How to make strong protection against damage. How to install protection against damage yourself, amulets and more. Varieties of negative witchcraft programs

Equipment and tools 13.12.2020
Equipment and tools

Energy protection - this is not a myth or fiction, but real need for so many people. Analyze for yourself why some people are incredibly vulnerable to any negative influences, aggressive emotional attacks in their direction, while others are absolutely invulnerable, and no matter how much you kick them like peas against a wall. Some people get a little nervous, have a fight with someone and immediately start to get sick, while others are calm and strong, and all the negative energy falls off them like water off a duck's back. Some constantly complain that they have once again been jinxed, damaged, etc., while others live for themselves and are happy, and nothing negative sticks to them at all.

Why is this happening? What determines a person’s protection from negativity? How can you, if you are still vulnerable, learn to protect yourself from negative energy influences? Let's talk about everything in order.

Of course, a lot depends on the person himself, on his fortitude, goodwill, calmness, on such qualities as self-confidence, invulnerability, the ability to manage his emotions and state, to be calm and invulnerable in any situation and others. But training personal qualities is a separate and very large topic; it is a process of targeted development and many years of work on oneself. And not everyone is able to change themselves by forming new personal qualities, but you need to be able to protect yourself from negativity or protect your loved ones, for example, your own children, here and now. This is precisely why there are techniques for establishing energy protection, which we will consider.

There are several types of energy protection

  1. Energy protection, which is part of the structure of human energy, is built into his astral subtle body or into the capsule that protects it ( Patron of man).

For this protection to work, the subtle bodies of a person and in particular the astral body (Manipura chakra) must be trained and energetic, that is, a person must simply have energy for protection (its opening and operation).

  1. Energy protection, which a person creates himself with his own will and thoughts, giving her a specific work program. But, again, he must have energy for this, and he must have the skills to create an energy shield, shell (cocoon), etc. This protection is a person can bet not only on himself, but also on other people, for example, to protect their children or loved ones.
  2. Energy protection given by Higher Powers, namely the Patrons of man. And, in fact, which Patrons a person deserves (Light and tall or weak and negative), these will give him protection. Accordingly, the Light Forces provide protection from dark influences from negative forces and people. And the dark forces will protect a person either from light energy and influence, which most often happens (this is always to the detriment of the soul), or from other dark forces that are reaching out to their client.

The protection it gives Subtle world, can be very different, depending on what a person has earned, he is worthy or he is a scoundrel, he is strong or weak. Everything influences what kind of help you will receive.

“Protected by God” also applies here. One of the most powerful defenses is a person’s Faith, Faith in God, in His protection and Patronage, in His Love and Omnipotence. And the stronger a person’s Faith, and the more righteously he lives, the more powerful his energy protection will be.

There is even an anecdote on this topic, when Dracula pursues a parishioner, overtakes him in a cemetery, bends over him, and he trembles all over and puts out a Christian cross in front of him with trembling hands. Dracula calmly takes the cross from the parishioner's hands and tells him: " For it to work, you need to believe in it!".So any protection directly depends on a person’s faith, among other things.

How to provide energy protection from the negative influences of other people and forces?

Let's consider the technique of independently creating arbitrary energy protection.

  1. Your original the state should be calm, strong and positive, that is, to create protection there must be energy. It is impossible to create a good defense if you are exhausted and tired. Therefore, put yourself in order, calm down, fill yourself with a flow of pure white-golden energy from above, through the crown. Fill your entire body with energy, wave after wave, several times, like a hollow vessel.
  2. Protection is created primarily with the help of the energy of the Ajna, Atman and Manipura chakras, so you need to turn on these chakras or at least imagine them shining and filled with dense white-golden light. Ideally, when the chakras are activated, you feel a pleasant pressure in the forehead, warmth and light in the center of the chest and in the abdomen. This means the chakras have turned on and there is energy in them.
  3. Mentally decide for yourself what kind of protection you need, what you need it for, and how it should work. This will completely determine the energy and programs of your protection, its effectiveness and functionality. Let me remind you that the motives must be pure if you want the Light Forces to help you in creating it.

Protection can be in the form of a fiery shield, which does not allow negative energy, emotions and other flying influences to pass through. The energy shield can be made mirrored and you can even set a program so that all the negativity is reflected and flies back to the author (so that it’s not common practice). When such protection works, you can observe the picture: the more a person shouts at you and throws out negativity, the worse he becomes, and you feel calm, without destruction.

Or maybe in the form of a cocoon, something like a flask, inside of which you yourself are. This flask must be open at the top so that a flow of light energy can enter. The outer walls of this flask can also be made mirrored. And then, this is what program you set - either the negative is reflected and flies back to the owner, or it flows down the walls of the mirror into the ground (if you want to spare the person). The choice is yours.

Both one and the second protection can be applied to other people if you are directly related to them (children, relatives).

  1. For protection to be created, it is enough to imagine it, for example, imagine a glass-mirror bulb around you, with the reflective surface outward. And also imagine how a stream of white light (ray) emerges from your Ajna (the center of the forehead), and you carefully pass this stream along the walls of the protection being created, imagining how its walls become energetically filled. Then, passing a beam from Ajna along the very walls of the protection, you set a program, imagining how the protection should work (all the negativity flying at you from the outside flows down the walls, flies off or flies back, nothing gets inside the protection). Protection has been created.
  2. But so that energy protection is not destroyed first of all, you need to be in the most calm and friendly state possible. If you start to get nervous or emotional, you will destroy the defense from the inside with your own negative emotions and reduce all efforts to create a defense to zero.

Also, with the help of your own energy, you create not only a cocoon, but also an energy shield, in other words, a wall, for example, between you and an enemy who is energetically attacking you.

In fact, There are a lot of options to protect yourself, there would be a desire to immerse yourself in the topic and practically learn all this. But it is best to learn the practice of working with energy from a Mentor or, even better, from a Spiritual Teacher. Although you can start by following the practical recommendations given in this article.

Reiki sessions help to quickly restore good health and mood. Energy healing is much more useful and pleasant than swallowing the usual pills, which do not remove the cause of the disease, but only temporarily relieve pain, and how by-effect- harm the body by poisoning it with chemicals.

In terms of the depth of sensations, general Reiki sessions can be compared to therapeutic massage. According to the degree of impact, this is multi-layer harmonizing process, in which the restoration of human life systems occurs at all levels. This process is also given a beautiful modern definition "bioenergetic correction".

The energy of the creative forces of the universe, which in the Japanese tradition was called "Reiki", restores the energy balance in human bodies.

Deep work takes place at the levels of the mental, emotional and physical planes:

  1. Emotional and muscle tension, pain in the body disappears. The mind calms down. The intensity of stress decreases. Depressive or aggressive states, feelings of guilt, anger, disgust, fears and “panic attacks”, deep-seated inferiority complexes, imposed foreign attitudes, programs, sexual and other blocks that cause various diseases go away.
  2. Everyone's work is getting better internal organs . The level of mental and physical strength increases. Clarity of thinking, the skill of self-control of the emotional state, a sense of self-confidence and security appear. The ability to concentrate and mentally concentrate is enhanced. Improves memory and body resistance in various stressful situations.
  3. There is a feeling of mental comfort, lightness, kindness, openness, love for yourself and the people around you. A desire for self-expression appears, as well as the ability to deeply relax, get away from restless thoughts, claims, and condemnations. The skill of quickly making the right volitional decisions is developed. Happening harmonization of masculine and feminine principles in the energy structure of bodies.
  4. The work of higher spiritual centers is activated, which allows you to become open to new ideas and methods of their implementation. The level of intuitive perception increases, natural talents are revealed.

Reiki sessions quickly restore vitality, relieve nervous tension, emotional overexcitation and pain in the body, the integrity of the aura is restored, energy bindings and negative channels, damage and evil eyes are removed. And as a result, there is improvement in many areas of life, in finance, relationships, career, spiritual growth...

Protection from damage and the evil eye Since ancient times, it has been considered a necessary ritual in order to protect yourself and your home from the negative influence of people around you. Typically, protection from the evil eye and other negativity includes the use of amulets for personal protection, family protection and home protection.

Let's look at the most effective amulets against the evil eye and damage, which have been used since ancient times.

Clothing with an embroidered protective symbol

In ancient times, embroidered patterns on clothes were often used to protect the entire family from the evil eye. The most powerful protective embroidery was the Sign of the Family - a cross with crossbars on each ray. Such a talisman was embroidered on the lining or on the outside of clothing by a family member. You cannot embroider such a talisman yourself for personal protection; it must be created by someone from the family.

Stone-amulet for protection against the evil eye and damage to the house

In the old days, our ancestors, when building a house, always placed a stone next to the threshold. According to legend, this amulet stopped people’s unkind glances and warded off trouble from home. You can still use a stone to protect your home today by placing it either at the entrance to the house or in the hallway. The most important condition is that the stone must be brought from the river bank.

Salt as a talisman

Ordinary salt is a strong talisman for the home. Salt concentrates any energy well, and since negative energy has a stronger charge, it is precisely this energy that settles on the salt crystals. Sprinkle a little salt at the doorstep - this will not only protect the house from damage and the evil eye, but also get rid of the bad mood that you bring home from the street.

Sharp objects for personal protection against the evil eye

Sharp household objects have always been considered a source of negative energy, with which you need to be careful. However, they can be a great help in combating the negative energy of people around you. Pins and needles - effective method protection from bad people. Such amulets were worn stuck into clothes.

To protect yourself and your home from the evil eye and damage, it is advisable to use the entire range of protection from negativity - to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your home. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.03.2015 09:11

In order not to acquire illnesses, failures and adversities along with the found thing, you should know that...

A pin is an ancient powerful amulet against negative influences. It can be protected from the evil eye and damage if you speak to it first and correctly...

Is protection from damage and the evil eye possible? How can you protect yourself and your family from negative influences? Since ancient times, rituals have come down to us that can protect envious people and sorcerers from the black energy. Our great-grandmothers knew how to independently make amulets from natural materials that had protective properties. These absorbed the black influence or took it aside. Let's consider several effective protective rituals in case of an energetic attack by ill-wishers.

The energy of all people is different - some immediately react to a negative message, others cannot be penetrated by any damage. Why is this happening? It depends on the human psyche and the strength of his biofield.

Who can't be damaged or put under the evil eye? To deeply religious people who have dedicated their lives to serving the true faith. You cannot damage those who are more interested in universal human problems rather than their own. These are politicians, public figures and fighters for universal ideals.

People with weakened energy are primarily susceptible to damage:

  • elderly pensioners;
  • Small children;
  • chronic patients;
  • emotionally unbalanced individuals.

The last category of people can cause self-destruction, succumbing to panic. Self-damage and self-evil eye are a common phenomenon in modern world. There is no protection from this negativity, since the source of the impact is the person himself. However, changing your way of thinking and engaging in spiritual practices will help you get rid of such a scourge.

Let's consider several rituals for protection against damage and the evil eye, which are intentionally inflicted on a person - with the help of magical actions.

Protective belt from damage

This belt must be knitted with your own hands from natural cotton threads to create a mesh. The network dispels negative energy and does not allow it to spoil a person. A net is used to cover a baby's cradle for the same reason, and at a wedding the role of the net is played by the bride's veil. The tulle on the windows is from the same series of protection.

So, crochet or knit a belt for yourself or loved one, which must be protected from exposure. While working, read the plot, saying your or another name.

The belt must be worn on the naked body under clothing. After washing, you should read the words of the spell again 12 times. As long as the belt is on the body, damage will not stick.

Protective herbs against spoilage

Effective protection against damage and the evil eye - enchanted herbs. Some field and forest plants have protective properties, removing dark energy from a person. To make a talisman against damage for six months, prepare the following plants:

  • sagebrush;
  • St. John's wort;
  • clover;
  • thistle;
  • tansy;
  • sage.

It is advisable to collect the herbs yourself. If this is not possible, then herbs are purchased at the market from herbalists or at a pharmacy.

For a talisman, sew a small bag of red natural material with your own hands. Mix the herbs in a ceramic/glass bowl with your hands in equal proportions and place in a bag.

Bend over the bag so that your breath touches the herbs and say three times:

Sew the bag so that the herbs do not spill out, and hang it on a red cord. Such a protective bag can be made for each family member. You need to wear the amulet on your body, for example, like an amulet. After six months, the herbs should be burned with gratitude and the bag should be filled with a new composition, following the same steps.

Protection for garlic and onions

Spices not only help improve digestion and get rid of colds, but also perfectly protect against spoilage. If you were warned that they will take revenge with the help of magical influence, do not waste time on empty worries - act.

Before going to bed, cut an ordinary onion (2 pieces) into two halves and place it in each corner of the room where you sleep. In the morning, take the onion in a plastic bag and throw it into a street trash container or bury it deep in the ground.

Overnight, the onion will absorb any negativity that comes from outside and will not allow it to penetrate into the subtle bodies of a person. The same can be done with garlic - scatter the cloves around the room, and in the morning collect and remove from the room. Do this as long as you are threatened with magical reprisals.

Protecting photos from damage

In the modern world, most negative influences are made on a photograph. To protect yourself and loved ones from damage based on photographs, do the following.

When the sun rises, light a church candle, take a photo and cross it with a candle with a prayer. Then turn the photo over and write the following words on the back:

Read the spell words out loud three times and hide the photo in the Bible or other place. After a year, repeat the ritual. The protection must be constantly updated, otherwise the magical effect weakens.

Protective circle of fire

If you are being targeted by witchcraft, you need to put fire protection on for six months. It is necessary to prepare for the ritual in advance - to cleanse it from magical negativity in any way. Then, on the full moon after sunset, lock the room and place three candles on the floor in the shape of an equilateral triangle with the apex pointing west.

Place a piece of white material in the center and stand on it barefoot, facing west. The clothes you wear should be made of natural fabric without a belt or fasteners. Light the candles with a match, close your eyes and say the spell 5 times:

Stay in the circle with your eyes closed and imagine a wall of flame around you, in which any evil burns out. The wall gradually turns into a sphere and surrounds you on all sides. You are surrounded by flames and are now completely protected from any influence.

Open your eyes and extinguish the candles with your fingers - you cannot blow them out. Wrap the cinders in white linen and place them under the pillow. Go to bed immediately, do not walk around the apartment. After six months, repeat the ritual with the same candles.

Protection from the evil eye of luck and money

Every person should have protection from the evil eye. There is a lot of envy and unfriendliness in the world, but energetically strong people envy easily turns into the evil eye. Perform a simple ritual on the waxing moon that will reliably.

Trim your fingernails and toenails saying:

Wrap your nails, along with hair and dust from shoes, in a sheet of white paper and bury them in the ground near or near the house. Cross the hole with three crosses. This amulet is long-lasting.

Amulet-prayer against the evil eye

You should always have this amulet with you. You can charm a pin, earrings, ring, brooch - any thing. You can speak your house/car keys or key fob.

Perform the ritual with a lit church candle, which must burn out completely. Before the conspiracy, say prayers in front of the icons of the listed saints and archangels - maybe for one icon.

You can also speak to any item of your loved one that he will carry with him constantly. Just instead of your name, say the name of the person you are charming. He needs to explain that the amulet must be worn constantly.

So that the damage does not come back

Sometimes damage removed can return back to the person. The reasons may be changes in the phases of the moon or the activity of the sun. Celestial objects influence the human psyche and his subconscious - it is with these categories that sorcerers work.

Wait for the last ones lunar days— 29th day lunar calendar. In the evening, boil water and throw two flowers into the boiling water - one that has blossomed and one that has not blossomed. Flowers can be bought in a store or picked on the street, the variety does not matter, and the color should be yellow.

Then throw the locked lock into the water and read the spell over the steam three times:

Let the water cool. Take out the lock and pour out the water at the intersection. The lock should be taken to the cemetery gate and left there. When returning home, do not turn around and do not talk to anyone. You need to take a shower at home.

Drive out evil spirits and protect your home

If evil spirits have been sent to your house with damage, you need to perform a ritual of expulsion, and then install protection. Provide the following magical items for the ritual:

  • aspen twigs or shavings;
  • a candle from a church holiday;
  • juniper branches or St. John's wort/wormwood herb.

Place aspen shavings on a frying pan or metal sheet and light on four sides. Every time you set fire, say a prayer. To the Honest Cross. When the branches burn, read the fire spell 9 times:

Then take a church candle with your left hand, and hold a cross in your right (if you don’t have a large one, take a cross) and walk around the perimeter of the house with a spell:

Then light the sprigs of juniper/wormwood/St. John's wort and fumigate the entire room. Then sprinkle the house with holy water, sprinkling a bunch of parsley/dill in a cross shape. During sprinkling and fumigation, read the Lord's Prayer.

Every day we come across a lot of people, and not all of them wish us well. Someone may unknowingly cast the evil eye, while some try to ruin the life of their neighbor and intentionally harm their family. It is important to recognize the magical effects in time and take action. Most protective rituals can be done independently at home.

Varieties of negative witchcraft programs

Put it in everyone's pocket or bag and let them always carry it with them. This will help protect them from the evil eye and negative energy.

Conspiracy words:

“Salt in the eyes of all the morons and spoilers, scorching fire, hot sand. All the spoilers and spoilers of God's creation will never know, the clouds will not be opened, the stars will not be beaten, the morning dawn will not be crossed, the new moon will not be locked away. According to the same words, I, the servant of God (my name), cannot be damaged, spoiled, eaten, or distorted, and so it will always be.”


Rare ones are used as protective attributes in magic.

  1. Black tourmaline.
  2. Hematite.
  3. Black agate.
  4. Eye of the Tiger.
  5. Moon rock.
  6. Black obsidian.

They need to be cleaned after purchase. To do this, put them in the freezer overnight or for three days in salt. After this, the stones need to be charged with protective energy. Visualization works better than other methods:

  • we take all the stones in our hands and squeeze our palms;
  • mentally imagine success, prosperity and strength, which with its light surrounds you and your family, home and workspace;
  • As soon as you feel strong warmth, the stones are charged, now you can put them in a bag and always carry them with you.

Additionally, runes enhance the energy of stones, but they only need to be activated by an experienced magician, otherwise such an amulet will provoke unpleasant consequences.

Evil eye pins

One of the simplest rituals, it is easy to perform even for a beginner. How to protect the whole family from the evil eye and damage yourself using this:

  1. Buy a pin, the old one stores energy, so it’s not suitable for the ceremony.
  2. Pierce the candle flame with the tip and say the spell three times.
  3. After this, pin the charmed amulet on your clothes, closer to your chest, with the sharp end down.

The plot goes like this:

“As iron pierces this fire, so it would pierce the evil eyes of envious people; Just as fire burns this iron, so it would burn the evil thoughts of the enemies.”

It is better to wear an evil eye pin from the inside of your clothes and monitor the changes. If it is bent, rust or blackness appears on it - this is a clear sign negative impact. If you notice such changes, remove the pin from your clothing and bury it in the ground. And in this place make a new amulet.

If you want to protect your husband and children, it is enough for one of the family members to wear the pin. You are all connected by one energy flow and the amulet will help you avoid negative influences.

If protection is needed not by your spouse and children, but by other family members, make a charmed pin for each of them.

Red thread

Another simple way to save yourself from negative influences is to tie a red thread on your wrist - a simple but effective method. How to protect your family from damage and the evil eye in this way:

  • take a red wool thread;
  • make one turn on the wrist of your left hand;
  • tie 7 knots, putting words of protection into each one.

You can speak several sentences onto the bracelet at once - it is important to believe in the protective power of each of them. Tie a thread to each family member. It is better to perform the ritual on the waxing moon.

If the bracelet breaks at some point, it will no longer be able to protect you, burn it and tie a new one.

Ways of strong magical protection of the family

If all simple ways do not give results and things go badly, children get sick, and there are constant quarrels in the family - try complex security rituals. They require a more serious approach and energy expenditure, but they can be performed at home, without turning to magicians.

Mirror protection from envy

This method is one of the most effective, which becomes an amulet:

  • you need to take a small mirror, preferably on a chain;
  • prepare a piece of black genuine leather;
  • wrap the material around the mirror and place it in your breast pocket.

But these actions are not the main ritual, but just a preparatory stage. Mirror protection of the family from damage and the evil eye, as well as envy, is carried out strictly after the sun has set, for this you need:

  • sit alone in the middle of the room and place 7 mirrors around. All of them must be reflected in each other;
  • Place a large white candle in front of each mirror;
  • draw a circle around yourself so that all objects are inside it;
  • concentrate and clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, meditate, think about good things;
  • With such a positive attitude, turn the mirrors away from you one by one and extinguish the candle flame, the ritual is completed.

Then you need to collect mirrors and candles in a dark cloth and put them in a place inaccessible to anyone. These attributes are no longer suitable for any ritual.

If so magical protection you no longer need it out of envy - take out the package and break the mirrors through the fabric, and then bury it in the ground.

Conspiracy against damage to paper

Another effective ritual that helps protect loved ones from negative influences is a spell using whatman paper or foil painted over with silver. If you have strong energy and a desire to protect your family from the evil eye, envy and damage, perform the ritual yourself:

  • take a small piece of foil or whatman paper painted over with silver;
  • fold several times;
  • take the leaf in right hand and read the words of the conspiracy;
  • put it in your bag and carry it with you everywhere.

“If the sky is bright and the soul is bright, let it continue to be so, but if some evil force tries to exert influence, it will go away and leave (its name).”

Protection against envy and the evil eye works until the foil wears out or the silver layer on the paper is erased. It’s easy to check the effect of the amulet: after a while, unwrap it: multi-colored spots or blur appear on the surface - someone is trying to influence you and your family using black magic.

Remember: all your loved ones are connected by common energy flows, the protection made for you will help them too. Therefore, carry out all the rituals carefully, thinking about your spouse and children, and invest as much positive energy as possible.

Any doctor will tell you that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This fully applies to damage. It is much easier to put up a defense and prevent it from appearing than to then look for the culprit and remove negativity from the energy field.

What is needed to install protection?

To effectively install protection against damage¹ and ensure security for seven years, a number of conditions must be met.

1. Let's start with the time of year. It is advisable to carry out this ritual in the fall. This is the time when nature leaves us to be reborn again, this is the time of energetic resonance, when it is best to remove damage and put protection in place. But you can also do this ritual in other seasons, it’s not scary.

2. One more important point, this is the lunar cycle lunar cycle. The most favorable period for us is the full moon.

3. Now about the location of the ritual. Of course, nature and the forest are the best places, but you can also go to the park; The main thing is that no one distracts you.

How to perform the ritual?


1. We dig a hole under the aspen tree to accommodate our mortgage.

2. Take a dark glass bottle.

3. Fill the bottle with very salty water (very salty).

4. We fill it with new needles, pins, and nails purchased the day before. You can also add a decoction of nettle, garlic or St. John's wort. And a little bit of yourself - a tuft of hair, blood, saliva - your choice.

5. Now we read by heart (you’ll have to learn it):

“Mother Ladushka, loving for (name), mourned, Rodya equipped this cache for him, with my words, with my hands, she hung seven locks on this burial, closed it with seven locks, tied it with seven knots, placed seven animals near the burial place, surrounded it with seven winds, sprinkled it with salt these words were stated in the scripture, kept from everyone for (name).

Salt will dust the enemy's eyes, the winds will stir up the intoxication in his head, they will poke needles in the fabric of his evil deeds, mother will confuse him, my spell will kill the evil one. Mother raises the hidden power and puts a talisman on my burial. And the whispers that fell into the pot did not disappear for 7 years. They are lying in the burial place, (name) is being kept. My deeds and words are finished, my mother’s protection is my crown.”

By the way, there are many variations of this spell; you can easily find them on the Internet if you don’t like it.

6. Having said this 3 times, tightly cork the bottle and bury it (depth 40 cm, without fanaticism).

7. After which you can also put protection at the burial site so that ordinary people, even by accident, cannot get there.


After everything has been done, you need to go home silently, without turning around, without talking to anyone or saying hello. Arriving at home, you should wash your face and go to bed to regain your strength.

I wish you success and be careful with your wishes.

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