How to get a good press. How to pump up the press at home for a man. Twisting not the top block

Hall, living room 23.07.2020
Hall, living room

Strong abdominal muscles are needed not only to seduce girls on the beach, but also to ensure the stability of the middle part of the body during deadlifts and squats. Well-developed abdominal muscles create a natural power belt that protects your spine.

In order for you to see your beautifully detailed abs, your body fat percentage should tend to be 10-12%.

Muscles involved in shaping your torso

  1. rectus abdominis
  2. oblique muscles
  3. intercostal muscles
  4. Intra-abdominal muscles (deep abdominal muscles)

As often mentioned, this includes the rectus abdominis (upper and lower) and obliques. But we would also stop at two important points- these are your intercostal muscles that give the appearance of the side of your torso, and most importantly, which many people often forget about, are the intra-abdominal muscles (deep abdominal muscles), for the development of which it is necessary to perform a vacuum in the abdomen. We have already considered a more detailed anatomy of the abdominal muscles earlier (link below).

How to pump up the press at home

This exercise pumps all parts of the press, including the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Lie on your back. Hands are behind the head (but do not pull the head forward). The upper body is in a state of twisting throughout the exercise. Perform 4 sets for as many reps as possible in each set. Rest between sets 30-60 seconds.

3. Plank

Plank - simple and effective exercise for training abdominal muscles: all you need is a flat floor. And you don’t even have to make any movements, since the “bar” is a static exercise. This is its simplicity, but this is also a particular difficulty, because the press is almost constantly in suspense. To perform the exercise, take an emphasis lying down and rest your elbows on the floor. The forearms are firmly pressed to the floor. Feet rest with socks on the floor. The body forms a straight line. Stay in this position for as long as possible.

More exercises and complexes for home workouts of the press

How to pump up the press in the gym

Here are 3 of the most effective ab exercises you can do in the gym.

The incline bench press is one of the most basic and most effective exercises for training the abdominal muscles. Lie down on a bench and straighten your torso completely. Hold your hands in front of your chest or behind your head. The loin is pressed against the bench. As you exhale, due to the tension of the press, bend the torso and perform the lift. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 15-25 repetitions (if necessary, use additional weights).

Twisting with the top block can be very helpful. Make sure that the lower back remains motionless at all times. Only the upper body (and the hands that you hold on to the handle of the block) should move. To reduce the load on the elbows, use not a direct grip, but a grip with your palms facing you. Don't use too much weight, or you'll just be pulling on the cable, bending at the pelvis and working the muscles in your arms and upper back. Do the exercise gently, without pelvic flexion. Only the spine should bend. Do 3-4 sets of 15-25 reps.

In this exercise, the lower part of the abdominal muscles receives the maximum load. Lie back on incline bench holding hands on top of it. Tighten your abs and lift your legs off the floor. As you exhale, raise your legs to the body, while lifting your hips and pelvis off the bench. On an inhale, return to the starting position. Do 3-4 sets of 15-25 reps.

More exercises and complexes for training the press in the gym

How to pump up the press on the sports field

For pumping the abdominal muscles on the sports ground, we recommend using a horizontal bar and bars.

This exercise is aimed at training the abdominal muscles and hip flexors. When lifting the straight legs, the rectus femoris muscles and the tensioners of the wide fascia are involved. When lifting the legs bent at the knees: the rectus muscles and, to a lesser extent, the external oblique muscles of the abdomen. With a wide or medium grip, grasp the horizontal bar. As you exhale, raise your legs so that a right angle is formed between them and the body. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets for as many reps as possible in each set.

In this exercise, the emphasis is on the lower part of the press. Turn your back to the bars and grab the handles. With a sharp movement, pull your knees to your chest and then lower your legs back. At the bottom point, do not lower your legs completely, the press should be in constant tension. Perform 3-4 sets for as many reps as possible in each set.

More exercises for training the press on the sports ground

1. If you feel that the exercise is too easy for you and you are doing more than 25 repetitions in one approach, then you need to use additional weights in the form of a dumbbell or pancake, or use the resistance of a rubber band. Using additional weights in the 15-25 rep range will help you pump your abs more efficiently and faster.

2. If you do ab exercises right before deadlifts or squats, it will decrease the mid-body stability needed for basic exercises. Hence the rule: it is better not to pump the press before basic exercises.

3. Do not make long pauses between sets and exercises - this will reduce the effectiveness of the workout. Rest between sets should not be longer than 60 seconds (ideally 15-30 seconds), between exercises - no more than 90 seconds.

4. Training the abdominal muscles should not be long, stubborn and tedious. If you do everything right, you can achieve an excellent effect due to short and intense loads. There is no need to train the press more than three times a week. We recommend doing 2-3 exercises for 3-4 sets 2 times a week (for example, Monday and Thursday). 10-15 minutes is enough to qualitatively pump all the abdominal muscles.

see also

You can do all the exercises in a row for a good study of the abdominal muscles, or choose a few suitable ones and include them in your workout.

1. Crease to the legs

  • Lie on your back, raise your legs and arms at a right angle.
  • Lift your shoulders and pelvis off the floor, touch your feet with your fingertips.
  • Slowly lower yourself back to the floor.
  • Repeat 20 times.

  • Lie on your back, pull your navel towards your spine and press your lower back to the floor.
  • Raise both legs up to an angle of 45 degrees, point out the toes.
  • Start slowly crossing your legs. Do 10-15 reps for each.
  • You can complicate the exercise by throwing loops on your legs.

3. Frog crunches

  • Sit on the floor with your weight on your sitting bones. Lean back to maintain balance, bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor.
  • Exhale, pull your navel towards your spine and lean back, opening your arms and straightening your legs.
  • Inhale as you return to the starting position with your knees at your chest.
  • Repeat 20 times.

  • Lie on the floor, press your lower back to the floor, put your hands behind your head.
  • Pull your knees up to your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the floor.
  • Straighten your right leg low from the floor, and turn your body to the left side, touching your left knee with your right elbow. In this movement, the whole rib cage and not just the elbow.
  • Do the exercise on the other side. This is one repetition.
  • Do 25 reps.

  • Lie on the floor, place your arms on either side of your body, palms down.
  • Raise your legs, bent at the knees, so that they are located at chest level.
  • Lift your hips off the floor, lifting your legs higher.
  • Lower your legs back to the floor and repeat 2-3 times.
  • Do not use momentum, the movement must be made due to the muscles, so do it slowly.

  • Lie on the floor, stretch your legs, arms along the torso.
  • Raise your legs and shoulders low from the floor - this is the starting position.
  • Raise the body with a straight back and legs bent at the knees, only the pelvis remains on the floor.
  • Return to starting position and repeat 25 times.

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees, put your feet on your heels, tilt your body back, your back is straight.
  • Keeping your hands in front of your chest, turn your body to the right, then to the left - this is one repetition.
  • Do the exercise 15 times.
  • If you want to complicate the exercise, lift your feet off the floor.

  • Lie on your back, raise your straight legs and arms up, tear your upper back off the floor, stretch your hands to your feet.
  • Lower your legs to a 45-degree angle, and place your hands behind your head. Do not lower your shoulders to the floor, press your lower back to the mat.
  • Repeat the movement, stretching your hands to your feet.
  • Do 10 reps.

9. Half banana

  • Lie on the floor, straighten your legs, stretch your arms in front of you.
  • With an exhalation, lift the body and the left leg, hands tend to the left foot. Lock the pose in the extreme position and slowly come back.
  • Repeat the twist on the other leg.
  • Continuing to alternate sides, repeat 20 times.

  • Lie on the floor, straighten your legs, put your hands along the body.
  • Slowly raise your body and right leg. Turn your body to the right and touch your right foot with your left hand. Hold for one second.
  • Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Perform the exercise 15 times, alternating sides.

  • Stand on the side on the forearm, remove the other hand behind the head.
  • With an exhalation, draw in the stomach, pulling the navel to the spine, turn the body to the floor and pull the elbow of the free hand to the supporting wrist.
  • With an inhale, return to the starting position and repeat seven more times on this side and eight on the other.

12. Slow leg raise

  • Lie on the floor, lift straight legs up, arms along the body.
  • Press the lower back to the floor, slowly lower both legs, then just as slowly raise them. The slower you move, the harder the exercise.
  • Repeat 10-15 times.
  • If you want to make the exercise more difficult, do not lower your legs to the floor, hold them at an angle of 20-30 degrees, and then raise them again. In this case, the abdominal muscles will not relax throughout the exercise.

  • Lie on your stomach, raise your arms above your head. Stretch your belly to protect and lengthen your lower back. Raise straight legs, arms and head.
  • Raise your right leg and left arm a little higher, then lower them lower and lift your left leg and right arm.
  • Continue slowly alternating arms and legs, do not dangle, keep the body in place.
  • Repeat 20 times.

If you want to increase the load, try a medicine ball or. And don't forget your diet! Even super-intensive exercises will not give you a beautiful relief press without.

Every man dreams of a sports figure, but does not always have the opportunity to go to the gym. Not everyone knows how to pump up the press in an ordinary apartment, and not in the gym. It will take not only time, but also patience. To understand how to properly pump the press without simulators, you need to study the structure of the muscles, get advice from professionals. A special program for pumping the male press will help beginners. All the necessary actions are not difficult, but will require some effort.

The main thing is determination, and then after a while the male press will look like it should be - with cubes, toned muscles. A strong male press requires constant improvement. A beautiful press in men is not only attractive, but also testifies to his health, self-confidence and his strengths.

Training program

Before downloading the press at home, you need to understand which muscles are involved in the process. First of all we are talking about the rectus abdominis muscle, on which the cherished cubes are formed. In addition, oblique muscles are also known - internal and external. They are less involved in the training program, but they should not be forgotten.

In order for a man to pump up the press, you need to load the muscles responsible for the beauty of the torso. They are involved in active actions hands, feet and whole body. The training program implies a load immediately on the entire musculature. If effective exercises that affect the press for men are performed only in relation to certain muscle groups, then the desired cubes will not be achieved. Therefore, experts recommend using exercises for the following groups in each lesson:

  • twisting - for the upper press;
  • raising legs - for the lower press;
  • twisting with turns, lateral twisting - for oblique muscles.

It is impossible to achieve a harmonious figure only by strengthening the body part. The program explains the technique of inflating the press and arms. If a man has excess fat on his stomach, then only training for the press will not fix the situation. You will need to think about proper nutrition, as well as diversify the program with exercises that will help get rid of excess weight. Swimming and aerobic exercise will be a good addition. Men like strength exercises, you can use them.

Those who are looking for a quick way to pump up the press should understand that this is not a one-day or even two-week process. You need to deal with a gradually increasing load. This is taken into account in the curriculum. Otherwise, you can damage the muscles or get serious pain. That is why it is necessary to follow the exercise program without adding complex elements to it ahead of time.

Press in two weeks

It is necessary to talk about the effectiveness of classes if the scheme for pumping the male press is carefully observed. The first two weeks are important to achieve the desired result. This period requires the following from the guy:

  • overcoming pain;
  • the regularity of training, which is part of the habit;
  • an integrated approach to learning.

There are various schemes for pumping a beautiful press, most of them are designed for a month. But the first results can already be seen after 14 days. The class table looks like this:

It is important to note that the pumping schedule is conditional. It all depends on the capabilities of a man, his physical fitness. You can change the number of exercises performed. But be sure to use 3 press approaches during the day. In some schemes, a day of rest is provided, but if there is a desire to quickly bring your body back to normal, then it is better to do workouts daily, but in a gentle mode.

For beginners, you need to start small - the first lessons are no more than 10 minutes. But the exercises must be performed correctly, paying attention to breathing, the correct position of the arms and legs. It is better to do fewer exercises, but use three sets throughout the day. It is better to start in the morning, observing the interval after eating. It's important to keep track of your progress. To do this, you can take a photo before training, and then every week. This will give the man self-confidence. Pumping up the press at home, if desired, is not difficult.

We train at home

The training program for nice abs will only be effective if the following conditions are met:

  1. A warm-up is mandatory, it will warm up the muscles and minimize the risk of injury.
  2. Watch your breath while performing approaches, do not hold it. On exhalation - rise, on inspiration - lowering.

Men often make a mistake in the second paragraph, so the muscles do not receive the right amount of oxygen. You can start with any exercise, but experts advise doing upper abdominal exercises first, then lower ones.

An adult man often has to do exercises aimed at weight loss along with exercises for the press. But it’s enough for the boy to pump up the emerging muscles. And this is done periodically. An older guy uses various weights, for example, dumbbells, pancakes, sports bands. It is better to download the press at home, focusing on video tutorials from professional athletes. For males, this will allow you to avoid mistakes when doing exercises.

We train the whole body

Effectively pumping up the press is the main task, but it is important to keep the whole body in shape. To withstand heavy loads, cardio workouts will be required. One press cannot solve the problem of health. The following classes are required:

  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • swimming;
  • running or walking.

This is an effective way to burn excess fat. If a scheme with a break for rest is chosen, then it is useful to conduct training on that day.

Effective for the beauty of the body will be exercises not only for the press, but also for other muscle groups. Those who want to quickly get results should listen to the sensations and observe the body. Some actions will not be effective, then they are replaced by more complex ones. To gain muscle mass, it is necessary to perform exercises for pumping up the abdominal muscles, as well as improvised means that enhance the effectiveness of training.

Choose a program

A training program and strict adherence to its rules will help to quickly and effectively pump up a man’s press. It will be useful for men of an active lifestyle to learn how to work with additional sports equipment. This will increase the load on the muscles, effectively pump the press while maintaining the training conditions.

Guys are more often interested in quick results, but this is impossible without integrated approach. In a week you can pump up the press, but the result, which is visible to everyone, will be only in a month. The program prescribes rules not only regarding physical activity, but also nutrition and lifestyle. For beginners, it is often a revelation that classes require you to give up bad habits, adherence to a regimen, and deep sleep. pump up right perfect abs possible only in accordance with the program. You do not need to immediately perform complex movements, training should be fun, not painful.

Video "We download the press correctly for men"

Preparing for training

There are several exercises exclusively for pumping the press. Designed for men who do not have problems with overweight. As a rule, these are physically active people prepared for difficult workouts. To quickly pump up the press at home, for those who have a stomach, it is recommended to use a set of exercises aimed at weight loss. Even if you intensively perform exercises for pumping the press, then the result will not be noticeable behind the fat.

A good press is the cubes that color the torso, making a man attractive in the eyes of women. Correctly a man to pump up the press at home will help systematic and purposefulness. The most effective exercises for the press of men require initial careful study. The following components are important:

  • exact adherence to the technique of execution;
  • correct breathing;
  • feeling of a big load on certain muscle groups.

When men with developed upper abs pump the press at home, they may not experience the desired stress on this part of the body. Then you should take care of strengthening the impact on the muscles, auxiliary means are used. These methods of training are effective. Best Exercises for the press those that give a load on the right muscles. More about them.


The plank is versatile for many muscles. It is performed in three press approaches, with a gradual increase in the time to complete. The classic version goes like this:

  • lie on the floor, face down;
  • the emphasis is on the elbows and toes.

The correct plank resembles the position in which men are used to doing push-ups. But you need to stay in it as long as possible. By doing it every day, you can achieve excellent results. You can pump the press in this way using additional exercises. For example, keep the body in the plank, and spread the legs apart. As an option - stand in a side plank - on your elbow, raise one arm and linger in a pose for 20 seconds. Then change sides. To perform the bar, you need to pump up not only the press, but also other muscles. Here's how to do it right.

Upper press

The best way for a man to pump up the press is to perform a set of exercises. In it, much attention should be paid to the upper abdominal muscles. The most popular exercise in this category is the crunch. The benefits of it are obvious - the upper and lower abdominal muscles are involved. The sequence of the exercise is as follows:

  • lie on your back, resting your legs under the sofa or any other object so that they do not rise;
  • cross your arms over your chest or put them behind your head;
  • make oblique movements, reaching with your elbows to your knees;
  • after contact - lie down in the starting position and relax.

Exercise requires many approaches, do 20 times. This option gives a significant load on the press, is one of the most effective. Details of the correct execution can be seen in the video -

Middle and lower press

For a guy who decides to take care of his figure, it is important to choose the right technique for performing exercises on the middle and lower press. One of the most popular is the lying down twist. It resembles the previous one, with the difference that you need to raise your legs:

  • lying on your back, with your hands fixed on a sofa or other heavy object;
  • lifting your legs, touch your chest with your knees;
  • position after contact - heels on the floor.

In this case, muscle mass works to strengthen the press. Requires three sets of 15 reverse crunches.

Lying leg raise is one of the most effective ways. It can be supplemented with the famous "scissors". The legs are raised above the floor and swings are performed in a horizontal direction. These are the most quick ways pump up the press without simulators. All the details can be seen in the video:

You don't have to have a machine to get a beautiful torso. A powerful press is possible only if all types of abdominal muscles are pumped. For the side press, a great option is oblique twisting:

  • lie on the floor, pressing the lower back to the surface;
  • bend your knees, hands behind your head;
  • lifting the torso, stretch the knee to the opposite edge;
  • repeat on the other side.

You can also quickly pump up the press at home with the help of a side bar. The pumping program involves performing exercises in 3 sets of 20 times. Video to help you:

Exist different types exercises for the press, so men always have a choice of programs for classes. Beginners are advised to start with simple ones, but do them technically correctly. It is better to reduce the quantity, but the quality must always be high. The load is gradually increased.

Pumping the press at home is just at first glance.

Today it is not difficult to do this by referring to video and photo materials. It is necessary to perform exercises in several approaches, this will make the muscles be in good shape.

You need to train two hours after eating, but not on an empty stomach. Pumping the press at home can be done every day or with a rest break. Take a friend as your partner, with whom it will be more interesting for you to pump the press. Raise your testosterone levels good mood, which will appear every time you practice. Go in for sports and you will always be in good shape.


When pumping the press, it should be remembered that mistakes can be made in the process. Cubes on the stomach will not appear for the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with the regime and diet;
  • violation of the terms of the program;
  • ignoring the load on other muscles.

These are not all errors. When performing exercises for the abdominal muscles, men often do this automatically, without listening to their feelings. Therefore, do not use an additional load on the press when it is already necessary.

When a certain result is achieved, men stop conducting classes according to the scheme, systematicity is lost. As a result, after a while the problem returns again. There is another side - pumped press. This happens if the emphasis is only on the development of the abdominal muscles. If there is a strong desire to achieve perfect figure, then you need to competently approach the choice of a training program and be patient in its implementation. Having decided to download the press from scratch, the girl must also follow these rules.

Since childhood, this muscle was considered special. Hundreds and thousands of repetitions were performed daily, in the hope of speeding up the result. But now, only predisposed or genetically gifted athletes had clear “cubes”. Where do the myths come from and how to actually train this stubborn muscle, which is in no way visible under a layer of fat? Let's figure it out together!

What is a press?
Immediately it is worth touching on the myth of the lower, middle, upper press. The rectus abdominis muscle is uniform and uniform along its entire length. And the cubes are nothing but tendons that hold internal organs from falling out. Their number and depth depends on genetics. There are athletes who have 8 or 10 cubes, and there are those whom nature has awarded with only four. However, well-defined oblique muscles and a flat navel will accentuate the waist of any athlete and give his figure an aesthetic look.

The press is the center of giving commands to the whole body. Any movement begins with the brain giving commands to the center of nerve signals (solar plexus). It is located in close proximity to the abdominal muscles, and the power of the impulse that transmits the core of nerve signals to the muscle depends on its condition and fitness. In other words, a weak center gives weak commands.

Posture is equally important. It is necessary in any position so that the body gets used to it and automatically sets the muscles in such a position. Violation of posture entails a bulge of the abdomen or "sitting fold", which persists even with a small percentage of fat. Moreover, in a standing position, the skin is tighter and the cubes are better visible.

How to download the press?

It is important to remember that the press is the same muscle as any other. Its size is small, and the average recovery period is 3-4 days. It is involved even when we do not think about it. In a sitting and standing position, it is involved in holding the spine and regulates the straight position of the body. In addition, the longitudinal tendon prevents the internal organs from falling out of abdominal cavity. Given that she gets a load in Everyday life every day, and when exercising in the gym - in 85% of exercises, then the number of repetitions in the range of 10-12 without weights will be ineffective. In this case, increase to 20 reps per set. If you can do more, take extra weight.

The core muscles are made up of white oxidative fibers that do not grow genetically well and the body does its best to maintain their original mass in order to save energy.

This is because as a muscle increases in size, it consumes more energy with each contraction, and, as has long been known, strength and muscle mass are not directly proportional. Therefore, it is necessary to create special unusual conditions under which the load will be non-standard and tangible.

How long can you pump up the press?

To answer this question, you need to decide what it means to "pump up the press." If we are talking about clearly defined 6 cubes, with split fibers and veins, then it will take years and decades. And if the goal is just to get a flat, embossed belly without excess fat, then if you follow a diet, it will take about 4 months to build a solid shape and powerful core muscles.

A lot depends on genetics and the tendency to be overweight. If by nature the athlete has a flat stomach, then the cubes will appear in a couple of months, but if he is inclined to be overweight, you can’t do without a diet.

Often, the cause of poor abdominal relief is hypothyroidism, the main symptom of which is fluid retention in the lower abdomen. If you long time if you cannot lose weight - pay attention to thyroid tests, perhaps the problem lies in them.

Home workout program

You should not get hung up on one rectus abdominis muscle, because if the rest of the core muscles do not receive the necessary load, then due to muscle imbalance, the potential for growth decreases. Given that there are no other exercises in the program besides the press, increase the frequency of abdominal training up to 3 times a week. Choose 3-5 exercises from the table and start training.

An exercise

Number of approaches

Number of repetitions


25 sec forward and 25 sec back

V twists
Exercise - burpee
rock climber
jumping out
Exercises on the horizontal bar
Loaded slopes

15 round trip

Effective exercises at home:

The following are exercises that involve training with your own weight, without additional equipment:

Basic exercise, for which you need a support, which you need to hold on to with your hands. Lie on the floor with your hands firmly on the couch or closet. While inhaling, raise your outstretched legs to a perpendicular with the floor, then lower them at the same speed. Do not kick your feet off the floor - this is the most common mistake, which can lead to injury to the foot and coccyx.


Familiar from school, endurance exercise. Lie on your back, raise your legs to a 45-degree angle to the floor, and move like you're pedaling a bicycle. Follow the straight position of the body, do not deviate from the straight axis to the sides.


Position: lying on back. Raise your legs at 45 degrees and alternately throw one over the other.


The exercise is not for beginners. The movement requires good coordination, well-coordinated work of the muscles of the lower back and the press. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides, wider than your shoulders, then lift the body and legs at the same time so that they go the same way to the center. Hold a little at the top point, then go down.

In such an exercise, seemingly far from the press, as “push-ups”, he performs a responsible job, namely, he keeps the body in a straight position, allowing him to drop low enough. Try to get up slowly and go down a little faster to reduce the rest time of the press.

Exercise "Burpee"

rock climber

A simple and accessible movement for everyone. Take the position of an emphasis lying, alternately pull your left and right legs to your hands in one quick jump.

jumping out

An excellent exercise for the development of all core muscles in the complex. You can perform both jumping up and jumping onto obstacles from a place. In the second case, you will definitely need the help of the insurer.

Exercise for the back, which pumps well the vestibular apparatus, oblique muscles. Stand up straight, take the projectile in your hands, pulling the pelvis back, lower yourself so that the dumbbells slide along the thigh and fall below the knee. Then gently pull them with your hands to the belt, moving your elbows behind your back.


The old school exercise has brought victory to many famous athletes, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Tom Platz, Lee Priest. All of these athletes boast incredibly narrow waists and V-shaped silhouettes. It is necessary to exhale all the air from the lungs, and then to the maximum and hold for as long as the air supply allows.


An incredibly difficult exercise if done correctly. Stand in an emphasis lying, leaning on your elbows. They should be strictly under the shoulder and stand as long as the direct position of the abdomen is maintained. To complicate the exercise, you can stand on straight arms, or perform a side bar.


A simple move that even a beginner can handle. Lie on your back, put your feet together, place your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left. Raise the body to the maximum position, hold for a few seconds, then lower yourself down.

You need to lie on your back, place your hands behind your head. Alternately connect the left elbow and right knee and the right elbow with the left knee.

Basic and elemental movement. You just need to bend your knees, place your feet under the edge of the sofa and perform body lifts, trying to reach your knees with your chest.


A rather unusual movement that requires a good one. You need to lie on your back and try to reach the toes of your outstretched leg with outstretched hands. From the side, it looks like the torso folds like a penknife.

Lie on the floor, raise your straight legs at an angle of 90 to the floor, then lower them to your left and to the right, making a kind of pendulum.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

This set of exercises involves lifting the legs (straight or oblique) while hanging on the horizontal bar. When exercising on it, the press is fully involved, because additional efforts are spent on holding direct position hull and buildup damping.

Loaded slopes

All of the above exercises are performed in the range of 10 to 20 repetitions.

As mentioned above, the division into sections is purely symbolic. Below are exercises, the amplitude of which starts from one point or another.

Upper Press Exercises:

  • Lying twist;
  • Frog;
  • Penknife;
  • Prayer.

Lower press exercises:

  • Hanging leg raise;
  • Raising the legs on the crossbar;
  • Bike.

Side Press Exercises:

  • Oblique twists;
  • Scissors;
  • Tilts with weight.

How to pump up the press for a man

Men, first of all, need to focus on the size of the rectus muscle - perform exercises with weights in the range of 8-15 repetitions. Do not neglect the safety belt in basic movements, but also do not put it on where it is not needed, because. he will simply “steal” the load from the press.


  • Twisting on the block 4x10;
  • Hanging leg raises (with weights) 3x10;
  • Twisting with the upper block 4x8;
  • Burpee 4x20;
  • Pull-ups "Corner" 4x10.

How to pump up the press for a woman

As for girls, the emphasis should be on maintaining the current muscle mass of the abdominal muscles and reducing body fat. Any abdominal exercises will increase the waist. The fair sex can perform a movement in the range of 15-30 repetitions, without weights.


  • Twisting lying 3x20;
  • Plank 4 x 50 seconds;
  • Tilts with a weight of 3x20 on each side;
  • Rock climber 3x25.
  • Frog 4x15.

How to pump up the press for children

As for teenagers, the emphasis should be on muscle endurance. Can be done in multiple mode. The main task is to lay the foundation for future muscle growth in adulthood, prepare ligaments and joints, and form posture.


  • Twisting lying 4x50;
  • Bicycle 3 x 1 min;
  • Scissors 4 x 30 sec.;
  • Penknife 4x20;
  • Plank on hands 5x 1 min.

90% of success when pumping the press is diet. Sweets, flour, starch are the worst enemies of relief. It is tedious to have tremendous willpower in order to bring the core muscles to the desired condition without losing other groups in the muscle mass. Eat enough protein (1.3 grams per kilogram of weight), 1 gram of fat, and 10 to 90 grams of slow carbohydrates. Such a diet will have an enhanced effect on fat burning processes. All that remains is to train hard and wait for the result.


Summing up, we can say that pumping the press makes sense only if proper diet. Train wisely and enough, do not try to speed up the pumping of this small muscle with a large number of repetitions, you do not pump your biceps 1000 times every day. Tissue growth takes time good nutrition and rest, during which tissue growth occurs. It is also important to train the muscles of the lower back and oblique muscles of the body, which will form the contour of the waist, visually narrow it and create preconditions for the growth of the rest of the body muscles.

Do you want to know how to pump up the press to cubes at home or in gym? Then read and apply our tips to pump up the abdominal muscles and make them embossed.

Below you will find not the secrets of getting abs cubes, but the real rules for training abdominal muscles. These are proven nutrition and training tips that will help you achieve results and finally pump up the coveted six-pack abs.

Let's immediately determine that it does not matter where you train, at home or in the gym. It doesn't matter where you practice. The main thing is what you will do and how, in order to pump up the cubes. If you are looking for a secret ab exercise or supplement, then immediately leave this matter in the past. With the wrong approach, no training, even the most effective exercise will not give a result. And supplements will only be effective for a while, but we want to look good all year round.

What needs to be done to pump up the press cubes?

The secret of how to pump up the press to cubes is not in exercises, simulators or miracle pills, but in proper nutrition which will help to remove excess fat from the abdomen.

The main secret to getting sculpted abs that many people and even trainers ignore is proper nutrition.

The main rule to remember:

Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

You can practice on your own all the time the best program ab workouts, but if your diet does not allow you to burn excess fat, then your cubes will not be able to appear on your stomach. That is, they are already there, perhaps not as prominent as they can become after a workout, but they are and hide under a layer of fat that we have to remove.

Read more to understand what needs to be done. You will also find nutritional advice there.

Your success in getting cubes is actually 90% dependent on diet.

You can diligently pump the press and will be very strong, but almost invisible under the layer of belly fat. Instead of looking for the next miracle program or supplement, focus on the principles of good nutrition. Well, you can’t do without the right training system either, so read our tips and put them into practice.

6 rules how to pump up the cubes on the stomach

1. Eat enough protein

Protein will help build lean muscle mass and burn excess subcutaneous fat, including on the stomach. Of all the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats), protein has the highest thermogenic effect, which means it is the best fat burner. In addition, the process of losing fat mass is accompanied by the consumption of a small amount of calories, which can lead to a loss of muscle mass, which we do not need. And that's just protein and will help maintain muscle.

Consume 1 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

That is, with a weight of 80 kg, you need to consume about 150 grams of protein with food.

This is the main supplement to take if you want to see cubes on your stomach. All professional athletes and competitive bodybuilders eat high protein foods and have better physiques! This applies not only to men, but also to women. We are all human with the same DNA and muscle fibers, we all need protein for a fulfilling life, as well as for burning fat!

Sources of protein can be ordinary foods: eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese, legumes. And you can also resort to supplements that can supplement the daily protein intake.

2. Eat Post-Workout Carbs

Many people mistakenly believe that carbohydrates are bad and that they make you fat. This is definitely a myth that needs to be busted!

Sure, eating too much of anything (even protein) can put you on weight, but natural sources of carbs like buckwheat, rice, and oat flour, in fact, are absolutely beneficial for your six-pack abs, especially if consumed after a workout. When you eat carbohydrates after exercise, when all your glycogen stores have been used up, they have little chance of being stored as fat.

Try eating a moderate amount of carbs and vegetables along with other meals. This ensures that your body receives the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fibers it needs to function and stay healthy.

3. Eat Healthy Fats

“Polyunsaturated fats must be present in the diet. They help to fight excess weight more effectively.

Above, we found out that in order to see the press cubes on the stomach, you need to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. And here it is important to understand that body fat accumulates more due to the consumption of a large number of calories in general and excess carbohydrates in particular. That is, we get fat not from the fact that we eat a lot of fatty foods, but from the fact that we eat a lot of carbohydrates.

What's more, consuming the right fats (mostly plant-based and) help speed up the weight loss process. Include in your diet healthy fats, from these products:

Dietary fats obtained from these sources will keep your insulin levels stable, which is very important if your goal is to lose belly fat and show six pack abs. This does not mean that you need to eat only nuts and fish.

This means you don't have to be afraid to include healthy fats in your diet. Eliminating fat from the diet will only negatively affect the burning of extra calories. A diet that eliminates fat from the diet will definitely not help you lose weight.

The daily rate of fat in the diet should be about 20% of the total calorie content.

Combining protein products, with vegetables containing fiber and slow carbohydrates, you can speed up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning mechanism 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

And the best thing about all this is that you can achieve all this without supplements, ab machines, and without doing 100 useless crunches.

4. Proper nutrition is the key to six-pack abs

To burn fat and show cubes on the stomach, it is important to eat a balanced diet consisting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Protein helps build extra muscle fibers and maintain existing muscle mass while burning calories. This is perhaps the most important macronutrient of all, mainly because your body will burn muscle mass along with fat when you are in a calorie deficit, thereby slowing down your body's metabolism.

Counting calories can be tricky, so the easy option is to eat most of your carbs after your workouts.

When you eat carbohydrates after a workout, your body quickly absorbs them, directing them to restore the spent energy, promoting muscle growth, and not stored in fat depots. These carbs also help your muscles recover quickly, giving you better results faster.

Many people believe that eating fat can make you fat, but in reality, healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats like nuts, fish oil, and olive oil actually help you burn more fat than a low-fat diet.

Eating the right fats keeps your insulin levels stable, which helps keep you from accumulating extra body fat.

A final nutritional tip is to include enough fiber and raw vegetables at every meal. Vegetables contain tons of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are very important for building a toned body and sculpted abs.

5. Stop doing abs

At first glance, this is strange advice, because in order to show the cubes, you need to download the press, but in fact this is not the case. To see the relief cubes on the stomach, you need to remove excess fat, which hides the muscles underneath. And more effective here will not be 1000 twists on the floor, but heavy multi-joint exercises that consume more energy and, as a result, lead to weight loss due to body fat and help build additional muscle fibers that help increase calorie expenditure.

It is foolish to waste an hour of your time on a hundred useless crunches when you can spend that hour on exercises that are more productive for burning fat.

How many times a week to download the press?

It is necessary, in general, to work on the press for about 20 minutes two or three times a week. It makes no sense to download the press more often! Below are the best multi-joint exercises you should include in your fat burning workout program:

  • Barbell Squat
  • Lunges with dumbbells
  • Deadlift bar
  • Standing press
  • slopes
  • Narrow Grip Barbell Press
  • Pull-ups
  • Bench press
  • Push ups

6. Use intense cardio workouts to burn fat and show off abs

The best way to burn fat is to do long-term cardio at a slow to medium pace. This is a suitable method of losing excess weight, however, there are many The best way. Combining interval training with abdominal training will give a better effect.

During the active recovery period after interval training, do ab exercises. For example, if you're doing sprint intervals on a stationary bike or treadmill, run 30 seconds at your top speed.

Get off the machine and immediately do 20 twists on the ball. Then return to the simulator and start it again. Repeat 5-8 times.

Workout to burn fat in the gym

You can change your abdominal exercises between breaks, such as twists, crunches, planks, etc.

A set of exercises for training the muscles of the press


In conclusion, the key to the six pack is the correct balanced diet, performing basic exercises and intense cardio workouts. This is the secret of how to pump up the press to the cubes, which works when training at home and in the gym.

Complex on the press for those who love them

If I didn’t convince you that you need to focus on proper nutrition and basic strength exercises to burn the maximum amount of fat, then here is an interesting set of exercises for six-pack abs at home.

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