Download fitness programs for girls. A set of exercises for girls in the gym. Stretching exercises

Ceramics, fireclay 27.09.2020
Ceramics, fireclay

I present to your attention a training program for beginner girls in the gym. The purpose of this complex is to prepare beginner girls who go to the gym for the first time to do fitness or take a long break from training.

The most common misconception or myth among girls is that after going to the gym they become masculine. The stereotype of girls turning into Schwarzenegger in a skirt after lifting weights or on machines is ubiquitous. This is absolutely not true.

In practice, even guys find it difficult to become more masculine, despite the fact that they are dominated by the male hormone testosterone and are more prone to gaining muscle mass. Therefore, girls, I give you a guarantee that from visiting the gym you definitely will not turn into a man in a skirt. For this to happen, you need to spend a lot of effort, time and money on chemicals that are very harmful. And with regular training on the body's own capabilities, you will only raise muscle tone, become slimmer and improve your health.

Being engaged in a sports club and performing strength exercises, you can slightly increase muscle mass, thereby increasing the metabolic rate, due to which excess fat will be burned more actively and unnecessary calories will be spent. So you can lose weight and get rid of the fat that has always bothered you or just not gain it.

With the help of strength training, you will strengthen the muscular corset, which will keep your figure slim and athletic.

For classes in the gym, you need to keep a training diary in which to note the weight progress according to a pre-planned training program. You must always clearly understand what needs to be done, how many times and what weight to use. Without a pre-planned training plan and having no idea about the technique of performing exercises, at best, you can not get any results from training, and at worst, you can get injured.

If you are just going to go to the gym or you had a long break in training, then you need to do general developmental complexes for all muscle groups for the first 2-4 weeks. An example of such a training program for beginners can be found here. The first training plan is designed for absolute beginners and will help the muscles get used to the increased physical activity and prepare the body for more serious workouts.

Now let's move on to the workout program for girls for the gym

The program for beginner girls in the gym is designed for 3 classes per week, the main goal is to lose weight. You need to visit the hall with a break of one day. That is, you can go to the gym on Monday-Wednesday-Friday. If you have a lot of excess fat, but you already have experience in sports and your body is sufficiently prepared, then the complex can include aerobic training (for example, running or cycling) on ​​days off from visiting the gym. So you increase the consumption of calories and accelerate weight loss, but do not overdo it.

The first three phases of training for girls who are just starting to work out in the gym

Program for the 1st month of classes in the gym for girls

Cardio 10 minutes Pulse 100-120
Warm-up with stretching 10 minutes
Hanging leg or knee raise (abs) 3xMAX
Sitting leg extension 3x10-12
Lying leg curls 3x10-12
Short hyperextension (emphasis under the hips) 3х10-15
Pulldown of the vertical block to the chest with a reverse grip 2x10-12
Dumbbell Bench Press or Hand Reduction in Butterfly 3x10
Standing or sitting dumbbell press (shoulders) 3x10
Biceps with dumbbells sitting 2x10-12
Extending the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head, sitting (triceps) 2x10-12
Calf, standing on one leg, with a dumbbell 3x8-12
Twisting on a horizontal bench (press) 2xMAX

You need to train according to this program 3 times a week, with a break of one day between workouts. In this program, the goal is not weights on simulators and barbells, the main technique and muscle work when doing exercises.

When you first come to the gym for your first workout, do cardio and warm-up as indicated in the program, in the same time range. The rest of the exercises for the first time, do only one approach. Take a break between sets for no more than a minute.

The second workout should be more intense. You need to do two sets in each exercise, and it is desirable to reduce the break to 50 seconds between sets and even less.

The third workout should be complete, that is, do everything as it is written in the program for each exercise. You need to train according to this scheme 4-5 weeks(or spend 12-15 workouts) and you need to take a break from training for 7 days.

Month 2 and 3 for girls new to fitness

Day A

Day B

This phase of training is designed for 3 sessions per week according to the scheme: MON-A, SR-B, PT-A, MON-B, SR-A, PT-B, etc. As in the previous phase, the first two workouts are done with only one set of each exercise. On the third and fourth workouts, you should already do two sets in each exercise, and, starting from the fifth workout, move on to the full range of these approaches.

Very important requirement: fully master the technique of new exercises.

Starting from the 8th workout, after making sure that the technique is correct, in each last approach of each exercise (when working on the press, this applies to all approaches!) To achieve failure, that is, do it while you can, and stop when there is simply no strength to do the exercise! Try to keep the rest time between sets in the region of 50-90 seconds! Having worked out 20-26 workouts according to this scheme, we go on vacation for 7-10 days! After resting, move on to the next phase:

Day A

Day B

Training in this phase is also carried out every other day three times a week according to the scheme: MON-A, SR-B, PT-A, MON-B, SR-A, PT-B, etc. Rest between sets should be no longer than 60 seconds. In each exercise, the last approach must be performed to failure, that is, while you can, and do it. When training the press, all approaches are performed to failure.

Special attention focus on exercise technique. In the lying leg curls and in the butterfly adductions, only one set is performed, with a static hold of the weight immediately after the last repetition in the set! If the weight is chosen too light and it turns out to hold it longer than 60 seconds, then in the next workout it is worth increasing the weight.

After each workout, you can do a run on a treadmill or orbit track for 10-15 minutes, with a pulse range of 120-130 beats per minute (this rhythm is optimal and safe for the heart). If training is weight loss, then after each workout you can work on cardio machines for 20-30 minutes, starting from the very first phase. After passing through this phase, it is worth resting for 7-10 days and starting new workouts, which are described below.

Study programs in gym for girls are different from male complexes. It is difficult for women to work to exhaustion with a certain muscle group due to physiology. The principle is a uniform load with numerous repetitions.

Exercise programs for girls are suitable for shaping, drying, and developing muscle mass. can be interchanged, complemented by isolated practices.

Workout program for women in the gym for Monday

  1. We hold a dumbbell or disc between legs wide apart.
  2. We take the hips back, synchronizing the movements of the pelvis and arms, we lower ourselves with the load.

It tightens the inner thighs, gluteal muscles. Instead of a projectile, you can put a neck on your shoulders.

The gym program is always present.

  1. We take shells in our hands, lower them in free hanging.
  2. We step forward with one foot, lower the other to the parallel with the floor.
  3. We bend the knee of the exposed limb at a right angle.
  4. After a short hitch, we rise due to the power of quadriceps (4x12).

Bench press

Compared to the fitness room female is characterized by low intensity and frequent repetitions. designed to shape the arms, shoulders, chest.

  1. We settle down on the bench.
  2. We take the neck with a direct grip.
  3. We remove the projectile and lower it to touch the chest (4x10).

Front squats with weights

Professional programs involve working with free weights.
We perform squats by analogy with the classic ones, but we take the bar with crossed palms and bring it to the shoulders.

Flattening the legs

Purposeful practice from the women's gym program structures the lower body. The technology is simple:

  1. sit down, adjust the weight;
  2. press the hips to the pillows;
  3. we reduce and spread our legs at a given pace.

Block work

A variable technique called "crossover" perfectly works out the muscles of the chest, gives it a beautiful shape. It is performed from any position, with a different inclination of the body, with one or both hands.

If this is a training program for beginner girls, it is advisable to start with a vertical body position.

  1. On a simulator with a double block, we set 15 kg.
  2. We become in the middle of the structure, with all the power we pull the side handles to the waist along an arcuate trajectory.
  3. We linger at the middle point of the body, with a controlled movement we return the load to its place.
  4. If it is difficult to maintain balance, put your foot forward. We work with the shoulders, do not press the elbows to the body (4x15).

Video instruction on breeding hands with dumbbells on the bench and mixing hands in the block for the chest.

Friday training program for girls

Supersets for experienced athletes:

  1. Bench press.
  2. Projectile squats.
  3. Twisting in the Smith machine.
  4. Pullover with weights.
  5. Exercises for the buttocks and abs.
  6. Crossover. We do 5x15.

Simplified program for beginners:

  1. Live in Smith.
  2. Traction in the block.
  3. Leg extension.
  4. Weighted lunges.
  5. Pulling the bar to the chest.

We perform 3 sets of 12 to 16 repetitions.

  • Sports programs for the hall are designed for an hour.
  • Beginners Rest 2 minutes between sets.
  • Reducing pauses and increasing the number of repetitions will increase the result.

To lose weight quickly, we start work, exclude simple carbohydrates, give preference to protein foods.

Workout for women in the gym
It is the most efficient system reducing the level of subcutaneous fat and, at the same time, adjusting the shape of the gluteal muscles, breasts, as well as the volume of the waist, legs, arms, emphasizing the collarbone and solving other tasks that girls set themselves. The gym is really the most effective method figure adjustments, however, girls are often afraid that training in the gym will make them look like men, although this is not so! In order for a woman to be able to pump up huge muscles, she needs testosterone, so without the use of hormonal drugs you will not be able to become a "boot". At the same time, girls have problems with hip volume from frequent barbell squats, but this can be avoided and we will tell you how to do it.

The training plan for women may vary and, in principle, there are two main schemes: phased and combined. phased the training program for women suggests that the girl will first work on the forms, and then “dry”, combined offers to lose weight and at the same time work out the quality of the muscles. The first scheme is professional and will not suit most girls, since you most likely want to look good not only at competitions, but for this you need to use the combined training scheme. On practice, You will not use any diets, instead you will have to optimize your daily diet in accordance with the principles of proper nutrition, while you will visit the gym and engage in one of the proposed training programs for women.

Diet optimization is the most important task, since it is nutrition that is responsible for the level of subcutaneous fat in the body, in addition, the appropriate background nutrients essential for post-workout recovery. In other words, if you eat right and do not play sports, then even though you will not have luxurious gluteal muscles, tightened muscles of the legs, arms, your chest may be less elastic, but, nevertheless, you will look good, you will slim and attractive. But if you train and do not follow the diet, then, most likely, there will be no positive results at all! Therefore, first of all, you should optimize your nutrition, and only then choose the appropriate training program for yourself for women. Important to consider we are not talking about a diet, that is, you will not eat like that periodically, the daily diet in question is the daily diet that you will use to stay attractive every day!

Principles proper nutrition for women

Product quality
- this is still the first thing to take care of to optimize nutrition. Firstly, proteins must be of animal origin, secondly, carbohydrates must be complex, and thirdly, fats should not be completely excluded from the diet. A girl should consume 1-1.5 grams of proteins per kilogram of her own weight, since women have less muscle tissue, but girls have more adipose tissue, so girls also cost less to consume carbohydrates. The corridor of optimal caloric intake for girls ranges from 1200-1800 Kcal, but the calorie balance is a very individual indicator, so we will talk about it in more detail later. Fats in the diet should be 15-20%, but they should be unsaturated, preferably vegetable, or omega-3 type. To maintain the quality of products, they must be steamed, boiled or stewed, frying is strictly prohibited.

Diet - this is the second most important principle of proper nutrition, however, the regimen must be observed everywhere, so training for women in the gym is also permanent. AT this case we are talking about the fact that you need to eat often and in small portions, you need to eat food at the same time every day. On average, it is desirable to eat 5-6 times a day, which will provide a constant background of nutrients in the body, as well as avoid an increase in blood sugar and insulin release. By the way, for this purpose, it is also recommended to eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index or a low glycemic load, that is, either the glycemic index should be low, or there should not be many carbohydrates in the product. Important eat carbohydrates in the morning, and protein products in the second, and in the late afternoon you should eat dairy products, or casein protein, since this type of protein is absorbed longer.

Systematic - this is not just an important principle, it is a principle without which all other principles of proper nutrition will not work at all. Moreover, we recommend using systematicity, as well as a regimen, in your training program for women in the gym. There are two ways to ensure a systematic diet: complex and simple. Difficult is to calculate daily, using a food composition table and a kitchen scale, how many food nutrients are contained in the products, and then optimize their value for you. Light is to once calculate how much protein foods you need to eat, and gradually adjust carbohydrates, in accordance with your result.

In fact, the complex method also involves adjustments, but it simply allows you to change products daily, which is a plus. True, no one bothers you, when you get tired of certain carbohydrates, count how many calories you ate, and then change the sources of carbohydrates. On practice, You have chosen a diet, let's say you eat chicken breast and rice, you weigh 55kg, you want to lose weight. Accordingly, the brisket contains 26.5g of protein for every 100g, you need to eat somewhere around 250g per day, and you eat rice per day 300g. Moreover, the breast must be weighed in cooked form, and the rice in raw form, this rule is valid for all sources of protein and carbohydrates. Before you start eating like this, you weigh yourself, then eat these foods for a week, weigh yourself again a week later. Now, depending on the result, you need to increase the amount of rice, reduce it, or leave it at the same level. If you have lost 0.5-2kg, then the amount of rice can not be changed, if you have lost more than 2kg, then the amount of rice must be increased, if you have lost less than 0.5kg, then the amount of rice must be increased.

cyclicity- this principle is associated with ovulation, as a result of which it is necessary to apply microperiodization , both in nutrition and in the training system for women. In general, women accumulate more easily subcutaneous fat but also easier to spend. This is due to the fact that a woman gives birth to a child, so she needs a supply of nutrients, at the same time, when there are few nutrients, then in order for the child not to receive any injuries, the reserves are spent very easily. And during ovulation, when the chance of getting pregnant is especially high, the body tries to store as many nutrients as possible. Therefore, during ovulation, the intensity of training and caloric intake decreases. As for the training program, this will be discussed below, and as for the caloric intake, it should be reduced by 20%, just eat 20% less carbohydrates.

Conclusion: eat often and in small portions; the diet should consist only of high-quality products with a low glycemic index; food must be steamed or boiled; sources of protein must be of animal origin, vegetable fats, or, as in the case of omega-3, they can be obtained from northern sea ​​fish, carbohydrates should be complex; the diet should be observed permanently, every day there is the same amount of food nutrients, which is realized using the food composition table and weights when you eat different foods, or due to the uniformity of the diet; during ovulation, the intensity of training and calorie intake are reduced; and further! drink more water, 2.5-3 liters per day, and it is water at room temperature, it is desirable to drink water evenly, stretching its intake into the body throughout the day, you can not drink with meals.

Menu diet for women

20 minutes before breakfast - a glass of water to which you can add a little honey, or soluble vitamins
Breakfast- 100g of herculean porridge with milk and a cup of green tea
Lunch - 3 proteins from boiled chicken eggs and a salad of non-starchy vegetables
Dinner- 100g cooked coarse rice with sea ​​kale or non-starchy vegetables and 100g salmon or pollock
afternoon tea– 100g brisket and non-starchy vegetables
Dinner- 150g fat-free cottage cheese and kefir

The menu is average, but you can take it as a basis, gradually adjusting it for yourself. It is important to note that this is a menu for intensive training, so during ovulation, the amount of carbohydrates is 20% lower. In any case, if you follow such a diet, it will be many times more effective than 99% of all those diets that are replete with the Internet and women's magazines.

Features of training for women

Small amount of muscle - this factor is very important to consider, because the smaller the muscles, the less attention should be paid to them. That's why girls have to perform basic exercises, but, since the muscles in the girl's body are unevenly distributed, the basis of the training should be the training of exactly that part of the body in which the muscles are located the most. In girls, the muscles are located most of all in the lower part of the body, but this does not mean that it needs to be trained more on the top, just on the legs you will do 2-3 exercises, and on the back, shoulders, arms and chest one at a time, although in total the top body you will train more. At the same time, you most likely want to hypertrophy precisely the gluteal muscles, so the legs must be trained not only in anaerobic ways, but also in aerobic ones, so that the leg muscles are elastic and small.

Microperiodization - we have already talked about this above, it is associated with ovulation, therefore, during the period of ovulation, girls should perform a lower amount of work. Only the training of the press will fundamentally change. In general, you will perform hanging leg raises at the end of your workout in order to load the lower segment of the press more and pump blood into the abdominal area, thanks to this pumping, fat reduction in this area will occur more intensively, which will positively affect your figure. During ovulation, you stop doing abdominal exercises, and the number of sets in each exercise is reduced to three, but if you performed the exercise in only three sets, then it means that you don’t need to do it anymore.

Workout volume - this rule applies not only to the total time that a girl should spend in the gym, but also to the rest time between sets during a workout for women, the total number of exercises and repetitions in each approach. Girls have little testosterone, so it is much more difficult for girls to perform refusal approaches, moreover, if you are not a competitive athlete, then you do not need to do this at all. The optimal rest time between sets is 30-60 seconds, and the number of repetitions ranges from 15 to 25 per set. It should also be noted that during training you can and should drink water, and be sure to start

Most people choose to work out in the gym to maintain their health, figure adjustments. This type of physical activity allows you to engage in any convenient time, to work on a specific goal. There are certain exercises for girls in the gym that can help you lose weight or gain weight.

Gym workout program for girls

Everyone who goes to the gym needs a program to stick to. Without it, the effectiveness of classes will be lower, and the result will have to wait longer. The training plan in the gym for girls is drawn up according to the goal: losing weight or gaining weight. It is recommended that the first visits be carried out together with the trainer: he will explain the technique of performing the exercises, draw up an individual training plan for you. The training program in the gym for girls with weight loss and recruitment differs in intensity, working weight and diet.

Introductory workout program in the gym

Get ready that you won’t be able to achieve results quickly: it will take more than a week. An effective course lasts at least 2 months, after which the result will be noticeable. For the first time, an introductory training program is being drawn up, which will help you catch the rhythm, prepare the body for more serious loads. If you do everything right, then further training will go easier. Based on the goal, the programs will have some differences.

For weight loss

The training program in the gym for a girl does not begin with fitness, but with a diet. Weight loss will occur after female body will receive fewer calories than they spend in a day. It is necessary to perform all exercises 3 times, 12-15 repetitions in each. Respite between sets should be no more than 40 seconds. The whole session takes about 30-40 minutes. All cardio loads last 5 minutes and help maintain a high heart rate, which provokes fat burning. Weight loss program in the gym for girls:

Raising the legs in emphasis;


Stepping onto the platform

Reverse push-ups;

Traction to the chest in the simulator;

Dumbbell bench press (angle 30 degrees);

1 2 3

Cardio (track, exercise bike, orbitrek);



Again cardio;

Squats (with dumbbells of 3-5 kg);

Bench press;

Horizontal block thrust;




Dumbbell press up while sitting;

Bent over row;

Dumbbell press from behind the head;

For mass gain

To create beautiful forms, thin ladies need to swing in order to increase muscle mass. They will not become masculine, with huge muscles. In this case, we are talking about the relief, beautiful proportions and the absence of fat. In this program for girls in the gym, there is no cardio load, because there is no task to speed up the fat burning process. Each option is performed for 3-4 sets and 12-18 repetitions. Breaks between sets are 2 minutes, the duration of the entire workout is 40-50 minutes. Program for a girl in the gym for weight gain:

1 2 3
  • hyperextension;
  • twisting;
  • squats;
  • push-ups with a wide setting of hands;
  • mixing hands in a "butterfly";
  • pull of the block behind the head;
  • pullover.
  • lifting legs in emphasis;
  • standing on straight legs;
  • lunges;
  • sitting dumbbell chest press;
  • reverse push-ups;
  • french press with dumbbells;
  • swing to the sides.
  • twisting;
  • barbell slopes;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • bench press;
  • thrust of the horizontal block;
  • pull-ups with a narrow grip;
  • pull the bar to the chin.

The scheme of the basic training program in the gym

If there is no need to lose weight or gain weight, but there is a desire to simply tone the body, add relief, then the basic system is used. All exercises from the program are performed 12 times (at least 10) in 3 sets. Weight should be chosen individually so that there is enough strength for the entire workout. The duration of such training is from an hour to an hour and a half maximum. It is necessary to go to classes without passes, otherwise it will not work to build a beautiful body. The program plan is:

1 2 3
  • twisting;
  • hyperextension;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • thrust upper block Per head;
  • push-ups with a wide grip;
  • leg extension in the simulator;
  • pullover with dumbbells;
  • leg curl in the simulator.
  • reverse push-ups;
  • lifting legs in emphasis;
  • standing dumbbell press;
  • pull-ups with a narrow grip;
  • extension of the arms from behind the head;
  • breeding legs in the simulator;
  • reduction of legs in the simulator;
  • lifting on socks with dumbbells.
  • hyperextension;
  • twisting;
  • deadlift with dumbbells;
  • standing dumbbell press;
  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • thrust of the horizontal block;
  • leg raises on an incline bench.

Circuit training for girls in the gym

The method got its name because all the exercises from the plan are performed one after the other without rest - this is one circle. This type of exercise helps to constantly keep a high heart rate, which contributes to fat burning. Circuit training is well suited if you need to remove the stomach, sides and reduce body fat. Here is an example of a circular training program in the gym for girls:

  • twisting;
  • seated dumbbell press;
  • lunges;
  • thrust of the horizontal block;
  • bending the legs in the simulator;
  • leg extension in the simulator;
  • breeding dumbbells lying down;
  • back push-ups.
  • lifting legs in emphasis;
  • hyperextension;
  • squats;
  • standing dumbbell press;
  • pull of the block behind the head;
  • breeding legs in the simulator;
  • reduction of legs in the simulator;
  • tilt pull.
  • twisting with legs 90 degrees;
  • thrust to the chest of the upper block;
  • deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells;
  • platform leg press;
  • dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • swing arms to the sides with dumbbells;
  • triceps extension from the upper block;
  • pullover.

Everything is done in 12-20 repetitions with a maximum break of 10-15 seconds one after another. For training, you need to complete 6 circles (for beginners 4). On the last lap 5 and 6 longer breaks are allowed. Before performing circles, a warm-up of at least 5 minutes on a cardio machine is required. The session should last about 1.20 hours, rest between circles is 3-4 minutes.

Exercises in the gym for the back

Few women would like to have a massive back, so exercises for this part of the body are more often used when necessary to strengthen muscles. This is especially important if there is a predisposition to the development of scoliosis. To strengthen your back, you can use 3 basic exercises that will help you work out all muscle groups. For any girl, hyperextension, traction of the upper and horizontal block is enough.


It is performed for pumping the extensors of the back in the lumbar region. Especially useful for girls with sedentary work or, conversely, when the whole day is spent standing. The gym should have a projectile for performing hyperextension, the exercise scheme is as follows:

  1. Take a position in the simulator so that the hips rest against the edge, the pelvis should be outside.
  2. Go down, make sure that there is a small deflection in the lower back, do not round your back.
  3. Raise your body until your back forms a straight line with your legs. You can't go higher.

Pulldown of the upper block to the chest

The exercise is an analogue of pull-ups with a wide grip, which is difficult for girls to perform. With the help of the simulator, the latissimus dorsi muscles are pumped. The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Grasp the handle of the simulator comfortably with your hands.
  2. Pull the bar to your chest not with your hands, but through your back, bringing your shoulder blades together.

Horizontal block pull

Used to strengthen the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, round. To perform, there are several types of simulators with cables or handles. But the technique remains the same:

  1. Grab your hands so that the back muscles are stretched.
  2. At the same time, you need to keep the body straight, do not bend.
  3. With the help of the back muscles, pull the handle to the belt, the body remains motionless.

Abs exercises in the gym

Girls always want a beautiful, flat tummy that can be safely shown on the beach. It should be understood that this is achieved not only by exercises on the press, it is also necessary proper diet, because you must first get rid of the fat layer. To comprehensively strengthen the abdominal muscles, you can perform classic and lateral twists, the plank exercise.


This is a classic exercise for getting a relief press. It is very important to understand that you do not need to lift the body up, but you need to stretch your head to the pelvis, so that it does not turn out to be a lifting of the body due to the muscles of the lower back, but the maximum tension of all parts of the press. With the correct execution technique, all the muscle sections we need will be pumped.

Side crunches

The exercise technique will help strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles. The principle of twisting is the same, but you need to reach with your elbow to the knee of the opposite leg. Such movement mechanics involve the lateral muscles of the press. As before, you need not to lift the body, but to reach for the pelvis, straining the stomach. Girls need to take into account that side twists can visually make the waist wider, so they should be strictly dosed.

it best exercise for girls when they want to make their stomach flat, without relief. The advantage of the bar is that the load on the abdomen is static and does not contribute to an increase, but to the strengthening of the abdominal muscles. The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Take a position, as if you are going to do push-ups, only stand not on your palms, but on your elbows. They should be located directly under the shoulders.
  2. The body should represent one straight line along with the legs, no deflections need to be done.
  3. Fix this position for 30-40 seconds. As the press strengthens, increase this time.

Video: gym program

Every gym workout program for girls is designed with the goal of getting the body where it needs it. An important factor for effective workout adherence to the schedule and technique of exercises. If these are violated, the effectiveness of the training is significantly reduced. Below are video tutorials that will help girls avoid mistakes.

First level

Strength training for women in the gym

Workouts in the gym for weight loss

Comprehensive gym workout program

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


A set of workouts for all muscle groups is the basis of the weight loss program in the gym for girls. If you strictly follow the recommendations, the exercises will help you cope with excess weight, make your figure slim and fit. Any woman will benefit from such a training set, carried out with her own weight or additional weights. Learn about the correct selection of the program, the features and the correct methodology for performing exercises.

Training program for girls

Those who want to lose weight quickly will need a special exercise program. It contains recommendations on the correct load on muscle groups, working out problem areas and building perfect body. Workouts for girls in one hour should be carried out over the entire body. Weight loss for women suggests that in addition to sports, attention should also be paid to the nutrition program. It is worth giving up fried, fatty and smoked, observe water balance and add more protein to your diet.

How to make a workout plan for a girl

A well-constructed plan gives results in a month. It is worth remembering that the body is hard to tolerate changes - it adapts only when creating unusual, stressful external conditions. It is necessary to eliminate the main mistakes of athletes: too light load and insufficient effort in training. To form beautiful forms, you need to work hard and a lot, giving the body an increasing load.

The last repetitions of the exercises are especially difficult for girls due to short rest breaks. A good personal plan contains the following items:

  1. Determination of large muscle groups, the choice of a pair of target methods of study.
  2. Carrying out work with repetitions and complexes.
  3. Classes twice or thrice a week.
  4. The inclusion of exercises to work out the maximum number of muscle groups.

Training program for beginner girls

Particular attention deserves introductory classes on simulators for beginners. Beginners should choose a gradual increase in load. In the first week, spend two sessions, the second - three, and after a month - up to five. The body will get used to the load, the desire to play sports will not disappear, and this period will be enough for a prepared body for recovery rest. Due to the gradual increase in the load during training, the muscles will be evenly loaded, there will be no “skew” in the pumping of body parts - it will be evenly toned and beautiful.

A ready-made training program suggests rules for beginners that should be followed to make it easier to practice and get the desired result faster:

  • pay attention to the pulse, do not allow shortness of breath;
  • use the calculator on coaching websites to calculate the optimal weight to strive for;
  • high average heart rate gives intensive burning of fat reserves;
  • for a warm-up, choose running, an exercise bike, a jump rope;
  • Reduce your daily caloric intake by at least 400 kcal.

What type of workout to choose for weight loss

The trainer must choose the right type of training. The main types are cardio and strength training. The weight loss program in the gym for girls produces the maximum effect when combined with a strength technique with cardio approaches. You can also choose the right direction for losing weight like this: to maintain shape in the absence of a lot of excess weight, it is better to base on cardio training, in the presence of a solid overweight, exercises with weights are necessary.

Circuit training

Fat burning, weight loss and giving the body relief contributes to circular training. The approach of the program is as follows: completed one exercise, moved on to the next without rest and continued to perform until the end of the set. After a short rest, it is repeated the required number of times. The weight loss program aims to burn fat, has a high level of complexity, and is designed for experienced athletes.

In the lesson, work is carried out on all muscle groups, hips and buttocks, which tend to accumulate fat faster than other parts of the body, are of particular interest. An approximate schedule for a weight loss system includes the following exercises (optional):

  • twisting at an angle;
  • lunges with weight;
  • extension, flexion of the legs;
  • push ups;
  • hand divorces with weight;
  • leg lift;
  • hyperextension;
  • barbell squats.

Fitness program

To maintain a figure in order, restore weight after childbirth, or if you want to lose weight, a fitness training program for girls is suitable. Simplicity and ease of direction in terms of loading, gives an advantage over the gym. In the classroom, you can relax, enjoy stretching the muscles and maintain the condition of the figure. Fitness is not suitable if you want to lose a large amount of excess body weight - only intense exercise using heavy weights and fat burning activities will help here.

Fat Burning Complex

The most difficult is fat-burning training, which combines strength and cardio exercises. From strength training, preference should be given to multi-joint movements that help work on parallel muscle groups and burn calories. Self-study with individual weights form muscle relief, force the body to produce hormones that promote fat burning. The complex for weight loss consists of squats, lunges, thrust, push-ups and bench presses.

Cardio allows you to achieve enhanced fat burning. It is optimal to combine power loads with jogging, riding an exercise bike, exercising on an ellipsoid. Sample weekly fat loss plan:

  1. Leg press, Romanian deadlift, gravitron, dumbbell press, push-ups, plank.
  2. Running on the track, plank, burpee, punches on an imaginary pear.
  3. Deep wide steps, platform leg raises, Romanian deadlifts, kettlebell raises, upper pulldowns, leg raises.
  4. Relaxation.
  5. Plie squats, dumbbell lunges, hyperextension, leg curls, butterfly arms, glute bridge, crunches, calf raises.
  6. Slow cardio on the track.
  7. Relaxation.

Power loads

Muscle tone support, skin tightening and body elasticity are distinguished by a strength training program for girls. The complex actively develops muscles, burns a layer of fat even after the end of training. Strengthening the muscles of the body occurs from top to bottom - from pumping the arms and chest, dorsal muscles and abs, buttocks and thighs, ending with a load on the legs and shins.

To create muscle relief without increasing volume, work is carried out at a fast or medium speed, with repetitions of each exercise 15 times. Between repetitions, it is allowed to rest for up to three minutes, and you need to repeat the approaches three times. The most effective force methods:

  • push-ups on the legs or knees;
  • divorce of hands with weights;
  • twisting;
  • squats;
  • lifting, leg extension;
  • lunges.

cardio training

The cardio training program for girls helps to develop endurance, train the heart muscle and lose excess weight. Exercises reduce the number of fat cells, remove the sides, make the body beautiful in the photo. To get the result, cardio training should last at least 30-40 minutes. The effect of cardio exercises is short-lived, calories are burned only with direct exercise. It is better to engage in simulators three times a week, using the following techniques:

  • classes on an exercise bike, ellipse;
  • jumping rope;
  • swimming.

Split workout

The best option after six months of classes will be a split workout. It includes work on two muscle groups. At one time they can train: calves with an oblique press, back with arms, chest and shoulders. You can start split-classes if you have free time, otherwise there will be no effect. The mood is also important - if you skip classes, then you won’t be able to catch up with the lost time, you will have to start all over again.

It is ideal to do every other day, do up to 15 repetitions of exercises in a couple of approaches. Losing weight will help achieve an increased number of repetitions while reducing the weight lifted. An example split workout schedule:

  1. Monday - legs, buttocks, abs are trained. Exercises – squats, lunges, Romanian deadlifts, leg presses and raises, crunches.
  2. Wednesday - spinal muscles. Body raises, block pulls, weight lifting, dumbbells to the waist, hyperextension.
  3. Friday - chest, triceps, shoulders. Push-ups, bench press and dilution of dumbbells, arm raises, extensions with weights.

Training on simulators

A special program of classes affects the most problematic areas. Particular attention is paid to the study of the press, buttocks and thighs. Due to the peculiarities of female physiology, a significant amount of fat and excess mass accumulate there, which is difficult to get rid of. Weight loss complexes for girls include: training with weight lifting (dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells), body weight, exercise equipment or auxiliary accessories (skipping ropes, step platforms).

Warm up

Warming up is important before exercise. It warms up the muscles and joints, adjusts the body to work, saturates the cells with oxygen. Warming up helps to avoid microtrauma after class. The warm-up program continues for up to 15 minutes - during it it is good to perform rotational joint movements, run, squat, push-ups and lean in different directions.

Similarly, a mandatory hitch is carried out - it stretches the muscles, makes them flexible and elastic, and does not contribute to the accumulation of heaviness. To end your workout, run a little, stretch. It is useful to just lie down on the mat, do a couple of yoga asanas, relax and normalize breathing. This is useful for all athletes, especially beginners.

Basic exercises

Building beautiful body in the gym includes basic exercises for weight loss on simulators for girls. Classes are included in the mandatory daily program of implementation. You can choose from the following types:

  • squats, plie squats, on one leg;
  • wide deep steps with weights (can be complicated by connecting the steps with a chain);
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • pull-ups;
  • block thrust;
  • barbell push-ups;
  • deadlift, Romanian;
  • twisting;
  • dumbbell press;
  • hyperextension;
  • spreading arms to the sides with weight.

Exercises for problem areas

A complex for problem areas will help to lose accumulated fat on the buttocks, legs or abdomen. For a tangible result, it is worth combining training with proper nutrition- Calories consumed should be reduced. To choose exercises, you need to determine the type of body - if losing weight is difficult, then cardio at an average pace should be added to strength training. With a quick weight loss, you can get by with some power.

It is useful to conduct circular training - classes in supersets or trisets. Rapid weight loss can be achieved during training with a surge of energy to the muscles of problem areas, performing phases of tension in the last approaches. For efficiency, it is recommended to make a sequence of basic techniques and isolation (target).

leg workout

Basic and isolation exercises include leg training. The technique of creating beautiful, slender legs and elastic buttocks is carried out three times a week. Exercises should be changed every six months to enhance progress. The result appears after a month. Leg slimming is only possible with integrated approach- exercises stimulate blood circulation, make the whole body toned and beautiful.

When training the legs, it is imperative to warm up and stretch, after completing the exercises, carry out an additional load (run slowly or walk fast for half an hour). Repeat the program up to 10-12 times:

  1. Squats, complicate with dumbbells or kettlebells.
  2. Lunges with kettlebells, a chain of steps.
  3. Plie with weight - sit down with your legs wide apart.
  4. Glute bridge - lifting the buttocks from a supine position, putting the legs on an elevated surface.
  5. Pumping the press - repeat as many as you can so that the muscles begin to "burn".

Upper workout

To work out the back, chest and biceps of the hands, top training for girls in the gym will help. It should be performed twice during the week, three sets of 12 repetitions. An approximate comprehensive plan in the hall by day:

  1. Seated barbell push-ups, incline rows, seated shoulder-length raises, French bench press, standing dumbbell raises to work the biceps.
  2. Push-ups for triceps, lifting the body on the horizontal bar, gravitron, wiring the dumbbells to the sides, lowering the dumbbells, lifting the block to the lower biceps.

For slimming belly

Isolated exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides are considered very effective. It is optimal to train the press twice or thrice a week, performing each session 20-25 repetitions for several approaches. The tangible feeling of "burning" of the body testifies to the correctness of the exercises. The simplest training elements for the press and waist are twisting and lifting the legs from the floor.

It is advisable to work out parallel muscle groups of the press alternately - upper, lower, combined. One-time work on all areas will not immediately bring the desired result, but will only add fatigue, the body will recover for a long time. The following schemes have been developed for the press:

  1. On the upper press - pumping the press on an inclined surface, on a fitball, twisting at the block.
  2. For the lower one - raising the legs with elbows resting or lying down, raising the limbs on the fitball.
  3. Combined - classic twisting, "book".

Video on how to lose weight for a girl in the gym

The training program on simulators in the gym for women and girls consists of a complex of many elements and repetitions that should be performed correctly to get beautiful figure. The following videos will help with understanding the technique, telling about the secrets of training in gyms and the success of circuit training. The materials show the basic methods, explain the principles of their implementation to achieve a quick and guaranteed result. After watching the video, you will learn the purpose of the classes, you will see new options for performing the usual exercises.


Gym Weight Loss Program for Girls - Workout and Exercise Plan

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