Proven conspiracies and rituals from male impotence. Conspiracies from impotence. Infusion from prostatitis

Lime 27.12.2021

In ancient medicine, many ailments were cured by the power of conspiracy knowledge. Today, people have rediscovered this well of health. Not only healers and healers can apply non-standard methods of treatment. In order to protect themselves and their loved ones from the machinations of ill-wishers, everyone has the opportunity to use the gift of the word of God - this is a conspiracy for male power, from spoiling the young at a wedding, a conspiracy of a wife to reconcile with her husband, prayers of spouses and parents for children and others.

In order to use the heritage of previous generations, one must remember that it can only help a person with a pure soul and one who performed the sacrament of baptism.

A person belongs to two worlds: the physical and the spiritual, and therefore he can be treated bodily - with pills, injections, operations - and on another level - with fasting and prayers.

Strong half of humanity

Men are considered the stronger sex, but modern reality has led to the fact that their average life expectancy is shorter than that of women. They spend more time in tedious work, and the stress they experience is drowned out by bad habits.

The most terrible types of ailments are those that end in failure in bed - impotence. This leads to discord and scandals of the married couple.

In the old days, people sincerely believed in the help of God, the newlyweds certainly got married in the church in order to raise strong offspring. Sexual impotence was removed simply: the girl took the wedding ring of her husband, who passed urine through it three times. In case of severe damage, a week-long stay in monasteries storing the relics of saints was shown.

Now, it is rare that one of the representatives of the stronger half is recognized as having erectile dysfunction. The woman takes on the task of restoring harmony in the family.

First you need to understand the reasons for the malfunction in the body of your beloved man, support him and set him up for examination by an expert. It is most effective to combine medical consultation with a conspiracy to return male power.

Alternative treatment

It happens that getting to a specialist is persistently prevented by various circumstances: the queue is scheduled for weeks ahead, the patient has urgent matters, sudden attacks of illness, etc. This alarms the attention.

The main signs of damage to the deprivation of male power include:

  • causeless deterioration of sexual mood;
  • excitable aggression and constant irritability;
  • assault;
  • indifference to the opposite sex.

In this case, the problem cannot be solved at the physical level. It is worth referring to the heritage of the ancestors, who left more than one example of the speech influence of prayers - verbal formulas that can influence the existing reality, changing it. The omnipotence of words the right combination will be able to return the joy of sexual contact.

Verbal formulas for strengthening masculinity

A conspiracy is just a tool in the hands of a certain person, it can carry both creative and destructive power and take away male power.

If there is a suspicion that a heavy evil eye has been induced by the spiteful critic in order to deprive the spouses of the harmony of sexual life, then the wife must first order a church reprimand in three large churches - magpie.

Also, a woman herself can do a lot. But before reading healing texts, she should:

  • sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the spoken speech;
  • do not hold a grudge against the person being spoken;
  • do not tell others about the ceremony;
  • before starting, read “Our Father” three times;
  • squeeze the hands in front of you into a tense lock, and at the end of the reading quickly unclench.

Restoration of potency with a healing word

On fresh water before going to bed, any of the options below are read. Water prepared in this way should be drunk and applied as a compress to the sore spot.

“Lord God, bless, Father. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will go to an open field, I will pray to the true Christ the King of Heaven. As an iron millstone stands, it does not collapse, does not stir, does not stagger, so the servant of God (name) would have seventy veins and one vein, seventy joints against a hollow place. Against the woman he would not bend, he would not stir, he would not stagger.

Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen";

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is the Ocean-Sea, on the umbilical cord of the sea lies the Latyr-stone, on that stone stands a damask oak - the branches and root are damask. As much as that oak tree stands firmly and densely, so firmly and densely would it stand as a white yar and live on female lust, in a hollow place.

From under that Latyr-stone comes a poroz bull, damask horns and damask hooves. He walks near that damask oak and that oak wakes up, and pushes, and cannot break and knock down. How strong the damask oak stands, and how strong the horns of the porosity are, it would stand so firmly and ardently live on female lust, on a hollow place.

A rooster flies out from under that Latyr-stone. With him fly far away hens. As the rooster gallops fervently and brightly and tramples the hens far away, so (name) would be ardent and bright for female lust, for a hollow place. Till the end of time. Amen".

Herbal Recipes

To return the husband the opportunity to enjoy bodily intimacy, you can use the following recipe (indicated in parts):

  • calamus root - 3;
  • bedstraw - 2;
  • colza - 3;
  • mint - 1;
  • asparagus seeds - 2;
  • nettle seeds - 3;
  • plantain leaf - 2;
  • hazel leaf - 2;
  • marshmallow root - 2.

Pour three tablespoons of the given herbal collection with three glasses of boiling water and insist in a thermos. Give a man four times a day, 150 grams an hour before meals.

To enhance the effect of the decoction, you can add a tablespoon of periwinkle infused with alcohol (50 grams of plant leaves per glass of alcohol).

Cooking medicinal tincture should be taken seriously, as some of the constituent elements are conditionally poisonous.

Genesis 2:18-24 says:

“And the Lord God said, It is not good for a man to be alone…he shall cling to his wife; and they shall be one flesh.”

This means that a married couple needs to take care of each other, overcome difficulties together, grow morally, and turning to the sacrament of prayer, you need to understand that health will come to the body when the spirit is healthy!

Male conspiracy.

Conspiracies from male impotence

Set up for masculine power

Now you know how to return male power using conspiracies and folk remedies.

Sexual impotence in men is often a psychosomatic problem. That's why drug treatment is ineffective or helps to get a short-term result. Magic conspiracies from impotence are an absolutely harmless practice. They can be used both independently and in combination with traditional therapy for male problems.

During meditation, a person concentrates on the words of the spell that he pronounces. A special ritual helps to enhance the effect. At this time, a person plunges into a trance, and a powerful charge is formed around him, which is connected with the energy field and is fed through egregor. This technique is used in most religious movements, Eastern practices, in teaching martial arts.

With the help of magic, you can not only get what you want, but also increase your energy potential. When reading a conspiracy for potency, you should disconnect from other problems, let the spoken words pass through yourself, and concentrate on the desired result.

Using ready-made rituals, all recommendations should be strictly followed. Otherwise, the ritual will not only not bring the desired effect, but can also harm the patient.

A conspiracy from a wife or beloved

If you notice the cooling of your beloved man (husband or heart friend), you should not let everything take its course. Not every member of the stronger sex can admit to problems with potency. Most attribute love failures to overwork, age, or illness.

However, erectile dysfunction can occur at any age. A wise woman will try to help her man without letting him feel inferior. You can correct the situation by reading a conspiracy on male power. It has fast action. It will take only a few days to strengthen the potency and return the desire.

You don't have to tell your husband. Men have different attitudes towards witchcraft. It is impossible to harm such a ritual, but returning to your honeymoon is quite real.

They read a plot for male power late at night on the growing moon. It is desirable that there is no one else in the room where the ritual will be performed. You will need personal items, a photograph, your loved one's underwear.

Do not be afraid that you will not cope, because you have never done anything like this. Energy loving woman, aimed at supporting a man, works better than the rituals of professional healers.

Conspiracy to enhance erection

It helps men who are just beginning to lose their erections. You will need clean, but not new men's underpants. They should be folded four times, and then ironed with an iron, saying:

“As the warmth comes from the sun, so my warmth to my husband, the servant of God (Name), go. As people rejoice, eating sweet honey, so may the servant of God (Name) be joyfully near me. Strengthen your strength, increase, preserve and multiply. So that my husband is reasonable in speeches and strong in deeds. In the name of God, our heavenly father. Amen".

Ritual for impotence

This ritual is suitable for all men, regardless of age. You need to read the conspiracy from impotence at night, in a whisper, when the husband is sleeping:

“God bless, help my husband. Let the member of the servant of God (Name) become standing, like the neck of a bottle. Let him stand straight, cheerfully and stubbornly, for bodily and hot love. Amen."

The conspiracy should be pronounced quietly so as not to wake the man. This is a very old conspiracy that helped our great-grandmothers save their marriage. You need to carry out the ritual three nights in a row.

You can't skip it, otherwise it won't work. It also helps in the treatment of male infertility.

Conspiracy to increase male libido

Such a slander is read over food. It is best to use roasted game or seafood. Treat a man to something delicious. The ritual is performed in the evenings for three days in a row. Before cooking, say:

“Glory be to the name of the Lord Almighty, amen. There is an island in the distant sea, and in the ocean, and on the island stands a giant cedar with iron roots and a mighty peak. The wind cannot break the cedar, the whirlwind cannot bend the cedar. So let my beloved (name) stand a hundred veins and one is the strongest. So that she stood on a girl - a beauty, and on a woman - a mare. So that my husband (Name), the penis would become stronger than strong and stronger than strong. And my beloved (Name) would be ardent at the sight of me, bright in love, hot in caresses. Let everything come true, as it will affect. Amen."

A woman who reads such a conspiracy is in for a surprise in the form of a husband who suddenly desires her and an unforgettable passionate night.

charmed water

A ritual is performed over water, which the husband must then drink. You can add it to tea or coffee. Put water in an open ladle or pan, bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the water, read:

“As in the seas and oceans, and on one island, a miracle trunk has grown. It will not bend under the winds, it will not break under the rains. Its roots are mighty, its branches are iron. So even if my husband (Name) has a member, it doesn’t bend, it doesn’t fall, it only gets stronger at the sight of me. And it will be forever. My word is strong. Amen."

It is better to speak water in the morning. Tea or coffee served in the morning will not arouse suspicion, but will become a manifestation of your concern.

Quick ritual with a candle

You will need a church candle and a recent photo of a man. It is necessary to light a candle with a match. When the candle flares up, repeat twelve times:

“The candle burns hot. Fire turns into gold. Beloved husband attracts. It will illuminate where it is dark, strengthen what is weak.”

You can check the result from the candle within a few hours after the slander.

Use of runes and runic symbols

Runes are a unique heritage of the Vikings and the first Slavs. Runes are used by both black sorcerers and white magicians. Runic becoming impotence is a very strong spell, which not every white magician can remove. But the man himself or his beloved can easily cope with this task. With the help of runes, you can create your own sexual amulet. It will help not only return desire and increase potency, but also strengthen your love union.

So, for the treatment of sexual dysfunction, a runic ligature of four characters should be composed: Ingvaz, Kano, Gebo. Wear the symbols without removing them for one to three weeks. Rune tie normalizes the hormonal background, stimulates the prostate, is responsible for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system.

After the specified period, change the ligature. Now you will need the following runes: Vunyo, Ingvaz, Yera. These symbols affect ejaculation, enhance orgasm, increase the ability to conceive.

Such a two-phase formula for the treatment of male problems allows you to cope with psychosomatic impotence, erectile dysfunction, increases the duration of sexual intercourse, returns a man's faith in himself, makes him sexually attractive, and increases fertility (a man's ability to become a father).

Runes can be made from wood or leather. Runologists recommend activating the symbols with a drop of a man's blood. Wear the first and second tie alternately. If it is not possible to constantly carry the runes with you, put them under your pillow or in a chest of drawers with underwear.

Mantras to enhance potency

For those who do not know: a mantra is a spell that, when repeated many times, affects the mind, body and individual items. For healing with the help of a mantra, the desired sound combinations should be accurately reproduced.

The healing properties of the mantra are not immediately noticeable. For getting therapeutic effect will have to work out. Over time, vibrations intensify, the body begins to work in unison with the Energy of the Cosmos, which has a positive effect on the whole body as a whole, and on improving potency, in particular. To connect to the Cosmic Channel, you need to repeat the mantra a hundred times over three weeks.

Separate mantras by endings. Men's have endings: "mind", "ptah", women's - "tham", "pvaha", and neutral ones - "namah", "pamah". What is the secret of the healing effect of the mantra? By pronouncing certain sound combinations, you trigger vibrations that correspond to the sounds being pronounced. The resulting vibrations enter into resonance with the organs or systems of the body. Mantras restore vital energy, increase tone, contribute to the restoration of erectile function in men.

Sytin's settings for male power

Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich - psychotherapist, has the scientific title of Doctor of Science and is a member of the IAS (International Academy of Sciences). The professor has been practicing medicine for about 50 years, and today he leads the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Russian Federation, which specializes in providing psychological rehabilitation without drug therapy. Sytin's methods are used in such industries as cosmonautics, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Armed Forces.

Sytin's technique for the treatment of sexual disorders in men has become widely known. The basis of this technique is unique moods that affect the subconscious of a man. Sytin believes that the power of words can work wonders. His healing attitudes, consisting of positive statements, fight the consequences of wrong thinking and lifestyle, changing the patient's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhimself.

It is better to watch discs with Dr. Sytin's healing moods in the evening before going to bed for normalization blood pressure, stress relief, fatigue. In the morning, preference should be given to infusions that help restore tone and vitality, making a person believe in himself.

Recipes of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is a hereditary healer. She inherited her recipes from her great-great-grandmothers. All of them are time-tested, and their effectiveness is confirmed by millions of patients.

The healer advises to cope with sexual impotence in men as follows: immediately after sunset, read a special prayer, and then slander over a glass of clean water. After that, the person for whom she spoke should drink the water.

“Our Lord, one, true, generous, righteous, merciful, philanthropic, may your mercy descend on the servant of God (Name), his strength will be strengthened. Forgive him all his sins, direct him to fulfill your will. Grant him goodness, protect him from envy. Amen."

“There is a trunk in the field, it has been naked since birth. On the trunk is a bough that does not break under a storm, and does not bend under the wind. So at (Name) the penis would not break or bend, but at the sight of the girl it would rise up. As I say, so be it! Amen."

The plot should be repeated three times on the growing moon.

Prayers for potency

The Christian Church clearly defines adultery as a mortal sin. But if u family man problems of a sexual nature arise, then holy prayer can help him. The man himself or his wife can read the prayer.

Saint Pelageya is considered the protector of family happiness and men's health. Palazhka Day is celebrated by Christians on October 21st. According to legend, Palazhka was a dancer and a kept woman. But after hearing Bishop Nonna's sermon, Pelageya converted to Christianity, repented, distributed her savings to the poor, took the veil, and lived as a hermit. For a long time Palažka has been prayed to by wives whose family life is not going well.

It is worth noting that our ancestors associated the sexual capabilities of a man with the success of his household, affairs, and family. It was believed that if a man is not as strong in bed as before, then this will negatively affect the harvest from his fields, the growth of livestock, and his children will go down the “crooked path”.

The main advantage of non-traditional such non-traditional methods of treatment as conspiracies or prayers is their complete safety. At the first signs of sexual disorders - feel free to use these methods of healing. Also, conspiracies or prayers can become an additional component of the complex therapy of erectile dysfunction.

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The question of the sexual role of a man in a relationship or family will always be the highest priority for him. If for any reason, not related to health problems, a man experiences a decrease in male libido, or simply stops wanting his partner, then a conspiracy to male power will certainly help to cope with this problem.

It is worth noting that not every man can admit, especially to a woman, that he is experiencing problems in the sexual part. Many external factors can influence the physiological state: fatigue, constant stress, a lot of work or everyday tasks that require urgent solutions. In fact, a similar problem can arise in the life of every man. In the event that the cause is not poor health, then a happy and prosperous couple can cope with this problem on their own. By the way, in many married couples, I restored masculine strength through or, which influenced the lower chakras and not only tied partners to each other, but also helped return the desire for intimacy.

Conspiracy for male power - effective method the return of a man's self-confidence, and will also help return a man's true desire and joy for life. It is important to know that a conspiracy can be carried out by both the woman herself and the man. But, since it is the female representative who most often resorts to magical influence, it will be much easier for her to cope with the task on her own, moreover, without help.

Problems of decreased male libido

It is generally accepted that several factors that negatively affect male power are key. That is why most often there is a decrease in sexual desire. First of all, this is a mature age. As a rule, it occurs after 60 years. However, this indicator is individual and can help here. The second aspect is often common among men of all ages. These are diseases that affect the appearance of dysfunction of the genitourinary system. Bad habits, especially excessive drinking and smoking, significantly affect potency. Stress and chronic lack of sleep have a serious impact on the male body.

There are a number of household, no less important aspects that can reduce male desire and sexual attraction. So, for example, a stressful state, money or other problems in life become so unbearable that a person resorts to alcohol or antidepressants, which have a detrimental effect on the male body. With financial difficulties, or can help. But the problem may also be in the woman herself, who is so absorbed in solving everyday problems that she has ceased to take care of herself and look after her appearance. Any man first of all loves with his eyes, so if he does not like what he sees, sexual desire may disappear.

Wanting to increase his male abilities in bed and stimulate himself, a man can take stimulants for no apparent reason. Ultimately, he causes serious harm to his health. The situation is more serious if a man suffers from the effects of the evil eye or damage (learn more about that and about). Such a magical effect can not only destroy even the strongest relationships, but if this problem is not dealt with, then in the future a man may become infertile. In order to solve such a serious problem, it is actively used.

However, do not despair, an effective one will help restore the couple to their former youth, maintain positive relationships in the family and restore masculine strength. If a problem exists, then it must be dealt with as early as possible in order to avoid serious consequences.

There are several variants of a conspiracy for male power that can be performed for men of absolutely any age. They have absolutely no contraindications, therefore they are considered effective home healers.

A conspiracy to strengthen male power can be carried out at home and for any age. The text should be read by a woman at night, when her husband is already fast asleep: “ Lord bless, Lord help. Just as this bottle’s neck always stands cheerfully and straight, so would the servant of God (name) always have mihir on the servant of God (name) day and night, both for bodily lust and for hot love. Three times Amen»

It is important to speak very quietly, in a whisper, so that the man sleeps during the conspiracy. Surprisingly, they used a conspiracy on male power for another Ancient Russia. Many wise women succeeded in secret from their husband to return his desire and save the family from disintegration. It is recommended to read the plot when the growing moon comes (find out which are favorable). In this case, with the growth of the moon, it will be observed, like a rebirth from the ashes, the desire of the husband. You need to read the plot for three nights. The conspiracy also effectively helps protect against infertility and.

Another option involves a quick draw from candles, but does not differ in any way in its effectiveness. Be sure to use a candle brought from the church. It must be placed next to a photograph of a lover or spouse. The candle is lit only with matches. At the time when it burns strongly, the following words should be repeated twelve times: “The candle is hot, there is gold on it, there is fire above it. Where it is dark - light it up, where it is weak - strengthen it. Amen". As a rule, the action can already be seen a few hours after the conspiracy.

Alternative ways to help restore men's health

Unfairly modern people shun folk ways impact on the problem. It should be understood that the loss or deterioration of male power was present at all times and not only during the period of great urbanization. Therefore, listening to old advice, as well as using proven methods, in some cases is much more appropriate than immediately turning to unverified medicines.

Referring to the origins of ancient Chinese knowledge, you can add to daily diet male ginseng root. It can be added to the food itself, and to prepare tea, or tincture. You should first clarify whether your husband is allergic to him.

A glass of traditional red wine during dinner has always had a positive effect on male potency. The fact is that wine increases blood flow, so arousal can come much earlier than a woman expects.

The use of body amulets or amulets also helps to preserve male strength and the ability to conceive a child. As a rule, this is the sign of Kolovrat, which belongs to the Old Slavic ancient magic, or the sign of Thor's hammer.

The male power conspiracy is very effective, but you need to understand what reasons are key if a man begins to lose his power. What conspiracies can help you quickly deal with the problem?


Written by: Mage Hades

  • Lisa: Hello, Vladimir! Tell me, do you know any conspiracy to read on male impotence? so that he could not look at others but me? I want to take revenge on my husband.
  • Hello Vladimir, you have no idea how all these words worked just super! Thank you very much, but is there anything for a loved one to remember, not a love spell, but just to remember?
  • Imagine how your method works on the husband that you suggested to me.
  • Well, let's say he didn't become impotent, but they don't have sex, they are generally put to sleep, they go to bed back to back. Yes, and it seems to communicate with me already more or less better.
  • I did everything as you told me, and the next day they quarreled with his woman and he called me and said that I was better than her, no matter how far I was. then he brought her home. she lives 400 km from the city where my husband lives. in general, then a week later I untwisted the pigtail and everything became smooth.


  • Prepare a rope, cord or black thread of arbitrary length. To enhance the effect, you can use three threads of white, red and black.
  • Light a candle.
  • Drink three sips of water before and after the ritual.
  • Choose the energy of any patron you turn to for help (to the Russian Family, or to the saints, even easier to the elements of Fire, Water, etc.).
  • Formulate your goal and mentally create its image.
  • Charge the rope (threads) with the energy of purpose and good luck, to do this, tie on a rope or tie three threads together with eternal knots.

The number of nodes must be equal to the numbers of the goal and luck. The target number is the number of the person's name, for example: Anna = 1 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 14 = 5. The lucky number is the number of the date of birth, for example: 1975 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 22 = 4.

On a rope (thread), tie nine knots for each while saying:

  • I am depriving you of energy and male power.
  • As long as this thread is tied, twisted,
  • So will you (person's name)!
  • My word is power!
  • This is how I want it to be!
  • And toil for you (person's name),
  • As long as this thread is tied,
  • And no potions or slander will help you!
  • So it will be! So I said!

After shaking three times and saying three times: "Shaking, shaking, good luck to me and a tie to it."

This conspiracy to induce impotence is always loved by all witches. Usually the rope (thread) was buried, or sewn into a rag and hung up to the lintel. But, the most powerful effect of the conspiracy will occur if the charmed thread is placed in a man’s clothes through a “snake bite”.

Ritual - Snake bite.

We make nine knots with a black thread in a man’s clothes, and the above-described conspiracy is sentenced for each. This method is effective when conspiring to quarrel people.

How to quarrel people.

On the thread, tie seven knots for each, saying:

  • For them to fight.
  • Among themselves.
  • So that between them.
  • The hostility was fierce.
  • And hatred serpentine!
  • May it be so!
  • And my word is strength!

After shaking three times and saying three times: "Shaking, shaking, good luck to me and a tie to it." Keep the rope or thread until the wish is fulfilled. Usually they were hung (wound) on a tree, a pole or on a rival's fence.

Long before the appearance of the term and, in fact, the description of clinical cases in the medical literature, they struggled with male impotence folk remedies, conspiracies and prayers. For many centuries, these methods have been kept in people's memory, and even with the advent of the era of high technology, they have not lost their magical power.

Do you think there is no strong way to overcome the disease? If everyone scientific methods tried, and "things" are still there, entrust men's health to the world of subtle matters. Our ancestors knew that impotence occurs when the body is weakened physically and spiritually. The gap that has appeared in the spiritual shell must be immediately "overgrown", to expel demons and other evil spirits that have settled in the soul.

Prayers and conspiracies are ancient verbal formulas that appeal to the Divine powers, supported by humility and faith in a miracle, which can be read at home. Prayer for impotence will definitely not hurt - having been charged with Divine blessing, you will feel much better.


Believers do not recognize hopeless situations, because everything is His will. What can be stronger than true faith? Trials, hardships, illnesses - everything is sent from above to strengthen the spirit.

What if there is no faith? Will church rituals help a person who considers himself an atheist? Let's turn to science and think logically.

Reading prayers is a meditative process. The monotonous repetition of rhythmic phrases frees the mind from extraneous thoughts, starts the vibrations of the body, activates the deep layers of the subconscious, capable of influencing the internal reserves of a person. The main thing here is regularity.

But what about the spiritual component, you ask. Isn't it blasphemy to consider holy prayers as a therapeutic technique? Everything depends on the point of view. If you intend to cure impotence by resorting to Divine power, you already believe in its power.

Listen to your own heart and turn to the Lord consciously.

Bring, Lord, an equal and natural attraction to the marriage bed and do not let the great power of the universal life principle fade away and become only a memory. All my youth, come to my members and fill them new force to continue and strengthen the intimacy of the body. Every night will become a blessing, as well as for me, and for the woman who has merged with me with the Light of the Lord, who with her whole body gives immeasurable bliss to my body.In the name of the Lord, I call on the powers of Heaven to help me in this. Amen.

Take any Prayer Book and find a prayer for healing, from an illness, or the appeal of spouses who do not have children, if you want to continue the race. All of them will have a beneficial effect on the spiritual realm, if you sincerely believe in it.

You can download a healing book with conspiracies from impotence on the website for only 49 rubles.


Conspiracies from male weakness are strong old spells, whispered from mouth to mouth, but they do not always work. The main condition is an animating thought, unconditional trust and ritual actions. For the cure of impotence to be successful, you need to read conspiracies on the rising moon, at dawn, but in such a way that no one hears or knows.

This can be done by the man himself or by the woman who wishes him health.

Conspiracies for male power

The ceremony is performed on a full moon. It is necessary to retire, to stand in the middle of a room in which candles are placed on four sides. Take a mug of water in your hands.

First, “Our Father” is read three times, then the prayer of St. Panteleimon, after which - the conspiracy itself:

From the earth, from the month, from the moon - a light room, come and settle, triple - multiply, submit to God's servant (name). Light, day and dark darkness, on all four sides, to the east, and to the west, and to the north, and to the south, I ask, I conjure, I pray for water. So that there are strong forces, strong forces, boil water, extinguish a candle, melt wax, add strength. Amen.

Having said the last word, drink six sips of water. Pour what's left over yourself, starting at the head.

There is another way. You will need a boar tail. It must be buried between two trees, stand in that place and read:

While you're lying here, my dick will stand.

This is a really strong spell, but it works temporarily until the tail rots.

Enchanted bottle

A bottle with a long straight neck is filled with holy water (half a glass is enough). Above it reads:

Lord bless, Lord help. Just as this bottle’s neck always stands cheerfully and straight, so would the servant of God (name) always have mihir on the servant of God (name) day and night, both for bodily lust and for hot love. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Let the man drink water.

Charmed nail

A nail with a wide head is hung over the edge of the glass. You need to pour vodka into it and say:

On the high mountain Buyan there is a green oak, in it is a red-hot nail. With rage and pity, so that the servant of God (the name of the man) on the servant of God (the name of the woman) stood like a nail.

You need to drink everything to the bottom, but the nail should not fall. After that, he buries himself on the outskirts, in an upright position, so that the earth covers him completely.

After waiting for the full moon, the wife should go out under the clear sky and say three times, without taking her eyes off the moon:

As the Moon does not fall from heaven, so let the servant of God (name) stand by the end and not fall, the servant of God (name) pleases me. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy on the belt

Buy a belt, be sure to make it from genuine leather. On the growing moon, let the man put it on, so that it comes into contact with bare skin. The words are repeated three times:

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the open field, where the cypress is green. The roots of that tree are strong, and the branches are strong. So let the strength of the servant of God (name) become unbending, not blown away by the wind. Amen.

For a drinking conspiracy

Spoken over liquid. Suitable tea or other drink (preferably natural):

By east side, At the depth of the sea lies a bough. It does not bend and does not break, It does not wriggle like a snake. It cannot be broken, it cannot be interrupted. Whoever takes on the bitch, That one ... will wake up. He will not sleep, rest, He will disturb all the women. With a clear dawn, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the sun and in the evening. As a bough is strong in the depths of the sea, So let a strong hollow place be on me. Key to my words, Lock to my deeds. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Strong conspiracy against sexual impotence

Spoken by a man who feels insecure and cannot relax with a woman - but in such a way that no one will hear.

Standing in an open fieldthe grave is forgottenthe body is buried in that coffin.The bone does not bend, does not break,but he doesn't get up either.Not me, slave (name), in that placethese are not my bones.And so that my body rises,and so that my life does not break.Like the truththat in the field the grave is forgotten, like the truth,that the body is buried in it,so true that my vein will not break.And, when necessary, let it rise.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Invocation to the powers of Heaven

With any suspicion of an emerging ailment, the strong half of humanity should sincerely pray:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. There is a holy Ocean-Sea, on the holy Ocean-Sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, a damask top. The circle of that damask oak will not be bent by the wind, it will not be broken by a whirlwind. So would I, a servant of God (name), have 70 veins and a single vein on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young young women, on gray mares. I, the servant of God (name), would be better than before, braver than before, like a turium horn, like a spruce bough. And the servant of God (name) would be ardent and bright for female lust, for hollow revenge, forever and ever, amen.

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