Fertility window, fertile days - what does it mean. Female fertility - what is it? What is the fertility window in a cycle

Wood boards and products 02.08.2021

The physiological window of fertility refers to the time period when the probability of getting pregnant approaches 100%. By calculating the fertile phase, a woman can independently plan the onset of pregnancy at the desired time.

Length of the menstrual cycle: days

Indicate on the calendar the start date and end date of the last menstruation:


Possible ovulation

safe day

Estimated day of ovulation

What is fertility

Female fertility (fertility) depends on factors that affect a woman's ability to conceive, bear and give birth to healthy offspring. Fertility is considered high if a woman can fulfill the dream of motherhood at any desired time without attempting to stimulate ovulation or other methods for successful fertilization. It is ovulation that is recognized as the main factor in female fertility, when the ability to conceive reaches a maximum.

In order for a woman's body to maintain fertility throughout the entire reproductive period, it is necessary to take care of the girl's sexual education from an early age. By avoiding provoking factors, you can successfully conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. However, even in the absence of apparent reasons female infertility it can be caused by the action of antisperm antibodies that a woman's body produces against the antigens of male germ cells. The presence of scrotum injuries, previous manipulations or diseases of the urogenital area, including oncological ones, determine an equally important factor - male fertility.

How to determine the fertile window

Knowing what fertility is, a woman can independently determine the days favorable for fertilization by studying her menstrual cycle for at least 6 months. This method is often used by couples who plan the time for successful conception, eliminating unnecessary stress during unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

To get the most accurate calculation of fertile days, you need to know the exact date ovulation, when a surge of luteinizing hormone leads to the rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of a mature egg. If the menstrual cycle is stable and bloody issues appear at strictly defined intervals, it is not difficult to determine this number.

For example, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. The middle of the cycle falls on the 14th. With a stable cycle, it can be considered the day the egg is released. The follicular phase lasts until the moment of ovulation (at least 7 days, on average 12-14), but 12, 13, 14 and 15 days of the cycle are recognized as the most favorable for the fertilization process (the egg remains viable for another day after leaving the follicle). With a stable cycle in women, this period will be the fertile window. However, pregnancy can also occur in neighboring numbers if the cycle has changed or an error has been made in the calculations. For women whose cycle is less or more than the conventional standard, calculations are made in the same way, taking into account several days in one direction or another.

It is easy to make a mistake during the calculation, and it is far from related to mathematics. There are reasons why the fertility phase can be shifted:

  • infectious and inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive sphere, contributing to a change in the composition of cervical mucus, as well as the appearance of adhesions;
  • non-infectious diseases (polycystic ovaries, hypothyroidism, uterine fibroids, hyperprolactinemia);
  • infectious diseases that affect the brain;
  • taking painkillers containing caffeine during ovulation;
  • hormonal imbalance during premenopause;
  • early menopause;
  • taking medications that affect the production of sex hormones (contraceptives, antipsychotics, phytohormones and other drugs);
  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • weak sperm activity, chromosomal abnormalities;
  • individual characteristics of the vaginal environment, which contributes to the faster movement of sperm;
  • climate change;
  • heavy physical and mental stress;
  • endured stress.

An important point: spermatozoa in the genital tract can live up to 7 days, and then the fertile window increases. auspicious time to conceive a child in this case, you need to count 7-15 days of the cycle.

The probability of implantation of the embryo during the period of ovulation:

  1. Ultrasound examination of a woman's ovaries after the cessation of menstrual flow (on the 5-6th day) allows you to determine their diameter and the number of active follicles. The norm is considered to be a size in the range of 20-100 cm. This diagnostic method allows you to predict overall fertility female body.
  2. At home, fertility can be determined using special tests that show the level of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones that are actively involved in the fertilization process. Enhanced Level follicle-stimulating hormone indicates low fertility due to an insufficient number of mature eggs. A high concentration of luteinizing hormone is observed 1-2 days before and after ovulation. Thus, a woman independently determines the fertility window over several menstrual cycles, wanting to become pregnant.
  3. Regular measurements of basal temperature. At the time of ovulation, the temperature in the rectum rises, closer to menstruation - it falls. By tracking this parameter, you can calculate the days favorable for conceiving a child.
  4. To answer the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant on fertile days, a gynecologist-endocrinologist examines a woman's ovulation reserve.

How to increase fertility

When a woman reaches the age of 35, the number of menstrual cycles without ovulation increases on average up to 5 times a year, respectively, the chances of successful conception are markedly reduced. This is one of the reasons why gynecologists recommend that women give birth at an early reproductive age.

High fertility is a rather rare phenomenon not only among women, but also among men. It is due, most likely, to the physiological feature of the body. In this case, hormonal contraceptives are not a 100% remedy for preventing unwanted pregnancy. In the absence of additional local remedies, you can become pregnant in 0.5-1% of cases, taking oral contraceptives strictly according to the scheme.

  1. Timely identification and elimination of factors contributing to reduced fertility is the key to successful treatment.
  2. You can increase fertility by using special medications - ovulation stimulants Clostilbegit, Clomiphene and others. However, only the attending physician should prescribe them. You can independently take vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements Vitrum, Pregnavit, Materna, folic acid and others.
  3. Regular sex life(at least 1-2 times a week) with a regular sexual partner has a positive effect on the production of female sex hormones and activates the immune system as a whole.
  4. Sufficient drinking regime, balanced diet with the absence of harmful products in the form of smoked meats, marinades, caffeine, fried, canned foods and fast food, it increases the chances of successful conception and gestation. Low-calorie diets and fasting become a trigger for reducing female fertility.
  5. Quitting bad habits such as toxic alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, and drug use improves overall fertility.
  6. An active lifestyle and the absence of psycho-traumatic factors are an equally important component of therapy aimed at increasing female fertility.

Having thoroughly studied her body and the menstrual cycle in particular, a woman can independently determine the fertile window and the time for successful conception. Caring for reproductive health and following the recommendations of the attending physician allows you to fulfill the dream of motherhood at the desired time.


Window and days of fertility in women: what is it?

Conception, gestation and birth healthy child depends on the full reproductive function of both parents, therefore, more and more often, both spouses turn to. This raises many questions, including what constitutes female fertility. A new term for many in simple words refers to the ability of a woman to fertilize. It depends on many factors and can be extremely high. This does not take into account the process of further gestation and childbirth.

fertile period

What does fertile days mean? This period, in fact, is the moment of ovulation, lasting about two days. It is at this time that the percentage is especially high. However, male spermatozoa can survive in the body for up to 5-7 days, so the duration of this time increases significantly.

In turn, the period of fertility is divided into three stages:

  1. Relative infertility four days before the maturation of the egg;
  2. The possibility of fertilization three days before ovulation and three days after it;
  3. Inability to conceive three days after peak fertility.

But very often, families are faced with a problem when even a healthy woman of childbearing age does not immediately manage to get pregnant. It depends on many factors:

  • Any infectious diseases, inflammatory processes occurring in the pelvic organs;
  • Chronic, systemic diseases;
  • Overweight, obesity;
  • Decreased ability to conceive due to age;
  • Addiction to nicotine, alcohol;
  • long-term use medicines;
  • Violations of the endocrine organs;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • Unfavorable living conditions;
  • Unbalanced diet, poor in nutrients.

Also, female fertility may decrease due to the fault of a man who drinks alcohol, suffers from serious diseases, impaired function of the testicles and appendages.

A counter question arises, what is fertility in men? In practice, the same thing is the ability to reproduce, that is, the ability to fertilize a woman, but for this, a man must have healthy sperm with mobile full-fledged spermatozoa and a good percentage of male germ cells (40%) to the total amount of seminal fluid. Therefore, if a man wants to have children, it will not hurt to conduct a spermogram - this is an informative fertility test that will clearly show the chances of conception. However, it should be noted that a man will need careful preparation for this procedure, since non-compliance with the rules can lead to errors in the examination.

Preservation of fertility is an important aspect when planning the birth of a child.

When pregnancy does not occur within a year in the absence of pronounced pathologies in a man and a woman, this is an alarming sign. In such a situation, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In this case, it is possible to make a fertility prediction using an ultrasound examination. During the scan, the condition of the female ovaries, their volume, and even the number of follicles with eggs are revealed.

The scoring system will help to accurately determine the condition of a woman:

  1. If the medical report is marked - "+2", the woman has every reason to rejoice. This means an active fertility window, thanks to which pregnancy will occur quickly;
  2. With a score of "0", you should not be upset either, since this is an average;
  3. The conclusion “-2” is the lowest parameter, but it is possible that after undergoing a treatment course to eliminate the problem, it will still be possible to get pregnant. So don't despair.

It is also possible to conduct a blood test to determine the ratio of hormones, clearly showing the activity of the ovaries. A fertility test in women can also be done using ovulation test strips that respond to an increase in luteinizing hormone.

Fertility Window: Timing

There are three main methods for recognizing the most successful days for fertilization:

  1. According to vaginal discharge and the well-being of a woman;
  2. According to records using basal temperature indicators;
  3. With a stable menstrual cycle by the calendar method.

The calendar method is not always reliable - with regular menstruation with a normal cycle of 28 days, the onset of egg maturation occurs on day 14 and menstruation begins the same amount. But if a woman's menstruation schedule is constantly changing, then determination using this method will not give satisfactory results.

The cervical technique involves the determination of fertile days by vaginal discharge. As a rule, after menstruation, a woman does not have mucus, or it is gelatinous, viscous and opaque. But closer to the period of ovulation, it becomes lighter, its amount increases significantly.

Discharge may be accompanied by other characteristic symptoms:

  • High sensitivity, soreness of the mammary glands;
  • mood swings;
  • Strong arousal and readiness for sexual intimacy;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

Preservation of fertility lasts about seven days. When planning a pregnancy, you can use more accurate calculations.

Determination by cyclic changes in basal temperature provides the most complete information about the onset of ovulation. However, it should be remembered that conclusions will have to be drawn no earlier than after three months of regular measurements. At the same time, a woman must fulfill a number of conditions - use the same thermometer, measure the temperature at the same time without getting out of bed, etc. The fact is that when ovulation occurs, the overall body temperature rises. It is from these data that the day of the alleged conception can be calculated.

How to increase fertility in women

If a woman wants to conceive and give birth to healthy offspring, she needs to take care of her body.

To do this, she needs:

  • Maintain good physical shape;
  • Monitor daily body hygiene;
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations;
  • Eat right, supplementing your diet with fresh fruits, herbs;
  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours every day;
  • Give up any bad habits that reduce immunity;
  • Be outdoors more often.
  • Drink up to two liters of water daily.

It is advisable to lead a mobile lifestyle, perform physical exercises, swim - it has been proven that this can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the reproductive organs. Do not forget, when a woman prepares for motherhood, she needs magnesium, iodine, ascorbic and folic acid, other vitamins. If any diseases are present, they must be treated immediately, since during pregnancy this will be associated with great inconvenience and risk.

Learn the basic things about human fertility. Fertility or human reproductive ability is actually a very complex topic. Many factors can affect her, and a woman's fertile cycles are very complex without it. By having some knowledge of fertility and tracking fertile cycles, a couple can greatly increase their chances of conceiving.

  • A woman is considered fertile when her ovaries produce eggs that can be fertilized. Until the egg meets the sperm and attaches to the wall of the uterus, a woman cannot become pregnant.
  • The egg is ready for fertilization only within a few days. After the “window” has passed, menstruation will begin, and the lining of the uterus will come out along with the menstrual blood.

Increase your chances of conceiving with food and sex positions. It's important to understand what else you can do besides tracking your fertility cycle with a fertility chart. Learning these ways to stimulate fertility can increase the effectiveness of the schedule.

  • A variety of positions that a couple practices during sexual intercourse increase the chance of a sperm to connect with an egg.
  • Certain foods and drinks can increase the reproductive capacity of sperm and improve the environment of a woman's uterus.
  • Keep a close eye on your fertile cycle. Fertility is a very complex process, which is why it is so important to use a fertility chart and track cycles. By following just 4 simple steps, a woman can accurately determine the time of ovulation and plan the next intercourse for this period. It is impossible to guarantee that a couple will definitely be able to conceive a child, but following a fertility schedule dramatically increases the chances.

    Record your temperature. Tracking a woman's basal body temperature (body temperature during rest, measured after sleep) is one of the oldest ways to keep a fertility chart. It has been used for years to increase the chances of conceiving a child.

    • After ovulation, a hormone is produced that slightly raises the basal body temperature. By tracking basal temperature, some women can accurately determine the time of their next ovulation. Usually, the temperature rise is so slight that it is difficult to predict the time of the next ovulation. However, some women still manage to track their fertile cycles by measuring only their basal body temperature. It is important to take the temperature at the same time every day to get a complete and reliable result. It is recommended to have sex on the morning when you notice a slight increase in temperature. It takes about 12 hours for the egg to travel from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes. Having sex within 6 hours of noticing an increase in basal body temperature can increase the chance that a sperm will meet an egg.
  • Look out for cervical mucus (the mucus secreted by the cervix). Thickness of cervical mucus is often considered a better indicator of fertility than basal body temperature.

    • Cervical mucus performs different functions depending on a woman's cycle. When ovulation has not yet begun, cervical mucus is thicker and acts as a barrier for sperm to reach the uterus.
    • During ovulation, the consistency of cervical mucus changes. It becomes more stretchy and less viscous and serves as an insulating layer that helps the sperm get to the egg. When you notice that your cervical mucus has changed its consistency and has become more stretchy and transparent, similar to egg white, instead of being viscous and white, most likely you are in the most fertile phase of the fertile cycle for conception.
  • Track the beginning of your menstrual cycle. For some women, the best way to track your fertility cycle is simply by watching the start of your menstrual cycle. Ovulation most often occurs between 13 and 15 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. Depending on the length of your menstrual cycle, the most fertile days for conception may be 8 to 10 days after the end of the cycle. This method will help you determine the time period of about 7 days that is most favorable for trying to conceive. Using this method, women can determine the period of ovulation without measuring basal body temperature or examining the consistency of cervical mucus. Women who use all three methods at once can determine the period of ovulation with much greater accuracy.

    Track the number of sexual acts. Some couples believe that the surest way to conceive is to have sex every day. But it's not. Sperm will be more viable and make it to the uterus more likely if you only have sex a few times a month. By tracking your fertility cycle and only having sex when you are at your most fertile, you can increase the chances that sperm will actually enter the uterus and fertilize an ovulated egg.

    The female body works in a cyclical mode, and therefore every girl has the opportunity to calculate her fertile days. This is the name of a certain period of time when all processes in the female body are aimed at successful fertilization.

    That is, with the help of such “calculations”, you can prepare as much as possible for a planned pregnancy, or, conversely, prevent its onset. True, sometimes women fail to “protect themselves” from conception even on the most “safe” days. This is due to their high fertility.

    What is this concept? Why does every woman of reproductive age need to navigate her fertile days? Fertility window - what is it and how to determine it?

    Fertility high and low

    The reproductive age of a woman implies the ability to reproduce offspring. That is, from the beginning of the menstrual cycle to the period of menopause, the female body is more or less fertile. Fertility is the ability of a woman to conceive, bear and give birth to healthy children. The level of this reproductive ability is different for all women.

    So, for women with high fertility rates, it is not difficult to conceive a child, while the pregnancy is easy, and childbirth ends safely. The ability to bear children in such women is so high that it is difficult for them to protect themselves from conception even with the help of contraceptives. That is, the minimum chance of getting pregnant when using contraceptives(condoms, hormonal drugs, spirals, etc.) are among women with high fertility.

    With low fertility rates, becoming a mother is not so easy for a woman. For this she will need health care, complete examination and appropriate treatment.

    Are ovulation and fertile phase the same thing?

    In order to understand what

    How to correctly calculate dangerous days for pregnancy after menstruation?

    The calendar method of contraception is not reliable, but dangerous days for pregnancy after menstruation can be calculated.

    1 Why is it important to calculate the cycle

    during the last period was not severe stress, changing the climatic zone (a trip to the sea), switching to a different diet, starting sports and other radical changes in lifestyle;

    In order to choose reliable contraception, you need to contact a gynecologist and get an appointment for oral contraceptives. Another solution: use condoms or vaginal suppositories, such as Pharmatex.

    At a young age and before menopause, the menstrual cycle can suddenly change, making accurate calendaring impossible. Also, the following factors influence the duration of the cycle, and, accordingly, the day of ovulation:

    hormonal changes caused by psycho-emotional overstrain, strong positive or negative emotions;

    changing the mode of work, for example, the transition from intellectual work to physical work or from schedule 2 through 2 to a five-day week;

    To date, the calendar method is used mainly by financially disadvantaged women from developing countries who cannot afford to purchase effective means contraception. For such women, special beads have even been developed with beads of different colors, which indicate fertile and non-fertile days. With the help of such beads, a woman can, with some probability, calculate "stray" days. If you look at how rapidly the population of developing countries is growing, it becomes clear that some women still get pregnant, no matter what they do.

    If you have been dreaming of a baby for a long time, but pregnancy does not occur in any way, you can use the system of simple calculations.

    There is such a concept, "fertility" - the ability of a sexually mature organism to procreate. This word is an antonym to the meaning of "sterility".

    What is female fertility?

    The biological ability of a woman to conceive a child is called female fertility. If attempts to get pregnant fail within six months, a woman's fertility can be questioned.

    If it is not possible to conceive a child, this may be due primarily to the health of the woman's reproductive system. Without a thorough examination and treatment can not do.

    Female fertility can directly depend on age. Doctors often even those who have crossed the age of thirty are classified as late-born, as the fertility of the body decreases. The ovum is less disposed to fertilization, possibly its incorrect development.

    It is very important for the normal fertility of a woman to observe hygiene, not to have casual intimate relationships that can result in infection and sexually transmitted diseases.

    Pregnancy may not occur due to metabolic disorders that have caused excess weight or hormonal disruptions.

    When taking drugs for weight loss, the body may respond to their action. brown discharge during menstruation. Read more

    What are fertile cycle days?

    Some young women are not entirely clear about what fertile days mean, and this is a must-know to plan their sexual life and desired pregnancy.

    Fertile days are called those days that are most favorable for conception. These include the time of ovulation, and one or two days before it, and the same time after. During this period, an attempt to conceive a baby

    Calculate ovulation

    enjoy ovulation calendar online very convenient and simple. The service will calculate possible and best days for conception, as well as periods of "safe" sex. There is no longer a need to keep notes on slips of paper and do complex mathematical calculations.

    Calculate ovulation online using a calculator

    By specifying the date of the last menstruation, its duration and the total duration of the cycle in the ovulation calculator, you can view the days in which the probability of fertilization is quite high, as well as the days of ovulation when the probability of getting pregnant is maximum in your personal ovulation calendar. It is generally accepted that in order to achieve pregnancy, the optimal frequency of sexual intercourse in the period before and after ovulation should be every 2 days. With more frequent sexual intercourse, sperm fertility decreases. The ovulation calculator will mark you the most auspicious days to conceive a boy or girl and display the data on the screen in the form of a color calendar.

    Registered users have access to advanced features. You can change the parameters and adjust the calculator for yourself, namely: turn on the display only necessary elements, store, edit and view the history, flip the ovulation calendar forward and backward for any number of months - the calendar will calculate your cycle based on the last saved data.

    It is useful for every woman to keep a menstruation calendar with her ovulation marks, to know about the variability of her cycle. Not only at different women there is a noticeable difference in the timing of ovulation, but even in the same woman, the exact timing of ovulation fluctuates in different months.

    The state of the reproductive system of a woman is influenced by many factors. It is known that on certain days of the menstrual cycle, the probability of fertilization of the egg is much higher, which should be taken into account during pregnancy planning. Consider what fertility is and how it differs from ovulation.

    What is fertility

    Fertility determines the ability to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. The fertile period is a short period of time in the cycle. It lasts about 6 days, of which 5 days before ovulation and 1 day at the time of its onset.

    In simple words, fertility combines the well-coordinated work of the organs of the reproductive system, on which the continuation of the family depends. This ability can be affected by a variety of factors, including age, inborn characteristics of the body and systemic diseases.

    Fertility explains a woman's ability to become pregnant before ovulation, when the chance of conception is highest. This day can be determined by several proven options.

    What are fertile days for women and ovulation - what is the difference

    Fertile days and ovulation are related, but they are not the same concept. According to experts, the greatest chance of getting pregnant comes the day before the release of the egg. It is this moment that is determined by ovulation. It falls in the middle of the cycle.

    From the moment the egg is released, there are 24 hours for the sperm to fertilize it. At the same time, he can live in the vagina for several hours, in the uterus - no more than 5 days. This should be taken into account when choosing a favorable time for conception.

    Fertility begins and disappears in separate phases, which is affected by the state of the female body. Its onset falls at the age of about 14 years, it persists until about 50 years. Young girls are always more likely to conceive, as the body works smoothly and there are no many risk factors that are typical for middle and old age.

    The timing of fertility can change and many factors influence this:

    • overweight, obesity;
    • pathology of the endocrine system;
    • malfunctions of the immune system;
    • previous abortions and surgeries;
    • the presence of systemic diseases ( diabetes);
    • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
    • lack of rest, insomnia.

    Fertility may be affected by ovulation. If it is violated for some reason, the possibility of conception is significantly reduced.

    Fertility is also affected by reproductive age, which is divided into 4 phases:

    1. Early period - from the beginning of menstruation to the age of 20. At this time, the regulation of the hormonal background starts. The chance of fertilization at this age is high.
    2. Medium - from 21 to 40 years. For most, menstruation is stable during this period, as is the onset of fertility. The body is maximally ready for fertilization and bearing the fetus.
    3. Late is the time from 41 to 45 years. The endocrine background is unstable, there are violations of hormone production. The chance of fertilization is very low.
    4. The subsidence of reproductive function - from 45 years. The menopause begins, the body loses the ability to fertilize.


    Reproductive age is individual. It can be influenced, and there are cases when, even after 50 years, a woman could endure and give birth to a healthy baby without any problems.

    Why do we need information about the cyclicity of the reproductive system

    It is known that the percentage of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation and a few days before it is high. This information helps a woman to plan conception. Determining the required days makes it more likely to guess the most favorable period for starting a pregnancy. Such information is also important for women who are not yet planning to conceive.

    Determination of the fertile phase is a reliable method of planning and preventing pregnancy, but not one hundred percent. Changes are constantly taking place in the body, and some factors can affect the onset of certain days of the cycle.

    For the birth of a new life, the beginning of pregnancy and preparation for it are of tremendous importance. If a woman can reliably determine the period favorable for conception, she will be able to positively influence this process. This applies to lifestyle changes for the safest possible pregnancy.

    How to determine fertile days

    The most accurate way to determine the fertile phase is by ovulation. You can calculate its onset with tests that are sold in a pharmacy. There are several varieties of them, ranging from test strips to mini-microscopes that accurately determine the period of ovulation.

    There are other ways to determine these days, namely, by basal temperature, by calendar, by discharge, by the Billings method. However, none of them gives a 100% guarantee.

    The definition of secretions involves the constant monitoring of a woman for cervical fluid. Before ovulation, they become more cloudy and sticky, and when it occurs, it resembles egg white.

    The Billings method also consists of observing cervical secretions. This method is also suitable for irregular cycles. In this case, you need to spend more than one month on observation. This option for determining ovulation could protect only 50% of women from an unplanned pregnancy. The thing is that it is not so easy to notice the difference between secretions at different periods of the cycle.

    A good way to determine these days is to regularly measure your basal body temperature. In this case, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum daily (always at the same time) for several months, fixing the indicators. During the period of ovulation, it rises to 37 and above, while in other periods it does not exceed 36.6 degrees.

    The easiest way to determine ovulation and fertile period is a calendar. It is suitable if a woman has regular periods.

    An example of calculating fertile days according to the calendar:

    • the cycle lasts 30 days - days 13, 14, 16 and 17 correspond to fertile days;
    • 28 days - 12, 13, 15 and 16;
    • 32 days - 14, 15, 17 and 18;
    • 29 days - 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

    This method of determining the fertile phase has always been considered the most reliable. If you can’t calculate, most likely there are problems with ovulation or fertility. In this case, the help of a specialist will be required. However, there effective ways fertility enhancements that a woman can resort to.

    In addition, it is possible to determine the fertile phase during the passage of an ultrasound examination. During an ultrasound, the doctor can observe the number of follicles, the ratio of hormones and connective tissue, as well as the size of the appendages.

    How to increase the chances of conception

    In some cases, a woman for a long time makes unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. Anything can affect the possibility of conception, including stress and hormonal disruptions. Physical stress, worries, lack of sleep - all this can affect reproductive health.

    Experts give the following tips to increase reproductive function and fertility:

    • get rid of excess weight;
    • eat properly;
    • give up bad habits;
    • monitor the duration of the cycle;
    • avoid stress and high physical activity;
    • have a regular sex life with a regular partner.

    Excess weight significantly affects the reproductive system. An excess of fat cells in the body affects the functioning of the ovaries. Lack of fat also interferes with the production of the required amount of hormones. If the weight is constantly changing, this negatively affects the menstrual cycle, disrupting it. Thus, the period of ovulation and fertile days can occur at different periods of the cycle.

    The quality of the food is also important. For the normal functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, the woman's body must receive the necessary amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. We should not forget about other substances. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals can affect the period of the onset of menstruation, delaying it.

    Cigarettes and alcohol are the enemies of the reproductive system. The chemicals in tobacco smoke cause irreparable damage to the reproductive organs. In a 30-year-old woman who smokes, the capacity of the ovaries is comparable to that of a 40-year-old woman. Cigarettes and alcohol lead to early aging of the body, reducing the period of normal fertility.

    It is important to monitor the duration of the cycle and observe possible failures. If something starts to go wrong, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The doctor will give useful advice to restore regular menstruation. AT difficult cases drug therapy may also be required.

    Stress plays a huge role in a woman's health. Constant worries, depressive states have a detrimental effect on the body as a whole, and in particular on the organs of the reproductive system. Stress can lead to hormonal imbalances and the cessation of menstruation. To relieve stress, experts recommend swimming, yoga, walking more in the fresh air and listening to relaxing music.

    Experts also recommend avoiding douching. By doing this at home, you can significantly affect the microflora of the vagina. Its violation will become a factor in the development of gynecological diseases that adversely affect fertility.

    Increasing fertility is not limited to any one recommendation. A woman should regularly visit a gynecologist, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and be less nervous.

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