Egregorial protection from magical attacks. Egregorial protection. How to get rid of it

Bathroom 11.09.2021


If "object change" protection is available to everyone, then "subject change" protection is available only to a few people. In fact, it cannot be used as a method of protection at all. This protection is attached to egregor people, that is, people who consciously or unconsciously SERVE any egregor.

An esoteric saying says that "egregors do not choose, but egregors choose." However, in our region there are often cases of bright in their evidence midfield egregor connections. Let's say a person gets sick and gets sick, he tried all the medicines and methods, toils. They say to him: "Listen, are you baptized?" - "Not". - "Conversations! So you be baptized." He is baptized and - lo and behold! - the disease is going somewhere. However, it disappears only if the person was at least to some extent SINCERE in his act, if he sincerely imbued with the spirit of the Christian myth, sincerely connected to the Christian egregore.

Because nothing can be snatched from egregor. Here we are not given anything, we must give here, and give not anything, but ourselves. We are only rewarded (according to our deeds). The more open we are, the more protected, the more intensely we surrender, the stronger we become.

However, in midfield connections, an element of instrumentality is still present, and, as it was said, you cannot serve two masters. The newly connected (sincere even a little), like novice roulette players, are immediately given a large egregor handout, “lifting”, as they say in esoteric circles. The purpose of lifting is to strengthen the neophyte in his zeal, and they are given to everyone, for the human soul is darkness even for egregores. Well, then one of two things happens: either instrumentality or sincerity takes over. Either a person, encouraged by “success”, begins to develop this “success”, that is, to open up to the egregore more and more, or (if conditioned reflexes he develops harder), having licked his fill, he returns to his broken trough.

The romanticism of the "classical" occult defense, with all its tricks and self-hypnosis, which are ridiculous for a modern person, is just a facade. In essence, she is egregorna. In really difficult moments, the classical occultist turned not to his "esoteric knowledge", but to prayer, he abandoned his human toys and, like a prodigal son, turned to the Father. "You believe that God is one; you do well - and the demons believe and tremble. But do you know, vain man, that faith without works is dead?" (Epistle of St. James, 2, 19-20) This is an egregor-Christian defense.

By the way, such protection is also traditional healers, who are not ill, unlike the majority of "educated" biomedical patients with the diseases of their patients. Some Ukrainian healers, for example, after a treatment session, practice the following "protective conspiracy": "Oh, there is an island far away on the sea-okiyani, and on the island there is an old oak, and in the oak there is a dull sokyra. then die before me (here the name of the disease with which the healer worked, say - cholera is pronounced) you will be dilo mother. Amen." The whole power of the conspiracy is in the final "Amen", the pronunciation of which is like driving the last nail into the coffin of this very cholera.

The Christian egregor, of course, is not the only one, and it would hardly be possible to “recommend” him to those for whom this text is intended. The biofield belief system is very different from the belief systems in which nineteenth-century occultists are immersed. and traditional healers. And protection is only effective enough if it operates within a pathogenic belief system. Meanwhile, "biofield fears" have much more points of contact with scientifically oriented systems of thought than with animistic ideas about demons and "astral entities".

The biofield movement is organically part of a powerful informal egregore, the so-called "Invisible School". The strength of this egregore is determined by the function it plays in the current evolutionary situation. Its function is to qualitatively EXPAND THE PICTURE OF REALITY. Not in a voluntaristic "change" or "addition", but precisely in the expansion of the contemporary picture of reality to us with the help of conceptual means presented by it. Each time gave rise to its own Invisible School. The forms of their activity were determined by the specifics of the evolutionary situation, but the function was the same at all times.

Egregors inevitably give rise to their agents - egregor people - the young biofield movement also gave birth to them. An egregor person is not necessarily aware of his egregorality, he can also be an unconscious conductor of the functions of his egregor. However, egregor protection (as well as the egregoriality of a person) is significantly enhanced if he becomes a conscious conductor of this function.

A person acquires unconscious egregoriality, being able "in the process" to involuntarily abandon some elementary norms of individualistic claims, to subordinate his life to the cause in which he is involved. Such PASSIVE DEVOTION increases a person's energy, but does not give it stability. And although egregor protection is attached to all egregor people, unconsciously egregor people, in fact, do not have such protection: egregor gives them mainly strength.

In the case of unconsciously egregor biopolists, that is, people who formally or informally control any key points of movement, the situation is aggravated by the fact that, on the one hand, they “on duty” fully open themselves to this pathogenic belief system, and on the other - are subjected to intense conscious and unconscious influence from numerous sorcerers, magicians, psychics, occultists and similar strong personalities of related faiths, with whom they (again, "on duty") inevitably come into contact.

Personal defense techniques "with a change in the object" in the event of such a massive shelling are ineffective. Therefore, unconsciously egregor biofields turn out to be, in fact, not "masters of evolution", but its "cannon fodder": they become a kind of "knots of contradictions", centers of clashing ideas and passions, points of application of a wide variety of forces, and at the same time possessing a very imperfect "egregor lightning rod" as a rule, they are not able to cope with the force flowing towards them from all sides for any long time and, instead of becoming stronger, they eventually break and fail. Those who are familiar with the history of the movement, perfectly understand what is at stake.

A person who has felt the complexity of his position as a "knot of contradictions" of the biofield movement has no other choice but to make ACTIVE SELF-DELIVERY and gain conscious egregorality, realizing his personality as a conductor of that which infinitely surpasses it. The egregorial level of self-consciousness is well reflected in the following text, “accepted” through a medium who was in an altered state of consciousness:

"... Try, however, not to cling to words, but to feel what was said. You are called to change the picture of reality, change reality, our relationship with reality. Change not in a hysterical impulse, not with exotic theoretical drugs, but in concentrated and honest work, revealing and manifesting those rare opportunities that are really actualized today from the inexhaustible creative potential of the living picture of the world.

Be aware of this unconscious ontological mission. Realize that you are continuing the work of generations of soldiers of evolution, known and unknown, lost in the mists of time, thanks to whom we now possess and possess our reality, heroes as different from each other as the reality they changed was different.

Be aware of the invisible bonds of brotherhood that bind you to thousands of far and near people all over the world who live for the same thing you live for. Realize the unity of your goal and aspiration, realize your sacrifice and calling - after all, people pay with anything for anything, but not for changing reality, because NO ONE NEED IT.

Nobody needs your business. It is a fact. But you live this way because you cannot live otherwise. Be aware of the tremendous force that pushes you to live THIS way. Realize the place of this power. And realize your connection with her, your inseparable connection with her ... "

Conscious and mass cultivation of egregorality will not only increase the security of the "command staff", but will inevitably lead to a qualitative leap in the development of the biofield movement.

If you are an egregor person and if you are attacked, you simply entrust this fact to your egregore and do not deal with it anymore. Whatever the reaction of your shells (see Chapter 3) to an attack, observe it. But you don't care about the aggressor. If you are an egregor person, you must perform your egregor function without being distracted by trifles - the egregor will make sure that you can perform it as perfectly as possible. When you make a personal effort to protect yourself, you are not doing your job. Moreover, this indicates that your involvement in egregor is weak. How else to explain the fact that you are not sure of your protection? Inclusion is weak, weak and defense.

Often, truly egregor people do not even suspect that they have some kind of “protection” from no one knows. Whom to fear? Hooligan sorcerers attack such people only out of inexperience, and then go around them on the tenth road, complaining to each other that an egregor return blow is dishonest. Indeed, you prick with an "astral pin", and you - for no reason, one might say - "are wrapped with an astral crowbar, and even so that you don’t understand where from." (The language of modern "occult folklore" is full of such expressions.)

Obvious energy breakdowns also occur in egregor people. A sharp and prolonged drop in tone that took place as a result of a mental attack is a sign that a person, imperceptibly for himself, chronically takes some kind of wrong position (for example, he no longer serves an egregor, but something else), which weakened the defense, making possible such a prolonged energy destabilization. Identification and recognition of an error as a result of analyzing one's life activity in a fantastic way, literally with a click, “turns on” the tone.

Finally, the following question is often asked. But what if an egregor person, a sort of "biopoly mountain", attacks an ordinary person? He will crush him in an instant. Let's start with the fact that there are very few truly egregor people, as a rule, people are self-deceiving in their egregoriality. The main troubles for "ordinary people" are delivered by any petty occult riff-raff that raises a big fuss around "psychic attacks" and spreads incredible and monstrous rumors about this. People of this sort can hint meaningfully about their involvement in something "higher" and even imagine themselves really involved in this "higher". However, they serve not the "higher" but themselves - their self-enjoyment, mental comfort, etc. Egregoriality is acquired precisely in service, and not in the imagination. Imaginary egregorality also gives imaginary strength.

In general, the question of an attack by an egregor person on an ordinary person can only be raised by an ordinary person who measures egregor people with his own standards. The fact is that an egregor person lives, as it were, on a different scale. He cannot have any motives for attacking an ordinary person, and an ordinary person cannot create a reason (neither consciously nor accidentally) for an egregor person to attack him. They cling only to each other, and even then only in appearance: only egregor conflicts arise between egregor people, and it is rather curious to observe their resolution, since "combat operations" are not people, but egregors.

However, egregoriality is far from the highest level of development of self-consciousness. In order to avoid all sorts of misunderstandings associated with a misinterpretation of the place of egregoriality on the ladder of evolution of self-consciousness, we will briefly touch on supra-egregorial levels.

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Egregor protection or protection of egregors. What is it all about? Professional egregors are information fields that were created with the creation of some professions. Those. people engaged in the same profession mentally created certain egregors, shoemakers created the egregor of shoemakers, doctors - the egregor of doctors, musicians - the egregor of musicians, sculptors - the egregor of sculptors. Bricklayers - egregor of bricklayers. Do you remember Masons? They created a powerful egregor that is still working.

By the way, the last centuries and up to the present time, one of the most profitable businesses is construction. He was, is and probably always will be. Egregor is very strong. There are, of course, political egregors, state egregors.

And if we want to succeed in politics and business in Russia, then we must turn to the Russian egregore. If we need communication and contacts with any country, say with Germany, we must turn to the German egregor. If with France, then to the French egregors. If, for example, we want to have good money today, then turn to a Jewish egregore. Today he actually has the maximum amount of money. In second place is the Armenian egregor. Contact them. If you have some incarnation roots, you can basically succeed.

Now the question of protection. How will this egregor protect you. Naturally, it makes sense to turn to your professional egregore for protection, this is first of all. Those. a professional egregor, if you succeed and if you work hard, he is obliged to protect you. Especially when there is a request.

There is such a law "if you were asked, and you can do it - you can not refuse." This law says that if a request has come to you and you can do it, then you have no right to refuse, you are obliged to do it. The only question is how much you can do it.

The same applies to egregores. Those. if you turn to an egregor, and an egregor can do it, he simply must do it. Egregor cannot disobey the laws at all, because there, in subtle worlds, disobedience to the law is punished very severely, up to the destruction of egregor. Egregor does not need this, he, of course, will try his best to comply with the law and help you.

Naturally, professional egregors come first, and we ask them for protection. And in second place - national egregors and state, i.e. the state in which we live.

And you and I are looking for protection from a professional egregore, a political one, an egregore of the country in which we live. Next - at the national egregore, and see how it all works.

What does "seeking protection" mean? This means that we can mentally or aloud turn to one or another egregor and ask for what we want. This may concern not only protection, it may also concern some requests when we want to receive something, hear an answer or produce something, work, contact someone. Any time is chosen, it is possible in the evening, it is possible in the morning.

In the morning, when you get up or do yoga, or at breakfast or before breakfast, there is a minute, and you can quickly figure out what you have to do today for the day and raise some question about your protection, about your business, about your relationships. And you can quickly ask for protection or help in the morning.

Big things, designed for years or months, are best spoken on specific days.

You yourself understand that it is quite difficult to break through to a professional egregor right away.

And today one of the most powerful defenses is egregor defense. The second strongest is when we become absolutely transparent, when we remove fear and become absolutely transparent.

It is clear that the request to the egregore should be made in a fairly respectful manner, not like you and I communicate with our brownie, “Well, stop making noise, if you don’t stop, I’ll throw you out.” This is how we can address our brownie. But by no means to egregor. He won't understand us.

We always turn to a professional egregor, because this is our profession for the coming weeks, months, years. And we are obliged to establish contact with a professional egregor. Establishing contacts comes through our request. The more often we apply, the stronger the ties, the better the answer and help.

You can turn to generic egregores, this is a very interesting thing. The information comes easily, and the help is very good and strong. And it doesn’t matter who your ancestors were, peasants, collective farmers, workers or petty bourgeois, or someone else. It is important that you still had some ancestors. And you just need to dig around, see what they were doing, and try to revive energy from there for today.

The Christian egregor is one of the largest in the world. Millions of believers are connected to it. Thousands of magicians use its powerful energy, practicing Christian magic and cathedral witchcraft.

In this article

Christian egregor

How to work with him

In order to be connected to an egregor, you need to follow the rules of conduct adopted among his followers. It is necessary to believe in God, to recognize the power of his angels and saints. Without faith, not a single conspiracy and prayer will work.

Christian paraphernalia will help connect to the energy of the church during prayer

In addition, every believer should from time to time:

  • go to church;
  • participate in services;
  • observe the rituals of the Christian tradition (fasting);
  • read religious literature (Bible, lives of saints);
  • pray.

Faith and emotions that a person experiences while in church is a payment to an egregor for his energy.

In addition to emotions, it is recommended to give alms and donate money to the temple. To give money is to make an energy exchange. Magicians who work with Christianity give a certain portion of their income to the church every month. Through such cooperation, they receive a constant influx of Christian energy.

Do not forget about the protection that applies to all believers. It can be given by baptism and the consecration of the house. The energy and money that will be spent on these church sacraments will more than pay off in the form of protection against malware, .


When working with the church energy-informational field, one should not forget about the minuses. They are as significant as the pros:

  1. It is impossible for a magician connected to a Christian egregore to accumulate personal power. Anything he tries to keep beyond what he has will be given to the church.
  2. Confessional egregor does not like independent personalities. They can harm him. Christianity does not recognize white and black magic, and any magician is a strong and independent person. By the rules adopted among believers, they try to get rid of such people, to exclude their participation.
  3. Religious egregore strongly influences consciousness and subconsciousness. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish your thoughts from the thoughts sent to them. Dogmas and strict rules make the thinking of believers the same type.

How to get rid of it

Without people, any energy-information formation will cease to exist. Therefore, it is easier to connect to an egregore than to get away from it. If a person starts resisting energy, fighting it, he will only waste his strength, which will go into education, nourishing it.

When I first entered the path of magic, I was very independent, called myself a gray magician and, to be honest, leaned more towards darkness. It seemed to me that independence is a blessing, it is freedom, there is no need to serve anyone. So I existed, probably for a couple of years, until after a series of events I came to the conclusion that there was not even a smell of coolness here. And on third-party sources of energy such as replenishment from trees and the elements, without being initiated into them, you won’t fight much. I began to figure out what egregore is and which one I should choose, because there are a great many of them.

One of the most effective methods fulfillment of desires is, of course, an agreement with the Devil to sell the soul in exchange for the fulfillment of desires. Professional demonologists will advise you on the deal, give real recommendations, help you conduct a ritual and fulfill your desires. You can get advice on e-mail: [email protected]

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The difference between black and white magic lies in the fact that with the help of the Devil and the Dark Forces, all a person's dreams can be fulfilled. White magicians are not capable of this.

Between light and darkness

egregore is a thin-planned energy-information system, but first of all it is an idea. Roughly speaking, any small group, united by some interests, is an egregor. The simplest example is the egregor of the family. People united by blood ties, and also, possibly, by love, think about each other, experience, as a result of which they total energy and emotions turn into egregor, however, very small. But it is not in vain that the saying “houses and walls help” appeared. In the family, people are fueled by energy, but not like vampires, but like members of an egregor. However, this cannot be called a magical egregor; you cannot squeeze out much energy from there.

Egregors in the modern world

There are also corporate egregors. I think you noticed that any more or less decent company tries to create a unique style, choose a corporate color, develop a label and come up with a motto. Marketers, of course, explain this by the desire of the company to stand out from the background of other organizations and be better remembered by customers, but in fact, people tend to root their egregor. Of course, in most cases this desire is on a subconscious level.
If we consider these signs, then you can observe this phenomenon, starting from a household appliance store and ending with the state with its flag, coat of arms and anthem. Have you ever stood in a room where patriots sing the anthem of their country? Everything is filled with energy. This is the egregor of the country. But these are not magical egregors either. I'll finally get to them.

Types of egregors

Which egregor to choose a magician. You will be able to decide with what forces - Dark or Light to work.

For a magician, three egregores are most important. First, the egregor of magic itself. Without it, you are not a magician. There are no special requirements here, only to develop, undergo initiations and follow simple rules. And now the most interesting: there are egregors of light and darkness. Many do not consider themselves to be either light or dark magicians, believing that they are in the middle. Just like I used to. But if you don’t change your mind in time, then you can get well on the neck from both light and darkness. For man cannot live in the middle. He needs to interact with only one of these egregors.
For example, by applying damage or making a love spell, the gray magician takes energy from the egregor of darkness, for which he receives punishment from the light. And when he prays in the temple, he takes energy from the light, for which he receives a scolding from the darkness.
So, you have to choose what is closer to you. I am a light magician, so I immediately apologize if unintentional agitation slips through my words. But you must choose for yourself what is closer to you: darkness or light. This is not a dress choice when a girl likes white more, but black makes her slimmer. Here we are talking about the fundamental choice of the soul.

Dark Forces in magic

If you are eager to work with destructive energies, communicate with demons, the souls of the dead and, pardon the vernacular, take revenge on your neighbor, welcome to the world of darkness. It is easier to be dark, although, of course, the consequences are more serious. And if you, realizing all your shortcomings, strive to protect the orphans and the poor, help people, make this world a better place, then you need to go into the light.
I must say right away that it is more difficult to be bright, because you have to correspond to this high status all the time. Light is very demanding. Darkness seizes everyone in a row, its motives are simpler and clearer: power, money, fame, in short, all simple and understandable human joys. Light is less clear. I myself once thought the principle absurd: help people, and you will be happy. What do I care about people! However, as it turned out, there is a case. IN modern world it is not difficult for a person to make a deal with Satan and get the same wealth, power and fame.

So I repeat: it must be the choice of the soul. You must think very well, weigh the pros and cons, turn inward and find out what is closer to you. And when you are ready to make your choice, you can join egregor. On the Internet there are descriptions of various rituals. But when I joined the egregore, I simply turned to the light from the bottom of my heart and took an oath of allegiance to it, in which I listed who I was ready to be, what I was ready to do, what I wanted in return.

An indispensable assistant

So, what does egregor give you? First, energy. This is the main resource for the magician, without which he is nothing. Secondly, protection. Egregor, to the best of his ability, protects you from dangers. This manifests itself, for example, in an unconscious desire to bypass the dark courtyard, making a detour. By the way, the magician is strongly advised to listen to his intuition.

Thirdly, egregor can fulfill some desires. This, of course, is not a genie, but the higher you are in egregore, the more you believe in it, the more energy you give, the more you get. Moreover, we are talking about things not only of a spiritual nature. By the way, the closer your desires are to the desires of the egregor himself, the faster and more fully you will get it. For example, all my life I have one main desire - more power. And I successfully receive it with each new initiation. In addition to these two egregors, there are many side "mental condensates" - sub-egregors. When you enter into light or darkness, you practically have no relation to that light and that darkness that the Creator separated. At low levels, you are in human egregors, that is, they are created by people - their thoughts and emotions. True, they are part of the egregores of light and darkness, but they are very small and limited by their laws, often more stringent.
For example, the Christian egregor is part of the egregor of light. Orthodox and Catholic egregores are parts of the Christian egregore. Therefore, if you are baptized, then you are already in the egregor of light. Although, most likely, you were recorded there without your desire. To be honest, I am against such rituals, a person should enter into egregor consciously, and not in the first days of life.
Why? The fact is that there is such an unpleasant feature that can be called as "input - ruble, exit - one hundred." When you enter the egregor, you receive energy, a permanent channel in the crown chakra. All your energy and your body begin to work with the energy of egregor. You are constantly giving and receiving. Roughly speaking, become part of the system and use little personal energy, since the energy received is hundreds of times greater.

Exit from egregor. Consequences

If for some reason you leave the egregor, then a collapse occurs. No one spoils you, no one touches you, but leaving an egregore is the same as leaving a wife, to whom all your property is recorded. You will be left with a bare butt. They will simply remove the once installed channel from you and stop exchanging energy with you.
It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, you can live without an energy channel. But the fact is that your body is already accustomed to large amounts of energy. And the one that remains is not even enough to maintain a normal life. Often the biofield simply disappears.
And there are several options for the development of events. First: you die. Second: if you have a strong and generous friend, or rather a teacher, you can live on his personal energy for several months. Third: you move to a higher level egregor. I got out of egregor and I know what I'm talking about. Fortunately, the teacher saved me and helped me move to the next level.

You also need to know that along with darkness and light, there are many magical egregors in which you can additionally be a member. For example, egregors of elements that can use both darkness and light, egregors of ancient pagan gods, who were mostly dual, as well as egregors of various religions.

Each first, during the session, I cut off from one or more egregores. According to statistics, 70% of the world's population lives in a victim state. Victims are easy to manage, they live with guilt (very often unconscious), in front of relatives, friends, colleagues ...

Egregors - there are especially strong ones, where the lion's share of a person's energy goes (he works on himself a lot, and the results are very insignificant), all the energy that he earns goes to the egregor (when you cut off from the egregor, a surge of energy, especially for those who work with energy practices, colossal and, accordingly, the desired changes begin to occur in life).

I have long wanted to tell you about this. I share a detailed article about egregors that I found on the Internet, and at the end I will give recommendations on how to disconnect yourself from egregors.
“Do you know that above all of us there are certain energetic structures that can influence our thoughts and perception of the world? It is because of them that we sometimes cannot get out of the squirrel wheel of problems and attitudes, we feel our powerlessness “against the system”, we will not jump over the bar of a new level of income or health.

Their name is egregors. More recently, knowledge about egregores was considered occult and secret, and they were discussed by especially advanced esotericists. Now information about egregores has become publicly available, and is widely found in psychological and spiritual literature. What are egregors, what they are, how we can live with them and whether it is possible to get rid of them - read the article.

What is egregor and how does it affect a person?

Egregore is an energy and information field that is made up of the thoughts and emotions of large groups of people united by a common idea. Simply put, egregor is made up of beliefs.

It is believed that religious and political movements, social movements, national and geographical communities ("Christians", "Communists", "Greens", "Germans", "village dwellers", "Muscovites") have their own egregors.

There are also very small egregors, for example, families (clan) or a team (one enterprise). There are egregors of specific books, films, hobbies.

In fact, the more people live and think according to similar rules, the stronger the egregore becomes, more and more easily attracting new “adepts” to itself. He is able to interact with human consciousness and influence it.

For example, there is an egregor of "cynics who do not believe in energy and other nonsense." In general, they do not believe in egregors either. At the same time, they think ridiculously the same, and their “commonality” fits perfectly into the list of all egregorial qualities.

For example, I prefer the egregor of "spiritual practices and meditations and their positive impact on life."

Egregor in itself is neither good nor bad. It's just a kind of collective consciousness, with one bias or another. It is even, to some extent, useful to the people involved in it.

It can protect the human mind from chaos, as it offers simple and understandable rules of life. For example, the egregor of the "Soviet mentality" was very strong, and many people, having lost his support, lost their orientation in life. And someone continues to believe in him even now ...

Signs of being inside egregor

1. Special system of rules and beliefs

Egregor is formed when people concentrate on one idea, and then it is fed by the same idea. This structure strives for stability within itself.

The more people accept the original idea, the stronger the egregor becomes. Special terminology, especially strongly different from the usual language, only exacerbates the "drawing in". There are also characteristic external signs such as dress code, special rituals, and so on.

You can easily recognize a deep follower of egregor if he broadcasts “rules of life”, “uncompromising commandments”, “experience of ancestors” right and left.

For many people, the connection is so strong that they simply do not hear any opinion other than egregorial. In fact, at this time, egregor speaks through his mouth.

If you managed to bring adequate and scientifically substantiated arguments that violate the “adept’s” picture of the world, it is as if he “turns off” and it is almost impossible to communicate further.

2. There are “ours”, there are “strangers”

Any egregor creates boundaries. There is always a division into ours and not ours.

Theirs are always "good". Neutral egregors have strangers - “not bad”, “other”; usually their existence is simply ignored. There are also friendly egregors. As a rule, they consist of a positive idea, and people with a high level of consciousness participate in them.

Aggressive egregors have strangers - "enemies". An information war is being waged against them (which, unfortunately, sometimes comes to a physical one). The state of conflict pumps both egregores with energy and new adherents.

I will not give examples, they are too burning now and are actively pouring out on us through the media.

3. Feeling of belonging to something big and strong

For the sake of this, in fact, people are drawn into egregor. It's good there, there is a commonality, "we". The person feels needed.

Egregor has an idea, sometimes he even explains the meaning of life. There are associates, leaders - in general, there is with whom and where to go. And this, you see, is nice.

In some cases, deep immersion in egregore allows you to relieve yourself of part of the responsibility for your life. The person ceases to speak for himself, and begins to broadcast on behalf of "us". Usually these are banal, chewed-chewed installations.

For example: “It’s hard for us, single mothers, to find a job”, “You city dwellers don’t like us, offend us”, “Muscovites are arrogant, and we, provincials, are honest and hard-working.”

Constructive and destructive egregors

In fact, there are no bad or good egregors, it's just energy. We will divide them into constructive (creative) and destructive (destructive) conditionally, according to the impact on the life of its adherents.

Structural egregors:

  • Neutral or friendly to other egregors and non-systemic people.
  • Free and voluntary. A person can easily enter or leave them; consist in several egregores without condemnation or any other sanctions of other members of the egregor.
  • They give a person protection, information, a community of like-minded people. But they do not deprive him of independence, personal opinion and choice.
  • They broadcast positive beliefs that improve the lives of people involved in them (for example, the egregor of The Secret gives the following settings: “The universe is abundant, desires come true, the Law of Attraction can give us everything we want”).

Examples of creative egregors are the New Age movement, many spiritual practices and some religions, sports, healthy eating, charitable societies, etc.

Destructive egregors:

  • Little tolerant or aggressive towards other egregors and non-systemic people (“Whoever is not with us is against us”).
  • Involuntary (“Entrance ruble, exit two”) or pseudo-voluntary (“Of course, you can choose whether or not to join the party, but you yourself understand ...”).
  • In exchange for a sense of belonging to common cause completely or partially paralyze the freedom of choice and action of a person.

Usually, violation of the rules of such egregors is punishable by "public" condemnation, rejection. In extreme cases, speaking out against the system can cost lives or freedom.

  • They broadcast beliefs that worsen the life of "adepts", belittling their creative abilities, ambitions, needs. Such egregors do not destroy people (nevertheless, they need to be filled with someone). But they provide them with a life at the level of existence, with a meager level of income, everyday boredom and, occasionally, permitted egregorial holidays.

For example, the “egregor of a provincial town” often broadcasts beliefs like: “We must live modestly, earn money by hard work and keep a low profile. But on the Day of the City you can drink beer on the street and listen to the stars of the 90s that have come out in circulation ... "

I will not give examples of destructive egregors, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings. I think you can handle this perfectly yourself, since there are enough examples from the past or modern life.

Freedom from destructive egregores

Of course, it is almost impossible to achieve complete freedom from egregors. Even if you remove almost all egregors, you will still remain, for example, a citizen of your country or a member of your family.

But, I believe that to calculate and remove destructive egregors from your life still needed.

This is not necessarily a totalitarian sect - this is an extreme example. But there are implicit destructive egregors that can affect your life right now.

For example, egregore "disenfranchised unfortunate patients of the district hospital." I remember how I myself, with sufficient pumping and spiritual experience, once ended up in the hospital, and after 2-3 days I almost connected to the general background of whining and suffering.

If in your family, your environment, everyone believes that only thieves have big money, that they didn’t live richly, and we won’t - you fell into the “poor but proud” egregore.

Many women can fall into the egregores of "divorced women" or "abandoned women" - "I am unhappy, men are goats, there are no prospects, because everyone lives like that."

And, alas, many in our country are connected to the egregor of alcoholism, or - "living with an alcoholic."

Is it possible switch off from negative, and just any other egregores that you don’t need?

You have come a long way and you can disconnect yourself from any egregor right now.

I want to give an example of my correspondence with a girl:

"Dear Elena! Thank you for answering me. I did a muscle test, and sure enough, I was thrown back. Everything is clear with this, but what if I want to separate myself from the egregor myself? What are the ways to find out about it? Can you do it yourself, or do you need someone to help?”

You can do this yourself by expressing your intention, imagine the egregor from which you want to disconnect and the thread connecting you with it. Mentally cut it off. To begin with, you need to clear the image of yourself, God, love, and those images that intuition prompts. And, of course, you need to remember what a sense of security means. Sometimes only the purification of images can disconnect you from egregor.

About 8 months ago, I cut myself off from the Christian egregor, because I felt that this was what was preventing me from developing further. Honestly, for several hours I was decently sausage, the pain in my stomach appeared and everything twisted.

When a child is baptized, a ritual is performed to connect him to the Christian egregore. Egregor protects him. When a person lives in a state of sacrifice, believes in otherworldly forces, the evil eye, damage - the egregor of Christianity gives protection.

When a woman remembers who she really is, reveals love in herself, she herself, creating a space of love in her family, creates an egregor of the family, and he is the most strong defense for husband and children. The love of a woman and faith in her children protects them.

People have many beliefs and beliefs that define our reality. Remembering who we really are, we are freed from delusions and become what we were originally - Gods in human bodies. Only your heart always knows what is right for you, and feelings will tell you what to do.

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