop everything at the same time, with an emphasis on weaknesses. To simplify the memorization process, you can come up with your own system of encoding and associations.

6. But you should not completely rely on memory, since its possibilities are not unlimited. You need to train yourself to take notes - in the form of graphs, tables, lists. This useful habit will help you find relationships and create logical chains.

7. It is important to constantly learn new knowledge. They may not even be related to social life and interpersonal relationships. It is recommended to read fiction - this will develop impressionability, the ability to think figuratively. Special attention should be paid to the development of special knowledge, such as psychology, physiognomy, sign language. They will help to analyze human behavior in certain situations.

8. Practice plays an important role in mastering deductive thinking. Its essence is to create a problem situation and find a way out of the situation. To do this, it is necessary to put forward a hypothesis and determine ways to solve the problem. Further, considering all possible approaches, it is required to find the best option. Try to conduct a comparative analysis of the proposed paths of development of events.

The deductive way of thinking is a fascinating journey through the vastness of logic. With some effort and some time to study, you will be able to pick up the keys to any locks with the help of deduction and experience for yourself what it means to be Sherlock Holmes.

This is an inference about a particular subject, logically derived from the general. Many of us have read novels about an English detective who solved even the most intricate crimes. And the method that the famous Sherlock Holmes successfully used is precisely the deductive way of thinking. The development of deductive thinking is a long-term process that requires special concentration and diligence. To do this, you will have to learn how to analyze the subject of study thoroughly, in depth, without making hasty conclusions.

How to develop a deductive method of thinking?

  1. Oddly enough, ordinary school problem books will help you in the development of deduction. Take textbooks in several different subjects and solve all the exercises given there.
  2. Train flexibility of thinking. Don't jump to conclusions even when the answer is obvious. Try to find several alternative solutions for each situation.
  3. When reading fiction, analyze characters, try to calculate events in advance, based on their characters and even surrounding objects. Remember the famous phrase: "If in the first act a gun hangs on the wall, then in the last it will definitely shoot."
  4. Read a short informative article and retell it in your own words. Do it systematically. Try to retell the same article several times, but using different words.
  5. Be curious. The world is constantly evolving, so finding something interesting for yourself is not difficult. Don't neglect new knowledge.
  6. Walking down the street, carefully observe people. Try to determine their character, place of work or position, age and marital status. Pay attention to nonverbals: facial expressions, gestures, gait.
  7. Observe the laws of logical thinking (identity, excluded middle, non-contradiction, and the law of sufficient reason), and do it consciously, remembering each of them, and not automatically.
  8. Learn to build logical chains. The most common example is the question of whether Socrates is mortal. You can, of course, argue that his wisdom is eternal, but logically everything is a little different: all people are mortal. Socrates is a man, which means he is mortal.
  9. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Try not to miss a single detail of the conversation. Over time, try to learn how to remember not only, but also all the events that happen along the way. That is, pay attention to the picture as a whole: what the interlocutor is saying, who is passing by at that time and how it looks, what sounds you hear.

In the development of deductive thinking, special exercises and tasks will help you, for example, try to solve the famous Einstein's riddle. By the time spent on its solution, you will be able to assess your level. Only about 5% of people can solve it in their minds. The answer can be seen at the bottom of the article.

Tasks for the development of deductive thinking.

  1. A person lives on the 15th floor, but in the elevator reaches no further than the ninth. He makes the rest of the journey on foot. A person rides an elevator to his floor only in rainy weather, or when he is accompanied by one of his neighbors. Why?
  2. A father comes home from work and notices that his child is crying. When asked what happened, the child replies: "Why are you my father, but I, at the same time, am not your son?" Who is this child?
  1. The person is still small and does not reach the button of the 15th floor. In rainy weather, he reaches for the desired button with an umbrella.
  2. This is a girl. Accordingly, daughter

Have you long wanted to try yourself as a famous detective, but lacked the skills? Get your most decent coat out of the closet. Today we will tell you how to learn to use deduction without resorting to playing the violin and oatmeal in the morning.

deductive reasoning

Deductive and inductive types of reasoning help not only in the capture of criminals. The ability to use logical conclusions will allow you to hone your mindfulness and improve critical thinking. First you need to understand the difference between deduction and induction.

By resorting to the deductive method of reasoning, we draw a conclusion, starting from the general to the particular.

For example:

Predators eat meat.

Wolves are predators.

Wolves eat meat.

One of the most important elements of deduction is its indisputability. The logical chain flows from small facts to a natural, logical conclusion.

While inductive reasoning allows you to draw conclusions from private elements of information to general ones.

For example: every person I have met has a head. Accordingly, all people have a head.

Now we understand what exactly logical inferences are, and in words they sound quite simple, but we have a different goal. We want to successfully apply deduction in practice, whether for what it is, whether to find someone who steals pencils from your desktop in the office, or to impress others. What skills do you need to develop to successfully apply the deductive method?

Attention to details

It is impossible to build the correct logical chains if you are too inattentive. In books and movies, detectives can tell all the necessary information about a person, glancing at him and drawing conclusions based on appearance. Naturally, no one is born with such an ability, and only with the help of training can such a result be achieved.

If you spend a lot of time in public transport, try to use, at first glance, a useless pastime. Fix your eyes on any passenger and try to mentally get to know him. Ask yourself a few questions:

How old is he?

Where he works?

What is his hobby?

Is he married or single?

Try to recreate a complete picture of the life of the observed. To answer these questions, you will have to notice the smallest details: scuffs on shoes, the presence of jewelry, and if he is talking on the phone, mark for yourself with whom exactly.

Also, constant training with puzzles for logic and attentiveness will help you.

Old Soviet picture. Consider it carefully, and then try to answer nine questions:

How many tourists live in this camp?

When did they come here: today or a few days ago?

Why did they come here?

Is it far from the camp to the nearest village?

Where does the wind blow: from the north or south?

What time of day is it?

Where did Shura go?

The name of the person who was on duty yesterday.

What day of what month is today?

If you use these methods every day, you will quickly learn to draw conclusions from the particular to the general.

Memory and Mind Halls

Constantly expand your horizons. Be interested in learning new, unfamiliar topics.

At the same time, you should carefully use your "loft of knowledge." By filling it with minor topics, the really important information will begin to leave your head. In order not to lose the accumulated knowledge, one should use the “mind halls”. This method of recording information was invented in antiquity and is still being studied in psychology and neurobiology.

How to act?

Create a room in your mind. Imagine that it has many shelves, cabinets and chests. Having become acquainted with a new unit of information, then try to compress it with the help of an associative series. Start simple. Suppose you need to remember an important date. Compress this date like a file on a computer, creating visual associations with the desired number in your memory and put it in the chest. You should decide in advance under which image each number is encrypted, for example, seven can be represented as a pistol, and one as a match.

This is the simplest example of using a memory palace, but now that you know how the mind palace works, you can prepare the foundation for further expansion of your “room”.

Am I Sherlock now?

Not! But by regularly applying deductive reasoning in everyday life and training your logical thinking, you will quickly achieve a high-quality result. Be critical, constantly question the next theory, try to look at the situation from different perspectives. Expand your mind halls, starting from a small room to a multi-story palace. While admiring the infinitely sharp minds of your favorite book detectives, remember that achieving similar abilities is a very real undertaking.

We recommend reading
