Do I need an SRO for plumbing work? Do I need an SRO for plumbing work: when is it required and in what cases do I need a permit License for plumbing work

Stairs and railings 09.10.2020
Stairs and railings

It is necessary to decide whether an SRO is needed for plumbing work before undertaking the installation or repair of plumbing. The solution to the problem depends on the proposed plumbing services and the degree of their "intervention" in the structure of the building.

Or look in the section for a list of types of work that require permission from a non-profit partnership.

Plumbing work is legal without SRO approval

SRO approval for plumbing work is not included in the list binding documents, which the plumbing contractor must present to the client. But this rule does not apply to all plumbing work.

The following services can be rendered without authorization certificates:

  • replace pipeline components inside high-rise apartments;
  • fix sinks, toilet bowls, bathtubs;
  • adjust the work of plumbing equipment;
  • install sanitary partitions.

The same work, but performed at technically complex, hazardous facilities, will have to be accompanied by a permit certificate. Without it, your plumbing company will not receive the right to provide such services.

Do I need a SRO permit for plumbing work with polypropylene?

To assess whether an SRO is needed for plumbing work with polypropylene, apply the following rule. If you have to change old pipes for polypropylene ones in ordinary apartments, without going beyond them, then you do not need to order an SRO permit for plumbing work, the price of which is quite high. If you plan to "embed" parts of the pipeline into common risers apartment building or update common house pipelines, take care in advance of issuing permits.

SRO approval - professional plumbing work

If you have not made sure whether the SRO is mandatory, it is better not to start plumbing work. Having learned that your company does not have the proper paperwork, the customer may not pay for the work already completed, and you will not be able to prove your case even in court. Therefore, consult with our lawyers in advance whether you need an SRO permit for plumbing work.

A striking example is plumbing work, which in the vast majority of cases can be carried out without a SRO certificate. At the same time, having a permit is very desirable, especially if you are just starting a business, for example, installing plumbing in houses and apartments. Key benefits of membership:

SRO for plumbing work

Obtain permits, licenses

First of all, YOU need to figure out what a permit (license) is and why and when they are obtained.

License is a permit issued by a competent authority state power(licensing authority) to a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur to carry out a certain type of activity.

The fact is that, in accordance with the Civil Code, a license is required to carry out certain types of activities. The main law regulating the issue of licensing is the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities” (Law on Licensing).

In accordance with this law, 50 types of activities are subject to licensing. Therefore, after YOU have decided on the scope of your business, be sure to pay attention to Article 12 of the Law on Licensing to check whether your activity is subject to compulsory licensing or not.

In addition, the Law on Licensing (paragraph 2 of article 1) defines 11 more areas of activity that are not covered by it. Licensing in relation to them is carried out in a special manner. Such areas of activity include banking, insurance, clearing and a number of others.

In other words, the types of activities to be licensed include the types of activities, the implementation of which requires prior approval by the licensing authority.

In the event that YOU will carry out your activities, the implementation of which requires a license without having one, then you will be subject to administrative or even criminal liability. Administrative responsibility for implementation entrepreneurial activity without a license is established by Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and provides for the following punishment:

  • an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials;
  • on officials - from four thousand to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, tools of production and raw materials;
  • on the legal entities- from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials.

And article 171 of the Criminal Code also provides for criminal liability for carrying out entrepreneurial activities without a license, namely:

a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or compulsory labor for a period of one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or arrest for a period of four to six months.

However, criminal liability measures are applied only if the activity without a license has caused major damage to citizens, organizations or the state, or is associated with the extraction of income on a large scale.

All business entities, without exception, that meet the established licensing requirements and conditions, have the right to obtain a license.

However, YOU must remember that individual entrepreneurs are prohibited by law from engaging in certain types of activities. Accordingly, they cannot be issued a license for the right to carry out these types of activities. As a rule, such activities include the development, production and sale of military and dual-use products, the circulation of narcotic drugs, poisons, etc.

But the most important exception is the prohibition for individual entrepreneurs to engage in the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.

If the type of activity falls under licensing, YOU must collect a certain list of documents and submit them to the licensing authority.

To obtain a license, YOU need to write an appropriate application to the licensed body indicating the licensed type of activity.

If your company has the form of an LLC, then in the application, YOU must indicate its full (and abbreviated) name, incl. company name, and location of the legal entity.

If YOU are an individual entrepreneur, then in the application you need to indicate your personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, details of an identity document.

Further, in the application for a license, YOU need to indicate the state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur). The application must also contain the data of the document confirming the fact of entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Individual Entrepreneurs).

Documents confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are:

  • Certificate of state registration of a legal entity in the form N P51001;
  • Certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form N P50003;
  • Certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about a legal entity registered before 07/01/2002, in form N Р57001.

Documents confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs are:

  • Certificate of state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur in the form N P61001;
  • Certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in the form N P60004;
  • Certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs about an individual entrepreneur registered before 01/01/2004, in form N P67001.

In addition, you must attach a number of other documents to the application. Firstly, these are constituent documents (for a legal entity) - the original or a notarized copy.

Secondly, these are documents that testify to the possibility of complying with license requirements and conditions. The list of such documents is determined by the relevant regulation on licensing.

In order for the application for a license to be considered, YOU must pay the state fee in advance and, when submitting the application, attach to it a document (payment order, receipt) confirming the payment of the state fee. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, fees for granting a license - 6000 rubles, for reissuing a document confirming the existence of a license - 600 rubles.

The term for making a decision on the received application for a license is no more than 45 days from the date of receipt of the application for a license with all related documents.

how to get a license for plumbing work?

In addition, the same time period also includes the obligation of the licensing authority to notify the license applicant of its decision.

License control

In the process of carrying out activities, YOU will encounter the actions of the licensing authority to conduct license control. Licensing control consists in verifying that the licensee complies with the licensing requirements and conditions stipulated by the licensing regulations.

Licensing control is carried out in the manner prescribed federal law dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control", taking into account the specifics of organizing and conducting inspections established by the law on licensing.

For each licensed type of activity, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a regulation on licensing, which defines specific licensing requirements and conditions, as well as determines the procedure for obtaining a license, including a list of required documents.

Licensing authorities are obliged to provide license applicants or licensees free of charge with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the provisions on licensing specific types of activities, the list of technical regulations and other regulatory legal acts. Russian Federation establishing mandatory requirements for licensed types of activities, application forms and documents that are submitted for obtaining, reissuing licenses, the procedure for conducting licensing, including license control, as well as the rights and obligations of license applicants, licensees and licensing authorities. In addition, the licensing authorities are obligated to maintain registers of licenses for the types of activities they license, and the information contained in these registers is accessible and open for familiarization with it for individuals and legal entities (not only license applicants or licensees) .

Since the entry into force of the law on self-regulatory organizations, a huge number of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have had to review their activities and optimize in order to obtain the appropriate permits. At the same time, one of the most common problems was the ignorance of whether a certificate is necessary for the performance of a particular type of work. Despite the obvious advantages of SRO membership, not all contractors and construction companies are willing to spend significant amounts of money on entry and commission fees, especially if this is not mandatory.

In fact, it is possible to determine exactly whether it is mandatory to obtain a permit or not only after a detailed study of legislative acts, or rather a list that indicates all categories of work that must be members of a self-regulatory organization without fail. Accordingly, if the ongoing construction or repair activities are not related to those that affect the safety of capital facilities, then you do not need a permit.

A striking example is plumbing work, which in the vast majority of cases can be carried out without a SRO certificate. At the same time, having a permit is very desirable, especially if you are just starting a business, for example, installing plumbing in houses and apartments.

Do you need a license as a plumber to carry out private orders?

Key benefits of membership:

  • trust from suppliers and customers;
  • optimization of relationships with government bodies;
  • creation of a company operating in full accordance with modern standards;
  • minimization of the risk of receiving claims from the inspection structures.

SRO for plumbing work

If a we are talking not about unique and dangerous objects, the list of which is indicated in the corresponding list, then you can do without permission from a self-regulatory organization. Among those who do not need to deal with registration of membership and undergo verification, it is worth noting companies with the following areas of activity:

  • replacement of pipeline elements in residential apartments multi-storey buildings;
  • arrangement of sinks, bathtubs and toilet bowls;
  • restoration of the functionality of plumbing equipment;
  • installation of sanitary partitions.

In turn, when carrying out work related to the construction of wells and installation outdoor sewerage, permission is required. If you are in doubt about whether you need to join the SRO, contact our specialists who will study the law in detail and determine the degree of need for permits.

Since the entry into force of the law on self-regulatory organizations, a huge number of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have had to review their activities and optimize in order to obtain the appropriate permits. At the same time, one of the most common problems was the ignorance of whether a certificate is necessary for the performance of a particular type of work. Despite the obvious advantages of SRO membership, not all contractors and construction companies are willing to spend significant amounts of money on membership and commission fees, especially if this is not mandatory.

In fact, it is possible to determine exactly whether it is mandatory to obtain a permit or not only after a detailed study of legislative acts, or rather a list that indicates all categories of work that must be members of a self-regulatory organization without fail. Accordingly, if the ongoing construction or repair activities are not related to those that affect the safety of capital facilities, then you do not need a permit.

A striking example is plumbing work, which in the vast majority of cases can be carried out without a SRO certificate.

Does the company need a license to perform plumbing work?

At the same time, having a permit is very desirable, especially if you are just starting a business, for example, installing plumbing in houses and apartments. Key benefits of membership:

  • trust from suppliers and customers;
  • optimization of relations with state bodies;
  • creation of a company operating in full accordance with modern standards;
  • minimization of the risk of receiving claims from the inspection structures.

SRO for plumbing work

If we are not talking about unique and dangerous objects, the list of which is indicated in the corresponding list, then you can do without permission from a self-regulatory organization. Among those who do not need to deal with registration of membership and undergo verification, it is worth noting companies with the following areas of activity:

  • replacement of pipeline elements in residential apartments of multi-storey buildings;
  • arrangement of sinks, bathtubs and toilet bowls;
  • restoration of the functionality of plumbing equipment;
  • installation of sanitary partitions.

In turn, when carrying out work related to the construction of wells and the installation of external sewage, a permit is required. If you are in doubt about whether you need to join the SRO, contact our specialists who will study the law in detail and determine the degree of need for permits.

HomeQuestions and orders Do I need a license to provide services?

Do I need a license to provide services?

Tell. I have an LLC. I want to take on the service of a government agency. According to the contract, I will provide services "for the provision of round-the-clock maintenance and duty services for the performance of work on the elimination of accidents and damage to the internal engineering networks of hot and cold water supply, sewerage and heating in the building of a state institution." That is, you will need to provide services:

- in internal hot and cold water supply systems - from the outer wall of the building to the last water folding device;

- in internal sewerage systems - from the first well at the outlet to the last sanitary device;

- in internal heating systems - from the outer wall of the building to the last heating device.

Q: Do I need a license for this? Is an SRO necessary? Or something else? What documents are needed and where can I get them?

Lawyers Answers

Dolinina Olga Aleksandrovna (03/01/2015 at 09:36:22)

Do I need an SRO for plumbing work: when is it required and in what cases a permit is not needed

This will be useful to you in the future, if there are orders for overhaul. This type of service is identical to housing and communal services for management companies of apartment buildings, but licenses have been introduced for them. Since you will provide services for a government agency, they may require the approval of the SRO in the tender documentation for the auction under this contract as a prerequisite.

Zubkov Sergey Vasilyevich (03/01/2015 at 10:35:49)

Dear Anonymous. Currently, management companies are going through the procedure for obtaining licenses for the maintenance of residential buildings. You are going to do similar work. Join the SRO. This can save you from possible problems in the process of activity. The public institution is obliged to hold a tender for the conclusion of a service contract. You will have to participate in it.

Good luck. My answer is your feedback.

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Work Permits

As mentioned earlier, you don't need a permit to fix a leaky faucet, fix a clogged drain, or even replace old bathroom sinks and faucets. In these cases, you do not change the main location of communications, supply water or drain (sewer) pipes. However, you will need a permit if you are building a new structure, changing its size or location, improving water flow and pressure, converting one system to another, or removing an existing structure.

The first thing you should do is get information from your local planning or permit department. Next, you need to develop a detailed work plan. Most planning departments require a description of the main work, their estimated cost and scheme. Next, you should pay a fee based on the estimated cost of the work. The smaller the amount of work and their cost, the lower the fee will be.

Planning or permitting departments can provide you with information about standards, services, licensed plumbers, etc. It may take some time to get a permit, from a few minutes to a couple of weeks, depending on the type and complexity of the work and the completeness of the information you provide.

Rice. 2.1. The building permit must be visible from the street

Rice. 2.2. After the acceptance of the first stage of plumbing work, a tag is hung at the work site

Rice. 2.3. Walls close after checking

Rice. 2.4. Pipes are cut to allow installation of mounting brackets

Once the permission shown in Fig. 2.1, you attach it in such a way that it can be seen from the street. Acceptance of some works is carried out in stages. Tag with inspection results in fig. 2.2 means that the preliminary plumbing work has been approved and the builders can proceed to the next stage of work, which consists in installing various connections and shut-off valves for plumbing fixtures, and then closing the walls, as follows from fig. 2.3. Also at this stage, pipes are shortened and mounting brackets are installed for attaching toilets and other fixtures, as shown in fig. 2.4.

The attitude of the inspectors (both for construction and plumbing work, depending on the type of work and territory) during the inspection is quite loyal. Of course, they will never approve work that clearly violates the standards, but in matters that are not covered in the standards, they can act at their discretion. So, in many standards it is prescribed to install the same type of pipes in the house (for example, copper). However, owners of some older homes where galvanized pipes were originally installed may wish to replace sections of corroded pipes with plastic or copper. In such a case, the inspector may approve this replacement, but only if the dimensions, length and other characteristics of the new pipes meet the standards. Some standards allow the use of several types of pipes.

The easiest building materials to approve are those sold by vendors that have a proven track record in your area. Most sellers will be happy to advise you on what to use, as well as provide information on passing inspections.

The verification must be passed so that you can then calmly connect and use water or other utilities. If you have not passed the test, but there are no obvious violations of the standards, then you can file an appeal. However, it is better to do everything in accordance with the standards.

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Since the entry into force of the law on self-regulatory organizations, a huge number of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have had to review their activities and optimize in order to obtain the appropriate permits. At the same time, one of the most common problems was the ignorance of whether a certificate is necessary for the performance of a particular type of work. Despite the obvious advantages of SRO membership, not all contractors and construction companies are willing to spend significant amounts of money on membership and commission fees, especially if this is not mandatory.

In fact, it is possible to determine exactly whether it is mandatory to obtain a permit or not only after a detailed study of legislative acts, or rather a list that indicates all categories of work that must be members of a self-regulatory organization without fail. Accordingly, if the ongoing construction or repair activities are not related to those that affect the safety of capital facilities, then you do not need a permit.

A striking example is plumbing work, which in the vast majority of cases can be carried out without a SRO certificate. At the same time, having a permit is very desirable, especially if you are just starting a business, for example, installing plumbing in houses and apartments. Key benefits of membership:

  • trust from suppliers and customers;
  • optimization of relations with state bodies;
  • creation of a company operating in full accordance with modern standards;
  • minimization of the risk of receiving claims from the inspection structures.

SRO for plumbing work

If we are not talking about unique and dangerous objects, the list of which is indicated in the corresponding list, then you can do without permission from a self-regulatory organization. Among those who do not need to deal with registration of membership and undergo verification, it is worth noting companies with the following areas of activity:

  • replacement of pipeline elements in residential apartments of multi-storey buildings;
  • arrangement of sinks, bathtubs and toilet bowls;
  • restoration of the functionality of plumbing equipment;
  • installation of sanitary partitions.

In turn, when carrying out work related to the construction of wells and the installation of external sewage, a permit is required. If you are in doubt about whether you need to join the SRO, contact our specialists who will study the law in detail and determine the degree of need for permits.

The answer to the question of whether an SRO is needed for plumbing work depends entirely on the specifics of the activities being carried out, which can be construction or installation (installation), and on specifications designs.

The permit of the SRO (self-regulatory organization) is required for a hazardous or unique facility, which is included in a special List of types of work.

When required

According to the law “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”, permission is required:

  • when performing finishing and other works at especially dangerous objects, which are Railway, airport, buildings with a height of 100 m;
  • when performing repairs, during which it is supposed to carry out displacement, transfer of load-bearing structures, door and window openings, redevelopment of the premises;
  • when installing (or dismantling) a gas pipeline and installing an external sewage system;
  • when drilling, drilling and arranging wells.

Joining an SRO is required when there is a need to obtain special permits for certain types of activities specified in the List.

Who doesn't need to join

According to the order of Menregion No. 624, organizations involved in:

  • repair and decoration of apartments and offices;
  • replacement of pipeline parts in residential premises;
  • installation and connection of plumbing: sinks, bathtubs, toilet bowls, faucets, etc.;
  • repair of sanitary equipment;
  • installation and dismantling of internal sanitary partitions (combination or separation of the bathroom).

Conclusion: SROs for plumbing work are not needed if the event is not held at particularly dangerous facilities and does not affect the safety of capital structures.

It is important to know: in accordance with Russian legislation, construction and design companies engaged in activities that affect the safety of capital structures are required to join SROs.

But if a company is engaged in the construction of buildings and structures on a turnkey basis, including the installation of plumbing, then before starting work, it needs to obtain permission from a self-regulatory organization.

Is it possible to bypass the intro?

According to statistics, more than 50% of construction, engineering and design firms do not join the SRO, working on someone else's admission.

How can it be? The fact is that only one out of 10 contractors working for one general contractor can have access. The remaining 9 organizations that carry out their range of activities may not appear in the documents.

The second way to get around joining the SRO is to present the actual capital construction as an ongoing repair that does not require special permission. Advanced companies insure liability, allowing you to defend your case in court.

The leaders of such firms believe that legal costs are much less than the fee paid upon joining the SRO. But it is important to understand that carrying out construction work without the approval of the SRO is illegal.

All about the rules for plumbing and repair work, see the following video:

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