How to read the tarot cards of Marseilles. The meaning of the Marseille tarot cards. What are the Tarot cards of the Marseilles tradition

Doors 29.11.2020

Sometimes we all want to look into the future, find out what awaits us there. Uncertainty scares many. Sometimes you have to make very difficult decisions in which you cannot make a mistake, because your fate depends on it. How do you know the future? In black magic, there are many practices that open up the vastness of the unknown. But, for turning to black magic, you have to pay a certain fee, sometimes very cruel. To find out what awaits you, you can make a tarot card spread. The Marseilles tarot has been used by many magicians for centuries and these cards are ideal for novice practitioners. For people who want to open the curtain of the future or those who want to do it professionally - the ideal option.

The Marseille tarot has been used for many hundreds of years.

What are the Tarot cards of the Marseilles tradition

The Marseilles fortune-telling tradition is very ancient and is one of the first in the world. There are 78 cards in total. Both the deck and each card carry an esoteric meaning. There is a lot of information in the picture, and you need to be able to interpret it correctly. The design has not changed since the 18th century, and the name of the creator is also unknown. Therefore, many believe that the cards came to us from dedicated and knowledgeable people - they can be trusted. Today you can find hundreds of variants of tarot cards. But before these variations there were only 10. And the Marseille tarot is one of the first decks in Europe. The design gradually changed, but in 1998 Comuen and Jodorowski restored their original appearance and now the restored decks of Marseille tarot continue to be sold in Marseille.

  • The interpretation of events in most cases is difficult, but it is accurate.
  • These cards are appreciated for their minimalism, indicated on them, lasso, number, and even then not always.
  • There are no other astrological or kabbalistic symbols, runes.

This is an esoteric system of cards that came to us from Italy, but was printed in Marseille. These tarot cards actually do not carry any plots. To decrypt, you need to understand what they mean:

  • sequences;
  • relationship;
  • the position of the cards in the layout.

Since fortune-telling is very ancient, it requires specifically formulated questions about personal growth, about changes in the future, whether cherished desires will come true, etc. Do not overload the deck with petty everyday worries.

One of the legends says that the tarot, namely his drawing, was created in the temple of Thoth (the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom), in which there were 22 rooms and in each of them the priests received and accumulated knowledge, communicating with higher powers.

The lasso are based on drawings copied from the temple walls, they reflect the structure and components of our life. These drawings are associated with Kabbalah, mysticism, occultism. The meaning and interpretation of the cards, the appearance have changed over time. These cards carry knowledge related to alchemy, astrology, occultism and even psychology, but this is not depicted on the cards themselves. According to legend, it was Moses who transferred the tarot of Marseilles from Egypt to Palestine.

The Marseille tarot will provide answers to clearly formulated, important questions

How to make layouts

The simplest and most famous layout is the Celtic Cross, it is best suited for the Marseille tarot layout. This alignment helps to fully immerse yourself in what is happening. It contains eventual and psychological components. It is universal and helps to find the answer to any questions. When the deck of the Marseille tarot is laid out, the cross itself should be on the left side, and the wand on the right. The cross speaks of the problem, its components and connections. Reveals the recent past and future. Layout with right side decides whether it is possible to influence the situation and speaks of the distant future. We spread the first two cards in the center with a cross. These cards are interconnected and together interpret the situation. The third and fourth cards are located above and below, the fifth and sixth from left to right. Seventh, eighth, ninth I and tenth from bottom to top, vertically on the right side. What do the cards mean?

  • The essence of the problem or question and the person's attitude to it. The basis of the problem, its foundation.
  • Obstacles and external influences that prevent development and hinder you on the way.
  • Thoughts of a person, his consciousness. From which the essence of the problem arose.
  • Events from the past that have influenced the present. The subconscious and the guesswork that torments.
  • The near past, which comes to an end.
  • Changes and the near future. These events cannot be avoided.
  • The ability to influence the situation, the predestination of the future, which can be changed.
  • Environment influencing the situation, acquaintances, relatives, etc. They can be both cause and help in solving.
  • Depends on which card comes up - positive or negative. The positive one gives hope, and the negative one warns of fear and caution. Displays the fears or dreams and expectations of a person.
  • Shows the possible result based on the intentions and preliminary actions of the person.

Before laying out the eighth card, you should concretize your environment based on the problem - choose those who can influence the course of events or are a direct participant. Tarot layouts will help you make the right decision regarding the current situation and prevent possible erroneous actions. The Celtic layout is quite simple - it all depends on the correct interpretation of the dropped cards. The next layout is very simple, it shows the future.

You need to choose the cards of the junior and senior comrades of the arcana, mix. Lay out four cards in turn clockwise, face down, then open them and decipher the value.

It is worth interpreting the cards from the last life circumstances. The ritual should be performed in a calm and quiet environment, alone, so that no one distracts you. Any beginner can scatter the Marseilles tarot on three or four cards; in such fortune telling, the cards of the senior lasso are used and they describe the situation globally, without giving specifics. And if you are worried about small questions and want to know the details, then the interpretation becomes very difficult. And you can't do it without preparation.

Celtic cross - universal spread for tarot cards

The value of the cards

In total, the Marseille Tarot has seventy-eight cards: twenty-two major arcana and fifty-six minor. Major arcana cards speak of the main problem and major life events. Minor lasso describe the circumstances and reasons for the development of events. The gallery of cards is quite large, as mentioned earlier, there are seventy-eight of them and you need to figure out what they mean. It is necessary to take into account the position of the card, if it is turned upside down, then it carries negative features, if it is in a normal position - positive. Marseilles tarot card meaning: Mag. Inverted:

  • contradictions;
  • weakness;
  • obstacles.

Direct: insight, diplomacy, skill. If the popess is inverted - disputes, and direct - friendship and harmony. Empress inverted - cooling, hindering flattery, and direct - rumors, the return of a good reputation. The emperor, the inverted is a failure, and the direct is the opposite. Dad - new acquaintances, illness, problems, love and money - depending on the alignment. Beloved inverted - oppression, and direct - marriage, a strong feeling of love. Chariot-misunderstanding, do not know what to do, fight with enemies.

Direct will mean hidden diseases, traitor friends. Inverted justice: an unjust sentence, and direct: amnesty.

If a hermit falls out - difficulties, losses, a long wait for something, in direct alignment- a clear vision of everything, knowledge, victory over fate. The wheel of fortune in an inverted form is a sign of illness, and a straight one is danger, partiality. Strength to defeat, loss, loss of honor or victory. The hanged man to controversy and protest, as well as the possibility of deprivation of funds. Death marks a broken heart, global change, a successful marriage. In addition, other symbols can be seen.

  • Moderation. Reversed: futile efforts. Direct: asking for help will bring trouble.
  • Devil. Reversed: suspicious illness, breakdown... Direct: wrong advice.
  • Tower. Reversed: sudden death, crash. Direct: unexpected solution to the problem.
  • Star. Reversed: upset, upset. Direct: luck and new opportunities.
  • Moon. Reversed: Traitor's chagrin. Direct: betrayal, gossip, scandals, quarrels.
  • The sun. Upside down: prison. Direct: disaster, abrupt change.
  • Court. Reversed: failures, falls, problems. Direct: retribution, remorse.
  • Peace. Reversed: revolution, regime change. Direct: goal achievement, encouragement.
  • Fool. Reversed: fall, unpredictability, bombast. Direct: change.

As you can see, it will not be possible to get an exact answer thanks to these maps, but to build a further analysis for the future is quite.

The very name "Marseille Tarot" is a very conventional and general name for the cards, since the initial design of the deck had all the signs of Italian origin, and the deck was produced not only in Marseille, but also in many cities of France.

So the Ancient Tarot of Marseilles has primarily Italian roots. And it acquired the name "Marseilles" due to the fact that it was in Marseilles at that time that there were publishing houses capable of printing maps. Still, one of the first serial decks of the Marseille Tarot was released by Jean Noble and Jacques Vieuville in 1650 in Paris. It is from this moment that the official history of the Ancient Marseille Tarot begins. The very same term "Ancient Marseille Tarot" was first used by Paul Marteau in 1930, and he also created a deck of cards of the same name.

Deck structure

But let's move away from the official history. The Marseille Tarot has long been overgrown with myths and legends, and this is no accident, because these cards contain a deep meaning and events for a long time days gone by... According to many experts, the history of the creation of the Ancient Marseilles Tarot goes back to the distant times of Moses, who, according to legend, brought 22 cards from Egypt to Palestine. The cards themselves were created in the temple of Thoth. It had 22 rooms in which the priests learned the secrets of the other world. So the Major Arcana of this deck was based on images redrawn from the walls of the temple rooms. They denoted the diversity of aspects of our life. The ancient Marseille Tarot is closely related to the teachings of the Kabbalah and mystical occultism. The meanings and meanings of the images of the cards were constantly improved as they traveled through time space. Therefore, the Marseilles maps carry secret knowledge associated not only with the occult sciences, but also with alchemy, astrology and psychology. The ancient Marseille Tarot consists of two decks: senior and junior. In the senior deck there are 21 Arcana, in the youngest - 56. In addition, there is a card without a number in the deck - the Fool's card, which does not belong to either the senior or the junior deck. In the Ancient Marseilles Tarot, there is a clear belonging of the colors of the deck to the elements of our planet: Pentacles - earth, Cups - water, Wands - fire, Swords - air. Another feature of the Marseille Tarot is that the cards of the Minor Arcana are not drawn situationally, they do not carry the visual information that, for example, is reflected in the Ryder-Waite system. In fact, the Ancient Tarot of Marseilles practically does not contain any plots. Therefore, working with a deck can be difficult for beginners. Another feature of the Ancient Marseilles Tarot is that the suit of swords and the suit of wands are depicted almost the same, in the form of sticks. The only difference is that the wands are straight sticks, and the swords are curved. All these factors create conditions for a rather complex perception of this deck, so even an experienced tarot reader will not be able to master it in one day. Indeed, when working with the Ancient Marseilles Tarot, it is necessary to take into account literally everything - from the sequence of cards and their relationship to the position of cards in the layout, which can be not only straight, but also inverted. Therefore, a clear understanding of the structure and basic meanings of the Marseille maps will be decisive in working with them.

How to work with a deck

Given the age and history of the deck's creation, it would be at least frivolous with common everyday questions. After all, this deck has come a long and very thorny path, so it definitely has the right to be respected. The ancient Marseille Tarot can be used to find answers to "simple" questions, but do not overload the deck with them. It is better for her to ask deeper questions: about personal growth, about realization in the future, about the formation of new qualities in herself, about the implementation of specific intentions and clear desires, etc.

Celtic Cross layout

One of the most common tarot layouts is the Celtic Cross. In my opinion, it is ideal for working with the Ancient Marseilles Tarot. There are several variations of this alignment, but their essence boils down to one thing - to obtain the final result and see the whole picture of what is happening. And the thing is that, despite its simplicity, this alignment combines both psychological and event levels of what is happening. That allows it to be classified as universal. After all, he adequately and extensively answers almost any question. So, let's move on to the layout. It is not necessary to choose a significator to work with the Celtic Cross. Usually the layout is done without such conventions, but if the situation requires it, the significator can be used to set the tone for the layout. But in general, this is not important, especially since the cards (especially those with "character") "love" some freedom of action. There is no definite sequence in the layout of the cards for the Celtic Cross, because the meaning of the layout lies in their position, and not in sequence or correspondence to each other. But it will be better if the alignment is done from the first position to the last in the order of the queue. So it will be possible to catch the entire chain of events and predict their further development on the fly. Meaning of card positions: 1. This is the attitude of the querent to his problem. In other words, this is the atmosphere in which the whole situation is immersed. This is the foundation on which this moment the existing problem stands or is based. 2. This position shows obstacles and various external influences that limit the development of the issue of interest. For a reason, the map lies across - thus, it visually indicates opposition and limitations.
3. This is the foundation, or the past, from which the essence of the problem follows. This position can determine the time intervals for the existence of the problem. 4. In this position, the card will indicate the events and actions of the querent in the recent past, which determine his present. That is - what led the querent to the current state and thanks to what he found himself in the situation of interest to him. This is the root cause of what is happening, which can show experiences and thoughts from something previously experienced. 5. In this position, the card will show what is about to change or happen in the life of the querent. These are the changes that are already overdue and, to some extent, are determined logically. In a word, those events that cannot be avoided are about to enter a person's life. 6. Here the map will show the future result and the final development of the situation that is happening now. However, this is not a predetermined outcome of what is happening, because it will depend on the actions and decisions of the querent. 7. This position shows fears and concerns, that is, possible events that cause anxiety in the querent. These worries can both help and prevent the querent from achieving what he wants. This fear is probably the root cause of his plans, aspirations and actions. 8. This position will reflect the events and people surrounding the questioned person. The map can indicate the attitude of people towards the querent. Here the questioned person needs to pay attention to those moments or opinions that he needs or will have to reckon with. Perhaps the querent should heed someone's advice. 9. This card will show the querent's hopes, dreams and desires. This is what he would like to have, see, meet, etc. Also, this position may reflect the exaggeration of one's own capabilities. 10. This is the final card of the layout, which will indicate the most likely outcome of the situation. This is the attitude of the querent to the results achieved, which will eventually form in him. This map will show the likely outcome based on the current state of affairs.

The deck of cards universal "Tarot of Marseille" is suitable for both novice fortune-tellers and those who have reached the heights of skill. The simplicity of the Arcana Tarot of Marseilles attracts newcomers to it, but it also has value for experienced diviners who often turn to its study. The Marseille Tarot synthesizes other decks in itself and is a reference point in the world of Tarot, allows you to better understand the Tarot cards and organize your knowledge about them. In a sense, the drawings of the Marseille Tarot go back to even more ancient decks of the Renaissance and are the basis of tarot divination and the starting point of all tarot decks and cards that exist today. Indeed, all symbolic and esoteric decks 19th century, as well as all artistic and intuitive decks of the 20th century, owe their origin precisely to the Tarot of Marseille.

Marseille Tarot Major Arcana

The Marseille Tarot deck was created by the artist and printer Claude Bourdel in 1751. Its simple and understandable images are due to the printing technique that existed at that distant time. To obtain a printed image, it was necessary to first cut the drawing on special wooden stamps. The excellent quality Bourdelle stamps, which have been used by printers for two centuries using different combinations of paper and colors, have made it possible to accurately reproduce the old Tarot de Marseille.

The images presented in this deck date back to ancient drawings, and it was this type of card that was most common in Europe at the end of the 18th century. At that time, esotericism focused on the study of the philosophical component of the Major Arcana. Only at the beginning of the 19th century, the method of Intuitive Interpretation of Tarot images was born, when the symbolism of the Marseille Tarot received a predictive semantic load and was somewhat modified. Illustrations with a semantic load appeared on the cards of the Younger Arcana. At this time, members of the Masonic orders and occultists began to show interest in the Tarot. French cultural traditions had a significant impact on the images on the Tarot cards, costumes and household attributes of that time can be seen in the characters of the drawings. You have the opportunity to get acquainted with the photo of the deck in order to independently evaluate the drawings of the universal Marseille Tarot.

However, the Marseilles tradition has remained true to its origins and is, in essence, to this day one of the classic branches of the Tarot cards, the flowering of which dates back to the 18th century. As the name of the universal "Tarot of Marseille" is rather a type of predictive system and does not refer to any particular deck of cards, it has become synonymous with the quality and the entire topology of divination cards of this type. The non-illustrated Minor Arcana of the Tarot are the hallmark of the Marseille Tarot, and to this day are its important distinguishing feature. The Major Arcana of the Marseille Tarot determined all the main events in life, the most significant aspects of life and psycho-state. The Minor Arcana were important in divination only to clarify the predicted by the Major Arcana, the meaning of the Minor Arcana extended to such spheres as thoughts, feelings and possession of property. Fortune-telling on Tarot cards for the future combines ancient magic and modern psychology, oracle predictions and scientific prediction, prediction and vital help.

The main difference between the esoteric Marseilles Tarot also lies in the graphic solution and numbering. The arcana of the deck is decorated with various decorative elements. The occult Tarot requires knowledge of the meanings of the Minor Arcana in divination, which are not easy to remember in the absence of predictive images. But their absence allows you to get an impartial approach to the Tarot and remember the meaning of each Arcana, regardless of visual interpretation. The universal Marseille Tarot is characterized by simplicity and clarity, your eyes when interpreting the layout are not distracted by any secondary elements and complex esoteric symbols. There are no names on the cards, and the drawings themselves are very exquisite with a small number printed on them, showing the value of the card.

Marseille Tarot is a deck of cards used for fortune-telling by professionals and beginners. It got its name from the place where it was printed - the city of Marseille.

Features of the Marseille deck

The classic deck of Marseille Tarot cards is made in a special style of Italian graphics. It is slightly different from the universal Waite and Thoth.

The Tarot of Marseilles became known to the world in 1650.

There are 78 cards in the Marseille Tarot deck. She does not attribute the Jester to any of the arcana.

Another notable feature is affection Lesser arcana to natural elements:

  • Swords correspond to Air,
  • Pentacles are associated with the Earth,
  • The Wands represent the Flame
  • Cups are signs of Water.

The Marseille Tarot deck has difficulties in mastering for beginners: the meaning of the Minor arcana is initially difficult to interpret, since they do not carry a visual plot.

The meaning of the Major Arcana

Major arcana of the Marseille Tarot layout:

  • Jester (Fool) - in the right position means the beginning of a creative path, optimism and inspiration, indicates a mysterious person. Inverted - on carelessness and wasted energy, lack of stability.
  • Magician - directly dropped marks a new stage, highlighting a person with skill and enthusiasm. Inverted symbolizes indecision, deceit and betrayal.
  • The High Priestess - directly laid out in the hands is associated with strong intuition, wisdom and potential. In the opposite direction, it is a symbol of unreasonable behavior, scarcity of knowledge and limitation.
  • The Pope (High Priest) - in the right position - morality, promises an upcoming marriage or a new friendly relationship, the appearance of a patron. In the opposite form, it indicates backbiting, lack of control over the situation, collapse as a result of a lack of principles and ideals.
  • Empress - in a direct position means the predominance of reason, foreshadows marriage and the appearance of offspring, acts as a symbol of good news and financial success. The opposite is a predisposition to shift problems onto others due to the inability to independently solve them, material difficulties.
  • The emperor - fallen out in the right position speaks of the maturity of the mind, which is the source of authority. Inverted - a sign of despotic behavior, the presence of vices.
  • Beloved - in the upright position, the card symbolizes temptation, love and new relationships, in the opposite, it indicates an incorrect choice, which leads to a conflict situation and a rupture, is a harbinger of unrequited love.
  • Chariot - straight means the achievement of tasks and overcoming obstacles, obtaining necessary assistance... Inverted is associated with confrontation that leads to loss.
  • Justice - in its direct form promises the inevitability of retribution, justice, an inverted card is associated with false accusations and wrong decisions.
  • Hermit - a straight line leads to a refusal to communicate with others, isolation, loneliness, being in harmony with oneself. Falling out in the opposite position portends enemies, irrational actions and failures.
  • Wheel of Fortune - upright position predicts unexpected success, the discovery of new opportunities, the opposite - collapse, stagnation and lack of success.
  • Strength - a straight card is a symbol of a good soul and rationality, courage and the ability to overcome difficulties, presence moral principles... The opposite is a sign of cruelty, powerlessness and abuse of power.
  • The Hanged Man - the directly dropped out is associated with sacrifice, a change in views. Inverted - a harbinger of deterioration in health, selfishness.
  • Death - a card in the right direction is a symbol of change under the influence of new circumstances, abandonment of burdens, deadly dangerous diseases... Inverted carries a series of failures, immobility.
  • Abstinence (moderation) - a direct card speaks of tolerance, the ability to self-control, positive energy. The opposite means a manifestation of aggression, lack of sociability, conflict.
  • Devil - a direct symbol indicates a person thirsty for material wealth, carries destruction and violence. The opposite means abuse of power, authority through violence, immoral behavior.
  • The tower - forward and backward foreshadows the collapse of hopes, symbolizes destruction, only the latter - with lesser consequences.
  • The star - the erect image - is a symbol of hope and good luck, it promises prospects and rewards for the work done. In the reverse direction, the card means hopelessness and disappointment, it is a messenger of bad news.
  • Moon - directly dropped predicts deception and insincerity, which will lead to disappointment. The reverse symbol retains the hope to recognize the truth in time, avoiding losses.
  • The sun - the image in the right direction is a messenger of achievements, the emergence of new acquaintances, communication. Reversed does not change the main meaning, but delays execution in time.
  • The judgment is a direct recognition card in the Marseille Tarot promises a worthy appreciation of the work done. Inverted leads to disappointment, has the meaning of a slow and careful person.
  • Peace - in its direct form acts as a symbol of the successful completion of affairs, which will be marked with an award. Inverted, it means impending failures.

The meaning of the Wands

The main meaning of the Marseille Tarot cards of the Wands is the need to stay in constant motion and active work.

  • Ace means a new stage, a struggle in upholding ideals,
  • 2 requires building plans to prepare for the decisive event, careful decision-making and tolerance,
  • 3 - a symbol of work, new colleagues and common work interests,
  • 4 means the end of projects implemented in the team,
  • 5 portends the emergence of intractable obstacles and the collapse of dreams,
  • 6 advises to set specific goals in work in order to achieve a result,
  • 7 obliges to make efforts with the intention to achieve something,
  • 8 means the presence of an assistant, advises to find inspiration,
  • 9 will destroy all plans,
  • Jack is a sign of accuracy,
  • The knight promises a long journey and a new meeting,
  • The queen is associated with activity,
  • The king promises the appearance of an adult patron who has experience and his own opinion.

Denarius meaning

The main meaning of the Marseilles Tarot cards of the Dinaria is reduced to the need to improve well-being and the emergence of new relationships:

  • Ace means the implementation of the plan, which will provide materially,
  • 2 will create obstacles, overcoming which will require a reconsideration of views,
  • 3 advises to confess feelings,
  • 4 will show the source of income,
  • 5 - a harbinger of money problems, gossip and loss of reputation,
  • 6 will lead to victory with the help of friends,
  • 7 promises profit and new acquaintances
  • 8 will indicate the need for negotiations to make a profit,
  • 9 will show on ambition,
  • 10 will benefit from connections, but cost,
  • Jack means no fuss,
  • The knight gives confidence with the protection received from a friend,
  • The queen will test feelings and connections
  • The king will lead to new acquaintances.

Meaning of Swords

Gallery of Marseille Tarot cards Swords in layouts is responsible for rationality in the perception of the situation:

  • Ace is a harbinger of cold calculation when making decisions,
  • 2 leads to a dead end and does not allow you to make the right choice,
  • 3 - a symbol of contradiction and confusion,
  • 4 will reverse the value system and lead to financial gaps,
  • 5 speaks of a manifestation of weakness, refusal to help,
  • 6 will open up new opportunities and allow you to successfully complete cases,
  • 7 promises victory if conflict situations are avoided,
  • 8 will lead to criticism at work accompanied by lies,
  • 9 - a symbol of aggression,
  • 10 promises depression and resentment,
  • The jack is selfish
  • The knight promises trouble
  • The queen is tied to a cunning deception,
  • The king will show power and rationalism.

The meaning of the Cups

The meaning of the Marseille Tarot Cups comes down to faith and feelings:

  • Ace is a sign of harmony and understanding in love,
  • 2 portends a marriage,
  • 3 predicts help from loved ones,
  • 4 leads to nervous depression in the longing for the old days,

The Marseille Tarot has a very ancient history and memorable appearance. The deck as a whole and any of the cards individually carry a special esoteric meaning. All figures contain a huge amount of information and it is required to be able to correctly interpret it.

It is necessary to understand that the Marseille Tarot provides for a special work with each card. Such fortune-telling is called occult and it has serious differences from other Tarot:

  • Special graphic design.
  • Unique numbering.
  • Each card has a specific name.
  • Special order in the deck.

Divination of the Marseilles Tarot has a special specifics, the main and significant events are interpreted on the basis of the Major Arcana that have fallen out, they show the most important aspects of our life. Major Arcana will indicate in which psychological state you are and will predict the most important events of life.

The Younger Arcana during fortune-telling are necessary to get details, from them you will learn information about the emotional plan of fortune-telling. The Marseille Tarot will show the real picture of the future only when correct interpretation values.

The meaning of the 22 Major Arcana

To get started with the Marseille Tarot deck, you first need to get acquainted with the meaning of the Major Arcana. You need to know that if an inverted card fell out, then during the interpretation it has the opposite meaning. Interpretation of the Major Arcana:

  • Magician - means action, the development of their plans and the stage of starting completely new affairs.
  • Priestess - the desire for good deeds and self-improvement.
  • The hostess is an active nature, but nervous, strives to do everything as soon as possible and moves towards great achievements.
  • The owner - who pulled out this card has a chance to become a serious boss and achieve success in any business.
  • Dad - means a reclusive lifestyle and that a person has religious convictions.
  • Lovers - means passion and the fact that changes are coming in life.
  • Chariot - indicates that the action started in the near future will end positively.
  • Justice means that a person has a difficult life choice and must be done correctly, if you make a mistake, then problems will appear.
  • Hermit - indicates future reflections in the face of impending financial difficulties.
  • Wheel of Fortune - indicates movement forward and that you need to adhere to this course, this is a wonderful period for this.
  • Strength - means that a person makes the right plans and will carry them out without problems.
  • Hanged Man - indicates that in the near future the questioner will achieve balance in the material plane and in the spiritual.
  • Death - the former human personality will die and the worldview will change. Also, this card is capable of indicating physical death.
  • Moderation - a person will rethink his priorities, come to harmony and gain material, and with it, spiritual balance.
  • The devil says that a person is inherent in aggressiveness and a love of power, which will play a cruel joke with him.
  • Destructive tower - this card is interpreted in two ways, it indicates both a triumph and a serious defeat in business.
  • Star - indicates that inspiration will come to a person and he will fully reveal his hidden talents.
  • Moon - says that the questioner will be able to regain his balance in mental affairs only with the help of relatives or close friends.
  • The sun - speaks of an imminent prosperous event in life and great luck.
  • Court - you need to abandon any business and start taking care of yourself, use the last chance without a trace to resolve issues of personal life and improve your health.
  • Peace - symbolizes success in future affairs and on the personal front.
  • A jester - without a number, confirms the opinion of a person that he is like everyone else, no better and no worse than others. She is beyond fortune-telling and games of fate.

There are dozens of methods for spreading the Marseilles Tarot, but usually a fortuneteller over time gets used to one, and sometimes several methods, while he considers them the best.


Be sure that the cards will give you detailed advice, you just have to delve into it and understand it correctly. After that, you will begin to foresee the events that await you in the future and thanks to this, you will overcome any problems. You can also read fortunes online on our website and find out the result right now.

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