Online divination on erotic cards. Tarot Manara - the meaning of the cards, how to guess on the tarot Manara? Other divination on Tarot Manara

Lime 18.04.2021


To find out the true feelings of a loved one for you, the prospect of developing further relationships with him, choose the Tarot Manara deck. In this article, you will learn about what Tarot Manara layouts exist, learn how to put the cards into practice, get acquainted with the features of divination for love, health, and career.

Features of divination on Tarot Manara: advantages and disadvantages of the deck

The main bias of the deck, the illustrations for which were chosen by the creator of the famous erotic comics Milo Manara, are fortune-telling related to love relationships. Properly selected layouts will help you find out / set the right priorities in communicating with a loved one.

In addition to frank drawings of an erotic nature, characterizing the meanings of the Elders and Minor Arcana, the deck is fundamentally different from other interpretations of the classical Tarot.

The main essence of Tarot Manara is relationship layouts. In some cases, the cards will indicate the state of health of the fortuneteller, as well as his career prospects, which I will discuss in more detail below.

One of the features of this deck is the clarity and rigidity of the manner of answering the question. According to some tarot readers, the cards describe in detail, bluntly, the events that caused a certain situation to appear. It is recommended to be condescending towards criticism of the interpretations of Taro Manara - this will help to quickly eliminate negativity from your life.

The Tarot Manara deck will help you understand a number of the following questions formulated at the mental level:

  • Interpersonal relationships, their development in the foreseeable future
  • Psychological problems of a fortuneteller, ways to solve them
  • Emphasis on new facets of the world around

Basic rules for divination by Tarot Manara

Before starting the Tarot Manara love spreads, I recommend that you pre-charge the cards with your energy. Remember that any kind of fortune-telling is a responsible occupation, involving complete dedication, scrupulousness to the approach.

Important! If you want to try Tarot Manara for fun or fun, there may be problems with interpretation.

In order to properly prepare for the prediction, it is recommended to meditate by tuning in to the desired object. Before starting the layout, hold the deck between your palms - this will help the cards feel your mood and give the most truthful answer to your questions.

Attention! When divining for another person, it is important to include an open mind. This approach will help to objectively display the attitude of the soulmate to the one who asks you to tell fortunes.

What layouts are suitable for working with a deck

The layouts and interpretation of Tarot Manara, first of all, depend on the sphere of life of the fortuneteller. Below are the most popular layout options that allow you to look beyond the screen of the future.

Three cards

It is one of the simplest, most uncommon ways. Suitable for beginners who are ignorant of the deep knowledge of the deck. After formulating the question, the fortuneteller draws out three cards of the Major Arcana in turn - this will help to objectively illuminate the situation, giving a clear answer.

The first card is the main one, symbolizing the thoughts of the hidden person to the fortuneteller. The second - indicates what feelings you evoke in him. The third is the interpretation of the unconscious state of a person (hidden thoughts known only to him alone). If the meaning of the symbols is too blurry, you can draw an additional card from the deck.

Path choice

To get a prediction about which path to choose in a personal relationship with the person they are guessing at, use this alignment. To do this, draw seven cards from the main deck one by one, including the Minor Arcana, after analyzing the interpretation of each of the symbols.

The main advantage of the above layout is a detailed coverage of circumstances that can highly likely happen if you follow the existing life path without changing its trajectory.

Celtic cross

This type of layout is ideal for analyzing minor (small) life situations, including more important, karmic events. It is considered the most objective and common way of divination on Tarot Manara.

Note. The Celtic Cross layout is successfully used to charge the deck with its own energy, so it is ideal for the first divination on new cards.

In addition to answering questions of interest, the Celtic Cross will help Taro Manara to perceive information at all levels of human life. Suitable for getting answers with a specific wording of the question, as well as for objective coverage of the situation as a whole.

Fortune-telling should begin with a thorough shuffling of the deck (Major and Minor Arcana) and randomly select ten cards, laying them face down. The interpretation begins with the first card drawn.

fool game

This type of alignment makes it possible to find out the development of current events in a certain sequence, and also shows at what stage the fortuneteller is, what he has to go through in the near future.

The “Playing the Fool” layout will help analyze development processes life path several stages: present and future. Beginners may experience difficulty in interpreting, since the meanings of the cards flow smoothly from each other, in order to understand the meaning of the next symbol, one should understand the previous one, as well as its involvement in a certain period of time.

The essence of fortune-telling is as follows: initially, the Jester is taken out of the deck and put aside. The remaining cards are shuffled, laid out face down on the table, after which 12 pieces are drawn one by one. It is recommended to include the Major and Minor Arcana Tarot in the deck.

Astrological houses

Another name for this popular tarot spread is the 12 Houses. It is recommended to run it on New Year or on your birthday. This approach allows you to objectively assess the state of health, relationships, career opportunities, as well as other issues that interest the fortuneteller in the near future.

Each of the 12 houses is a characteristic of the life spheres of the fortuneteller and the events that take place in them.

To get acquainted with the above options in more detail, the video of Tarot Manara layouts, which you will find on our website, will help.

The main layouts for divination for relationships and love

Do you want to know the true attitude towards you of the second half? Then use one of the layouts below, designed for the Tarot Manara deck.

Two hearts

The scheme of the layout on the Tarot cards Manara - Two hearts

This popular layout is most often used in the following situations:

  • Development options existing relationships
  • Expectations of partners from a love affair
  • Events that directly or indirectly affect the harmony of the union

The essence of this fortune-telling is an indication of actions to improve mutual understanding between partners. The “Two Hearts” layout can be used not only for couples in love, but also when characterizing relationships between relatives, colleagues and friends.

The position of the cards after shuffling the Tarot Manara deck must correspond to the above layout scheme.

The values ​​correspond to the following points:

  1. The state of the relationship for the current period of time
  2. Level of compatibility with the second half
  3. The fortuneteller's expectations regarding his partner
  4. Expectations of a partner regarding a fortuneteller
  5. Prospects for the development of relations in the near future
  6. Relationship Improvement Options
  7. Events that may negatively affect the development of the union in the future
  8. The presence / absence of extraneous influences on the state of relations

"Mystery of Love"

The scheme of the layout on the Tarot cards Manara - The Mystery of Love

This type of alignment is a kind of test of feelings on Tarot Manara. The deck will help you get answers to questions related to the further development of relationships, the readiness of lovers to enter into legal marriage. The cards will help to find out the thoughts, feelings, emotions of the second half, which is important for a relationship that is starting.

Before starting fortune-telling, you should clearly imagine the image of a loved one. After that, carefully shuffle the deck, laying out the cards in random order in the amount of eight pieces according to the following scheme.

The interpretation is carried out as follows.

  • The first Tarot Manar card that fell out - what does he think of me. By correctly analyzing this value, you can get an objective picture regarding the sexual, emotional and sensual levels.
  • The second is the truth of intentions
  • The third is the attitude of the fortuneteller to the object of desire
  • Fourth - the development of relations in the near future
  • Fifth - the state of the union in a couple of months
  • Sixth - relationship after a year
  • Seventh - readiness for marriage
  • The eighth is summing up, displaying the compatibility and rationality of subsequent relationships

In addition to fortune-telling on Tarot Manara on a person’s feelings, the meanings of the deck allow you to find out the state of health of the fortuneteller. To do this, you should draw three cards, deciphering them in the following sequence:

  • The first card is the cause of the disease
  • The second is the etiology of the disease
  • Third - a possible way out of the current situation

Divination for work and career

Alignment for work and career Path on the deck of Tarot Manara

To find out about the prospect of moving up the career ladder, choose the "Path" layout. Such fortune-telling will help to analyze the situation in the team, the likelihood of promotion and other equally important aspects. Can be used as a scenario for a situation.

For the spread, draw out seven cards and stack them according to the diagram above.

The first card displays the essence of the question you are asking, revealing the prospects for its solution.

The second and third are a reflection of your mental background in relation to the situation.

The sixth meaning is advice on correcting feelings and emotions.

The seventh card is a summing up, conclusions to be drawn from the current situation.

To learn more about Tarot Manara's divination for the future of relationships, follow our updates. I wish you spiritual development on the path of life.

In order to find out about the events of the future or to understand the current situation, many people use fortune-telling cards. They help you learn a lot. useful information. If you want to find answers to questions about your personal life, then it is better to choose Taro Manara, which were created in early 2000.

Tarot cards Manara

The presented Tarot deck was drawn by the Italian artist Milo Manara. The design of the cards was created at the request of the famous publishing house Lo Scarabeo. The author never had a goal to draw Tarot, but he could not refuse an interesting offer. Since the main direction of Milo is erotic comics, this was also transferred to the drawings on the cards. The result was the erotic Tarot Manara, which captivated astrologers and predictors with their accuracy. The main direction of this deck is personal life.

Tarot Manara - deck overview

This erotic deck contains 78 cards, as in the classic Tarot, and 22 of them are the Major Arcana (plot set) and 56 cards are the Minor Arcana of the emotional set, which are divided into subcategories:

  1. Element Air- cards belong to the suit of Swords, and they can tell about the secret dreams and fantasies of a person.
  2. Element Fire- they are compared with the Wands, and with their help you can learn about deeds and actions.
  3. Element Water- the personification of the suits of the Cups, and the main meaning of the Tarot Manara cards is associated with the thoughts and feelings of a person.
  4. Element Earth- is equivalent to the suit of Pentacles, and this group will tell about whether the plans will become a reality or not.

It is worth noting that the Aces, personifying the behavior of a woman, are of particular importance in the Tarot Manara. For the correct interpretation of these cards, it is necessary to learn to feel the questioner. It is important to understand that a deep meaning is hidden behind the eroticism of the drawings. It is especially easy to learn how to interpret Tarot Manara layouts for people and good and fantasy.

Divination rules for Tarot Manara

After buying a new deck, you need to charge it with your energy. For this purpose, you need to hold them in your hands for a while and do a little meditation, imagining how energy passes through your hands into cards. It is important to treat divination responsibly, and not as a joke, otherwise the meaning of Tarot Manar will be deceptive. Another rule regarding fortune-telling for another person is that in order to obtain a truthful result, it is recommended to be unbiased during the alignment. You should not start fortune telling in a bad mood and well-being.

Divination Tarot Manara

Each card in this erotic deck is a symbol of a different interpersonal relationship, so divination is carried out in order to find answers to questions related to the opposite sex. Fortune telling on Tarot cards Manara is able to determine important details and compatibility of partners, as well as the causes of problems. The layout can be done for a difficult situation, the choice between several partners, to determine the cause and to receive useful tips. The meaning of the Manara Tarot cards can be found here.

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara for relationships

With the help of the popular “Two Hearts” layout, you can find out options for the development of relationships, what to expect from a partner, and also events that, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the harmony of the union. The alignment of Tarot Manara for relationships will be a kind of indication of actions that can improve mutual understanding between lovers. It is worth noting that the “Two Hearts” layout can be used not only to understand the relationship between lovers, but also relatives, colleagues and friends.

Take the Tarot Manara deck, shuffle it and make a layout. After that, go to the interpretation:

  • card number 1 - what's in a relationship on this moment;
  • card number 2 - compatibility level;
  • card number 3 - the fortuneteller's expectations about relationships;
  • card number 4 - the expectations of a lover;
  • card number 5 - possible prospects in the near future;
  • card number 6 - tips on how to improve relationships;
  • card number 7 - which can negatively affect relationships;
  • card number 8 - whether or not there is outside influence.

Fortune telling Tarot Manara for the future

To learn about future events related to relationships, you can use the "Wheel of Fate" layout. Tarot Manara will talk about the potential of relationships, and they can also show what can be obtained from an alliance with a chosen one. In addition, the alignment will help to understand for what purpose the meeting took place from the point of view of karma. Shuffle the deck and do the alignment, and then read the interpretation of Tarot Manara:

  • card number 1 - a karmic lesson explaining why relationships are needed, and for what purpose people met;
  • card number 2 - what is currently happening in the relationship;
  • card number 3 - a fortuneteller in a relationship;
  • card number 4 - a partner in a relationship;
  • card number 5 - a critical point that will help you understand whether the potential will be realized;
  • card number 6 - the maximum that can be obtained from the union.

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara on a person's feelings

With the help of a simple layout, you can conduct some kind of test of feelings. He gives answers to questions that are related to the development of relationships, and also talks about the thoughts, feelings and emotions of a partner. To test feelings, you must first hold Taro Manara in your hands for some time and clearly imagine the image of your lover. After that, shuffle the deck and make a layout. The interpretation of Tarot Manara cards is carried out as follows:

  • card number 1 - thoughts of a lover related to intimate life, and feelings;
  • card number 2 - his real intentions;
  • card number 3 - the fortuneteller's feelings for the object of feelings;
  • card number 4 - how personal life can change in the near future;
  • card number 5 - what will the union be like in a couple of months;
  • card number 6 - what will happen in a year;
  • card number 7 - do partners have thoughts about marriage;
  • card number 8 - a result that reflects the compatibility and rationality of further relationships.

Fortune telling Tarot Manara for a career

Although it is believed that the Manara deck provides answers to questions related to personal life, it can also be used to learn about career prospects. For this purpose, there is a “Path” layout that will help analyze the situation in the team and find out about the possibility of career advancement. Shuffle the deck and lay out seven cards as shown. The decoding of Tarot Manara cards is as follows:

  • card number 1 - the essence of the issue and the prospects for a solution;
  • map No. 2 and 3 - description of the mental background;
  • card number 4 and 5 - tips on how to change the behavior of a fortuneteller, taking into account the situation;
  • map number 6 - recommendations for adjustment;
  • card number 7 - conclusions to be drawn from the current situation.

Relationships do not tolerate lies, it becomes difficult to hide true intentions, feelings, desires if you use Manara Tarot cards for divination. The reliability of the partners' judgments is confirmed by the meaning of the cards, which, when laid out, literally turn out into the light what moves a person.

Milo Manara was born on September 12, 1945 in the Italian commune of Luzon in the province of Bolzano. Ever since childhood, the dream of becoming an artist has been in conflict with the realization that traditional painting will never be able to feed him. While assisting the sculptor Berrocal in Magal, Milo studied the human body in great detail and became fluent in academic drawing. But the painting did not win his heart, but the erotic comic became the true embodiment of his dream. It took only a few years of working with screenwriter Francesco Rubino during the creation of the Yolanda series about the adventures of a female pirate to provide himself with a decent life.

His drawings are an excellent indicator of how the thoughts and desires of a person, like a tightrope walker, balance on a fine line, on one side of which is eroticism, on the other hand, hard porn “poses” gracefully. The censors in admiration pay tribute to the artist and say with one voice that, thanks to his skill, he never crossed this line. The embodiment of sexuality in the cards is an incredible idea of ​​the author, which fully justified itself. Decks with bright erotic works by Milo Manara went on sale in early 2000.

What are Tarot Manara cards?

The deck can be used by both beginners who are not familiar with classic tarot, and advanced tarologists who want to improve their skills and enrich their working tools. Although, only strong man, able to feel the sexuality of images, will be able to find mutual language with a tarot deck. Relationships between people are the path that everyone needs to know about. Even if an idyll reigns, one of the partners still thinks about the true motives of the other. After reading the article, you will learn about the mechanisms for the formation of meanings, find your own meaning in oracle systems, and get real pleasure when viewing Milo Manara's drawings.

Virgin love, wonderful feelings and sincerity do not exclude misunderstandings. For some, the problems that have arisen seem like an insoluble task, someone is ready to go to the end, in order to expose true feelings and intentions. Fortune telling on the Tarot Manara is one of the ways to sort out relationships with the help of a kind of analysis of the current situation, to know the soul of a partner and find out tips for the future. The Craftsman Gallery is a unique deck with stunning symbolism.

Tarot Manara cards do not tolerate complexes, stiffness, hidden fears. It is necessary to be completely open to the cards in order to know the truth.

Distinctive feature the deck is in full compliance with the "beauty" of the meaning and image of the Minor Arcana to the Elder. Classic suits the artist adapted in his own way, replacing them with four elements: Water, Fire, Air and Earth, each of which received its own symbol.

  • Fire personifies initiative, determination, patronizes passionate, courageous and creative natures.
  • Water symbolizes sexuality, sensuality and emotionality.
  • Air is a supporter of thinkers, ideological personalities prone to erotic fantasies, dreams and illusory prisms.
  • The earth pays tribute to stability and constancy, to calm and pragmatic natures.

Remember! Taro Manara gives answers only to questions relating to love relationship. Finances and health are not subject to them!

☞ Video description of the meaning of the cards

Taro Manara on human feelings

Only a brave lover is able to talk about his feelings. But what to do with the "mute", not capable of words and actions to show themselves true. Modesty, fear, misunderstanding of oneself are frequent problems of those who do not clearly express their thoughts. To expose feelings, understand the prospects for the development of relations, and was created
layout "Mystery of love".

It is quite simple, showing the course of love ups and downs, indicating possible difficulties, talking about the future with and without a partner.

Choose 8 cards from the Manara Tarot deck that answer the questions:

  1. What are his thoughts about you?
  2. What does a partner need from an alliance with you?
  3. What is your relationship with your partner?
  4. developments in the near future.
  5. What will happen to your union in a few months?
  6. What will the relationship look like in a year?
  7. Is the second ladle ready for marriage?
  8. Is it rational to continue the development of relations?

Shuffle the deck, randomly draw out the cards and lay them out in the form of an inverted triangle, the base of which consists of four cards (1, 2, 3 and 4) and is located at the top of the figure. Next, lay out 3 cards (5, 6 and 7). The apex of the triangle is one card (number 8).

Focus on your partner and devote yourself to the divination process.

☞ Video tips

Taro Manara "Wife and mistress"

Misunderstanding between people, when the third is (obviously) superfluous, requires timely answers, clarification of the situation in order to make the only right decision. The layout of 11 cards is universal for both the wife and the mistress.

  1. The first card of the Tarot Manara tells about the personality of a man.
  2. The second shows who the wife is for him.
  3. The third - answers the question "Who is a lover for a man."
  4. The fourth makes it clear the man's attitude to the simultaneous presence of two women in his life.
  5. The fifth will show what kind of relationship will be with his wife in the future.
  6. The sixth will say what will happen to him with his mistress in the foreseeable future.
  7. The seventh will remove the veil from the eyes and indicate how much the man is still with his wife.
  8. And the eighth - why is he still with his mistress.
  9. Here, the fortuneteller will see the development of relations with his wife in the coming year.
  10. Here - what will happen in the coming year with his mistress.
  11. The eleventh and final card will indicate an unforeseen event that will happen to three people in the coming year.

The scheme is complex, but interesting. Lay out three Tarot Manara cards in two rows one below the other. In the top row of cards from left to right: 6, 4 and 5. In the bottom row, respectively, 3, 1 and 2. Place card 8 to the left of these rows between them, card 7 to the right. Place the third row of three cards under the second: card 11 in the center under card 1; card 9 is under card 8, and card 10 is under 7.

☞ Video plot

Relationships and triangle

A love triangle is the most difficult situation that arises between people. Someone invades the lives of two, capturing the attention of one of the partners. It is difficult for someone to control themselves, to resolve the issue in their favor, minimizing losses for another. You can’t tell a girlfriend or friend this - they will laugh, the psychologist will dig deep and very painfully. It remains to surrender to chance or try to curb emotions and decompose the Tarot Manara "Love Triangle" deck.

All 78 cards are used, their direct and inverted meanings are taken into account, which accurately and clearly makes the prediction clear. Imagine a partner, imbued with feelings for him. Shuffle the deck, pull out the first eight cards with your left hand and arrange them in the shape of a triangle. Place card number 8 at the top of the figure, put three cards below (from left to right): 4, 7 and 3. At the base of the figure there are 4 cards for a long time (from left to right): 5, 1, 2 and 6.

☞ Video information

Other divination on Tarot Manara

There are many options for card layouts. The same images are carried in different bundles various meanings.

  • The “Two Hearts” layout is needed only for analyzing existing relationships: partner’s expectations, prospects for intimate and joint life, hidden misunderstandings that can develop into serious problems.
  • The “Lado” alignment will provide clarity to the eyes and heart, show the “true face” of the relationship, which is seen only by others, whose opinion is far from reality. It will indicate compatibility with a partner or its absence, talk about measures that should be taken to improve mutual understanding.
  • Alignment "Analysis of loneliness" - suitable for devoted and disappointed people who are closed in on themselves, who find it difficult to admit that the cause of loneliness lies in the depths of their own hearts. It is important for them to see the event that laid the seed of detachment from love. A secret will be revealed, which at first will bring severe mental pain, which will be replaced by relief and calm.
  • The layout of "Compatibility in bed." "Opposites attract"? By no means! The difference in the temperaments of friends can play a cruel joke with him in bed. Intimate life requires balance and full compatibility. Diversify relationships, add new experiences to make your partner feel new wave interest.
  • The “Parting” alignment is necessary for those who do not understand why the desired meeting cannot happen. Perhaps someone is not fully aware of what is happening. Fortune telling on the Tarot Manara cards will allow you to renew relationships if the soul sincerely wants to reopen to the partner. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time and effort.
  • For more accurate answers to questions, prepare for the ritual of divination. Meditation - The best way tune in to the energy of Tarot Manara cards. Establish a connection by holding the deck between the palms of your hands. If you are playing cards for feelings and love in relation to a partner, be open-minded. The cards feel the mood and if it is far from good, postpone the prediction for later.
  • Remember that the future is determined by the person himself, the deck predicts only one of the possible events. Take control of fate, the prediction may not happen at all.
  • If in doubt about the Tarot Manara cards, make an additional layout for clarification.
  • Do not joke with cards, take predictions seriously. Having arisen, doubt will take root and a harmless game will become the beginning of serious problems.

Not everything is said in our article. Tarot Manara divination is a long, interesting, fascinating process that is interesting for lovers, lovers, those who are still looking for a partner in whom they can dissolve, those who have experienced betrayal and sorrow in relationships. Everyone will find for themselves a alignment that will answer questions that torment the soul. Well, we will continue the story on behalf of the Italian artist Milo Manara in our new articles!

There are a great many Tarot layouts that allow you to consider the current life situation or the person himself, even if something was missing in the question he formulated.

This is certainly an important positive point. Perhaps later, when you gain sufficient experience, you will not need special layouts. But now you can't do without them.

Those layouts that are given below are suitable for working with Taro Manara for the reason that in their hidden questions they focus on a person, his emotions, feelings, relationships.

We will say a few words about each layout so that you can understand them more accurately, as well as learn how to connect the information received with reality.

Three cards

This is the simplest layout that exists in Tarot. It's hard to do without it. But despite its simplicity, it requires the most important thing from you - a formulated question.

Ask a question and lay out the cards as shown in the picture. Before you is the answer, which you must combine into one related sentence. Remember that it should be capacious and holistic, reflecting the depth of your understanding.


This is the most common spread that is used to evaluate the relationship between two people.

The right column - the cards of the questioner, the left - the cards of the person of interest to him. If viewing is for a third party, then the columns are determined independently, that is, they are assigned by you.

1 - the card indicates the state and relationship of two people. This card is called a test card because it shows what happens between people in reality. If what it reflects coincides with reality, this alignment is considered correct. But if the card speaks about its own, then this indicates an error in the layout.

2, 7 - cards indicate how people think about each other.

3, 6 - cards indicate the emotional part of relationships, feelings, sensations, fears.

4, 5 - a real demonstration of relationships - what everyone sees, and what is shown to each other.

Please note that the process seems to descend from card to card - from the spiritual plane to the sensual plane, and then to the physical. If an imbalance is seen in the analysis of such a scenario, then this means that there is a real problem in the relationship that can be considered.

Also pay attention to card 1, since it is she who links all the cards of the layout together.

Use the alignment in cases where you need information about the relationship between people. It can be not only people who make up a couple, but also a boss / subordinate, business partners, etc.


The alignment is good in cases where you have a plan of action, but doubts or uncertainty do not allow you to do something. It will allow you to examine the situation more closely, pay attention to the hidden or unaccounted for components of your plan.

1 - the plan itself or its reference point.

2 - motive (unconscious) that drives you in the implementation of the plan.

3 - interference or outside help.

4 - so you will not succeed.

5 - and so - it will work.

In fact, you will receive instructions on how to behave in this situation. But it is important not only to know how to behave, but also to be able to do it.

Choice (path) - decision making

This alignment is used primarily when a person is faced with the need to make a decision, make a choice, decide on something in his life. In this case, the alignment is needed to a greater extent in order to build a model of behavior, to decide how to position yourself in a particular situation.

Cards 1, 3, 5 indicate an action, an act and its consequences.

Cards 2, 4, 6 indicate inaction, passivity in the situation and its consequences.

7 - the very reason, the essence of choice. This map can also be considered as a control one, which allows assessing the correctness of the prediction itself.

The alignment is important for those situations when a person is ready to accept what will follow his act. After all, if the advice “Act!” and he is faithful, you will have to act, no matter what and no one.

Celtic cross. A layout demonstrating the situation and circumstances

1 - a description of the situation at the moment, what is happening with a person and in his inner world.

2 - an impulse from the outside, which can help the cause, or it can interfere. Most often, this is an influence factor that is not considered by you, but exists on its own. It can be an act, an attitude, a behavior.

3 - the level of consciousness, what the questioner already knows (understands), or what he aspires to.

4 - the level of the subconscious, what is felt, felt by a person in a situation.

5 is a map of the past. It describes what was relatively recent and caused the question itself, indicates the reasons for the occurrence of this situation.

6 - the first map of the future, showing what awaits the questioner in the very near future.

7 - this card personifies the questioner, his own attitude to the situation (i.e., to cards 1 and 2) or his mood in connection with it.

8 - external circumstances. One of the key cards, because it demonstrates what is being formed in reality, on the physical plane.

9 - hopes and fears. It shows how a person evaluates the situation, what he hopes for and what he fears. This is not only the psychological mood of a person, which, of course, is important in any process, but also his attitude to everything that happens. The meaning of this card is important both for the one who is looking for an answer and for the one who evaluates another person, since it is here that the real background and motivations of people are assessed.

10 - the second map of the future, describing distant prospects and indicating where everything is going.

The alignment is interesting primarily because it describes the prospects for the development of the situation and the reaction of the people involved in it.

fool game

This layout is a simple series of cards that allows you to consider the development of events in chronological order. In addition, it shows at what stage of this development the questioner is, what he has already overcome and what he still has to do. Thus, it is better than all the other layouts presented here for the analysis of long-term development processes. But it is difficult to interpret, because the individual positions do not have names and the meaning of each card follows from the previous one. Another difficulty is that each card may correspond to a different period of time than the adjacent one. The alignment shows only the sequence of events, but not their timing. The main difficulty lies in the usual (and completely wrong) idea of ​​​​people that their life should have some kind of logic. "Playing the Fool" just shows that life is full of contradictions, retreats and delusions, detours and new beginnings.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

First, the Jester (Fool) card is taken out of the deck and set aside. The remaining 77 cards are shuffled and laid out on the table like a fan so that the questioner can take out 12 cards from them. The jester is attached to these cards, and they are shuffled again. Next, the questioner must decide whether the cards will be taken from above or below, after which all 13 cards are laid out one by one in a row.

The meaning of the positions is as follows. The jester denotes the present moment. All cards before him show the path traveled, cards after him - the upcoming one. If the Jester fell out first, this means that the questioner is at the very beginning of the path, or that he has yet to take on some business. If it fell out last, it means that some important development process has ended or the questioner is at its last, final stage.

Pay attention to the cards located before the Jester. This will allow you to tune in the right way, because all this has already been. And what will happen - after the Jester - should be considered as a warning, but not as an instruction, since it is in your power to influence the course of events.

The importance of this layout is that you will be shown a picture of human behavior, as well as a forecast for the future.


The layout is interesting in that it allows you to view and, if necessary, plan or adjust the relationship between people.

It shows strength and weak sides relationships and what to avoid.

Cards 1, 2, 3 indicate what a person wants to see in a relationship. What he likes or suits him, and what, perhaps, is not present at the moment.

Cards 4, 5, 6 indicate what a person does not want to see in a relationship. These are both real claims, discontent, and fears of a person who is not ready for the appearance of what is described in the cards.

Card 7 indicates why a person wants such a relationship.

Card 8 points to the reasons for the limitations in the relationship.

Map 9 shows the result.

Astrological Houses

This is the alignment that we considered in the chapter "Behavioral Types of People in the 12 Astrological Houses."

Characteristics of houses

1st House - House of Life (Personality)

Concepts such as personality and character person.

2nd House - House of profit (Income and possessions)

There are such material concepts as property, income, different kinds spending. Naturally, there is a story about the sources of money.

3rd House - House of brothers (Inner circle, acquaintances)

It stores information about relationships with other people: relatives, neighbors, close relatives, as well as those who are included in the circle everyday communication person.

4th House - House of Parents

Here in question about parents relationships with them and about everything they have and give to the child. First of all, these concepts family, home, traditions, inheritance, intra-family s x agreements.

5th House - House of descendants (Creativity)

Here two directions were combined: children and creativity. Issues of raising children, attitudes towards them and the influence of children. Realization of their internal needs in the outside world. Hobbies, interests, preferences.

6th House - House of Health (Illness)

Here we are talking about what the parents and the family gave to the person, who invested their mite in the genetic chain of this dynasty. Description of the genetic potential, weaknesses and strengths of the body, as well as what a person deserves at the present time. His attitude towards own health; diseases, including latent ones.

7th House - House of spouse (Partners)

Issues of marriage, as well as partnerships (including business ones) are considered. Social ties and alliances are also reflected in this House.

8th House - House of Sex and Death (Realization)

The house reflects a person's sexual preferences, his inclinations and interests, the image of a partner and his desires, including unspoken ones.

9th House - House of Piety (Moral)

It deals with the intellectual life of a person, his religious principles and aspirations, as well as travel.

10th House - House of Kingdom (Career)

These are the professional and social successes of a person, his career, as a way and place to realize his abilities and talents.

The house reflects the real state of affairs at work or in the business that a person is engaged in, as well as the prospects for his growth and development. Of course, if any.

11th House - House of Good Deeds (Plans)

The house tells us what a person really wants from life and from those who are close to him.

Everything that is connected with the perspective that a person thinks about and strives for will be displayed in this House. Here are plans for rest, and meetings, and a change of job, and so on.

12th House - Dungeon (Flaws and Obstacles)

What a person does not like, what limits him, annoys him, but ultimately controls him, forcing him to either solve the problem or change the trajectory of movement if he decides to bypass this problem.

The alignment of 12 astrological Houses is one of the most difficult. At the same time, it gives comprehensive information about the person and his environment. So it's worth taking the time to learn how to use it. This will allow you to see a person, understand him and make more conscious decisions in relation to him, knowing the real state of affairs in his astrological Houses.

"Station for two"- This is a classic tarot layout for relationships. Not better way evaluate on the maps the relationship of two people than this alignment.

The connections of these people are visible on three main levels: mental, sensual and everyday. The leading role here, of course, belongs to the heart level. It happens that critical and tough cards fall out in people's thoughts, and in real life they don't show themselves better side but the cards on the heart decide everything. It is immediately clear whether there is love between people, or whether they deceive each other and themselves at the same time.

However, this layout, in my opinion, has one drawback.

You can’t look far into the future with his help, he shows a slice of today.

I really love the Station for two, but I lay it out in an adapted version for myself. Maybe someone will find it interesting.

To the classic seven cards, I add three more: people's plans for a partner and a slightly more distant prospect for the development of relationships.

If you do not specifically stipulate the validity of the alignment, then the last card will show the future from 3 months to six months.

So my layout looks like this:

Schedule positions:

1 - What connects these two people, what is between them.
The left row (2, 3, 4,8) denotes the questioner.
Right row (5, 6, 7, 9) - his partner.
2 and 5 - The top two cards characterize perceived relationships. They show what each of the partners is thinking about.
3 and 6 - Middle cards characterize spiritual, emotional relationships. They show what partners have in their hearts, their hopes or fears.
4 and 7 - The bottom cards describe the outside of the relationship, how they look from the outside. Perhaps this is just a mask that hides true thoughts and feelings.

8 and 9 - How each of the partners plans to develop the relationship in the future.

10 - The prospect of developing relations.

In this form, the alignment suits me completely.

After all, it happens that the cards fall out too emotional, reflecting the flash of feelings of the present moment. And looking at the plans of people, it is easy to understand whether they flared up and calm down or really decided to leave, for example, during a quarrel.

It is also very curious to decompose the alignment twice into two suitors, if any. In comparison, this alignment becomes even more informative and accurate.

If figured cards fall out in a layout, this is a sure sign that this partner has other options: in thoughts, in heart, in plans or in real life. If figured cards fall between lovers, this means that other people oppose their meetings .Do not forget also that with the help of the "Station for Two" you can consider the relationship not only of lovers, but also of friends, girlfriends, boss and subordinate.

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