Life in the cock barracks in the zones. How are they lowered in prison? Lowered use individual household items

anti-corrosion 09.11.2020

A frail convict came out into the middle of the barracks and, furiously scratching his face bitten by bugs, solemnly announced:

Japanese tango! Performed by Baton and Koryto!

The rivals were blindfolded and handed blades made from sharply sharpened aluminum spoon handles. This was followed by the command:

The rigmarole begins!

Listening to each other's breath and every step, the opponents carefully began to converge. A deadly dance ensued. shredding the air homemade knives Cursing and screaming at every hit, the bloodied Baton and Koryto rushed around the barracks like disheveled roosters. However, in the hierarchy of the zone, they were such. Like all spectators of the animal action.


"COCK", "finished", "lowered" - this is the name of the convicts who find themselves on the camp bottom. This group of "untouchables" includes convicts who have been subjected to a violent act of sodomy.

The reasons for the "lowering" are very different. The most likely candidates for "roosters" are informers, lawless people who failed to repay their card debt "shoes", who do not follow the hygienic cleanliness of the "chukhany".

The life of the "untouchables" is terrible. They are constantly being abused. They are kicked because other prisoners are not allowed to touch them with their hands. "Lowered" do not even have the right to touch the things, objects, food of other prisoners. Those who break this law often face death. "Roosters" get the dirtiest, unskilled jobs.

The "lowered" is obliged to carry a spoon with a drilled handle in his breast pocket. The same "coat of arms" marked the table cisterns, bowls, mugs of the "untouchables". Even a point in the toilet is allocated for them separately. Any convict who has relieved himself in the "cock's dump" immediately becomes "untouchable" himself.

In order to avoid beatings, mutilations, and murders in all correctional institutions, the administration is forced to form a separate detachment from the "roosters", which is assigned the last number in the camp.

Years of inhuman humiliation led to the fact that the "untouchables" often went crazy or simply laid hands on themselves. And the Ministry of the Interior former USSR decided on a radical experiment ...

The colony has turned into a real hell. Almost immediately, bloody showdowns began with stabbing, mutilation, torture, murder and ... rape. "Roosters" began to form a new clan of "untouchables" in the special zone.

In the struggle for leadership, the “lowered” formed fraternities, groups based on national characteristics or according to the articles of the Criminal Code, etc. The resulting clans waged a war of almost annihilation against each other. The enemy could be forced to "dance the cancan", that is, to jump on the stumps of legs cut off at the knee. They could simply castrate, so that they could not "lower" a convict from another clan.

"Roosters" drowned "roosters" in the shit of cesspools. They were forced to eat and drink their own feces and urine. Ears were cut off, eyes were gouged out, limbs were interrupted with an iron crowbar. As in the Wild West, scalping was widely practiced. The only difference is that the scalp was taken from the skull of a living person...

In a short time, the "cock" Ural special colony became the most fierce zone in the country. The experiment failed on all fronts. On the one hand, the slaves showed what they are capable of. On the other hand, the caste of "roosters" in other colonies has not been eliminated. Instead of the "untouchables" taken out, new ones immediately appeared. But what is interesting, none of them sought to transfer to the Ural "special suit" to their brothers in misfortune ...

This is not quite a dictionary, but not quite a list of "jargon" words, which are so many on the Web. Here are just a few words from the thieves' jargon. Words that have a different meaning in prison jargon than in the common language are marked with the letter "t", professional slang for employees of the ITU and operational services of the internal affairs bodies (UR, BEP, BOP, NON) - with the letter "s", official terms and abbreviations - the letter "o".

Authority(t) - a representative of the highest group in the informal hierarchy of prisoners.
The informal order operating in the zone is extremely authoritarian in nature, therefore the real situation in the shadow life of the correctional facility, pre-trial detention center or their part (cell, PKT, ShIZO, etc.) is determined by the personal qualities of those in power authorities and having a connection with authorities in the wild or in other institutions, as well as the tactics followed by local employees of operational services. In general colloquial Russian, the word authority is more often used in the sense of "influence", and is contrasted in meaning with the word "power", but does not complement it. Power exists in the space of formal structures, influencing people through a system of statuses, prestige, positions, sanctions. authority most are voluntary.

Authoritative(t) - a prisoner who has a high status in one of two groups (suits) of the informal hierarchy of prisoners: thieves and peasants. It is not used in relation to representatives of such informal groups as goats, devils, lowered.

cant(r) - 1) Violation of the rules, norms of the prison law; 2) The armband of a member of the SPP or other section with the appropriate abbreviation. Most often blue;
3) Unsuccessful action or deed; 4) Cigarettes or cigarettes with marijuana.

Kosyachny(t) - a person who constantly commits acts that are contrary to the norms generally accepted in the community of prisoners.

red zone- a zone where the administration rules with the help of goats and, regardless of prison law, for example, he tries to seat those lowered in the dining room at common tables, demands that prisoners go to the dining room and from the dining room in formation, forbids moving around zone, entrance to other people's barracks, etc.
In such a zone, activists have broad powers and can behave very aggressively, surveillance of each other, denunciation, and petty nitpicking about the behavior and clothes of prisoners are encouraged.

Red(t) - a euphemism for the word goat .

A circle- education wider than family or kentovka; formed most often on the principle of community.

Wing (put on a wing)- a bandage on the sleeve, indicating the entry of the prisoner into assets, i.e., in prison jargon, in goats.

covered(t, s) - Prison-type ITU for those convicted of serious crimes or sent to prison by court order from TIC for systematic violations of the regime of detention.

Xiva(r) - 1) Note, letter. It is transmitted illegally from cell to cell, from camp to camp, from prison to freedom and vice versa. Often contains important information about events and persons, sometimes - indications of authoritative ones. Xiva There are also purely personal content. Permanent communication between camps and prisons scattered throughout the country is carried out using xiv. Synonym - little one, little one;
2) Document, identity card.

Qom(t) - an employee of the operational unit ITU or SIZO.

Kumovskaya Mutka, cum weed- provocations arranged in the zone by operatives to achieve their goals.

Khipezh (kipezh)- unrest, confusion, rebellion, started by prisoners against the administration, or by the administration against prisoners.

Shkvarnoy(t) - the same as lowered.

shkonka, shkonar(t) - bed. In prison - a couch, welded from metal pipes and strips, embedded in the floor; often two- or three-tiered. By number bunk usually judge the size and capacity of the chambers.

Skin- convict jacket.

Skin(r) - denunciation, reporting on another prisoner.

Shmon(t, s) - search.

Shnyr(m) - 1) A prisoner who has taken on (sometimes under pressure from other prisoners) the duty to clean the cell, barracks, industrial premises, to do the work that prisoners are required to do in turn. For this work, he receives from the prisoners themselves a certain payment in food, smoke, money.
2) Prisoners holding the positions of orderlies (on duty, errands, cleaners) in separate structural units of the ITU (SHIZO, PKT, headquarters, visiting rooms, detachments, etc.). Shnyr counts goat already by position.

bang- to spy in someone's favor, most often in favor of the administration.

Headquarters(c) - the premises of the correctional colony, in which the offices of the colony employees (head, deputies, operational workers, etc.) are located. Often the medical unit is located in the same room.

Stage(r) - a room for newly arrived prisoners (etapniks) in the colony, where they are kept in isolation from the rest of the ITU prisoners for several days.

The "lowered" in prison are the lowest hierarchy of prisoners.

And as soon as they are not called: “roosters”, “combs”, “pinches”, “offended”, “outcasts”, etc. Whatever you call them, the fate and life of these convicts is simply terrible.

How they are lowered in the zone will be discussed later in the article.

According to one version, the omitted became a separate prison caste after the 1961 reform, during which the camps were divided according to the severity of the detention regime. As a result, the pioneers began to live in the zone separately from hardened convicts and repeat offenders.

Pioneers are mostly young people who are unfamiliar with prison principles, but who strive to win the competition by showing aggression and bullying physically weaker prisoners. And if the more experienced prisoners did not explain to them the rules of life in prison in time, then over time their stay there becomes more and more wild.

Any prisoner can fall into the caste of the lowered. But some categories fall here automatically or with a high probability.

Reference: in addition to "roosters" in the community of prisoners there is a caste of "devils". What these castes have in common is that both are untouchable, but devils are not used for sexual pleasures.

Why are the downtrodden called roosters? Most likely, the name comes from the word "cock", which was called the process of rape.

Roosters become completely different reasons. Most often, convicts under Art. 131 of the Criminal Code (rape). This also includes lechers, molesters and homosexuals, regardless of what crime they committed.

But according to statistics for 2020, prisoners increasingly began to fall into the category of omitted because of the “jambs” they committed, unworthy of the title of prisoner. So, for example, a “decent” prisoner is not supposed to do work related to plumbing; this type of activity is exclusively for roosters.

By the way, contrary to the stereotypical opinion, the proportion of homosexuals among the omitted is low. Most convicts become roosters for acts that are not related to the sexual sphere.

Usually omitted for various rule violations prison life, such as:

They can also be lowered by order of the prison administration in order to eliminate objectionable convicts from prison life. To do this, most often the victim is locked in a cockerel all night. After that, the prisoner automatically goes into the category of roosters.

True, the attitude of the prison community towards such offended is more or less loyal.

After the 2000s, there is a refusal to lower down through rape. This is due to the fact that more attention has been paid to protecting the rights of prisoners, as a result of which control over internal regulations and the way of life in correctional institutions has increased.

The life of those lowered in the zone is hard, and sometimes terrible. They live separately in prison, in the so-called cock-hut, where the same offended people, pinches, pokers, sit). This is the most despised (and by all) category of prisoners. What are they doing in prison?

Those who have been lowered in prison are engaged in the dirtiest work: sweeping the parade ground, lokalki; wash baths, toilets; clean the sewer, perform work on the ban; pick up and load trash. There are among the omitted and those who earn by selling themselves; they are called "offended workers".

Ordinary prisoners should not take food that roosters eat. Wash omitted from separate wash basins. They are required to give way to other prisoners.

Representatives of other castes hardly speak to them. Communication with a rooster for a prisoner can result in a loss of authority.

Downgraded must communicate their status to all newcomers. Concealment of such information is punishable by severe physical injury. In order to make it easier to identify roosters, special tattoos are applied to their bodies.

They can be settled near the toilet, under the bed (“under the shkonka”), and only in large camps separate barracks are allocated for them, which are called cockerels.

Offended use individual household items. Holes are usually made in their dishes so that no one accidentally confuses “soured” spoons and plates with normal ones. In the smoking room, you can give a half-smoked cigarette to a rooster, but in no case can you take a bull from the hands of a lowered one.

In the camp church, they are allocated separate benches, benches, and in the bath - basins. If an ordinary prisoner accidentally sits at the wrong table or takes the wrong spoon, he automatically falls into the cock caste. Even if he did not eat, did not drink from the appliances, he will still be considered lowered.

As soon as an ordinary prisoner finds himself among the caste of roosters, he goes to any tricks to transfer from offended to the category of "normal" prisoners.

Reference: the number of restrictions and prohibitions for the omitted depends on the type of penitentiary. In colonies with a strict regime, the attitude towards them is more loyal, but in colonies for minors, the wildest orders reign.

Previously, even before the 2000s, the main duty of the omitted was the sexual satisfaction of prisoners, but now this is rarely practiced, and then only on a voluntary basis.

According to current prison rules, you can’t “use” the offended for free without giving him a gift, so many roosters are engaged in voluntary prostitution for material reasons.

Beating the lowered is practiced only if they violate the rules by which their caste is obliged to live. You can’t beat a rooster with your hands, you can only beat it with your feet, which is especially humiliating.

The ritual of "transferring" an ordinary prisoner to the category of roosters has now changed. Previously, a leper prisoner was simply raped or forced to have oral sex with one of the thieves. However, after several accidents occurred with biting off "someone else's dignity", the process began to take place in a different way: the rooster is slapped on the forehead or lips with the penis.

Sometimes thieves simply declare some prisoner a rooster; the rumor about this quickly spreads throughout the zone, after which the prisoner can no longer wash off the stigma.

Beginners who first entered the zone should clearly know some rules. The key of them is in no case to agree to a "rooster" job, not to pick up a mop, a rag.

In the dining room, you need to sit down with your comrades and take your time to take a free table. In some colonies, things related to the omitted items are marked with red paint.

If the prisoner is not a homosexual and is not convicted under "cock" articles, then he can be lowered only for malicious misconduct.

Thus, in order to avoid the fate of the downtrodden, the prisoner must live according to the rules of prison life, namely:

Even in prison it is worth remaining a man, it is appreciated there. Such a phenomenon as “lowered in prison” is savagery, a relic of the country’s difficult past.

However, despite the softening of the rules in correctional institutions, this category of prisoners still exists, and this fact has to be put up with.

Tired of the talk that Western politicians and the rest of "progressive humanity" are going to boycott the Sochi Olympics because of the oppression of homosexuals in Russia. And this happens, of course, to thunderous applause and enthusiasm from the Russian opposition.

I could not find a single example of so-called harassment against athletes or fans representing sexual minorities. Is it only new law, forbidding them to have sex or hold gay parades near schools and kindergartens. So straight people are also not recommended by law. And do Olympians of non-traditional sexual orientation participate in the Olympic Games only for the purpose of having sex near kindergartens or campaigning for blue life there? If not, then why such a loud hysteria and who is hindered by the law prohibiting this?

And why were the fighters for the rights of sexual minorities so hooked by the Sochi Olympics, and not, say, by the strict regime camps? Yes, because the "fight" for the rights of LGBT people in conjunction with the Olympic Games is pure PR and a lot of money. Pay attention to the fact that the “global human rights activists” of the rights of sexual minorities allegedly violated in Russia are only interested in global issues that carry decent funding and mass attention. Such as the Olympics, tours of the first persons of Russian classical music, visits of heads of state, etc. And nothing less.

I know that now the defenders of homosexuals (including Western fighters-ideologists, some Russian bloggers and LGBT activists) will break out with another scream that I, they say, insult people with a non-traditional sexual orientation and urge to ignore the violation of their rights.

Hey guys! Wake up! Everything is much easier. Why do you protect only where it is interesting and profitable for you to do so? If I'm wrong, then why don't you, as true fighters for the rights of LGBT and other sexual minorities, start defending, say, " offended roosters» on zones or in prisons?

Don't know these? Then I'll tell you. And my words will be confirmed by everyone who, by the will of fate, has been in places of deprivation of liberty.

“Roosters”, “offended”, “lowered”, “rooster suit”, “chushkari”, “leaky” - these are just a small part of the official prison-camp names for people of non-traditional sexual orientation. In fact, all these names are synonymous. Is that, there is a slight nuance between the "lowered" and "offended", which now, in practice, does not carry a semantic load. The omitted one is an open passive homosexual who had homosexual contacts, and the offended one is the one who “scrambled”, that is, shook hands with a rooster, or ate from the same plate, or used his spoon, or entered into some other close contact.

In every pre-trial detention center, prison and correctional colony there are special huts (cells, sections), the so-called "offended", where "roosters" live separately from everyone. In large camp barracks, this is a special "cock's corner". In many zones and prisons, the “offended” have their own beholder, from the same ones. He is called the "head cock". Each newly arrived convict must be informed of the whereabouts of the “offended person”, so that the newcomer does not accidentally “stumble”. Now, the "offended" make up about 1 - 1.5% of the total number of Russian prisoners. And this is almost 15 thousand prisoners.

The "roosters" without fail have their own bedding, which is washed separately, as well as their own dishes, which are also stored strictly separately. So that, God forbid, it does not get mixed up with the dishes and linen of "decent prisoners." Otherwise there will be big problems. Everyone has. Even when checking in the ranks, the “offended” is built separately.

« Rooster”, he is also “homosexual”, he is also “offended” or “leaky”, he has no right:

Sit at a common table in a cell or camp dining room (there are separate eating areas for them with separate utensils and food storage places);
- touch the products intended for ordinary prisoners;
- take a cigarette from the pack by touching other cigarettes, or light one match in front of a “decent prisoner”;
- to say hello to the hand with anyone, except for the same lowered ones;
- apply with any claim with an ordinary prisoner, since he is not an equal creature. Instead of responding to a claim, he may well get hit;

"Rooster", he is also "homosexual", he is also "offended" or "leaky", is obliged:

Fulfill, practically, any requirements of other prisoners;
- to do all the dirty work in the cell, barracks, section. Namely, to wash the floors, take out the trash cans, clean the dalnyak (bucket, latrine, etc.). At the same time, in the detachments, all distant people are distributed behind the "cocks", which are responsible for their purity;
- live only in the premises of the “offended”, ordinary huts, sections and barracks are not for them;
- entering the cell (section, barrack) for the first time, immediately inform the whole hut “I am offended” and modestly settle down near the brakes (doors) or far (toilet), where to wait for a further decision of your fate. If the “rooster” hid the fact that he was offended and behaved like an ordinary convict (he shook hands, drank chifir from a common mug with everyone, sat down at a common table), and then it turned out that he was a homosexual, then they may well be beaten to death . Since he “zaforshmachil” (soiled, infected) the entire “human hut”.
- use only separate dishes, towels, linen and other household and personal hygiene items.
- be clearly aware of your lowest place in the prison-camp hierarchy and understand that even all kinds of "rats", "snitches" and "snitches" are higher and will never be equated with "cocks". Unless they are “lowered”, but this is the most extreme measure, which is almost never used.

At the stage in the Stolypin carriage, the "roosters" are located on the floor under the lower "shkonka" (shelf), or (if you're lucky) in a separate "compartment".

I'll tell you how they deal with those who, having jumped into the "stolypin", in the hope of a common traffic fuss, do not inform the other convicts that they are "offended". In the winter of 2011, I had a chance to visit the stage Murmansk - Vologda - Moscow. One of the escorts, during the withdrawal to the toilet, looked into the neighboring “compartment” and, passing, managed to shout that one of the convicts sitting there “rooster”, they say, recognized him from the Murmansk central. After a difficult conversation, the Murmansk resident admitted that he was a homosexual and lived in the Murmansk pre-trial detention center in a "offended", but decided to hide his sexual orientation. He was beaten for a long time and cruelly (there were at least 10 convicts in the neighboring "kupeshka"). Then they kicked him under the bottom shelf, where he spent the rest of the long journey. Yes, and more. The experienced convoy defiantly paid no attention to the situation. Only then did I take the “offended” several times to clean the common toilets and the corridor in the “Stolypin”.

Until recently, the “offended” were forcibly made special “portacas” (tattoos, tattoos), reporting their orientation. Here are just a few:

1.Designation: homosexual - "daisy", "mashka", "rooster", "comb", "blue", "chushok". Location - back.
2.It has the name "King of all stripes". The designation is a homosexual capable of all forms of sex. Location - back.
3.A tattoo of authority among homosexuals, the so-called "head rooster".
4. Ring of the "lowered"

Now such a tattoo can be done by force only to those who have already been seen trying to hide their “cock suit”.

Here is a summary of the "rights and duties" of representatives of sexual minorities in places of detention.

I suggest that LGBT activists, politicians and journalists who parasitize on the topic of protecting (it is not clear from what) sexual minorities, stop screaming about the Olympics and moaning about the ban on gay parades around schools and kindergartens, and start protecting the rights of homosexuals in zones and prisons. Of course, they don’t pay for it, there is no PR, and it’s somehow scary to climb into barracks and huts ... But you try it. BUT?

Chamber life. Looking. Rooster

I have already sat down several times to write the "specifics", but still could not state everything the way I would like. Because partly a few went into abstract topics.

Several times my friends asked me - how is it there? Usually you start to tell, you look at the interlocutor and you see a misunderstanding - the person listens, but does not perceive. It just doesn't fit in his head. As if we are talking about integral calculus. All the words seem to be clear - but the picture does not add up.

It's hard to understand that right here, nearby, in the same city where you live, where ordinary people walk at a distance of some 10 meters, it's a completely different world. Some of the prisoners called it "The Lost World". Rotting bodies, stench, lice, bedbugs, scabies, tuberculosis, "roosters" under the racks, stinking gruel with worms, "concepts", cops and thieves' lawlessness.

Once, seeing a misunderstanding, I took a friend into the bathroom - an ordinary average bathroom in an ordinary apartment. Imagine, I say, that here in this bath we put three bunk racks, a table, a toilet bowl (more precisely, just a point - "dalnyak" - like in public toilets).

And now we settle here 7-8, and maybe 10-12 people. What is it like? - the person looks at me with disbelief, - there’s simply no way to become ten, even if you throw everything away and leave bare walls, and not just three racks ...

Well, of course, there is nowhere to stand - but you can live. A year, two, three - going out only once a day for an incomplete hour for a walk.

This is exactly the picture I saw when I crossed the threshold of hut number 105 of the Kaliningrad prison.

Shkonari welded from pipes and strips of metal. Mattresses, at first glance, are - but later it turned out that they were almost empty - this is a luxury item in prison. A very limited number of them are passed "by inheritance" to their family members, relatives. The rest is just camouflage with a few wads of cotton. Therefore, many have to sleep almost on metal.

But this is already a common thing - ten days before that there weren’t even such quarantines - they just sleep on iron, without mattresses, blankets, beds. October in the Baltics is already very cold and damp, especially at night. It was impossible to sleep for more than an hour and a half - I had to get up and move, drink tea (if any). And you don’t have more than 8 hours, since there are 30 people in a hut for 10 people. So now on this mattress and even under the covers you can sleep off. How little a person needs to be happy.

Dalnyak is fenced off with a screen. A water faucet comes out above it and water flows directly into the point. This must always be remembered, since getting up after a great need, you can stumble on him with your back. But forgetting about it is not so easy - it leaks, and when you are sitting on a long distance, cold water dripping on your back. So that the drops of water do not irritate their own sound, a strip of matter is tied to the tap, along which the water flows down.

Near the table - "common fund", firmly concreted into the floor. No more than two people can sit behind it - one on a nearby bunk, the other on a stool. Above it is a "TV" - a metal box for dishes and food.

Stool - "stool" is not attached to the floor. In general, this is a violation - everything must be firmly welded to the floor. But in this kennel it is simply impossible - nowhere.

The passage between the shkonars is exactly for one person, and even then - not very broad-shouldered. Two, even sideways, can not pass. In total, the passage from the doors ("brakes") to the far guard is four steps. Sometimes I even managed to take a walk - three steps, at the fourth turn, three again ... and so on for an hour. But this is rare - in short intervals of an unfilled (this is when ONLY 7 people) hut.

The upper shkonar at the tails is a worker. They don't sleep on it, there workplace road builder - responsible for the roads, that is, the connection between the huts. They do not sleep there for another reason - there are no windows and in cold weather it is simply impossible to be there. There are piles of trunks. And plus, a few stripes were torn out of the shkar - someone needed a "saber" at one time, most likely to push the button accordion furs a little apart.

There is practically no window - that is, it is, under the ceiling, but you cannot see anything through it - metal blinds, called button accordion (or cilia), are installed so as to only let air through. The light practically does not pass - in the cells both day and night - around the clock - a light bulb is on (it was only then that the words of a famous song came to me - "Taganka, all nights are full of fire ..."). There are two more lattices - tails. One forged, still German, with large cells - 20 centimeters, the other small - minced meat - from reinforcement, with a cell size smaller than a matchbox - is already ours.

The walls are incredibly dirty brown. Looks like they were once white. They say that major repairs have not been done here since the days of Germany - more precisely, the end of the war. Very similar to that. This prison is one of the few buildings that survived from the old Koenigsberg. Under the Germans, in such huts - they say - there were two people each. Yes, together it would be more or less tolerable.

The dimensions of the chamber are 3.60 by 1.70, the height is about 2.50. For 10 people. Now even toilets sometimes do more.

In the corners there are huge ancient cobwebs and equally huge spiders. The spider and the web is one of the main thieves' symbols and therefore is very often found on tattoos. According to zek beliefs, you can’t touch a spider - something like a sacred animal. It can be relocated as a last resort. But in hut 105 they were especially respected and not touched at all. But at least there were no flies.

Taxied in the hut Sanek. He was then 35 years old. 35 minus 13 equals 22. Started sitting at 17. Total 5 at large - 13 in prison. Previously, he kicked in terms of concepts, but he was not torn into authorities. Now tired, began to think about life. The face is surprisingly kind and even childlike. No one from the first time gave Sanka either his 35 or the fifth walker. For a cunning, gloomy prisoner, everyone who entered the hut took me - and made round eyes when they found out how it really was.

After a short calm conversation (who, where, article) he determined for me the upper bunk ("palm tree") above me. I brewed a chifirka. When I soon fell asleep (after sleepless nights of quarantine), already through a dream I felt how he threw his blanket over me. And even what I learned about him later did not dull the feeling of gratitude for that sympathy shown.

But this moment was preceded by one incident. The two of us were thrown into hut 105 from quarantine - there was another guy about 27 years old. When we entered, one of the prisoners, sleeping on the top bunk, raised his head, uttered an exclamation of surprise and turned to the one who came in after me:

"You have a choice - either you are now breaking out of the hut, or I present it to you."

He replied that he did not feel anything and would remain in the hut.

"Then stand near the brakes and don't move. You're pounding in the ass and taking it in your mouth."

He refused - nothing like that, you will answer for the market and all that.

Sanyok enters the conversation and turns to Seryoga (that was the name of the accuser) - "Are you sure? Do you know him?" - "Yes, this is Vokha, besides, she suffered in my first case, a fellow countryman from Baltiysk. I heard about him from the right people that he stupidly took his cheek and asked that he be kicked in the ass when they were some they dragged a heifer."

Sanya turns to Vokha - "Is it true?" - "No. The fact that he was a patient, I admit, he testified at the trial, and everything else is rubbish." "Are you answering?" - "I answer." "Can you confirm?" - "I can." "Sat?" - "Half a year in a pre-trial detention center, now I went under conditional terms." "Why did they take it?" - "Cops, bastards, framed, gop-stop hang."

“Then this will be the decision,” says Sanek, “you guys know the concept - each of you must substantiate your words. You have 10 days. you, Seryoga, there is a suspicion that you want to slander the guy in retaliation for the past. We don’t respect patience, but they don’t drive you to the bunk for it - this is your business. You have a serious accusation - you know what will happen if In the meantime, you are under suspicion. Do not touch dishes and food, do not drink tea from common mugs. Your shkonar is under the window for the time being (in cold weather this is the worst place in the hut - draft and oak is the same as on the street - it is difficult lie down even for an hour.) If someone wants to share a place with you - while you are under suspicion - no problem."

No one shared his shkonar with Vokha like that. Serega found more witnesses (eyewitnesses, as they say in prison - they don't like witnesses there), who confirmed his words. But Vokha was not looking for anyone. He sat and doomedly waited for his fate, which, as he understood, he could not avoid.

Seeing this alignment, Sanya did not even wait for the time allotted by him and demanded an explanation, during which he put his foot on Vokha's face (after carefully removing his slippers). He still refused. Then Sanya still waited until the deadline and declared Vokha a rooster. With further kicking - it turns out that it is impossible to beat roosters with your hands - you can "finish out".

He tried to break out of the hut, but the opera did not want to translate him - we, they say, don’t give a damn - there’s nowhere to put him, do what you want with him. After that, he independently moved under the shkonar, although Sanya nevertheless allowed him to live on his shkonar - it was impossible, in my opinion, to stretch on a concrete floor in such a cold for at least a few hours, but he could. When the cops came to check, they laughed and told him - give a sound to know if he was alive. Once they just stopped with a boot - Vokha mumbled something in pain. "Aah, it means alive" - ​​said the cop and went on.

With the intensification of the cold, Vokha nevertheless crawled out from under the bunk and lived quietly on his shkonar, talking about something to himself. When they drank tea in the hut, they also poured him into his mug, gave him cigarettes. He himself, without coercion, regularly swept the hut and from time to time began to prove that he was not a cock. Then he agreed again.

Later, after the New Year, he left for the investigation in his town. When he returned, they threw him into another hut. He became silent again and did not say who he was. This time he was less fortunate - they beat him for a long time, they finally broke him from the hut, they made an announcement to the whole prison. After the donkey, he was offended somewhere and was not heard from him again.

And in quarantine, he behaved quite arrogantly and even tried for no reason to show his toughness, to make a person "fall on a rag" - to clean the hut. I probably decided to act according to the old Zon adage - "It's better to drive than to be persecuted." But everything turned out the other way around. Received in response to the muzzle. Not according to the concepts, of course, but the conflict was resolved.

And they put Vokha, as it turned out, for a bag of potatoes. Granny was trading on the street, he came up, wanted to take the proceeds from her, but either she wasn’t there, or the granny didn’t give. Then he took a bag of potatoes that she was selling, threw it over her shoulders and tried to dump it, but a police squad was just nearby. During the investigation, he said that he was simply helping the granny carry the bag across the road. And since his conditional conviction for hooliganism had not yet ended, a bag of potatoes probably cost him several years.

And Sanek behaved very calmly, he liked to tell all sorts of prisoner stories about how it was before. Before the release, he had about six months. He had no relatives or friends. Some kind of cousin somewhere in the village - that's all.

He was afraid to go free. No home, no family. And waited for release with fear. It was visible to the naked eye. Yes, he himself did not particularly hide this in conversations with me. He often asked about all sorts of everyday trifles - up to how to ride a trolleybus, buy a ticket, etc. How to get to the station - he lived (and his aunt) somewhere in a village far from regional center. He was simply terribly afraid to go through the city, he gets into a trolleybus. He was afraid of women - he himself said that in his 35 years he had no more of them than the intervals between his terms. Yes, and then - with a stretch. Often, during long nights, he quietly asked me to tell him about life - what to do, what to do and how. He often said that he had nothing to do in freedom - I would go out, he said, I would take a little walk until I was caught once again on some petty theft - and I would sit down again.

Here he felt like a fish in water. Everything was familiar to him, he did not have to think about blood and bread. He even went for walks at least once a week. He enjoyed a certain respect - he knew how to beautifully tell young people about concepts and life. Although he treated the young people spreading their fingers with irony and could successfully laugh at their childish naivety.

Sanya, as it turned out, was a regular informer - knocked, that is. I began to guess about it after two or three months in the hut. Later, in other huts, this was confirmed.

Although he had no relatives, he regularly, about once a month, went on dates. He said that he was skating with a man alone for a year of joint imprisonment, so he comes to him. I also received packages once a month - always about the same thing - simple cigarettes, Georgian tea, a little bacon, caramel. Later I had to hear about such programs - they were used by the opera to pay off their non-staff employees. And they took them from obshchakovsky programs as a bribe for connivance. The cycle of cigarettes in nature turned out to be interesting.

Those who were of interest to them and only first-timers were thrown into his hut in order to protect Sanka from unwanted meetings.

Why so, why he was afraid to go to the zone - I don’t know. Most likely, he was simply tired of everything and he wanted some, at least temporary, peace. The opera gave him certain guarantees of a quiet life, at least in prison, in exchange for information.

It must be admitted that Sanya never questioned anyone, and did not fish out anything. Yes, on the other hand, it was not necessary - the tongue is the smallest of the members of the body, but who can curb it. Nights and days drag on oh how long - and you want to talk to someone. People so perlo tell about their exploits.

But suddenly he had a goal - Sanya fell in love ...

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