Star tarot card interpretation. ✚ On desire. The value of the card in the upright position

doors 19.11.2020
Last updated: Oct 18 2018

Star combined with other tarot cards. Star card. A combination of Tarot cards Star. Card Star in the layout.
The combination of the Star card with other cards, a complete description of the Tarot. Star card with wand, goblet, pentacle, sword. Tarot Meaning

The combination of the Star card with the Major Arcana

  1. Star + Jester (XVII + 0)
    Faith in your star.
    Only the Fool could believe.
    Star Fool.
    The child did not decide where to go.
    I do not want to do anything.
    Reluctance to move forward.
    The diagnosis is not clear.
  2. Star + Mage (XVII + I)
    Bright idea.
    Good time to start.
    News that will delight.
    You will be reciprocated.
  3. Star + High Priestess(XVII+II)
    The situation will be resolved as your intuition tells you.
    Higher intelligence, calmness and confidence in the future.
    The return of what was lost.
  4. Star + Empress (XVII + III)
    Your goal is near.
    Efforts in the right direction. The results will not keep you waiting.
    Happy events.
    Decent results.
  5. Star + Emperor (XVII + IV)
    The leader will be lucky.
    hope for new meeting. New acquaintance.
    Help from an influential person.
    Star - search far away, abroad.
    Work abroad.
    There is hope for the fulfillment of desire.
    Material wealth should not be an end in itself.
    A high position that came easily, an easy career.
    The ability to always maintain self-esteem.
    Development of spaces, expansion of horizons, spheres of influence.
  6. Star + Hierophant (XVII + V)
    Important mission.
    Spiritual enlightenment.
    Spiritual responsibility.
    Good mentor.
    Ability discovery.
    Creative intuition. Inspiration.
    Great opportunities for self-realization.
    New contacts with people.
    Hope for patronage, mentoring.
    Teaching about the future.
    Faith in a bright future.
    Learn astrology, astronomy, divination.
  7. Star + Lovers (XVII + VI)
    Promising relationship.
    The love union promises to be successful.
    Platonic love.
    Trip abroad.
    A person should do what he loves.
  8. Star + Chariot (XVII + VII)
    Follow the guiding star.
    You are finally on the right track.
    Time to go, move. Moving.
    The Star of Hope will light your path.
    Good luck in cooperation with others.
  9. Star + Power (XVII + VIII)
    Make a wish.
    Convincing victory.
    Should be strong enough.
    You are alive with hope. There are chances.
    Hope for addiction recovery.
    High skill and professionalism.
  10. Star + Hermit (XVII + IX)
    Hope for wisdom, experience.
    The study of astrology.
    Mission accomplished.
    The wait has been long and now your reward awaits.
    Hope to shed light on your destiny.
    Man is alone.
    Unlikely to be married.
  11. Star + Wheel of Fortune (XVII + X)
    Hope for happy change.
    The star of happiness will open to you when you find your calling.
    Passion for magic, astronomy.
    The man was born under a lucky star.
    Trip abroad.
  12. Star + Justice (XVII + XI)
    The situation must be resolved reasonably, fairly. Everything is according to the rules, according to the law.
    Hope to find justice and win the lawsuit.
    Favorable outcome.
    Hope for something.
  13. Star + Hanged Man (XVII + XII)
    Sacrifice for something.
    The sacrifice will be accepted.
    Unreasonable plans.
    Brad idea.
    The star will show you the way until all is lost.
    Hope to get out of a predicament.
    There is hope for pregnancy.
    Relationships are cool.
  14. Star + Death (XVII + XIII)
    It's hard to believe but it will The best way resolve the situation.
    Hope that whatever happens is for the best.
    Give up one and get another.
    Turn the page.
    Change in profession.
  15. Star + Temperance (XVII + XIV)
    Slow but sure change in the situation in better side. Healing from a serious illness is possible.
    Improvement of the situation.
    All is not yet lost.
  16. Star + Devil (XVII + XV)
    The goal is achievable, but movement towards it may stop. Be careful with temptations.
    Send all plans to hell.
    Updates are irreversible.
    A faint hope to break old ties and get rid of addiction.
  17. Star + Tower (XVII + XVI)
    Star Wars.
    Plane crash.
    The situation can save you from something.
    Start all over again. Looking for options.
    Negative health card.
  18. Star + Moon (XVII + XVIII)
    Uncertainty in your plans.
    Changing situation.
    creative plans and ideas.
    The pursuit of the occult.
    Favorable resolution of financial problems.
    Star fever.
    parental inheritance.
    Relationship with a woman.
  19. Star + Sun (XVII + XIX)
    Implementation of the plan.
    Receiving an award.
    Good luck for the player.
    Meeting with a man.
  20. Star + Judgment (XVII + XX)
    Destiny's verdict.
    Don't worry, you won't be judged.
    Return of faith in life.
    Hope for change, but if you do nothing, fate will decide for you.
  21. Star + World (XVII + XXI)
    Disclosure of talent.
    Your work may be abroad.
    Receiving awards, awards.
    Success in all endeavors.
    Favor of fate.

Star combined with Wands

With the card "Ace of Wands" - light your star.
With the card "Two of Wands" - look for yourself, your destiny.
With the Three of Wands card - focus on your dream.
With the Four of Wands card - recovery in the house.
With the card "Five of Wands" - the hope of finding the best way out of this situation.
With the Six of Wands card - believe in your star and follow it.
With the Seven of Wands card - hope that difficulties will be overcome.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - a quick recovery of the situation.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - to allow doubts.
With the Ten of Wands card - hope to see the future.
With the Page of Wands card - “grab yourself by the tail”; find something worthwhile.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - perk up.
With the Queen of Wands card - believe in yourself.
With the "King of Wands" card - give hope to others.

Star in upright position with Major Arcana

Magician - The feeling of "listing" from above
Magician (per) - "Magnetism"
Priestess - Surge of creativity
Priestess (trans.) - Irrational Thinking
Empress - Access to higher realms. Meditation
The Empress (per) - Uncertainty of Success
Emperor - Unexpected help from above
Emperor (lan) - Keeping on top (any)
Priest - Homosexuality
Priest (trans) - Impotence as a disease
The Lovers - Out on the Right Path
Lovers (per) - Change of position in the hope of success
Chariot - Get rich quick
Chariot (lane) - Buying a new car
Justice - Winning Litigation
Justice (per) - Rejection by the inner circle
Hermit - Deepening into the inner world
The Hermit
Wheel of Fortune - Success in full measure. Quick enrichment
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - Failing to Maintain Status Quo
Strength - Taking shape
Strength (per) - Animal properties of nature
The Hanged Man - Spiritual Sacrifice
The Hanged Man (per) - Odin on the World Tree. Attachment to circumstances
Death is Lungs. Air. Oxygen balloon
Death (per) - Release from the burden of past mistakes
Moderation - Hope will come true in time
Temperance (per) - Mental Disharmony
Devil - Dentistry. Withdrawal. Flux
Devil (trans) - Gas attack, asthma
Tower - Hopelessness
Tower (lane) - Irradiation. Radiation sickness. Chernobyl
Moon - Chaos, errors, darkness
Moon (lane) - Castles in the air, negative emotions
Sun - Overcoming everything life path
Sun (lane) - Lack of opportunity to win. losing
Court - Promises a long age
Judgment (trans.) - Loss of courage. Cowardice
World - Better Times
World (per) - Not your place under the Sun
Jester - Unaccountable desire
Jester (per) - Disgust for a fan

Star upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Deceptive hope
2 of Wands (trans) - Beginner Success
2 of Cups - Trouble on the road
2 of Cups (lane) - Trade Deal
2 of Swords - The appearance of a "poor relative"
2 of Swords (lan) - Relationship Settlement
2 of Pentacles - Finding a foothold
2 of Pentacles (lane) - Wrong orientation, not finding

3 of Wands - Assault on the road
3 of Wands (lane) - Feel better
3 of Cups - Don Juan
3 of Cups (per) - Difficult romance, bad consequences
3 of Swords - Vain attempts to explain to the subject of past hobbies
3 of Swords (per) - Awareness of failure, vision of mistakes
3 of Pentacles - "Star of Captivating Happiness"
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Refusing the help of an influential relative

4 of Wands - Beautiful, but very alien, society
4 of Wands (trans) - Career in the arts
4 of Cups - Reluctant merry fellow
4 of Cups (per) - Painful love addiction
4 of Swords - Rest from the fight. Travel by sea
4 of Swords (lan) - Threat, gouge, wound
4 of Pentacles - Delightful Evenings
4 of Pentacles (per) - Gifts, but not what was expected

5 of Wands - Poetry party, brilliance, pleasantness of society
5 of Wands (trans) - Unused connections, advice
5 of Cups - Fairy tale, disappointment
5 of Cups (per) - Annoying mistress. Telephone communications
5 of Swords - Losses, misses, losses
5 of Swords (lan) - Depression, suffering
5 of Pentacles - Between "yes" - "no"
5 of Pentacles (per) - Dissatisfaction in love, tears, despair

6 of Wands - Brilliant prospects
6 of Wands (trans) - Conservatism in Relationships
6 of Cups - Road to the light. Love
6 of Cups (trans) - The Experience of Sensual Love
6 of Swords - Sea distance, overcoming
6 of Swords (per) - A sad farewell to the past
6 of Pentacles - Way to nowhere, hopelessness of the situation
6 of Pentacles (lane) - Road back

7 of Wands - Delusion
7 of Wands
7 of Cups - Quiet Madness
7 of Cups (lane) - Irreplaceable losses, disappointments
7 of Swords - Starless sky, darkness
7 of Swords (lane) - Reprimand, censure
7 of Pentacles - Enrichment. empty expectations
7 of Pentacles (per) - Just fear, impatience

8 of Wands - Teaching / Printing
8 of Wands (lan) - Inappropriate Actions
8 of Cups - Promise of eternal love
8 of Cups (trans) - A girl becomes a woman, the experience of relationships with men
8 of Swords - Failure of undertakings, crisis situation
8 of Swords (per) - Betrayal of friends and loved ones
8 of Pentacles - Innocence and purity, but, alas, not for long
8 of Pentacles (per) - Plans are unrealistic, nothing will happen

9 of Wands - Need to contact the soothsayer
9 of Wands (trans) - Delay in business, waiting for "manna from heaven"
9 of Cups - Social strife, participation in showdowns. Social cataclysms
9 of Cups (trans) - Trade in girls abroad
9 of Swords - Renunciation of family ties. Detachment from reality
9 of Swords (per) - Death, drowned
9 of Pentacles - Success in the dramatic arts
9 of Pentacles (per) - Swindle

10 of Wands - New Landmarks
10 of Wands (lane) - Taking the Lines
10 of Cups - Success, wealth
10 of Cups - Quarrel with a loved one
10 of Swords - Test of popularity, not passed
10 of Swords (per) - Opening the Veins
10 of Pentacles - Confidence in material happiness
10 of Pentacles (per) - Cheating

Ace of Wands - Long Life
Ace of Wands
Ace of Cups - Yachting, buying real estate, large
Ace of Cups (lane) - Trading Mafia
Ace of Swords - Embodiment in matter. Triumph
Ace of Swords (lane) - Bad habits, self-destruction
Ace of Pentacles - Imaginary talents
Ace of Pentacles (Ln) - Buried Talents

King of Wands - Friendly, supportive
King of Wands (trans) - Improving working conditions (for miners, for example)
King of Cups - Personality! / Lucky person
King of Cups (per) - Rejection of one's fate, half; hatred, oppression
King of Swords - The right to happiness is doomed to failure. Failure, failure
King of Swords (trans.) - A person who does not give an account of the evil he has done. Zombie
King of Pentacles - Suicidal tendencies
King of Pentacles (trans) - Mid-level Scientist

Queen of Wands - Subtle, spiritual mother, wife, sister
Queen of Wands (per) - Reliable Companion
Queen of Cups - Blonde "around the corner." Trade worker
Queen of Cups (per) - Feeling close, constant connection
Queen of Swords - Hope for a second marriage, candidate - Friend of the deceased husband
Queen of Swords
Queen of Pentacles - Wealthy mistress, pretty fed up
Queen of Pentacles (trans.) - Dead Souls

Knight of Wands - Starry sky, observatory
Knight of Wands (per) - Change of weather (literally and figuratively)
Knight of Cups - Chef, Master Culinary
Knight of Cups (per) - Subtle Personality
Knight of Swords - Leadership, dependence on a strong partner, mafia
Knight of Swords (per) - Misunderstanding, underestimation of danger
Knight of Pentacles - Moving towards progress
Knight of Pentacles

Page of Wands - Literature, art, travel
Page of Wands
Page of Cups - Excellent student in combat and political training, cadet
Page of Cups (transl) - Rocker. Jazzist, Metalist
Page of Swords - Unexpected fatal acquaintance, with the executioner
Page of Swords (per) - Fall into slavery, addiction, misfortune
Page of Pentacles - Pleasurable Apprenticeship
Page of Pentacles (per) - Illusionist, conjurer, Kio

Reversed Star with Major Arcana

Mage - Professional Success
Magician (per) - Plans fail
Priestess - Resolution of the problem related to the wife
Priestess (per) - Lack of Indulgence
Empress - Disbelief in one's own strength
Empress (per) - Abundance of innovation
Emperor - Obtaining a high position under the pressure of circumstances
Emperor (trans) - Preoccupation with one's own safety
Priest - Unfulfilled wish
Priest (trans) - Subjective thinking
Lovers - Fear of choice
The Lovers
Chariot - Late everywhere and everywhere
Chariot (per) - Collisions, bogs
Justice - Denial of one's own merits. false modesty
Justice (per) - Drama, Performing Arts
Hermit - Internal throwing, wrestling
The Hermit (trans) - Lack of Inner Conviction
Wheel of Fortune - Difficulties
Wheel of Fortune
Strength - Stubbornness. Laziness. Deadly sin
Strength (lan) - Loss of a vigilant friend
The Hanged Man - Trials of the Flesh
The Hanged Man (lane) - Captivity of feelings, emotions. Lady Chatterley
Death - Departure of a congenial person
Death (lane) - The end of the next life stage of development
Moderation - Unfulfilled hopes
Moderation (per) - Deprivation of rest
Devil - Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Devil (per) - Witches. "Macbeth"
Tower – Diseases of the Central nervous system. Neurology
Tower (lane) - Blood. Death. Showdown
Luna - Robbery
Moon (per) - Delusions. "Gone With the Wind"
Sun - Tosca
Sun (per) - Cowardice. Painful condition
Court - Misinterpretation by the client of events, failure to fulfill predictions in connection with this
Court (transl.) - Successes in world poetry. Nobel. Prize. Brodsky
The world is an ambiguous situation. Horns of Lucifer
World (per) - Untalented
Jester - New Attachment

Reversed Star with Minor Arcana

5 of Wands (Ln) - Unused Tips and Help
5 of Swords - Losses, losses, misses, etc.
6 of Pentacles (per) - Impossibility of returning to the old
10 of Pentacles (per) - Deception, trick, simulation

The tarot star card most often has a favorable meaning. It is a symbol of positive, new, rebirth, hope. A star can portend the appearance of true friends, the birth of love. Consider the meaning of this card in detail.

The value of the card in the layout of the relationship

The Star card in the tarot in a relationship can have both favorable and negative meanings. For example:

  • If you rely on Fate and do not work on relationships, letting everything take its course, your union is doomed to parting. No need to hope that everything will work out by itself
  • In an inverted position, the Tarot Star has the following meaning in a relationship: your connection with your partner is very strong and strong. There is a chance to build long-term relationships that will be happy and harmonious
  • If the card fell out from one of the partners, this means that he is not satisfied with the current relationship. He wants more, now he does not receive enough attention from his other half or something else
  • If the five-pointed symbol fell out along with the Hanged Man card, then your partner falls short of the ideal that you drew in your fantasies. You dream that he will become better, but this is impossible.
  • In combination with the Priestess card, the Star indicates that the union has united two creative and very talented people. But the catch is that for real life partners are completely unsuited. They are impractical: they are idealists and dreamers

Watch the video about the meaning of the Star card:

Tarot Star: combination of a card with others

The meaning of divination can vary depending on how the Tarot card fell out in the layout. The Star card in combination with others has the following meanings:

  1. Jester - pay attention to the signs of the Universe: they will show the right path
  2. The magician is an ideal period for setting new goals and finding ways to achieve them.
  3. High Priestess - in the future everything will turn out extremely well, just believe in yourself and your own strengths
  4. Empress - the efforts made in the past will finally bring long-awaited results. Get ready to rest on your laurels
  5. Emperor - despite the difficulties, do not stop there. You are one step away from success, you just need to make the last push
  6. Hierophant - life will teach an important lesson, and you will gain invaluable experience
  7. Lovers - your union with a partner will be strong and long, full of love, harmony and mutual understanding
  8. Chariot - there is a move ahead, the fulfillment of a long-standing desire is also likely
  9. Hermit - contact an astrologer, you can get important information
  10. Wheel of Fortune - some event will happen that will incredibly please and reassure you
  11. Justice is the goal that you have been working towards for a long time and will finally be realized.
  12. Hanged Man - you are making too complicated plans. Some of them will not work
  13. Death - it's time to "renew" and start life from scratch, leaving everything superfluous in the past
  14. Moderation - the situation that worries you will enter a new favorable round
  15. Devil - the plans you make will fail
  16. Tower - take off your rose-colored glasses, you have too many illusions
  17. Moon - indicates self-doubt and dissatisfaction with life
  18. The sun - a cherished dream will come true
  19. Court - leave pessimistic thoughts, you need to start hoping for the best
  20. World - an incredible talent is hidden in you that needs to be developed

If the 17th lasso is paired with wands:

  • King - hope will light your way
  • Queen - you are overconfident, try to assess the situation realistically
  • Knight - a man has incredible fortitude
  • Page - luck will accompany in any endeavors
  • 10 - fate will provide opportunities for success
  • 9 - many doubts
  • 8 - a favorable outcome of the current case
  • 7 - restrictions and barriers will collapse
  • 6 - faith in yourself
  • 5 - it will be possible to find the right solution
  • 4 - victory over the disease
  • 3 - you need to concentrate and throw all your strength into achieving what you want
  • 2 - search for a destination
  • Ace - reward or win

Value in money

In the layout on the financial side of life, the Star card will tell you about the following:

  • You are full of energy, you have a lot of resources to achieve your financial goals. But do not invent anything new - use proven methods, and success will come.
  • If you are looking for a purpose, look to creative professions that will help you realize your talents, benefit people and succeed.
  • It is likely that in the near future you will receive the expected profit. But provided that there are no negative cards in the layout, promising financial losses or the collapse of plans

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

- the answer is "yes".

The card symbolizes hope, a happy future, healing, renewal, victory.

A good card that speaks of a period of calm in your life, that the trials are behind you and the situation will steadily improve. The prediction can refer both to health, physical or mental, and to the stage of creative growth, movement towards the goal. You know your desires, follow the intended path, full of optimism, confidence, and creative inspiration. You will achieve the desired result, unexpected help is possible, the emergence of a new friendship, love.

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Symbolizes new perspectives and hopes. She talks about finding peace. A person can count on a favorable outcome in any life situation, even if at first glance it seems catastrophic.


Such a card indicates that the relationship has just begun or the couple is trying to build it again. Most likely, the union will be strong, and lovers will be able to build strong family. If the fortuneteller wants to know how his lover (lover) treats him, then the lasso says that the person wants to build a relationship, but is waiting active action from a fortune teller.


For fortunetellers suffering from diseases, the card promises an improvement in well-being or a speedy recovery. The lasso may also portend the normalization of the state after the crisis. For women, the Star mullites the possibility of conception.


Fortunetellers who have long planned to open their own business, it's time to seriously think about creating an enterprise. This is a good time for this. Now everything you need for development will appear, you just need to put a little effort into it. Things will be especially successful in the tourism sector. Arkan also means a good period for searching new work or career growth.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the future

The Tarot card symbolizes new experiences, the emergence of hope for a better outcome in any business. If it seemed to you that it was impossible to solve problems, then soon you will encounter unforeseen events that will have an extremely positive effect on your life. Pleasant surprises await you, meetings with people who can have a beneficial effect on your life. Be careful. Hope inspires people to new exploits, helps to regain lost self-confidence, so its significance is very great for any person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The Star card has a basic meaning - the absence of an end. This can be interpreted in a positive sense: if a person is looking for his destiny, then you should expect a meeting with a person whose relationship will become very long and strong.

It is possible that acquaintance and further development will take place at a distance, which will lead to the impossibility of drowning in everyday life and quickly getting bored with each other. Moreover, the relationship will become harmonious both on the physical and psychological levels.

If the relationship already exists, then the card marks a positive development, if there is a misunderstanding, then it will be resolved in the near future.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

Realization of the set goals, time to show your talents and surrender to the development of spirituality. In matters of love: a trustful union, perhaps of creative people. You are a confident person with excellent health and well-being. A completely new career and reward awaits you, only favorable prospects lie ahead.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of the new. New opportunities looming somewhere in the distance, the implementation of long-term plans, the emergence of a reasonable hope for the best. The card does not speak of immediate results, it expresses the positive potential of the situation.

In the layouts, the card indicates that the goal of the questioner is achievable, but is not realized quickly, so there is time to clearly consider what you want.

In the layouts for professional activities, it falls to bonuses, new prospects, well-deserved awards. If they offer to do something outside the scope of normal activities - agree, perhaps this is the very chance.

In love, the Star speaks of the partners having common long-term plans, personifies life together.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

A new stage will soon come in the relationship that you have. You will forgive all the quarrels and insults that were between you, and start a new life together. It will be interesting and bright, like the first cloud. You must understand that your soul mate is very calm and unobtrusive. Sometimes it’s hard for a partner to say some important words that can change the relationship between you. After these changes, you will feel Aries easily. Let go of the negative lump that has accumulated inside your soul for a long period of time and made you suffer and cry.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Do not build baseless illusions. Now only you yourself are able to influence the situation, which means that you should not rely on higher powers. Perhaps you should pay attention to your internal state - lack of strength or unwillingness to explore internal possibilities can negatively affect any actions. If you move to the next stage of fulfilling your desire, take a break. Active preparation and introspection will help you stay on track.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Fate itself led to this situation. This is a gift from heaven and the patronage of higher powers. Good luck awaits you in any endeavors. It's time to show your abilities. You feel hope and happiness. A white streak has come in life.

You are promised the achievement of any goals, a successful resolution of cases. Opportunities are within reach. Everything will turn out as expected. Be calm and believe in yourself!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The card predicts joint plans and long-term relationships. Such a union will not be fleeting, and, most likely, will lead to the formation of a family. If you already have a partner, then we are talking about him, but if not, then soon you will meet with him. Family relationships will be warm and romantic, so such a union will be strong and indestructible.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

opens before the person new world full of wonders and beauty. A presentiment of happiness, awareness of the realization of the plan. The Guardian Angel favors the person.

When the Heavenly Forces are favorable to a person, all his plans, dreams, desires and aspirations come true in the most wonderful way.

You have everything on your shoulder. You are in a strong position, go for it!


Short description

Which jugs are drawn on the Star card - large or small? Waite writes about the big ones. Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin believe that the map depicts small jars. They see this as an indication of the inconsistency between Waite and Pamela Smith.

It seems to me that the size of the pitchers is not very important for this map.

With the exception of a few details, the design of the card is practically the same as the design of the card in Marseille Tarot, although it is believed that the map was drawn using the symbols adopted in the Order of the Golden Dawn.

A lot of discussion was caused by a strange bird, which we can see on the map from the Marseilles Tarot, and on the Waite Tarot, and on the Golden Dawn Tarot. Papus associates her with the ibis, which, in turn, is an avatar of the Egyptian god Thoth, the unofficial patron of the Tarot.

And if on the Star from the Waite deck there is a certain resemblance to an ibis, then in the Marseille Tarot and in the Golden Dawn Tarot it is rather an abstract bird.

It is curious that in the documents of the Golden Dawn there is a mention of how Mathers described the background of this card. Instead of a bird, he mentions "Psyche's butterfly".

The butterfly can be seen on the deck of Oswald Wirth, where it symbolizes the soul.

Personally, a butterfly, as a symbol of the soul, seems to me much more appropriate on the Star card than an ibis, as a symbol of Thoth.


  • Guiding star
  • Hope
  • Communication
  • Illusion
  • Dream
  • Fantasy

Key Ideas

  • Separation from life
  • The origin of feelings
  • Fragility, lightness (carefully, glass)
  • Time before dawn

Basic meaning

According to Waite, "some primitive interpreters" misunderstood this card as a card of hope. According to Arthur Edward Waite, who knows the most secret truths, the mottos “Freely flowing Waters of Life” and “Gifts of the Spirit” correspond to the Flaming Star card. But this is not the real meaning and interpretation of the Star (Hope) Tarot card. He writes: “She is the Great Mother, the Sephira Binah of the Kabbalists, who is the highest Reason for those who belong to the lower Sephiroth and are able to perceive her rays.”

Again, we must turn to an additional chapter where Waite gives clearer meanings for the cards. IN upright position he views the card extremely negatively - loss, theft, deprivation. But he mentions that in another source it is a card of hope and brilliant opportunities. And the inverted 17 Arcana Tarot - Star - Waite describes the meaning as arrogance, pride and lack of opportunity.

Waite's pretentious meanings have remained the property of history. Today, the Star card is still a card of hope. But it also has new meanings. The Star card has become a card of communication, positive communication, positive emotional contacts. However, it retained its negative aspect as an indication of a possible theft.

Video: The meaning of the Star card

The meaning of the card in relationships

Open - closed card

The card can manifest itself both on the external and on the internal level. On the outside, it denotes communication between people. And here she manifests herself, easily enters into communication and is able to maintain a dialogue on almost any topic.

The inner level is associated with illusions and hopes. The emotional vessel is full. External relationships are often perceived as a threat to one's own fantasies. A person is not particularly eager to share his illusions with others. On the contrary, it is more pleasant for him to experience them alone, thereby emphasizing his “feature”.

Relationship Intensity

In the case of communication between people, the card indicates a high intensity of relationships, and we are talking about pleasant emotions, sympathy, good mood.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Tarot star - meaning in love and relationships - this is the birth of sympathy, the birth of love, the very beginning of a relationship. Relations at the level of ideas that have not yet passed to the physical level. Already touches, but not hugs yet.

This is something that pornography lacks compared to romance, or at least erotica.

A star is almost always present at the birth of falling in love, romantic relationships. Its absence often relegates attitudes to primitive physiology. A star is usually a manifestation of tenderness and care, sympathy and affection. informal communication. People have something to talk about, regardless of social status or age, and they do it with interest, enjoying the dialogue.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • with a card: the combination Star - Hermit Tarot says that these cards have general meaning- theft
  • with a card: everything will be fine
  • with card : Star and World Tarot combination of cards - the best of all possible in Tarot. "Dream come true"

Psychological condition

This is hope, and usually hope for the best. The map does not say how strong the foundations for these hopes are. That is, on the one hand, this is positive thinking as a stabilizing factor, and on the other hand, it is infantilism and rose-colored glasses.

A large percentage of psychiatric patients are people who are passionate about the ideas of the Star, fans of the movie The Secret, out of touch with the adherents of visualization with affirmations. "Spacey" citizens who have forgotten about grounding.

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • combined with a card: hopes for favorable changes
  • combined with a map: look to the future with confidence
  • in combination with a card: in a large family, do not click with your beak

Significance in matters of health

Tarot star meaning in health, on the one hand, indicates good health. And if before that health was bad, then for a possible improvement. On the other hand, the Star indicates infantile behavior, an escape from reality. Possible problems with alcoholism. Reading a card is highly dependent on which cards are nearby. The card also places a special emphasis on positive communication, positive emotional contacts, psychological support, which greatly affects physical healing.

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • combined with the map: a good relationship with loved ones
  • combined with the card: you get a very favorable chance
  • in combination with the map : a great time to start moving up

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

The Tarot Star meaning in the work suggests that this lasso has nothing to do with business directly. From the point of view of control and management, it is dual. When it comes to communication, communication is more or less a manageable map. But with the meaning of "hope" - almost a conscious escape from control, immersion in illusions.

It is easier to pretend that everything is in the hands of God or the Higher Powers than to take responsibility.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

Learn to have a dialogue, to enter into communicative contact. Improving communication skills and speech culture, on the one hand, and selling means to facilitate communication (from hearing aids to alcohol).

Interestingly, the very concept of "chat" is a great commodity. If a consultation with a professional psychologist is a Priestess, then the Star is a variant of kitchen psychotherapy. This is not always a deception, but almost always a suggestion of hope, often false. But at this stage, more is not needed. Selling faith that everything will be fine. Creating a special comfortable environment. What is the difference between wellness and oriental massage? In the second case, people go for pleasure, a pleasant conversation about the "universal", for energetic and emotional strokes.

In fact, this is the sale of illusions in a pleasant package - but good illusions, in small quantities not dangerous. Like passive training in a vacuum suit: lie down, bastard, thinking that you are losing weight.

General state of finances and trends

The person on this card sleeps deeply and sees pink dreams. Whatever his financial situation, he experiences illusions about it. He simply does not know how much money, he does not plan either income or expenses. Euphoria, how justified is it?

But the card is essentially very pleasant, friendly, lulling with its rainbow hopes, and the person, most likely, will not wake up on his own. What are the prospects for the Star - will be shown by neighboring cards. By itself, she says that your hopes are at odds with reality, your expectations are greatly overestimated.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy. The inability to control the flow of words and the naive belief that you need to live with your heart: how many people later suffered from their gullibility. But the Star has a very short stressful period. Optimism helps you get through tough times. Consciously put on pink-blue glasses, like a Dandelion Dandelion, to renounce external problems. Write down what you see in your fantasy world in a notebook and publish it as comics or an anime script.

And you can use the need for communication (with customers, business partners) as a commodity: negotiating, promotions, consulting.

Combined with the suit of Swords

  • combined with a card: broken illusions, lost hopes
  • in combination with the card: the trip is favorable
  • combined with a card: naivety will face cunning and resourcefulness

Time to dream!

Card of the day Caution

No time to dream

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • in combination with a card: generous gifts of fate
  • combined with card : to remain delusional in a hopeless situation
  • in combination with a map: skillfully combine dreaminess and practicality

Questions to ask when drawing 17 Arcana?

  • What are you hoping for?
  • With whom do you like to communicate, on what topics and why?
  • How well are you protected from theft?
  • Is there a reason for your dreams to come true?

The star showed the travelers the way, it announced the birth of the Son of God, the starlight helps not to get lost in the darkness. This symbol of hope found a place in the ancient Tarot cards. The seventeenth lasso The star in the layouts usually has a positive meaning. He points out that in a person's life there is a higher power that does not allow faith to fade away.

Tarot Star in layouts has a predominantly positive meaning

Description of the lasso Star and the general meaning of the card

17 Tarot has several symbolic names - "Bethlehem Dawn", "Dawn of the Magi", "Dawn of the Magi", "Guiding Star", "Daughter of the Firmament", "Insight", "Astral World". Traditionally, the card is called the Star. All names reflect the meaning of the lasso.

The card depicts a naked woman pouring water from two jugs, a large and bright star is burning in the sky above her head. The meaning of the Thoth Tarot card by Aleister Crowley is that this woman is the Egyptian sky goddess Nut, the mother of Osiris and Isis.

A naked woman represents purity, birth, feeding, creativity, life wisdom. The contents of the jars are poured onto the ground and into the water of the stream. This symbolizes the mutual action and harmony of creative forces.

The light of the stars is infinite, they are there even if we cannot see them. This is the deep meaning that the Star Tarot card carries. If the alignment gave 17 lasso, this indicates the presence of a leading force in a person’s life, which must always be followed and unconditionally believed.

The star also symbolizes a goal, a cherished desire, a new hope. This is a map of perspectives, creativity, spiritual enlightenment, happiness. The appearance in the layout of the lasso good sign. The goal will be determined and achieved, desires will be fulfilled, help will come, prospects will appear, the desire to live will increase.

In everyday layouts, the Star can be interpreted as improving the situation, completing a significant business, receiving a reward.

Reversed position of the Star in the layout

The inverted 17 tarot arcana can be called the Shooting Star. Her appearance in the layout bad sign. This is a loss of hope and inspiration, disappointment in the dream and in the goals set, self-doubt. Modern tarologists give such interpretations to the map in everyday layouts.

  • Lack of prospects, missed chances.
  • Unsuccessful ideas, unfulfilled desires.
  • Lack of desire for change, stubbornness.
  • Pessimism, self-doubt, doubt about the correctness of the choice.
  • Loss of balance, apathy, unwillingness to live.
  • Loneliness, failures on the love front, sexual incompatibility with a partner.
  • End of career, failed attempts to regain former success.
  • Mental problems, suicidal tendencies.
  • Death of friends. This is one of the old interpretations of a star in an inverted position.

Star inverted - perhaps the end of a career

If a fortuneteller has a desire to be creative, build a career in this area, an inverted Tarot Star means a lack of ability. This dream cannot be realized just like that, serious efforts and development will be required.

An inverted Star can characterize a fortuneteller as having caught a star, arrogant. He exalts his accomplishments too much. Sooner or later, this will lead to a fall, the realization of one's worthlessness, complexes and loneliness in the crowd.

Spreads for love and Dawn Tarot

The meaning of the Star in love matters depends on the position of the card and combinations with other arcana. 17 lasso in the upright position has a positive interpretation. The star symbolizes the inspiration of love, its purity. More specific interpretations given by tarologists.

  • Future happiness in personal life, even if there are no prospects in the present.
  • Finding a new friend. Communication with him will fill life with colors.
  • Love that will give joy, satisfaction and inner harmony.
  • Getting rid of unnecessary relationships that have become obsolete and bring only trouble and disappointment.
  • Healing of the soul after past emotional trauma caused by failures in love.
  • Acquisition of a partner who can be trusted in any matter.

The Star card in the layouts says that one should not lose hope. Even if there is no strength now, even if the crisis and improvement are not visible.

A star in an inverted position in a relationship layout promises an early parting

The Reversed Star is not favorable in love matters. Arkan has such interpretations.

  • Hopes will be dashed.
  • Disappointment in love.
  • Loss of a loved one.

Problems and disappointments in personal relationships lie not in external influences, but within the person himself. He does not believe in himself and in changes for the better, he constantly deviates from his plans.

Star in health matters

If we are talking about health, interpretation of the Tarot card Star - transformation, purification and renewal. Its appearance in the layout for a speedy recovery or conception of a child. This is a card of youth and beauty. She shows that it is time to take care of yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Ancient books interpreting the Tarot did not give the Star a rainbow meaning. They associated the pond on the map with the prospect of drowning, and the water pouring from the jugs with the loss of health. The star can warn of lung diseases and allergies.

The meaning depends on the combinations of the Star with other Tarot arcana. If they are negative, do not panic. Divination is not a 100% program, it is a warning. You need to be careful on the water, monitor nutrition and undergo a preventive examination by a doctor.

The star helps to be younger and more beautiful, if not in external manifestations, then in internal sensations for sure.

17 lasso Dawn Tarot in career matters

The star patronizes all creative professions, and any vocation. She talks about having grandiose plans. If the Star in the layout is surrounded by other positive cards, then these plans are destined to come true. The result will not come tomorrow, and not even the day after tomorrow.

The card in the layouts for a career indicates the emergence of new prospects, the need to study and make useful contacts. It symbolizes a surge of strength and new ideas. Some interpreters say that the Star can predict a promotion or an award or bonus.

The appearance of the 17th lasso in combination with some other cards warns that it is time to start a new business, here it is the right moment.

Star and financial situation

The appearance of the lasso of the Star in matters of finance means that the fortuneteller has hope for improving the financial situation, receiving remuneration or profit from the business. If the Star is surrounded by financially positive cards in the layout, then the hopes will come true. If not, you still need to wait, the main thing is not to fall into despair and continue to work.

Star in the scenario of the financial situation - new prospects that bring profit

The star symbolizes harmony and integrity. These concepts apply to the material realm as well. If the financial situation is unsuccessful, and a star appears in the layout, this may be a call for a change in activity in favor of a more profitable one, a change in career views. There may be new perspectives that are important not to miss. They will give new experience and material profit.

Star card and human personality

In the Tarot, any lasso can characterize the personality of the fortuneteller himself, as well as the one who is waiting for him on the path of life. The Star Man is free from prejudice and other people's opinions, pure in thought, has a bright and sharp mind, and is also accustomed to trusting his inner voice. There is different interpretations 17 lasso in the characterization of personality.

  • A person who makes plans that will bring brilliant success in the future. Whether the plans are destined to come true will be prompted by other cards of the layout.
  • A person who lives a lofty dream, but is able to keep abreast of reality.
  • The serenity that knowledge has created. The star gives advice to joyfully and serenely go your own way and listen to the inner voice, to be above public opinion.
  • A person who has learned to trust intuition and is ready to follow its call.
  • A person who survived the reboot after severe trials.
  • The bearer of true youth - the youth of the spirit.

In layouts, the Star card usually indicates a person at a young age and very beautiful. He is charged with optimism and self-confidence.

The combination of the Star with the cards of the Major Arcana

The star tarot card interpretation has a wide range of symbols and meanings. It all depends on the surrounding arcana. Modern interpretations are often diametrically opposed to traditional meanings. The star in combination with other Tarot cards of the Major Arcana has such interpretations.

Jester. Lack of desire to move forward; serene idleness; unclear diagnosis (in matters of health); mental disorders.

Mag. The time has come for new beginnings; good news; beloved will reciprocate.

High Priestess. Return of the lost; feeling of confidence in the future; you have to follow your intuition.

Empress. The goal set will soon be achieved; success at work; pleasant events.

Emperor. Reward; promotion; trip abroad; new useful acquaintance; increase in the sphere of influence and interests; help from outside. The star in combination with the Emperor promises success to people in leadership positions. This combination of cards warns that money should not be a life goal.

Hierophant. New skills; inspiration; the appearance of a mentor; brilliant prospects for self-realization.

Lovers. Promising and successful relationships (not only love ones); finding platonic love; travel.

Chariot. The correct path has been found; successful cooperation; moving to a new house.

Strength. Enough strength for everything; victory; new skill.

Hermit. Experience and wisdom; there is no prospect of marriage in the near future.

Star combined with the Wheel of Fortune - fast travel

Wheel of Fortune. Happiness will come when there is a favorite thing; travel or business trip.

Hangman. Making a sacrifice in the name of a cause. The donation will pay off. Inappropriate ideas; hopeless plans; hope for pregnancy.

Death. The best way to resolve the situation will come to mind. Life and career changes.

Moderation. Gradual improvement of the situation; cure of the disease.

Devil. A temptation that will jeopardize the achievement of the goal.

Tower. Destruction of hope; disappointment; health problems; you need to look for options; start again.

Moon. New plans in creativity; solving money problems; variability of situations; receiving an inheritance; exalting one's abilities to heaven, arrogance; woman on the way.

The sun. The plan will come true; receiving dividends, bonuses; man on the way.

Court. Faith will return. No need to be afraid to act, no one dares to judge.

Peace. Talent will be revealed to the fullest; success at work; receiving an award.

Interpretations are given for the direct position of the cards.

Star and Minor Arcana cards

The Minor Arcana complement the Star with new semantic and symbolic facets.

The direct position of the star with the cards of the suit of Wands has the following interpretations:

The first seven amrahs

  • Ace - a manifestation of potential, the disclosure of talents.
  • Two is the search for a purpose in life.
  • Three - following the dream.
  • Four is healing.
  • Five - the hope that there is a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Six - faith in yourself, following the guiding star.
  • Seven is the hope of overcoming obstacles.

The second seven amrahs

  • Eight - improvement of the situation.
  • Nine - doubts crept in.
  • Ten - hope for new perspectives.
  • Page - there is a goal.
  • Knight - renewal of vitality.
  • Lady - self-confidence, optimism.
  • King - it will be possible to infect another person with faith.

Interpretations of combinations of the Star with other cards vary significantly among different tarologists and magicians. The value is influenced by the direction of the strength of the person making the alignment, the state of the soul of the questioner and the purpose of divination.

The star is a strong card of hope. This is fire, the light at the end of the tunnel. Everything will definitely be fine, all problems will disappear, work will bring pleasure and profit. The main thing is not to give in to despair and follow your Star.

On the Star card, a girl with two jugs is drawn. Stars are visible in the sky. One of them is big yellow color. The girl kneels in front of a pond. Water from jugs pours onto the ground. 17 lasso Star is rightfully considered a card of magicians. This is the connection of all mystical forces. This is meditation, intuition, connection with the power of nature. In the life of a querent there is literally a guiding star that he trusts.

Personal state

In the layout of the appearance of 17 lasso Tarot, the value is good. Pulling out such a card indicates inspiration, good health, hope. All is well, the querent receives gifts from fate. His life will be filled with happiness, purpose, the level of intuition will increase. The person described by this lasso has decided on a goal in life. He no longer needs to suppress and hide his aspirations. From within the questioner comes peace and tranquility. It is worth paying attention to your talents.

In an inverted position, the card loses its positive value. The querent has a desire to fulfill himself, but in the near future he will not have the resources to do so. Probably the whole point is his stubbornness and unwillingness to change his life. For the questioner:

  • There is no faith in their own strength.
  • Lost chances.
  • Passive attitude towards life.

Not only the negative is carried by the inverted Star. Its meaning can be reduced to an indication of a state of apathy and loneliness. Probably the querent reached certain heights and his development froze at this level. A person can only boast of past merits, trying in vain to regain his former glory.

Personal relationships

The meaning of the lasso Tarot Star in a relationship is different. For a lonely person, this card indicates a desire for happiness. Even if the querent is completely desperate, he should not lose hope. In the event of a disagreement, the lasso promises reconciliation and restoration of the union. Sometimes the meaning of the Star (Tarot) in a relationship takes a non-standard form. This is a connection at a distance, partners of different ages, etc. The peculiarity of this card is inexhaustibility. The theme always has a continuation, nothing has ended yet.

A star in layouts on love topics can carry both negative and positive meanings. If the questioner wants to develop relations, but does nothing for this, the union is doomed to failure. If you make a number of efforts to develop communication, it will be long and strong. The partner on whom the Star falls will always dream of more. In combination with the Hanged Man, he will always strive to make his soul mate perfect. Neighborhood with the Priestess indicates a person who is not adapted to life, but at the same time creative.

Reversed, the card indicates the following:

  • Deceived hopes.
  • Powerlessness.
  • Disappointment.

Fate takes away a loved one and nothing can be done about it. Arkan advises to pay attention to your behavior, carefully analyze it. The man, without knowing it, destroyed his relationship.

professional situation

The card gives promises of change in any area.. Professional activity will not be an exception. Often this is a change of work for a job by vocation. It's time for a career. A person literally becomes the star of the team, becoming a recognized specialist. Now comes the stage when the querent is doing something that will bring results in the distant future.

In an inverted position, the lasso acquires negative value. The man missed all the opportunities and was left with nothing. The reason for such an act can be different circumstances: the stubbornness of the querent, unwillingness to change life, uncertainty about the success of the case. If there is a card of the devil in the layout, then the questioner himself acts against himself and destroys plans.

As a choice of profession, you should pay attention to design, theatrical skills or poetry. An important lesson passes through this lasso: you need to do business according to your calling. If it does not bring pleasure, a person will not reach any heights. Don't be afraid to start over. In the sphere of destiny, a person will achieve a result.

Map of the day

As a card of the day, the Star advises to rejoice. Today everything will be favorable to the questioner. You can take on any business, it will be crowned with success. Intuition will help you choose the right direction. Try to take a bird's eye view of the day and see how many interesting things are happening.

In an inverted position, the card becomes an indicator of an unresolved situation. Today is not the best day to deal with it. All attempts will only lead to waste Money and time. Any important meetings should be rescheduled. On this day, the querent will not only not reach the goal, but will also aggravate his situation. You can feel the dependence on weather conditions and the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Do not make plans and set goals on this day.

Attention, only TODAY!

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