Classic tarot knight of maces with others. Knight of wands tarot rider white. Influence on the love alignment of the inverted lasso

Interior elements 03.11.2020
Interior elements

Waite describes the meaning of the Knight of Wands tarot card rather sparingly, focusing on the obvious. He doesn't say anything about the rider's tunic, why is it yellow color and what do the numerous salamanders that adorn it mean. Waite clarifies that the Knight set out on a non-military mission, leaving us to guess that the wand in the rider's hands is the Herald's Wand.

The desert landscape with either hills or pyramids in the background recalls the era of the Crusades, which ended in defeat for the knights of Western Europe. And the very movement of the Knight is from right to left; in the same way as moving into the past is usually indicated. Waite writes: “The movement of the horse is the key to the character of the rider. And it can be used to draw a conclusion about precipitation mood. The anniversary edition translates this as "expression". Publishing house "Sofia" offers "a sharp change of mood" or "swiftness". And Google-translate gives the options "recklessness, haste." Almost all the proposed translations correspond to the Knight of Wands. However, it is curious what Waite himself had in mind.

It should be noted that the Knight of Swords looks much faster than the Staves.


  • Passion
  • sadness
  • Departure
  • Parting
  • Past
  • Jealousy

Key Ideas

  • Painful parting
  • live in the past
  • obsession with passion
  • Lose, lose, leave

Basic meaning

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Knight of Staves

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This is the character of sadness. He sees the world exclusively tragically. Everything that happens just makes things worse. He seeks to return to the past, to his Golden Age, which he himself invented.

The Knight of Staves is often obsessed with an idea. And for the sake of achieving it, he does not consider anything. But, as a rule, his idea is nothing more than a utopia, a fantasy. Under it there is no solid material foundation.

The card can be compared to the waning moon. Everything is reduced, lost, lost. People break up, relationships end, you don’t even have to dream of profit.

Map in relationship

What is the meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Wands in a relationship? This is a one-man theatre. But an actor who needs an audience. Otherwise, before whom should he play his tragedy?

At what it is bad, provincial theatre. Howls, hand-wringing, pathos and pathos, brought to the point of absurdity. These are very bright personalities. But up close, they often become simply unbearable. Fatal woman, demonic cavalier - typical roles for the character of the card.

Also, the card may indicate a break in relations, that the relationship is fading into the past.

Open - closed card

It is both an open and a closed card. He feels the need for loneliness, but at the same time he needs those to whom he will demonstrate his loneliness. Theater of one actor. But no theater is possible without spectators.

Relationship Intensity

The intensity of the relationship is maintained at the highest level. It is always an anguish, a breakdown, suffering, hand-wringing, pathos and pathos. There are few ordinary feelings. There must be super feelings, super experiences.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

What is the meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Wands in love? Whatever scenario of relationships is played out in this card, this is primarily a theatrical production. And at the level of the provincial theater in the worst sense of the word.

Living with this hero is like living on top of a volcano with a bomb cocked. The only thing that is unknown is when it will explode. A vamp woman, a fatal passion or more modern variants of goths and emo-typical representatives of the Knights of the Staves.

The meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Staves in all types of relationships - he ruthlessly fights with others for emotional dominance. If he manages to win, then those around him are subjected to terrible emotional terror. With enviable regularity, the Knight of Staves informs them that he is quitting or leaving, or has a terrible deadly disease, or is even going to commit suicide. The best way out in this situation is to let the Knight of the Staves relieve tension by not reacting too much to his theatrical production. This is in the event that others are interested in communicating with the Knight of Staves for one reason or another.

Card in combination with the Major Arcana

  • Combined with: Passionate prayer.
  • Combined with: Big losses await you.
  • Combined with: Demons really threaten your soul.

Psychological condition

The person on the map is in a state of depression, depression, constant expectation of the bad. And this can manifest itself in two ways. It can be some crying, suffering character, enthusiastically collecting grievances and proudly experiencing them. Pierrot, a white clown, forced to live among those who are not able to understand and appreciate his subtle emotional experiences. Another option is a maniac, a fanatic who, in case of his failure, is ready to doom the entire world around him to death and suffering.

The emotional state described by the card practically coincides with its meaning. Sadness, longing, suffering, parting, loneliness, turning to the past, pessimistic mood. Tragedy and sadness.

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • Tarot card Knight of Wands combined with: Those with whom you deal tend not to act, but to speak.
  • Tarot card Knight of Wands combined with: Resolutely fight the ghosts from the past.
  • Tarot card Knight of Wands combined with: There are too many emotions in speeches and too few facts.

Knight of Wands in health matters

First of all, the meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot card indicates problems associated with the mental state, depression, tantrums, manic state. If the disease is already there, then the condition will worsen.

However, it should be remembered that the Knight of Staves is an extremely suspicious creature and tends to exaggerate the negative.

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • Combined with: Tears of joy.
  • Combined with: Disappointment and grief will be very great.
  • In combination with: Internally, the situation in a relationship looks much better than externally.

Business and finance issues

Stability, manageability, controllability

All knights are momentum. Reaction. Kings and queens create situations, and knights react to them. Often instant, but accurate. Knights are able to control the situation, but they are not able to control it. Everything is very unstable. Rare case.

The card indicates that, rather, finances will decrease rather than increase. Much more attention is paid to the external surroundings to the detriment of production.

This is a creative, creative person. But he cannot work on a rigid schedule. He definitely needs to blow off steam. Every two months he yells: "I'm quitting!". But that doesn't mean he will quit. This means that he is tired and he needs to rest.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

Sale of dramas and tragedies. Theatrical hand-wringing: oh, how bad, how hard it is for us, give us money urgently! Creation and sale of the strange, to emphasize individuality. Goths, emo, outrageous things. They do not think about profit, focus on self-realization. And income is a nice by-product. Writer who publishes bestsellers in the style of "horror", "Black Square" by Malevich.

General state of finances and trends

Two knights of cups and pentacles are directly connected with profit. They are focused on it now and in the future. In general, the situation is good. What can not be said about the knight of staves. He has everything painted in gloomy colors, both the future and the present. And the knight of swords is carried by the stream: now to one shore, then to the other. Either he will sell the project profitably, or others will steal and profit.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

He can play with feelings and get everyone with tantrums and moral blackmail. “I quit” - every 2 months can end with a real dismissal. But, if you're lucky, even the salary will be raised.

You shouldn't hold back your emotions. If you want to break something, break it.

Card of the day Caution

Other people's emotions are nothing more than the sound of the wind.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • In combination with the card: Today's losses will turn into tomorrow's profits.
  • In combination with the card: Emotions easily change their sign to the opposite.
  • In combination with the card: Do not forget about hardships, having achieved material well-being.

Questions to ask when drawing the Knight of Wands

  • What are you running from? What's haunting you?
  • What ghosts haunt your past?
  • What is the object of your passion?
  • What is the reason for your sadness?

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Tarot divination takes a lot of energy and free time, but as a result, something unknown, mysterious and incredible opens up before an experienced magician. The future that people fear, the dangers that await them in the near future, the chances that cannot be avoided in any case.

A deck of Tarot cards does not need advertising or recommendations, the one who turned to the magical attribute for help knows its true power, while the rest of the arguments will be insignificant. Despite everything, the collection of divinatory ancient symbols has not changed over the past hundred, two hundred years. Each sign printed on one of the cards conceals hidden knowledge.

The Knight of Wands is a symbol of unexpected and exciting change.

The Knight of Wands Tarot is a symbol of advancement, transformation and change, so unexpected and exciting. How to interpret this sign correctly and what determines its sacred meaning?

Knight of Wands in Tarot in the famous fortune-telling deck

A card of actions and deeds that do not tolerate delay - the Knight of the suit of Wands does not create the future, everything that the ancient symbol can do, advice that the asker can refuse at any time. Representative of the suit of Staves, prototype young man with noble intentions, encourages a person to take decisive steps.

If we are talking about the upcoming trip, then all the planned travel plans will come true without problems. Along with favorable values, the Knight Card marks the excessive impulsiveness of the questioner, unable to soberly assess what is happening.

What the Knight of the Staff card will tell you

The enthusiasm inherent in the prototype does not always play into his hands. Sometimes haste in making a decision plays a cruel joke on the questioner. Some actions should be carefully considered before jumping into the pool headlong.

The desire to achieve the goal in a short time can lead to undesirable consequences. The knight warns against dealing with unverified people or changing jobs without further guarantees. The freshness that the Knight of the Staves suit predicts is not a negative card, its meaning is directed towards the inner aspirations of a person.

Serious changes, sometimes fateful turning points, promise the end of the old way of life. There is no need to be afraid of inevitable changes, because the outgoing old makes room for something new and really worthwhile. The nearest cards that fell after the Knight will indicate the outcome of changes, predict moments that should be feared or avoided. It is necessary to interpret such a symbol especially carefully and carefully, because one incorrect forecast can cost the veracity of the whole fortune-telling.

The Knight of Wands can symbolize a cardinal change of residence

Moving is also marked in the layout with a Knight card from the suit of Wands. Business trips or a radical change of residence - neighboring characters will indicate the right path. In any case, the Knight is favorable if he is in upright position.

Reversed Staff Knight

The Knight of the Staves inverted is a special sign in the deck that precedes negative changes in the life of the asker. When you see the Staff card, you do not need to despair or be upset, any situation that has not yet happened can be changed at the request of the questioner.

The common meaning of a card depicting a noble knight:

  • risk that does not justify itself;
  • unforeseen obstacles on the way to the desired goal;
  • forced change of residence;
  • uncomfortable living conditions in a new place;
  • increased stress associated with moving;
  • suspension of an important project, freezing the case;
  • many small troubles;
  • haste, which promises new troubles;
  • conflicts.

A predominantly negative card predicts the conditions in which a person can get bogged down.

Difficulties at work and in communication with loved ones will end in depression and disappointment. The inverted position of the Knight is not a reason for frustration, because he who is warned is already armed.

New knowledge, albeit with a negative message, can be turned into a powerful weapon against future adversity. Taking advantage of the warning of the representative of the suit of Wands, the questioner will emerge victorious from any situation.

People - the prototype of the card Knight of the suit of Staves

In order to characterize a particular person (remarkable character traits, manners, principles and moral principles), special cards are used that are part of the classic Tarot deck. For the direct and inverted position of the same card - the Knight of Staves, completely different types of people are characteristic.

The pointer in the layout does not always mean the questioner, sometimes such a person may turn out to be someone from his close circle. What people are displayed in the prediction by the Knight card? Persons, commemorated by a strong card of the Tarot deck, have the following qualities:


The prototype of the Knight of Wands is an active person who cannot stand still

For the people of the prototypes of the Knight, inaction is unacceptable, even sinful. Active, in constant motion, such a person cannot sit in one place.

Strong-willed character

People who fall under the description of the Knight card are not afraid of difficulties and competition is quite common for them. Militant, ready to defend their own interests, the prototypes of the Knight are always on the alert in matters of professional and love.

Spring zodiac signs

Often Tarot cards display a certain earth element and become patrons of certain astrological signs. Such prominent representatives of the Knight card include Aries and Gemini.


People can look at the world differently. For some Environment- a collection of rules and restrictions for other paints that have received a form and personification. The romantic nature of a person is predicted by the Knight symbol in an inverted position. A person with a sensitive perception of the world reacts sharply to any changes in the familiar environment.

Competitive spirit

For people whose patron was the Knight card, competitions and competitions - The best way energy output.


A person cannot wait for the due date, he is lost in inaction, and a calm atmosphere presses on him worse than difficulties. A prominent representative of the Knight in the Tarot deck does not like to rely on chance, if there is such an opportunity, he will prefer hasty actions and emergency measures.

Collectively or individually characteristics the questioner or his relatives allows us to assert that the Knight card from the suit of Staves appeared in a special layout for a specific purpose. The meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Wands is an equivalent part of the truthful alignment.

Special arrangements for the future

The Knight of Wands tarot card takes on clearer features in special rather than general layouts. When the questioner asks one single question, the Tarot deck happily gives a definite answer to it. The Knight of Wands value in forecasts covers all spheres of human life.

For personal life, the Knight is not a critically good or negative symbol. It depends only on the future plans of the questioner how and under what circumstances the forecast will come true. Light flirting, which will develop into something more, is predicted by the Knight, it does not carry a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat status the partners will have in the new union.

The Knight of Wands says that soon a light flirtation awaits you, which will develop into something more.

The time spent together will bring a lot of joy and pleasure, but it is unlikely to last long. Ease in communication is the main message of the ancient symbol of the Tarot deck.

The reverse side of the image of the Knight of the Staff in the Tarot

The second side of divination with the help of the Knight of Staves is passion, an all-consuming desire, to which the questioner will succumb in the near future. The confrontation between two independent personalities can develop into a stormy romance.

Bold deeds and unexpected decisions are predicted by the Knight card in a personal life layout. Jealousy that will turn you on existing relationship to a dead end, personified by an inverted Knight card. The harmful feeling must remain in the past, otherwise parting with the beloved cannot be avoided.

Questions of self-knowledge, which the card with the image of a knight on a horse will help to solve, should not take too much time from the questioner. For a person worried about their own future, the Knight promises the following changes:

  • perseverance in achieving goals;
  • patience, which is not characteristic of a person in everyday life;
  • hard work on yourself;
  • impulsiveness, which is fraught with serious consequences;
  • the need for a sound approach to the problems that have arisen;
  • dignity and pride.

The Knight card in the self-development layout indicates the need for deep introspection. If a person is confident in his own principles, then it will not be difficult to adhere to them.

Professional accomplishments predicted by the Knight of Wands card

The horseman from the suit of Staves indicates the missing patience, which does not interfere with acquiring a person. To release stagnant energy, it is not necessary to go to a confrontation, it is enough to choose an activity that will bring pleasure and self-satisfaction. It will not be superfluous to draw up a schedule in which brain work and physical activity for the whole body will alternate. Playing sports is a good alternative to constant conflicts.

The Knight of Wands in the Tarot, whose meaning is interpreted based on the position of the symbol, its location relative to other cards of the deck and the specificity of the layout itself, is important for the forecast.

Using an ancient magical attribute, the magician accurately predicts the future, helping a person avoid difficulties and crises. Whether or not to listen to the advice of the Tarot, the choice is up to the questioner, who has decided to make drastic changes in his own life.

Tarot Knight of Wands (Mace, Staves, Scepters) is presented as a rider on a horse, a symbol of movement and change. Unlike the Page, the Knight moves quickly, and the card means that the adventure has already begun. The desire to experience the fullness of life in pleasure, the readiness for adventure, self-expression in creativity, a career, or a new philosophy are a possible list of areas to enrich the experience. In this situation, no one can prevent the fortuneteller from taking risks, but actions ahead of thoughts will lead to a dead end. The new suitor in the card's description will be daring and charming, but he may be unreliable and unpredictable.

The Rider of Wands is a symbol of the warmth of the soul, thirst for life, passion, enthusiasm, bordering on impatience, excitability, exaggeration. The energy of the Mace Rider moves entire layers of being and violates the long-established and familiar, portends serious changes. Impatience is characterized as “wanting everything at once”, otherwise irritation and aggression arise. As events, this is travel, moving, business trip, job change and avoidance of undesirable circumstances, people.

The main meanings of the card in the upright position:

  • fast movement;
  • sudden change;
  • the possibility of a new
  • enthusiasm, delight, impulse, thirst for life;
  • inspirer and inspired;
  • noble spirit, fighter;
  • entrepreneurial spirit;
  • impatience, seeking adventure;
  • risk, extremes;
  • absent person.

For consciousness. The stage of self-affirmation, the struggle for values ​​that have not been confirmed in practice, or the hope of entrusting the implementation of the idea to others. The Knight of the Staves indicates the need for courage and perseverance to achieve the goal, and above all, to think about whether a person has enough patience to bring his plan to the end.

The Knight of Wands Tarot encourages the fortuneteller to act, gives a positive answer to the question if the journey does not affect the idea of ​​​​nobility. Tip: start work only after receiving a positive internal response in this direction; impulsiveness must be rejected. Active social activities Emotions cannot become a support. Interpretation depends on the scope question asked. Regarding the current situation - it will begin or end. What exactly the querent experiences in life - the beginning or end of the period - depends on the cards lying nearby.

Questions to ask yourself when a card is drawn: what depends on a person in a new adventure? What brought the fortuneteller out of himself? Is there a need for a fight? What does he need to prove?

Reversed position

In an inverted position, the card warns of unjustified risks, obstacles in the implementation of plans, the need to reconstruct something that burdens people. Events will not benefit the questioner. The man himself provoked trouble because of the haste.

Each tarot arcan has a positive and a negative meaning. It all depends on what question the querent asked or what situation the esoteric is considering. Curly cards are usually referred to as character traits, inquiring rather than as side events. The Knight of Wands in Tarot has different meaning. It can be, like a trip, or an indication of the absence of some kind of personality.

Main plot

In the classic Ryder-White deck, the card depicts a rider dressed in knightly armor. With one hand he holds the rein, the second - the rod. The horse does not obey his commands and rears up, a little more and she runs the risk of rolling over with the rider. The desert is all around.

Every detail of the plot has its own hidden meaning. Yellow robes are draped over the rider's armor. They are bright and attract attention. It is the color of the sun, life, activity. It fills a person and makes him act and not think about the consequences.

Knightly armor indicates that a person wants to be a leader. In this case, he will have to bear full responsibility for his actions. But he overestimates his strength and is not yet ready for such a step.


The knight insists time after time. Stubbornness and perseverance help him in this.

The symbol of the suit is a wand (in some sources, a scepter or staff). This is the personification of the element of fire, which embodies the creative principle. Activity and passion kindle it. Therefore, the fact that the rider proudly carries the rod in his hand indicates that he is ready to use all this for his life.

The horse of the red suit is tense and stands on its hind legs. She is ready to rush at full speed, but the rider is still holding her back. This is a symbol that the questioner wants to be active and not think about the consequences.

Pyramids are drawn in the background of the lasso. They are not just architectural structures, they have become a haven for the tombs of the pharaohs. This is the embodiment of wisdom and eternity. Pyramids suggest philosophical reflections. The rider does not look at them, but the sun is shining and he still does not forget about them.

Ancient tombs remind a person that when performing various tasks, one must be guided by wisdom and knowledge. But while they are more driven by impulses and fleeting desires.

General value

There is no unequivocal opinion among tarot readers on how to interpret the Knight of Wands card. The traditional meaning is literally "flight". This is a change of residence, separation, departure. In some cases it means immigration and resettlement.

The schedule indicates:

  • the absence of a certain personality;
  • a person who is able to change the situation;
  • started events.

The most common interpretation of the lasso is travel and travel. It could be an adventure or a vacation. In some cases, this is just a walk as an entertainment. In any case, the appearance of the lasso helps to interrupt the routine and shake off the dust.


The latter is associated with a negative interpretation of the map in ancient sources. In the old days, preference was given to the usual and ordinary life. Therefore, attempts to undermine it were perceived badly.

The Knight of Wands announces:

  • haste;
  • fuss;
  • activity;
  • stress;
  • fast-paced sequence of events.

It will be a busy time when you won't even get bored. An infusion of fresh energy and a flash of enthusiasm will help in this matter. A person is filled with the spirit of a pioneer and a willingness to act. He is impulsive and tends to rush forward. He has to "hold his horse" for now, but it won't be for long.

Sometimes the card is the singificator of a particular person. He makes changes in the life of the querent, directs him. The peculiarity of this lasso is that it points to the sprinter, i.e. sprint runner. He is missing for a long time. But even such a short exposure is sometimes enough.

Arkan can be interpreted as a change in the current state of affairs. And whether it will be good or bad depends on the querent. It is important not to take into account the time factor, since the Knight does not tend to evaluate it adequately. He may think that there is work for three hours, but in reality it turns out to be three weeks.

Personal level

The card describes a creative and charismatic person who has a changeable and impulsive nature. He is independent and optimistic, brave and courageous.

To some extent, the lasso is an illustration of wandering people who just want to feel the wind, see the open spaces around. This is a crazy person who is looking for adventure and is ready to get involved in all sorts of adventures.

On a note:

Querent is looking for new impressions, experience and wants to try his hand at different things.

Moreover, all this is not done for the sake of some long-term goal. The questioner may not even imagine at what price all this will cost him. Now he is more concerned with adrenaline and excitement.

The lesson that the lasso teaches is that it is not always worth acting impulsively. In some situations, patience is required. Do not forget about conscience. If plans go against her beliefs, then they should be abandoned.

work area

In layouts for a professional situation, the lasso retains its traditional meaning. Most often, it indicates a change in job, position or field of activity.

Querent asserts himself and is eager to work. He is a workaholic and is ready not to stop. If there are other cards of wands in the spread, this displays the number of different deadlines. For example, 9 of Wands - 9 burning terms.


In some cases, the card indicates professional burnout or excessive motivation.

New employees can be hired to refresh the team. Relations between employees will be warm. There will be cheerfulness, enthusiasm and optimism. But at the same time there will be a tendency to exaggeration and intolerance.

People are inspired to discuss likely prospects and negotiate. But no one thinks how it is realizable. Arkan contributes to the easy persuasion of others in his irresistibility and high professional qualities.

Therefore, the catch of the lasso is that you can be as successful as you like in the eyes of others, but in reality a person turns out to be just a dummy.

Contradictory tasks may arise, which lead to various kinds of dispersion of activity. All this causes stress and worries, fears of not having time to hand over the work on time.

For those who are looking for work, the card is favorable. Everything will be crowned with success, provided that the questioner takes everything into his own hands. Don't be afraid of change, challenge yourself and take risks.

But at the same time, the lasso gives a warning. You can't be too active. Otherwise, the forces will be spent on a lot of unnecessary things and this will prevent you from achieving your goal.

love sphere

In love, the Knight of Wands is not so unambiguous. The card indicates a person who flares up quickly but goes out easily. Therefore, it is more passion than deep feeling. Any new partner in his eyes is just a welcome decoration. As soon as it gets boring, it is thrown away.


Responsibility and constancy are not the qualities of the card.

Therefore, in such a relationship there is a big bias towards sexuality and arousal. This is a hot fling with no obligations and sex on a first date. It is worth worrying about protection.

In some cases, the card is played as a confrontation. In an already established union, this means that two people want freedom so much that they are ready to “tear” each other.

For those who are looking for a relationship, the lasso promises only meetings without obligations. Pleasant pastime, meaningless sex, etc. It is too early to make predictions - this also applies to the already established union.

Reversed position

In the reverse position, the cards often lose their primary meaning. The Knight of Wands in this position indicates that the querent is in a state of confusion and confusion. He is overwhelmed with feelings and desires, but he does not find a use for them.

At work, problems arise that threaten to deprive the bonus or dismissal. This card becomes an indicator of professional failure. Negotiations, refusals in transactions and other conflicts that will interfere with progress. The horse has stopped and the rider cannot move on.

Discord, set-ups and intrigues begin in the team. The atmosphere is heating up. Similar phenomena reign among friends. Often the lasso becomes an indicator of a divorce, an escaped husband, or a breakdown in a relationship.

On a note:

The lasso may indicate the appearance of a swindler, thief or amateur. In a word, a dishonest person.

In ancient sources, one can find the mention of the Knight of Wands as the embodiment of immorality. In some cases, in the opposite position, stagnation and burnout. The reveler and adventurer suddenly realizes his essence and his mistakes, but he does not know how to fix everything.

Health Issues

In general, the lasso does not portend any serious problems. The knight is healthy, full of strength and due to his energy, he is able to endure and survive a lot. Loads and tests are nothing to him.

But since the querent is prone to a high level of activity, he can burn out or get injured. This leads to fever, fever, burns, and other minor annoyances. In some cases, this leads to tachycardia and high blood pressure.

Sometimes it unbalances sexual energy. Arkan often becomes an indicator of mental illness. These include tantrums, mania, depression. If they are already there, then the condition of the querent will worsen.

In general, the Knight of Wands tends to negatively exaggerate what is happening and fall into hypochondria.

Interpretation of the situation

Each esoteric uses different questions for divination. Many people use the Tarot deck to get short tips. For example, there are yes-no layouts that are used to get unambiguous answers. The falling out of the Knight of Wands card in this case is interpreted as “yes”, but with a few reservations. There is a possibility that the business started will not be completed and the person will leave him or he will quickly lose interest in him. Therefore, everything must be done right now, without looking to the future.

In some cases, divination by a situation involves pulling out a card of the day. To do this, one card is taken from the deck. The loss of the Knight of Wands is interpreted as follows: the day will be filled with emotions and passion. Either it will be a manifestation of character, or it will come from other people. But you can not worry about the consequences and give vent to emotions. It's time to act according to the dictates of the heart. You don't have to make plans.

As a card of the year, the lasso recommends that you protect yourself from rash actions. But even if something went wrong, there is no need to be upset. There will be a lot of energy and it will be more than enough. There will be many opportunities to test your strength and overcome obstacles.

Some combinations

In order to better understand the meaning of the alignment, it is important not only to consider each lasso individually, but also their combination. So the presence of the Jester next to the Knight of the Wand, increases the degree of childishness, a stupid impulse or hasty action will be made.

Together with the Magician, the card means that the idea is good, but needs to be improved. High Priestess traditionally indicates the training and knowledge of subtle matters. But this cannot be done with half a kick and just like that. A thorough approach is required, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

The empress enhances parental feelings, even if the querent has no children. The hierophant strengthens the desire to start a family. And the Emperor promotes enthusiasm in work.

The appearance of the Chariot tells us to start a serious journey. The Wheel of Fortune intensifies the desire to end the gray everyday life and finally “ignite” life. Justice recommends listening to your inner voice and reasonable arguments, otherwise there is a risk of getting into an unpleasant story.

The Hanged Man indicates that all the plans of the querent have remained plans. Death always means transformation, in combination with the Knight of Wands, this desire intensifies and is expressed in the desire to break the old life.

Neighborhood with other cards of the suit of Wands enhances the manifestation of the fire element. The presence of an ace in the layout leads to weakness in front of momentary desires and irascibility. The deuce slows down the whole process and forces you to stop. The three brings results, but they are superficial. But the Four already promises good luck in business. Five increases confusion and confusion.

The suit of Cups affects relationships more. So, along with Ace, there is a strong desire to bring the plan to life. Two and Three indicate superficial and inconsistent relationships. Five brings the possibility of losing a partner due to impulsiveness. Six indicates unwillingness to return to the past. The Seven and Eight of Cups increase confusion and disorientation.

The Knight of the suit of Wands or Staves, she is also the suit of Sceptres, Maces, is also called the Horseman, in some - the Prince of Wands. The lasso refers to court personality cards, it can denote both a situation and a specific person. The card carries a pronounced fiery, spirit of novelty, dynamics and adventure. Traditionally, the lasso is interpreted as renewal, relocation, change.

The general meaning of the lasso

The traditional meaning of the Knight of Clubs card is chores, both pleasant and burdensome. Arkan predicts a trip, a change of scenery, going out. The reputation of the Knight of Wands is not the best, because it is something or someone that disrupts the usual course of things and brings confusion to life.

Usually we are talking about events for which the fortuneteller is not quite ready. If we are talking about some kind of business or project, then the Tarot Knight of Wands lasso indicates that the enterprise is in the nature of an adventure. It may be successful, but the activity here is chaotic, not planned and not thought out.

Minor Arcana Tarot Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands brings stress, fussiness, work in a hectic mode, when you need to do everything at once, and the deadlines are running out. It's not the best card for the job.

Nevertheless, this is a map of a pioneer who is ready to act here and now. The Knight of the Staves of the Tarot is characterized by enthusiasm, energy, determination, and enthusiasm. Undoubtedly, the card promises changes and efforts, and what the result of all this will be will be indicated by the neighboring arcana of the alignment.

The disadvantage of the Rider of Wands is excessive fussiness, fever. He is not a marathon runner, but a sprinter who is able to make a forced march and show perseverance, but not for long. The literal meaning of the lasso is impulse.

Personal value

Since the Knight of Staves is a personal card, it can also indicate a specific person from the environment of the questioner. Usually this is a middle-aged man, impulsive, purposeful.

Often the lasso indicates a fiery representative: or a person with a pronounced Mars in the zodiac chart and in character. This card can also characterize a woman, the key point here is the personality traits.

The Knight of Wands Tarot is strong-willed, self-confident, he wants to take everything from life at once, but he is not at all able to restrain himself. He is an optimist, knows how to ignite others with his ideas, which he has in abundance. This person is charming, creative and cheerful.

The person who is characterized by the lasso of the Tarot Rider of Wands is freedom-loving, impulsive, loves adventure and risk. They say about such a person that he is risky, but a pleasant fellow. The Mace Rider does not like rules and restrictions, he likes to challenge himself and prove his superiority by deed, not caring about the cost of these enterprises and possible dangers.

The Knight of Wands is quickly carried away and can show tenacity that deserves respect, he knows how to impress and splurge, but we must remember that this is only an impulse and his brilliance, as a rule, is not enough for a long time.

Usually, individuals who are characterized by this card love extreme sports, often go in for some kind of sport that requires risk. The Knight of the Staves acts with anguish, pressure, but without much emotional involvement.

It can even be said that such a person is superficial, he is not receptive to various subtle vibrations, he does not have intuition and depth.

deep meaning

The archetypal meaning of the Knight of Wands card is a torch in the wind. This is fire in its unbridled state, driven by air currents. The value of the map is very similar to null , which is literally treated as no vector.

The Knight of Wands is an impulse, an outburst of fiery energy, a rush from darkness to light, but he has yet to take shape and direction.

The rider is striving for the goal and has enough energy to achieve it, but he still lacks perseverance and consistency in actions, there is some defocus and throwing.

If the lasso preceding the knight is an action, but at the stage of an idea, then here it is an action at the stage of the first, not yet meaningful, steps towards the goal.

The fortuneteller already knows what to do, is seized with enthusiasm and determination, but does not yet know where to direct his energy. However, it is a mistake to assume that the energy of this card is purely chaotic and empty. The Knight of Wands is windy, but his flames are not designed just to play for the audience.

In the foreground for the suit of the Staves are honor, valor, the desire to accomplish a feat. The Knight of Wands is truly noble and longs to earn fame, it is this suit that is characterized by heroism, various reckless feats, self-sacrifice for the sake of an idea.

In terms of career and finances

The whole suit of Wands speaks of dynamism, change and seething energy. A knight in the layout for work may indicate a change in activity or place of service. This card promises the fortuneteller that he will soon be in the thick of things, and whether it is good or bad, neighboring cards will tell.

Tarot Horseman of Staves is a chance to assert oneself, emergency work, forced march. Deadlines will be tight, and there will be a lot of work, but this does not mean a problem. Probably, a new major project or the introduction of any innovations is ahead.

You may need to undergo training at work in order to master new aspects of the profession or even change the type of activity to a more interesting one. The card can talk about the infusion of new energies into the project: inviting new people to the team, setting new goals.

The danger of the lasso is that there may be too contradictory aspirations and dispersion of the focus of attention in activities, when you want to embrace the immensity and grab onto everything at once to the detriment of the real result. The card warns against turmoil, excessive fussiness and unreasonable decisions.

Arkan is good for those activities that require speed, impulsiveness, energy.. The Knight of Wands does not tolerate routine, he needs a challenge, a situation where he can prove himself.

The Knight of the Staves card in the layouts for work may contain advice to show courage and take the situation in a hurry, or, on the contrary, a warning - do not cut off the shoulder. Other cards of the layout will give a hint. In the question of money, the lasso usually means loans, loans.

In the relationship chart

The Knight of Wands in a love scenario speaks of a stormy, vivid romance, which, however, is not serious in nature. Emotions will seethe here, passions will boil, but not for long. The knight instantly lights up, can take pressure, but also quickly goes out.

The adventurism and windiness inherent in the map also apply to relationships. Arkan speaks of passionate love, passion and strong attraction, but there are few real feelings here. The Knight of Wands throws himself headlong into a new adventure, conquers with his perseverance, spontaneity and brilliance, and then quickly cools off.

This card very well characterizes the situation when passions rage on the first date, everyone loses their head, rushes into a pool of feelings, intimacy occurs, and in the morning one of the partners cools down and loses interest.

In addition, the Knight of Wands is also not inclined to think about the consequences of his actions, he does not know how to deny himself, he wants everything at once, here and now. The novel described by the lasso will in any case be remembered for a long time. It will undoubtedly be bright feelings, adventures, rest from routine, a lot of passion.

The Staff Rider himself may not be remembered as a person, despite the fact that he is bright, brilliant, and it is hard not to love him, but the time spent with him will definitely become an adventure. This card perfectly describes a vivid holiday romance, which never ended with anything, but is then remembered for many years as the most dizzying time in life.

The Rider of the Staves is passion, strong attraction, instincts, but it is far from serious intentions. What this hobby will result in will be shown by the neighboring cards of the layout.

In the health plan

The Knight of Wands is a card of energy and youth, therefore it is also desirable for a person's energy. Arkan says that the questioner is healthy and cheerful. Regardless of age, the body of this person is strong and full.

In any case, such a card in the layout does not indicate serious illnesses and should not cause strong concerns.

Reversed Card Meaning

In an inverted meaning, the card promises problems from scratch, or desires and dreams that are not destined to come true. The inverted Knight of Wands is the lack of means to implement ideas, lack of enthusiasm, courage, determination and motivation.

In career spreads, this card will speak of sudden difficulties, stagnation, inability to solve problems, or a colleague who constantly interferes. The inverted Horseman of the Staves is a showdown, disagreement, the threat of dismissal.

For relationships, the card is also negative. She portends a break, traditionally the Knight of Wands inverted is a runaway groom or a husband who has gone on a spree. Arkan warns of infidelity or problems in the intimate sphere, scandals in.

In a personal sense, the inverted Horseman means unscrupulousness, a complete lack of honor in a person. Often such a card is characterized by scammers, bandits. Also, the lasso indicates an emotionally burnt out personality, overstrain.

Combined with other cards

In the neighborhood with other cards, the meaning of the arcana can change:

  • in combination with the Jester or Fool card, the Knight predicts a journey;
  • next to the inverted card-marker of the fortuneteller - at work;
  • upside down with the Wheel of Happiness - bankruptcy, financial collapse;
  • with Six or Nine Coins - moving, trip.

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About the meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Wands in the video:

The one who has the Knight of Wands in the layout will definitely not be bored in the near future. The card promises dynamics, development, changes and adventures, and where they all lead, the neighboring cards will tell you.

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