Tarot meaning five of wands. Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot". Direct card position

Batteries, radiators 19.11.2020

The 5 of Wands card is a representative of the Minor Arcana Tarot. This card can also be found under the name of the Lord of Struggle or the Five of Staves. You can learn about the sacred meaning of the lasso, as well as the interpretation of its various combinations, by reading this article.

  • With the lasso "Chariot" - a lot of conflict situations.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - do not go beyond certain limits.
  • With the lasso "The Hermit" - the combination speaks of an internal struggle.
  • With the lasso "Wheel of Fortune" - fate challenges.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - use the imperfection of the system to your advantage.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - the desire to find a way out.
  • With the lasso "Death" - change your position.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - moderation of views.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - a bad joke of fate.
  • With the lasso "Tower" - you will lose the rivalry.
  • With the lasso "Star" - an incorrect natal chart.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - deceive a competitor.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - become the winner of the battle.
  • With the lasso "Judgment" - the truth will be born in disputes.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - win the battle.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - take advantage of a lucky chance.
  • With the lasso "Two of Wands" - lost opportunities.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - a person asserts himself, copes with difficulties.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - a compromise will be found.
  • With the lasso "Six of Wands" - victory over competitors.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - long-term conflict situations, the struggle for one's interests.
  • With the lasso "Eight of Wands" - very soon the conflict situation will be resolved.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - stay vigilant, get the right experience.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - you are being poisoned and this deprives you of strength. The combination speaks of a loss, the loss of a good position.
  • With the lasso "Page of Wands" - a compromise solution is brewing.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - passions are ignited even more.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - relations move to a more conscious stage, order in business.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - constructive conflict situations, the fight against disagreements. You take responsibility.
  • The Five of Wands Tarot is a very controversial card. She advises you to defend your position and seek harmony in yourself (in a direct position), as well as ignore conflicts (in a reverse position).

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The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Indicates that the fortuneteller will have to compete with someone, and also speaks of ambition. Conflicts are possible.


The lovers have to find out who is the leader in their pair. The card also predicts quarrels, conflicts, and even parting or divorce.


Arkan portends health problems. Perhaps an increase in body temperature, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, injury.


Arkan speaks of possible conflicts in a team or between partners. At the same time, none of the “warring” parties wants to concede.

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✚ For the future

The meaning of this Tarot card is not positive, therefore, it must be treated with the utmost seriousness and thoughtfulness. So you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences and difficulties. The card denotes conflicts from which you will have to fight back as much as possible. At work, an unpleasant situation is possible, which will expect decisive action from you. Personal relationships will not bring joy because of long and tedious quarrels. A quarrel is the release of negative feelings and emotions, therefore it causes unpleasant feelings that remain in memory for many years.

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✚ Relationships

The Five of Wands is a symbol of struggle. The one who got this tarot card will be forced to fight for his love. A person planning to meet fate will have to make some efforts to achieve this goal. If a person is already in a relationship, then the card explains to this couple that quarrels and scandals are a necessary ingredient in relationships, without them, most likely, partners will become bored with each other. It is in heated discussions that the truth is born, which is the basis for relationships.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

There is a way out of what is permitted, conflict situations with others, a willingness to stand up for oneself. At work: tense situation requiring immediate resolution; competition with colleagues and the desire to change established rules. In health: diseases that test the body for strength (inflammation, fever, diseases of the immune system, infections, etc.). There is some rivalry for the role of leader in the relationship, constant disputes and scandals. You are an arrogant and proud person who is always at war with the world.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A card of great trouble, conspiracies and rivalry, going beyond what is permitted by society. Physical force may be used.

Tomorrow brings rivalry on the verge of conflict, an ambitious desire to defend one's point of view by any means, unwillingness to negotiate and compromise.

The card gives the following advice in love and professional field- direct your burning energy, all surplus strength to something productive, because tomorrow you will be determined to go all the way.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

The card says that your relationship with your partner is very peculiar. Many see such love as a tyranny that is rare these days. You like to constantly make scandals and you like it. You constantly kindle experiments in your personal life, reinforce the emotional component of your love with quarrels. It is for this reason that you do not get bored next to each other. If you are mutually satisfied with this format of relations, then nothing to change in this moment no need.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Your desire is to some extent caused by the desire to go against fate. This is a kind of challenge both to oneself and to others. And you can get exactly what you want. But it should be understood that this path will not be easy. You will definitely have to sacrifice something and deal with circumstances. But passivity should also not be shown, otherwise it will kill all enthusiasm. Many problems will not be difficult to solve - try to take into account the opinions and advice of others. Do not try to take on everything at once, set the right priorities.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Lack of like-minded people and clear goals. Undirected effort. Everything is accompanied by a struggle with rivals, fuss. Perhaps the wrong distribution of efforts and a clash of interests.

However, there is a liberation from the unnecessary. Conflicts and problems cannot be avoided. You will have to fight for your goals, even if you don’t want to. Try to direct energy in one direction and not waste it on unnecessary disputes and competitions.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Five of Wands is interpreted as a card symbolizing the tense union of two people, which does not want to be terminated. Such relationships are usually passive and unemotional, which shows stinginess in actions and feelings. Waiting for an offer in such cases is usually not worth it, but you can fix everything only by going through all the difficulties and correcting all the shortcomings in the relationship. Is the result worth it?

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

The ability to take care of one's interests, to defend one's views, to have one's own judgment.

You found yourself in a situation where it would be most correct to protect your interests from any encroachment. Discord, disputes, struggle - this is what the card portends. Do not hesitate, you have something to fight for, the main thing is to think over a strategy.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

A difficult period begins in your relationship, accompanied by a showdown. You will need to turn on all the available patience, you may have to enter into a fight with a rival for the heart of your chosen one. To avoid conflicts, try to vent the negativity by distracting yourself with sports or work. It's good to have a bachelorette party. Tip: try to control yourself, have a conversation with your loved one, do not get tired of proving your loyalty and love. This period is short and will end favorably.

Description of the Tarot card FIVE OF WANDS

The Five of Wands tarot card depicts people fighting. Moreover, there are no clearly expressed warring parties, here everyone is for himself. The card symbolizes the lack of expression of desires, the absence of a specific goal. Efforts are directed in different directions, as are the efforts of the people depicted on the map.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card FIVE OF WANDS in divination and layouts

Direct position FIVE OF WANDS cards

The Five of Wands means the task to be solved; struggle with a person, circumstances or, perhaps, with oneself. This is a card of difficulties, however, in most cases, quite surmountable. The main meanings of the card are ambition, the spirit of competition, the desire to go beyond the established framework. In essence, such a card symbolizes change and transformation, but the path to them is far from always easy and simple. This, in addition, is the onset of a tense, but promising period in life, requiring you to show all your abilities and endurance, a test of strength. The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they provide an opportunity to be convinced of one's abilities, to realize them. The map can also serve as an indicator that you pay too much attention to one or another area of ​​​​your activity.

Reversed FIVE OF WANDS card

In an inverted form, this Arcana speaks of aggression and struggle in its worst manifestations. The card indicates violation of the boundaries of what is permitted, acrimony, intrigue and attempts to derive personal benefit from other people's conflicts. In some cases, the Five of Staves symbolizes bitterness and quite big problems with the law.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Conflict with colleagues, companions. Disagreements on fundamental issues, violent conflicts with showdowns, when no one wants to make concessions. Crisis in business as an impetus to a new cycle. Competition and an attempt to tighten the rules to reduce competition. In addition, the Five of Wands can also denote difficult production tasks, which, nevertheless, are able to help the fortuneteller climb the career ladder.

Reversed card position

In the inverted position, the card is interpreted as not particularly successful negotiations, as haste, which can carry fatal consequences for this case or project, as well as unhealthy or unfair competition.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Exacerbation of the disease, minor injuries, inflammatory processes.

Reversed card position

Long and hard struggle for recovery.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Five of Wands card means turmoil, confusion, squabbles. Often the cause of these events lies in too many people intervening in relationships - relatives, friends or rivals.

Reversed card position

In an inverted form, the Five of Scepters indicates incessant skirmishes, the source of which lies, perhaps, in the irritability of the partner in relation to the fortuneteller and in provoking him into quarrels.

The meaning and interpretation of the card FIVE OF WANDS in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

Most often points to competitors.

Reversed card position

Describes a vicious, cruel person. May indicate secret enemies and ill-wishers.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS as a card of the day

Today you must be in shape, because you will have to prove your skills. This is a normal exam situation, a test that should not be avoided. If you fight honestly and, moreover, with full dedication, then victory is guaranteed to you. However, if you get second place, you will be happy that you took part in this fight.

Card advice FIVE OF WANDS in divination and layouts

Emotionality and unrest you are unlikely to avoid. However, you should try so that it does not harm you. Don't forget common sense. But do not give in to the first difficulty, and if you feel that the truth and strength are behind you, then do not miss the opportunity to take the "bull by the horns" at all.

The number "five" is associated with irrepressible and impetuous yang energy, uncertainty, the planet Mercury, the signs of Virgo and Gemini, the Hierophant card. Mercury is a symbol of change, freedom, movement, flexibility and adaptability, diversity. The rival or warlike powers of the Five of Wands sometimes indicate involvement in strife, strife, competition, litigation with many obstacles. The willingness to be firm and stand up for yourself will help to defend the interests and lead to positive results. Fives in Tarot layouts portend recognition in society, promotion, travel, relocation, adventure, nervous shocks.

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      General value

      The Five of Wands tarot card symbolizes a mock fight and the saying "much ado about nothing": on it five men fight among themselves. With visible vigorous activity, there are no significant results. Perhaps their competition is to interfere with each other with wands, is of a cheerful nature, but does not have an ultimate goal.

      • The efforts of people are dispersed in different directions, they lack clarity and strategy to achieve a general positive result. If their power is directed to a specific task, the plan will be achieved. The goal should be clear and understandable, and support from the outside will be appropriate.

        One of the meanings of the 5 of Wands card is uncertainty. The questioner will be likely to be involved in some struggle. Sometimes the card describes events such as litigation, quarrels on a domestic basis, and so on. A fortuneteller may face many obstacles, but the willingness to defend one's interests will help to get out of a difficult situation.

        Additional map values ​​are described in the table:

        The sphere of life Description
        Sport, martial arts, sport competitionsFight in this case has nothing to do with harming a person, killing. The call to measure strength - that's what is characteristic of her
        ConsciousnessA problem, a riddle that will help move forward; a variant of a teenager's disputes with a mentor, in the process of which the ideas imposed on him are replaced by those developed independently. Tarot 5 of Wands indicates the presence of stress, which the fortuneteller is highly susceptible to. It is necessary to restore clarity of thinking and mobilize internal reserves, pay attention to emerging opportunities, despite the fact that they resemble a challenge. Any problem can be considered as a source of valuable experience. The card sometimes has the meaning of a riddle or a problem to be solved. You will have to make every effort, but the solution found will bring the person closer to the goal.
        PersonalityLovers of discussions and competitions; referees, people who are fond of sports, martial arts. Sometimes the card represents a literal enemy or openly acting rival; in an inverted position denotes an implicit competitor, one of the qualities of which is malice
        RelationsDisputes, conflicts, clarification of feelings, struggle for leadership in a pair
        WorkThe task ahead will require tension; a new, unusual task is to be performed; work that requires dexterity and ingenuity; a contest that needs a playful attitude
        SituationIn the scenario of enemies threatening the client, the card has the meaning of empty troubles and the impossibility of harming him. The fortuneteller should not be afraid of defeat - he has everything that is necessary for victory. But the 5 of Wands does not guarantee magic, it all depends on the activity of the person. The brewing situation is not dangerous, it is more like a search for truth than hostility. A constructive discussion is possible, participants can take advantage of new ideas and get rid of social stereotypes of thinking. The task will be unusual, including in terms of volume. Dexterity and ingenuity required
        HealthViolation of immunity; colds, infections
        DrivePerhaps it will be canceled due to sudden problems

        Card tip: do not waste the chance that promotes the manifestation of unique qualities and the achievement of interesting results. Passivity at the moment can only hurt. It is recommended to direct energy to sports, you can arrange a day active rest with friends.

        The inverted 5 of Wands symbolizes a harmonious state in all areas of life. New opportunities should be taken as a test of strength, but in general the situation will be stable. The card also means the end of the conflict, the truce, the successful resolution of the issue.

        Love, relationships

        The meaning of the Five of Wands in a relationship layout is that partners like to argue, there is rivalry between them in something, but they retain feelings for each other. Their life is never calm, but without stormy disputes it would not be interesting. It is possible that the map describes only a separate period of the couple's relationship.

        The struggle may be joint and directed at a third person or circumstances. An additional meaning is the need to win the favor of a loved one or fight with the enemy, the struggle for a trophy.

        The situation is characterized by the saying: "Together it's hard, but apart it's hard." The conflict from minor disagreements grows to major scandals. Everyone is trying to prove his case to the other, which leads to protracted confrontations. In the absence of negative cards, a strong alliance is quite possible. Otherwise, this is a couple of despots: resentment, dissatisfaction, jealousy, unwillingness to give in are present in the relationship.

        In a divorce situation: squabbles, pettiness, struggle, destruction of emotions, energy consumption without results, tension is released through conflict, sad consequences.

        When this card appears, it can be said that the relationship needs to be restored. For the lonely - an internal conflict: a person craves relationships, but is used to his free lifestyle.

        Map of the day

        In the "Card of the Day" layout, the Five of Wands has the following meaning: a call to be in shape, as the situation will require confirmation of qualifications or skill. This event can be a test, an exam. With honest behavior, victory is guaranteed, but even if the first place does not go to a person, he will be satisfied with his participation in the struggle.

        Unrest and manifestations of emotionality cannot be avoided, so you should make sure that this does not harm the psyche. You should not forget about prudence, but you should not retreat at the first difficulties.

        Card tip: do not take the situation solely as a check for inconsistency with something. Perhaps it will be a useful experience.

        Card warning: before going into conflict, you need to think about its causes. If they are in their own complexes, it is better to work on yourself, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved.


        The combination of the Five of Wands with other arcana gives more detailed description current situation in the life of the questioner.

        5 of Wands with Major Arcana:

        • Jester - ignore other people's opinions.
        • Magician - manipulate the team.
        • The High Priestess is a competition of experts in any field.
        • The Empress is a solution that suits both.
        • The emperor is a politician.
        • Hierophant - getting rid of uncertainty.
        • Lovers - show rivalry in a relationship.
        • Chariot - wallow in disagreements.
        • The strength is to stay within the bounds of what is permitted.
        • Hermit - internal conflict.
        • Wheel of Fortune - test.
        • Justice - find a loophole in the law.
        • Hanged Man - frantically looking for a way out.
        • Death is a change of belief.
        • Moderation is a balanced approach.
        • The devil is an evil irony of fate.
        • The tower is a loss in competition.
        • Star - errors in the natal chart.
        • The moon is a deception of an opponent.
        • Sun - bypass the enemy.
        • Judgment - truth comes in a dispute.
        • Peace is a win in battle.


        • deuce - lost opportunities;
        • three - self-realization;
        • four - come to an agreement, compromises;
        • six - win; subdue; rise;
        • seven - protracted conflict; prolonged difficulties; discontent and nit-picking; upholding beliefs;
        • eight - the conflict is coming to an end; fast reaction; bustle;
        • nine - the need to be alert; nervous expectation and analysis of opportunities, gaining experience;
        • ten - an exhausting battle; loss; give way to competitors; removal from office;
        • Page - compromise, reflection on the situation;
        • Knight - inciting passions, worsening the conflict;
        • Queen - streamline the situation, move to a more perfect level in relationships;
        • King - constructive decision, victory over disagreements, building a strategy, taking responsibility;
        • Ace - seize the initiative, catch luck by the tail.


        • deuce - conflict, work on relationships;
        • three - a quarrel among friends;
        • four - avoiding conflict;
        • five - to have weak sides before rivals;
        • six - a conflict originating from the past;
        • seven - useless struggle;
        • eight - avoiding the fight;
        • nine - to have the pleasure of winning after applying maximum effort;
        • ten - quarrels in the family;
        • Page - fight for someone's attention;
        • Queen - a quarrel with a woman who is represented by a card;
        • King - a quarrel with a man, the King of Cups;
        • Ace - love rivalry.


        • deuce - a challenge to a duel;
        • three - verbal skirmish;
        • four - retreat;
        • five - insult, invasion;
        • six - hide from persecution;
        • seven - diplomatic approach;
        • eight - complexes under the influence of others;
        • nine - nervousness due to conflicts;
        • ten - the uncertainty of relations, turning into parting;
        • Page - conflicts with a teenager;
        • Knight - a serious confrontation and struggle;
        • Queen - conflict with a smart woman;
        • King - argue with superiors, an authoritative person;
        • Ace - fight to win.


        • deuce - strife with the debtor;
        • troika - competition among professionals;
        • four - to fight for the establishment of rules;
        • five - the struggle for survival;
        • six - take part in the competition;
        • seven - it is necessary to consider a strategy of behavior;
        • eight - competition of professionals;
        • nine - a battle for profit;
        • ten - argue about the inheritance;
        • Page - conflicts regarding money matters;
        • Knight - experience in business;
        • Queen - feuds with a business woman;
        • King - fight for control over finances;
        • Ace - conflicts on money grounds.

        Tarot 78 doors

        The meanings of the card in the Tarot deck of 78 doors are ambition, composure, readiness for any sacrifice for the sake of one's intention.

        Description: A man is about to hit a bricked doorway with a sledgehammer.

        Characteristic: a person who ignores reality in order to achieve his goals. He does not care about people, nor norms and decency, nor circumstances. His end justifies the means. If it is necessary to do the impossible, a person will be happy to do it, including a change of principles.

        The card also portends the application of significant efforts to overcome obstacles. In everyday life - men's housework; repairs with metal tools and carrying heavy weights.

        Additional values:

        • Business: high competitiveness; the businessman is ambitious in plans; uncompromising management; efficiency at work; harsh working conditions; production process associated with physical labor; overcoming serious obstacles, for which you have to "go over your heads."
        • Work: disputes, chaos, fuss are destructive to the working environment; selfishness and stubbornness hinder success; idealism is opposed to questions of a financial nature.
        • Finance: disputes over resources, ideas, rights, activities, cash deposits; advice to be practical, given the problems due to inattention.
        • Relations: one is ready for a lot for the sake of another; readiness to get a desired person as a partner at any cost, including persecution and simulation of situations.
        • Love: disagreements give rise to quarrels, confrontations, both partners are selfish, stubborn in their preferences, not ready to show flexibility, accept the position of the other, do not seek cooperation.
        • Personal growth: advice to leave narcissism and stereotypes that hinder development; the card indicates daydreaming at a time when problems need to be addressed.

        Card tip: get ready for hard work, full dedication; make sure the end really justifies the means. Reversed: Lots of noise, but the result is unfavorable.

        Tarot Waite

        Astrological meaning: Mars in the fifth house, symbolizing competitions, games. Title: Master of the fight. Five is also a symbol of gaining important experience, a revision of priorities.

        There is an opinion regarding the image that people are not fighting, but are trying to fold a pentagram or compete.

        General meaning: struggle, competition, competition, clash of interests of people of equal opportunities, but different opinions. The 5 of Wands is a challenge, an invitation to a competition, a test. There is a chance to use force, so there is no reason to fear defeat, except perhaps under a series of circumstances. Do not miss the chances to verify your abilities.

        In the upright position, the Five of Staves denotes liberation from burdensome connections, acquaintances, speaks of secret resentment or enmity; indicates the emergence of new opportunities in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity.

        Additional direct position values:

        • Personality: black and white thinking; audacity, arrogance.
        • Events: conflict, getting rid of excess, renewal.
        • Relationships: a family of wranglers, loving friend friend; Italian passions; divorce; struggle for leadership; development through pain.
        • Work: clarifying relationships with colleagues.
        • Health: struggle within the body, fever, exacerbation of the disease, inflammation, minor injuries.
        • Advice: stand up for rights, use your aggression, open up to conflict.
        • Caution: the tendency to conflict will provoke the involvement of others in the solution of the issue.
        • Answer: "No" - resistance from outside; the need for combat; the matter will be decided by fighting.

        In an inverted position, the card speaks of injustice, rigidity of thinking, ignoring life lessons. It symbolizes the inconsistency of relations, the uncertainty in social status.

        Additional meanings of the inverted position:

        • Personality: excessive caution; frustration; hidden enmity disguised as courtesy.
        • Events: quarrels, strife, which can be useful; secret rivalry; rudeness.
        • Work: fruitless activity of the team; crop failure; problems that pop up in the process of work (misunderstanding, competition, claims of colleagues); profit does not come easily.
        • Health: the mood of the body against itself; long struggle for recovery.
        • Relationships: unresolved conflict that gets worse; prolonged uncertainty in the choice; uncertainty of social position; no one can yield to another.

        Card tip: get out of the fight; stay away. Warning: the opportunity to become a witness to a fight, to be involved in the process against your will.

        Tarot Thoth

        The Five of Wands in the Thoth Tarot deck has the following meanings:

        • limitation;
        • unfulfilled desires;
        • fear;
        • vain aspirations;
        • struggle, fire of dispute;
        • aggression;
        • call;
        • ambition;
        • going beyond possible limits.

        Description: The central rod appears to be weighted. A winged disk, which could mean an upstroke, carries the star down. As for the symbolism, the snakes of rebirth are slow and sleepy, the all-seeing eye has lost its clarity of vision; creative power is blocked; there is a stagnation of energy. The little wings at the end of the staff continue to work in an attempt to lift the load.

        Indication: in a situation there is a high probability of reconciling with circumstances. As the planet Saturn reminds us, despair must not be tolerated. One must look at the flame that continues to burn behind the wand, regardless of the difficulties. The card falls out as a sign that a person is ready to meet difficulties face to face and work on them.

        Questions that the querent should ask himself: what obstacles exist between him and the realization of his goals? What kind of piling up of his duties? Recommendation: walk the path step by step; do not take the situation too seriously; take an extra card.

        Affirmation: "I am capable of new manifestations of feelings and creative qualities in my work."

        Additional map values:

        • Profession: competitive struggle; opposite intentions; maintaining their positions; ambition.
        • Consciousness: inner experience - inside the querent feels the aggression of fire, which prompts conflict.
        • Relations: clashes and reconciliation; violation of contradictions.
        • Tip: take a chance; experience something new; take the challenge.
        • Warning: high self-esteem, narcissism; unjustified vanity.

        Taro Manara

        In the Tarot Manara deck, the 5 Wands that fell out indicates that contradictions do not give peace, the questioner is overwhelmed by various aspirations: two mistresses; two wishes; two ways. There is a fear of being left without attention and love of others, a fear of being unworthy. It is not known which of the two directions is more correct and better. Stress leads to aggression and psychosomatic illnesses. The crisis requires a choice, but it is difficult to make it, since there is no strength to follow a single direction.

        Description: Two women pounce on a man in a fit of passion. He behaved improvidently and himself provoked a situation in which one cannot do without victims. The unusual thing is that women are not rivals. Each of them is focused on a man, and they are able to destroy him.

        Meaning: a person is under the power of two desires, contradictions do not allow him to come into balance; internal conflict affects life. An attempt to please everyone, to please everyone, leads to the fact that the rivals unite and tear the man apart.

        Sometimes the card means a tripartite union, when identifying yourself with another serves to increase attraction.

        Additional values:

        • Condition: contradictions expose the nature of a person, the presence of a third superfluous is not necessary - the personality itself drives itself into a dead end.
        • Relationships: love triangle; destructive tendencies; tension in the situation; attention is directed to clarifying internal conflicts, and not focused on a partner.
        • Feelings: superficial passion with bewilderment and devastation; love is replaced by hatred, adoration - either by indifference, or by a desire to continue the relationship; opposites are observed at the same time, it is not easy to deal with the problem on your own.
        • Health: breakdowns, aggression, destructive processes in the body.
        • Caution: loss of integrity, in which unnecessary connections are formed; wasting energy on resolving internal conflicts.
        • Tip: use the energy of contradictions, direct it in one direction.

        In a different sense, the Five of Wands card is a game as a prelude to a serious relationship. Women don't take men seriously. The difficulty of choice is for the man himself, or he does not know how to refuse, while both partners are patient. For a couple, the card can mean stimulation of the partner's sexuality through conversations or demeanor.


        Despite the feeling of pressure, the fortuneteller should use internal reserves and restore clarity of thinking. It will be useful to respond to the challenge and consider new opportunities to deal with emerging difficulties.

Divination by Tarot is a rather serious and energy-consuming process. Therefore, before starting it, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the rules and take into account important nuances. At the very beginning, you should mentally tune in to the deck, hold it in your hands, consider how the cards look. If you ask them a specific question, you should not constantly dwell on it. After all, this way you can attract the desired answers instead of real ones. Don't ask the same question over and over as the answer may be distorted. You should also not start fortune telling while intoxicated or immediately after smoking.

By following these tips, you can get a reliable answer from the cards and get all necessary information. When choosing a layout, it is very important to consider everything. For example, if the Five of Tarot Wands fell out, what this card means can be found out only by taking into account all the nearby arcana that can affect it. It is also important to listen to intuition and consider all meanings.

Symbolism of the 5 of Wands

The main symbolic meaning of this card is an intellectual discussion of any issues between people who are equal in their knowledge, or scientific disputes. It can also mean that the fortuneteller compares himself with his surroundings. The lasso depicts people fighting among themselves, but it is clear that this brawl is a joke. The meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot lies in the designation of the environment where contentious discussions take place. The card symbolizes an ideological battle, discussions, it warns of the need to defend one's opinion.

In some situations, it promises the acquisition of new knowledge. At some points, the lasso can talk about the working atmosphere, criticism from superiors, or competition with colleagues. She warns that a person will soon be challenged, there will be a test of the firmness of his ideas and opinions. Moreover, the opponent will be of the same level as the fortuneteller.

Also, the Five of Tarot Wands may have a slightly different meaning. She talks about an imminent event in a person’s life, like defending a diploma or passing an exam. Quite often, it falls to those people who will soon need a manifestation of their strength and courage. The main meaning of this lasso is disagreements and intellectual skirmishes, but if there are positive cards in the layout, then these disputes will end in favor of the fortuneteller.

General interpretation of a direct card

The Five of Wands of Tarot had a rather negative meaning in the old days - the card meant unfulfilled dreams, empty hopes and obstacles on the way. Arkan speaks of matters that burden the fortuneteller, leading to problems and anxiety. If next to this card there are other unfavorable arcana, then it means making immature decisions, the appearance of frequent quarrels and the fact that all the actions of a person will not give any result. The main meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot is in the struggle, both external and internal.

But in modern layouts, its interpretation is more positive. It symbolizes problems that pass by themselves. The lasso speaks of the challenge of fate, and if it is adequately accepted, then the chances of winning are quite high. But even if the fortuneteller does not win the upcoming battle, and the card itself does not mean victory, all the same, the consequences of the defeat will not be tragic. The advice of the card is to accept the challenge, not to miss the opportunity to gain new experience and compete with fate.

After all, this will not only allow you to know yourself and understand the level of your strengths, but also promises positive changes in the future. In combination with favorable cards, the meaning of the Five of Tarot Wands is quite positive, and if the major arcana fell out, then this is a clear sign. It is necessary to accept the upcoming battle, fate prepares the fortuneteller for a high mission, which he will not be able to pass without gaining new experience and becoming more mature to accept fateful changes.

General interpretation of an inverted card

If in the layout the card fell out in an inverted meaning, it means that a dishonest battle awaits a person ahead, intrigues and scams will lag around him, and competitors will clearly play against the rules. Also, the meaning of the Five of Tarot Wands in an inverted position portends problems with the police or other legislative bodies, the loss of the team or persecution in it. The fortuneteller has a lot of noise, trouble, quarrels and scandals ahead.

In some interpretations, the card speaks of the possibility of solving the problem in a roundabout way, for example, with a bribe. If a person is just starting a business, then this lasso warns that it will not bring success and it will not work out. In some cases, it may mean elimination from the game or postponement of a significant event. The map is also credited with the presence of destructive criticism, unfair accusations, and the lack of peaceful solutions to conflicts.

Divination for relationships

The Five of Wands of Tarot has a not very favorable meaning in relationships, it shows that there is some tension in them, or they no longer carry the same emotions and continue rather out of habit. In some cases, the card may speak of constant rivalry, an attempt to prove something to each other. Quite often, the lasso means a period of grinding between lovers, and all the skirmishes between them only help to grow morally. But this is the case if there are no negative cards in the layout, then it means that these relationships will lead to nothing, and the partners are simply wasting their time.

Sometimes the lasso means that in a relationship there is a lot of selfishness and narcissism, jealousy, dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere. Sometimes the meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot card in combination with other arcana can indicate whether it is worth seeking a person if there are competitors.

It can also indicate the loss of unnecessary ties, the divorce process, the emergence of factors that interfere with a peaceful divergence. Even if there are good arcana nearby, the card is not very positive. She points to the release of tension in a relationship through quarrels and scandals.

If the five fell out to a lonely person, then it is interpreted as a warning about internal struggle and fear of entering into a new union. The only exception is if there is an Empress in the layout next to the five, then the interpretation speaks of two people who want to be together, and that their union is very strong.

Reversed Five of Wands Tarot meaning in relationships and love

If this lasso fell out in an inverted layout, then this means that there are many quarrels and scandals between partners, and it is the one who guesses who is to blame. The reason lies in the foulness of his character and excessive irritability. When combined with the Empress, the alignment can be interpreted as an attempt by one of the couple to subjugate the other by manipulation and psychological techniques. But in combination with the Hermit, one can say that one of the couple, by their nature, cannot get along with the whole world, and the period of grinding, most likely, will never end.

Career and business plans

If the alignment is done for work, then the meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot Thoth speaks of an impending conflict with colleagues and partners. Disagreements may arise in important issues, and none of the employees will want to concede. If a crisis occurs in the affairs of a fortuneteller and this lasso falls out, then soon a new cycle will begin in his career. Ahead of him are competitions, and the rules of the game will become tougher than they were before, but this will help reduce competition, only the strongest will remain.

Also, the lasso can mean the emergence of difficult tasks in production, but if the fortuneteller copes with them, then this will help him move up his career. If the five fell out in a scenario in an inverted position, then it promises unsuccessful negotiations with partners. You should beware of hasty decisions and conclusions, as they can lead to fatal errors. In addition, haste in business can be fraught with the emergence of unhealthy competition and an unfair distribution of forces in work affairs.

Divination for health

The Five of Tarot Wands that fell out in the upright position is not very good, the card promises an exacerbation of the fortuneteller's chronic diseases. He should also beware of minor injuries and inflammatory processes. If the lasso is turned upside down in the layout, then the questioner will have a very long stubborn struggle with the disease ahead, which will end in a successful recovery.

Personal assessment

The direct position of this card speaks of competitors, a person who is always competing with someone, takes away someone else's and craves power. If the card fell out in an inverted position, then it describes a very evil person who is cruel and unfair. In some layouts, the lasso can warn of the presence of hidden enemies surrounded by a fortuneteller and ill-wishers among his close circle of friends.

Five of Wands as card of the day

In the layouts, where the lasso shows what to expect for the day, it is interpreted as a warning that a person should be collected. On this day, fate will give him a chance to confirm his talent and skill. It is not worth avoiding such a test, this is a completely natural test of the Universe, a test of whether a person has mastered the experience and whether he is ready to continue his life path and learn new things.

But you can win this test only by playing honestly. If you cheat and cheat, there is every chance that fate will not favor the search for easy ways, and more severe trials will await the person ahead. Even without winning, but playing the game honestly, the fortuneteller will be able to get his benefit, if only because he took part in this duel.

The card advises not to try to avoid worries and emotions, this is unlikely to succeed. But you should be attentive to your inner state and not allow excessive emotionality to harm a person. It is important to look at the situation with common sense. You should not retreat if difficulties arise on the way, you must go to the end, overcome obstacles. If fortune-telling “Yes or no” is used, the Five of Tarot Wands has a negative value, this is a solid no.

Competition. Rivalry. Argument. Test of strength. Fight for your place. Exam. The need for self-assertion. Dependence on men. Communication with people of the same gender. External conflict of interest. Healthy competition. Showdown. Release from unnecessary connections

Don't be afraid to face off against others, even in a field that is new to you.

Ambition should not turn into shamelessness, and skill into boasting.

Map of the day
Today you must be in shape, because you will have to prove your skills. This is a normal exam situation, a test that should not be avoided. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a competition with competitors, a confrontation between two opinions, or a psychological competition (conflict) with a loved one: you must immediately take the bull by the horns and prove that you are still on top. If you fight honestly and, moreover, with full dedication, then victory is guaranteed to you. However, even if you get second place, you will still be satisfied that you took part in this fight.

flipped card
Internal conflict. Lack of confidence in their competitiveness. Dishonest tactics. Uncertainty of social position. Injustice. Legal battles. Major quarrels. Stress. Unhealthy competition. Suppressed rage.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners"

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On the Five of Wands card, we see five people who are fighting with each other, but there is no tense conflict between them. They hit each other lightly, as if it were a theatrical battle scene. It reminds us that life is a game and that we need some fighting to feel alive. Sometimes this card speaks more of an internal contradiction than of conflicts. outside world. You can see that all the people in the picture face different directions, which means different opinions or conflicting interests and the need to put it all in order.

Questions to ask yourself after drawing the Five of Wands
  • Are you involved in a dispute?
  • Is there anything you are not sure about?
  • What needs to be organized?
  • Do you like healthy competition?
  • Why can't you reach a compromise?
Key Ideas
Compete - it will give pleasure to all participants in the competition. Share the joy of competition. There are no victories or defeats in life, there is only life itself.
Direct card: There are many serious and important conversations. You have something to think about.

Reversed: There are many disagreements between friends at the moment. A compromise must be found before too much collapses and someone gets really hurt.

Direct card: An excellent moment to join a debating club or to get your ideas across to authority figures.

Reversed: Petty conflicts and tensions among classmates keep you from focusing. Find a way not to participate in it, otherwise your studies will suffer.

Upright: Differences of opinion are good for relationship health. In the long term, it will strengthen relations and increase their viability.

Reversed: If you are in a close relationship with someone, then you argue too much, and in the process of arguing, you hurt each other. Find a basis for agreement - about something you think the same way!

Direct card: Listen to different opinions and points of view of family members - this will help you decide what is important to you.

Reversed card: Family conflicts anyone is pinned to the ground. Take time out, relax somewhere with friends.

Straight Card: Do you channel your aggression into wrestling? If not, buy a punching bag.

Reversed card: Turn off the TV when the talk show starts. Find another way to fill the time.

Health / Appearance
Direct card: You are lucky - you have a healthy, athletic physique.

Reversed: If you want to look and dress a certain way and your parents or teachers are against it, learn to compromise. Fight the battles that are worth it, and don't waste your nerves. Relationships with parents and academic success are more important than a nose ring or pink hair.

Straight Card: It's not easy to make ends meet right now, but you love this fight.

Reversed: Sometimes you need to forget about personal gain for the sake of the common good.

Divination in half a minute
Jocelyn argued and quarreled with her parents all the time. The Five of Wands meant that the tension in the family was exhausting both Jo herself and her parents. She must find another way to defend her point of view. In addition, she will have to realize that her parents also have a certain opinion - no less certain than her own. When she begins to see and understand the parents' point of view as well as her own, then it will be possible to work together with the parents to reach a compromise.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The fact that rivals do not harm each other indicates a healthy competitive spirit.

Wand-fighting suggests close conflict.

Wrestling. Excitement. Rivalry.

The Five of Wands signifies a period of uncertainty. Everything does not go according to plan, and there is a feeling of an endless uphill climb. It is necessary to overcome certain obstacles to achieve the goal, which is within sight. This will require courage and patience. In many decks, this card shows five men engaged in some sort of combat, brandishing wands. Here there is a conflict of interest, and each of the combatants is forced to compete with the others in order to test their skills and test their competence in comparison with their rivals.

This card symbolizes the difficulties we face when we try to preach our ideas in the material world. Inspired foresight, characteristic of the suit of Wands, runs into the stone wall of reality. Our ability to cope with a difficult situation is tested when we are forced to compete with others, relying only on our own mind. We may have to mobilize all our forces to cope with our problems or competitors. We have a strong desire to resolve the situation through open combat and stand firm on our own. And although this card indicates that we will not be able to avoid certain troubles, it also suggests that we have enough energy to successfully deal with them. This energy will help us adequately overcome the confrontation predicted by this card.
The Five of Wands in your spread indicates that you are in for a period of time during which you will experience a lot of excitement. You may be involved in a struggle or have conflicting opinions, which will lead to many disputes and frustrations. This card portends a test of your resilience and determination. Delays and misunderstandings will prevent you from moving forward, and you will feel like everything is going wrong. The challenges you face may be time-consuming, and may even require compromise. It is important, however, not to lose sight of the intended goals and not allow yourself to lose your head. And although the difficulties that await you will not be particularly serious or long-term, you still need to make some efforts to find a way to overcome them.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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Value for divination
unsatisfied desires. Wrestling. Work. Attempts. Fierce rivalry. Conflict. Obstacles.
Reversed value
Fraud. Contradictions. Difficulties. Predicament. A warning against indecision.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Five of Wands is a symbol of greed, competition for financial gain, ordeal.

inner meaning
Following a period of insane spending and less sensible handling of finances, you spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to win, earn or get more money and material values. It's not just trying to grow your business; it is a greedy pursuit of financial gain.

For some time, you will face severe trials, even hardships due to this struggle. If you started this struggle yourself, then you may be able to alleviate the situation by showing patience and tolerance. If other people have drawn you into the fight, you will need to fight to keep what you have.

Comment. According to some interpretations, the Five of Wands is called a card of gold, profit and wealth. You can get rich if you strive for it and if the other signs are favorable.

Value in the layout
Upright or Positive: Greed, pursuit of financial gain and material values. The desire to "live like people"; struggle for wealth and fortune. A tough test. Immature decisions, unattainable goals.

Reversed or Negative: Unfair and unfair competition. You are waiting for intrigues, disputes, even problems with the law and litigation.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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The Five of Wands destroys the harmony of the Four. She speaks of strife, competition, struggle, rivalry, ambition and pride. On the other hand, the picture on the Waite-Smith deck card is also great for team sports, brainstorming and problem solving, in which all participants show healthy aggression and fight for success. I call this card a "committee" where you can test your ideas through conflicts and disagreements with others. However, sometimes the struggle is between five different parts of the psyche of the querent. What starts out as a playful tournament or playful battle can end up as a fierce battle and devastating criticism. If you are afraid that your ideas will not be recognized and your desires will not be satisfied, outright malice can be the result. On the other hand, the card speaks of the presence of several points of view on the current situation and the need to freely and playfully express them. Various cheerful activities are possible, the struggle for position with the help of cunning and manipulation, or a fiery surge of libido. It is possible that you are fighting for success or for the opportunity to be heard. On the Waite-Smith deck card, five men seem to be trying to build a pentagram out of sticks - a symbol of strength and protection. This involves considering different points of view. Moving forward is possible, but it will require hard work and many obstacles to overcome.

Traditional meanings: gold, wealth. Abundance, luxury, brilliance. Profit, benefit. Prudent marriage. Great moral responsibility. Pride, arrogance or anger can spoil success.

Reversed Five of Wands
The reversed Five of Wands can mean overcoming all obstacles or the end of a period of conflict and stress. However, this may require judicial or professional intervention. You can refuse the game imposed on you or fix a slippery situation by not participating in it. But it is also possible that you will not be able to remain uninvolved. As with President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, people can actively defame and harass you to the point of organizing a lawsuit. Someone can sabotage the negotiations in order to leave the situation in an unstable and suspended state.

Perhaps you are deliberately trying to narrow your options instead of opening up for discussion. You are afraid to speak in public or unwilling to promote confrontation and conflict. However, with the inverted position of the card, the confusion can be internal in nature - these will be psychological conflicts and difficulties in making decisions. Your priorities are not entirely clear right now. Hostility can develop into serious arguments and disputes, or turn inward and give extreme fatigue as a reaction. If on the straight card of the Waite-Smith deck, sticks directed at each other draw attention to themselves, then on the inverted one, the positions of the legs are uniform, as if in a dance. So at the other end of the spectrum of this card, you may suddenly find yourself working together with others as a team, which will help you reach agreement and end hostility. This will give you a chance to relax and will be the beginning of a period of calm and release. A game or other sporting event may be canceled or postponed.

In terms of health, this may be the activity of antibodies, just at the moment fighting infection.

When projected onto others, you will think that they are the source of conflict and behave destructively, while you remain completely calm and impartial. You can also suspect them of deceit and fraud.

On a shamanic and magical level, this card can mean psychic and astral self-defense. Or you can show trickster qualities and, for example, treacherously stir up quarrels between people. Perhaps you are doing this in order to divert their attention from your true goals, and quietly slip away in the heat of battle.

Traditional inverted meanings: trials. Court, tribunal. Disputes, disputes. Deception, fraud. Persecution, persecution. Irritation, quarrels. Contradictions. Delays and unpleasant circumstances, but generally a favorable result.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
It becomes clear that in this operation we will have to deal with a great and strong enemy who takes advantage of our weaknesses. (First Book of the Arabs)
Description of the card and its inner meaning
The Five of Wands symbolizes the struggle for financial gain, competition. Therefore, the illustration on it is the image of fighting people. Moreover, there are no clearly expressed warring parties, here it is every man for himself.

The Five of Staves describes a life period when dissatisfaction wakes up in every person, a desire for something more, a desire to destroy what binds - such a desire often leads to the most unpredictable consequences. Perhaps you are not yet ready for extreme measures, for change, for the emergence of a new one on the ashes of an old life, your time has not yet come.

Problems await the Questioner in worldly life material order. If he himself started the money fight, then it will probably end happily, especially if the Questioner is armed with patience and determination. If others started the financial struggle and dragged him into it, then the latter will have a very difficult time, he will need to fight in order to preserve what he has.

The Five of Staves warns of another unpleasant event: the situation that the Questioner got into has practically gotten out of his control. It should be borne in mind that forces more powerful than the Questioner are involved in the matter.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - D, number - 5,
Ruled by the planet Mercury
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 21 hexagrams ("Clenched teeth"),
Weather conditions - thunderstorm,
The corresponding color is orange,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the Sephira Geburah.
Card meaning
Direct position
In this case, the card warns of trials, hard times, about the emergence of a situation that can get out of the control of the Questioner, about too much extravagance and the pursuit of money, about greed, immature decisions, about goals that will never be achieved. A quiet life literally explodes before our eyes.
Reversed position
In an inverted position, this Arkan predicts severe trials, speaks of dangerous competition, warns of litigation, deceit and disputes.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Five of Wands - merciless rivalry, strife, enmity. Conflicts with others due to differences of opinion. You will have to stand up for yourself. Often means internal struggle and upcoming changes. You will experience many bitter moments and disappointments before you can create something new in the place of the destroyed old. And the more serious the changes, the more patience and endurance you will need.

Inverted - the kingdom of peace and harmony. Everything will change for the better, but for this you will have to give up some old habits. The card indicates excellent physical shape and sports.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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V. Five - a group of young men waving sticks, as if in wrestling.

Direct position:
imitation, such as an exhibition fight, strong competition, or a fight that brings wealth and fortune. This card is interpreted as a sign of gold, profit, abundance.

Reverse position:
litigation, disputes, swindle, refutation.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning:
Mars in the 5th house as a symbol of sports competitions, games.
The Five of Wands is a challenge thrown to us, an invitation to measure our strength, to compete, a test: do we have enough strength? This has nothing to do with enmity or a life-and-death battle. We are offered to try our hand - maybe indeed in some kind of competition, dispute, or maybe in some new business for us. We have the strength for this, and we simply have a chance to use them, so there is no reason to fear serious defeat or damage, except perhaps when a number of unfavorable circumstances coincide. The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they give us the opportunity to be convinced of our abilities, to realize them.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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The first decade of Leo from July 23 to August 2. Astrological equivalents: Saturn in air signs.
If Aries includes energy sources, then Leo carries them out. The first decade of Leo shows the individual self-disclosure of personality.
A person, realizing his originality, learns to manage himself, saving efforts and developing a strategy of behavior so as not to be led by circumstances. He takes fate into his own hands - and this decade, according to the European tradition, is ruled by Saturn. But life goals and the inner truth of one person may not coincide with the intentions and outlook on life of other people: excessive individualism and the pursuit of only one's goals limit the possibilities of realization and lead to obstacles and conflicts.
The Five breaks through the stability of the Four. This is a struggle: external, internal, impulse, aspiration. The clash shows the main factors that are fighting in you for supremacy, both external and internal. There is no compromise and there cannot be; Only struggle will decide the outcome of the case.
"Best the enemy of the good". Fight, competition (rivalry), fundamental conflict, struggle of different aspirations.
The trap is avoiding the fight, giving up one's position before the fight begins.

Direct position:
In the upright position, the card means: in terms of getting everyday experience - living the lessons, situations thanks to which you get this experience. The Five of Scepters will require you to have willpower, certainty of thought. The map can also serve as an indicator that you pay too much attention to one or another area of ​​​​your activity.
In social terms, through this card, liberation from everything unnecessary, excessive, superfluous can go. The Five of Staves symbolizes a way out of the usual social context and an attempt to find oneself in a different context. The card can mean breaking ties, leaving home, breaking up a family. At the same time, the Five of Scepters can also open up new horizons, or at least provide new opportunities in one or another particular area of ​​​​activity.
Struggle is also an unsatisfied desire, a struggle with illusions, sometimes exhausting work, and conflicts, and overcoming obstacles.

Reversed position:
In an inverted position, the card can mean injustice, a cold and hard mind, inability and unwillingness to benefit from life lessons; maximalism, the division of everything into black and white, regardless of the logic of events; looking at events outside of their enclosing context.
In terms of social activity, this can also sound like fraud, contradiction, opposition, confusion in relationships, ambiguity of social status, involvement in certain processes against your will, excessive caution.
The Five of Scepters can also indicate a hidden enmity, which can sometimes be disguised under the guise of increased courtesy.
Sometimes it also indicates that in the near future you run the risk of becoming a victim of intrigue. Saturn draws attention to career matters, gives them importance. Therefore, it is possible that the action of the Five will mainly unfold at your work.
As a symbol of the destruction of the coziness of the quaternary scheme, the Five can mean the beginning of an unstable, asocial period, the loss of a job, certain social guarantees, etc. This card can signal certain difficulties associated with your housing. The Five of Wands is one of the cards that are additional factors to look out for when it comes to a possible divorce. Another interpretation of the card is as a loner's rebellion.

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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Five young people with wands in their hands arrange a merry brawl. It's not a fight, it's just that they're overwhelmed with energy, and they find a way out for it. The spirit of competition and play reigns here. This card speaks of the lack of expression of desire, the absence of a specific goal. The efforts of the people involved in solving your issue are directed in different directions, as are the efforts of the people depicted on the map. So far, what you are doing is not leading to any result. You should formulate your goal more specifically - and enlist the support of other people.
Thus, in practical life, its meaning is “there is a lot of noise, but little sense.” If you want to start some business, then the Five of Wands promises only troubles and someone's promises, but by no means a result. If, on the contrary, you are afraid of something - for example, that you will be sued - then you can not be afraid of anything, because empty chores will fall to the lot of your ill-wishers.

There will still be a lot of trouble and noise, and the result for the questioner is rather unfavorable (bruises and bumps).

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