Reaction of chlorine oxide 7 with water. Chlorine oxides. Mercury method with liquid cathode

Attic 22.09.2020

Chlorine forms with oxygen a number of oxides, the total number of which is as many as five types. All of them can be described by the general formula ClxOy. In them, the valence of chlorine varies from 1 to 7.

The valency of different chlorine oxides is different: Cl2O - 1, Cl2O3 - 3, ClO2 - 4, Cl2O6 - 6, Cl2O7 - 7.

Chlorine(I) oxide is used to produce hypochlorites, which are strong bleaching and disinfecting agents.
Chlorine(II) oxide is actively used for bleaching flour, cellulose, paper and other things, as well as for sterilization and disinfection.
Chlorine(VI) oxide and chlorine(VII) oxide are used for the synthesis of organic compounds.

Obtaining Cl2O

This oxide is produced in large-capacity production in two ways.
1. According to the Peluza method. A reaction is carried out between gaseous chlorine and mercury oxide. Depending on the conditions, a different mercury compound may form, but the target product remains. After that, gaseous chlorine oxide is liquefied at a temperature of - Celsius.

Reaction equations describing the Peluza method:
2HgO + Cl2 = Hg2OCl2 + Cl2O
HgO + 2Cl2 = HgCl2 + Cl2O

2. The interaction of chlorine with the reaction:
2Cl2 + 2Na2CO3 + H2O = 2NaHCO3 + Cl2O + 2NaCl
The sodium carbonate may be replaced by other alkali or alkaline earth metal carbonates.

Obtaining ClO2

The only one industrial method obtaining chlorine dioxide is based on the interaction of sodium chlorate and sulfur dioxide in an acidic environment. The result of this interaction is the reaction:
2NaClO3 + SO2 + H2SO4 = 2NaHSO4 + ClO2

Obtaining Cl2O6

In industry, Cl2O6 is obtained by the interaction of chlorine dioxide with ozone:
2ClO2 + 2O3 = 2O2 + Cl2O6

Obtaining Cl2O7

1. Careful heating of perchloric acid with phosphoric anhydride results in the separation of an oily liquid which is chlorine(VII) oxide. The whole process is described by the reaction:
2HClO4 + P4O10 = H2P4O11 + Cl2O7

2. The second way to obtain this oxide is connected with electricity. If you carry out a solution of perchloric acid, then Cl2O7 can be detected in the anode space.

3. Vacuum heating of transition metal perchlorates leads to the formation of chlorine oxide (VII). The most commonly heated perchlorate or molybdenum.

Physical properties of oxides

Cl2O: Under standard conditions, a brownish-yellow gas with a chlorine smell, and at temperatures below +2 degrees Celsius, a golden-red liquid. Explosive in high concentrations.

ClO2: under standard conditions - a gas with a characteristic red-yellow odor, at temperatures below +10 degrees Celsius - a red-brown liquid. Explodes in the presence of light, in the presence of reducing agents and when heated.

Cl2O6: unstable gas that starts to decompose at temperatures between 0 and +10 degrees Celsius to form chlorine dioxide, at 20 degrees Celsius chlorine is formed. Due to the formation of chlorine dioxide, it is explosive.

Cl2O7: A colorless oily liquid that explodes when heated above 120 degrees Celsius. Can detonate on impact.

Chlorine(VII) oxide

Chlorine(VII) oxide

Chem. formula Cl2O7
Physical properties
State liquid
Molar mass 182.901 g/mol
Thermal properties
T. melt. -91.5°C
T. kip. 82°C
T. dec. 120°C
Enthalpy of formation 251.0 kJ/mol
Reg. CAS number
PubChem Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Reg. EINECS number Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
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ChemSpider Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Data is based on standard conditions (25 °C, 100 kPa) unless otherwise noted.

Chlorine(VII) oxide(dichloroheptoxide) Cl 2 O 7, ( perchloric anhydride) is an acidic oxide. The highest chlorine oxide, in which it exhibits an oxidation state of +7.

The Cl 2 O 7 molecule has the structure O 3 Cl-O-ClO 3 (dCl-O \u003d 0.1709 nm, in groups ClO 3 - 0.1405 nm, angle ClOCl \u003d 118.6 °, OClO 115.2 °) c spatial symmetry C2, the molecule is polar (μ = 2.40 10 −30 C m).


Chloric anhydride is a colorless oily liquid. Cl 2 O 7 explodes when heated above 120 °C and on impact, but it is more stable than chlorine oxide and dioxide. Liquid Cl 2 O 7 is stable up to 60-70 ° C, but the admixture of lower chlorine oxides significantly accelerates its decay:

texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \mathsf(2Cl_2O_7 \rightarrow 2Cl_2 + 7O_2)ΔH = 135 kJ/mol

Dissolves slowly into cold water, forming perchloric acid:

Unable to parse expression (executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \mathsf(Cl_2O_7 + H_2O \rightarrow 2HClO_4)

Chloric anhydride is a strong oxidizing agent.


Cl 2 O 7 is obtained by carefully heating perchloric acid with phosphoric anhydride or oleum:

Unable to parse expression (executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \mathsf(2HClO_4 + P_4O_(10) \rightarrow Cl_2O_7 + H_2P_4O_(11))

Chlorine(VII) oxide is also obtained by electrolysis of an HClO 4 solution on platinum electrodes below 0 °C (Cl 2 O 7 accumulates in the anode space). Pure Cl 2 O 7 can also be synthesized by heating some perchlorates in vacuum, for example, Nb (ClO 4) 5 or MoO 2 (ClO 4) 2.

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  • Remy G. "Course of inorganic chemistry" M .: Foreign Literature, 1963

An excerpt characterizing chlorine(VII) oxide

- Settle down, Madonna! I hope at least one of these dishes will satisfy your refined taste? ..
I felt so terrible that suddenly, unexpectedly for myself, I wanted to burst out laughing ... How could I ever imagine that one fine day I could sit at the same table with the person whom I wanted to destroy more than anything in the world ?!. And feeling a strange awkwardness, she tried to speak right away ...
– What prompted you to invite me today, Your Holiness? I asked carefully.
“Your pleasant company,” Caraffa laughed, and after a little thought, added: “I wanted to talk with you about some issues that are important to me, madonna, and I preferred to do this in a more pleasant environment for you.
A servant entered, and bowing low to Caraffa, he began to taste the first courses. How I regretted at that moment that I did not have the famous Florentine herbal poison with me! .. It was painless and tasteless, and could not be determined ... This poison worked only after a week. Princes and kings were killed with it ... And he certainly would calm down the crazy Pope forever !!!
I would never have believed that I could contemplate murder so easily... My soul slowly turned to stone, leaving only room for justice inside. I lived to destroy it. And it didn't matter how. AT this case any means were good. The main thing was to kill Caraffa. So that innocent people no longer suffer, so that this bloodthirsty, evil person does not walk the earth.
And so I was sitting next to him now, accepting treats with a smile, and talking secularly on a variety of topics ... at the same time, intensely looking for at least some weakness that would give me the opportunity to finally get rid of his "saint" presence...
Dinner was approaching the middle, and we were still secularly “discussing” some rare books, music and art, as if he had no very serious goal in mind, due to which he invited me to his chambers in such an inappropriate , late hour.
It seemed that Caraffa sincerely enjoyed the conversation, seemingly completely forgetting about his "especially important" conversation. And we must give him his due - he was undoubtedly the most interesting interlocutor ... if you forget about who he really was ... To drown out the growing anxiety in my soul, I joked as much as possible. Caraffa laughed merrily at my jokes, telling others in response. He was helpful and pleasant. But, despite all his secular gallantry, I felt that he, too, was tired of pretending ... And although Caraffa's endurance was truly impeccable, I understood from the feverish gleam of his black eyes that everything was finally coming to a denouement ... Air around us literally "cracked" from the growing expectation. The conversation gradually petered out, turning into an exchange of simple secular remarks. And finally Caraffa started... August 19, 2012

Oxides or oxides are compounds of various elements with oxygen. Almost all elements form such compounds. Chlorine, like other halogens, is characterized in such compounds by a positive oxidation state. All oxides of chlorine are extremely unstable substances, which is typical for the oxides of all halogens. Four substances are known, the molecules of which contain chlorine and oxygen.

  1. A gaseous compound from yellow to reddish in color with a characteristic odor (reminiscent of the smell of Cl2 gas) is chlorine oxide (I). Chemical formula Cl2O. Melting point minus 116 °C, boiling point plus 2 °C. Under normal conditions, its density is 3.22 kg / m³.
  2. A yellow or yellow-orange gas with a characteristic odor is chlorine (IV) oxide. Chemical formula ClO2. Melting point minus 59 °C, boiling point plus 11 °C.
  3. Red-brown liquid - chlorine oxide (VI). Chemical formula Cl2O6. Melting point plus 3.5 °C, boiling point plus 203 °C.
  4. Colorless oily liquid - chlorine oxide (VII). Chemical formula Cl2O7. Melting point minus 91.5 °C, boiling point plus 80 °C.

Chlorine oxide, with an oxidation state of +1, is the anhydride of the weak monobasic hypochlorous acid (HClO). It is obtained according to the Pelouze method by the interaction of mercury oxide with gaseous chlorine according to one of the reaction equations: 2Cl2 + 2HgO → Cl2O + Hg2OCl2 or 2Cl2 + HgO → Cl2O + HgCl2. The conditions for these reactions to occur are different. Chlorine oxide (I) is condensed at a temperature of minus 60 ° C, because at more high temperature it decomposes, exploding, and in concentrated form is explosive. Water solution Cl2O is obtained by chlorinating alkaline earth or alkali metal carbonates in water. The oxide is highly soluble in water, and hypochlorous acid is formed: Cl2O + H2O ↔ 2HClO. In addition, it also dissolves in carbon tetrachloride.

Chlorine oxide with an oxidation state of +4 is otherwise called dioxide. This substance is soluble in water, sulfuric and acetic acids, acetonitrile, carbon tetrachloride, and also in other organic solvents, with an increase in the polarity of which its solubility increases. Under laboratory conditions, it is obtained by the interaction of potassium chlorate with oxalic acid: 2KClO3 + H2C2O4 → K2CO3 + 2ClO2 + CO2 + H2O. Since chlorine (IV) oxide is an explosive substance, it cannot be stored in solution. For these purposes, silica gel is used, on the surface of which ClO2 can be stored in the adsorbed form for a long time, at the same time it is possible to get rid of chlorine impurities that pollute it, since it is not absorbed by silica gel. Under industrial conditions, ClO2 is obtained by reduction with sulfur dioxide, in the presence of sulfuric acid, sodium chlorate: 2NaClO3 + SO2 + H2SO4 → 2NaHSO4 + 2ClO2. It is used as a bleach, such as paper or cellulose, etc., as well as for sterilization and disinfection of various materials.

Chlorine oxide with an oxidation state of +6 decomposes upon melting according to the reaction equation: Cl2O6 → 2ClO3. Chlorine oxide (VI) is obtained by oxidizing dioxide with ozone: 2O3 + 2ClO2 → 2O2 + Cl2O6. This oxide is able to interact with alkali solutions and with water. In this case, disproportionation reactions take place. For example, when interacting with potassium hydroxide: 2KOH + Cl2O6 → KClO3 + KClO4 + H2O, the result is potassium chlorate and perchlorate.

Higher chlorine oxide is also called chlorine anhydride or dichloroheptoxide is a strong oxidizing agent. It is capable of exploding on impact or when heated. However, this substance is more stable than oxides with an oxidation state of +1 and +4. Its decomposition to chlorine and oxygen is accelerated due to the presence of lower oxides and with an increase in temperature from 60 to 70 ° C. Chlorine oxide (VII) is able to slowly dissolve in cold water; as a result of the reaction, perchloric acid is formed: H2O + Cl2O7 → 2HClO4. Dichloroheptoxide is obtained by carefully heating perchloric acid with phosphoric anhydride: P4O10 + 2HClO4 → Cl2O7 + H2P4O11. Cl2O7 can also be obtained by using oleum instead of phosphoric anhydride.

The branch of inorganic chemistry that studies halogen oxides, including chlorine oxides, has been actively developed in recent years, since these compounds are energy-intensive. They are capable of giving off energy instantly in the combustion chambers of jet engines, and in chemical current sources, the rate of its return can be regulated. Another reason for interest is the possibility of synthesizing new groups of inorganic compounds, for example, chlorine oxide (VII) is the ancestor of perchlorates.



Oxides or oxides are compounds of various elements with oxygen. Almost all elements form such compounds. Chlorine, like other halogens, is characterized in such compounds by a positive oxidation state. All oxides of chlorine are extremely unstable substances, which is typical for the oxides of all halogens. Four substances are known, the molecules of which contain chlorine and oxygen.

  1. A gaseous compound from yellow to reddish in color with a characteristic odor (reminiscent of the smell of Cl2 gas) is chlorine oxide (I). Chemical formula Cl2O. Melting point minus 116 °C, boiling point plus 2 °C. Under normal conditions, its density is 3.22 kg / m³.
  2. A yellow or yellow-orange gas with a characteristic odor is chlorine (IV) oxide. Chemical formula ClO2. Melting point minus 59 °C, boiling point plus 11 °C.
  3. Red-brown liquid - chlorine oxide (VI). Chemical formula Cl2O6. Melting point plus 3.5 °C, boiling point plus 203 °C.
  4. Colorless oily liquid - chlorine oxide (VII). Chemical formula Cl2O7. Melting point minus 91.5 °C, boiling point plus 80 °C.

Chlorine oxide, with an oxidation state of +1, is the anhydride of the weak monobasic hypochlorous acid (HClO). It is obtained according to the Pelouze method by the interaction of mercury oxide with gaseous chlorine according to one of the reaction equations: 2Cl2 + 2HgO → Cl2O + Hg2OCl2 or 2Cl2 + HgO → Cl2O + HgCl2. The conditions for these reactions to occur are different. Chlorine oxide (I) is condensed at a temperature of minus 60 ° C, because at a higher temperature it decomposes, exploding, and in a concentrated form is explosive. An aqueous solution of Cl2O is obtained by chlorination of alkaline earth or alkali metal carbonates in water. The oxide is highly soluble in water, and hypochlorous acid is formed: Cl2O + H2O ↔ 2HClO. In addition, it also dissolves in carbon tetrachloride.

Chlorine oxide with an oxidation state of +4 is otherwise called dioxide. This substance is soluble in water, sulfuric and acetic acids, acetonitrile, carbon tetrachloride, and also in other organic solvents, with an increase in the polarity of which its solubility increases. Under laboratory conditions, it is obtained by interaction with oxalic acid: 2KClO3 + H2C2O4 → K2CO3 + 2ClO2 + CO2 + H2O. Since chlorine (IV) oxide is an explosive substance, it cannot be stored in solution. For these purposes, silica gel is used, on the surface of which ClO2 can be stored in the adsorbed form for a long time, at the same time it is possible to get rid of chlorine impurities that pollute it, since it is not absorbed by silica gel. Under industrial conditions, ClO2 is obtained by reduction with sulfur dioxide, in the presence of sulfuric acid, sodium chlorate: 2NaClO3 + SO2 + H2SO4 → 2NaHSO4 + 2ClO2. It is used as a bleach, such as paper or cellulose, etc., as well as for sterilization and disinfection of various materials.

Chlorine oxide with an oxidation state of +6 decomposes upon melting according to the reaction equation: Cl2O6 → 2ClO3. Chlorine oxide (VI) is obtained by oxidizing dioxide with ozone: 2O3 + 2ClO2 → 2O2 + Cl2O6. This oxide is able to interact with alkali solutions and with water. In this case, disproportionation reactions take place. For example, when interacting with potassium hydroxide: 2KOH + Cl2O6 → KClO3 + KClO4 + H2O, the result is potassium chlorate and perchlorate.

Chlorine is also called chloric anhydride or dichloroheptoxide is a strong oxidizing agent. It is capable of exploding on impact or when heated. However, this substance is more stable than oxides with an oxidation state of +1 and +4. Its decomposition to chlorine and oxygen is accelerated due to the presence of lower oxides and with an increase in temperature from 60 to 70 ° C. Chlorine oxide (VII) is able to slowly dissolve in cold water; as a result of the reaction, H2O + Cl2O7 → 2HClO4 is formed. Dichloroheptoxide is obtained by carefully heating perchloric acid with phosphoric anhydride: P4O10 + 2HClO4 → Cl2O7 + H2P4O11. Cl2O7 can also be obtained by using oleum instead of phosphoric anhydride.

The branch of inorganic chemistry that studies halogen oxides, including chlorine oxides, has been actively developed in recent years, since these compounds are energy-intensive. They are capable of giving off energy instantly in the combustion chambers, and the speed of its return can be regulated. Another reason for interest is the possibility of synthesizing new groups of inorganic compounds, for example, chlorine oxide (VII) is the ancestor of perchlorates.

Chlorine(VII) oxide

Chlorine(VII) oxide

Chem. formula Cl2O7
Physical properties
State liquid
Molar mass 182.901 g/mol
Thermal properties
T. melt. -91.5°C
T. kip. 82°C
T. dec. 120°C
Enthalpy of formation 251.0 kJ/mol
Reg. CAS number
Data is based on standard conditions (25 °C, 100 kPa) unless otherwise noted.

Chlorine(VII) oxide(dichloroheptoxide) Cl 2 O 7, ( perchloric anhydride) is an acidic oxide. The highest chlorine oxide, in which it exhibits an oxidation state of +7.

The Cl 2 O 7 molecule has the structure O 3 Cl-O-ClO 3 (dCl-O \u003d 0.1709 nm, in groups ClO 3 - 0.1405 nm, angle ClOCl \u003d 118.6 °, OClO 115.2 °) c spatial symmetry C2, the molecule is polar (μ = 2.40 10 −30 C m).


Chloric anhydride is a colorless oily liquid. Cl 2 O 7 explodes when heated above 120 °C and on impact, but it is more stable than chlorine oxide and dioxide. Liquid Cl 2 O 7 is stable up to 60-70 ° C, but the admixture of lower chlorine oxides significantly accelerates its decay:

\mathsf(2Cl_2O_7 \rightarrow 2Cl_2 + 7O_2)ΔH = 135 kJ/mol

Slowly dissolves in cold water to form perchloric acid:

\mathsf(Cl_2O_7 + H_2O \rightarrow 2HClO_4)

Chloric anhydride is a strong oxidizing agent.


Cl 2 O 7 is obtained by carefully heating perchloric acid with phosphoric anhydride or oleum:

\mathsf(2HClO_4 + P_4O_(10) \rightarrow Cl_2O_7 + H_2P_4O_(11))

Chlorine(VII) oxide is also obtained by electrolysis of an HClO 4 solution on platinum electrodes below 0 °C (Cl 2 O 7 accumulates in the anode space). Pure Cl 2 O 7 can also be synthesized by heating some perchlorates in vacuum, for example, Nb (ClO 4) 5 or MoO 2 (ClO 4) 2.

Write a review on the article "Chlorine(VII) oxide"


  • Remy G. "Course of inorganic chemistry" M .: Foreign Literature, 1963

An excerpt characterizing chlorine(VII) oxide

Courte et energique! [Short and energetic!] - Napoleon said when he himself read the proclamation written without amendments at once. The order was:
"Warriors! Here is the battle you have been longing for. Victory is up to you. It is necessary for us; she will provide us with everything we need: comfortable apartments and a speedy return to the fatherland. Act as you did at Austerlitz, Friedland, Vitebsk and Smolensk. May later posterity proudly remember your exploits in this day. Let them say about each of you: he was in the great battle near Moscow!
– De la Moskowa! [Near Moscow!] - repeated Napoleon, and, having invited Mr. Bosse, who loved to travel, to his walk, he left the tent to the saddled horses.
- Votre Majeste a trop de bonte, [You are too kind, your Majesty,] - Bosse said to the invitation to accompany the emperor: he wanted to sleep and he did not know how and was afraid to ride.
But Napoleon nodded his head to the traveler, and Bosset had to go. When Napoleon left the tent, the cries of the guards in front of the portrait of his son intensified even more. Napoleon frowned.
“Take it off,” he said, pointing gracefully at the portrait with a majestic gesture. It's too early for him to see the battlefield.
Bosse, closing his eyes and bowing his head, took a deep breath, with this gesture showing how he knew how to appreciate and understand the words of the emperor.

All that day, August 25, as his historians say, Napoleon spent on horseback, inspecting the area, discussing the plans presented to him by his marshals, and personally giving orders to his generals.
The original line of disposition of the Russian troops along the Kolocha was broken, and part of this line, namely the left flank of the Russians, was driven back as a result of the capture of the Shevardinsky redoubt on the 24th. This part of the line was not fortified, no longer protected by the river, and in front of it alone there was a more open and level place. It was obvious to every military and non-military that this part of the line was to be attacked by the French. It seemed that this did not require many considerations, it did not need such care and troublesomeness of the emperor and his marshals, and it did not need at all that special higher ability, called genius, which Napoleon is so fond of ascribed to; but the historians who subsequently described this event, and the people who then surrounded Napoleon, and he himself thought differently.

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