Energy saving device saving box. Energy saving device Electricity Saving Box. General description of the device

Drywall 28.12.2020

There was a desire to talk about such inventions as the Electricity saving box. Many people wonder about whether this device is a divorce or true. It is worth trying to understand this unusual device, which is so vehemently advertised on the Internet.

General description of the device

People buy themselves precisely for bright advertisements and unfounded reviews from manufacturers. In fact, the deception is obvious: the energy saving is absolutely useless in everyday life. As the manufacturers of the miracle device assure, its principle of operation is based on the conversion of reactive electricity into active one. They also shout that the energy saver does not just reduce the energy consumption of electricity, but also equalizes the current. Usually, this effect requires special devices like capacitor units, and their cost is prohibitive.

The price for the Electricity saving box is from several hundred rubles to one and a half thousand... Agree, for such an attractive technology in the sales industry, the price is too low. And large reputable corporations around the world would have long been interested in such a development and, possibly, bought out the technology. They would sell the appliances at a completely different, higher price if they were valuable. This is the first reason to be wary. Pay attention to the manufacturer. This is not a company known to the whole world, but, most likely, a bunch of adventurers looking for easy money. This alignment of affairs is not in favor of the consumer.

Instrument specifications

The manufacturer assures that the electric saver will save 30% of the consumed electric current. It only needs to be plugged into the first outlet from the meter in the circuit in order to stabilize the current and increase savings. Very attractive advertising! However, let's consider a few points. From the point of view of physics and electrical engineering, reactive energy cannot be turned into active energy, and even if it is possible, it is necessary to exert a lot of effort. An energy-saving device that could do this would have to be much more complex and larger in size and weight, and accordingly, its cost would be higher. Any electrician will tell you that this is impossible. And just by opening the device, you can see:

  • diode bridge;
  • capacitor;
  • 2 LEDs.

Even an unenlightened person will immediately understand that the advertised features are pure lies. Because the schematic diagram of the device device proposed by the manufacturer does not coincide with what is actually inside it. It's more like manufacturing light sources, albeit very low-powered.

Hysteria about such devices overwhelmed almost everything post-Soviet space: both the Russian people are stuck in this, and Ukraine. Basically, these tricks come across:

  • pensioners;
  • single women;
  • any poor person.

They have nowhere to take money, except to save their own pension and modest earnings. So they fall for such things and suffer because of their naivety. Money, albeit small, was spent on the purchase of the device, there are no savings, some even noticed an increase in the total consumption of electricity.

Carefully planned fraud has a detrimental effect on the lives of poor people. There is no real help from such an energy saver. There is a feeling that it was collected by a ten-year-old child with his own hands at home. And all these beautiful names like "Power saver" or "Spike buster" that you can come up with in batches, will not give the desired effect.

Instructions for use are included with the device. Actually, there is nothing to write in it. After all, there is no benefit from the device. And what is written fits into two lines: plug into the first outlet from the meter in the house to save electricity.

The reviews of the experts who were lucky enough to get acquainted with the miracle technique about the Electricity saving box are not the most comforting. Still would! They know the laws of physics.


Despite the absurdity of the situation, there are still reviews of such devices on the Internet. Some are even positive, but here it is clear that this is pure advertising. These people themselves do not use the device, but only try to sell it to gullible people. Most of all there are negative reviews. Basically, they set out the uselessness of the device in everyday life. But there are those where it is written that the device, on the contrary, increases the level of consumption of electrical energy.

Here are some quotes from various sources:

Do not try to get involved in this adventure! There is no savings! I was lucky to get such a device, nothing in the house has changed. As I spent a large sum on paying off electricity debts, I still pay. There are special devices made in Russia that can save up to 15% of energy. This is not much, but it is far from deceiving the Chinese. I recommend that you familiarize yourself.

Or here's another:

Some time ago I was presented with such a box. They promised to save electricity in the region of 30%. They even demonstrated its capabilities: the tester needle deviated greatly from the initial position. Naturally, this is not an indicator, so I decided to show the miracle device to the electrician. He, having thoroughly studied it, explained the essence of this device.

In any case, I have it in my hands, curiosity is above the roof. In short, I decided to test the device. I plugged it into the first outlet from the meter, as the instructions say. I began to observe. There was no savings, even meager ones. About 30% was out of the question.

P.S. Well, at least the expense has not increased. And thanks for that!

You should not be led by beautiful statements and bright advertisements. Try to be objective. Good luck and all the best! Thanks for your time! We hope this information was helpful!

"Sensation! The easiest way to save energy! Use electricity the same way as before, and pay 2 times less! " The internet is now flooded with these kinds of advertisements. We are being sold a miracle device with a huge discount, and the price varies from 990 to 1700 rubles per unit of this "wonderful" device, and sellers almost always claim that right now there is a 50% discount.

My beloved mother-in-law, a fairly "advanced" Internet user and a typical retired woman who believes in the printed word, bought this miracle energy saving, but did not feel a decrease in electricity bills. Let's figure out what she got.

Here is such a box was in the package she received.

The manufacturer is, as it were, Germany, and the manufacturer, as I understand it, is China.

Inside the box is the very miracle of the device

The device just needs to be plugged into an outlet, preferably located next to the electricity meter (manufacturer's recommendations). The instruction is written in English (I'm not particularly good at it, but, in my opinion, has a lot of grammatical errors)

This device is designed for power consumption of electricity up to 15 kW, with a voltage of 90 to 250 volts and a frequency of 50-60 Hz.

Our household metering devices (electricity meters) take into account the amount of electricity consumed by our household appliances. By the way, we have to pay not only for the so-called. "Useful" energy, necessary for the operation of electrical appliances, but also for the "reactive" energy, which heats up our electrical wiring, creates magnetic fields. What do the sellers of the energy saving promise us?

Let's consider the points:

· Compensation of reactive power in loaded networks.

· Smoothing of starting currents of powerful devices.

· Reducing the load on the network section.

· Compensation for sinusoidal alternating voltage.

· Protection against electric shock.

But alas, we will not get anything of the kind.

I take a wattmeter.

I plug it into an outlet, put a light bulb in it and see the amount of energy consumed. The lamp is energy-saving for 25 watts. The wattmeter shows 27.

Now I plug the miracle saver into the next parallel outlet and again measure the consumed energy:

As you can see, nothing has changed. The device bought by the mother-in-law does not work! Well, we can take it apart and see what is inside it.

There is nothing "nano-technological". Conventional capacitive capacitors, two LED bulbs and some kind of incomprehensible black box made of cheap plastic, just to increase the weight of the miracle device.

What conclusions can be drawn:

1.The device saves its creators a lot of money on component materials,

2.Capacitors are present in these devices. They are installed so that sellers cannot be accused of pure fraud,

3. The light indication is a pure bluff. They are only needed to create the illusion of work. LEDs have nothing to do with strange microcircuits, they work separately from the filling of the device. 4. The device is absolutely useless!

This is how all these pseudo-economists of electricity work, which, due to a low-power capacitor, can create voltage drops in the apartment's network, but can neither save energy, nor return at least a couple of electrons to the common network!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about how to reduce electricity bills by 2-2.5 times is completely legal... This will help many to save a lot!

For about 20 years now I have been working as an electrician, I recently passed the 6th grade and, as far as I can remember, all this time the prices for light have only been growing. I don’t know that Electricity prices are artificially inflated! Therefore, at home I was constantly "cheating" with my counter: I put a paper clip there, then I stick a magnet, then I wind it back a little.

I have a large family - three children, and I always need a lot of light at home: two little ones constantly need to wash diapers, undershirts, and the third (older) is constantly sitting at the computer. In general, I stole electricity from the state, to be honest ...

There is a constant lack of money, so I additionally earn extra money - do an electrician in apartments. And once he worked in the same apartment and noticed an interesting thing. I put up the meter, brought up the wiring, and the owner began to decorate the room. I sawed and drilled something, and the next day only about 700 watts burned on the meter. How so? After all, it should have been 2-3 times more?

I started talking to the owner, and he told me about a device that reduces electricity consumption and showed it. His son-in-law brought him from abroad. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears! And I felt so ashamed that I did not know such simple things in physics.

This device is the size of an ordinary small nightlight, is inserted into the outlet closest to the electric meter in an apartment or house and immediately starts working, completely silently and imperceptibly! It is called not in our way - ELECTRICITY SAVING BOX. As I understand it, you won't be able to buy it in a regular store. This is understandable - this is not beneficial to the state. But we pay taxes, and they are rather big, so I think that such a reasonable and correct economy is fair!

I read the Internet for a long time and, finally, I found website for the sale of this device! Here is a link to this online store, they are the exclusive suppliers of this device in our country. And for those who are interested in the principle of work, I asked them for a video with an explanation, which I publish below.

See for yourself and decide whether you should save or not. Personally, I bought three pieces: my wife and I, my parents and my mother-in-law and father-in-law. To my mind, Why spend more when you can save?

Now we live honestly, we don’t steal electricity and, on average, pay for electricity 2-2.5 times less than before! I don’t like to waste money, you know. I'd rather buy something for my wife and children with the money I saved! And my mother-in-law constantly thanks me. My wife is outraged that her mother now loves me more than her own daughter! ☺

Before buying, many consumers today try to read reviews on the Internet. The Electricity saving box falls into them quite often. But those who bought it do not express much enthusiasm. He did not live up to their hopes, but only spent the already hard-earned money. Although sellers promise pretty good savings, in reality it turns out quite differently.

The declared principle of operation

Everyone wants to save on electricity. But not everyone knows how to do it. To help such consumers, Electricity saving buyers, which we are now considering, was allegedly created.

The appliance is plugged into a household power outlet and starts working without further consumer control. The device should stabilize the voltage in the network, prevent idle power consumption, neutralize the negative influence of reactive current. All this adds up to savings of 10 to 50%, which is important in today's economic environment.

In fact, the most common reviews about Electricity saving box are: cheating, cheating. And this is found all over the place in various forums. Let's try to figure out why people are unhappy with this device, which is not so cheap and already.

Reactive electricity from a physical point of view

Where does the reactive energy come from, which the Electricity saving box saves from (reviews do not favor it)? It's all about some of the laws of physics.

In school, in the classroom, we studied the concept electromagnetic field, which is capable of repelling different objects from itself. The source of such radiation is an insulated live wire wound on a base.

Such coils are found in many household appliances. In some they set motors in motion, in others they convert current.

Reactive electricity is produced at the moment when the voltage disappears and the electromagnetic charge changes its direction abruptly. Thus, active energy ceases to fulfill its function and is wasted.

In reality, reviews of the Electricity saving box device say that it can in no way affect the production of reactive energy. This means that it does not help to save money.

Reactive energy in enterprises

Large factories and factories, which have many machine tools and powerful units, are well aware of the problem of excessive consumption of electricity due to the phenomenon of reactivity. This causes negative reviews from their management. The electricity saving box has been developed based on research aimed at reducing power consumption and converting it back to active power.

This is achieved in an easy way. A device with huge capacitors is connected to the network of the enterprise. They capture the reactive current, accumulate it and send it back to the devices in the form of active energy. In this case, the current turns out to be constant, which prevents it from being converted back into ineffective energy.

They tried to apply this principle to a household device. Against this background, received Electricity saving Divorce is not obvious to all people at once. But sooner or later it pops up. But, unfortunately, the money for its purchase has already been spent, and it is impossible to return it back.

What is wasting electricity in the house

Almost every household appliance is a source of reactive energy, which is supposedly quite dangerous in private networks and has high rates. The Electricity saving box, the reviews and impressions of which are not the best, should, as in large enterprises, transform it.

The most obvious sources are devices on which electric motors of any power are installed: hair dryers, food processors, vacuum cleaners, electric drills, refrigerators.

There are a number of devices and devices in which the use of direct current is necessary, they have parts that convert an alternating current into such. This includes computer monitors, televisions, gas lamps.

Electricity saving box, the principle of which is copied from industrial catchers, is absolutely unnecessary in the house. And all because the majority of powerful home devices have already been foreseen by the design of suitable capacitors-reactive energy traps in terms of power.

A few words about manufacturers

It is not at all surprising that the Electricity saving box receives not very flattering reviews from customers. After all, this company, like the trade mark, is little known in our market. And all because the manufacturer of the economist is a Chinese company. What else it does is hard to say. But the very fact that the device is made in China does not inspire much confidence.

If the device were produced in a European country, this would already indicate that special attention is paid to quality and reputation here. Chinese goods, on the other hand, have established themselves as an accumulation of continuous marriage and deception. Therefore, even really worthwhile things in this market are very difficult to earn trust.

So it turns out that people are tormented by the question, looking at the Electricity saving box: is it a divorce or is it true? But enterprising salespeople manage to convince consumers that this is a quality item.

"The theory of the worldwide conspiracy"

Of course, we will not discuss the semi-mythical fables that a group of people decided to destroy part of the world's population by launching an Electricity saving box for sale. Reviews, divorce and deception, of course, are present here. But this is a local matter.

The essence of the conspiracy is that there are only a couple of really recognized design centers in the world, which own patents for the most famous inventions.

The energy saver, if it were, would have been bought by a Western firm long ago and would not have missed the opportunity to make generous money on it. Agree, such a global discovery as a household economist is worth the interest of the authorities.

But in online stores we see some kind of Chinese appliance assembled in a damp basement. There can be no question of any authority. The negative reviews about the Electricity saving box are true. Not a single one was interested in him Research Center... Hence, his specifications were immediately recognized as unreal.

Let's see what's inside

Many experts were interested in the Electricity saving box, the circuit of which is not often found. They became interested in what parts it consists of and how the declared savings effect is achieved.

After opening the case, it was discovered that diodes, LEDs and capacitors were hidden inside. At the same time, the latter, it seems, were put at random, without any consideration of the peculiarities of home networks. That is, they are not guided by houses with varying degrees of electricity consumption. There are no special modifications of the model or at least switches in the device.

Let's talk about the technical capabilities of these details further. But their cost is 3-5 times less than they ask for a finished device, taking into account marketing discounts.

Study of the effectiveness of the device

Engineers and scientists have been tormented by the question of whether Electricity saving box is a scam or is it true? Of course, everyone understood that such a device could not exist in nature, but nevertheless they decided to conduct a number of studies.

Their results confirmed the working hypothesis - the savings from the device are minimal and questionable. It can lower the indicator, which is designated Am, by 20-30%, but we pay for kW / hour. These are completely different things. And these "kilowatts" are practically not saved. The indicator of about 5% is not so narrow and far from the statistical error.

The device also cannot stabilize the voltage in the network. This would be a complete violation of physical laws. Stabilizers are always powered in series, not in the same way as with the Electricity saving box. Customer reviews also state that, on the contrary, the device increases the voltage in the network. This has also been scientifically proven.

Attention, obvious deception

It is unclear why the Electricity saving box collects reviews on the Internet. They shouldn't exist at all, because all the sites on which it is sold simply glow with lies. It is so obvious that even a person who is far from physics and electrical engineering will immediately understand: he is being deceived.

Judge for yourself why you need an automatic switch between phases in apartments with Obviously, between what to switch? Or another absurdity: the economist neutralizes reactive energy, which modern meters do not count. The user does not need to worry about spending what is given to him for free.

At first, people do not read the description carefully, listen to professional scammers, buy the device, and then write negative reviews about the Electricity saving box device. The lie is so obvious that people do not believe: it is simply not possible to lie openly like that.

Homemade device

Anyone who knows how to hold a soldering iron in their hands can easily make the same Electricity saving box with their own hands. The electrical circuit of this device is quite simple. Even a person who has seen similar ones only in physics lessons will read it.

At this point, another question arises: why make a completely useless device yourself? The only logical justification for such an action would be the desire to prove to oneself once again that no economists exist in nature. This is a common divorce for people who want to effortlessly save on electricity.

In the nineties, for these purposes, pins and pins were put in the counters. Today, "legal" methods of deceiving energy companies are being proposed. If you also want to try it, you better make yourself the device yourself. This will definitely save you money.

Latent danger

Now let's talk about what many reviews are silent about. Energy saving box Electricity saving box is fraught with serious danger both for the home network and for the entire city.

The device is practically inactive when the network is at maximum load. But during periods of voltage recession, he himself can increase it. As a result, home devices operating at this time are likely to fail. Therefore, if you do not want to mourn the refrigerator after arriving from the summer cottage, do not leave the energy saver turned on.

A significant proportion of people believe that the device really saves. If everyone has an energy saver in their apartments, the overload will start at the substations. And this means that you will definitely save money, but due to regular accidents and lack of electricity in the network.

Therefore, you should not create disasters and risk the well-being of the family. You can save in more real ways. At the same time, the risk of burning the refrigerator motor or the computer's power supply unit is completely avoided.

Real ways to save

Electricity consumption depends on the power of the devices operating behind the meter. All reviews speak about it. The Electricity saving box, according to the same reports, does not affect this process at all. Moreover, it consumes electricity itself. But it saves only a very small fraction.

A much greater effect can be achieved by installing slightly lower wattage lamps in the house. This is possible in those rooms where the illumination does not play a big role.

Also try to make sure that the TV is not working when you are not watching it. Defrost the refrigerator, as the thick layer of ice makes it consume much more energy. Seal all the holes in the window frames for the winter. Then you don't have to use an additional heater. If possible, replace your old household appliances with modern ones with a high economy class.

Take a closer look at the house. You can save money on almost every household appliance. And these will be more realistic amounts than those that will be obtained after installing a dubious energy saver. And he himself costs a lot of money to risk it, not knowing how real it is to get the benefit. Those who bought economists say they are not efficient.

Not so long ago, the electrical appliance market was replenished with one unusual device - the Electricity Saving Box, you can read real customer reviews about it below. This device is an electricity saver. The case is compact and, according to the advertisements, helps to save power consumption.

Such a tempting offer at a low price cannot leave the consumer indifferent. However, before purchasing it, you need to familiarize yourself with what this device is, as well as what its principle of operation is.

Energy saver

Electricity Saving Box, real reviews, the scheme of which you should be interested in, is offered on the Internet. Consumers emphasize that the advertising page of the aforementioned device can be found on the Internet. You will find a huge amount of information on it. From it you can understand what the connection diagram is, the efficiency of use at the facilities, the principle of operation and much more. The manufacturer even provides a certificate of conformity. Consumers emphasize that many analogs with a similar operating principle are offered on the modern market.

Feedback on the features of the functioning

Electricity Saving Box, real customer reviews about which should help you make right choice, works on the principle that the device stabilizes the flow of energy and distributes it. In other words, the structure is a static converter that brings order to the electrical chaos of an apartment or house where many household appliances work.

The manufacturer promises that power surges will be balanced out when power surges occur in the network or congestion is noticed. This device, according to many consumers, eliminates and filters such phenomena. This can not but have a beneficial effect on the costs, as well as the service life of the devices.

Feedback on the features of installation and use

Electricity Saving Box, real customer reviews about which, perhaps, will help you make the right choice, is installed near the meter. It must be plugged into a power outlet. Before starting operation, you need to read the instructions. Then the device turns on, for this you only need to press one key.

According to users, it is possible to save up to 33% of electricity during the operation of the device. These possibilities, according to the manufacturers, are quite legal, because the device is installed after the meter. It may seem to many that everything voiced sounds very exciting, but you should look closer at the issue in order to understand whether this is a divorce or the truth.

Consumer opinions on the logical basis of the device

Before purchasing a device that is designed to save energy, you should pay attention to several things, among them:

  • too much savings;
  • insignificant cost.

Consumers emphasize that the described device may turn out to be a "scam" for the reason that it is unlikely that it will be possible to save up to 33% with it. But the price is quite low and amounts to 700 rubles. This is the price the manufacturer declares when displaying their products in the online store. In addition, many suppliers, according to them, do not like the fact that the brand of the design is unknown.

Home craftsmen emphasize that if this development is scientific and shows high results, then why is it not produced by well-known companies. This fact remains incomprehensible also for the reason that usually large corporations react rather quickly to everything and buy out truly worthwhile new items.

If the development is truly effective, then its manufacture by a little-known firm should raise suspicion. This also applies to distributing the product through a distributor. After all, the company does not have its own representative offices, as befits a serious organization. All this, according to consumers, suggests that Electricity Saving Box, with real customer reviews of which are rather ambiguous, is not an effective development.

Buyers' opinions on physical grounds

  • reactive to active current converter;
  • stabilization of the mains voltage;
  • energy savings.

Knowledge of physics is required to evaluate these inherent product factors. If you familiarize yourself with the information from the online store in more detail, then it can be argued that the efficiency of the device is checked by measuring the current in the network. This must be done after and before turning on the device. and active power are not involved in the measurements. However, according to consumers, any expert will say that the total current tends to decrease when the power factor is unstable. The power consumption will not be reduced.

A version is also known that the described unit converts reactive energy for free. After examining customer reviews about Electricity Saving Box, a specialist will say that reactive energy is necessary for the operation of electromagnetic fields, but it is not converted to other types. As for active energy: that's why it has such a name that it is converted into other types of energy.

Other distributors emphasize that the described device detects the phase shift between the mains voltage and current, however, as practice shows, this is simply impossible with this method of connection. The device does not have current sensors, without which it will not be possible to determine the phase shift. Consumers also noticed that in advertising, instead of active power, the full one is often indicated, while the table turns out to be more descriptive.

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