Where to find an appraiser How much does an apartment appraiser cost and how to choose one. How to choose an appraisal company

Sheet glass 14.11.2020
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Let's figure out what caused the popularity of the profession, and most importantly, what rights and obligations these specialists are required to bear. Of course, this discussion will not do without comparing the pros and cons of the specialty we are discussing.

Profession appraiser of real estate - who is it?

A real estate appraiser is a person who general rules, evaluates various client property objects.

These objects include objects of sale, real estate, apartments, commercial buildings, and so on.

In addition, these persons are required to conduct an examination and draw up an appropriate conclusion on the assessment.

An expert in assessing damage from an apartment bay - differences, features

Many people confuse the concept of a real estate appraiser and an independent apartment damage assessment expert. An apartment damage assessor is a person who is also obliged to assess real estate, however, affected by any factors, this case, from the bay.

That is, in one case, an independent real estate appraiser evaluates the property, in the form in which it is located on this moment, and another, conducts an assessment on the fact of damage to real estate. This is the main difference between these experts.

However, the methods and methods of evaluation used by both of these persons are no different from each other.

In addition, certain requirements are imposed on real estate appraisers. Let's look at the main ones.

Firstly, he must have a higher education, preferably a specialized one, or have a diploma that indicates the completion of specialized courses.

Also, the appraiser must have worked in the appraisal field as an assistant for some time.

This citizen must have knowledge of working with a personal computer.

It is also necessary to have membership in the society of appraisers, and a certificate confirming this fact. The appraiser must be able to independently draw up reports, as well as coordinate them with the relevant auditors of several organizations.

Employers who require specialists to work also have additional requirements that may apply to specialists. It will be useful to have a driver's license, since the work of the appraiser is of a split nature.

Also, constantly improve the level of their qualifications, which means attending specialized seminars, courses and trainings.

Some appraisers may be sent on long business trips and should be prepared for this.


A real estate appraiser is a person who not only receives good rewards for his work, but also has a number of responsibilities. At the same time, all his duties are a heavy burden on his shoulders, and any failure to fulfill these duties threatens that the pros will not be in demand.

It is very important to constantly improve the level of your professionalism, as well as strictly follow the basic rules.

Let's get acquainted with the main duties of a real estate appraiser.

Firstly, a real estate appraiser, before drawing up an opinion, must collect relevant information on the property, as well as its history.

Attentiveness is the main thing that a specialist in this profession should be guided by.

The second obligation is that the appraiser must evaluate the property on his own, without the involvement of outside help.

Third duty is to not only interact with customers in financial matters and provide them with advisory support. This is due to advice on the purchase and sale of real estate, as well as its further operation.

The last, fixed rule boils down to the fact that after all the work has been carried out, the appraiser is obliged to draw up a report that should fully reflect the result of the work performed.

What is he doing?

The state real estate appraiser has many responsibilities, as you have already seen.

Let's look at the areas in which you may need the services of a real estate appraiser.

Here is just a short list:

  1. Firstly, is the sale of real estate. When drawing up this transaction, the experience of this specialist may be useful.
  2. If citizens are going to take out a mortgage, and the property in question is not a new building, the services of an appraiser will also come in handy.
  3. Services are also needed in litigation, in the payment of taxes, in the implementation of the privatization procedure, in the transfer of real estate under a donation agreement, and so on.

Service price

How much does a real estate appraiser cost? Many do not dare to use the services of a real estate appraiser, the cost of work is allegedly high.

Contrary to popular belief, the price of the services of a real estate appraiser is such that any citizen of our country can pay it.

Especially since often such examinations help to save money. Let's look at the average cost of these services across the country.

If we are talking about residential real estate, then the price of the service of an apartment appraiser will be from two and a half to 5,000 rubles, and if we are talking about larger real estate, such as a house or a residential cottage, then the cost of the appraisal will start from 6,000 rubles. and higher.

If it's about land plot then up to 20 acres the cost of services will be equal to 3 or 4000 rubles, the larger the size of the site, the higher the cost of its assessment. If we are talking about retail, warehouse, or other commercial premises, then the cost of their assessment will be much higher and in central Russia starts from 15,000 rubles.

Where to find a specialist?

Find independent appraiser real estate is not difficult.

Many of them place ads in their respective newspapers and websites, while others organize entire firms that help people make an assessment.

If you are selling or buying an apartment through a realtor, then for sure, before making this transaction, your realtor will advise you on the services of such a narrow specialist.

Your property will be assessed by state cadastral appraisers.


Recently, namely since 2015, an independent register of real estate appraisers has appeared on the territory of our country. It is necessary so that citizens can easily find the appropriate specialist in their region, as well as find his contacts.

In addition, if you have already found an appraiser, then you can check information about him in this registry. If a citizen is listed in it, this means that he is really a qualified specialist and can provide you with competent professional assistance.

The register is compiled in such a way that first it contains the name of the region, and then the name of the company or enterprise where this appraiser operates.

Electronic directory

The appraiser's electronic reference book is a new concept in appraisal activity.

Let's understand what this concept is.

This guide should contain basic information about such parameters as pricing, factors, and also reflects the situation in the existing market for various real estate objects.

A real estate appraiser needs all these data, because he is a narrow specialist, in view of the fact that they affect the final cost, which is indicated in the report. Often, in search necessary information the appraiser spends a lot of time, and the handbook helps to save it.

The idea of ​​the project, which is currently under development, is that you are admitted to the base, which will work daily, and you can connect to it via the Internet.

All the parameters related to the assessment of real estate by an expert and related factors that are available will simplify the work of a specialist and help many people.

The directory is updated daily to provide citizens with only the most up-to-date information on the topic. You can download the Real Estate Appraiser's Handbook here.

Accredited by Sberbank

Sberbank Russian Federation For a long time I began to look for appraisers-partners in order to work with corporate borrowers.

So, in accordance with the clauses of the rules for the procedure for cooperation with Sberbank of Russia, there are a number of rules on the basis of which partner appraisers interact with the bank.

The Bank offers work to all appraisal companies in order to form their own registries, and thereby increase the number of clients, and help each other to increase their base.

True, Sberbank provides a number of requirements for such a narrow specialist.

Firstly, the status must be confirmed, and also, these companies must have at least three years of experience in the market. In addition, all the work of the company must be carried out through the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

How much does a professional earn?

Many are concerned about the question of how much a real estate appraiser earns. Someone also wants to devote his life to this profession, and the question financial well-being I care a lot about these people.

So, on average in Russia, the salary for such an expert is from 50,000 rubles. Young professionals who are graduates of financial faculties are very interested in this area.

Yes, and you must admit, the salary of an appraiser today is quite high, even for a completely novice, young specialist.

How to become a real estate appraiser?

How to become a real estate appraiser in Russia?

To become a real estate appraiser, you first need to get the appropriate education.

The profession of a real estate appraiser can be obtained both at a higher educational institution and through relevant courses or seminars.

A diploma should be proof of your education.

Also, you need to work as an assistant in any organization.

You must have work experience in order to independently carry out the activities of an appraiser.

Also, you should create several valuation decision documents and summaries yourself to show in your portfolio. This is a standard starter kit for those who dream of becoming an appraiser.

Now you know what rights and obligations lie with a real estate appraiser. Now you can decide for yourself whether you want to infiltrate this profession, or whether it has ceased to suit you.

One way or another, today, this profession is very relevant and highly paid, which is important in the context of the economic crisis in our country.

The appraisal of the value of real estate, securities or an enterprise may be needed for various purposes. At the same time, it is recommended to find an appraisal company whose specialists will not only have significant experience and relevant qualifications, but will also have the legal opportunity (in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation) to provide an independent expert report on the value of the assets being valued.

In this article, we will answer questions about where to look, and how to check, and also consider important points which must be taken into account when choosing.

Main selection criteria

Regardless of the purpose of the assessment, only expert appraisers and appraisal companies that meet certain legal requirements have the right to correctly determine the value of an object and prepare an expert opinion. Where can I find an appraiser who will prepare a high-quality expert report that meets established standards, the requirements of banking institutions and international standards? Consider the key circumstances, given which you can make the right decision.

  • Specialization.

    If you need to find a real estate appraiser or an operating business, it is important that the appraiser is qualified and certified in business appraisal. It is worth considering that an expert appraiser (company) can either have a highly specialized profile, carrying out, for example, only appraising apartments, office space or buildings (structures), or provide a wide range of appraisal services for various purposes.

  • Official site .

    There are many options on how to find a real estate appraiser and where to start your search. But, as a rule, one of the most common and most effective ways is online search. You can easily find corporate websites of appraisal firms, by studying which you can not only get an idea about the specifics of the company's activities, but also evaluate the quality of the content, and draw conclusions about its competence.

  • Permissive documentation.

    The current legislation grants the right to carry out appraisal activities only to experts who have membership in one of the self-regulatory organizations of appraisers (SROs). At the same time, the appraiser must pass an exam in the areas of appraisal activities: “real estate appraisal”, “movable property appraisal” and “business appraisal”. In addition, the risks associated with the implementation professional activity expert must be insured. As a rule, membership information is posted on the official website, is necessarily displayed in the evaluation report, and can also be provided at the request of the customer.

  • Reputation.

    Before choosing an appraiser, you should use the help of specialized forums or thematic groups (communities) in social networks. Such resources allow you to get acquainted with the reviews of customers who contacted the appraisal firm (expert appraiser). You can also personally ask the user a question to get information about the quality of the services received.

  • Accreditation.

    If you need an appraisal of the value of property for the purposes of obtaining a loan or mortgage, in addition to the above criteria, you should take into account the accreditation of the company. Accreditation is a confirmation that the valuation organization and its reports meet the requirements of banking institutions. How to choose an appraisal company in such a situation? First of all, you need to consider the options that loan specialists will advise you. As a rule, mortgage lending banks provide a list of organizations that have received accreditation from them.

How to check an appraiser?

Knowing how to vet an independent appraiser is important to ensure that the assessor's activities are legal and that you receive a report that complies with legal requirements. To do this, you should ask the expert appraiser:

      • a diploma confirming the qualification in the field of business valuation, shares, real estate, etc.;
      • qualification certificates by types of appraisal activity: "real estate appraisal", "movable property appraisal" and "business appraisal";
      • a valid insurance policy, the object of insurance of which is professional liability (minimum sum insured - 300 thousand rubles);
      • an extract from the unified register or a certificate of membership in the SRO.

An expert appraiser may be deprived of the status of a member of the SRO, and membership may be temporarily suspended, so you should know how to check the appraiser in the SRO. To carry out the check, you need to visit the website of the relevant self-regulatory organization and see the current status of the expert.

There are many professions that bring good income. Today we will tellwho is an appraiserhow much he earns and how to become one. We will describe the features of the profession, we will offer step by step instructions training and job search.

Learn the features of the profession of an appraiser

The real estate appraiser isa specialist who determines the value of immovable objects: for example, land plots, apartments, private houses, warehouses and others. He collects information, comprehensively analyzes it and calculates the price of the object, based on its characteristics.

The appraiser must beattentive, organized, communicative. His job responsibilities include many tasks:

📚 collection of information that is needed for subsequent analysis - visits to facilities, inspection, communication with various organizations, study of documents;

📚 analysis of the collected information, determination of the value of real estate using one or more methods;

📚 registration of a real estate valuation report according to certain requirements, for example, it must contain information about all the data collected, valuation methods, and the pages must be bound and numbered;

📚 negotiating with banking organizations, audit companies and other firms;

📚 advising a client - an appraiser should be able to explain to him how he will work, what information is needed for analysis, why he determined such a value of real estate.

All this falls on the shoulders of the appraiser, especially if he works as an independent specialist. If he is employed by a company, he will not have some responsibilities - for example, a manager or administrator can communicate with clients in the early stages. The exact listwhat is the job of a real estate appraiser, depends on a specific niche, company, region.

That, how much does an appraiser make, depends on the number of orders and the region - in different settlements service costs vary. The amount of wages per month ranges from 20,000 ₽ to 130,000 ₽. The average income of an independent specialist is about 45,000 rubles per month. Profit can be increased, but for this you will need to work hard to build a good reputation among the target audience, that is, to become a brand to some extent.

Weigh all the pros and cons

Appraiser professionLike other professions, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages:

🏅 Flexible schedule.You can build your own work schedule - when you go to the object, when you do paperwork, when you calculate the cost of the object.

🏅 Ability to work remotely.If you decide to work for yourself, you can meet with clients in neutral territory - for example, in a cafe, and work at home. This will save money that would have to be spent on renting an office.

🏅 High income.The average salary of a specialist is 40-45 thousand, and with a certain level of knowledge and a good reputation, you can get an income that is 3-4 times higher than the national average.

There are several disadvantages that can offset all the benefits of working as an appraiser:

🔑 Liability.The appraiser is financially responsible to the client for the quality of the work done. In the event of an incorrect calculation of the cost, the client may suffer damage, and you will have to compensate for it.

🔑 The need to constantly learn.Assessors need to constantly improve their knowledge in order to stay in trend. In addition, mandatory periodic training is provided - without it it will not be possible to work.

🔑 High barrier to entry into the profession. It will be very difficult for you in your specialty if you do not have an analytical mindset. In addition, to become a specialist, you will need to work for a meager salary as an assistant for the first few years.

Get an education

How to become a real estate appraiser in Russia? First you need to get the appropriate education: without a diploma it will be impossible to work in your specialty, join an SRO, and take out insurance for appraisal activities.

You can immediately enter the profession of an appraiser. But there is one problem - in our country there are critically few universities that train such specialists. For example, you can get the specialty "property valuation expert" at the Institute of Professional Valuation or the International Academy of Valuation and Consulting. Due to the small number of universities, you will face competition for vacancies: you may not enter the first time.

There is another way to get a diploma that will allow you to work as a real estate appraiser in the future: first get higher education in the fields of economics, law or construction, and then take retraining courses or additional professional education. For example,appraiser training coursesoffer the following educational institutions:

🎓 Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics;

🎓 Modern Science and Technology Academy;

🎓 Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography;

🎓 Interregional Academy of Construction and industrial complex;

🎓 Moscow Institute of Law.

When choosing courses, carefully read their description. Choose training, after passing which they issue confirming certificates or state diplomas. If you take courses and do not receive any confirming this document, you will not be able to join the SRO and work in your specialty.

Do an internship

In many areas of activity, theory is nothing without practice, and evaluation activities are no exception. After receiving professional education, you need 1-3 years to practice as an assistant appraiser. This is how you will learn:

💼 correctly collect information about objects, paying attention only to significant things;

💼 process a large array of documents, quickly search for the information you need;

💼 calculate the value of real estate using several methods, using different data;

💼 understand how the price of real estate objects is formed depending on their characteristics;

💼 communicate with customers, draw up service contracts.

That is, learn to practice real estate appraisal. You will make mistakes, but mentors -expert appraisers- will point to them and explain why you should not do it and how to do it better.

There are several ways to find a place to practice. For example, to agree with the company in which you had an internship from the university, to hire you after graduation. Or ask the organizers of retraining courses to provide jobs after receiving a certificate or diploma. Most effective method- search for vacancies on your own:

🔹 through acquaintances, if you have acquaintances of appraisers or people associated with this area;

🔹 on the websites of appraisal companies - often they post information about vacancies in the relevant section;

🔹 on sites with resumes and vacancies - for example, on hh.ru or Avito.

Be prepared for the fact that the first time of the internship, the salary will be low. Appraisers' assistants are paid much less than appraisers themselves. But practice is an integral stage on the way to obtaining a profession in demand. Without it, you will make many mistakes and will not be able to get permission for valuation activities.

Pass the exam

After completing 3 years of practice, you need to pass an exam. It is called qualification, because it confirms the advanced training. After passing it, you are issued a certificate that allows you to work as an appraiser on your own, not as an assistant, but as a specialist. Every 3 years you will have to confirm your right to work: retake the exam and receive a certificate again. If you do not do this, you will not be able to work in the profession.

Practice is needed just in order to successfully pass the exam. The form of the exam is strictly regulated, it is the same in all regions. The candidate needs to pass exams in three areas: real estate, movable property and business valuation, including intangible assets and intellectual property. The exam is administered by the FBU "Federal Resource Center", its duration is 2.5 hours.

Join the SRO

Each appraiser who plans to work in his specialty must join the SRO - a self-regulatory organization. This is necessary so that you work legally and can insure your activities. In addition, SRO members receive legal and qualification support, access to new databases, technologies and the best professional development programs.

A list of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers can be foundon the official website of Rosreestr . Please note that you can choose only one SRO - the appraiser has the right to be a member of only one organization at a time. To become a member, you need to provide the representative with the following package of documents:

📑 an application for joining the SRO and an application confirming consent to the processing of personal data - they can be written upon admission;

📑 notarized copies of a diploma confirming higher professional education or copies of retraining of specialists;

📑 copies of qualification certificates confirming advanced training at least 1 time in 3 years from the date of graduation;

📑 copies of documents that confirm the reason for changing the surname, if your surname differs in different documents - for example, you changed it after marriage;

📑 copies of an identity document - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

📑 certificate of the absence of outstanding, unexpunged convictions for crimes in the field of economics, as well as for especially grave, grave, medium-gravity crimes.

Some SROs also require a certified copy of the insurance policy. Sometimes it can be issued upon entry or after it - check the conditions in the organization of your choice.

The SRO will review the documents within 7-10 days and make a decision. If it is positive, you will be issued a certificate of the established form after entering your data in the register of members of the society. It will confirm your right to value real estate.

You will have to pay for membership in the SRO. Specific amounts may vary by region and organization. The average cost is:

💰 30,000 ₽ - contribution to the compensation fund;

💰 5 000 ₽ - entrance fee;

💰 10 000 ₽ - annual membership fee.

That is, you will have to immediately pay about 35,000 rubles to become a member of a self-regulatory organization and receive from itreal estate appraisal certificate. And then you will have to pay another 10,000 rubles annually.

Get an insurance policy

According to Art. 15 FZ 135, real estate appraisers must take out an insurance policy. The cost of insurance depends on the amount that the insurance company can reimburse. The higher it is, the more you will have to pay for the policy. Most often, its cost is 300 ₽ for every 300,000 ₽ of the sum insured. That is, if you need an insurance amount in the range of 5,000,000 ₽, you will need to pay about 2,500–4,000 ₽ for the policy during registration.

The cost of insurance may differ depending on the chosen company, because different insurance companies use different rates. Compare offers from several companies to find the best solution.

Get started as an appraiser

You can start working in a company or on your own. Each option has its pros and cons.

for hire

Employment is work in a company. Your duties will be standard: collection of information about objects, cost analysis and reporting. At the initial stage, other employees will be responsible for finding customers and communicating with them, that is, you do not have to look for customers yourself. All that is required from you is just to work according to the profile.

But appraiser's salaryin the company is lower than the income of independent specialists. This is due to the fact that the company will pay taxes for you, contributions to various state funds, and also spend money on paying salaries to other specialists: administrators, marketers, and so on.

Often, to get a job in a company, you just need to find a job. This can be done on the websites of appraisal companies, on special platforms for publishing ads. Most often, employers only require a diploma of vocational education, a certificate of membership in the SRO and an insurance policy, as well as practical experience. By practical experience, you can also understand the practice that you went through as an assistant to a specialist.

Some employers can help with joining the SRO and issuing an insurance policy. Many of them often additionally require:

📲 PC experience - recently appraisers have started to use various software that helps them in their work;

📲 driving license category "B", ideally - a personal car for trips to objects;

📲 consent to go on business trips - for example, to other regions, cities;

📲 consent to undergo specialized trainings, training courses, webinars - this is how the appraiser will improve his qualifications, be aware of new laws, methods, rules.

Study the description of specific vacancies to understand what exactly a particular employer wants.

On one's own

An independent specialist in property and land appraisal earns more than a specialist in the state. It has no additional costs - for example, you do not need to rent an office: you can work from home or coworking. You do not need to pay salaries to other employees if you are self-employed.

In independent work, income is higher, but you will have to do more. For example, you will need to independently monitor your knowledge and constantly improve it, improve your skills. Finding clients is also entirely on your shoulders.

To work independently, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur without the right to hire employees. To do this, you need to write an application to the Federal Tax Service, register and independently pay deductions to the Federal Security Service, the Federal Tax Service, and also give a certain percentage of income: 13% under the standard system or 6% under the simplified taxation scheme.

In your company

More progressive look independent work- Creation of a company. Income will also depend entirely on you: the more customers you attract, the more you earn.

But when creating your company, calculate all the risks in advance. You will have a great responsibility. It will be necessary to count expenses and incomes, hire employees, train them, look for clients, make sure that the company's activities comply with all laws.

To create a company, you can open an individual entrepreneur with the right to hire employees or an LLC. If you decide to create entity, please note that you will need to hire at least two appraisers. It is important that their right to carry out valuation activities is not suspended. Legislation prohibits being the sole founder of a company conducting appraisal activities. Otherwise, everything is simple: contact the Federal Tax Service with an application for registration - tax officials will tell you what and how to do next.

👍🏻 Consult in detail.Explain to clients why you calculated the value of the property using the chosen method, what characteristics influenced the price. Answer additional questions, such as how to reduce or increase the value of real estate, how banks will use the report, what they need it for.

👍🏻 Increase your level of knowledge.In valuation, as in other areas, everything is constantly changing. Keep up with the market: keep up with new technologies, use updated databases, constantly improve your skills. This will make your services relevant, allow you to create high-quality reports on the valuation of real estate.

👍🏻 Try not to make mistakes.The work of an appraiser requires concentration and care. And every mistake threatens financial responsibility. Therefore, try not to make mistakes: carefully study the documents, double-check the calculations several times. The fewer mistakes you make, the more often you will be recommended to acquaintances, colleagues, friends.

To sum up: what you need to work as an appraiser

🔸 Learn the characteristics of the profession. Understand that most of the working day you will have to work with papers, communicate with people, and carry out calculations.

🔸 Weigh all the pros and cons of the profession. It brings a lot of money and has a relatively free schedule, but it requires an investment of time, finances, care and responsibility.

🔸 Get a higher education- immediately in the specialty or in a related specialty, and then take professional retraining courses.

🔸 Do an internship- Without it, you will not be able to pass the qualifying exam. Work in valuation for at least 3 years.

🔸 Pass the exam. Pass the post-practice exam and receive a qualifying certificate. He will confirm the level of knowledge and allow you to work in your specialty.

🔸 Join the SRO. Membership in a self-regulatory organization is a prerequisite for work. Gather a package of documents and pay fees.

🔸 Get an insurance policy. This is a mandatory requirement. Insurance is available from any company.

🔸 Get started as an appraiser. You can get a job for hire, register an IP or open your own company. The greater the prospect of earning, the greater the responsibility and deeds.

🔸 Work well. Then you will get a good reputation. The better it is, the more customers will turn to you for help.

The cost of the profession of an appraiser depends on the chosen path. Compulsory expenses - joining an SRO worth about 50,000 rubles and a policy worth about 300-4000 rubles. The price of training can start from 0 ₽ and vary over a wide range.

The profession of an appraiser requires an analytical mindset, responsibility, organization, and knowledge. To become an appraiser, you have to work hard, but the result can justify all the costs. Good specialists receive up to 130,000 rubles per month, and experienced owners of their companies can earn many times more.

In the shortest possible time. Our licensed experts have long been full members of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers. Each specialist knows in detail how the appraisal of an apartment is carried out, and has dozens of relevant reports on his account.

Why do you need an apartment appraisal?

An appraisal of an apartment or an appraisal of a share in an apartment is carried out for the following purposes:

  • collateral in a bank
  • mortgage credit lending
  • registration of ownership (for a bank)
  • entry into inheritance rights (for a notary). It is used to calculate the amount of the notary fee charged. At the same time, inspection and photography of the apartment is not required.
  • appraisal of an apartment for guardianship authorities, authorities social protection citizens
  • appraisal of an apartment for the court (including if a case on the division of property between spouses or heirs is being considered in court)
  • appraisal of the apartment for the embassy. In this case, we will prepare a conclusion on 3-5 sheets, which will indicate the market value of the property with the application of appraisers' documents (certificate, insurance)

List of required documents

  • Certificate of state registration of the right to an apartment and a contract of sale or other document of title or a contract of social employment (copy)
  • Cadastral passport of the apartment, explication of the premises and floor plan issued by the BTI authority (copy)
  • Copy of customer's passport

To simplify the procedure for assessing an apartment for a notary (assessment of an apartment for inheritance) or for social authorities. protection, you can send the specified documents to us at one of the addresses Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. Please do not forget to include a contact phone number in the letter, in case the appraiser has any questions about the materials you provided.

An independent appraisal of apartments, in the implementation of highly qualified specialists from our company, is necessarily supported by a report on the appraisal of the cost of apartments, in accordance with federal law dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation”.

Tariffs by appraisal market value real estate objects

Valuation object type Cost of work
(in rubles)
Residential premises, houses:
up to 60 sq. m 3540
from 61 to 85 sq. m 4130
from 86 to 120 sq. m 4720
from 121 to 170 sq. m 5900
from 171 to 220 sq. m 7316
over 220 sq. m 9440
Non-residential (office, retail) buildings and premises:
up to 100 sq.m 4720
from 101 to 200 sq.m 8260
from 201 to 500 sq.m 17700
from 501 to 1000 sq.m 27140
from 1001 to 2000 sq.m 35400
over 2000 sq.m negotiable
(at least 35000)
Production and storage buildings and premises:
area up to 200 sq.m 6490
from 201 to 500 sq.m 11800
from 501 to 1000 sq.m 17700
from 1001 to 3000 sq.m 29500
over 3000 sq.m negotiable
(at least 30000)
Land (no buildings)
up to 0.03 ha 3540
from 0.03 to 0.06 ha 5900
from 0.06 to 0.1 ha 8850
from 0.1 to 0.2 ha 11800
from 0.2 to 0.5 ha 15930
from 0.5 to 1.0 ha 21240
over 1.0 ha negotiable
(at least 25000)

Terms of service provision

The deadline for submitting the report is 10 business days from the date of payment for services.

When the evaluation period is shortened, the cost of the work increases:

  • less than 3 working days — 100%
  • from 3 to 5 business days — by 70%
  • from 6 to 9 business days — by 50%

Providing benefits
Up to 30% discount available:

  • large families
  • heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR
  • veterans of the Second World War, participants in other armed conflicts, units of risk groups, liquidation of the Chernobyl accident

Pensioners - up to 10%

State budget organizations - up to 20%

Valuation of residential premises
When evaluating residential premises and houses, the cost of work increases up to 10% in the following cases:

  • if there are more than 5 main premises (rooms in the apartment)
  • for multi-level apartments
  • for individual houses of two or more storeys

Valuation of non-residential premises

When evaluating non-residential premises and buildings (structures), the cost of work may be increased in the following cases:

  • in the presence of 2 or more floors - by 25%
  • if there are more than 5 rooms in the object - by 10%

Valuation of identical objects in the same building

In the case of valuation of several identical objects (more than ten in one building), the cost of valuation work for each object can be reduced:

  • from 11 to 20 objects - by 10%
  • from 21 to 40 objects - by 15%
  • from 41 to 60 objects - by 20%
  • from 61 to 80 objects - by 30%
  • more than 80 objects - as agreed by the parties

Additional terms

  • In the event that additional collection of the necessary certificates and documents for the object being evaluated is required, the Customer shall pay all the actual costs incurred by the appraiser according to the financial documents submitted by him.
  • When evaluating specific types of objects, such as construction in progress and reconstruction, monuments of architecture and history, apartment museums, buildings in the historical zone of Moscow protected by the state, unique and exclusive buildings and structures, the cost of the specialist’s work increases in accordance with the Order of the Moscow Government dated July 10 .02, No. 3504-r.
  • The cost of the appraiser's services in the preparation of documents for judicial and law enforcement agencies, the valuation of intangible assets, the valuation of enterprises and businesses, the valuation of equipment is negotiable.
  • Expenses of appraisers for traveling to remote sites (located outside the Moscow Ring Road) are carried out at the expense of the Customer or paid by him in accordance with the methodology for calculating the cost of services approved by the Order of the Government of Moscow dated July 10, 2002 No. 3504-r.
  • If the Customer does not have the necessary documentation for the object being assessed, the cost of work increases in accordance with the Order of the Government of Moscow dated July 10, 2002 No. 3504-r by 20%.
  • The cost of works is indicated including VAT 18%.

Selling an apartment is an even more important moment than buying it, in order for the procedure to go at the right level, it is worth inviting specialists, an appraiser of an apartment is a specialist, on average, his services cost from three five hundred to five thousand rubles.

Why conduct a real estate appraisal (apartment), and invite an appraiser?

Many people do not understand why such a service as property valuation (apartment, cottage, house) is needed, because you can go online and see how much the owners want to get for an apartment in their city or even district. But, everything is not so simple, there are features of the sale of real estate. If you do not use the services of an appraiser, you may not sell the apartment, if you ask for a high price for the apartments. Since home appraisal is an inexpensive and affordable service, it is better to use it.

There are exceptional cases where the owner must use the services of an appraiser. List of cases:

  • It is worth inviting an appraiser of an apartment if you need to fulfill a court sentence (repayment of loan debts, non-payment of debt to other persons).
  • If you need property insurance.
  • Settlement of issues related to the inheritance (distribution of the share of the inheritance, the appraised value of the apartment is needed here in order to give money to the heir for part of the inheritance).
  • Redistribution of ownership shares.
  • If you are going to enter into a lease agreement, the appraised value of housing will help you decide on the amount you have to pay for your property.
  • Getting a loan (for a round amount of money).
  • Complete liquidation of the property (demolition of a residential building, as emergency, you must know what real amount of money should be paid to you).
  • And the most common option why you need an apartment appraiser: selling an apartment.

How to choose an apartment appraiser?

The choice of an apartment appraiser should be taken seriously, because the success of your transaction depends on it. If you are going to take out a mortgage, the bank will provide a specialist who will evaluate the apartment (or other residential property that is in your possession). Be aware that the cost of assessing an apartment and the cost of assessing a private house is different (this is due to the peculiarities of the work of the appraiser, the living area, and the area that relates to the property).

Real estate appraisal agency - to use the service or not?

Real estate appraisal agencies make a qualitative appraisal of the apartment, within a short period of time (mostly two or three days), quickly issue a document confirming the procedure.

Let's consider the advantages of cooperation with an agency for apartment appraisal.


  1. Free consultation - explanation of the principle of work.
  2. Low prices.
  3. Departure of the expert at the address.
  4. The severity of the examination: the examination is carried out in accordance with the current legislation, a document that confirms the assessment of the apartment.
  5. Confidentiality of the services provided.
  6. Short terms for the provision of services.
  7. The client receives a report on the appraiser's work.

What characteristics are taken into account during the appraisal of an apartment

At first glance, it may seem that the expert to evaluate own apartment not needed. Because you yourself bought an apartment, made repairs, you know what and how much it costs, you see the prices, and you own the economic situation. But, all exactly desirable to contact the appraiser.

The appraiser takes into account the following features of the apartment:

  • Quadrature.
  • Area.
  • The presence of visible defects.
  • Area.
  • Proximity to the center.
  • The presence of dangerous industrial buildings.
  • Floors.
  • The layout of the apartment (the presence of walk-through rooms).
  • The presence of a balcony or loggia.
  • General condition of the apartment.
  • The year the house was built.
  • Window glazing.
  • Infrastructure (presence of shops, transport, metro).

Consider important points to sell an apartment profitably

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